What does it mean to give in to a person? Meaning of the word pass

For some, it is quite natural to always finish what you start, to move forward, despite the difficulties. Such people are accustomed to overcoming obstacles, making decisions and solving problems. For some it is more difficult, for others they do not have to put in much effort - they accept life's trials as a challenge, which their competitive spirit helps them overcome. Among such people are such zodiac signs as Leo, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio.

But there are signs that are accustomed to giving in to difficulties. They give up easily if they are disappointed in something. They give up what they started when things don’t go well. The slightest failures cause them anger and irritation, forcing them to abandon their plans. It is easier for such people to leave a task unfinished than to later be considered a loser due to a possible defeat. They don't even try to take advantage of the chance to win. Many things seem meaningless to them when they don’t go entirely smoothly. The following five signs distinguished themselves the most in this.


Representatives of this sign are forced to give up in the face of difficulties due to their sensitivity and pessimism. They see no point in doing what they can't do. But it doesn’t work out only because they don’t finish what they start. A kind of vicious circle is formed.

If the project they were working on suddenly doesn't work out for some reason, they will leave it and move on to something else. Pisces only want to be associated with successful projects, and their work to be considered brilliant and amazing.


Libras often have problems making decisions. If they need to decide something important, they cannot do it quickly. This makes them stop. And unless they see no prospects in the future of the project, they will abandon it.

They are ready to fight only for what they really think is worthwhile. Therefore, they refuse many prospects in which they do not see the point.


If they find something boring, they will leave it. Geminis need to devote time only to entertaining and fun things. They try to deal with the most interesting moments first, postponing the rest for later. This causes them to often stop at some point in order to continue later.

The problem is that over time, an unfinished project is no longer of interest, and the idea of ​​finishing it becomes completely unattractive.


Sensitive Cancers are prone to pessimism. They give up on what they started when it no longer makes sense to them. Excessive emotions can also interfere, which can turn any minor problem into a failure.

Sometimes representatives of the sign think that they will not be able to complete the task well, so it is easier to abandon it.


Sagittarius lacks the patience and endurance to finish what they start. It’s easier for them to abandon what they had planned and complete another, easier project. They prefer to have many small victories than to win one big thing that requires long and hard work.

Sagittarians believe that someone else can do the job better than them and see it through to completion. So why not leave it to this person? When they feel a burden on their neck, they will not pull it on themselves.

WHEN 11 years ago Vladimir GOLOVACH headed the Gastello collective farm, which was later renamed the Svityazyanka-2003 agricultural enterprise, the grain yield on the farm was 27.1 centners per hectare, potatoes - 118 centners per hectare, milk yield from a cow was a little more than 2 thousand kilograms, and the average daily weight gain of cattle did not exceed 380 grams. According to production indicators, the farm is firmly located at the bottom of the regional report. Chairmen changed almost every year. People haven't received their salaries for months.

Vladimir Golovach immediately set an ambitious task for the team: not only to pull the collective farm out of the economic quagmire, but also to make it one of the best in the region. At that time, this seemed unreal to many. But the new head of the farm managed to convince people that if you approach business with knowledge, in a businesslike manner, and work with passion and soul, you can do anything. He managed to unite them in working for a common result. And just a year later, milk yield and average daily weight gain increased, and productivity increased. As a result, money began to flow into the cash register, and the farm gradually began to climb out of the ranks of those lagging behind. In 2005, “Svityazyanka-2003” was enlarged at the expense of the SEC “Voroncha”. Problems were immediately added to the existing ones. But it is not in the nature of Vladimir Golovach to give in to difficulties.

He began his career in 1977 as the head of the production site of the Shchara collective farm in the Mostovsky district, where he came after graduating from the Novogrudok Agricultural College and serving in the army. Later he worked as an agronomist and chief agronomist at the Neman collective farm, at the Korelichi breeding farm in the Korelichi district, and as deputy director for production at the latter farm. Before being elected chairman of the board of the collective farm named after Gastello, he managed to work for some time as an agronomist in the management agriculture and food supplies of the Korelichi district executive committee.

Personnel decides everything. Vladimir Golovach never forgets about this. And he began his activities as director of the collective farm with the selection of senior and middle-level specialists, workers in mass professions - livestock breeders, machine operators, drivers. Over time, he rallied around himself like-minded people who were ready to solve the most difficult problems.

In production, he relied on livestock farming. And since it is impossible to develop this branch of agriculture without commissioning new livestock buildings, introducing new technologies, and strengthening the food supply, I paid close attention to these issues.

Last year turned out to be the most successful year for the economy. The growth rate of gross output compared to 2011 was 116.1 percent, exceeding the planned level by 7.8 percent. The net profit for the cooperative is more than 21 billion rubles, and the profitability is 57.6 percent. The level of milk production compared to the previous year was 125 percent. Milk yield from a cow is 6775 kilograms. This is 624 kilograms more than in 2011. The average daily weight gain in growing and fattening cattle increased by 38 grams and amounted to 754 grams. 50.9 centners of grain were collected from each hectare. Progress, as they say, is obvious if we recall the production indicators of the cooperative ten years ago.

Today, the livestock industry of the agricultural production complex “Svityazyanka-2003” consists of four dairy farms and two for growing and fattening cattle. The entire cattle population is 3,700. Of these, 1,400 are milking herds. More than half of the cows are concentrated at the Raitsa-2 multipurpose complex, which was put into operation last year. The complex is fully equipped with both milking herds and young animals. In total, one and a half thousand animals are kept here. 37 people work at this facility, including seven operators of machine milking of cows - six main ones and a replacement one.

The complex gave us the opportunity to concentrate cattle according to their physiological state and productivity. We can milk the animals after they have grown, milk them three times a day for up to 100 days, and give a certain amount of feed,” said the farm’s chief livestock specialist, Viktor Savko. - To improve feed mixing, a self-propelled feed dispenser was purchased. Video surveillance is installed in the milking parlor, which allows, in the absence of a specialist, to view the technology for preparing animals for milking. Video surveillance is also carried out in the dry cow workshop, which makes it possible to control the process of growing and feeding newborn calves with colostrum.

The chief livestock specialist of the farm is generally satisfied with the results of the production activities of the dairy complex. The average daily milk yield from a cow today is 21 kilograms, and the daily weight gain for heifers up to six months of age is over a kilogram. Older than six months - more than 900 grams, which allows you to inseminate heifers at the age of 15 months and get a full-fledged cow by two years.

This year, the farm began reconstruction of the Litarovshchina MTF. The old buildings will complement the new ones. The facility will be completely robotic, and human participation in the milking process will be reduced to a minimum. This will reduce the severity of the staffing problem. The first stage of the reconstructed MTF is planned to be launched in August-September, the second - in 2014. A milking herd has already been selected. There will be no old cows on the farm, but only animals under three years of age, who can more easily bear the stress of the transition to new technology milking Please note that there are no similar dairy facilities in the Korelichi district.

In the near future, the livestock breeders of the Svityazanka-2003 agricultural production complex intend to milk 7 thousand kilograms of milk from each cow. According to Viktor Savko, the figure is quite realistic. Over three and a half months, the increase in milk yield from the cow compared to the same period last year amounted to 100 kilograms. It is planned to improve the quality of milk, which should also bring additional financial income to the cooperative’s cash desk. At the end of the first quarter, milk marketability on the farm was 93 percent. 55.7 percent of it was delivered to the milk processing enterprise in the “extra” grade. And at MTC “Raitsa-2” all the milk is only “extra”.

Highly productive livestock, a good feed supply, as well as a responsible attitude to the work of the cooperative’s workers underlie the progressive development of livestock farming on the farm. In total, about 100 people work in the livestock sector of the agricultural enterprise. And, as everywhere else, there are the best among them. These are operators of machine milking of cows Maria Naumchik, Tatyana Lashuk, Galina Gutseva; workers caring for calves Elena Tavluy, Svetlana Ulasevich, Mikhail Maschensky, Victor Narchilo, Larisa Santsevich, Larisa Khilevich.

Last year, per one conventional head, the cooperative produced 51.1 centners of feed units of forage, including 32.8 of grass feed. Among those who provided a satisfying winter for the livestock were machine operators Alexander Murashko and Valery Kolesnik, who were engaged in mowing grass; Andrey Ulasevich, who worked on the pressing of hay and haylage; Mikhail Zaiko - tedding the grass; Nikolai Korolko - raking.

Approximately 20 percent of SEC workers are young people under the age of 31. The farm is doing a lot to retain young specialists in the countryside. Housing construction is actively underway. For example, in 2010, seven families received keys to apartments, and one house was occupied by young professionals. In 2011, a four-apartment building was put into operation in the agricultural town of Raitsa, two apartments in which were occupied by young families, and two were given to young professionals as a hostel. Other social and everyday issues are also being successfully resolved. When a young man gets married, the farm gives the newlyweds a valuable gift. At the birth of a child, five basic amounts are paid. The cooperative returns half of the payment for the children's stay in nurseries to young parents. preschool institutions. The cooperative, at its own expense, trains specialists in educational institutions. The collective agreement stipulates that, subject to the young specialist concluding a contract for subsequent work on the farm for at least five years, in addition to one tariff rate of the first category, during this period he will be paid two more at the expense of the farm. Specialists who arrived to work in the agricultural production complex after working in the direction of educational institutions in other farms for two years (with the exception of those who arrived by way of transfer from one employer to another) are paid five additional tariff rates of the first category for three years after the conclusion of the contract. Young specialists with higher and secondary specialized education who arrived at the farm on assignment, subject to concluding an agreement for subsequent work on the farm for at least five years, are given a loan in the amount of 200 basic units for their own needs.

This fact cannot be ignored. Based on the results of work for 2012, the agricultural production complex “Svityazyanka-2003” was recognized as an enterprise of high livestock breeding culture and was awarded a challenge prize named after the Hero of Socialist Labor T. V. Chubrik and a cash prize. The cooperative also became the winner of the regional competition for achieving high performance in economic development, and the team of MTF "Raitsa-1" was recognized as the winner in the production of cattle meat. In October last year, the chairman of the SPK, Vladimir Golovach, was awarded the medal “For Labor Merit.” By the way, earlier the chairman of the cooperative was awarded a Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Republic of Belarus and a Certificate of Honor from the Grodno Regional Executive Committee. As they say, according to work and honor.

Gennady GIL, "BN"

  • Provide assistance when needed
  • Stand shoulder to shoulder
  • Learn to break a big goal into many small ones
  • Let your child brag
  • Perseverance Award
  • Create idols

We often talk about the benefits of motivation, but you must admit that getting motivated to do a new thing is much easier than completing it. How many times have you started running in the morning? How many times have you started studying? foreign languages, or tried to eat right? It’s easy to start - you are inspired, there are bright prospects ahead... But how difficult it is not to deviate from the original plan when faced with the first difficulties!

The best time to learn to cope is in childhood, and your task is to teach your child to cope with problems. We'll show you how to do it!

Provide assistance when needed

It is important to teach your child how to cope with difficulties using specific techniques as an example. Let's say your kid can't cope with a craft - give him colored paper instead of cardboard, select a larger mosaic, find a suitable glue. A student cannot find material for an essay on the Internet - tell me how to use the library (yes, yes, many students simply do not remember about it!). A graduate is nervous before the OGE - make a preparation plan together...

Your life experience is priceless!

Stand shoulder to shoulder

Sometimes a hint is not enough. What helps you lose weight/run/learn French? You probably know that it is easier to do this if you are not alone. Support groups, collective classes where the participants and the coach encourage each other, that’s what helps!

You can become such a “support group” for your child: lose weight, learn German, play football and paint with watercolors with your child.

This, of course, is an extreme option: after all, mom and dad should have their own life, their own hobbies; but sometimes you can put your problems aside and take care of your child’s affairs along with him.

Learn to break a big goal into many small ones

How smaller child, the more terrible and boring the big task seems to him. The book is too thick to read; There are too many toys to put them all away; There are as many as five pots of flowers, and this is only in one room - well, it’s unrealistic to water them all!

The code word for you is “first.” Any task that does not arouse enthusiasm in the child should be divided into small stages, each of which is easy and enjoyable to complete. As soon as you see that the baby is distracted from the process, immediately give him another small goal.

As an example, I would like to remind you of our . The work seems so large-scale, almost impossible! But the huge coloring book consists of such small and cute fragments that your hands naturally reach for the pencils.

Let your child brag

Fame attracts everyone, even kindergarteners. If a child's hobby involves public speaking, competitions are great. If he quietly glues models of castles from matchboxes or embroiders with satin stitch, find a way to arrange an exhibition of his achievements (contact your teacher or educator kindergarten), create a profile for him on social networks or even create a website page. Finally, find like-minded people for him!

Perseverance Award

How many times have you used this technique yourself? “No, I won’t overeat at night, but I’ll eat the cake that’s so lonely in the refrigerator in the morning...” “If I lose three kilograms, I’ll definitely buy myself that cute blouse!” Yes, at least this: “I’ll finish the article and allow myself a cup of coffee... with a cookie!”

This works with a child too. Little pleasant rewards are what will cheer up any slow process! The main thing is not to go too far.

Some rewards should be just out of love; You should not teach your child that he must deserve any manifestation of your favor. By the way, this also works with motivating yourself, my beloved!

To avoid turning into a rude manipulator, make the reward common: “Let’s clean up and read a wonderful book with pictures!”

Create idols

Biographies of writers, artists, athletes who went through crises and managed to perk up - this is what will support a child in difficult moments.

How did they get through the hard times? What helped them cope with troubles? What successes did you achieve later? Discuss this with your child, set the heroes as an example, find commonality in their destinies. Celebrities did it, so can your child!

We started talking about useful techniques for raising children, but... they are also suitable for self-education, right? Overcome difficulties yourself and help your children overcome them - together you will succeed!


(or pass), pass, pass, owl. and Nesov. (from English pass from French) (sports). In football, volleyball and other ball games, pass (pass) the ball to a player on your team, give (give) a pass (see pass 2). Pass to the edge. Pass to the center. Pass forward, backward.


(or, obsolete, to pass), I stick, I stick, I don’t care. (to pass) (from the French passer, lit. pass by).

    Call for a pass card game(see pass 1). I pass for the third time in a row.

    trans., in front of someone and without additional. Recognizing oneself as powerless, incapable of anything, to refuse further efforts, to consider oneself defeated, to give up (colloquial). - History knows, furthermore, quite a few socialists who, foaming at the mouth, demanded the most revolutionary actions from the workers' parties of other countries. But this does not mean that they did not give in in their own party or in their own country to their opportunists, to their bourgeoisie. Stalin. A communist should not give in to difficulties.

    in front of someone or something. To be inferior to someone, to yield to someone. in some relation (colloquial). To give in knowledge to someone.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


I poke, you poke; nesov.

    past also owls Announce pass1 (in 1 value) in a card game.

    trans. Recognizing oneself as powerless, incapable, to refuse further efforts, to give up. P. facing difficulties.

    owls pass, -suck, -suck (to 2 meanings).


I poke, you poke; nesov. In certain sports games: pass the ball or puck, give a pass2. P. to the center of the field.

one-time to graze, -well, -no, and to graze, -well, -no (simple).

owls pass, -you, -you'll eat.

noun passing, -i, f.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    nesov. nepereh. decomposition

    1. Call for a pass (4*1).

      trans. To refuse further efforts smth. to do, recognizing oneself as powerless; give up.

    nesov. nepereh. Pass the ball, puck, etc. player of his team sports game; give a pass

Examples of the use of the word pass in literature.

Grunfeld, at least pass, at least not pass“, you’ll still get an awl,” the angular walkers of Budennov’s face appear in the window opening, now they’re cackling the end of the first shift: “A fur coat with a wedge or a poker game?”

In general, I do not believe in the success of this enterprise, and, despite the fact that it is technically more competent to declare four diamonds, I pass for three hearts.

The West, if you remember, is insidious passed for three diamonds, and then belatedly entered with three spades.

The Russians seem to completely avoid throwing the puck into the zone and chasing it, preferring pass to her revealed partner.

Now they pick up the puck behind the goal, take it on their stick, fold to their forwards and often receive points for assists.

West folds, and the partner, looking at him studyingly, declares two clubs - a conventional question about major fours.

And all her nasty, weak, unstable character - she is forever folds at a decisive moment, and she is not able to seriously become interested in conchology, etymology, botany, archeology, cut potato tubers into pieces and monitor their fruitfulness, like, for example, Mary Dennis, like, for example, Violet Serle.

After touching Jan’s left leg, mother sat closer to the table, so that Jan, who had just been provoked by Matzerath and who decided pass at thirty-three, he lifted the hem of her dress, first with his fingers, then with the whole foot in the sock, and the sock, by the way, was almost clean, put on just today, and settled between her legs.

Then mother raised the order to thirty-six, after which Ian also had to pass, and mother played a grand prize, which she almost lost.

Party nomenklatura passed she retreated before him every time when he threatened to resign not only because of the complex of veneration that had become ingrained in the consciousness of the apparatchiks, but also because of the fear of being left in the event of his departure alone with a society agitated by perestroika and having lost respect for the authorities.

The first defender must pass, the second is to whistle alone, then the player takes 4 tricks, if both whistle - 9 bribes.

No matter how annoyed Krapchik was to listen to such an answer from his daughter, he hid it and in general recently became noticeable pass before Catherine, and not so much out of love and condescension towards her offspring, but because this offspring began to reveal a character hardly angrier and more stubborn than papa’s, and at the same time Krapchik could not help but take into account that a significant part of the fortune, on which he, living badly with his wife, did not have time to scratch out the spiritual from her, belonged to Catherine, not to him.

There, too, one fool had trump cards in his hands, but did not use them, and all the time put the smallest cards into the draw and passed.

According to our system, this is a weak application, which I definitely should pass.

Companion passed, retreated, and suddenly Lavrenty Pavlovich felt an almost lost, forgotten sense of strength - he had so loved before to force people to do according to his will, desire, whim, and to do what was completely contrary to their nature.

First, I want to say thank you to everyone who answered my previous questions here. There were a lot of really interesting thoughts, I was able to look at my problems differently, and more or less solve them. But when I began to set goals more than “survive,” I had another question.

There is perfectionism, when it seems “I won’t do it well, otherwise I shouldn’t do it.” I have something similar, but I’m sure that I’m not able to do anything at the required level, let alone ideally.

I think it's because I don't know how to work hard. I received two diplomas, one of them was red, but my results were achieved not by hard work, but by the fact that I did what was easy for me. On intelligence, ingenuity, additional materials, and simply low requirements, when an “A” is needed so that the student can simply answer the question. So there were no special problems with studying. But now the problems started. It seems to me that I am not an expert. I have experience working in the most unexpected and varied areas, because in parallel with my endless studies, I took on any job. As a result, I am 28 years old, I have worked in 10 areas, and in all of them it is initial experience. Here you should strain yourself, sit down and “pump up” at least one of them to the required level. But I can't. I can't. Yes, and you need to live on something while leveling up.

On the one hand, everything was easy for me. But on the other hand, this is because everything else simply did not exist for me. My mother also added fuel to the fire here - on the one hand, I’m smart with her, and on the other - to any idea, answers like “well, why are you going to take on this (musical group), people have been rehearsing for years, and you were a musician five years ago finished,” or “well, biology department, you know how much chemistry you need to study there? And you got a B, go to German.” And I agreed. Although now I understand that I wasn’t so bad with this chemistry, if I had done my homework, I would have gotten an A, and if I had studied extra, there wouldn’t have been a problem.

Another catch word is “not serious.” As a child, I wrote stories, poems, and did theater (and I still do, but I don’t show anything to my mother anymore) - the response was “well, that’s not serious/too funny.” Once I wrote a story about my toys as homework - I was told that it was not serious, that I was already a big girl and could write about something real. And now I’m a teacher and I know perfectly well that at the age of 8 it’s normal to write stories about toys. But until I found out, such beliefs sat in my head.

And I decided to write this post when I was putting together an advertisement for looking for neighbors to rent an apartment - and then all these beliefs came out of my head! “I have two jobs in graphic design and those are educational ones,” “I’ll now spend the whole day on this ad, because I haven’t done them for a hundred years,” “and why draw my cat here, they’ll also think that I’m an infantile amateur girl cats" and that's all!

How can we combat these defeatist sentiments? How to teach yourself to work hard if it's not a matter of survival? (When it’s a question of survival, I can, but there’s no getting around it). How to assess the level of your professionalism and not trust the “voices in your head”? Maybe these are different questions, but for me they turned out to be connected.

I ask for a free discussion.
