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This page contains the first part guide
“How to make the best upgrades for things in Far Cry 4 as quickly as possible”.

Don't forget to check out second part of the guide

If you want to pump up your inventory to the maximum as quickly as possible, then simply follow the steps listed below in order.

Having completed everything sixteen steps this guide, all your items will be upgraded to the third level. For further improvement it is necessary rare skins , which can be obtained during the passage of the chain additional tasks "Kyrat Fashion Week"

In this part of the guide we will get Hunting bow to commit clean animal kills Kirata, let's make several improvements for things Ajay Gayle, let's learn to use bait to lure predators, and find out where the small but very deadly lives honey badger .

Step one

Let's pass Prologue games and the following task Sabala "Propaganda machine", which gives access to the bell towers. We teach Elephant skills: Reaper And Hunter Injector . Hunter Injector will make tracking animals much easier. So don't be lazy to collect blue And red leaves to make an injector, and use it while hunting.

Step two

We accept the task Amita "Wolf's Lair", we get Hunting bow . However, first we are not heading to north , complete the task, and East hunt for sambarov. Their habitat is shown on the map in the game - on east from Banapura, by the road, halfway to the lake. Don’t be upset if, when you arrive at the point, you don’t see any animals, run around and you will definitely come across them. Be extremely careful, do not get close, they are very easy to spook, and they run very fast. When archery, aim for the head - a direct hit is fatal to them. We collect 8 sambar skins , we manufacture first backpack upgrade and move back to Banapura.

Step three

If the task Amita reset, accept it again and move to north from Banapura to the place of execution of the task, to Old Lady Kanan's Farm. We talk to the old woman, listen on the radio Amita and go to southwest ruin Wolf's Lair, killing along the way Tibetan wolves and collecting their skins in quantity 6 pieces . We manufacture first improvement for the holster from the collected wolf skins . Finishing the task "Wolf's Lair" by talking with Amita .

Step four

After completing the task we move to East from Old Woman Kanan Farms. There you will probably meet pigs . They need to be collected 4 skins . Having done this, go to the manufacturing menu and see that you have the opportunity to improve backpack And quiver , although the upgrade tooltip mentions boar pelt. This is a mistake made by the localizers. Feel free to improve backpack to second level for 3 pig skins And quiver to first level for 1 skin .

Step five

We open the map, we see that it’s very close, on southeast from where you are now live wild boars . Let's go get their skins. We collect 4 boar skins . We make from them first improvement set of injectors And first improvement ammo bags . Each of them costs 2 boar skins . Don’t forget to immediately make and second improvement set of injectors of the remaining 3 Tibetan wolf skins .

Step six

We continue our movement to East to the place where, as shown on the map, they live wild dogs . They are predators, and therefore must hunt other animals living nearby. Arriving at the habitat of wild dogs, we will see many black-backed tapirs . We'll need to take them off 7 skins . From the collected skins we make second holster improvement for 3 skins And third improvement to the injector set for 4 black-backed tapir skins .

Step seven

It's time to hunt predators. Wild dogs do not pose a great danger and you can easily deal with them even at close range with the help of kukri . However, you need to learn how to kill them from a distance, because very soon a much larger animal will take the place of the wild dog. You need to learn how to lure predators using bait . We select it in the weapon selector and throw it at the distance of an aimed shot from a bow. After a while you will hear a characteristic roar and see a wild dog running towards the bait. Shoot her and go get the skin. Total you need to collect 5 wild dog skins . Produce immediately first improvement to the bait bag from 2 skins .

Step eight

We open the map and see that just below the habitat wild dogs there is an icon interesting place . This place is called Old Isha's House. Let's go there. A little to the east little ones running around at home mountain rhesus - monkeys. We collect from them 3 skins . There is nothing to make from them yet, but these skins will definitely be useful to us in the future.

Step nine

ATTENTION! U Old Isha's Houses settled in honey badger ! We carefully explore the area around. Don't underestimate this little creature. It has very sharp teeth and is extremely durable. So don't be discouraged if you don't manage to defeat him the first time. If you have defeated this deadly animal, skin it and move to Banapur, and then go back to To the house of old Isha search and kill honey badger again. Keep doing this until you get it 7 honey badger skins . This will allow you to make the latter, third improvement for the holster for 3 honey badger skins .

To be continued…

In the next part of the guide we will continue to collect wild animal skins Kirata and manufacture improvements for things Ajay Gayle. We'll find out where to find it snow leopard V southern Kirat and what grass do they prefer to pluck? mountain yaks .


The game gives a lot of scope for fine-tuning thanks to the abundance of parameters and several levels for each of them. The influence of certain parameters cannot be called obvious, but our comparison will help to understand their purpose and losses when quality decreases.

In the case of Far Cry 4, you cannot do without additional manual edits, even setting the image quality to maximum. The standard profile offers an unsuccessful ray display mode, which is definitely recommended to be changed to an advanced one, implemented using NVIDIA Godrays. The image will immediately change. This is implemented without loss of performance on GeForce video cards, but on Radeon fps will drop slightly. Standard mode Shading SSBC provides the best shading at all visible distances, so it's best to leave it on. HBAO+ works more interestingly in the near field of view. You can try both modes and make your own choice. We do not recommend enabling NVIDIA PCSS soft shadows. This technology really makes near shadows more realistic, but for some reason the shadows from distant trees disappear along the way. NVIDIA's wool looks great and is only worth sacrificing if it has a major impact on your computer's performance. Standard SMAA anti-aliasing can be called optimal in all respects. With good edge smoothing, performance drops by only 5-10%. MSAA is suitable for perfectionists - in this mode the clarity of details is higher, but the frame rate drop is quite serious. There is no particular point in TXAA - resource consumption is at the MSAA level with a slight blurring of the picture.

If your goal is not to get maximum graphic beauty, but to achieve the optimal combination of quality and performance, try starting with disabling rays and SMAA. A slight decrease in the “Geometry” parameter and the “Environment” processing level will allow you to get a certain increase in fps with a minimal visible difference in picture quality. You can safely sacrifice post-processing, but it won’t give you much growth either. A good increase in fps is possible from reducing the quality of shadows, but a significant decrease in the corresponding parameter can be very negative for the overall perception of the image. “Surface” (Terrain), if lowered, should not be lower than the High level - then the visual changes are extremely serious. Although this particular parameter can provide a good performance boost on budget video cards. Experimenting with the Vegetation parameter can also be quite useful.

Unlike consoles, the PC version includes a significantly improved and modified engine and a set of effects that significantly change appearance games and the quality of their pictures.

In this article, we will go into detail about the above-mentioned improvements and other graphics settings, explain how they work, measure performance, show comparisons highlighting their advantages, and also suggest optimal gaming graphics card settings to give you the best balance between in-game imagery and Far Cry 4 performance. Moreover, we will get to the core game engine, to introduce you to the most subtle settings that can significantly improve performance and game image quality.

System Requirements

The official hardware requirements of Far Cry 4 are quite flexible, and the graphics settings are easily scalable from basic to the most realistic. Given the need to launch the game on previous generation consoles, this definitely makes sense, but only real-time testing will put everything in its place.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8/8.1 (64-bit versions only)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-750 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD5850
  • DirectX: 11
  • Hard drive: at least 30 GB of free space
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2400S 2.5 GHz or AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz or better
  • RAM: 8 GB or more
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon R9 290X with 2GB VRAM

Dunia Engine 2

Used in Far Cry 4 new version Dunia 2 engine, which we previously encountered in Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. However, unlike other engines that have undergone changes recently, Dunia 2 has been slightly modified rather than radically changed. This approach allowed developers to operate with a familiar set of tools and code, using free time for optimization and fine-tuning.

Thus, we won’t see any super new features in Dunia 2 for Far Cry 4, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon have established themselves as high-quality games with fast engines, game worlds with rich nature, dynamic foliage and superb graphics that convey in every detail the beauty of the tropical paradise created by the original Far Cry.

Dunia 2 appears to us as a well-coordinated engine, improvements to which will help bring Far Cry 4 on par with the most modern titles and will provide the computer version of the game with an undeniable advantage over its console counterpart.

PC Exclusive Graphics Enhancements

Playing Far Cry 4 on a computer latest build gives you the opportunity to experience many of the options, effects and technologies available only to PC owners. Among them are HBAO+, PCSS, TXAA, Godrays, and HairWorks. If you want to learn more and see each of the described techniques in action, continue reading. To get a general idea of ​​these effects, take a look at the trailer showing their impact on gameplay.

HBAO+ Ambient Occlusion (shadows of the game world)

Ambient Occlusion (AO) adds contrasting shadows where two surfaces or objects overlap, or where an object blocks light from another nearby game element. Using AO improves rendering game shadows and the process of their formation at a low level of overlap of one object with another. Without AO, landscapes look flat and unrealistic, and new objects appear as if from underground.

There are three forms of AO available in Far Cry 4: SSAO, SSBC and HBAO+. If you've ever played Far Cry 3, you probably remember how poorly implemented the SSAO technique was: tufts of grass cast huge shadows, and there were large dark halos around the characters at all times, even if they were in an open space. For Far Cry 4, SSAO has been significantly improved, although many other options are visually superior to it (as we will demonstrate further using screenshots and comparisons).

SSBC is a new AO technique developed by NVIDIA specifically for current generation consoles, where, by the way, it has proven itself with best side. Compared to SSAO, this technique is much more accurate, more stable (causes fewer timing artifacts), and better at shading small details that SSAO leaves untouched. However, compared to HBAO+, it does not always cope with complex and very bright scenes and leaves a harsher gradient between the shadows of the game world of different depths. From a resource consumption point of view, SSBC is an excellent AO technique that can compete with HBAO+.

Before detailed consideration different types AO, let's take a look at how they affect image quality and how they differ from each other.

Grass shadowing is probably one of the most difficult tasks, as there are thousands of blades in close proximity to each other and the ground, each influencing the overall shading of the AO. In Far Cry 3, the SSAO technique simply added large black spots around each beam, while other options also did not improve the picture much. In the fourth part of the game, SSAO no longer randomly adds these spots to the grass, but its poor development still manifests itself in the now and then visible halos around objects and the almost complete absence of shadows on small objects like leaves on trees.

When using SSBC we see much more accurate application of AO and an improvement in the overall level of shading, although in many ways the shadows of the game world are only visible on the grass. At the same time, HBAO+ shades the entire area, interacting with the general lighting of the picture, grass and non-player characters.

The positive changes that come with using HBAO+ are clearly visible in this picture, where the increased depth of shadows around the wildflowers in the foreground helps them stand out not only from the bare ground, but also from each other. Likewise, we see a completely different depth and clarity of shadows around stones, paths and trees. In addition, around the gravestone in the center of the scene, HBAO+ removed excessive shading, returning it to natural lighting. At the same time, SSBC and SSAO continue to create unnecessary shadow where, by definition, there should be light.

Statues and other intricately detailed objects help highlight the pros and cons of each AO technique, clearly demonstrating the obvious differences between SSAO and the more advanced SSBC and HBAO+ techniques.

In this close-up of the hand of one of Far Cry 4's many monuments, our comparison highlights HBAO+'s precision, smoother shadow gradients, and increased depth and detail. Also, thanks to the comparison, we clearly see the inability of SSAO to process small details, because the flower and the structure of the skin on the wrist are not affected at all.

In the Himalayas, the sun shines very brightly, as evidenced by this scene, the brightest part of which is the wall under the sniper’s feet. With SSBC active, we see large areas of AO shadows jutting forward implausibly, and with SSAO the shadow begins to creep up the wall just as implausibly. Also, when using anything other than HBAO+, the shadows on the character's clothing, doors, stairs, trees, grass and ATV do not look correct for the given lighting conditions.

These subtle details add up to significantly enhance the realism and quality of landscapes in any light, and are an important component for improving the overall visual experience of the game.

In Safe houses, the player can take a breather, sell items he does not need and buy new weapons instead. They are also one of the few indoor locations in the game, as the developers decided to spend most of the gameplay time outdoors. In the shelter example above, we are again able to see that when moving from SSAO to SSBC and then to HBAO+, quality improves noticeably. But what's even more interesting is taking a screenshot without using any of the AO techniques: it makes you realize how flat and unrealistic games can be when this feature isn't pre-installed by default.

Finally, a scene demonstrating the complete advantage of HBAO+ over other techniques. With SSBC and SSAO, the weapon room is incorrectly lit, and the magazine ceiling is dark, despite the light source located on it. Moreover, many objects on the floor and shelves are not subject to shadowing from nearby things: the best illustration of this is the bottles in the drawers on the right.

So why is one AO ​​technique so much better than another? This mainly depends on two factors: the AO rendering resolution and the number of overlapping areas per pixel.

At a resolution of 1920x1080, AO can be transmitted at full (1920x1080), half (960x540) or even quarter (480x270) resolution. The higher the overall resolution, the higher the performance overhead and the better the result. Accordingly, as the resolution level decreases, the transmission speed increases and the quality of the image decreases: it becomes pixelated, as during maximum zoom in a graphics editor. The result with many AO techniques is that we end up with a grainy, pixelated, or otherwise distorted image whenever we select AO transmission at half resolution.

The number of overlapping areas per pixel is set by the developers: the more such areas, the better quality shadows AO. But if half or quarter resolution was selected in the first step, then the quality of the resulting image will be very questionable, regardless of the number of overlapping areas. At low resolutions, artifacts, picture flickering and other negative effects appear, but additional technologies help overcome them.

In Far Cry 4, different JSC techniques demonstrate the following indicators:

AO Technique Resolution Occlusion Samples Per AO Pixel GPU Cost (milliseconds per frame)
SSAO Full 8 0.47
SSBC Full 12 0.44
HBAO+ Full 36 1.4

For measurements we used a GeForce GTX 980 with maximum settings and four times TXAA.

The SSBC results are pleasantly surprising: given the major difference in quality between SSBC and SSAO, it seemed that this technique would use many more areas than twelve (while SSAO uses eight) and would have a greater impact on the GPU. It turned out that SSBC rendering follows the path of fast and efficient pixel shading at full resolution, processing up to 12 areas of textures at half the resolution depth. Visually, this result does not look as impressive as one might expect from twelve areas per pixel, so in order to blur the texture coordinates, 4x4 noise texturing, temporary reprojection and two blur passes are used to improve the quality, equalize the gradient between the AO shadows and hide the subsampling artifacts. Final result you can see in the image where only AO is used. And although artifacts are clearly visible here, they are almost invisible during gameplay.

By comparison, HBAO+ rendering covers as many as 36 areas per pixel at maximum resolution, using interleaved rendering and other DirectX 11 options to eliminate artifacts and noticeably improve the quality of the AO effect. The GPU response is improved by 1 millisecond compared to SSBC, but many gamers will not hesitate to make this sacrifice to improve the visual experience of the game. Below is a comparison with AO enabled separately, in which we see an increase in the quality of HBAO+ as a result of the excellent performance of the algorithms used in it and the high number of overlapping areas.

To summarize the analysis, let’s briefly look at the last of the techniques – the outdated SSAO. It uses maximum resolution for input and 4x4 noise texturing for blur, but not temporal reprojection like SSBC to improve the quality of the final image.

Performance: During gameplay where the viewpoint was varied and there was a lot of grass and trees, the impact of the three AO techniques was measured on a PC with a GeForce GTX 980 graphics card, 1920x1080 resolution, all other settings maxed out, and 4x TXAA enabled.

Reducing frame rates by just 6 frames per second, HBAO+ is a godsend, improving image quality far beyond similar solutions.

DirectX 11 Enhanced Godrays

In Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag introduced Godrays - an improved way to transmit the rays we see when looking against the sun, or at a bright light source while in a dark room.

Delivered through DirectX 11 tessellation, Godrays compare favorably with existing solutions with a nearly fourfold reduction in performance impact, elimination of anti-aliasing (tessellated Godrays can be anti-aliased like any other game element), clear interaction with game elements intersecting with Godrays, and visibility even when the light source is out of sight or behind the player.

For Far Cry 4, Godrays have been improved, and the full range of their capabilities has been introduced into the game. In addition, their interaction with other graphical effects has improved, resulting in an overall increase in brightness and the appearance of light at high altitudes.

Being a game object and not a post-process effect, the appearance of tessellated Godrays can change depending on the number of objects present in the scene. For example, as a tree, its branches and leaves sway in the wind, the dark and light portions of the rays change in real time, following the movements of the same tree.

In turn, Ubisoft's Volumetric Fog technology, developed specifically for personal computers, uses post-processing effects, color gradation and a standard set of volumetric technologies to radically change the appearance of scenes compared to solutions used on consoles. And although it adds Godrays rays, it cannot compare with the exclusive Godrays solution.

In addition to showcasing the real-time changing dark areas generated by Godrays, this image shows the impact this effect has on the overall realism of the scene's lighting. You can also see the presence of standard Godrays, which can also be found in temples and other key locations.

Our latest comparison shows clearly defined Godrays in the top left of the image and clear shadow areas that aren't visible using Ubisoft's 3D technique. In addition, it is immediately noticeable how the post-processing used in the volumetric fog technology does not cope with the creation of Godrays in this location.

Performance: Enhanced DirectX 11 Godrays will cost you an additional 3.3 frames per second, delivering the same speed as volumetric fog, while significantly surpassing Ubisoft's technology in the quality it brings to the image.

Percentage Closer Soft Shadows

Percentage Closer Soft Shadows (PCSS) is an effective solution for those developers who want to add realistic and soft shadows to their games. Just like in real life, PCSS shadows become softer as the distance from the object that casts them increases. At the same time, there is a significant improvement in the quality and realism of the picture.

In Far Cry 4, PCSS is activated by selecting the "Soft Shadows" option in the "Shadow" settings menu, and we will discuss the benefits of this technique below.

In general, the positive effect of PCSS is not as obvious in Far Cry 4 as in games where urban landscapes predominate (for example, Assassin's Creed Unity and Batman: Arkham Origins). Such games by nature feature large shadows cast from long distances, which contribute to the visual perception of progressive softening. Every scene in Far Cry 4 contains hundreds of overlays, small leaves and grass blades, making it much more difficult to spot PCSS shadows at first glance.

However, if we continue to look closely, the benefits of PCSS become more obvious: in the above scene, instead of sharp shadows, we see very soft shadows in the center of the image from leaves that are high in the tree and more distinct dark areas from those closer to the ground (the area in lower left corner). We also see high-quality shading on the grass, and the entire scene has excellent shadow filtering to reduce artifacts and sharp edges.

Our second comparison demonstrates how well PCSS handles shading over long distances: trees on the far slope and snow-capped peaks in the distance now begin to cast shadows. In addition, the top of the hill on the left side of the picture also began to be shaded more naturally, in accordance with the lighting conditions.

At mid-range, both the PCSS and standard Ultra settings produce the same amount of shadows and, depending on the time of day, the background can be similarly shaded, unlike our previous comparison. However, when the transition to Very High is made, very noticeable changes begin to appear in all locations. In this example, the reduction from Ultra to Very High resulted in the loss of shadows from the trees on the distant hill. Interestingly, the High value brings back these shadows, but completely disables the realistic shading according to the time of day, resulting in the entire hillside being bathed in bright light, as if in direct sunlight. Compared to other gaming options, this one had the most negative effect on overall image quality.

Meanwhile, when lowered to Medium, along with unrealistic lighting, shadows at medium distance disappear again, and Low completely kills the quality of the remaining ones.

Note that in order to compare other shadow settings, we had to pause the game. Therefore, all subsequent comparisons should take into account the presence of wind and the 24-hour day/night cycle.

This group of images shows how, while maintaining the quality of shadows at an average distance, their resolution has dropped (which is clearly noticeable in the center of the screen, next to the stream). In wide shots, we also saw a decrease in the number of mid-range shadows, and during gameplay, some of them simply popped out of the ground as the hero moved across the map.

At close range, we saw a loss of shadow resolution as we lowered the settings, but the shadows never completely disappeared. On trees and bushes, even at the lowest settings they look acceptable, but you should be prepared for a certain amount of shadows appearing out of nowhere as you pass mid- to long-distance trees.

Performance: In general, at low levels of gaming graphics settings, there is a decrease in shadow quality. At close distances their detail and sharpness decreases, at medium distances the overall detail and quantity decreases, and at long distances the number of shadows per unit of time decreases. Lowering game settings will give you a boost in framerate, but keep in mind that going below Ultra will result in stuttering, stuttering, and reduced shadow detail levels. In addition, many of them disappear in daylight, significantly distorting the overall quality of the game image.

The Ultra and Very High values ​​are inferior to the PCSS setting, which we have repeatedly proven in various locations and scenarios. At the same time, the PCSS technique provides a frame rate of only 3.3 frames per second less than the Low value. In general, PCSS definitely makes sense to enable even if you have refused any other options: the improvement in the picture is very noticeable.

TXAA Anti-Aliasing

TXAA is a specially developed anti-aliasing technique designed to handle edge artifacts that appear on objects when the viewing angle changes or the player's camera moves. Visually, these artifacts are perceived as flickering and “crawling”, so in games like Far Cry 4, where there are a lot of small parts and moving elements, they can cause inconvenience to players.

Combining the capabilities of Multisample Anti-Aliasing (MSAA), a CG-derived cinematic resolution, and a temporal filter, TXAA effectively combats the aforementioned artifacts while delivering anti-aliasing geometry comparable to 8x MSAA. An example of this technology in action can be seen in the trailer below, starting at 1 minute 18 seconds.

In addition to TXAA, Far Cry 4 has a choice of anti-aliasing mode between SMAA and MSAA. This will give players the opportunity to benefit from performance-light post-processing anti-aliasing on the one hand, and sharper, resource-intensive hardware anti-aliasing on the other. However, in both cases you will not be able to enjoy the temporary benefits of anti-aliasing from TXAA.

It may not be as obvious from the full-screen comparison above, but TXAA performs very well at edge anti-aliasing, even when compared to eight times MSAA. In addition, SMAA also outperforms all MSAA modes, but cannot capture the temporal anti-aliasing benefits of TXAA. You can see enlarged images below, which clearly show the work to smooth out the sharp edges.

In the second scene, anti-aliasing of the foliage becomes noticeable, demonstrating the weak capabilities of MSAA. There is almost no texture alignment here, and instead temporary anti-aliasing is used, which causes foliage to rattle, as well as the edges of wires, fences and generally all geometry.

The overall situation is slightly improved by the foliage smoothing used in SMAA, but the above problems remain until TXAA is activated.

On a wider stage, the lack of texture alignment is not as noticeable, but as before, every blade of grass, twig and leaf is subject to the detrimental effects of temporal anti-aliasing, leaving players with no other alternative than to use TXAA.

Performance: Antialiasing, and especially temporal antialiasing, is a big problem for Far Cry 4. This is not surprising, since this game contains hundreds of moving elements, thousands of textures that cannot be aligned by MSAA, and small details with sharp edges that were not so noticeable in Assassin's Creed Unity thanks to lighting and post-processing effects.

Given the negligible performance impact, SMAA seems to be an acceptable solution for the vast majority of systems. Using this technique will smooth out sharp edges with high degree accuracy and also cope with anti-aliasing large quantity textures used on grass, leaves and trees. For more modern builds, we recommend using TXAA, whose specially designed filters smooth out very noticeable temporal anti-aliasing artifacts, textures and sharp edges much better than 8x MSAA. In this case, both techniques have the same load on system performance.

HairWorks Dynamic Fur

The world of Far Cry 4 is filled with animals, making it an excellent place for large-scale use of HairWorks - new technology from GameWorks, which debuted in Call of Duty: Ghost. In Kirat, you will encounter many animals during cutscenes, cutscenes, and actual gameplay. Sometimes you will be the hunted, sometimes you will be the hunted. When HairWorks is active, wildlife's appearance is enhanced by hundreds of thousands of hair fibers created using DirectX 11 tessellation that look and behave realistically when exposed to external forces.

In addition, animal fur is also enhanced by other GameWorks effects in the game: HBAO+ and PCSS add realistic shadows, while TXAA eliminates temporary anti-aliasing and sharpens fuzzy hair tips, giving the fur a real-life effect.

This technique will appear with the release of the post-release update of the game, so for now we suggest you watch the video presented above to get an idea of ​​HairWorks.

And this is the impact HairWorks has on productivity.

Additional graphics settings

There are 13 graphics settings in the Far Cry 4 options menu that allow players to change the appearance of the graphics by turning each one on or off. Below we'll test them one by one, see how they affect the level of detail, and give you recommendations on how to get a few extra frames per second with minimal loss of image quality.

Drawing of the surrounding world (Environment Quality)

Despite its name, the Environment Quality parameter does not have any tangible impact directly on the environment itself. What really catches your eye is the changes to the shading on some objects (usually grass or something made of metal).

This scene is one of the most striking examples of Environment Quality in action. Here you can see how significant an impact it has on the appearance of the building when set to Low. Moreover, the same changes occurred with other objects in the scene: fences, barrels, boxes. When set to High, slight changes in shading quality over long distances become noticeable.

When changing to a wider shot, attention is drawn to a further decrease in clarity on fences, buildings, metal objects and even between the wings of an airplane.

Performance: 95 percent of the time, Environment Quality has almost no effect on image quality or framerate. Then when this happens, it all comes down to a difference of at most two frames per second between the lowest and the highest high level detailing. With almost no impact on the visual experience of the game, the Environment Quality setting can be safely set to its minimum value for those who require extra performance points.

Geometry Quality

This installation is designed to improve the overall geometry of buildings, as well as add drain pipes, window openings and other similar objects characteristic of buildings. By setting this parameter to higher values, we see a reduction in the number of trees visible from medium and long distances, as well as the removal of corresponding shadows.

As we switch between different levels of detail, we see a noticeable decrease in the number of human-made objects: fences, barrels, etc.

Here we see trees in the distance disappearing. However, the main objects remain even at Low level so that the player can accurately determine his location in the mission without resorting to a map.

Performance: Your level of tolerance for objects popping out of the ground will likely determine the setting level you choose. We chose Very High for the best quality/performance combination.

It is not surprising that the disappearance of trees with shadows and other objects, as well as a decrease in their quality, had an extremely positive effect per frame rate, increasing performance by as much as 7 frames per second.

Post FX Quality

If you like washed-out colors at the bright edges of the scene, varying depth of field, and other post-processing effects, you may want to play with the Post FX Quality setting. It was originally developed for battles and cutscenes, and we can’t say that everyone is delighted with it. Therefore, if for some reason you are not satisfied with its effect on the picture, simply disable this option. As a result, you'll get a higher framerate, and it'll also be easier to aim, shoot, and see in general.

Terrain Quality

Terrain Quality is one of the most significant parameters in Far Cry 4, affecting the appearance of mountains, their peaks, boulders, the soil itself, as well as the visibility, density and color accuracy of grass, flowers and other elements of small vegetation at medium and long distances.

The above scene is very indicative of Terrain Quality in action: anything below High negatively affects the appearance of mountainous terrain.

Other locations with mountain peaks present in them suffer less noticeably from changes in Terrain Quality settings.

If we lower the value from Ultra to High, and then Medium, then in this scene we see a gradual decrease in the detail of the terrain, accompanied by the disappearance of the grass and a decrease in the overall level of detail to Low.

Performance: Since the game is almost always full of open landscapes, the Terrain Quality setting has a significant impact on frame rates, saving players up to six frames per second when set to its lowest setting. However, the price for such savings will be the loss of entire sections of grass, a decrease in the level of detail, as well as the overall quality of mountain surfaces, of which there are plenty in Far Cry 4. If at all costs you need to lower the value of this parameter, we recommend not going below High, because with Medium and Low there will be a lot of details appearing at the last moment (this is especially noticeable when contemplating the earth from above while flying in a wingsuit, glider or helicopter). Also be prepared for the disgusting quality of mountain detail we saw in our first comparison of this effect.

Texture Quality

In Far Cry 4, Texture Quality works a little differently compared to other games. In most cases, the quality of visible textures remains the same as you move between different levels of this setting. Unless on maximum value the picture becomes more beautiful. We'll highlight specific examples in the comparison below, but in general it's worth noting the widespread addition of normal and specular maps, bumpy textures on surfaces, and shine on reflective materials.

According to official system requirements, to maintain texture quality at Low level, at least 1 GB of VRAM is required. During our testing, however, we were able to establish that this figure did not drop below the 2 GB mark. We kept the resolution at 1920x1080 for each detail setting, all settings at maximum, and SMAA enabled. In this case, the hero walked the same path for five minutes.

  • Ultra - 3GB
  • Very High - 2.7GB
  • High - 2.5GB
  • Medium - 2.2GB
  • Low - 2GB

Repeatedly running the test with the resolution reduced to 1280x720 gave us the same results, but as soon as we increased it to 3840x2160, our GeForce GTX 980 began to consume 4 GB of memory at all levels of detail. Further testing at 4K resolution and the addition of quadruple TXAA predictably resulted in image stuttering, while with double TXAA the negative effects were eliminated.

  • Ultra - 2GB
  • Very High - 1.7GB
  • High-1.5GB
  • Medium - 1.2GB
  • Low - 1GB

The use of additional video memory in our tests was most likely a consequence of texture caching, and was aimed at speeding up their rendering and preventing the image from getting stuck while the objects needed for the scene were loaded from your hard drive into RAM. If the VRAM resource in your video card is limited (as is the case with the GeForce GTX 680 we recommend), it would be a good idea to store Far Cry 4 on an SSD to minimize the delay between the game requesting the next texture and loading it. A slow HDD will definitely have lags that will ultimately ruin your gaming experience.

Now let's move directly to the textures.

The ground, text on boxes and other small details did not change one iota as the quality settings of this parameter were lowered, although it would be logical to expect the opposite effect from the texture-related setting. Instead, we saw drastic changes in the surfaces of normal maps and specular maps with the Medium value activated. This can be confirmed by the mirror reflection from the aircraft fuselage, boxes and generator in the foreground, as well as additional texture brick wall left. When you switch back to Low, the shine on the leaves, rocks and ground disappears, the general lighting dims, which entails a decrease in the dynamism of the image.

We also see a loss of additional shading and detail on certain objects. An example of this are the boxes located at a distance, the objects to the left of the warehouse and its building itself: here beautiful textures replaced by a featureless flat surface.

This comparison demonstrates how much the appearance of certain textures can change at Medium and Low levels.

For most objects in this scene, the differences introduced by changing the quality settings are not noticeable. The same cannot be said about weapons, on the surface of which the textures of mirror cards add scratches and other small details.

Performance: From the comparisons above, we can see that despite the ever-increasing VRAM usage, there are no visible differences between High, Very High and Ultra levels. However, when moving to Medium, certain game elements undergo significant changes and the overall quality of the game is lost, noticeable in every leaf, rifle and surface. However, as we were able to establish, such losses are associated more with specular maps and normal maps than with the quality of textures, as happens in other games.

As you might expect, the Texture Quality setting has almost no impact on performance.

If you're missing the 1.5GB or so VRAM required to activate High, your gaming experience won't suffer much. Moreover, perhaps for this level the game will have enough 1.2 or even 1 GB of memory. If you have tested this assumption, please report this experience in the comments.

Trees Relief

The Trees Relief function is available exclusively for owners of personal computers, the essence of which is to tessellate tree trunks to increase their level of detail.

Notice how the new geometric shapes added by tessellation affected the shading. Whether it was a normal map or bump texturing resulting from activating the Texture Quality option, the shadows would still remain untouched and flat, as can be seen in the image where Trees Relief is not applied.

The level of detail depends greatly on the model used to draw a particular tree.

Performance: The addition of DirectX 11 tessellation on tree barks is, of course, a great bonus available on the PC version of the game. However, in reality, when the character moves intensively and constantly shoots, these improvements are simply not noticeable. However, in forest-rich areas, Trees Relief can have a significant impact on performance, which is especially noticeable if you have a previous generation video card and tessellation is for it certain problems. Using the GTX 980 as an example, which has super-fast tessellation processing, the difference between Trees Relief on and off is about three frames per second in terms of framerate.

If you have not set all settings to the maximum in order to save frame rate, do not enable Trees Relief, but rather “invest” the freed FPS units in some other setting that has a more noticeable effect on the overall image quality: shadows, like Ambient Occlusion, Terrain Quality, Godrays, or Anti-Aliasing.

Depending on the time of day, this reduction in quality may not be as noticeable as the scene shown in this example. Here the image also becomes brighter at Medium and Low levels, and does not change at all at High.

Performance: Just like with picture quality, Vegetation Quality has almost no impact on performance. Evidence of this is that there is only one frame per second separating all four levels of detail.

The presence of such a parameter, which does not affect performance, allows players even on the most basic settings to increase the realism of vegetation reproduction. The Digital Foundry section on the Eurogamer website noted the complete absence of this effect in the PlayStation 4 version of the game: “the effect of being in the wild could be significantly enhanced by at least some movement of the foliage as the hero passes through it.” On PC, fortunately, this is all right, which is good news when watching the victim from the tall bushes.

Performance: When your character is near water, lowering the Water Quality setting will save you up to 3 frames per second without degrading your visual experience.

Far Cry 4 fine tuning (tweaking)

In the C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 4\Default directory you will find the files GamerProfile.xml and GFXSettings.FarCry464.xml, which are two Far Cry 4 configuration files. Here you can make changes to settings that are not available from main game menu.

After making any changes, you may often need to set these files to “Read Only” mode so that, if something happens, you can safely delete them and restart the game to automatically generate new ones. However, before you start manually changing these files, set the game graphics quality to “Custom”, as this is required for later tweaks to run correctly.

Tweaking Alpha To Coverage Quality

In Far Cry 3, the Alpha To Coverage (ATOC) setting had a significant impact on gameplay by leveling out many of the alpha textures that make up all the foliage in the game. Using a special form of hardware anti-aliasing, ATOC compensated for MSAA's inability to properly align such textures, resulting in the sharp edges of many objects. Despite having a higher performance impact than post-processing solutions, together MSAA and ATOC were designed to create general solution for smoothing in Far Cry 3.

Far Cry 4 also has ATOC, but this time it is only accessible from the GamerProfile.xml settings file. In other words, this option is preset by default, and there is little good in it.

The appearance of the grass changes when ATOC is active, but even when this setting is turned off, the overall quality of the scene doesn't suffer too much from the lack of microscopic improvements it brings.

Performance: Given the almost complete lack of any improvements from having ATOC enabled, those of you who want to gain some performance points should set the AlphaToCoverage line to "0" in the GamerProfile.xml file. If you still can’t imagine life without this parameter, just change “2” to “1”. But to be honest, it will be much more useful when you direct the freed up resources to SMAA, TXAA or other settings.

Adjusting the viewing angle

The game's preset Field of View (FOV) setting is nice, but it's not the most accurate tool when it comes to widening your viewing angle. Alternatively, open the GamerProfile.xml file and set the FOVScaleFactor= variable to a specific numeric value. And if we say “definite,” it means that the number must be defined very precisely: for example, 1.17386 will do just fine.

Adjusting the quality of light

As the name suggests, the Lighting Quality parameter controls the lighting in game world and how that lighting interacts with surfaces, objects and characters. You can access the settings from the GamerProfile.xml and GFXSettings.FarCry464.xml files. When you change the Ultra High level (the default) to High, there is a noticeable slight change in lighting quality and an increase in performance. However, as you further reduce it to Low, a loss of clarity becomes apparent, so we strongly recommend that you refrain from this step, even if it will lead to improved performance.

This example changes the overall tone of the scene and the appearance of the color palette. In addition, the whole picture incredibly dims due to the bright sunlight breaking through from behind the mountain peak.

Performance: If you're struggling with performance, lowering Lighting Quality from Ultra to Low may be considered a last resort given the darkening of the scene and changes in lighting and color. But even then you're in best case scenario win frames per second.

Please note that to get the best picture quality and performance, you will need Ubisoft's Day 1 update and other upcoming patches. In order not to miss anything new, we recommend subscribing to the Ubisoft page on Steam.

Optimal game settings for Far Cry 4

If you are unstoppable in your desire to debug everything yourself, below you will find a table with a list of settings for various video cards that meet the high system requirements of the game engine. This assumes that gameplay will be maintained at a frame rate of at least 40 frames per second at a resolution of 1920 by 1080. These settings should be considered without regard to the rest of your build, because the full range of CPU and storage combinations RAM It is simply unrealistic to present them in one table. Please also note that the recommendations below were developed based on a pre-release build, which means the final version of Far Cry 4 should perform better.

  • *we will add the AMD nameplate later

Those who want to overclock the game's graphics can try using an application like MSI Afterburner. Following this, as a rule, many people have a desire to overclock the central processor in order to get the most out of the game. To do this, simply Google your CPU and motherboard model, and then select one of the hundreds of manuals returned as a result of the request. If you're willing to lock the framerate at 30fps without increasing it further, then you can safely go for settings higher than what we recommend.

If you're good at performance (and many will be, given the frame rate of Far Cry 4), then we recommend investing your free framerate units in the Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) setting, which will significantly improve the visual experience of the game.

Far Cry 4 gameplay transfer

The PC version of the game definitely outperforms others due to the presence of HBAO+, PCSS, TXAA, DSR, Godrays, and DirectX 11 tessellation. In addition, in addition to the above effects, PC owners will also be able to enjoy high-quality vegetation rendering, high resolution, numerous image and control options, advanced settings, high-quality effects and frame rates above 30.

Upcoming game updates will bring us improvements to the game image and performance optimization. Details regarding these updates can be found on the Ubisoft Steam page.

Based on materials from

On this page we collect the most frequently encountered problems with Far Cry 4 and solve them. Roughly speaking, this page - Problems FAQ Far Cry 4. With this material you will be able to solve a lot of problems that may unexpectedly occur to you in Far Cry 4. We mainly solve here technical problems, without affecting the plot.

Far Cry 4 has black shadows, it's dark in the game

If your shadows are too dark in Far Cry 4, then we will help you fix this problem. The shadows in the game are really weird, and quite a number of players noticed this. Almost everyone has problems with lighting in Far Cry 4. At times this can seem like high contrast in the game. The problem is being solved in the settings. If you set the global illumination to Ultra, everything will be fine. Some people also find it helpful to set anti-aliasing to SMAA.

If that doesn't help, turn up the volumetric lighting. If you set it to SSAO, the game will be lighter. Additionally, we recommend resetting Shadows to Medium.

Where is the Far Cry 4 settings file stored?

Some people are looking for the Far Cry 4 config file and can’t find it. It is located by default at the following address: Documents\My Games\Far Cry 4\GamerProfile.xml

Where are Far Cry 4 saves located?

Don't know where the saves for the game are? We will help. Depending on the repack, the locations with saves may be different. Your saves are stored in one of two folders:

Far Cry 4\bin\SaveGames\

Far Cry 4\bin\Profile\

By the way, if you want to put another save, you can do it with us.

Everything is red in Far Cry 4

If on the Shangri-La mission everything is very red and you fail the mission, not understanding where you need to go, rename the files And Far Cry 4/data_win32/patch.dat for the duration of the mission. After the mission, we return the files to their previous names.

No map in Far Cry 4

If you don't see the map in Far Cry 4, don't worry - this is a common problem among players. In order for it to return, you need to rename or delete 2 files:



The Russian language has disappeared in Far Cry 4

Some players have lost the Russian language from the game. Be one of them, then we will help you.

If you had it, but after restarting it disappeared, then we recommend selecting it again in the game settings. This is not a solution, but a temporary solution.

Often the Russian language disappears precisely after players tried to return the card to the game. Remove files:


FOLDER_WITH_GAME/data_win32/ english.fat

File names may be different.

Far Cry 4 crashes

We have described in detail the solution to the problem when the game crashes to the desktop.

Black screen in Far Cry 4

In short, first of all, run the game as an administrator, install new drivers for the video card and disconnect unnecessary USB devices (printers, gamepad, etc.).

A black screen also occurs if you run the game on dual-core processors. In this case, you need to install this fix to run the game on dual-core processors! You need to unpack the downloaded fix into a folder bin, which is located in the folder with Far Cry 4. For everything to work, run the file Extreme Injector v3.exe and then the game.

Stutters and low FPS in Far Cry 4

Decided to improve performance in Far Cry 4? Well then it's for us. The material is large and so as not to disturb them on this page, we decided to make a topic for this question.

Error: File is missing in Far Cry 4

Your computer user name must be written in Latin letters. For example, not Sergey, A Sergey. Just like account uPlay.

Make sure that the path to the game folder does not contain Russian letters.

Better yet, since this is a startup problem, look into solutions to startup problems.

Far Cry 4 won't save, saves won't work

If you have a problem with Far Cry 4 saves, then come to us. In general, to save in the game, you need to press Esc, and then Save Game. If you don't have such a button, then you just need to finish the mission.

Make sure that the path to the game does not contain Cyrillic characters (i.e. Russian letters).

Make sure that your name in the system is written in English letters.

Run the game as administrator

If nothing helps, change the crack and install the patch. It is not recommended to use the ALI crack, it is very buggy.

Gamepad doesn't work in Far Cry 4

Officially, the game supports only 3 types of gamepad: XBOX 360 gamepad, gamepad XBOX One And PlayStation 4 gamepad. If your joystick is not working in the game, then it does not belong to the listed gamepads, so we recommend that you read this to get your gamepad working in the game.
