Dota 2 how to play as dragon knight. Guide to Dragon Knight: dragon knight, destroyer of thrones, unburnt, king of mid...

For the most part Pokemon Go keeps the same requirements and systems as found in other Pokemon games, but every now and then it mixes things up. One such instance is with the Sinnoh Stone, a new addition to Pokemon Go for evolving classic Pokemon into them new 4th generation evolutions.

Pokemon Go is no stranger to evolution through items – we’ve seen evolutions involving items like the Sun Stone , King’s Rock and Metal Coat items – but the Sinnoh stone is different in that it’s an all-new item for Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Go Sinnoh Stone: how to get a sinnoh stone for evolution

The Sinnoh Stone is an all-new item in Pokemon Go, though mercifully it's obtained in a set, reliable way – and unlike other evolution stones, you don't have to rely on the random chance that it will crop up as a field research mission reward or drop from a Pokestop.

In order to get your hands on a Sinnoh Stone, you simply need to complete seven days worth of Field Research rewards. It doesn’t matter what missions you’re actually undertaking to get there – you simply need to complete seven days worth of quests, a regular goal for trainers anyway in catching that month’s limited-run field research Pokemon Encounter. When you do this, a Sinnoh Stone will drop as part of the reward.

The Pokemon Go Sinnoh Stone is likely to become available through other means later on, but for now this is the only way to obtain it..

Pokemon that evolve using the Sinnoh Stone in Pokemon Go

As you’d expect, the Pokemon Go Sinnoh Stone allows classic Pokemon from previous generations to evolve into their new generation 4 forms. That also means these new evolutions have finally arrived into Pokemon Go. Let's go over how it all works, starting with what Pokemon you can evolve. The following Pokemon can currently be evolved into all-new Sinnoh-region forms thanks to the Sinnoh Stone – though you’ll need candy too.

Below, here’s a list of who evolves, what from, plus how much candy will be needed alongside that Sinnoh Stone.

Classic Pokemon Evolves with New Evolution
100 Rhyhorn Candy & Sinnoh Stone Rhyperior
100 Elekid Candy & Sinnoh Stone Electwire
100 Magby Candy & Sinnoh Stone Magmortar
100 Togepi Candy & Sinnoh Stone Togekiss
100 Misdreavus Candy & Sinnoh Stone Mismagius
100 Murkrow Candy & Sinnoh Stone Honchkrow
100 Gilgar Candy & Sinnoh Stone Gliscor
100 Sneasel Candy & Sinnoh Stone Weavile
Porygon 2
100 Porygon Candy & Sinnoh Stone Porygon-Z
100 Budew Candy & Sinnoh Stone Roserade
100 Duskull Candy & Sinnoh Stone Dusknoir

Further gen 4 evolutions that will likely use the Sinnoh Stone in the future

In addition to the Pokemon listed above, there’s actually a handful of further new Pokemon that also evolve from classics that as-yet are currently unaccounted for in Pokemon Go. We’ve listed them before in our full guide to the Pokemon Go gen 4 Pokemon list , but for the for the sake of expedience here’s a list of the remaining gen 4 evolutions that you might want to stockpile Sinnoh Stones towards.

It’s difficult to fully know what will happen in Pokemon Go for these remaining evolved forms – some are Eevee Evolutions and so probably won’t require stones. The evolutions above have typically required stones or specific methods in the main Pokemon Games – so it remains to be seen if all the remaining evolutions from gen 4 will also require a Pokemon Go Sinnoh Stone. Excluding the new Eevee Evolutions Leafeon and Glaceon, here’s the remaining gen 4 evolutions…

  • Magnezone (evolves from Magneton)
  • Lickilicky (evolves from Lickitung)
  • Tangrowth (evolves from Tangela)
  • Ambipom (evolves from Aipom)
  • Yanmega (evolves from Yanma)
  • Mamoswine (evolves from Piloswine)
  • Gallade (evolves from Kirlia)
  • Probopass (evolves from Nosepass)
  • Froslass (evolves from Snorunt)

Dragon Knight It can hardly be called a popular hero today, since he does not stand out either for his frequent picks or for any high win rate at least on any rating. Despite the fact that the character is extremely easy to control and does not have many features that players need to get used to, his effectiveness is often also limited, which is why many prefer some more universal heroes to him.

In fact, DK has a huge number of advantages that make him much more effective than many other mid laners, and in this Dragon Knight guide we will talk about how to use him correctly best sides and what to do to get rid of the negative ones.

The advantages of Dragon Knight are as follows:

  • a large amount of health;
  • a very large amount of armor and health regeneration;
  • quite high damage to buildings;
  • the presence of effective and lasting control;
  • the presence of abilities that do not lose their relevance at any stage of the game;
  • the absence of any important abilities that could be misused.

The disadvantages of this hero are as follows:

  • farms relatively slowly;
  • Doesn't do much damage to heroes.

Thus, this character does not have many disadvantages, but at the same time they are quite important, since he, being a typical “right clicker” (a hero who attacks more than hits with abilities), is highly dependent on items, and gaining them quickly can't. At the same time, he deals almost all of his damage only with an attack, which is not added to him by any abilities. That is why for this hero you need to be able to correctly eliminate existing shortcomings, compensating for them with various advantages.

Dragon Knight Talents and Abilities

DC talents should be upgraded as follows:

  • At level 10, an increase in strength is taken. This allows you to increase both damage (almost a full-fledged alternative to increasing attack speed) and increase the character’s survivability, which is especially important at early levels.
  • At level 15 it's worth taking the damage increase. This allows you to show yourself more effectively in fights, as well as farm faster. Moreover, the character for the most part depends on the items purchased, and not on his level.
  • At level 20, an increase in gold is taken. For level 20, the increase in health is not too significant, especially considering that the hero already has a lot of it, but a solid increase in GPM will be very useful and will help you gain all the missing items much faster. In addition, this talent will become simply irreplaceable if at the right time a little gold is missing before the redemption.
  • At level 25 you need to choose. If the enemy has a lot of characters with strong physical damage, an excellent solution would be to increase armor and regeneration. Otherwise, it's worth taking a solid increase in movement speed.

The abilities of this character should be taken as follows:

  • Level 1: Dragon Blood. The first ability allows you to effectively finish off creeps from a distance, harass the enemy hero and reduce the damage they deal from your hand, but at the same time at the first level it is not so effective that you need to spend a large amount of mana on it, so it is better to take an additional increase to armor and health regeneration. In addition, you can take Dragon Tail if there is an opportunity to shed “first blood”.
  • Level 2: Breathe Fire. As mentioned above, the ability is used for more active creep farming, as well as dominance in the lane with almost any opponent.
  • Level 3: Breathe Fire. At this level, you can already begin to actively use the ability in order to more effectively put pressure on the enemy mid player. In addition, often at this level the hero already has a Bottle, which allows him to always have the required amount of mana. Also, using this ability, you can press a line towards the enemy in order to pin him under the tower and at this time pick up the rune.
  • Level 4: Dragon Blood or Dragon Tail. Dragon Blood is useful if the game is on It is quite passive, and in the near future it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to pick up enemy heroes together with supports, since it allows you to stand on the line more effectively, not allowing the enemy hero to beat you. Dragon Tail is useful specifically in an aggressive game, when DK, together with his team, actively puts pressure on the enemy and constantly kills enemy heroes.
  • Level 5: Breathe Fire.
  • Level 6: Dragon Form. The form is extremely useful already at early levels, and in principle is the key ability of this character. At the sixth level, its main effectiveness is often manifested in the fact that you can quickly destroy the enemy’s tower on the center line.
  • Level 7: Breathe Fire.
  • Levels 8-9: Dragon Blood. If you haven’t yet upgraded Dragon Tail at this stage, it’s worth taking it, since after 10 minutes, clashes between teams are already happening much more often.
  • Level 10: talent.
  • Level 11: Dragon Blood.
  • Level 12: Dragon Form.

What to collect on Dragon Knight?

The build for Dragon Knight is the same in almost all cases, since the hero already has natural survivability due to a large amount of health, armor and regeneration, and he mainly needs to develop the rest of his indicators, and this can be done through the following items:

  • 1 artifact: Power Threads. The most optimal option for DK, which allows him to simultaneously strengthen his attack and also increase the amount of health.
  • 2 artifact: Armlet of Mordiggian. A Dragon Knight build must include this artifact. The reason is that such a build on the DK is ideal for this character due to his health regeneration, which allows him to practically not lose it under the influence of the “armlet”. At the same time, this artifact significantly increases the combat effectiveness of any hero whose main attribute is Strength, which allows DC to feel great in fights, as well as farm creeps more effectively.
  • 3 artifact: Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade. In this case, everything will often depend on the enemy’s pick. If it is not possible to break into opponents without Blink Dagger or they have mobile characters, it is worth taking this particular artifact. Otherwise, the optimal solution would be Shadow Blade, which not only allows you to run away or attack from an advantageous position, but also increases combat characteristics character, which is quite important for this hero.
  • 4 artifact: Black King Bar, Heaven’s Halberd or Here everything depends on the enemy’s peak of heroes. If you have the opportunity to quickly finish the game, you should pay attention to the Black King Bar, with which you can constantly fight with opponents, or Heaven’s Halberd, which increases survivability and allows you to more conveniently enter the enemy’s base. Otherwise, you should take Mjolnir, which increases the farming speed and will be an excellent preparation for the DK in the late game.
  • 5 artifact: Black King Bar, Mjolnir or Assault Cuirass. Mjolnir is acquired if BKB was previously purchased, while BKB itself is better taken if a halberd was previously purchased, with which it was not possible to finish the game. If Mjolnir was previously acquired, and there is no need for BKB in the near future, it is worth taking the cuirass, as it will greatly increase the character's survivability, and in addition, will also significantly affect his fighting abilities, increasing attack speed and reducing armor to surrounding enemies.
  • 6 artifact: Daedalus or Monkey King Bar. The first artifact simply significantly increases hand damage this character, allowing him to become a full-fledged "dd". ICD is useful if the opponents have some characters with a high evasion rate.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that, if necessary, instead of Heaven’s Halberd, you can purchase Solar Crest, which is also very effective for this character. Instead of increasing health, the artifact gives additional armor, and also allows, on the contrary, to reduce the amount of armor of the enemy hero, which will allow the DC to deal with opponents faster.

How to play as Dragon Knight?

DK belongs to the category of “tank” carries, whose main goal is not so much to cause damage, but to absorb damage from the enemy and provide the team with the opportunity to always be in a convenient position, giving visibility to all opponents. In this regard, survival is so important for a character at the first levels, but since it becomes less of a priority at a later stage, the damage of this character has to be gradually developed. Moreover, considering that with the development of the dragon form, it begins to cause damage over an area, and also attacks buildings quite well, which makes it an ideal aggressor.

In the center, the main advantage of this character is the Breathe Fire ability, which allows you not only to conveniently push the line when necessary, but also to reduce damage to the enemy hero, preventing him from conveniently finishing off creeps or attacking the dragon itself. Thanks to this, in combination with a high armor and regeneration rate, the character can easily stand against almost any enemy.

Knight's story

Dragon Knight was born a dragon - half-breed. Dragona's parents abandoned him while he was still an infant. He had to wander the world alone. When he learned that great power was hidden within him, he had to hide from the world and find the strength to master it. Years later, having mastered the powers, the dragon with the great sword learned to transform into a fearless dragon.
If a whole army of enemies comes at the dragon, then it uses its fiery breath, causing great damage to everyone who stands in its way. The shield that Dragon carries in his hand is made from the head of a dragon. Each time the dragon hits an enemy with its shield, it takes damage and is stunned. The dragon also has a good ability to heal wounds.
By transforming into a fire dragon, the hero's movement speed increases. Such a gift did not go unnoticed by the Sentinels, and they gladly accepted him into their ranks.

Knight's skills

Key: F
Dragon Knight breathes fire at enemies, dealing damage.
Manacost 100/110/120/130
Damage 90/170/240/300
Width(start-end) 150-250
Cooldown 12/12/12/12 sec
Application range 500
Damage type Magical
Ability type Active
Key: T
Dragon Knight strikes an enemy hero with the dragon's tail. Stuns the enemy and deals minor damage.
Manacost 100/100/100/100
Damage 25/50/75/100
Mill 2.5/2.75/3/3.25 sec
Cooldown 12/11/10/9 sec
Application range 150(400 in dragon)
Damage type Magical
Ability type Active
Passive skill
The dragon knight's veins contain the ancient blood of dragons, which speeds up the healing of wounds and strengthens armor.
Life regeneration + 2/3/4/5
Increase in armor 3/6/9/12
Duration Constantly
Ability type Passive
Key: R
Dragon Knight transforms into Ancient Dragon.

1 Dragon Level:
Transforms into a Green Dragon with a Poison attack.
A poisonous attack poisons the enemy, dealing 20 damage every second.
Lasts 5 seconds.
The poison attack also works on buildings.

Dragon level 2:
Transforms into a Red Dragon.
The red dragon attacks in an area and has a poison attack like the green dragon.
100% of damage is dealt within a radius of 100 units
75% of damage is dealt within a radius of 200 units
50% of damage is dealt within a radius of 250 units.

Dragon level 3:
Transforms into a Blue Dragon.
The blue dragon, like the red one, attacks in an area.
When attacking, the Blue Dragon slows down the attack speed and movement of opponents. Has a poisonous attack like the green dragon.
Attack Speed ​​Reduction: 25%
Movement speed reduction: 30%
Action time: 3 seconds.
The radius of the splash attack (area) is the same as that of the red dragon.

Manacost 50/50/50
Duration 60 sec
Cooldown 115/115/115 sec
Ability type Active

Knight's purchase

Initial purchase
Mid game
End of the game
According to the situation

Leveling up skills Knight

With such leveling up we can behave very boldly on the line. Stun once in case of a gank or escape, then maximum fire breath, ult according to availability.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18-25

Knight's tactics

Start of the game.
Dragon Knight is a hero who can go to any lane, but usually the team has stronger mid-laners. So we go to the side line, harass the enemies with the first skill. Once we reach level 6, we actively push the tower; the green dragon’s passive damages it very well. We save for items.

Mid game.
From the middle of the game we will be of great use to our allies, we try to gank in the form of a dragon, do not forget about the camp and boldly go to catch up with wounded enemies. After receiving the second lvl of the ult, our dragon gets AOE damage, we go into the forest and farm for expensive artefacts.

Game over.
With proper leveling, we will play one of the main roles in the team, distribute a stun, and use an ult on cooldown. It will be very difficult to compete with us, due to good life regen and additional armor from the passive.

Pros and cons of Knight

Pros Long stun
Lots of armor
Good at breaking towers due to his ult
Nice tank
Maybe they're solo
Cons Lack of mana at the beginning
The range of the stun is small in the form of a knight
In knight form, low movement speed
Guide to Dragon Knight For Dota 2 (update 6.85) . Dragon Knight He is not picked very often in pubs, many consider him a “dull” hero, but in professional and semi-professional teams they know the value of this hero very well and there he plays effectively in various combinations.

1. General characteristics of the hero

Knight's Dragon They pick relatively rarely in games in the pub, I don’t know why, maybe because they find it a little boring to play or because of something else. In fact, this is an extremely effective hero - his stun duration is long, his dragon form is very impressive, and his first skill allows him to quickly farm if he has mana. He is often promoted into a tank due to the fact that the 3rd skill gives him a free 12 armor. Yes, it's a good tank - there's nothing you can say about it. But he can be played much more effectively if he is developed into a carry damage dealer. Why the damage dealer? The answer is simple - his whole point is an imba splash in the form of a dragon and paired with someone like him he can easily make the enemy team -5.

2. Characteristics of the hero

Strength: 19 + 2.8 (main stat)
Agility: 19 +2.2
Intelligence: 15 + 1.7
Attack: 46-52
Armor: 3.66
Movement speed: 290

3. Pros and cons of the hero

+ long stun
+ imba-attack in the form of dragons
+ a lot of armor
+ excellent farmer starting from mid
+ AoE nuke
+ at the beginning of the game he feels much more confident than other carries
+ from 6th to 10th level he is excellent at pushing towers due to his ult

- lack of mana at the beginning of the game
- detrimental range of the stun in the form of a knight
- not a very high increase in strength per level for a strongman
- in knight form, low movement speed

4. Description of abilities

Breathe Fire(Fire Breath) - Dragon Knight Breathes fire that damages enemy units. Reduces base damage enemies by 20\25\30\35% for 11 seconds

Level 1 - 90 damage, mana cost 100
Level 2 - 170 damage, mana cost 110
Level 3 - 240 damage, mana cost 120
Level 4 - 300 damage, mana cost 130
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Cast range: 500
AoE: trapezoidal - 150 at the beginning width, 250 at the end

- damage type: magical
- this spell also affects mechanical devices (for example catapults)

Comments: An excellent AoE nuke with decent damage. Few of the security forces have something like this. Allows you to farm quite quickly if you have mana. One of the downsides is that it’s expensive in terms of mana - you can’t really leave it at the beginning.

Dragon Tail(Dragon tail) - Dragon Knight hits an enemy unit with the tail of a dragon (I don’t know where Icefrog is in the form of a knight; he saw this tail: D). Stuns the enemy and deals minor damage.

Level 1: 25 damage, stun for 2.5 seconds
Level 2: 50 damage, stun for 2.75 seconds
Level 3: 75 damage, stuns for 3 seconds
Level 3: 100 damage, stun for 3.25 seconds
Mana cost: 100
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9 seconds
Casting range: 150 - in knight form, 400 - in dragon form.
Damage type: magical

Comments: very long stun time - as much as 2.5 (!!!) already at the first level (for most stunners in Dota, the duration of the stun is about 2 seconds and this duration does not scale with level). The disadvantages include low damage and poor scaling of the stun duration with level (but it still exists) - the difference in stun duration between the 1st and 4th levels of pumping this skill is only 0.75 seconds.

Dragon Blood(Dragon's Blood, passive) - increases health recovery Knight's Dragon and provides additional protection

Level 1: Increases health regeneration by 2 per second and gives 3 defense
Level 2: Increases health regeneration by 3 per second and gives 6 defense
Level 3: Increases health regeneration by 4 per second and gives 9 defense
Level 4: Increases health regeneration by 5 per second and grants 12 defense

Comments: A skill that allows you to confidently stand in the lane against almost all heroes. In the late game, additional protection provides excellent tanking opportunities.

Elder Dragon Form(Dragon) - Dragon Knight turns into a powerful dragon. Lasts 60 seconds

Level 1 - transforms into a Green Dragon with a poison attack
Level 2 - Transforms into a Red Dragon with a splash and poison attack
Level 3 - transforms into a Blue Dragon with a freezing (slowing down enemies) and splash attack
Mana cost: 50
Cooldown: 115 seconds
All dragons have a movement speed of 315 and an attack range of 500

- Green Dragon with Corrosive Breath: attacks deal 20 poison damage over 5 seconds. Affects buildings. Starting from update 6.84, you can die from “poisonous” damage from this ability.
- Red Dragon with splash attack: attacks deal damage to all units within a 250 radius of the target, and the main target is affected by Corrosive Breath
- Blue Dragon with Frost Breath: Slows the movement speed of all enemies within the splash attack radius by 30% and their attack speed by 20 for 3 seconds, and the main target is affected by Corrosive Breath.

Comments: here is our excellent imba-ult, which gives us additional movement speed, makes us a ranged hero and increases the casting range of our stun. Also, at the 1st level of pumping, the ult makes us an excellent pusher of buildings, at the 2nd level of pumping, an excellent farmer, and at the 3rd level of pumping, we have a free scudi with splash damage (!!!). It's a bit awkward, isn't it? In addition, the duration of being in this state is as much as 60 seconds - that is, taking into account the cooldown, we can be in the form of a dragon for about half of our time in the game

5. Skillbuild


1. Stan
2. Fire breath
3. Fire breath

4. Passive
5. Fire breath
6. Ult
7. Fire breath
8. Passive
9. Passive
10. Passive

11. Ult
12. Stun/Stats
13. Stun/Stats
14. Stun/Stats
15. Stats
16. Ult
17.-22. Stats
23. Stats/Stun
23. Stats/Stun
23. Stats/Stun

Used for aggressively standing in the lane and then actively participating in ganks. We take one level of the stun, and then max out the fire breath (since the stun does not scale well with the level). At level 4 we take one level of passive - it will come in handy. In total, we get an excellent combo - stun + AoE nuke. If you have a stunner or disabler on the line with you, then it will be very difficult for enemies to stand against you with this version of your buildup. Already starting from the 3rd level, the danger of first blood hangs over them. Then after the 7th level we pump up the passive, and after the 11th level - the stun. Although some after the 11th level pump up stats, not stun, arguing that The stun does not scale well with each level of its pumping.

Protective (tolerant)

1. Stan
2. Passive
3. Passive

4. Fire breath
5. Passive
6. Ult
7. Fire breath
8. Fire breath
9. Fire Breath
10. Passive
11. Ult
12. Stun/Stats
13. Stun/Stats
14. Stun/Stats
15. Stats
16. Ult
17.-22. Stats
23. Stats/Stun
23. Stats/Stun
23. Stats/Stun
23. Stats/Stun
23. Stats/Stun

Used when there are hard liners against you (Viper, and others like that). It’s really hard to stand against them in the lane, so you’ll have to level up into passive to have additional health regeneration. We first upgrade Fire Breath at level 4 and then upgrade it from levels 7 to 9. With further upgrade of the stun, the situation is the same as in the first skill build given.

6. Itemorder
What to collect for Dragon Knight in Dota 2

Let me start with the fact that Dragon Knight is a very multifaceted hero. It can make a normal tank, a damage dealer, and many different intermediate options like half-tank-half-damager can look good - a lot depends on the situation in the game. Therefore, it is impossible to create an unambiguous item order for it, suitable for most situations in the game. Therefore, the item order for Dragon Knight that I proposed in this guide will contain many different assembly options without recommendations for assembling something unambiguous.

Taking into account latest changes In the cost of items in Dota 2 for Dragon Knight, you can offer the following initial purchase:

Maximum stats for the available money (previously such a purchase was impossible at first because the circlet was more expensive). Some of the circlelets (or even all of them) can then be turned into bracers if the game is difficult.

If you have problems with last hit, then at first you can buy a hatchet, but keep in mind that in the future it will be of little use to you because in the form of a dragon we have a long-range attack from Dragon Knight and therefore the effectiveness of the hatchet on it in this form drops significantly.

Also, already during the initial purchase, you can think about the problem of lack of mana (and it will definitely arise in the first half of the game, rest assured). One of the promising ways to solve this problem would be to buy a soul ring - in this case, you can, for example, include its recipe in the initial purchase, and buy a sobi mask and a health ring already on the line in the side store (if you went to the side line).

Some solve the problem of lack of mana for Dragon Knight with the help of an urn (that is, in this case, either gloves of strength or sobi masks are used in the initial purchase), but the problem is that Dragon Knight must farm a lot in order to become a death machine by the end of the game, and in ganks he will not participate very often, so it is difficult to say whether charges will accumulate in the urn.

There is another option for solving the problem with mana - with the help of basilius (just don’t collect it until Vladimir), but the problem with this option is that such a super-imbal item in the team is often collected by someone else and because of this, the relevance of assembling it with Dragon Knight decreases .

However, all of the options listed may not be needed if, for example, your team has a Crystal with its extremely useful mana regen aura, or a Cauldron, which can sometimes give you mana.

On the line, one of the first items we buy are boots; in the future, it is advisable to upgrade them to PT (personally, I like this option better) or phase (used to compensate for the low initial speed of our running in the form of a knight - sometimes it can be useful to use them in order to have time to reach the enemy and give him the camp).

After the listed possible items (bracers, PT or phases, soul ring or basil or urn), you can either try to start collecting something from expensive items, or, if the game is not going very well, something from intermediate items that look good in mid game. For example, drums or armlet. But the problem here is that the drums can be assembled in a team by someone else (and they fit well enough a large number heroes), and the armlet is no longer as immobile as before (when it could instantly be switched back and forth), so these items can be collected for Dragon Knight not in every game, but based on the situation.

Sasha- will slightly increase survivability and give a chance to cripple the enemy. In the future, you can upgrade to a halberd, but you shouldn’t rush into it, because the evasion and disarm of a halberd become really in demand only in late game, when the carries have already eaten and gained strength

Maelstrom- provides good farm in both knight and dragon form. In the future, it can be upgraded to mzholnir. But the item is not so straightforward for Dragon Knight; some players object to its assembly.

Dominator- of course, we don’t really need lifesteal at the early stage of the game since our attack power is still small, we can regenerate HP with the help of our passive, but with a dominator we can lure some large forest creep and make stacks of enhancements for them (if our team’s support is this is not engaged) while we are farming in another place. The point of these actions is that Dragon Knight in dragon form is one of the few heroes in Dota 2 who can effectively farm abilities in the early stages of the game. But remember that lifesteal does not completely stack with lightning from maelstrom and mjolnir (that is, if lightning falls, then lifesteal does not work), so it is better not to collect them together, although there are, of course, fans who collect them together.

Lothar- in all my latest guides According to Dota 2, many visitors to our site actively object to the assembly of Lothar by anyone other than Slarky and Kunka, but if you look at my guide on Dragon Knight for the first Dota, then in the comments many (including, by the way, Nex) spoke out for the feasibility of assembling Lothar for Dragon Knight. Therefore, I decided to include it in this guide. The point of assembling this item for him is so that, in an invisible state, he can quietly run up to the enemy and give him a stun (and, as we remember, the stun range in the melee form of Dragon Knight is extremely defective)

BKB- one of the first-class items for survival, especially against evil magicians. It is often collected for carry heroes.

But these are all items also for the middle part of the game. Now let’s look at what makes sense to collect Dragon Knight in the late game:

Tarasca- mountains of HP, wild HP regen and +40 to attack power. Definitely a good item for us. The only question is whether to collect it at the beginning or whether the damage items will be better at first. But this largely depends on the specific situation in the game.

Cuirass- an excellent item for us (especially in addition to the tarasik) if it was not collected by someone else in the team

Mjolnir- if you collected maelstrom in the mid, then in the late game it is advisable to upgrade it to this item

Satanik- maybe some, of course, don’t like the lifesteal on Dragon Knight, but still there are fans of this item on it

Daedalus- if we want to increase our damage abilities, then this item is undoubtedly best suited for this

ICD- it is advisable to collect instead of Daedalus if Phantomka or another tough carry who collected a butterfly is against us

Travelers- in the late game, if there is nowhere to put money, then it can serve us well

Halberd- helps quite well against tough damage dealers, so if you have problems with it, then it’s definitely a must-have

Abyssal- in the form of a dragon, bashes from him will rarely fall out, but against particularly tough carries his active can be useful

What not to collect for Dragon Knight

Sasha and Yasha- the days of actively assembling this item are over, now for security forces they usually collect a halberd instead, and for agilists - a manta

Battlefury- on the one hand, it may seem that this item is good for us because of the mana regen and excellent farming thanks to the splash attack, but if we remember that in the form of a dragon the splash attack from this item does not work, then it immediately becomes clear that the effectiveness of battlefury on Dragon Knight drops significantly

Bloodstone- I decided to take into account Nex’s wishes in the comments to mine and include this item here as undesirable. And then there were several people in that guide who offered to collect the bloodstone Dragon Knight. But don’t confuse Dragon Knight with a hero like, for example, Timber, who deals damage mainly with spells - but we can also deal good damage from our hands.

7. Game tactics

Dragon Knight can initially go to mid - if he swings according to the second (patient) skill build, then he can quite successfully stand there. But usually mid still has to give way to more significant candidates for this role, so Dragon Knight usually goes to one of the side lanes with an ally. It is advisable to take a stunner or disabler as an ally - then it will be very difficult for enemies to stand against you. Once you reach level 6, you can try to push the tower - the green dragon's corrosive attack damages it quite well.

A rather important part of the game for our hero - our allies need our stun during ganks. Also, during ganks, the dragon form is very useful because in it we have a rather slow movement speed - it will help us catch up with fleeing enemies. But don’t forget about farming - our AoE nuke (fire breath) and red and blue dragon forms (with splash damage) will help us with it. Since the duration of the ult is quite long, and the cooldown is not very long, you shouldn’t save much on using the ult, so turn it on more often when you have the opportunity to farm quickly and calmly.

Here we should already play one of the main roles in the team (if we are not behind in development). Of course, we are unlikely to cope with a “pure” enemy carry alone, but if we have someone with a mass stun in our team, then we can punish them well with our splash damage while they are stunned. Yes and ours additional armor passive at this time will be very useful. Try not to make mistakes in this part of the game, as a mistake by one of the team's leading players at this stage can easily lead to the loss of the entire game.

8. Friends and enemies

The guide was written for dota allstars v6.78

Dragon knight - Knight davion
Gamers call knight, tin can and DK.


Stands in the lane without any problems due to the rapid regeneration of health.

A good tank due to armor and HP regen.

Well balanced stats.

It can become ranged and much stronger, although for a while.

The ult increases movement speed.


At the beginning of the game he is of little use.

Without an ult it is difficult to catch up with the hero, fortunately there is a stun and AOE magic.

Let's look at the skills (magic) of the hero.

(on keyboard "F")

This magic is effective at the beginning of the game, but at the end 300 damage is not enough. Requires a lot of mana for a tank(.

Dragon Tai l (keyboard "T")

Very useful magic, since the knight has no slowdowns. This skill helps you catch up with heroes and run away from them.


At the beginning of the game it will help you farm with ease, and at the end the knight will be very tanky.

In dota 6.75 armor increases like this: 3/6/9/12

Elder Dragon Form(on the keyboard "R")

The main magic of this hero, with the ult, the speed of movement increases and the knight can slow down, which is very useful for a tank.

In what order to pump up magic:

2 Dragon Tai l
6 Elder Dragon Form
11 Elder Dragon Form
12 Dragon Tai l
13 Dragon Tai l
14 Dragon Tai l
15 +
16 Elder Dragon Form
17 +
18−25 +

It is better to pump up Dragon Tail at the beginning by 1 time, it will help us stun the enemy, which will help us and our allies.

We always upgrade first, since a knight is a tank.

We pump up immediately after Dragon Blood since our damage is still small and we need to hit the enemy with something.


They hit with magical damage, and the knight is famous for his physical defense, which is not against them.

It takes away health by percentage and he doesn’t care about our defense, he also has an avatar.


It will gather all the enemies in a heap, and the knight will merge everyone at once, thanks to his ult, which will hit everyone.

Well, all the heroes who have a stun, 2 stuns are always better than one, and also Venga will increase our useless damage control at the beginning.

An excellent ally, he will slow down all enemies, kidnap, and throw repels at us.

Initial purchase:

We are considering a purchase for a 5x5 game and 603 gold.

Final purchase:

Why are we collecting these items?

It will give you movement speed and attack speed, which wouldn’t hurt, and 8 strength.

Favorite art of any tank.

Attack speed, defense and a very useful aura.

Almost every tank needs it.

Previously, I assembled a butterfly for tanks, for misses, since this makes the tanks even thicker, but in recent pillboxes this miracle art appeared.

dd (double damage): A tank, and with great physical damage too.

regen: Not needed. There is vampirism and its own more than large HP regen.

acceleration (hast): Tank with haste. It’s better for damage dealers to take Hast, but it won’t hurt a tank either.

illusions: You can take one and launch one before the batch, so that the enemies will use their magic on it.

I’ll tell you the most important advice: this advice is not only for the knight, but for all tanks. Don't chase heroes to finish them off, your task is to tank.
