Black Qiraji Battle Tank - a detailed guide to the Aankiraji Bug. Black Qiraji Battle Tank - Detailed Guide to the Aankiraji Bug Good News and Bad News

(main spouse), Anachronos (son, heir), Dornozmu (future himself)

Nozdormu the Timeless is one of the five main aspects, authorized by the Titans to keep order in Azeroth. He fought against demons during the War of the Ancients. After this participation, he went directly to his task and is now rarely seen. He participated one last time in the battle against Deathwing on the side of Krasus and his allies.


The Becoming of Azeroth

Dawn of the Aspects

novels or short stories about Wacraft.

The Aspects of the Dragons before they received the right of the Aspects met with Galakrond.

Nozdormu is currently away on a quest, and his whereabouts are unknown. Ruling the Bronze flight in his stead are Anachronos (leader of the Brood of Nozdormu), Prime Consort Soridormi (leader of the Scale of the Sands), and Andormu and his sister Nozari (leaders of the Keepers of Time).

Wrath of the Lich King

Nozdormu at the Bronze Dragonshrine.

Thought absent for most of the plot, Nozdormu is seen briefly at the Bronze Dragonshrine during the quests Quest:Mystery of the Infinite and Quest:Mystery of the Infinite, Redux , where he appears as a vision as the "leader of the Infinite Dragonflight". Chronormu dismisses the vision as incorrect, since it makes no sense to her.

Nozdormu in humanoid form at Nordrassil.

Rage of the Firelands

Nozdormu appears as himself in Patch 4.2 during the Elemental Bonds questline intro. He is present during the meeting to restore the world tree along with Ysera, Alexstrasza, Kalecgos, Malfurion, Thrall and Aggra .

After Thrall's wedding he says to players when you click on him:

Yes, , things appear bleak. But know that even as things appear to unravel, they do so with greater purpose.

Charge of the Aspects

Nozdormu and Tick with the dying Zirion.

Alexstrasza and Nozdormu in Hyjal.

Murozond is in fact the future version of Nozdormu who will inevitably go mad and try to interfere with the past, thus his past self will send adventurers in to the future to strike him down. Right after Murozond is slain Nozdormu told them:

"At last it has come to pass. The moment of my demise. The loop is closed. My future self will cause no more harm. Still, in the future, I will... fall to madness. And you, heroes... will vanquish me. The cycle will repeat. So it goes. What matters is that Azeroth did not fall; that humanity survived to live another day. All that matters... is this moment."

Fighting Murozond technically makes Nozdormu the second Aspect which can be fought and killed, Malygos being the first, and Deathwing the third.

He is later seen in next instance of the Well of Eternity.

Hour of Twilight

Nozdormu during the final battle against Deathwing

After the Dragon Soul was brought to the present, it had to be transported by Thrall and mortal heroes to Wyrmrest Temple , a place of great power connected to the Chamber of the Aspects , where the artifact was originally imbued. Since Deathwing learned of their intent, he and his minions converged on the temple to waylay them at all costs. At Wyrmrest the Aspects infused it with their essences once again, making it more potent than it ever was. Kalecgos altered the Dragon Soul"s properties so that it would affect Deathwing. But the artefact was imbued with the essences of the four Aspects and Deathwing never imparted him into it. To use the weapon to defeat him, they had to infuse it with the power of the Earth- Warder. Thrall possessed a portion - however small - of that exact thing: the essence of Azeroth itself. the death of the twilight dragon Ultraxion, Thrall unleashed the Dragon Soul upon its creator. Wounded, Deathwing fled, attempting to return to the relative safety of Deepholm , through the Maelstrom. Thrall, the Aspects, and the Adventurers gave chase, riding a gunship after the Aspect of Death, fighting his personal escort along the way.

Nozdormu becoming a mortal

Dawn of the Aspects

This section contains exclusive information for novels or short stories about Warcraft.


Nozdormu Time Lord, a dragon with metallic yellow-brown scales. He moves with a speed and grace that belies his enormous size. According to one version, a bronze dragon with eyes brighter than the Sun was with other Dragons during the War of the Ancients. In a book called The War of the Ancients Trilogy, it was described how the time continuum was changed, but Nozdormu did not appear in the new period due to being trapped in time by the Old Gods. There is a contradiction here, but in the original story Nozdormu still fought in the War of the Ancients.

Memorable Quotes

  • "Korialstraszzzz...You dare disturb my resst? You dare disssturb my peace?"
  • "Ssso much to gather, ssso much to catalog-" (Before Malygos mocks him)
  • "Even Deathwing will pass into time... even will eventually be part... of my collection..."
  • "Just in Time..."
  • "We musssst not let him ssssslip away!" (when Deathwing flees)
  • "Enough babble! Let ussss be done with thisss!" (ready to aid Rhonin, Vereesa and Falstad)
  • "We"re wassssting time... Precioussssss time."
  • "Compared to all elssse that has happened, it isss a sssmall change to the time line and one of which I approve. The bluesss will fly the skies again, even though their numbers will not be great even after ten thousand yearsss. But better sssome than none."
  • “I know what you hide from her, from usss. It is my fate and curse to know such things and be unable to think myself to prevent them. Know that I now asssk for forgiveness for the wrongs I will cause you in the future, but I mussst be what I am destined to be... as Malygos is.” (speaking to Krasus, referring to Deathwing's impending betrayal)
  • Time is precious, sister. Let us see to our ritual. (To Ysera in patch 4.2,in the intro to the Elemental Bonds questline)
  • "It was given unto me to know the very hour and method of my own death. I would never ssubvert it. But only one of the pathwaysss to my destiny can be correct. And in one unfolding future, I became the leader of the infinite dragonflight. That was why I became lost in the timewaysss, I was ssseeking understanding of how such a thing came to be. How I have always striven to honor the great duty the titans charged me with, could have fallen so far astray." (to Thrall)
  • At last it has come to pass. The moment of my demise. The loop is closed. My future self will cause no more harm. Still, in time, I will... fall to madness. And you, heroes... will vanquish me. The cycle will repeat. So it goes. What matters is that Azeroth did not fall; that we survived to fight another day. All that matters... is this moment.
  • Hurry heroes! In mere moments, Deathwing's Cataclysm will complete what he's begun and end the world. Join me in the attack, now! (When Deathwing casts Cataclysm)
  • It is time! I will expend everything to bind every thread here, now, around the Dragon Soul . What comes to pass will NEVER be undone!(Upon defeating Deathwing)
  • In time, all things are possible...
  • All that matters, is this moment...
  • Time is a tangled web. Try not to dwell on all the loose ends.
  • Do not limit yourself into liner thinking.
  • I can arrange for your parents not to meet.

Little things

  • During his appearance at the start of the Elemental Bonds quest chain Nozdormu is seen wielding a Staff of Dominance .
  • Nozdormu also appears as the backdrop for the "Statistics" tab of the Achievements window, if you look carefully.
  • The phrase "So it goes." in Nozdormu"s speech after Murozond"s demise is a reference to Kurt Vonnegut"s 1969 novel Slaughterhouse-Five. Vonnegut would use the phrase after anything had died.
  • In the books, Nozdormu puts emphasis on the letter "S", drawing it out like a snake. This is strangely absent in his appearances in-game.
  • He's voiced by Martin Sheen.


Changes in updates


External links

Dragonblight Mount Hyjal End Times Well of Eternity Dragon Soul

A force to protect Azeroth.


Nozdormu is a lean, sinuous dragon covered in metallic golden-bronze scales that can summon sand to support its body or shape it into various shapes. His eyes represent two precious stones colors of the sun. His movements are filled with speed and grace, which at first glance are not inherent in such a huge body. Surprisingly, his position changes from time to time, and his position in space is influenced by the cosmic flow.

Nozdormu the Timeless is one of the Great Dragons who took part in the War of the Ancients against demons. As a result of this intrusion, he went into seclusion to pursue his mission of tracking time. He appeared occasionally, only when the matter required his direct intervention. So one day he took part in the battle with Deathwing, helping Krasus and his friends to save Alexstrasza, this was one of the few times Nozdormu was visible in the skies of Azeroth. Nozdormu's task in this world is to monitor the normal flow of time, without interfering with this process and without violating what was destined by fate. To cope with his mission, he was endowed with much knowledge about the nature of time. Using his strengths and capabilities, he protects these secrets. Should a magician or any mortal interfere with the magic of time management, Nozdormu will certainly intervene to eliminate the threat.

Nozdormu is associated with time itself, as it is an integral part of it. He has a following of Night Elves who dream of one day becoming Time Lords themselves. The dragon does not pay attention to those who revere him, neither justifying nor disappointing their expectations. Nozdromu's House - the Caves of Time - is a guarded complex located in the Tanaris desert. Those who go here and make their way into the depths of the caves rarely return the same. Some are lost in the streams of time and return years or even centuries later. There are even legends about those who left the caves long before they entered it!

Nozdormu is difficult to defeat because one of his abilities is the ability to look into the corridors of time and replay events if they did not go well or did not go as planned. He is amazingly far-sighted and uses his mind's eye to predict the best course of events before they happen. Once it fails, he simply tries again, or uses his powers to prevent the consequences of the mistake. Nozdormu can take on any form he wishes, and is almost constantly under the influence of a shape-shifting spell.


Commanding Azeroth

When the Titans left Azeroth, they handed over the burden of overseeing Kalimdor to the great beings of that world. Of all the dragon flocks, five became taller than the rest. They were blue, red, black, green and bronze flocks. Aman'Thul, the Father of the Pantheon, shared his cosmic power with a massive bronze dragon named Nozdormu. The Father of the Pantheon commanded him to guard time itself and watch over the course of destinies. The tenacious, honest Nozdormu became known as the Timeless One. He was also endowed by his creators with knowledge of his own death. This knowledge was given to him as a lesson so that he would never exaggerate his powers so much that he would have no one to answer to. Nozdormu knows exactly how and when he is destined to die.

War of the Ancients

During the War of the Ancients, Nozdormu's interests were represented by Soridormi, and the bronze dragons joined the army of the black Neltharion, Guardian of the Earth, which he was gathering to fight the Burning Legion. Neltharion convinced the other aspects to create a powerful artifact by combining some of their powers to rid the world of demons. The other dragons did not know that Neltharion did not put his power into the artifact, later called the Demon Soul. Neltharion betrayed the other dragons during the battle with the demons. Since most of their power was embedded in Neltharion's artifact, they could not resist the crazy dragon and fled from the battlefield.

After the split of Kalimdor, Nozdormu flew with the red flight queen Alexstrasza to Mount Hyjal to see the new Well of Eternity created by Illidan Stormrage. Knowing that the well's existence would bring with it the return of the Legion, Alexstrasza threw the seed of the giant tree of Yggdrassil into the center of the Well, where the World Tree Nordrassil grew. Nozdormu enchanted the tree, which made the Night Elves ageless and disease-free as long as it lived. After this, Nozdormu disappeared into the Caverns of Time, where he lost interest in the world, except for the various artifacts that his dragons brought him from different times.

This disinterest continued for 10,000 years until the red dragon Korialstrasz, with the help of Ysera, convinced him to help him free Alexstrasza from the hands of the orcs who were holding her at the expense of the Demon Soul. The appearance of Neltharion, now known as Deathwing, began a battle between him and the other Aspects, but even the four of them could not defeat him until a human mage named Rhonin was able to destroy the Demon Soul with the scales of the Deathwing. Then Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, and Malygos regained all their abilities and defeated their former brother, who flew away licking his wounds.

Several years later, Nozdormu noticed an anomaly in space-time that threatened to tear the world apart. To prevent this hole from growing, he had to use all his abilities (as well as the abilities of all his past and future personalities). Therefore, he called Korialstrasz so that he could investigate what was going on. Korialstrasz in the form of the elf wizard Krasus, Rhonin and the orc Broxigar were sent into the distant past during the War of the Ancients. They soon learned that the Old Gods, trying to return to Azeroth, began to use the Legion portal to do this. This was precisely the cause of the anomaly. The destruction of the Well of Eternity put an end to their plans and closed the anomaly. Also, these same Ancient Gods were to blame for Neltharion's madness, knowing that the dragons could resist them. At that time, Nozdormu's interests were represented by his main wife, Soridormi. Nozdormu then sent Krasus and Rhonin home to prevent further changes to history.

Many centuries ago, this bronze dragon was trained by Aman "Thul himself. Aman" Thul taught him to control the flow of time and gave him the order to ensure the safety of time.

After the departure of the Titans, many of the dragon aspects began to stick together, but not Nozdormu. He settled in the area now called Tanaris, and it was he who created the Caverns of Time there. For a long time, his body remained there, while his spirit traveled through many periods of time, monitoring time and adjusting it if necessary.

Nozdormu understood the irresponsibility of the use of time by other creatures and suppressed any possibility of the creatures living in Azeroth starting experiments with time. Many tried to get into the Caves of Time, but were unable to do so. Some along the way forgot where they were and returned back, others returned having aged or in another time period, both before and in the future, some never returned. Few people managed to get there until recently.

Nozdormu trained many other bronze dragons to manipulate time, and they became his assistants and Guardians of Time. For a long time, the dragons coped with their responsibilities, and recently they had to turn to the inhabitants of Azeroth for help. Although it’s still not that easy to get into the Caves of Time. The opening of the Caverns of Time occurred around the last opening of the Dark Portal.

Now, Nozdormu and other bronze dragons are experiencing pain due to the appearance of new threat from the dragons of infinity, who are trying in every way to change history. Some bronze dragons themselves become infinity dragons and begin to wreak havoc and destruction. How this happens is not yet known.

Nozdorma is easily distinguished from other bronze dragons by his glowing eyes, which, as they say, “shine brighter than the sun.” The last of Nozdormu's active interventions in the course of events occurred during the War of the Ancients. Nozdormu not only managed to get out of the Time Trap set up by the Ancient Gods, but also helped the dragon aspects end this war.

Korialstrasz sought help from Nozdorm during the Second War. He asked for help to free his wife Alexstrasza and prevent Deathwing from stealing her eggs. The final blow, which caused Deathwing to disappear before the events of the Cataclysm, is believed to have been inflicted specifically on Nozdorm. After which most of the participants in that battle forgot about the presence of Nozdormu in these events.

Nozdormu is very wise and remains faithful to the promise he made to Aman "Tul. He did not interfere with the behavior of Az??ara and the firstborn, did not interfere when the Burning Legion infiltrated Azeroth, did not interfere with the explosion The Well of Eternity, which led to the formation of the Whirlpool and the tearing of Old Kalimdor into several continents, did not interfere with the opening of the Dark Portal and the Horde’s invasion of Azeroth. Nozdormu knew all the catastrophic consequences of these events, but Aman also knew in advance how it would all end. “Thul left an order not to preserve Azeroth as the Titans left it, but to correct some of the errors of time, which, as we know, can be changed by others.

In addition, Nozdormu is a chronicler of history; he keeps the history of many events, both those that happened and those that he changed. He owns a number of artifacts from many periods of time, but nothing overly valuable or that could affect history.

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Hello friends, today we will look at a very cool and rare mount in wow - a black Qiraji battle tank, with a detailed guide to receive this miracle.

This quest begins and ends with the NPC Baristolf of the Shifting Sands, who is located in Silithus at coordinates 53-34.

After which we head to Tanaris, where we find the dragon at coordinates 65.48 and return to Baristolf.

This quest begins and ends with Baristolf. To complete the task, you need to defeat the third boss in the BVL (Blackwing Lair), the leader of the dragons, Striking Scourge. To complete it, only 2-3 people of lvl 80 are enough.

The path of the righteous

Next task gives and ends with the same Baristolf, he will demand that we collect a Fragment of Silithid Shell, in the amount of 200 pieces, which fall from beetles in Silithus at these points:

After you turn in the quest, the next quest chain will open for you.

ATTENTION! In order to get the next chain, you need to level up your neutral reputation with dragons (Rod of Nozdormu).

The quest begins with Baristolf, he directs us to Tanaris to the NPC Anachronos, which is located near the caves of time.

Anachronos directs us to Silithus to find the Crystal Tear, which is located at the gates of the anchorage:

Pawn on the Board of Eternity

Next quest gives a crystal tear, which sends us back to Anachronos in Tanaris.

Creation of dragons

We just talk to Anachronos and hand it over to him.

After completing this chain, the next round of quests for obtaining fragments will open to us. What can you do for the sake of the Ankirazh beetle...

This quest begins with Malfurion Stormrage in the sunken temple (we run to the Shadow of Eranikus in the Sunken Temple and go into his room), and ends with the Forest Light in Teldrassil near the walls of Darnassus. What can you do for the sake of the Ankirazh beetle...

Forest Light gives us a task and we go to Moonglade to the keeper Remulus:

Guardian Remulus gives and completes the task. He sends us to collect four “Fragments of the Nightmare Curse”, which are dropped from elite mobs:

In the ash forest this is the Emerald-Guardian of the Branches, the Emerald-Guardian of the Trees, the Emerald-Oracle:

In the inner lands - Malachitor the Oracle, Malachitor the Guardian of the Trees, Malachitor the Guardian of the Branches:

In Feralas - Jade the Oracle, Jade the Guardian of the Trees, Jade the Guardian of the Branches:

In the Twilight Forest - Twilight Defiler:

The Nightmare Appears

We take the quest from Guardian Remulus, where we just need to follow Remulus and that’s it:

Return of the winner

We are sent back to Anachronos in Tanaris to carry the scepter fragment.

After you have completed the chain for the green shard, you can start getting the blue shard.

We go to Azshara to receive the quest from the spirit of Azuregos (coordinates 56, 79), and the quest ends with Narain the Whimsical, who is located in Tanaris:

Book translation

The quest starts and ends with Narain Quirky, just take the quest and talk to this NPC and turn it back. And we are already one step closer to the black Qiraji battle tank.

Stewed Fox, BLD

We leave for Silverpine at coordinates 46, 86 ( this quest may not work on some servers, so we head to Serebryany Bor to the chest).

The quest begins in Silverpine at the “Unsuspicious Chest”, in the Silverpine. Then we go into the fiery depths (Molten kor, MK) and knock them out of the trash.

Good news and bad news

This task is given and completed to us by Narain in Tanaris. Now the goal of the task is:

  • Collect 20 arcanite ingots (bought at auction, made by alchemists);
  • Collect 10 pieces of elementenium ore (Drops from Blackwing Technicians and Elemental Sculptors of Crixix in BVL, or buy at auction);
  • Azerothian diamond is needed in the amount of 10 pieces (it can be dropped from thorium deposits, or purchased at auction);
  • We need 10 blue sapphires (just like the diamonds above, they are mined from thorium deposits, or purchased at auction).

Neptulon's Wrath

This task is given by Narain. We call the mob at the whirlpool in Azshara, here are the coordinates - 65, 54. After this, a shark swims, destroy it and get the quest item. Now we go to Anachronos in Tanaris and give him the loot.

Now let's move on to the easiest one - the red fragment.

This task is started by Vaelastrasz the Vicious, this is the second boss in BVL. The goal of our task is to kill the main boss of BVL - Nefarion and turn in the quest to Anachronos in Tanaris. Plus, we are given only 5 hours to do everything about everything. Yes, to get the Black Qiraji Resonant Crystal, you need to sweat a little =) So be patient, grab a couple of lvl 80 friends and go!

After you collect all the shards, the final quest chain will open for you.

Army of Kalimdor

We take the quest from Anachronos, talk to him and immediately hand over the task to him.

Ring the gong!

Now we are on our way with Silithus to hit the gong and complete the quest. And finally we get the Black Qiraji Battle Tank!

Treasure of the Timeless

NPC Jonathan the Evangelist will stand next to the gong, completing this quest chain. Where it gives good items for level 60.
