Where to find deathclaw eggs. Regular quests

Today we will talk about one of the additional quests that promises a meeting with the most dangerous monster games Fallout 4. Quest Fatal eggs begins with a conversation with a passing guard in Goodneighbor - he will advise you to look into the Salem Witch Museum, as something strange is happening there.

Arriving at the place to the right of the museum, you can find the corpse of a certain Private Hart on which there will be a holographic recording - from here we learn that in the museum, in addition to the shooters, there is also a certain monster from which they ran away.

Naturally, you won’t be able to get in through the front door - only through the basement, once in which you will hear frightening sounds from the first floor and get a little nervous. Well, when you get up you will meet the Death Claw. He will most likely ignore your partner, but he will immediately pester you.

A good option is to use a stealth boy on this mission and not take a partner with you, but if you have already “ran into trouble”, then it is better to run through holes in the walls and maneuver.

When you get to the egg, you can return it to the nest or go to the customer (explanations will be given to you during the task). If you decide to donate the egg, you can safely bargain for up to 500 caps, but if you still put it in the nest, they won’t touch you either and you will receive a deathclaw glove - a melee weapon with rather dubious characteristics.

Fallout 4 Doom Eggs - quest walkthrough

Really small but very intense and can be scary in places. The level of the death claw can change, as well as its appearance, depending on your level, and if you are very unlucky, it will also be legendary.

On this in Fallout 4 fatal eggs and ends. You can also read other articles on this game, for example, what to do if

Deathclaw egg in Fallout 4– this is incredible rare item, because you can only find it in the clutches of death claws, the owners of which certainly will not be happy about your action. Due to the difficulty of obtaining, there are practically no recipes for preparing this product, but the most reckless inhabitants of the Wasteland have learned to prepare an omelette and the “Wellingham Death Claw” dish from this ingredient.


You will have to find the deathclaw egg during the quest "". You can start it by finding the Salem Witch Museum or by overhearing random characters talking about this mysterious place.

  • Once in the vicinity of the museum, you will find that its door is tightly closed, but if you go around the building, you can stumble upon a hatch into the basement and the body of one of the Shooters next to it.
  • On the corpse of the unknown woman lies a holo-recording, after listening to which you will learn that a group of Shooters ran into the Museum building, hiding from a bloodthirsty monster. It also says that they had some valuable cargo with them.
  • You have no choice but to follow in the footsteps of the escaped Shooters and make your way to the Museum through the basement. Along the way, every now and then you will stumble upon mutilated remains, and a heartbreaking roar will be heard from above.
  • Having made your way to the first floor of the Museum, you will be attacked by the very monster from which the Arrows took refuge - this is the death claw. You can engage in battle with him, but it’s still better to just run away from him.
  • In one of the rooms you will find the body of Sergeant Lee, a surviving deathclaw egg and a holotape. From the recording it will become clear that the Shooters tried to deliver the eggs to a certain Wellingham, but they failed.

Now you have two options. You can deliver the egg to Wellingham and receive several hundred caps and the Wellingham Deathclaw recipe, or take the egg to the nest and find the Deathclaw Glove there.

This task is taken at the location " Quarry Ticket" There is only one character in the location at the moment - Sally Mathis, and he asks you to help him. In a conversation, you can ask him for money and try to increase the premium. In any case, Sally will give you a task.

Repair pipes (0/3)

All leaks are under water. You can find them by the bubbles in the water. Finding them is not difficult. The main thing is to find a hill and see the bubbles. The problem is different - the water is radioactive, and while swimming you will be irradiated. Therefore, before diving, use Rad-X to reduce the amount of RAD you receive.

Once you've finished fixing the pipes, return to Sally. He will thank you and allow you to activate the pump. By activating the pump, the sediment will begin to make a lot of noise, which will wake up the mires sleeping in the quarry. Help Sally destroy them. Shoot at the head or body for maximum damage. After killing all the swampers, talk to Sally and take the reward.

Plot of the century

After reaching Diamond City, entering it with Piper's help, and witnessing a small altercation between Piper and the mayor, Piper will invite you to her office for an interview.

Get to Piper's office

Piper's office is located almost at the very entrance to Diamond City. You can use the girl who hands out newspapers as a guide. She is Piper's sister and works in the same office as her.

Talk to Piper

In the office, talk to Piper. You have to answer a couple of questions. Answer as you wish, depending on what you want to read about yourself in the newspaper in the future. After answering all the questions, Piper will thank you, and you will have the opportunity to take her as your partner

Vault 81

The quest is obtained automatically when you either meet people from Vault 81, or when you hear about it in the Commonwealth, or when you get to the shelter itself and try to connect the Pip-Boy to the door control panel.

Get to the Vault 81 location

Just follow the marker to the entrance to the Vault.

Fulfill the condition for obtaining permission to enter the Vault

Pip-Boy connected A dialogue begins between the guard and you. After some time, the shelter keeper will intervene and she will offer you entry for your help - you will need to bring them 3 nuclear units. But you can also ask for help as a “resident of another shelter”, and if you pass the charisma test, the caretaker will believe you, the door will open and you will be allowed into the Vault.


The quest is given by the teacher Vault 81- girl Katie. She will ask you to come to a lesson at the Vault 81 school, and tell the students about the adventures in the Wasteland, and answer their questions.

Between 10:00 and 12:00 noon, go into the classroom, tell Katie that you are ready to tell the children stories, and begin. You can choose any answers you want.

After all the questions, you will be given a magazine " Grognak the Barbarian".

Exit to bow

Sooner or later, while traveling around the Commonwealth, your Pip-Boy will pick up a signal " Radio Trinity Tower" After listening to this signal, you will learn that a certain person has fallen into a trap among super mutants. After listening, the quest will begin" Exit to bow".

Respond to a request for help

You need to get to Trinity Tower. The tower is inhabited by super mutants, so get ready for battle. Clear the first floor and go into the elevator. Once you reach the upper floors, get ready for battle. You will be opposed different types super mutants. In addition, someone will get in touch Fist who wants to fight you. Fight your way through hordes of mutants, gradually rising to the roof using elevators. Once you reach the roof, you will meet the Fist. He will be a super mutant with a minigun. Deal with him. After killing the Fist, search him and the chests on the roof. You will find the key to the cage.

Unlock the cage

With the key, go to the cage behind which the man and the Super Mutant are languishing. Human - Rex, just sent a signal for help. He decided to introduce the Super Mutants to the works of Shakespeare, but they did not appreciate his desire. Except Strongman- a super mutant who was inspired by the works of Shakespeare and decided to find the source of superhuman strength. Free them.

Get Rex to safety

Once you open the cage, get ready. Several super mutants will come running to the roof. Deal with them. To go downstairs, you need to go to the outdoor elevator. Wait for Rex and Strongman and press the button. Now is the most difficult moment of the quest. While the elevator is going down, super mutants will fire at you. There is little cover in the elevator, so stock up on stimulants. At some point the elevator will stop and you will have to get off and transfer to another elevator. At the second stop, DO NOT get off, just shoot back. At the third stop, get off and go to the key point on the map, protecting Rex.

Talk to Rex Goodman

When you reach the point, talk to him. He will thank you, you will receive Experience, and the Strongman will become available for selection as a partner.

Pickman's Gift

The task starts after receiving from Hancock small errand - explore Pickman gallery.

Move to the gallery. Having reached it, a very atmospheric surreal gallery and many raiders will be waiting for you inside. Carefully move forward, killing everyone on your way. Your path lies in the basement and further through tunnels filled with raiders, turrets, and radiation. In the end, you will witness a small scene where the raiders have captured Pickman and intend to kill him. Kill the raiders and talk to Pickman. He will thank you, tell you about his little hobby and tell you about his hiding place.

Pick up Pickman's gift

Pickman's cache is located in the main hall of the gallery, near the main entrance, behind the painting. Remove the painting and take everything that is there from the safe. The quest is over.

After this, you can return to Good neighborliness and turn the task over to Hancock.

Beer bubbling

In Good Neighborhood, at the hotel Rexfort, merchant Rufus Rubins will ask you for help - he needs a unit for brewing beer, which can be found in the bar" Clover".

Talk to Rufus.

After talking with Rufus, you can negotiate a reward with him, with a high skill Charisma. The maximum reward for the quest is 400 caps. After finishing your conversation with Rufus, head to the bar.

Go to the Clover bar.

Several raiders live in the bar. Kill them all and move to the basement.

Find brewing unit.

In the basement there is a brewing unit, or rather a brewing robot - " Buddy". He was created to brew beer for his master. Hack the terminal to free Buddy and talk to him. You will have a choice of what to do with him.

Send your drinking buddy (Buddy) to the Rexfort Hotel (or keep Buddy).

If you keep Buddy, he will go to the location you specify. Upon arrival, every few days, he will brew beer for you. If you find recipes in the bar, you can give them to Buddy to brew new beer.

If you decide to give Buddy to Rufus, send Buddy to Roxford and return to Rufus. After talking with him, take the reward. The quest is completed.


The quest starts in Good Neighborhood. While exploring the town, you will hear that a certain Bobby needs an assistant.

Meet Bobby

Follow the marker. You will find a door with a ghoul standing behind it. She will offer you a job. You can bargain with her and increase the reward to 200 caps. Agree, discuss the requirements and go down to the basement.

Join the excavations

In the basement you will see a couple of workers digging a tunnel. As soon as you approach them, 3 bogworts will come out of the tunnel. The workers will run away, leaving you with these monsters.

Destroy the swampmen (0/3)

Kill all the bogworts. When they die, Bobby will appear in the basement.

Talk to Bobby

Explain to her what happened. She will tell you about her idea. She wants to rob the mayor of Diamond City through a tunnel. For this she needs help. Agree to help her, and meet her in Diamond City.

Meet Bobby in Diamond City

In Diamond City, find Bobby. Since she is a ghoul, she will be wearing a gas mask. She will tell you about a man named Mel, whose help is needed in a robbery. But he is being held in the city prison. Head to the prison.

Free Mel from prison

There are different ways to free Mel. Can:

  • Persuade the guards
  • Bribe the guards
  • Activate Protectron to kill the guards

Hire Mel

After releasing Mel, tell Bobby about Bobby's plan and move to her basement for excavations.

Meet the gang at the dig site

Once you reach the excavation site, talk to Mel and Bobby. Mel has a small robot that allows him to destroy rubble using a seismic explosion.

Get to the vault

Your goal is to move forward, clear areas of enemies, and tell the robot which walls to break.

At the beginning you will have a choice - left or right. Behind the wall to the left there is a frame waiting for you Power Armor under the protection of the Swamp King. You need to go right. Follow along. Ghouls and radiation will be waiting for you ahead, so it is advisable to have radiation protection. Move forward, pointing to the robot the walls that should be destroyed. Eventually you will reach the basement.

Meet the gang in the basement

In the basement, talk to Mel and Bobby. Mel thinks there's something fishy going on and Bobby is up to something nefarious. Leave the basement and enter the storage room.

Login to the vault

As it turned out, Bobbie cheated. You are not in the Diamond City vault, but in the vault of Hancock, the mayor of Goodneighbor. But they are already waiting for you - this is Fahrenheit, Hancock’s personal bodyguard. She will invite you to kill Bobby, thereby helping Hancock, or Bobby will invite you to continue what you started and rob Hancock.

Join Bobby or Fahrenheit

If you choose the Fahrenheit side, kill Bobby and you will receive a unique Ashbringer minigun and the opportunity to take Hancock himself as your partner.

If you kill Fahrenheit, then Bobby will pay you 200 caps, the “Incinerator” can be removed from Fahrenheit’s corpse, and upon returning to Goodneighbor Hancock will meet us and say that we have been fined and owe him 1000 caps and kill Bobby for her impudence. You have the choice to refuse or agree, if you refuse to pay, he will say that you owe him a favor, and will still tell you to kill Bobby.

If you persuade Bobby to leave, Fahrenheit will give you the Ashbringer, tell you to go to the mayor for gratitude, he will give you 200 caps and want to become your partner.


Fatal eggs

Before the task, you can hear from the residents of the Commonwealth about strange events in the Salem Witch Museum.

Explore the Salem Witch Museum

Having reached the Museum, to the right of the main entrance, near the entrance to the basement, the torn body of the shooter Private Hart will lie. There is a holographic recording on his body. Picking it up will start the quest " Fatal Eggs"

Listen holographic recording Private Hart

After listening to the recording, we learn that the Shooters squad was destroyed by an unknown monster. Fleeing from him, the survivors hid in the Salem Witch Museum, where we should go. The entrance is still closed, so you will have to enter through the basement, near which Hart’s body lies.

Explore the museum

After entering the Museum basement, move forward along the marker. While you are moving, you will be frightened in every possible way and the atmosphere will be heightened. One thing is clear - there is one huge, evil and bloodthirsty creature walking around the Museum. Having found the stairs, climb them and enter the main hall of the Museum. I advise you to go in stealth mode. Approaching the exit, the same monster will suddenly come out - it will turn out to be the Wild Death Claw. If you are in stealth mode, there is a chance that he will not notice you and you will be able to take a convenient position for battle.

Wild Deathclaw is very dangerous opponent, which can kill you almost instantly with one hit. Therefore, try to stay near the entrance to the hall through which you entered by climbing the stairs. Don't take risks and hide after every shot. After killing Talon, follow the marker and you will find the torn corpse of Sergeant Lee in the toilet. After listening to his recording, it becomes clear that a squad of shooters was tasked with transporting a certain suitcase, and in it was an intact Deathclaw egg, stolen from the Claws' nest. Deathclaw decided to return it, and killed all the Shooters.

Pick up the Egg

After listening to the recording, pick up the egg and you will have a choice - deliver the Egg, or return the egg to the nest.

Deliver the Egg, or return the Egg to the nest

Deliver the Egg - you need to bring the Egg to Diamond City, to the Colonial Bar, to the robot assistant bartender Willingham. For this you will receive a cash reward from 200 to 500 caps (if you convince Wellingham). And you will receive a recipe for cooking "Wellingham Deathclaw"

Return the Egg to the nest - a marker will appear in the north of the map. Move towards him. Once you reach the point, you will find a Deathclaw nest. Don't be scared and don't shoot at the Claw that suddenly appears. He is peaceful. He will approach the nest and watch you closely.

You need to go to the nest and put an Intact Egg into it. Having placed it, the Claw will be “rejoiced”, the “Death Claw Glove” will appear near the nest, and you will be credited for completing the quest and given experience.

Public Domain

Silver cloak

The Cabbot House Mystery

Old town in new color

In Diamond City, in the northeast, near the Green Wall, you will find a man painting it. Talk to Abbott. He will ask you to bring him paint from hardware store. You can bargain with him for a reward of 100 to 200 caps per quest.

Bring Abbott some green paint.

At the entrance to the Hozmag, you will be met by a settler who will ask for help and run into the Hozmag. Once you enter, do not rush to follow her. An ambush awaits you. Wait until the raiders come out and shoot them. You can rush in and kill everyone. If you do not go through the main entrance, in the alley on the right you can find the entrance to the basement, thereby attacking the raiders from the rear.

Once you're done with the raiders, deep in the warehouse you'll find cans of yellow and blue paint. You can bring any of them to Abbott, receiving the agreed amount for it. But then, people in Diamond City will talk bad about you in the future. If you want a good public opinion of you, you can use the mixer in the warehouse to make green paint from blue and yellow. Then, Abbott will give another 100 caps to the promised reward for this.

Diamond City Blues

Vanish trick

Boy in the refrigerator

In some destroyed city, if you move along the road you can hear a voice asking for help, it turns out to be a small ghoul in the refrigerator, who has been sitting in it since the war itself. After a conversation with him, a task will appear to take him home, by the way, like in a good fairy tale, his mother and father are alive, also ghouls. On the way to his house, you will meet a raider who wants to buy the boy. Without any charisma, you can increase the price to the highest, but you can also refuse, then after the family reunion the raiders will attack, or, depending on your choice, they may not touch you, but they will take the ghouls. The easiest way is to immediately sell the ugly little ghoul from a stupid fairy tale about a refrigerator as a salvation from a nuclear strike. This way you will get maximum caps and not get shot by raiders.

Clear warehouses in Good Neighborhood

At the bar" Third rail", if you buy a drink from the robot bartender Charlie, he will offer you a little dirty "job". You will need to clear out three warehouses in the area Good Neighborhood. By applying persuasion, you can increase the reward to 400 caps and find out the name of the customer.

After finishing the conversation, move to the warehouses. The doors to the warehouses are locked. To enter them, you will have to pick the locks. Do this from stealth mode, otherwise you will be offended in Good Neighborhood. There's nothing ordinary here. Go to the warehouses, kill all the gangsters in them. After killing all the enemies in all the warehouses, return to Charlie and turn in the quest.

Kitty kitty kitty

IN Vault 81, the girl Erin will ask you to find her cat named Ash. The last time she played with Ash, he scratched her and she drove him away. Now she asks for help finding him.

The kitten escaped from Vault 81 and is first found near the houses near the exit, and then will be found in a random location in the Commonwealth. When you select a quest, the location of the cat will be highlighted for you, so finding it is very easy. When you see a kitten, you should contact it. After hearing from you that Elin misses him and is waiting for him, Ash will run to the shelter.

After this, return to the Vault. After a while, find Erin and talk to her. She will thank you for your help and give it back in gratitude. nuclear block and experience.
