Basic blackjack strategy table. Basic Blackjack Strategy

Each of us held dominoes in our hands. They are wooden or plastic, usually black or white with white/black dots. Everyone used to love playing dominoes. Nowadays, of course, children play more often, but you can also see old people and adults laying out the dice in the correct order on the flat surface of a table, bench, or board. It would seem that what is difficult about the correct arrangement of numbers? Let's look at the rules of the game of dominoes.

The domino set includes 28 rectangular pieces divided in half by a line. On each square half there are dots whose number can be a number from zero to six.

By the way, why the knuckles? It is believed that this name comes from the word bones, that is, cubes. And each plate symbolizes the throw of two dice. Some domino sets may include tiles with more than six dots on one half, up to eighteen. Also in China there are duplicate dominoes, and none of them have empty squares. In addition, there are children's dominoes, where there may be children's or exclusive dominoes, where pictures are used instead of dots. Reverse side usually flat, but can be covered with some identical pattern.

Now we know what the set consists of. Let's get started with the game. There are usually two or four participants. If you play together, you need to hand over seven chips, if there are four players, then five. The rest should be put aside (to the house, market, reserve). The first move belongs to the one who got two zeros or two sixes (depending on how it was agreed or what game you are playing). If no one has these dice, then you can start with any other double chip, according to seniority (that is, two twos, two fives and so on). If suddenly no one has doubles, they start with the dominoes with the largest sum of numbers. The first chip is placed in the center playing field. Then, one by one, they begin to line up the rest. You can continue in both directions, adding identical numbers according to the rule (six to six, five to five, etc.), but sometimes they use another method, when the sum of adjacent numbers must be equal to six (that is, a six must be answered with zero, by five by one and further according to this principle).

Be sure to remember these domino rules.

If you have nothing to post, you should take it from home until you have something to post. However, a situation may arise where there is absolutely nothing to put on the table, and everyone has chips in their hands. It's called fish.

The winner is the one who puts his last domino on the table first (or who has the smallest amount of chips on the fish). The rest count the amounts on their chips and write them down on a sheet. The game is repeated again until a predetermined limit is reached (one hundred, two hundred points).

There are many types of games using dominoes. For example, in China their number reaches forty. In Russia, the following options are known: 1. Goat. There are two, three or four participants in this game. The game starts with the smallest double. In the next game, the winner of the previous round goes first. Losers write down the number of points, but only if it is thirteen or more. The game is played to 101 points, and the loser is declared a goat. There is an option team game, when four people are divided into pairs of two. In this case, players of one team sit opposite each other.

2. Variety of Goat. Sea Goat. This game is longer and more difficult than the previous one. There are two or four players (four are divided into teams). The game also starts with the smallest double, but now the winner scores the points. He counts the sum of the remaining numbers in the hands of the losers; if it is more than twenty-five, then it can be written down. But if the winner in the next round is different and he also has at least twenty-five points, your points are written off. The game is played for 125 points. Now a few subtleties. If you have two takes in your hands and you can post them at once, then you have the right to do so. If the player who started recording points has the right to start the game with double sixes. If he wins, he wins the game, but if he loses by more than 25 points, he is eliminated from the game. The one who ends the game with two zeros also wins (such a goat is called bald). If the last chip was a double six, then this is either a win (with the total in the loser’s hands being 25 points or more), or the next round starts with two sixes.

The following domino rules are taken into account when scoring. If you have only two zeros in your hand, then that's 25 points. If there are only two sixes, then 50 points. If there are only zeros and sixes, 75.

In the case of fish, the steps are as follows. The player who placed the last chip (except for a double) is considered a fisherman. If a fisherman has less than 25 points and another has more, then the fisherman wins and starts with sixes. If a fisherman is in a losing position, then you can try to write off the fish by continuing the game from any domino. If the fisherman wins and the second player has more than 25 points, then the fish is written off. If it was not possible to write off in three attempts, then the fisherman loses, and the winner still starts the game with sixes. If, with fish, the total points in the hands of all players are equal, then eggs are obtained. They are written off from only two units. If you fail to write off the eggs three times, it is declared a draw. The game ends.

3. This is also a variety of Goat, but this time it is sporty. There are four players (again in two teams). Chips are placed on special stands. The right to move first passes from team to team in turn. The number of rounds is a multiple of four. Points are recorded according to the Sea Goat principle, that is, the winner keeps score. The winner is the couple who gets greatest number points.

4. Donkey. The differences between the Goat and the Donkey are as follows. The game goes not in two, but in four directions. You can display duplicates in any number, at least two, at least four. Takes can be closed, that is, with the points turned down. In this case, you cannot place chips in that direction. If the beginning was not with a take, then before the first open take you can set only a couple of takes closed. The counting of points, as in the Goat, goes up to 101. If the points are less than 13, then they are remembered and crossed out only after the next round, if nothing was written down in it.

5. Another variety of Goat General. There are again two teams of two players. The deal is seven dominoes. To tell your teammate that you have two zeros in your hand, you need to wink, and if you have two sixes, puff out your cheeks. The first chip with two units is laid out on the table. If there is a fish, the game does not count. The chips are laid out only in two directions. If a player manages to finish with two zeros or two sixes, then he is declared a general. The game will still end if someone does not have chips in their hands.

Here the score is not based on points, but on the generals on the team. The game is limited to half an hour or an hour. It's just time for lunch break. To make it more interesting, you can play with four, six, or eight players. Two teams still play, and if one loses, a third team takes its place. If one team immediately received a general, then it is worth giving way to another.

6. A slightly different game. Telephone (sometimes called Domiki). Players from two to four. The first chip is the house, with chips placed on four sides. The game goes up to 72 points.

The scoring rules are as follows. When the sum of the numbers at the ends of the tracks is a multiple of five, the player is awarded this amount divided by five. Double equal to the sum your glasses. The winner divides the amount remaining in the hands of the losers by five and writes it down for himself. If not divisible by a whole, round up.

As a variant of the rules, you can set up to four takes at once. There are still many games. Finally, it is worth mentioning the English version of dominoes, which has taken root in Russia. This game is called Miggins. Two, three or four play. If there are two players, then seven chips are dealt, if there are more, then five. The first player is determined by lot. You can start the game with any domino. After laying out the first take, the game develops in four directions. Points are awarded when the sum of points at the edges of the lanes is a multiple of five. Each five earns the player five points. A win brings ten more. When there is a fish, the winner will be the one who has fewer points in his hands. In this case, the points won are calculated as the difference between the points of the winners and all losers. The count is kept up to 200.

At first, you may think that the rules of the game of dominoes are complex and confusing, so we recommend that you print this page and keep it in front of your eyes for the first time as a hint. Learn the rules of dominoes and play for fun!

There are many detailed descriptions basic strategy for playing blackjack, but not everyone has the desire to understand numerous tables and columns of numbers. Moreover, many sit down at the gaming table extremely rarely and think that it would be nice to at least not make stupid mistakes.

In this article we will try to help such players. The main provisions of the basic strategy will be outlined in several points. This will be done in simple and understandable language, with a detailed explanation of all terms. We hope that this will help all beginners quickly learn the main principles of a competent game.

General description

Generally, basic strategy provides players with a matrix of two hundred and seventy possible situations. The ten cards that the dealer can have up are multiplied by the player's twenty-seven possible hands. It can be quite difficult and tedious for an uninitiated player to learn them all. Some sources recommend conventional rote memorization of all combinations, but there are more simple ways their assimilation.

For initial familiarization with the basic strategy, it is recommended to start from a variant of the game with several decks and the dealer stopping at soft seventeen.

This is the most common type of blackjack and is found in most casinos. Once you understand the basics, then you can move on to other combinations of decks and rules.

In general, many rules can be combined into unique groups. For example, there is no need to remember that with your eleven points you need to double if the dealer has a two, three, four, and so on up to ten inclusive. It is enough to understand that in such a situation it is worth doubling on any card of the dealer except an ace.

By acting on this principle, you do not have to mechanically memorize all the situations that may arise on the table during the game.

We have combined all the possible hands into twenty-six simple positions for playing blackjack.

Hard combinations

  • Always stop scoring at seventeen or more points
  • Make a double on eleven against any cards the dealer has except an ace
  • Make a double on ten against any cards from the dealer except ten and ace
  • Make a double on nine if the dealer has cards from three to six inclusive
  • Take a card on any number of points less than twelve (in the above cases, do a double)
  • Make a surrender on your fifteen against the dealer's ten
  • Make a surrender on your sixteen against the dealer's nine or higher
  • Take a card on your twelve against the dealer's two and three
  • In other cases, stop drawing cards

Soft combinations

  • Always stop dialing at nineteen or twenty
  • Stop dialing on your eighteen against the dealer's seven or eight
  • On other cards, take more against a seven or higher from the dealer
  • Make a double on any number of points against the dealer's five and six
  • Do double on soft fifteen to eighteen against four
  • Do double on seventeen and eighteen against three
  • Make a double on eighteen against a deuce
  • Otherwise, take a card

Pairs in the player's hands

  • Always split eights and aces
  • Never separate tens
  • Make a double of two fives against the dealer's nine or less
  • Don't split nines against the dealer's seven, ten or ace
  • Take a card on any pair from twos to sevens inclusive, if the dealer has an eight or more (except for fives on eights and nines from the dealer, when you need to double)
  • Take the card on two sixes or fours if the dealer has a seven
  • Take a card with two fours if the dealer has a four or less
  • In other cases, do split

Hard combinations are the easiest to remember, because they happen most often in practice. You can train using special simulators that you can download from the Internet. In addition, most virtual casinos provide the opportunity free game for play chips. You can make the notes you need for the game and use them as a cheat sheet until you memorize all the game options.

It is also worth noting that in some cases, professionals advise making deviations from the basic rules of the basic blackjack strategy, but such nuances are best considered only after you have firmly grasped all the basics.


Basic blackjack strategy is the most important system that every fan of this gambling game should master.

Moreover, if you want to play as efficiently as possible, you will have to forget about intuition, omens, luck and other nonsense. They must be replaced by mathematics.

Read tips on blackjack from Casinoz experts, learn new techniques, practice, bring your level of play to perfection, look for the most profitable models. This is the only way you can beat the casinos often and possibly make a living playing blackjack.

You can practice your strategy skills in honest gambling establishments, such as

There are several basic strategies for blackjack, and in this article we will try to look at the main ones. For example, such as the basic strategy. The fact is that there are only two hundred and seventy combinations in blackjack - all of them are collected in the table of strategies for playing blackjack. But you need to understand that no strategy will protect you from losing if you are suddenly catastrophically unlucky, but there are several basic rules that will always help you avoid stupid mistakes.

Blackjack strategy table with notations

First of all, you should not use the “prevent bust” tactic - many people, having taken ten, do not buy more, and this is the main reason for their loss. This strategy reduces their chance of winning by as much as four percent, which is an unacceptably large amount in Blackjack to win.

Many beginners learn the tactic of repeating all the actions of the dealer, which is also completely wrong. But if we look at the game statistics, we will see that such tactics brought more losses than wins in the long term.

Here is a table of basic blackjack strategy. And table notations.

  • H - Hit (take another card),
  • S - Stand (pass, pass the move to the dealer),
  • D - Double (double the bet), if you can’t double, then just take another card,
  • Ds - Double (double the bet), if you can’t double, then pass,
  • P - Split (split cards),
  • H/P - Split (split cards), if you can double after splitting, otherwise - take a card,
  • H/R - Surrender (surrender), if allowed, otherwise draw a card,
  • A - Ace (ace, 1 or 11 points).

If you spend a couple of hours of your time to practice playing BlackJack in any online casino where you can play without registration, SMS, or opening a deposit, that is, absolutely free and without fear of spending extra money, then you will easily learn how to play in BlackJack with profit for yourself, without even looking at the given table of blackjack strategies.

Almost all decent online casinos have a demo play feature for everyone slot machines, including online poker and online blackjack - this allows inexperienced players to fully master the game with maximum benefit and not be afraid to try, apply different strategies and develop their own if necessary. Study the table of strategies for playing blackjack, play and win, because the world gambling has become much closer to you over the past decade.

Learning to play blackjack is very easy thanks to it simple rules, and if you also use the correct gaming strategy, then the advantage of the casino, and the online casino rating is on our website, over the player can be reduced to less than 0.5%, which is very low rate among games in online casinos.

Using our advanced winning blackjack strategy outlined below, you can increase the odds of winning in your favor by “earning” the bonus money offered to you by online casinos.

Blackjack Rules

The goal of playing blackjack is to beat the casino or dealer. To do this, you need to score more points than the dealer, but so that their total does not exceed 21. All cards with pictures in the game are valued at 10 points, an ace - at 1 or 11 points. The cost of the remaining cards in the deck corresponds to their face value.

After you have made your initial bet and the dealer has dealt you the first two cards, you can either take another card (HIT) or stand with your cards (STAND) in order to beat the dealer's hand. If the sum of your cards' points exceeds 21, you will lose your initial bet. If the value of your hand is higher than the value of the dealer's hand and is equal to 21 or less, the amount of your winnings will be equal to two of your initial bets. If the value of your hand is identical to the value of the dealer's hand, then you will simply get your bet back.

During the game you may have the opportunity to double your bet and get one additional card(DOUBLE), as well as the option to split your hand into two if its first two cards have the same value (SPLIT).

Winning Blackjack Strategy

To beat the casino, you must follow what we call the "perfect" blackjack strategy using our strategy table, which tells you exactly what you need to do with absolutely any card combination you might have.

For example, you have 12 points, while the dealer has 3. According to our table, at the intersection of the row and column corresponding to these points, there is a light green cell with a letter “H”, which is short for “HIT”. This means you must draw another card. For example, the dealer dealt you an eight, after which the value of your hand became 20. Now you look at the table again and see that at the intersection of the new row and the old column there is a red cell with the letter “S” - “STAND”. This means you've had enough.

If at the intersection of your hand and the dealer’s hand there is a blue cell “D” (DOUBLE), then you should double your bet and take another card.

If you land on a yellow cell with the letter “P” (SPLIT), then you should split your hand if you have the opportunity. Once you split your hand into two, nothing will change - you will just check the table for each hand separately.

You should also note that our blackjack strategy chart shows cases where your hand contains two identical cards or ace. For example, if you have an Ace and a Five and the dealer has a 4, then you should double your bet.

If your first two cards total 7 or less and your hand does not contain an Ace, you should draw an additional card. If you are dealt two cards that are not in our table, stay with your hand. If the dealer has an ace, you will be offered the opportunity to hedge your bet. Don't go for it!

That's all! Use our table of strategies for winning blackjack in online casinos, following which you can reduce the casino's advantage over you to less than 0.5%. This will significantly increase your chances of winning the game, as you will be able to receive the so-called “bonus” money offered by the casino.

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Home » Basic Blackjack Strategy

Anyone who has ever played blackjack has probably resorted to studying the strategies of the game, in particular its basic version. Not everyone wants to delve into and understand the nuances, but everyone wants to know how to avoid mistakes and rash moves in order to not only have fun, but also get some benefit from the game. We will try to clearly present information about all possible combinations in blackjack, this will help players understand the main principles of the game.

The basic strategy for playing blackjack is a specific system consisting of 270 possible combinations that can occur throughout the game. Why 270? Here the casino dealer's 10 face-up cards were taken into account, which were multiplied by the player's 27 possible hands. The result was a figure of 270.

You should not memorize all the information offered; after the player understands the basic principles of some types of blackjack, the remaining points will not play a big role. First you need to learn a strategy based on blackjack, which involves several decks of cards. The rules of the game stipulate that the dealer must stop drawing cards if there is a soft combination equal to 17 points. Once a player has mastered this kind of blackjack, it will not be difficult for him to use the basic strategy in its simpler variations.

We will divide some points of the rules into specific groups. There is no point for a player to remember which cards in his hand he can double with; the main thing in this situation is to know that doubling is done if the dealer’s open card is not an ace. We have divided all possible combinations into 6 parts that need to be taken into account when playing blackjack.

So, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • You must double if the dealer has a three to a six in his hand.
  • It is worth stopping and not taking cards if you already have 17 or more points.
  • You can double if you have 11 points in your hands and the dealer has open card- not an ace.
  • You need to take a card if your hand has less than 12 points.
  • If the player has 10 points and the dealer does not have an ace, you can double.
  • It is worth giving up if the hand is 15 points and the dealer's card is 10.
  • You must take a card if the player has 12 points and the dealer has a three or two.
  • It is necessary to abandon the game if the player has 16 points and the dealer has 10 or more.

In other situations, you do not need to take cards.

  • You need to stop taking cards if you already have 19 or 20 points in your hand.
  • If the player has 18 and the dealer has 7 or 8 points, you should stop drawing cards.
  • When the dealer has 5 or 6 points, you need to double regardless of your cards.
  • Doubling is necessary if the dealer has 4 points and the player has 15-18.
  • In addition, you need to double if there are 17-18 points against the dealer’s three, and with 18 points if the dealer has a two.
  • All other layouts involve receiving an additional card.
  • If a player has two aces or two eights, he needs to split them.
  • If there are 2 tens, they do not need to be divided into 2 hands.
  • If there is a pair of fives and the dealer has a nine or less, you need to double.
  • If there is a pair of nines, splitting is not recommended if the dealer has an ace or ten in his hand.
  • If the player received a pair of fours or sixes, and the dealer received a seven, you need to take a card.
  • It is also worth taking a card if the player has a pair of fours and the dealer has a four or less.
  • When the dealer has 8 or more, and the player has a pair of cards from two to seven, you also need to take a card.

In all other variants, it is better to divide pairs of cards into 2 hands.

To consolidate your knowledge and try it out in practice, it is best to play blackjack in the demo mode of the Russian Casino. The free play option will be a good start in mastering basic blackjack strategy.
