Dungeons 3 diamond vein. Dungeon Keeper Guide and Walkthrough

Reference guide to the location of the golden pickaxe.


Explore all Golden Pickaxe locations collected together to save you time looking for information.

Although pixels are always displayed on certain maps, the actual location is RAND. Some guides who have met suggest looking around the outer edges, but in general it can be said from experience that the location is indeed quite randomly scattered. You may get lucky or have to dig every piece of earth until you find it. So it's good to know ahead of time which maps you'll need to spend time on.


  • Main campaign: "Everything has an end ..."
  • Once upon a time DLC: "Fog and Sheep".
  • Evil of the Caribbean CDO: "Greetings from R'Lieh."
  • "Sovereign of the Royal Narcotics Control Board": "The Brotherhood".
  • Clash of Gods DLC: "At the Foot of the Mountain of God."
  • Unexpected DLC: "Queen of the Forest".
  • Famous last words: "Show us what you are made of."

Release date: 13 october 2017
Developer, publisher: Realmforge Studios / Kalypso Media
Genre:(Manage / Business)
Platform: PC, PS4
Language: Fully Russian

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
CPU: Intel Quad Core 2.8 GHz / 3.5 GHz AMD
Video card: AMD Radeon HD 7000 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 600
DirectX: Versions 11
Disk space: 5 GB

OS: Windows 10 64-bit
CPU: Intel i5 4000 / AMD Ryzen 3
Video card: AMD R9 300 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 900
DirectX: Versions 11
Disk space: 5 GB

The Lord of the Dungeon will not calm down, he united all the monsters in his empire of Evil and is preparing to move all his terrible army on the army of Light, finally destroying the pitiful people. Can you build an effective empire and teach discipline to orcs, zombies and other evil spirits?

Is a strategic dungeon manager sim where players unleash their sophisticated imagination as they create their own underworld. Using your nightmare assistants, you create and equip usable areas, increasingly pushing boundaries and increasing production. As soon as you accumulate a sufficient amount of forces and gather your plague army, you must fulfill the purpose of Darkness - to break out into the Light and finish the history of mankind.

A distinctive feature of the game and its main feature - "devilishly sinister mechanics", which allows you to create a real kingdom of Darkness, blazing with hellfire and filled with a fairly modern infrastructure. You will need energy plants - crystals, sprinklers for food crops, breweries and even Railway with trolleys for delivering cargo to different parts of the complex. And, of course, traps, the design of which is limited only by your imagination.

In addition to the ability to build objects and move units, it makes you think seriously. You will have to correctly distribute labor - demons for manna extraction, orcs for designing traps, succubi for bullying in a torture chamber. Moreover, it is not worth focusing on any one faction, because the efficiency factor will be the sum of the overall picture. In short, without demons, you will not get spells, and without orcs, you will not get traps.

The novelty has a clear bias in the story mode, there are more than 20 missions and two dozen hours of gameplay. And each new playthrough will be unique due to the random generation of each new level. And if you get tired of playing alone, then a redesigned cooperative mode for two players, and your friend can "have fun" on the surface, while you keep order in the dungeon.

The community greeted it favorably, the game is very beautiful, fun and constantly jokes with black humor. There are surprisingly few technical flaws, only sometimes units get stuck in the texture, and the interface is disproportionate.

Information on network modes:


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Now you will not surprise anyone by appearing in computer world more and more "cool" games. But a seasoned gambling addict will notice: upon closer examination, everything new looks very much like the old. Well, the graphics are better, well, the music is of better quality, and the plots are sucked all the same. There are practically no new ideas.

A rare exception is the Dungeon Keeper game. Humanity has never seen anything like it. It's a miracle - a mixture of strategy and RPG: "Warcraft" and "Quake" in one bottle. And Dungeon Keeper also borrowed the best from Theme Park, Populous, Magic Carpet ... and you can't list them all. And yet, Dungeon Keeper is something new, unlike anything else - something that is arguably the style of a new generation of toys. The game interface is unique. You can play using the top view and a little at an angle, or you can move into one of your creatures - and then you will feel like you are playing a "3D action". The map can be twisted in different sides, bring it closer and further away from you, choosing a position that is most convenient for you. The only drawback is that the graphics look a little outdated, but against the background of what is happening, it is almost imperceptible.

I don't know what the developers were trying to achieve, but the game turned out to be very beautiful, bright, with clearly traced details. The game supports the "multiplayer" mode: you can play with friends via modem, over the Internet, or communicate directly using a null modem cable.

Typically in computer games you have a role to play good characters that cleanse the world from all evil spirits. Here you have to become the Guardian of the Dungeon (this is how the name of the game is translated), the owner of notorious villains. You live in a world of darkness and anger, where only gold matters. From all sides, hordes of Heroes burst into your exemplary dungeon hoping for an easy profit, robbing and killing the inhabitants of the dungeon. And in general, they behave like a pig, offending the Guardian. Distinguish between heroes-mercenaries and subjects of the king. The mercenaries have money with them, so if you kill one of them, do not hesitate to rummage through the Hero's pockets. With gold, you can buy servants who will become your main force in the fight against other Guardians and the outside world. Witchcraft and magic will come to the aid of wealth. The most important object is the Heart of the Dungeon. If you lose the Heart of the Dungeon, the game is over. Both you and your enemies have their own territory. Only on it the player can build structures. If you want to increase your possessions, you will have to attract demons to the case. They do the dirtiest work: they break through passages into the dungeon, mine gold and diamonds, conquer foreign territories ...

Gold and diamonds are transformed into only one resource - money. Diamond mining is much more efficient than gold mining because the diamond deposit never runs dry. But gold is mined much faster.

Be vigilant and insidious, resolutely implement all your plans - and, perhaps, you will emerge victorious in this battle for life and death.

Game screen

The game screen is divided into two parts. On the left is the control panel, and on the right is the dungeon screen.

The map at the top of the dashboard shows the area of ​​the dungeon you are in. To get a better look at your possessions, click on the scroll in the upper left corner of the dungeon map - and the map will take up the entire screen.

The dotted line shows the direction towards the Heart of your dungeon. Areas that belong to you are marked in red on the map. Fortified walls are marked in gray, impenetrable rocks in dark gray. Bright green means gold and gems... Critters are marked on the map with black flickering dots, Heroes - white. Multi-colored flashing squares are uncaptured objects, for example, portals. The rest of the colors on the dungeon map are the possessions of other Guardians.

Right under the card, you will see yellow numbers - the amount of your money. There are also five pictograms under the map, corresponding to five panels (from left to right): an information panel, a room panel, a research panel, a workshop panel, and a creature panel.

The dungeon screen shows all of your holdings. It is on this screen that rooms are placed and creatures are controlled. From time to time, pop-up icons may appear at the edge of the panel containing important information about new discoveries, newly arrived creatures or about battles in which your creatures participate.

Information Panel (Key 1)

The information panel contains the following icons:

Imprison - jail icon becomes available after you build the prison. By clicking on this icon, you will order your creatures not to kill enemies, but to take them prisoner;

Flee - by clicking on the "run" icon, you will order your creatures to leave the battlefield in case of serious injuries;

Payday Bar is a salary indicator. The value on it increases as payday approaches. When the indicator reaches its maximum value, your creatures will rush to the treasury for gold;

Research Time Bar - the research indicator shows the time required to complete research by creatures working in the library (directly depends on the size of your library and the number of creatures employed there);

Workshop Time Bar - The production indicator shows the time it takes to complete work on a new trap or door. This is what the creatures working in the workshop are doing. The amount depends on the size of the workshop and the number of creatures working in it;

Number of Rooms - the number of rooms in each dungeon (information about each Keeper is highlighted in the corresponding color);

Number of Creatures - the number of creatures subordinate to each of the Guardians;

Query - obtaining information about a specific creature (the information panel of this creature will appear). You can also get information about a creature by pressing Shift and left-clicking on the creature you are interested in.

Room Panel (2)

The rooms panel contains a list of all rooms available for building at a given level. After selecting a room, its icon will appear, next to which there are two numbers: red - the number of already built rooms of this type, yellow - the cost of creating one field of such a room.

Next to the numbers is a fill indicator for these rooms. If all rooms of this type are full and the indicator shows the maximum, it's time to build new rooms of this type.

In total, the game provides rooms of fifteen types (each type has its own pictogram). If the icon is empty, then at this level you will not be able to build a room of this type. If there is a question mark in the pictogram, then you will be able to build such rooms after the corresponding invention. If the icon is depressed, then this type is already available to you, but you have not yet built any such rooms. If the icon is raised, then you have already built several rooms of this type.

To see all available rooms, right-click on the icon. You will see all the rooms in turn.

In order to build a room, click on the corresponding icon and go to the section of the dungeon where you want to place this room. You can only build rooms on the territory you own (fields with a red dot in the middle). Next, left-click to place the first field of the room. If you change your mind about building a room, right-click.

If, after building several rooms, you find that you urgently need gold or you just need to free up space, then you can sell the room. To do this, first left-click first on the room sale icon (dollar sign), and then on the previously built room that you are selling. But only half of the amount spent on the construction will be returned to you.

Research Panel (3)

On the research panel, you can find any of the spells used in the game. To cast a spell on a creature, left-click on the spell icon, and then on the creature. The spell is cast on the card in the same way.

The power of many spells can be increased. To do this, while casting a spell, hold down the left mouse button. You will see that the number in the cursor image is increasing, and the arrows are spreading over a larger area. The number is the incremental cost (and power) of the spell. When you are happy with the power of the spell, release the mouse button.

After choosing a spell, its blinking image appears on the panel. If there is an active spell on the card, its icon becomes convex. By clicking-nov on it with the right mouse button, you will see the point of the dungeon where this spell works. By right-clicking, you can view all the jams that are currently in effect.

Workshop Panel (4)

The workshop panel contains all types of traps and doors that you can place in your dungeon. But before you start using these things, your critters must craft them in the workshop.

After selecting a trap or door, its image and a number will appear, showing how many such traps or doors you can place. Installing traps and doors is free, but you will have to fork out to make them.

After installing a trap (door), the icon of this type becomes convex. By right-clicking on such an icon, you can view all traps (doors) of this type.

To install a trap (door), left-click on its icon, and then on the place in the dungeon where you want to install it. If you change your mind about placing a trap (door), right click.

After choosing a place for installation, a transparent image of the trap appears on the map. Now your imp should bring a ready-made trap from the workshop and set it up here. Usually the demons themselves go after the trap, but if you want to speed up this process, place the demon on a transparent trap - and he will immediately go to the workshop. Or put the demon on a ready-made trap in the workshop - and he will carry it to the nearest transparent image.

If something happens to your demon on the way and he throws a trap, enemy demons can take it and brazenly use it against you. Therefore, watch the fate of your trapped demon. If they kill him, put a new imp on the abandoned trap.

While the trap has never worked, it is invisible to enemies and Heroes. Likewise, enemy traps are invisible to you.

Doors (especially magical) are reliable protection from enemies who will have to spend time and energy to destroy them and go further. Doors can only be installed on your own territory, in a corridor with a width of one field. Unlike traps, doors are installed immediately: your demons don't have to strain themselves, dragging them throughout the dungeon. The walls on each side must be reinforced with demons.

Critters can safely walk through doors as long as they are not locked. To lock the door, place the mouse cursor on the door (it will take the form of a key) and left-click. A key image will appear above the door, showing the door is locked. Only ghosts can pass through locked doors.

Traps and doors can be traded. To do this, click on the trap and door sale icon (dollar sign) at the bottom of the workshop panel. Then place your mouse cursor over the trap and left-click.

Creature panel (5)

Here you can find information about the activities of your critters. At the top of the panel are three action icons, and below them are creature icons indicating how many of your critters are engaged in this activity. Only six types of creatures are displayed on the screen at a time. If you have more, use the scroll bar.

Let's list the action icons: "idle" (creatures just live in your dungeon: they sleep or eat without doing anything useful), "work" (showing creatures working for you), "battle" (creatures participating in the battle).

All basic actions in the game are carried out using the mouse. The mouse pointer changes its appearance depending on the situation. The arrow shows a field that cannot be changed. "Pick" indicates an area where excavation work can be done. A "hand" appears when you can perform some action on your creature.

When the "hand" is raised over the creature, a red eight-pointed star appears, demonstrating the state of health of the creature (the redder, the healthier). If the number of rays decreases, it means that the being is not sweet. The number in the center of the star indicates the creature's experience.

By clicking the left mouse button on a creature, you can take it into your "hand" (up to eight creatures at a time) and move it to any place. By right-clicking, you can drop the creatures (in reverse order). If you change your mind about dragging your creatures, then press Backspace - the creatures will land (in reverse order), returning to the places from where you took them.

You can take the creature not only from the dungeon screen, but also from the creature panel or from the battle window by clicking on the icons with the image of their faces.

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the creature's work or just want to have some fun, right-click on your creature - you will give it a cool slap in the face. After the slap, the creature will start to work harder. But it is not recommended to give more than two slaps at once, otherwise you will significantly spoil the health of the creature.


Each room has its own purpose. A particular room attracts certain creatures. You can build rooms of any size and any shape. Whether your rooms will be effective is another matter. When you start building a room, a checkbox appears on its first field with an icon corresponding to the room type and three indicators:

  • integrity indicator. This is the level of security for your room. As soon as enemies attack her, he will begin to decline. Integrity level zero indicates that the room has passed into the ownership of another Guardian;
  • fill indicator. If the readings of this indicator are high enough, then the room is almost full and it is time to take care of its expansion;
  • efficiency indicator. A single field room is completely ineffective. If you place another field next to this field (a room of the same type), the efficiency will increase. The more fields of the same type are adjacent to a given field, the higher its efficiency. Large square rooms are the most efficient. I do not recommend building rooms smaller than 3x3 fields. The efficiency of the room is also shown by the fire blazing around its perimeter. The higher the flame, the greater the efficiency.

The library (Library, the transition key - L) attracts sorcerers (if the room occupies at least 9 fields). The cost of one field is 200 units. This is the research center for your dungeon. This is where you develop traps, doors, and new spells to fight your enemies. To find out what you can research at a given level, refer to the Research Panel and Workshop Panel.

The sorcerer placed in the library takes up one field and immediately starts working. The more sorcerers there are in the library, the sooner the work goes. Upon completion of the research phase, the sorcerers will dance and then return to work. New spells are placed in the library and appear as a floating book. Make sure that you always have free fields for the next spells.

Since the library is a permanent place for storing spells, it attracts the attention of enemies.

And one more thing: sorcerers do not tolerate the neighborhood of other creatures well. It is best to place the library in a quiet and secluded place.

The incubator (Hatchery, Shift + H) attracts spiders (if it has 9 fields) and demons (25 fields), which also need a lair. The cost of one field is 150 units. Chickens are produced here - food needed by your creatures (everyone except demons). There is nothing remarkable about chickens (you can have fun spanking them - the chickens explode). Typically, your creatures visit the incubator themselves when they are hungry. But if you arrange an extra treat, no one will refuse. The creatures are very voracious, so take care of a large incubator beforehand.

The barracks (Barracks, B) attracts orcs even if they occupy one field (they also need a training hall). The cost of the field is 150 units. In the barracks, you can group creatures, and then, having possessed one of them, become a leader and lead the group through the dungeon. Place compatible creatures that you want to group into the barracks. They will stay there until you lead them to the place you want.

The Torture Chamber (Alt + T) attracts devils if it consists of at least nine fields. The cost of the field is 350 units. The camera is designed to torture both your own and enemy creatures. A creature trapped in a torture chamber slowly loses health and then dies and becomes a ghost.

Each tested creature occupies one square. When you torture one of your creatures, its salary is halved, and the productivity of all other creatures of this kind is increased by 25 percent from fear. However, placing a second creature of the same type in a torture chamber will not provide any additional economic benefits.

To imprison an enemy in a torture chamber, you must first take him prisoner and put him in prison. Already from prison, a prisoner of war can be transferred to a torture chamber. During torture, the enemy can give you the location of the enemy dungeon (which I strongly doubt), or go over to your side.

The Guard Post (Shift + G) does not attract any creatures. The cost of one field is 50 units. Build guard posts in order to ensure the protection of the dungeon. Place several creatures there that can carry out guard duty (each creature occupies one space here). They will not leave the post until they want to eat or rest. Some creatures, for example, orcs, themselves can occupy an empty guard post and watch the enemies. If anyone encroaches on your territory, they will join the battle.

The graveyard (Graveyard, G) attracts vampires (they also need a lair). The minimum size for attracting a vampire is nine fields. The cost of one field is 300 units. The corpses of those killed in your dungeon are placed in the cemetery. Each corpse occupies one field, which is vacated at the end of the decomposition process. After decomposing a certain number of corpses, you get a vampire at your disposal. No workers are required to operate the cemetery.

The lair (Lair, Shift + L) attracts beetles (one field is enough), vampires (you need nine fields, as well as a graveyard), spiders (nine fields, and an incubator), tentacles (nine fields and a temple), dragons (fifteen fields and treasury), demons (25 fields and an incubator). The cost of one lair field is 100 units.

The lair is the resting place for your critters. A new creature, having appeared in the dungeon, first of all goes to the lair. Each creature has its own type of lair. For most creatures, one field is enough, but some need more. Remember to make sure there is enough room for everyone.

Flies and spiders, for example, hate each other and, once in the same den, start a real war. Don't put them together. When you move a creature to a new lair, it settles there. This way you can prevent conflicts and control the resettlement of your creatures.

You can pick up the creature or move into it even when it is sleeping. Just keep in mind: no one likes when they interfere with their rest.

I advise you to place lairs along the boundaries of your dungeon. In this way, you will strengthen your borders.

The Workshop (W) attracts trolls even if it only occupies one field. Each creature occupies one workshop field. The cost of the field is 200 units. The workshop is used to craft doors and traps. You can only build those traps that are available to you at this stage of the game. After completing work on the object, the creatures perform a dance of triumph and return to their jobs. The new object appears in the workshop minimized and occupies one field (which may require its expansion). In order not to waste a lot of time moving the trap from the workshop to its location (see above "Workshop Panel"), arrange the workshop so that you can easily get there from almost anywhere in your dungeon.

Remember that the enemy can enter the dungeon and, having captured the workshop, take over all your doors and traps.

The bridge (Bridge, Shift + B) does not attract any creatures. The cost of the field is 30 units. The bridge is used to cross water obstacles or hot lava. To build a bridge, place its image where you want it and left-click.

The Scavenger Room (S), if it occupies at least nine fields, attracts Cerberus. The cost of one field is 750 units. The recruiting center allows you to lure enemies to your side and attract new creatures. Place the creature in the recruitment center. It will begin to dance, spreading devilish magic throughout the dungeon. At first, the magic of dance acts on creatures of the same type of lower level, and then it spreads to other creatures.

Each creature in this room occupies one field. The more creatures there (especially of the same type), the more chances to recruit a new creature. Creatures imprisoned or recently visited the temple cannot be recaptured.

The Treasure Room (T), having reached a size of 25 fields, attracts dragons (they also need a lair) and demons (they also need a training room). The cost of the field is 50 units. All your gold, mined or taken from the corpses of enemies, is collected here. You can pick up gold anywhere in your dungeon and put it right into the treasury.

To take the treasure in this room, place the cursor on it and left-click. Then you can move the value to another treasury. Don't forget about the guard: the treasury is the favorite place of itinerant Heroes and other Guardians.

The Training Room (Shift + T) attracts orcs (if it has nine fields; they also need barracks) and demonmates (one field is enough for them, but they still need a treasury). The cost of one field is 150 units. Here, your creatures increase their combat experience. Each creature needs at least one field to train, as well as a lot of gold.

The critters enter your dungeon with a skill level of 1. The maximum level is 10, but to reach it, the critters must become very agile, large and fast. Each new achievement is celebrated with a little dance, after which the creature returns to grueling training again.

A visit to the training room has such a beneficial effect on the mental abilities of your creatures that some of them can then turn into other creatures of a higher level, and sorcerers can learn new spells.

Prison (Prison, Shift + N), of course, attracts no one. The cost of the field is 300 units. If you put the dead in this institution, they can resurrect and join your army in the form of skeletons.

Anyone can be put in jail. If you want to recruit prisoners during combat, go to the information panel and click on the prison button. Now your creatures will not kill opponents, but take them prisoner.

Each prisoner occupies one field. If you overload the prison, it will collapse and the prisoners will flee. If you do not feed your prisoners, they will starve to death. Humanoids will turn into skeletons that will replenish your army. To feed the captives, bring them a chicken from the incubator.

The temple (Temple, Ctrl + T) is able to attract tentacles (you need at least nine fields, as well as a lair and water nearby). The cost of one field in the temple is 300 units.

In the temple, your creatures can find lost peace of mind. If you feel that some of your being is unhappy, take him to the temple - and it will become happier. Each creature occupies one place in the temple. The temple heals the sick and restores the appearance of those creatures that were turned into a chicken.

If you want to appease the gods, you can sacrifice several creatures to them (just throw them into the water). If the sacrifice is accepted by the gods, it will bring you tangible benefits.


Using spells, you can protect yourself from many misfortunes. Spells are in the library (they must first be invented) and in secret rooms. Once the spell hits the spell bar, you can cast it.

Most spells are cast on the dungeon screen. If a circle with a diagonal stripe appears on the area, it means that the spell cannot be cast in this place.

Common spell types

The "Emergency" spell affects all your monsters at once, significantly increasing their speed. The cost of the spell depends on the number of creatures you control. To cast this spell, left-click on its icon, and then confirm your choice. During the action of "Avral" all creatures will be under your control. You can cancel the spell by left-clicking on its icon.

The Armaggedon spell is the most serious. Its use leads to unleashing a fierce battle around the Heart of your dungeon. If you confirm the use of the spell, all creatures of this level (yours and the enemy) will be transferred to the Heart of your dungeon. You will no longer be able to intervene in the battle: either pan, or disappeared. Decide for yourself. The initial cost of the spell is 60,000 units.

Using the spell "Disease" (Disease) inflicts plague on enemies. The disease is transmitted from one creature to another, the sick slowly die. Disease is applied to a specific monster. The initial cost of the spell is 7.000 units.

If a sickness spell has been cast on your creature, take it to the temple - and it will recover.

Possess Monster is one of the most interesting spells. It allows you to control the creature, as if being inside. In the form of this monster, you can move through the dungeon and fight, dig, explore ...

The spell is cast on a specific creature. You can also take possession of a creature by holding Alt and clicking the left mouse button. The initial cost of the spell is 0.

The Protect Monster spell allows you to reduce the damage done to your monsters in battle, making them stronger and more enduring.

The spell is cast on a specific creature and lasts for a limited time. The initial cost of the spell is 100 units.

Instead of taking the creature to the temple, you can heal it with the Heal spell, which is cast on a specific area of ​​the dungeon and heals all your creatures that enter that area. The initial cost of the spell is 300.

If a major battle has unfolded somewhere, then the spell "To arms!" (Call to Arms!) Will be a call for all your creatures to immediately travel to the battlefield.

The spell is applied to the card for free, its effect extends to a certain area of ​​your dungeon. But if you want to use the spell "To arms!" in neutral or enemy territory, you will have to fork out.

The spell lasts until you cancel it or go bankrupt. To cancel a spell, double-click the left mouse button on its icon, and then right-click.

The cost of the spell on the enemy's territory is 5 units / sec.


If you need to send an infiltrator to the enemy's camp, make it invisible to Heroes and enemy creatures by using the Conceal Creature spell. The only creatures that can see the "invisibility" are ghosts. Do not let the scout participate in fights, otherwise he will lose his invisibility. The initial cost of this spell is 100 units.

The Cave In spell is applied to the map and allows you to partially bring down the roof of your own or enemy's dungeon. If any creatures fall under the landslide, they can be seriously injured. The initial cost is 1,000 units.

The Hold Audience spell is useful when you need to counter a massive attack on the center of your dungeon. It will allow you to collect all the creatures at the foot of the Heart of the dungeon. The collected creatures will arrange wild dances around the Heart, continuing to dance as long as the spell affects them.

To cast this spell, left-click on its icon, and then confirm your choice. The initial cost of the spell is 1,000 units.

The spell "Eye of Evil" (Sight of Evil) is applied to the card. It allows you to expand it and reveal the hidden areas of the dungeon. The spell is especially useful for observing the enemy. The initial cost of the spell is 50 units. After this spell takes effect, you can use other spells on the territory that opens up to your view.

Casting Chicken on an enemy creature or Hero will prevent the enemy from harming you. But it will not be easy to kill the converted enemy, he will retain all his strength. The initial cost of the spell is 1,200 units.

Your creatures turned into a chicken will be placed in an incubator. Make sure not to be eaten. To return the creature to its original form, place it in the temple.

You can dig a passage in an ordinary earthen wall, but if the walls of the enemy dungeon are fortified, you cannot get to them by ordinary digging. Use Destroy Wall to turn fortified stone blocks into normal earth. It is superimposed on a part of the wall. The wall will soften, and you can dig a tunnel in it before the enemy demons have time to repair it.

With the spell "Create Imp" (Summon Imp), you can create imps to work in your dungeon. The initial cost of the spell is 600 units, but with the creation of each new imp, it increases by 150 units.

The spell can only be cast on fields you own. Click on the spell icon and then on one of your fields. You will immediately get a demon ready to go.

When the Speed ​​Monster spell takes effect, the creature's silhouette becomes blurry and its speed increases. The spell lasts for a limited time. The initial cost of the spell is 100 units.

Lighting is a very powerful spell that deals great damage to the creature it is directed against. The spell is cast on the map and does not harm your creatures at the epicenter of the explosion. The initial cost of the spell is 600 units.

Creature spells

In addition to general spells, the game uses spells that your creatures cast on their own, in accordance with their level of experience and maturity. Creatures cast spells on themselves and on enemies.

The spell "Disease" (Disease) is used in order to cause a contagious disease in the enemy.

Personal spell "Armor" (Armor) is used by a creature to reduce the damage done to him during the battle.

The Wind spell summons a hurricane that sweeps away everything in its path.

If the enemy has cast a spell on you, you can reflect it by using the Rebound spell. The reflected spell will hit the enemy - the sender of the first spell.

The Fart spell is a cloud of poisonous gas that only affects enemies near you. Such a spell can only be used by demons.

Poison Cloud is similar to Stink, but affects not only enemies, but your critters as well.

When using the Hailstorm spell, hail will drop out at the place of its application.

The spell "Grenade" (Grenade) throws forward a powerful grenade, which is triggered with a slight slowdown. Be careful: the grenade can bounce off the wall and fly in a completely unexpected direction.

The Slow spell reduces the enemy's movement speed.

The body of the creature that sent the Word of Power spell begins to emit rings of fire, striking those around it.

The spell "Heal" is cast by the creature on itself, which leads to recovery. The beneficial effect of the spell extends to neighbors (friendly creatures): they improve their health by one quarter.

"Fireball" (Fireball) you can release at the nearest enemy. You will not cause much harm to the enemy with such a ball, but the walls and doors of the dungeon will suffer significantly.

The Meteor spell resembles Fireball, but is more powerful.

Using the Lightning spell, the creature hits the enemy.

The spell "Frost" (Freeze) freezes the enemy. After freezing, the enemy can be smashed to smithereens. But if the creature thaws, it can harm you again.

The Navigation Missile flies at the nearest enemy and explodes.

By using the Invisibility spell, a creature can become invisible to enemies.

Flame Breath is a dragon's weapon. A continuous stream of fire falls on the enemy.

The Flight spell allows your creatures to fly.

"Corruption" (Drain) fivefold reduces the health and magical power of the enemy.

After using the Missile spell, a vile screaming creature flies at the enemy.

Teleport moves your creature. All creatures, except demons, move to their lairs, and demons - to the Heart of the dungeon.

"Accelerator" (Speed) increases the speed of action of your creature.

The Chicken spell turns the enemy into a chicken. In this case, the enemy loses the ability to attack, but his strength does not change. After a while, the creature, turned into a chicken, will regain its former appearance.

Traps and doors

Traps and doors are the main obstacle in the way of enemies invading your territory. The game uses six types of traps and four types of doors.

The Boulder Trap is a huge round stone. When the Hero or an enemy creature gets close to him, the block will roll on them, and after a while it will collapse. If you wish, you can push the block yourself and direct its movement. When it hits a wall, it can bounce off in any direction, crippling your critters. So be careful when the lump starts to move. Once in the water, the block will quickly stop, and in the lava it will fall apart. To craft such a trap, your workshop must have at least 17 fields.

The Lava Trap transforms a field that your enemy has stepped on into red-hot lava. This trap only triggers once and is especially effective when combined with other traps. If your creatures find themselves in the field of action of the triggered trap, they will also be destroyed. The dimensions of the workshop for the manufacture of this trap must be at least 17 fields.

Trap "Mina" (Word of Power Trap) causes radiation that spreads in all directions, destroying everything around. It works three times, after which it is replaced by demons with a new one. This trap is not dangerous for your creatures. The dimensions of the workshop for the manufacture of such a trap must be at least 21 fields.

A Lighting Trap triggers a lightning strike. Fires twelve times. After the resource of the trap is exhausted, the demons themselves will replace it with a new one. Lightning poses no danger to your creatures. The dimensions of the workshop for the manufacture of this trap must be at least 13 fields.

When enemies get close to the Poison Gas Trap, it will release a poison cloud. Although the gas is not fatal, it will still significantly undermine the health of everyone who is around (including the health of your critters). The trap can be triggered five times. Then your demons will replace it with a new one. The dimensions of the workshop for the manufacture of this trap must be at least 10 fields.

Alarm Trap, when an enemy touches it, raises an alarm, collecting your critters in a certain place. The operation of this trap resembles the effect of the "To arms!" The trap is triggered twelve times, after which the demons change it. Any workshop size can craft a Signal Trap.

The Wooden Door is easily destroyed. The workshop that makes such a door must consist of at least 10 fields.

The Braced Door is stronger than wood. The dimensions of a workshop capable of making such a door must be at least 13 fields.

The Iron Door is even stronger. The dimensions of the workshop for the manufacture of this door must be at least 17 fields.

The Magical Door can only be destroyed with special spells: "Fireballs" and "Lightning". The dimensions of the workshop making such a door must be at least 21 fields.


Black work in the dungeon is done by demons (Imps). Several demons will be at your disposal as soon as you download new game... To still get demons, you need to invent a special spell that produces them. Demons cost money. Each new employee will cost you 150 gold more to get. True, you can save on food and housing: demons do not need this.

For pedagogical purposes, spank one of the demons from time to time and the whole team will run faster. In the gym, demons can improve their qualifications (up to the tenth level). Then they will grow larger, learn to fly and become invisible. Imps have access to the spells "Speed", "Teleport", "Flight", "Invisibility".

For a more qualified activity, you must attract other fabulous creatures. All of them serve only for gold and are not averse to "making legs" if they do not like something. You have to keep them under control at all times.

Creatures make demands on providing them with a den, food, in some cases - also a room of a certain type, where they will work. Do not forget to take all this into account when "applying for a job." Remember also the incompatibility of some critters.

As a rule, creatures come to you through a portal. At first, the portals do not belong to anyone. To declare the portal your own, you must dig a tunnel to the portal, opening the way for various creatures to your dungeon. The more portals you have, the more powerful the influx of creatures.

You can try to lure the creature of another Guardian, but for this you will have to build a recruitment center.

Sometimes sacrifice to the gods in the temple helps to attract new creatures.

Great luck finding a secret room where there are creatures. They will immediately enter your service.

Never force critters to do work they don't like: just create unnecessary problems for yourself. Make sure the creatures are always happy. At the first sign of discontent, take the creature to the temple or give it some money. If the creature is lagging or running slowly, you can slap it lightly. But in no case punish strong and wayward creatures: they can rebel.

By the way, useless creatures can be thrown into the portal - new ones will come in their place.

A vampire is born in a graveyard from five to six decomposed corpses. Vampires prefer to do research and recruitment, they do not like production work. They hate sorcerers. A recruiting vampire can increase the attractiveness of your portals by one and a half times. Vampires train well. Having reached the third level of experience, the vampire becomes immortal: if he is killed, he will be revived in his lair, losing a point of qualification. Vampires have access to the spells "Slow", "Teleport", "Flight", "Heal", "Drain".

Demon (Bile Demon) - this is a large creature of red color, characterized by increased voracity. The demon is the skeleton's sworn enemy. The demon is great in battle, but his main activity is production. The demon is not affected by poisonous gases, and he himself has a very fetid breath (his spell is "Poison Cloud"). Therefore, it is better to keep these creatures in a separate group and send them to those places where there may be traps with poison gas.

Demonyts (Demon Spawn) - a trifle pot-bellied, but good fighters. They love to learn, so it's worth investing in them, sending the tomboys to the training room. After reaching the tenth level of development, the demonites turn into dragons of the second level. Feuding with Cerberus. The spells "Missile" and "Heal" are available to demons.

Dragon (Dragon) - an excellent fighter who exhales fire destructive to enemies. The dragon knows a lot of spells ("Heal", "Grenade", "Meteor", "Word of Power", "Flame Breath") and loves to do research work. If the dragon has nothing to do, he goes to the training room. Settle the dragon closer to the lava, and it will increase its level even during rest.

The Devil (Dark Mistress) is a sophisticated sado-masochist. Loves to hurt others and takes pleasure in hurting her. She will never refuse to take part in torture. She becomes happy from the blows inflicted on her and immediately rushes into battle. The devil has access to the spells "Speed", "Teleport", "Lighting", "Drain". He does not like samurai very much.

Beetle is the simplest creature used by Heroes as a base for fireballs. Beetles appear already at the first levels and make up your starting army.

The Warlock prefers to work in the library. This is an excellent researcher. The higher the level of experience the sorcerer has, the more spells he knows and the better he works. If there are sorcerers in a group of creatures whose general level of experience exceeds 15 units, then they become dangerous to others: they can raise an uprising against the rest of the group. You will either have to put them all in jail, or start torturing one of them as an excuse. But it is better to keep the sorcerers separate from other critters. The spells "Speed", "Teleport", "Flight", "Invisibility" are available to sorcerers.

Flies (Fly) - fast, but frail creatures, almost unsuitable for battle. Their main purpose is intelligence. They can fly over lava and water. Flies hate spiders, immediately engaging in mortal combat with them.

Orc (Orc) is ordinary warrior... It is good to use it both for warfare and for protection. The spells "Speed", "Armor", "Grenade" are available to the orc.

The Spider is a weak and useless creature. Loves to have fun, freezing prisoners in prison. He hates flies as fiercely as they hate him. The spells available to the spider are "Slow", "Freeze", "Hailstorm".

A Ghost is what remains of a being tortured in a torture chamber. Ghosts see invisible creatures and can pass through locked doors. Moreover, ghosts do not need food. Mostly ghosts hang out in the library, visiting the temple from time to time to howl, remembering the happy days of the past. The spells "Invisibility", "Rebound", "Lighting" are available to the ghosts.

The Horned Reaper is the largest of your creatures. The king's sworn enemy. An individual peasant and a sadist, the agile Rogach alone is worth a whole army. The stag is very agile. Prone to depression and outbursts of rage, does not tolerate violence against himself. It is best to keep the Stagger under lock and key in a separate room, providing it with everything you need: an incubator, a den, a training room and a temple. And never forget to pay him his salary. To get the horned ripper into your dungeon, you need to make a sacrifice in the temple: a troll, a demon and a devil. The spells available for the Stag are "Speed" and "Slow".

The Skeleton appears in the prison after the death of a humanoid creature. This is an ordinary fighter. Hates the demon. The spells "Armor", "Lighting" are available to the skeleton.

Trolls are excellent craftsmen. Traps and doors are their handiwork. But trolls are not suitable for combat. The spells available to the trolls are "Speed", "Flame Breath".

Cerberus (Hellhound) is a two-headed dog, an excellent warrior and guard. Possesses a fine sense of smell, smelling the enemy through the wall. Like all dogs, he loves to chase the enemy and often runs into his territory. Cerberus is the sworn enemy of the demon. Not afraid of lava. The spells "Speed" and "Flame Breath" are available to Cerberus.

The tentacle (Tentacle) lives only near water. Attacks enemies that come close to his house. Prone to betrayal. The spell available to the tentacle is "Freeze".

Creature abilities

Each creature, depending on the level of development and experience, is characterized by a number of abilities in various fields of activity:

  • digging - the main type of activity of demons;
  • hand-to-hand combat - the ability of a creature to attack an enemy with a sword or bare hands;
  • the arrow is the main weapon of the archer. You can use it if the archer joins your army.

In addition to these basic abilities, virtually every creature can learn and use up to five spells. Spells are learned with increasing experience of the creature.

Thoughts of a creature

These vile creatures still have the ability to think. Their thoughts are vile and useless, but, as a master, you should know that they hold the stone in their bosom. The thoughts and moods of creatures can be seen in a circle that appears above their heads. You can distinguish between such thoughts:

Barrack are the thoughts of a creature in a barracks as part of a group. The leader of this group is wearing a crown;

Battle - thoughts of a fighting (or directing to battle) creature;

Call to Arms! - a creature with such a thought is under the influence of the spell "To arms!" and goes to the collection point;

Flee - thoughts of a creature running away from the Hero or an enemy creature with all its might;

Guard - the thoughts of the creature at the post;

Home - dreams of a den;

Hungry - thoughts about food. The hungry creature wanders into the incubator;

Leave - thoughts of a deserter. The creature is dissatisfied with you and wants to leave the service;

Prison - dark thoughts of a prisoner;

Psycho - thoughts of an angry Stag, who freaks out and breaks everything around;

Research - deep thoughts of a creature sitting in a library and inventing new spells;

Scavenging / Being Scavenged - Brainwashing is present. Either this creature works as a recruiter in your recruitment center, or it has fallen under the influence of the enemy;

Sleep - a creature with these thoughts wants to sleep and goes to the lair;

Sulk - thoughts of a displeased creature. It thinks how to leave you;

Torture - thoughts of a being subjected to torture;

Train - thoughts of a creature exercising in the training room;

Wages - sweet dreams of paying salaries (appear when the time of payment is approaching);

Workshop - thoughts of a creature engaged in production (in a workshop).

Creature dashboard

Dashboard creature consists of two parts: main and additional. The main part contains basic information about the creature and its weapons:

  • anger indicator - the higher its readings, the angrier the creature;
  • experience - takes values ​​from 1 to 10;
  • name and health - the higher the health indicator, the better the creature feels. The name is written over the red health bar;
  • creature weapons - each creature can be armed with up to six types of weapons, while two of them can be used simultaneously. To use the weapon, press the key with the number indicated in the corner.

An additional part of the information panel is opened by clicking on the icon with an arrow and contains the following information about the creatures:

  • number of kills - the number of creatures killed by this creature;
  • gold - how much gold this creature has;
  • security - the creature's chances of survival;
  • age - how long this creature lives in your dungeon;
  • luck is the likelihood of success in a battle;
  • strength is an indicator of the damage inflicted on the enemy by this creature;
  • salary - the amount paid to a creature on salary day;
  • mastery is a measure of a creature's performance. The higher the skill level, the more tasks you can assign to this creature;
  • agility - the ability to avoid traps and dodge enemy attacks;
  • blood type is completely useless information; needed for a more detailed acquaintance with the "personal file" of the creature.


The dungeon is full of enemies. It's not only civilians kingdoms and other Guardians, but also Heroes are something like knights of fortune. They either act alone, or fight as mercenaries on the side of some king, or join in groups.

The main goal of each Hero is your gold. But the heart of the dungeon will be destroyed on occasion. In short, one must keep an ear with them.

If you manage to defeat the Hero, do not forget to take away his gold reserves in order to replenish your treasury.


In the dungeon, you can meet the following Heroes:

  • Avatar. This is the most powerful Hero. He appears at the end of the game. If you manage to kill him, the game will be over.
  • Barbarian is strong and resilient. Fights to the last drop of blood.
  • The Witch is very familiar with magic. Hates vampires.
  • The Giant is dull and slow, but capable of inflicting great damage on its enemies. To destroy the giant, fire it from a distance.
  • Thief's favorite pastime is stealing gold. As a fighter - nothing special, but very dexterous.
  • The Dwarf is also partial to gold. Dangerous in hand-to-hand combat.
  • The Excavator (Tunneler) is an unimportant warrior. As a rule, Heroes take it with them due to their ability to quickly dig tunnels. But then, once in the dungeon, everyone acts only for themselves.
  • The Wizard knows many spells and is very dangerous. The sorcerer is vain and therefore hates other magicians.
  • The King (Lord of The Land) is a knight in every way. Fights hand-to-hand very well. Hates the Stag, with whom he is equal in strength. Possesses the spell "Word of Power".
  • The Archer is a great warrior who acts from afar. To destroy it, get closer (only it is very difficult to do it).
  • Monk (Monk) - not a bad warrior, but his main merit is the gift of healing.
  • Samurai (Samurai) perfectly wields a sword. He knows no fear. But, true to the samurai code of honor, this Hero often falls prey to the insidiousness of other creatures. Hates devils.
  • Delicate and fragile Elf (Fairy) does not tolerate skirmishes and battles, but an ace in magic. Elves are very mobile, able to fly over water and lava and have the "Lighting" spell, which makes them dangerous for the enemy.


Resurrect Creature- a list of creatures. The chosen one will go straight to your service;

Transfer creature- transfer of one of your creatures to the next level;

Increase Level- increasing the skill level of all your creatures by one;

Multiply creature- "doubling" of your creatures (the levels of the "twins" are the same);

Make you safe- strengthening the walls of your dungeon;

Steal hero- getting some fighter of the opponent's race;

Locate hidden world- opening a secret level where you can play between the main stages, on big map... Usually, when choosing a stage, you need to click on the checkbox. To get to the secret level, you need to find a flag with a question mark on the map.

Useful sacrifices

Demon- creating a new imp will cost you 300 gold less.

Two flies- completion of the current study.

Two beetles- completion of the current production.

Fly and spider- getting a sorcerer.

Beetle and spider- getting the devil.

Three spiders- getting a demon.

Demon, troll and devil- Obtaining a Horned Ripper.

Harmful sacrifices

Two demons- Temporary transformation of all your creatures into chickens.

Ghost- pestilence on chickens in your incubators.

Vampire- an epidemic among your critters.

Horned Ripper- all the creatures of your dungeon will be angry with you.

Almost all levels start out the same way. First, look on the map where the nearest portals and gold deposits are located. Digging a tunnel to gold, build a treasury. And on the way to the portal - a lair and an incubator.

The treasury must be reliably hidden from enemies. Make it roomy enough, otherwise in a good scenario (you will build up or win a lot of gold) you will be pestered by messages about the need to increase its size.

You don't have to build big lairs and stuff them with critters. I prefer small lairs for each creature. And make sure that their inhabitants are comfortable. Place a training hall near the lairs: your creatures from training cannot wander through the entire dungeon. Do not spare the space for the hall: almost all of your wards will be engaged here.

After the training hall, start building the library. The larger the library, the faster it will research. This rule also applies to the workshop.

Try to strengthen and expand your possessions. In most levels, you will need bridges. As soon as you have doors, bridges and traps, start an active guerrilla war. Your strength lies in deceit and cunning.

If during the construction of rooms you stumble upon impenetrable rocks, do not be discouraged. After all, the rocks are an impassable barrier for enemies, reliably covering your rooms.

Dig in the ground - and life will surprise you in the form of secret rooms, spells and Gates for Heroes. From time to time you will receive gifts - boxes with prongs and question marks. Do not refuse gifts, always checking them with a mouse click.

A gate for Heroes is a dangerous find. They are somewhat reminiscent of teleporters: through them, Heroes penetrate into your dungeon, and, as a rule, with war. Therefore, keep the Gate under control.

The most economical is this mode of producing demons. By donations, reduce the cost of one imp to 300 units, and then, by sacrificing one imp, produce two. Repeat this cycle constantly - and each imp will cost you 150 units.

To raise a worthy team of vampires, create the required number of imps (5 imps correspond to 1 vampire) using the above method, kill them and take the corpses to the graveyard.

When attacking an enemy dungeon, remember that “ normal heroes always go around. "

If your army is large enough, but you do not have long-range magic weapons yet, then it is better to fight in open areas. Here several of your critters will be able to beat one enemy.

If the enemy has invaded your domain, the fastest and most convenient way to send your creatures to battle is to collect them in your hand (you can from the creature panel). Remember that the creatures that you took last are the first to land, so take the stronger ones in your hand later.

It is convenient to discharge enemy traps by possessing some powerful creature. For example, use a demon to neutralize a gas trap. It is necessary to constantly heal the creature that discharges the traps, otherwise it will die, and the whole procedure will lose its meaning.


On first level ("Eversmile") you will be able to build a treasury, a lair and an incubator.

First of all, dig a path to gold (it is indicated in green on the dungeon screen) and build a treasury. To do this, clear the area of ​​rocks and attach it to your possessions (a red mark will appear in the center of the field). Next, click on the icon with the image of a pot and fill the area with the left mouse button.

Then dig a passage to the portal - and the first creatures will come to you: flies and beetles. Next, proceed as when building a treasury, build a lair and incubator.

As soon as you collect gold (in the east), humanoids will start harassing you from the northwest. But they cannot cope with the troops that you have accumulated by that time.

After you deal with the humanoids, wait for the invasion of the king. You will have to fight with him longer, but due to the numerical superiority, you will be able to win. Gather all your fighters and throw them onto the battlefield.

On second level ("Cogyton") you will now have a gym at your disposal. New creatures will be added - demonites.

The beginning is the same: dig a passage to the portal, mine gold and build everything that you can build.

Throw shy creatures into the gym to improve your combat skills.

Once you're on full alert, dig a tunnel to the edge of the map. Humanoids roam the water labyrinths. After you destroy them, wait for the king, diligently training your critters.

On third level ("Waterdream Warm") a library and sorcerers will appear. If you put them in the library, they will immediately start coming up with spells. After a long hard work, they will invent a spell that increases the creature's speed. Then throw the wizards into the gym to tone up.

Enemies will attack you from the southwest (there is the Gate for Heroes). Send flies to scout. The rest is up to your warriors. With your numerical superiority, it will not be difficult to defeat the enemy.

On fourth level ("Flowerhat") trolls will appear on the scene for the first time. New structures - workshop and bridge. In the library, your sorcerers will come up with the "To arms!" and Healing.

Build basic buildings. In order for the work to be carried out in the workshop, send trolls there. You can also put some warriors there, for example, flies.

If you are diligent, they will make a wooden door and a poison gas trap (which affects both enemies and your critters). After these objects are done once, the process will go in a circle.

Diamonds will appear at this level. Their deposit is located south of the Heart of your dungeon. Diamonds are shown in green on the dungeon map, and purple on the dungeon screen.

Enemies are to the north of you. They have a small network of tunnels and a Dungeon Heart. Fear the archers, they are not so easy to kill. So train your critters - and into battle. Your main task is to destroy the enemy Heart. To get to it, you need to build bridges over the lava.

On fifth level ("Lushmeadow on Down") you will have a prison and a guard post. Of the new creatures - a bilious demon, a spider and a skeleton. The library will come up with the "Eye of Evil" spell. Now you will be able to build fortified doors.

Build basic buildings. Place the guard post to the north of all your structures: the enemy is located in the north. You must be notified when he arrives.

If you yourself want to trick the enemy, build bridges and throw your forces on two small islands. In addition to enemies, there are still secrets that will help you complete what you started.

On sixth level ("Snuggledell") you will have a torture chamber at your disposal. New creatures - the devil and the ghost. The library will come up with the "Lightning Strike" spell, and in the workshop - the "Lightning" trap.

You are located in the north, the enemy is symmetrically in the south. In the middle between you is an island rich in gold. The island is surrounded by rocks, there is only a passage on the east side. There is a torture chamber in the center of the island. If you quickly make your way to this island, you will become almost the sole owner of the gold mine.

Devils will join you on the island. Try them and they will be very happy. Then train them and send them to destroy the panicked enemy.

On seventh level ("Wighvale") you have to get comfortable with the barracks. The new warriors are the orcs.

You are in the center of the map, and the enemy is all around. He dug such labyrinths that you can get lost. To visit the enemy, you need to build a bridge over the lava. But don't do it at the very beginning: you are not yet strong enough to fight.

In the east, the enemy set up two Lightning traps. Nearby is the Gate for Heroes. As soon as you find this place, remove all the demons from there (otherwise they will be incinerated by powerful lightning strikes). Send some powerful warrior there with high level skill and complete health. As soon as the effect of the Lightning traps wears off, hospitalize the warrior and clear the area with demons. You will find some good secrets nearby.

On eighth level ("Tickle") a temple, invisibility and creature protection spells will appear. The trolls will finally produce the iron door.

Your dungeon is located in the southwest. The enemy's dungeon is in the north-north-east. Do not dig moves there and do not look for gold in this direction (otherwise a flurry of enemy attacks will fall on you).

Build various rooms, train soldiers. When their combat prowess becomes high enough, you can go on the attack. Keep in mind that the enemy has flying elves that are watching your troops and are ready to shoot them with energy beams. Fortunately, elves are only strong in attack, and their defense is very weak. If you lure the elves into your territory and unleash a small troop (twenty creatures) on their heads, victory will be yours.

On ninth level ("Monnbrush Wood") the cemetery becomes available. After several deaths, vampires will appear in the graveyard. The sorcerers will invent the General Gathering and Disease spells.

You are in the north and your enemy is in the south. You are confronted by humanoids. They have almost no structures. Small scattered groups of enemy soldiers ply around the gold deposits (marked with question marks).

Destroying humanoids is not difficult if you train your creatures a little. Don't forget to build bridges so you don't teach all of your warriors how to fly.

On tenth level ("Nevergrim") you have a recruitment center and spells "Landfall" and "Turn into a chicken." You can now use traps

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