Game Alias ​​or Say Otherwise. Classic board game Alias ​​Board game Alice

Board game“Elias Party” or Say Otherwise for a Party is the hit bomb of all holidays. All the same explanation of words, only the players will have to perform tasks in extreme conditions. The peculiarity of Alias ​​Party is the pleasant complication of the rules of the game. It is not easy to explain and guess the words, but to complete special tasks that are indicated on the cards.

How to play

Before the start gameplay All teams place their chips on the starting field. The team chooses a player who will explain the words. He takes 10 cards, hourglass turn over and the player begins to explain. The participant has the right to use synonyms, antonyms, everything except words with the same root. When the time runs out, the opponents shout Stop and if the team players did not guess the word, then the opposing team can now guess it. Whoever guessed the word faster advances his chip along playing field. The winner must reach the finish line first.

Heron on one leg or gloomy fellow

The player explains to his team the words from the card, without using cognates. But at the same time, you still have to become a novice acrobat or young artist. Either standing on one leg, or with a sad expression on your face, when laughter just rushes out of you. And the ability to come up with a whole story based on just one word is simply amazing. Are you ready to experience fireworks of emotions?

Alias ​​Party is the perfect party game!

Yes, the board game Alias ​​Party is a modern remedy against boredom at boring parties, holidays and corporate events. All you need to do is gather a group of players with a good sense of humor and innate creativity, ranging from 4 to 16 players. After all, the game will require artistry from you. Big company We develop sociability, a healthy sense of humor and raise the level of good mood by 110%.


  • playing field with rotating arrow;
  • 6 chips for teams;
  • 250 cards with words;
  • 50 forfeit cards with tasks;
  • hourglass;
  • rules of the game.

Alias ​​is a fun board game for any company. Alias, Elias, Elias, whatever they call this board game. The whole point comes down to one simple phrase “say otherwise.” Classic version This board game is a red rectangular box, there are also other subtypes in this game.

People play this board game in atikaf, at home, outdoors, but why is it so attractive? How to play the board game Alias? Cost of the game? Is there an app for mobile phone and a children's version? We talk about everything in detail on our website.

How many people can play?

From two or more;

From 4 people or more, it is more interesting to play, because there is a greater chance that someone from the team will guess the hidden word.

What can't you do in the game?

You cannot use gestures, words with the same root, or call a word with a different ending.

What's inside the box?

The board game Alias ​​contains: a playing field that folds into the shape of a box, several chips of different colors, an hourglass, instructions with the rules of the game and cards with different words. Sometimes a card may contain not one word, but several.

How to play the board game Alias?

Lay out the playing field on a flat surface. On the playing field, numbers from 1 to 8 and after 8 are repeated again until the end of the field. Cards with words are mixed. Each player (or team) chooses the color of the piece they will play with. Players are divided into teams. Everyone places chips on the number 1.

One team picks up a deck of cards and begins to explain the words to their team using the number 1. At this time, the other team turns over the hourglass and keeps track of the time. As soon as the time runs out, the other team can also give an answer if the word has not yet been spoken. And if the opposing team gives the correct answer, then the point is awarded to them.

As many words as the team guesses, the chip moves along the playing field.

If the word is difficult, you can put the card aside, but then this is a minus for the team. If a player puts the card aside, then 1 point is deducted from the team.

You need to guess the word exactly as it is written (taking into account the ending).

Whose piece reaches the finish line first, that player or team wins.

What if the chip lands on a number with a black background?

In some places on the playing field, you can see that there are numbers not on a white, but on a black background. Then the player counts out 6 cards and explains the words to his team without taking into account time. He must explain in such a way that his team, and not his opponents, can guess faster.

If the other team guesses the word, then the point is awarded to them.

Is there a mini version of the game?

Yes. A small box that is convenient to take with you on a picnic, on the road, for a walk or a trip.

Is there a mobile phone app?

Yes. You need to go through the play market icon, enter the name of the game alias in the search bar and install the application on your cell phone.

Is there a children's version of the game?

Yes. Alias ​​Junior: For kids.

Is there a game on English?

Yes. This is an option for people who speak English fluently.

Sometimes the game is used in English courses or in schools, because there are words on the cards, and it is easier for a person to perceive the word visually.

What is the cost of the game?

The approximate cost of the game Alias ​​is 1200-1500 rubles. In different places, it is different.

Where can I buy the game?

Museums and exhibitions;
- bookstore;
- free classifieds sites;
- an online store where they sell toys;

Can I buy the game cheaper or get it for free?

Yes. You need to understand that not all people like to play board games; some might have been given it as a gift, won a competition, or had no one to play with. That's why some people list a board game for sale on free classifieds sites.

How to get the game “Say Otherwise” for free? Ask your relatives to buy this board game for you for your birthday or other holiday (February 14, February 23, March 8, New Year, Christmas).

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We can talk about the greatness, versatility, fun, wonderfulness, non-boringness, anti-depressiveness and diversity of the board game Alias ​​for hours, using all the existing and invented synonyms and antonyms that our vocabulary can produce, but it is better to play once than to read seven times. Therefore, we will write to you about this only once, and you will draw all the necessary conclusions.

So, for those who are not familiar with this party hit, this Mozart of the board game world, this majestic elephant in the zoo of your gaming room, this Mona Lisa of every tabletop Louvre, we will quickly tell you what the rules of this game are. (And, as these very rules tell us, we will do it in a minute!).

Divide into teams, draw cards, explain to your team the words written on the card without using the same root words. Synonyms, antonyms, associations, songs, and even whole stories - everything so that your comrades understand that you mean “nap”, “Argentina” or “red carpet”. The more words your team can guess in a minute, the more points you will receive. And... that's it! The rules of the Alias ​​game are as simple as a watermelon, but the amount of pleasure and fun you get in the process is immeasurable by anything.

If you have been familiar with the board game Say Otherwise for several years now, can explain the word “thermonuclear” with one arch of an eyebrow, or convey the word “surfing” to your friends with the help of just prepositions and interjections, then you are probably excited and in awe breasts were waiting for the continuation, the sequel, the second part of this delightful entertainment to finally appear. Dance, here it is, right in front of you!

Main difference these are the versions from its predecessors - these are completely new, not repeated and not intersecting with any game from series Elias word cards! But this is not the end of the indisputable advantages of the excellent re-edition: as in the second edition, on back side Each card also has a set of words in English! Learn a language and expand your vocabulary by playing, because now it’s so simple and very, very exciting!

What more can be said about such a wonderful continuation of such great game How's Alias? Is it just that she , like good wine, it only gets better and richer over time and continues to invigorate, amuse and delight large groups of people. One of best games for parties, great fun For companies of any age, the board game Elias is definitely worth buying, because it will fit into any game room and certainly won’t gather dust while lying on the shelf!

By the way, this game has compact version, which is convenient to take with you on the road!

And this is how we have fun in our store on Pionerskaya :)

Board game

From 4 to 40 players

Batch from 45 to 60 min.


The board game “Alias: Party” is a great excuse to get together with friends and have fun. In the game “Alias: Party” you have to explain words in other words. Do you think it's that simple? Maybe, but definitely not when you only have 1 minute!


  • Playing field
  • rotating arrow
  • 6 playing chips
  • cards
  • hourglass


Place the word cards in three identical piles, and place the forfeit cards in one separate pile. All piles must lie front side down, and they must lie in specially designated places on the playing field. The rotating arrow must be set in its place. After this, divide into teams. If there are more than two people in a team, then for a round with forfeits, one explainer and only one guesser must be chosen. Other players do not participate. In the next round with forfeits, you can redistribute the roles. This rule only applies to the round with forfeits, since during a regular round one player explains the words, and all the other team members guess.

Each team must choose a piece and place it at the start on the playing field. Each square on the playing field is numbered from 1 to 8. The number of which square the chips are on is the number of words you need to guess. The player who will explain the word changes every round.

The players of the team that will be the first to explain the words must agree who will explain and who will guess. The one who will explain the words takes the cards, the hourglass turns over, and he begins to explain them. As soon as he has received the correct answer, the explainer puts the used card on the table and immediately takes the next one, and explains the word with the same number from it. As soon as the time is up, the players say “stop”. If guessing the word is not finished yet, then other teams can take part in this. The team that guesses the last word the fastest gets one point and moves its piece one square on the playing field.

All words that were guessed give one point. Using the amount of these points, you move your piece across the playing field. If, during the explanation, the explaining player named the word itself or a word with the same root, then it is not counted and the team receives one penalty point. Accordingly, they will have to move their chip back one move. By the way, if you come across a difficult word, then you can discard this card and not explain this word, but then you receive one penalty point. One missed word means one penalty point. However, perhaps in some cases it is worth resorting to in order to save time.

After you have moved your piece, the turn goes to the next team. If a team has a round with forfeits, then the words are explained in the following way. First, the task is read from the card, then the team discusses whether they will complete it or not. If they decide to implement it, they should discuss it first and see if its meaning is clear to everyone. Only after this the clock is turned over and the game continues. The card will describe tasks in which the explaining player, his partner, or all other players can take part. If other players are needed for forfeits, then they must act immediately, without deliberately taking time.

If the task is successfully completed, the team spins the top and receives additional points. How many extra points a team gets is determined by the shooter. Whichever number it points to, the number of cells you additionally advance your chip to.

If the decision was made to refuse to perform the forfeit, then the team must move its chip 5 cells back.

What kind of words can you find on cards and how can you explain them correctly?

The words on the cards can be absolutely anything - nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Words must be guessed accurately and named exactly in the form in which they are written. When part of a word is guessed, the explainer can freely use it to explain the rest of the word. But if it is not guessed, then it cannot be pronounced, just like words with the same root. You can use synonyms and antonyms, but you cannot use foreign words for explanation.

The team that comes first to the finish line wins.

For example, the word "bicycle" can be explained as " vehicle with two wheels and pedals without a motor."

The game "Alias", or in the Russian version "Say Otherwise", is a great way to have fun in any company. Both children and adults can play it. The goal of the game is to explain the hidden word to your partners.

For example, the word "bicycle" can be explained as "a vehicle with two wheels and pedals, without a motor."

It is prohibited to use words of the same root, translate the word into another language, or use gestures when explaining.

The game appeared about 20 years ago and very quickly gained popularity all over the world.

The minimum number of players is 4 people - two teams of 2 people. There is a version of the game for 3 people, but I’ll talk about it below. Maximum number of players in classic version- 12 people. That is, 6 teams of 2 players. But you can play with a large number of participants, just each team will have 3 players.

What do you need to play?

To play Alias ​​you need to have:

1. Playing field. This is the field I made myself. If you wish, you can download it from the link below.

2. Game chips and hourglass.

Chips can be taken from any children's board game. You can take multi-colored buttons. You can make chips from colored plasticine. Each team needs one chip.

Hourglasses are harder to find. Of course, you can buy them in bookstores or souvenir shops. But you can do without them just fine by using a regular watch with a second hand. Or you can designate one of the players as the “counter”. The counter will count steadily from 1 to 100. And during this time, the teams solve the words.

3. Cards with words.

Regular cards for the Alias ​​game look like this:

If the game is intended for kids who cannot yet read or read poorly, the cards can be made like this:

Rules of the game

All players are divided into teams of 2 people (or more if there are more than 12 players).

Each team chooses a game piece for itself.

All chips are installed on starting position playing field.

The cards are thoroughly mixed and laid out in a stack face down in the center of the table next to the field.

The team starting the game is determined by lot or counting. Further, as the game progresses, the teams have the right to move clockwise.

The time is noted (the hourglass turns over or the stopwatch starts).

The first player on the team takes a card, reads the first word to himself and tries to explain it to his teammate. You cannot use words and gestures of the same root. The second player on the team, in turn, tries to guess by naming the expected word. You have to guess accurately. That is, if the original word is “bun”, you need to name it exactly, the word “bun” will not work.

As soon as the word is guessed, the player takes the second card.

If you can’t guess the word, you can say “PASS” and take a new card. But for each unsolved word a penalty point is awarded.

When time runs out, the points earned by the team are counted. Each guessed word is plus one point, each unsolved word is minus one point. The team piece moves across the playing field by the number of points scored.

The turn goes to the second team.

When the turn goes to the team that has already played, the players change roles. The one who explained the word will guess, and the one who guessed will explain.

Additional terms

If the game is played with cards with 8 words written on them, you need to guess the word with the number that is written in a circle under the team chip. Look carefully! On the playing field there is a number in each circle of the track.

Some mugs have smiley faces on them. From such a circle the arrow leads either forward or backward. Accordingly, when a chip lands on such a field, it must be moved in the indicated direction.

Game for 3 participants

If there are only three people who want to play, you can arrange it as follows.
