Conspiracy in cuttlefish bay. Gems in Blade & Soul Shining Hexagonal Ruby of the Hon Path

Gems in Blade and Soul- This is an integral part of any weapon! We hasten to warn you right away that they will not give any visual changes to your weapon, however, they will greatly increase its capabilities, which will also play into your hands in both PvP and PvE.

We invite you to immediately familiarize yourself with the main points, the knowledge of which is mandatory:

  • Gems can be obtained from a box/chest, by crafting, or by combining shards (the function is in the inventory).
  • Special round slots are allocated for stones in each weapon. The official Russian localization differs significantly from pirated version games even in small things. Many experienced players can remember slots of different shapes (triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal), for each specific stone. From now on, all slots are round, which allows you to not have to worry about finding a stone of a certain shape, but to insert any one that is in your inventory.

  • It is worth noting that removing a stone from a slot in a weapon requires a fee in the form of currency. The cost depends on the level of development of your character: the most simple stones You can extract it completely free of charge. Higher level gems, such as gems that allow you to increase your attack power by an unspecified amount, will require a fee, usually won't cause you to go broke.

  • If your weapon, like mine, has one or more slots with a “plus” sign, then I hasten to please you: your weapon allows you to purchase additional slots for gems in Blade and Soul. However, to purchase them you will have to have the Shining Hammer in your arsenal. Its cost and variety directly depend on your weapon. For example, if you have a Legendary weapon at your disposal, then the hammer should be, accordingly, legendary.

  • "Shining Hammer" or "Legendary Shining Hammer" can be considered quite rare items V game world. With a scant chance, it can be obtained by opening chests with rewards and completing dungeons. It will be much easier to just buy it on the market. The cost of each of them is current at the beginning of February 2018:

At this time, there are a total of 7 types of stones with different properties and with different conditions of use (they work in certain moment). Stones come in three different grades (Ordinary , Sparkling And Shining ) and five different shapes: triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal.

Below is a table of various stones with conditions of use and possible additional parameters.

Note: the table shows only one variation of the shape of the stones: hexagonal. X- a number that directly depends on the rank and shape of the stone.

Gemstone Terms of Use Possible bonuses


Possible action during attack.
  • stun on X seconds
  • X units of additional damage
  • stun on X seconds and application X additional damage
A methist On a critical attack.
  • absorption X HP units
  • instant recovery X HP units


Evasion action.
  • recovery X HP units for 8 seconds
  • resistance to all conditions during X seconds + increase critical attack by X within 30 seconds

Blocking action.
  • extra damage X
  • recovery X within 8 seconds

The action when attacking a stunned/knocked down enemy also applies to stun/knockdown combat techniques.
  • extra damage X
WITH aphir Action when blocking/evading an enemy.
  • extra damage X
  • Reduced enemy movement speed + extra damage X
Diamond Action when defending, dodging, blocking. Adds attack power.
  • + X% chance of evasion
  • + X% block chance
  • + X units of additional damage
  • + X units of protection
  • + X attack power units
Amber Action when defending, dodging, blocking.
  • X units of protection
  • +X health units (HP)

Master of Summoning (summoner, summoner, cat breeder) is a class that has chosen the path of justice and light, using the magic of nature in battle. The summoning master is very easy to find in a crowd, because his assistant almost never leaves his master. Even if the helper runs out of HP, the summoner can always summon him again using a special spell. In the arsenal of this class a wide variety of skills, both directed and AoE (mass).


If in other games the summoner is a class for which all the work is done by animals tamed by him or other creatures unknown to our world, then here everything is a little different - the cat, of course, helps quite well, but the most important role is still played by the summoner himself. Blade and soul is a very dynamic game, if we take as a basis only the passage of PvE (Player versus Environment - player against monsters/environment) content - this is this the character will do for the game completely. In PvE it does not cause problems at all, and also does not require special skill in using many keys, but in PvP (Player vs Player - player against player) it is a completely different story.

Pros and cons

Many believe that the summoning master is one of the strongest classes in Blade and Soul, and most will be right - the “cat breeder” indeed occupies far from the last place in this ranking.


  • If we consider strengths master of summoning in PvP, then at first this class will please the player even more than he expects. The character will reach the average rating in the arena without any problems thanks to his assistant - the cat. But at high ratings, the summoner himself will have to become more involved - the cat will no longer pose a strong threat to opponents as before.
  • The next strength of the summoning master is the presence of a skill that activates invisibility, and invisibility is never superfluous and often helps to avoid damage, etc. More information about invisibility can be found in the table of contents Skills.


  • The first and perhaps the most weak side summoner is that even with an average level of play at this character, in PvP the player simply has no chance against a strong opponent - the summoner is very weak, has very little health, and in case of stunning (stun, shock) the round can be considered lost. It is necessary to adapt to avoid such attacks, and this requires good reaction, knowledge of enemy attacks, sense of timing and experience.
  • The second disadvantage of the summoning master is the need for the player to control two characters at once: the summoner and the assistant, and at the same time keep an eye on the enemy.

The main skills of the summoning master, but depending on the playing style and preferences, the list of skills may be different.

Roses [LMB] - allows you to accumulate Qi - energy that allows you to use other skills.

Sunflower [RMB] is a core skill in both PvE and PvP. Allows you to deliver enormous damage to the enemy in a short period of time. It is very important to note that it hits all targets it touches, however these targets must be on the ground. Very useful skill.

Bloodsucker Bindweed [F] - this skill restores HP to the character and assistant (as well as comrades) and at the same time deals damage to the enemy for 10 seconds. If you have to deal with a shadow master or another summoning master, then this skill will also not allow them to go into invisibility. A very useful skill.

Backflip [F] - triggers when the character is knocked to the ground. After pressing the [F] key, it takes you out of the state of falling over, weakening and fainting - the character does a back somersault, jumping away from the enemy, thereby preventing him from causing damage.

Prickly Chestnut [F] - a skill that allows you to inflict a certain amount of damage, reduce the enemy’s speed, interrupt repulsion and defense, and does not increase the target’s level of aggression. Can be used in some cases, namely:

This skill allows you to inflict additional damage on an enemy, or on several opponents, and at the same time, with proper pumping, relieve the enemy of a certain amount of energy.

Reprisal is a very important and useful skill. Used by an assistant if the enemy is lying on the ground - immobilizes the enemy for 3 seconds, which in turn will allow him to deal at least 50% of the damage with the Sunflower skill.

Run-up - the skill can be upgraded to Charge, which, when developed along the first branch, allows the assistant to stun the enemy for 2 seconds with every second use of this skill.

Tenacious Vine is a skill that allows you to immobilize a target for 8 seconds. With proper development of the skill, it allows you to reset the cooldown time of the skill to 0 in case of successful use of the ability. Quite a useful skill.

Thorny ivy - allows you to inflict damage on your opponent, and also, if the skill develops, weaken him. Weakening is a necessary element for possible subsequent combo moves.

Pollen is a very useful skill that allows you to resist enemy effects and projectiles, and also, when developed, allows you to restore a certain amount of HP of group members.

Dandelion is one of the most useful skills. When using this skill, the character raises a dandelion above him, which increases resistance to enemy damage and effects, and, if successful, allows him to gain the effect of invisibility.

Encouragement [Z] - allows you to restore your assistant’s HP at the expense of your health.

Headbutt [X] - the assistant hits! with his head! the enemy is in a state of suppression, and, leaving him, returns to the owner. This skill allows you to make an enemy faint for 30 seconds.

Friendship [X] - allows you to restore a certain amount of the summoner’s health at the expense of the assistant’s HP.

Hammer swing [C] - brings the assistant out of the knockdown state.

Shock [C] is a very useful skill. If a character is in a state of stun or a specific skill is about to be activated in his direction, you can interrupt this state/action with the help of an assistant.

Undercut [V] - used by an assistant, allowing you to knock the enemy to the ground. With a certain development of the skill, instead of sweeping, the assistant sets a bomb, which, when exploded, has the same effect as sweeping.

Uppercut [V] - can be used when the target is weakened. Mainly used after the skill.

Game with a bow [V] - used after the skill. The assistant makes several strikes at the enemy in the air. This skill, along with the previous one, forms the only combo between the character and the enemy in the air.

Protective Veil [Q] - For 5 seconds, greatly reduces the damage taken by the assistant. Developing this skill adds the ability to provoke opponents near the assistant. Very useful in both group and solo dungeons.

Kis-kis [E] - a skill that allows you to call an assistant to the summoner (i.e. cancels the previous order to attack, etc.).

Evasion (S) - By pressing the [S] key twice, you can jump back 10 meters.

Stepping Back is a very useful skill. Allows you to get out of the state of capsizing, stunning, weakening, fainting.

Cat's Fury - Cat's Vitality - Meow - these skills do not need to be activated with a button. With the right maximum development almost doubles the protection of the assistant.



With equipment in Blade and Soul, everything is very simple - just “evolve” the weapons of the Way of Hon.


With jewelry, the situation is absolutely the same as with weapons - improving the jewelry of the Path of Hon.


The list of trigrams for the summoning master is not mandatory, but is only advisory.

  • Level 6-20 - Bagua of the immortal ganji
  • Level 20-36 - Bagua of the Hero of the Wild Forest
  • Level 36-42 - Bagua Legends of the Great Desert
  • Level 42-45 - Bagua of the hungry ghost
  • Level 45 - Bagua of the Spider Queen
  • Level 45 - Battle bagua of the Plains of Plenty
  • Level 45 - Bagua Po Hwarang


The most relevant stones (hexagons)

Stones for PvP:

  • Diamond - damage
  • Amethyst - damage + life steal, triggers on a critical attack
  • Ruby - stun
  • Topaz - attack power + life steal

Stones for PvE:

  • Amethyst - life steal - triggers on a critical attack
  • Ruby - extra damage.
  • Sapphire - critical attack when dodging/parrying + instant recovery


PvE for a summoning master in Blade & Soul is not a particular task - the character will feel quite confident everywhere, both in solo and in team play.



Ax master (destro, destroyer)

One of the most unpleasant opponents for a summoning master. The point of playing against an ax master is to avoid being hit by his stun skills. There are 3 options for getting out of his control. The first option is when the character is on the ground, use the Back Flip (F) skill - this skill will be used quite often when fighting with the ax master. The second option for escaping control is to use the Dandelion ability - but this requires a good sense of timing. When the enemy’s ability to approach and stun should roll back, you can predict their use and activate the skill, if successful, allow the ax master to use these skills in vain, go into a state of invisibility and run away. The third option for evading ax attacks is the “Step Back” ability - if it is not possible to use the first two options, and there is no choice, and the enemy can cause very serious damage, only then you need to use this skill, and in no case should it be used in case of a simple fall - in such cases it is much more effective to simply use [F], since “Backward Roll” only saves when falling, but saves from many things (Rollover, Stun, Weakness, Fainting). As previously reported, the main thing is to be able to dodge the attacks of the ax master and try by all means to avoid being stunned. In other cases, you can simply run around the enemy and attack him with a hail of skills and, while not forgetting to use it to immobilize him. The battle with the ax master is also a battle against time - if he does not win against the summoning master within a certain time, then he loses.

Elemental Master (Mage)

Quite a difficult opponent for a summoning master. This fight is a damage competition. The main abilities that can help an inexperienced elemental master in the fight will be “Pollen” and “Evasion” [S]. From the beginning of the battle, it is enough to use the skill to gain resistance to enemy effects. If the enemy is more experienced, there is a high probability of constantly using a skill that allows you to “freeze” the summoning master and fix his camera. To get out of this state, double pressing the [S] key or “Retreat back” will help.

Master of Shadows (Assassin)

With this opponent it will be very difficult for the summoning master only at a very high rating, where the opponent more or less knows how to play as a shadow master. Otherwise, the game against the shadow master is to prevent him from “going” into invisibility and avoiding as many of his attacks as possible. To do this, whenever possible, you need to use the “Bloodsucker Bindweed” skill [F].

Blade Master

Blade Masters do not pose any particular problems for the Summon Master - the main thing is to survive the first 10 seconds of the battle without getting hit by a brutal five-hit combo, so it is recommended to start the battle by using the “Dandelion” skill to meet the enemy.

Kung-fu master

Pretty average opponent. The battle is conducted on the same principle as with the ax master, since these two classes are similar in their skills, which allow them to inflict significant damage during the imposed stun. It is necessary not to allow the character to be put into a state of stun and to dodge his attacks.

Summoning Master (Summoner, Cat Breeder)

If possible, use the “Bloodsucker Bindweed” skill in order to prevent the enemy from going into a state of invisibility.

Guide passage of Cuttlefish Bay

Cuttlefish Bay is a rather interesting dungeon, in which you can immediately acquire several important things. You can get there by completing the quest “Invitation from Po Hwarang”. The quest itself becomes available at level 43. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to wait until level 45 to go conquer it.

As for the location, getting there is quite easy. We take the task in the list of tasks, on the right edge of the monitor. Afterwards, on the map we will see an image of a blue star, indicating that this is where we need to go. It is there that we hand over the quest to the girl, for which we receive almost 6000 experience points. Which, of course, is not little.

Detailed walkthrough (guide) of Cuttlefish Bay for 24 people: The passage for 4 or 6 people is slightly different from 24 people. Firstly, you need skill and a good level of development of the character’s equipment and weapons. What does the passage look like from the outside? Here's a detailed guide:

Po Hwarang in Blade and Soul - subtleties and walkthrough

Po Hwarang in Blade and Soul is a dungeon for 24 people, however, you don’t need to look for a party. It's like an open location where only 24 people can be. Introducing Detailed guide- passage of the Po Hwarang dungeon. And so, we have reached level 45, now the whole game will change! Many opportunities and interesting dungeons will open up for us. Immediately after level 45, we will receive a letter saying that everyone has heard about our exploits, and it is an honor to contact us. It also says that it’s time for us to visit Po Hwarang. After reading the letter, we immediately receive the quest “Invitation to Po Hwarang”, in which we have to kill 5 bosses (4 dungeons):

Black Widow (Spider Queen's Nest)

Green Sage and Blue Wind Sage (Lin Ruins)

Great Sage (Sky Sanctuary)

Chief Hon Dan (Lair of the Fanged Boars)

Having killed all the bosses, we go to the Bay of Storms at the Southern Crossing to take the quest. Go up the stairs and turn right, you will see the entrance.

Po Hwarang is a dungeon for 24 people, however, you don’t need to look for a party. It's like an open location where only 24 people can be. People go to this dungeon to complete good daily tasks (taken before the dungeon) and to farm bosses. Quests are marked on the map, so there should be no problems completing them. When you enter the dungeon, you will see that it is full of dragon paths. Approaching them, we will see on the minimap where each one leads (the red ones, by the way, lead to Po Hwarang). On the map you will constantly see the respawn of red faces, this will also be reported in the chat and written in the center of the screen.

Bosses: Gatekeeper Bal Lar, Commandant Mak Sobo (magician), Chef Tae Changgeum (assassin).

Sometimes the Assistant Cook (axe master) also appears, who spawns in a random place in the dungeon, and Ga Gobun, whom we already met in GEO. He appears whenever he wants, after the death of one of the bosses, in the place of the same boss. By the way, he has the same skills as in GEO.

Unlike all the previous ones, in this dungeon the “hit once - get a drop” rule does not apply. Here we will have to try: the chest will fall provided that you have decently equipped the boss, the drop of the chest will also depend on the damage you inflict. We can get a chest even if we have done little damage, but it will drop a maximum of blue fluff of the Plain and blue tablets of Cuttlefish. The box that drops when you damage the boss well contains Cuttlefish fiol tablets, Plain fluff, Storm Essence, fiol rings, earrings, and bracelets.

As we run around clearing bosses, we wonder, “Where is Po Hwarang?” The bay keeper will respawn after 12-16 kills of other dungeon bosses.

After the notification appears on the screen informing you that Po Hwarang will finally look into the Cove, you will have 3 minutes to get to the boss spawn location. Here, in order to get the chest, you will have to try more than ever before, since you have a lot of competitors, and the chest falls provided that you have dealt damage “Mother, don’t cry.”

If you have bad fluff, then it's worth beating the mobs and knocking out a bomb or rifle, this will help you deal enough damage to get the chest.

Important - when the boss appears, do not try to take a selfie with her or send air kisses. I understand your admiration, but you don’t have time for that. Your first priority is to deal as much damage as possible before she kills you. If you die in all the bacchanalia that is happening, then do not try to kill yourself (by getting up, you will lose the chest), lie peacefully and wait for others to kill you.

So, we survived and knocked out the chest. Now we go to the pier, where after the death of Po Hwaran, one of 4 bosses will randomly respawn: the King of the Silent Conquerors, the Poisonous Sea Imp, the Hammer or the Iceman. We are only interested in the demon, since the rest drop slag. It is from the demon that one of the very good fluff drops - the Shark's weapon. He sleeps extremely rarely (according to my modest observations, out of 50 times, about 3-4 times). Since one circle takes more than an hour, you shouldn’t test your nerves: if you knocked out the demon’s chest, open it with a sparkling key if you don’t want to sit here for another day or two guarding his rep.

Drop from Po Hwarang dungeon.

Fiol and blue pieces of cuttlefish tablets drop: 1.2 from Bal Lar, 3.4 from Cook, 5.6 from Commandant, 7 and 8 from fiol chests. Purple and blue tablets safely give a set bonus together;

  1. Essence of the Storm - for the roulette wheel to the left of the entrance. Prizes - witch fluff, jars, Cuttlefish tablets, costume, hairstyle;
  2. Plain fluff is the best way to pump up Shark fluff in terms of price/quality ratio;
  3. Cans for damage - drink on bosses;
  4. Fiol ring with an assistant is trash;
  5. Fiol earrings – when printing, you may get lucky and the earring will fall on crit/crit, and will be better than a morphed one;
  6. Fiol fluff – drops a lot, but we only need the shark because of its crit stat;
  7. Bracelets – top bracelet for crit/crit. Best at level 45.

Having acquired normal tablets and sharpened the Shark's fluff, we go to Shark Bay or the Po Hwarang dungeon at 6 (4). The entrance to it is located in the Harbor of the Eastern Sea Brotherhood, a little higher on the map than the usual PO.

Now we will look at software option 4, since it is more complex.

We gather a party of 4 people, preferably with experience, good gear, chiseled Shark down or morphed and tablets for Naru coins. It is advisable to have a Master of the Elements or a Kung Fu Master in the party. It is also advisable for each group member to have the Wall Running skill. You can, of course, do it without it, but the “without” option will either take a long time or require sacrifices (deaths) from you.

So, we entered the dungeon. The mobs here are quite strong and there is a lot of hassle with them. They are usually missed (for this we need to run along the walls).

First, we run onto the high pillars and from there we soar until the turn, quickly run to the next such installation, climb onto it and then continue to the boss. If you don't have Wall Run, try to run to last installation, then, exhausted, crawl into the corner behind her, meditate there and calmly run to the boss.

We are at the first boss - the gatekeeper Bal Lar, next to whom are his two minions.

Dealing with minions is quite a chore, since they have an AoE skill that can one-shot unprepared players, and in general they are quite thick and unpleasant, so usually they are simply stuck together by syn, mage, lsm. The boss itself is quite easy if you know the following: after the nth amount of time has passed, he will sink into the water and become invulnerable. This is where the Master of the Elements will come to our aid, who will put up a protective barrier (to which the whole party runs together). He will be able to block the boss's first attack - long-range spits that take away ¾ of your HP and knock you back.

An alternative can be any block/log, syn dust or dandelion samonner. After spitting, he will begin to boil the water, and again the Master of the Elements or CFM saves us by throwing a flower at the party, that is, instead of receiving damage from boiling, we will fall into an ice cage for 3 seconds, which will not allow damage to pass through. By the way, damage from boiling also removes ¾ HP, but no longer specific player, and to the whole party. After boiling, the stingray will begin to swim through the water and to get it out of there, we will need counter skills (block/log, etc.).

Next, having killed the boss, from point 2 to point 3 we fly through the air using hover. If this is your first time in a dungeon, then it’s better to run at the end and just repeat after everyone, go around the mobs the same way as the others, try to aggro as little as possible.

In zone 3 we need to kill three mini-bosses - a magician, an assassin, and an ax master. After this, the gates will open for us. We carefully go down, after which we run inside the bay. The second serious boss will be waiting there - chef Ta Changgam. It is better to clear the room in front of the cook gradually in order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices. There don't seem to be many mobs there, but as soon as you start hitting them, reinforcements will come running to help them, so it's best not to risk it.

And so: cook Ta Changgam is an assassin, and accordingly her skills are synov’s. He spits poison, performs a lotus dance, and goes into invisibility. You should be wary of stacks of poison that have high periodic damage and a bomb that she places on one of the party members (a warning about it will appear on the screen). Here the flower of the same Master of the Elements or any skills that make us immune to damage will help us. A bomb explosion can one-shot or demolish ¾ of your lifebar. By the middle of her HP, a fat minion will appear, the Ax Master calmly puts him to sleep and then does not touch him at all, since after the death of the boss he will run away.

Having killed the boss, we run to point 5. It’s impossible to run here without aggravating the mobs, but no matter how many of them aggro, run forward, sooner or later they will fall behind. Particularly persistent ones may run after you until the very end, and here it is worth paying attention to the boxes at the end.

We jump on them, after which the mobs in most cases fight back. If it doesn't help, you'll have to kill.

Commandant Mak Sobo is in the last cabin on the left side. Attack him only when the whole party runs into the room, otherwise the door will simply close and you will not fight him in full force.

Mak Sobo is a magician, his skills are a simple auto attack, a whirlwind of flame and AOE waves of fire around him. It’s very easy to dodge all this: you see a circle on the floor - take your feet out of it, after a few seconds it will explode, that’s all you need to know. Perhaps the easiest boss in this dungeon, but deals a lot of damage if you get into the circles. It is worth noting that a minute after you start beating him, a BM will come running to help, whom you can simply put to sleep. If you pick at the boss for a long time, then in addition to the BM, the Ax Master will also come. They won't disappear after the boss dies, but you can ignore them and move on.

Now the final stage, what we came here for is the meeting with Po Hwarang.

Absolutely all the bosses in this game that you have seen before are little innocent children compared to her. So don't underestimate her darling appearance. Deals an incredible amount of damage. Having bad gear or stupid party members, you will not be able to pass it, no matter how much you try.

Targeted attacks have very high damage. So, for example, if she throws a syn into the air, but the magician does not throw a flower on him and the party members cannot stop Poe, then most likely the syn will die or remain at low HP.

Very mobile, constantly moving around the map, while becoming those who were near her at the time of movement. When he jumps to the center and places a mine, and the skills that make you immune to damage are in cooldown, move to the very sides of the arena, where the explosion will not reach you. By the way, the explosion has two waves: first coming from Po Hwarang to the walls, then from the walls back to her.

Closer to 3/5 HP, she will jump to the middle of the arena and say something like “it’s time for you to cool down,” which means there will be a big one-shot boom now. You should pay attention to the levers on the sides of the arena: using any of them, you must stand on the steam engine. It is he who will save you from the icy shock wave, in addition, he will also kidnap you. The least lucky person will be the one who will be targeted by Poe during the cast, since several volleys of mines will fly at him, leaving a burning fire on the floor. Standing on this will cause you to die quickly. We are close to the goal: 2/5 HP left, but it wasn’t to be! Po Hwa declares that the games are over and two “cute” cats come to her aid.

If you can, try to put them to sleep in the chaos, since underestimating them can turn into a disastrous situation. The damage they cause can be ignored, but permanent stuns will cause a lot of problems. A stun targeted by Po Hwa will most likely result in death. During a big boom, cats, like you, will run to the wall (they also want to live), they will not touch you at this time, so you should not worry at these moments.

So, following this tactic, we defeated Po Hwarang and received a trophy, where our prize will be determined by a great random. To get what you need from the chest, you will go down here more than a dozen times. Good luck! Don't agree with the guide? Sell ​​us yours! [Total votes: 44 Average: 3.7/5]

Other updates

  1. All dungeons are now open to groups of 6 heroes. 4-player mode has been removed.
  2. Dungeons are divided into difficult and normal. Hard ones work the same as in four-player mode, but now there can be up to six participants in a group. And simple ones are the same as before in the six-player mode.
  3. Achievements that could be obtained in dungeons for 4 heroes are now available in the mode for 6. The progress of already obtained achievements will be transferred to new ones.
  4. The rewards for each mode haven't actually changed, but the chance of getting rare items is much higher in Hard mode than in Normal mode.

Table of dungeons with available modes

Daily Challenges

As a reward for the Daily Challenge, you will receive a Treasure Chest (instead of Heavenly Energy) and one of the items - a fragment, a violet or a feather.

Daily Challenge Changes


Story Mission Rewards

As a reward for completing story missions added materials to improve equipment - now you can improve items much faster. If you go all the way storyline, you will receive 3 Hon Path gems that increase your attack.

Updated rewards table

Quest name Reward
Suspicious Headman Immortal Ganji Weapon x1
Chapter 1. Revival of the school Ring of Winter Chill x1

Small crystal x10

Chapter 2. Back to school Unknown blizzard weapon x1
Chapter 5. Revealing the secret Necklace of Winter Chill x1
Chapter 7. The ominous sounds of the pipe Trigram of dark forces x1
Chapter 8. Missing children
Chapter 9. Rising from the Darkness Earring of winter cold x1

Small crystal x50

Crystal moonstone x10

Soul stone crystal x35

Chapter 10. Unexpected student Naryu Box x1

Melting Stone (White Mountains) x20

Valuable item (10 gold) x1

Chapter 1. Shard of Hope Winter Cold Bracelet x1
Chapter 2. A New Beginning Unknown snow beast weapon x1
Chapter 3. Sick So Yeon Small crystal x15

Moonstone crystal x3

Soul stone crystal x10

Chapter 5. The beginning of a fatal relationship Winter Cold Belt x1

Opal of luck of the Path of Hon x2

Chapter 1. Mysterious stranger Shining Hexagonal Ruby of the Path of Hon - attack x1
Chapter 2. Unexpected help Unknown weapon of ancient legend x1
Chapter 3. Searches in Cloud Bay Small crystal x90

Moonstone crystal x25

Soul stone crystal x70

Chapter 4. New ally Naryu Box x2

Melting Stone (White Mountains) x50

Valuable item (10 gold) x3

Chapter 5. Song Bang of the Big Eight Shining Hexagonal Sapphire of the Path of Hon - attack x1

Unfinished Guardian Spirit Stone x1

Pouch with Divine Guardian Spirit Stone x1

Chapter 6. Assault on the Heavenly Palace Orb of the Plains of Plenty x1
Chapter 7. Treasure of the Varaks Unknown weapon of the snowy mountains x1
Chapter 8. Black ship Small crystal x20

Moonstone crystal x5

Soul stone crystal x15

Chapter 10. Home is on fire Shining Hexagonal Topaz of the Path of Hon - attack x1

Amulet of a novice of the school of the Way of Khon x1

Types of combat schools

  1. Combat schools were divided into two types: open and closed.
  2. After the update, all schools will become closed by default.
  3. A closed school can be turned into an open one, but not vice versa.

Open Combat School

An open battle school can consist of up to 100 players. Bonuses begin to apply as soon as 15 fighters appear in the school. This type of school is intended for players who do not care about competition, they are just looking for a friendly team.

  1. Level open school cannot be promoted, he will forever remain first.
  2. Now the head of the school has no right to expel large number fighters. Only one player can be removed from school each day.
  3. Each school fighter can invite another player.
  4. Anyone can join the school; no confirmation is required from the head of the school.
  5. To call the battle school interface, use the H key.

Closed combat school

The closed combat school operates according to the usual rules. This type of school is designed for players who love competition and battles.


All functions of the combat school remained unchanged, with the exception of the Great Workshop. Now you can create a new Volcano Robe here (the recipe can be obtained in the Foundry).

People have valued precious stones at all times. Experienced Jewelers have created and continue to create beautiful jewelry from them. In the game Blade and Soul, cutting stones will allow you to decorate your weapon with them, thereby increasing its parameters. Items decorated with stones sell well at auction. In PVE and PVP aspects, enhanced weapons give the player advantages.

Brief information about stones

  • You can inlay any stone; there are no restrictions on level or other parameters.
  • All precious stones have different quality (grade), type and type. The type of stone has its own subtype (with different characteristics).
  • The same type of stone cannot be installed in a weapon.
  • Stones add various parameters and properties (for example: reduce the enemy’s attack speed).
  • At low levels, stones can be extracted for a small fee; at high levels, the price is quite high.
  • Stones that have already been installed and removed from an item cannot be sold or transferred to another player.
  • Stones can be broken to have a small chance of obtaining resources for creating other types of stones. When you try to break an improved stone, the chance of obtaining resources increases.
  • At the time of the last patch Blade games and Soul there are 7 types of gems (different colors).

Types of stones


For any attack, except damage from DoT (a buff on the enemy that deals a certain amount of damage per second), gives a chance for an additional effect:

  • +400 extra damage
  • + 140 additional damage, stuns the enemy for 2.5 seconds
  • 100% Critical Chance for the next two attacks within 2.5 seconds
Tip: Not bad for PVE, but in dungeons on bosses the “stun” effect does not work, so best choice There will be stones with bonuses for critical or additional damage. But in PVP, stun will come in handy more than once.


With critical damage, there is a chance of an additional effect, which is indicated on the stone. Effects:

  • Absorbs 200 HP
  • Restores 300 HP
  • +220 extra damage
  • +3 attack power, absorbs 200 enemy HP
Tip: Hexagonal amethysts are the best. In practice, absorbing damage is better than restoring health.


Adds various characteristics. The top option for 28 attack power, the other 3 types are useless at the moment.

Tip: If you don’t have the “Jewelry Making” skill, then precious stones are purchased at auction. It is better to buy a 5-carbon diamond (23 attack power), because the best stones are quite expensive. The difference of three attack powers is not critical.


Adds various properties when knocking out (knocking down an enemy) and when stunning an enemy. At the moment there are 3 types, but the top one is for attack power + absorption of enemy health:

  • + 5 attack power, absorbs 100 enemy HP
Important: This stone increases the “attack power” parameter. Regardless of the attack power without the stone, the parameter increase on the player with the stone will be constant.


Adds a chance to gain useful parameters when a character dodges. At the moment there are four top stones, but we are only interested in 1:

  • Ignore control for 3 seconds, + 150 attack crit for 30 seconds
Tip: This Beryl is great for PVP and for those who have recently upgraded to level 45 (it increases critical damage quite well).

Shapes and quality of stones

Shapes of stones:

  • Triangular
  • Quadrangular
  • Pentagonal
  • Hexagonal
  • Heptagonal

Shapes of stones

Quality of stones:

  • Ordinary
  • Sparkling
  • Shining

Quality of stones

Methods for obtaining stones

  1. Jewelers can create stones themselves. To do this, it is advisable to learn how to mine ore and stones. Resources for jewelry are sold at auction if the player has enough money to purchase it.
  2. Stones are sold at auction and from other players.
  3. In dungeons and raids, after killing the boss there is a chance to receive a stone as a reward.
  4. Glacier has a Wheel of Fortune, where for Naryu coins you have a chance to get top 6 coal stones. This method is considered one of the best for obtaining the best gemstones.
  5. When dismantling weapons for resources, there is a small chance that a random stone will drop out. This method will not bring the top stone. At the moment, there is no information that any of the players were able to get the best stone.
  6. In the “Transformation” tab, which is located in the lower corner of the inventory, you can craft boxes with low-level stones. This is relevant at low levels; for high-level players such stones are useless.

Weapon Upgrade

Every weapon above the blue (rare) type always has a slot for a stone. Each such slot has its own shape and you can insert a corresponding stone of any type into it. The maximum number of slots for weapons found in the game is 4.

Stone installation:

  • open the weapon menu: Shift+LMB opens the weapon menu and in the menu that opens, a stone is installed in the cell (dragged from the inventory to the slot);
  • You can also open the weapon menu by dragging the gem icon onto the weapon picture in your inventory.

Video guide: overview of creating gems for weapons

If the player makes the wrong stone, or finds a better option, the stone can be pulled out for a fee. To remove a stone in the weapon menu, right-click on the unwanted stone.

Tip: On high levels the cost of removing a stone is quite expensive, so players who have recently upgraded maximum level It is necessary to carefully select stones.

If the number of slots in a weapon is less than 4, then additional slots can be added using the “Cell” item. Such objects (“cells”) also have shape and quality. The shape corresponds to the shape of the stones, but the quality affects the chance of successfully adding a slot and its shape.
