All portraits in the game are chronicles of chaos. Secrets of the game Chronicles of Chaos

In this game world there's a lot waiting for you exciting adventures and difficult tasks, therefore Walkthrough of "Chronicles of Chaos" will not always be simple. So that nothing prevents you from confidently moving towards your intended goal, you will need knowledge of the secrets and nuances of the passage, many of which are collected in our knowledge base.

During this time, new game modes await you, which you should understand first.


Access to this game mode opens when the team reaches level 25. Here you are faced with the task of defeating one of three presented bosses, which change according to the in-game schedule.

The stage at which you begin to progress through the “outlands” directly depends on the characters’ levels. The higher the hero’s level, the greater the initial stage of the game in the “outlands”.

In boss battles, you can use the entire team, consisting of one to five heroes. This battle lasts for two minutes.

Boss Schedule

  • On Monday, Thursday and Sunday you can fight the “conqueror brog”. This boss is immune to physical attacks, so it is best to use only those characters who can deal significant magical damage. These characters are: Pippi, Kai, Faceless, Heidi, Thea, Orion, Arachne, Mojo, Lilith, Fabos, Marcus, Lien, Astaroth, Aurora, Judge and Dorian.
  • On Tuesday, Friday and Sunday there is an opportunity to fight with the “Illis the weaver”. This boss is immune to magical attacks and melee attacks. Therefore, it is best to use only those characters in the battle with him who can inflict significant physical damage, without approaching the enemy. These characters are: Ginger, Dark Star, Daredevil, Artemis and Fox.
  • On Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday you can fight the “Vajar the Incinerator”. This boss is immune to magical attacks, and also does not allow ranged fighters to fight. Therefore, in this case, it is best to use only those characters capable of inflicting physical damage from close distances. Such characters are: Chubbu, Galahad, Luther, Cleaver, Ismail, Dante, Kira and Qing Mao.

It is worth noting that on Sunday you have the opportunity to fight any boss of your choice. But you also have three attempts, which you can spend at your discretion: fight one boss or fight each one.


Having defeated one of the bosses, you get the opportunity to open “outland chests”, in which you can find coins, “Qing Mao soul stones”, as well as various “appearance stones”: agility, defeating the “brogue”, strength, defeating the “illisa” , as well as intelligence, defeating "vajarara".

Opening the first chest is completely free, but each subsequent chest can only be opened for emeralds. By opening three chests in a row, you receive a reward in the form of free “appearance stones,” and so on every time.

  • The first three chests cost 90 emeralds each, for which you get 90 “appearance stones” for free.
  • The cost of the next three chests is 120 emeralds each, for which you get free 130 “appearance stones”.
  • The next three chests cost 150 emeralds each, for which you get free 165 “appearance stones”.
  • The next three chests cost 190 emeralds each, for which you get free 220 “appearance stones”.
  • The cost of all the following chests is 280 emeralds each, for every three of them you get 340 “appearance stones” for free.

Important: There is no limit for opening chests.

Outland Store

Here you have the opportunity to spend the “Outland Coins” that you have earned. In the store you can purchase “Luther's soul stones”, as well as many different items with fragments of objects.

Character Appearances

“Skin Stones” give you the opportunity to purchase new appearances for your heroes, thanks to which they change appearance, and one of its characteristics and “basic appearance” are also improved. All improvements are cumulative regardless of what skin you put on the hero, and he receives all stat improvements.


This type of adventure becomes available upon reaching level 40. Your team is tasked with defeating opponents and collecting rewards as they climb floor by floor.

There are three types of floors: with power-ups, chests and battles. In total, you have to overcome fifty floors in the tower, at the top of which a pleasant surprise is prepared for you.

The tower store offers access to new heroes: Orion, Kai and Dante.

Battle floors

  • The higher you move along the floors, the more powerful the opponents you encounter on your way.
  • The level of the team you have at the time of entering the tower determines the level of opponents you will have to fight.
  • Reward for the battle: tower points and skulls, with which you can purchase power-ups.
  • The final reward for completing a battle depends on the number of stars earned in each battle. The more stars earned, the larger the reward multiplier will become.

Floors with chests

  • On each floor there are three chests, each of which has its own prize in the form of a random piece of equipment, tower coins and gold.
  • You have the right to choose which one of the chests to open. The first one can be opened for free.
  • The reward amount increases as the floor number increases.

Floors with reinforcements

  • They give you the opportunity to purchase up to three power-ups using the “skull”.
  • The ability to increase the performance of heroes in battle: magical or physical armor, as well as physical attack. The ability to change the current state of a character or the entire team: life, resurrection and energy.
  • The purchased boost can be activated immediately.
  • Enhancements that increase performance in battle remain with you until the end of the tower.
  • As you go up the floors, power-ups can be repeated and become available for purchase again. The effects of the boosts are cumulative.

At the end of the day, you receive a letter notifying you of the reward for the tower points you scored last time. At this moment, the points of the tower and skull are reset to zero and the passage of the tower begins anew.

You have the option of skipping some of the floors with confrontations. This opportunity depends on your yesterday’s result in passing the tower, that is, how high you managed to climb. Don't miss the chance to take advantage of this opportunity. This can only be done the next day, otherwise this progress will be reset.

If you miss a battle, you'll be rewarded for a perfect completion on Heroic. At the same time, all heroes who get the opportunity to take part in the tower are given the maximum amount of energy.

The health and energy of characters and opponents who were not defeated on the floor are preserved until the daily reset at 5 a.m.

Video resources for the passage of “Chronicles of Chaos”

Walkthrough of the tower

Guide for beginners

Where to get gold

List of useful knowledge base information for downloading

  • How to carry out the Emperor's Decree
  • Hero Guide
  • Astaroth
  • Aurora
  • Chubba
  • Galahad
  • Arachne
  • Judge
  • Mojo
  • Faceless
  • Phobos
  • Artemis
  • Dark Star
  • Heidi
  • Daredevil
  • Ginger
  • Orion
  • Dante
  • Marcus
  • Lilith
  • Ismail
  • Cleaver
  • Pippi
  • Luther
  • Qing Mao
  • Dorian
  • Hero stories
  • Aurora
  • Heidi
  • Chubba
  • Orion
  • Pippi
  • Galahad
  • Ginger
  • Daredevil
  • Wendy

To win the game Chronicles of Chaos in the Arena or Grand Arena, you need to have strong connections or teams of heroes.

It's no secret that in the game weaker heroes can defeat others of a higher level in the arena.

For the Grand Arena you need to collect 3 packs of heroes of 5 pieces each. It is advisable to have 1 tank in each team. It's easy to do.

Teams for the Grand Arena

From the very beginning of the game, you will have two good heroes that you will use in every battle. This is the tank Galahad and the attacking hero with high vampirism Ismail.

We put Ishmael in the first link, and Galahad in the second. In the third combination you can put Asataroth and Luther. Then, when you buy Chabba or Ziri, replace Astaroth.

The chests may drop the hero Cleaver, who can replace the tank in the third team.

To fight in the Grand Arena in the Chronicles of Chaos, you need to have only 2 strong teams of heroes, because to win it is enough to win only 2 battles out of three.

There is a little trick. We bet our weakest on the strongest pack of enemy heroes. As a result, we lose 1 battle, but win two.

Over time, all three teams of heroes will become strong and then you don’t have to think about changing teams.

Here are my packs of heroes for the Grand Arena in the game Chronicles of Chaos.

The first combination is the strongest - Ismail, Orion, Dark Star, Qing Mao and Maya. Maya is not entirely appropriate, since it reduces the overall attack, but sometimes she helps out with her sneaks. Ismail acts as a tank. With his vampirism, he is difficult to kill.

The second bunch is Galahad, Arachne, Phobos, Thea and Artemis. This pack of heroes also has a tank, a healer and three attackers.

The third ligament is the weakest. The heroes are little upgraded. I'm betting it against strong opponents. Over time they will do good damage and I will sort them out. Astaroth, Luther, Jorgen, Faceless and Fox. Not the best heroes. The ideal would be to introduce some control here in the form of the hero Daredevil, but I don't have that yet. Jorgen in this pack has not yet been pumped up, but as soon as he gains strength, I will move him to the first team instead of Maya.

Now watch the video how I will tear up a team at a higher level. The first bunch of heroes did their job, the other two won.

Packs of heroes for the Arena in the Chronicles of Chaos

Playing in the Arena is different from playing in the Grand Arena in Chronicles of Chaos. Here we need a bunch of the most strong heroes. It is advisable to have maximum control so that enemy heroes are stunned all the time.

Here's my main pack. In the future I will replace Qing Mao with Jorgen or the Faceless One. Cornelius will look good on the team. Currently in the arena pack are Ishmael, Galahad, Dark Star, Orion and Qing Mao. You can use Arachne instead of Qing Mao, but this must be done depending on the situation.

Battles in the arena take place automatically. Over time, you will learn to select combinations of heroes that will win.

There is a simple rule here: if the enemy team has Ismail and any tank, then you must also have Ismail and a tank. In general, Ismail is a good hero who carries through any battle, but he must be upgraded to break through armor. I put him in the strongest combination.

Many players use Ginger, which is good at entry levels games Chronicles of Chaos. It is difficult to level up, soul stones drop out poorly, so by team level 60 it is not advisable to use it. It can be useful in the game for passing Outland.

Views: 15004
Added: 06/29/2018
  • Game "Chronicles of Chaos" available on social media networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Play where it is more convenient for you.
  • If you have not gone that far and your situation is not very good, you can start over on a new server. It is optimal to start on a new server on the day it opens, so you can take high positions. You can start playing on any server, but catching up with those who have been playing there for a long time will not be possible without a significant investment of money. Collect as many Arachne soul stones as possible at the initial stage and use her as one of the main heroes at the initial stage of the game until you replace her with someone more powerful.
  • Don't try to upgrade all the heroes. Upgrade the 5 most promising ones. When you reach level 50, a grand arena appears and, if you have resources, you can move on to leveling up 10 promising heroes.
  • As soon as you reach level 30 immediately join the guild. Choose the most powerful one that will accept you. If the guild doesn’t suit you in the future, move to a better one. If you are expelled from some guild, don’t be upset, add yourself to the best one possible. If the best guilds to join that you consider suitable and appropriate for your level are filled, chat shared server. Leaders of powerful guilds appear there, and if a worthy player is looking for a guild, they can remove one of the players who does not fully fulfill the requirements of the guild, making room for a new one by agreement.
  • Turn on auto attack in battles. There are times when it is more effective to activate a special attack manually, but these are exceptional cases.
  • Disable auto attack with special attacks when finishing off 1st and 2nd cordons in company, it sometimes gives an additional effect. The special strike is not wasted on 1-2 opponents who will be finished off anyway, but is used for the attack at the next cordon, before the attack of which turn on auto attacks again.
  • In Battle of the Titans, manually controlling attacks can have an effect, although in most cases turning on auto combat is more effective. Manual is more effective when it is optimal to synchronize the shutdown of opponents, the period of complete invulnerability, weakening of opponents. Also, manual control of special attacks is effective when the enemy’s complete invulnerability of the titan is activated; at this time, do not waste special attacks.
  • Join the game group (community) and get chests and other resources there every day, by clicking on the link in the top post of the group. It’s not uncommon for several posts to appear in a group a day by clicking on links in which you will receive game resources.
  • First of all, pay attention to pumping up heroes and secondly titans. Powerful heroes will allow you to take higher positions in the arena and grand arena and receive more valuable game resources every day.
  • Upgrade elemental gifts 1 time daily, receiving 300 titanium potions for this. If you still don’t have enough elemental sparks to get 300 potions, you can reset the elemental gift from some minor hero, the spent sparks will return and you can increase the elemental gift again, receiving 300 titanite. The game coins that you spent on upgrading elemental gifts will not be returned when they are reset.
  • When pumping up symbols with runes, pump them up evenly main characters. The cost of the upgrade increases with every 5th level, i.e. after 5, 10, 15, etc.
  • Buy some emeralds in the game, this will allow you to use raids rather than going through them manually all the time. You won't get far without using raids. If your finances allow you and you really like the game, you can buy more emeralds. Use moments to buy emeralds first additional shares, when for the same money you can get more emeralds.
  • It is preferable to be a member of a guild while appearing in it champion. This allows you to get more trophies from the guild war and is also more interesting.
  • Chat in the guild chat and read what other guild members write there. Ask other guild members about items that interest you. This will allow you to receive valuable tips in the game and the game will be more interesting.
  • Do not change guild without special reasons.
  • Complete a dungeon every day until the titans die. This allows you to gain maximum titanite and pump up your titans well.
  • Don't try to play on many servers at once, one is enough, well, 2. If you try to play on many servers at once, learn that you will quit many of them pretty quickly.
  • When leveling up, pay attention primarily to tanks (first-line heroes Galahad, Ismail, Tesak, etc.). Holding the first line longer gives a higher probability of winning.
  • Use ligaments. Some heroes are most effective together.
  • Try to raise the level of the main characters to the highest possible at your team level. At low levels of the team this will happen naturally; at higher levels, buy an experience potion in the store for guild war coins, game coins or emeralds.
  • Collect soul stones every day, only for the main characters you are leveling. Use the rest of the energy to collect equipment.
  • The same equipment can be obtained from different maps companies, at lower levels it costs less energy. But on the cards high levels With great energy, the company, in some cases, manages to assemble several necessary components at once.
  • Increase the skills of the main characters to the maximum level. For example, a level 72 hero has maximum skills of 72-72-52-32. When you increase your character by one level, maximum level all four skills increases by 1, i.e. at level 73 73-73-53-33.
  • Upgrade the heroes I have high star rating and will be able to get more in the future. If a character only has 2-3 stars and won’t get more in the foreseeable future, then don’t level them up.
  • Read the guild rules and messages from the master (head of the guild) above the guild chat window and follow them. If you are a champion in a guild, be sure to participate in the guild war, otherwise you will be excluded from the champions.
  • Having received the status of an officer or general (there may be several generals in the guild), improve the guild.
  • To compare the power of your characters use guild chat. Place a team of heroes there and attack another. Comparing individual characters one-on-one is not always effective; in a group of 5 heroes the effect may be different.
  • Guild members can weaken the team's power for each other at high places in the arena a couple of minutes before the time of receiving the reward. Reward time different players may vary depending on time zone.
  • In your main team there must be at least one tank (Ismail, Galahad, etc.). In Chronicles of Chaos, a tank is a front line fighter with higher life and armor.
  • The change of day in the game takes place at 4-5 am. At four in the morning, part of it is updated, at 5 in the morning the rest.
  • Periodically, a message appears in the game about the ability to increase the hero’s rank using crystals. The offer from this rarity shop is not optimal in most cases, do not rush to accept it even if you have so many crystals.
  • Don't rush to buy skins. Buy experience potions, soul stones first, and lastly hero skins.
  • You can skip battles in the arena and grand arena by clicking the skip button in the upper right corner of the screen. In this case, the computer will calculate the battle and display its results.
  • Equipment and its elements can be sold in the inventory. When accumulating large quantity the amount may not be small. Don’t sell all the equipment, leave some for further leveling up of your heroes and just in case.
  • Equipment and its elements can be exchanged for activity points (Guild/Rewards/Exchange), use this option, for example, to gain activity in a guild raid.
  • In the guild war, follow the instructions of the general (master or other player appointed to lead the guild war), this will allow the guild to take higher positions in the league, and accordingly you will receive more rewards. Even if you want to attack some position and from your point of view it is quite reasonable, when calculating the rest of the attacks by the general it may be far from optimal.
  • Complete the task at the initial stage of the game Emperor's decree, this will give you additional noticeable resources.
  • Bet only on the main characters, there is not enough for all the heroes.
  • Of the starting heroes that you have at the very beginning of the game, Thea and Galahad will have high power and usefulness even when you reach level 120, although some still change Galahad. Therefore, in the first stages of the game, move from leveling up the initial heroes to leveling up more powerful ones as soon as you have them. Powerful heroes include Ju, Ismail, Helios, Christa, Peppy, Cleaver, etc. Which one of them appears first and pump it up.
  • In stores we buy soul stones for each type of currency for no more than 1 hero, even if there are several good heroes, there will not be enough for everyone.

    As shown in the picture in this tab, I only buy Ismail.

  • Hero attack calculations are based on coefficients and % probability. The developers change the coefficients a little and not often, leveling the game balance. Probabilities occur differently during the battle. If the forces are approximately equal, who will win is not determined in advance.
  • Upgrade 5 of the main titans first (whichever ones you have) and the rest second. The main titans are Moloch, Angus, Sigurd, Nova, Eden, Hyperion, Araji. While there are no super titans, some use a pack of Sigurd, Angus, Nova, Mairi, Ignis.
  • Of the artifacts, it is most significant to increase the star rating of the first artifacts of the heroes, while increasing the probability of their activation, and increasing the level of others.

In addition to being divided by element, titans also differ by type.

Titan types:

  1. Titan Defenders: Sigurd, Angus, Moloch.
  2. Titans arrows: Silva, Vulcan, Nova.
  3. Support Titans: Avalon, Ignis, Mairi.
  4. Super Titans: Hyperion, Araji, Eden.

Secrets of the game “Chronicles of Chaos” when passing the tower

  • There are three types of floors: with power-ups, chests and battles.
  • The tower has only 50 floors, try to go through them all every day.
  • When passing, do not always place the most powerful team, you need it not only to pass the floor, but also to be intact.
  • If the fight isn't going your way, click retreat in the top right corner and field a different team.
  • Priority of improvements in the tower: attack, armor, protection from magic.
  • The power of opponents on the floors of the tower depends on the level of your team; the higher the team level, the more powerful they are.
  • To pass the tower, increase the level of the heroes to the maximum available at a given team level, and also increase their other characteristics.
  • If you are close to changing the team level, go through the tower first, and then increase the team level, it will be easier to pass.
  • Most effective in tower Thea, Ismail, Phobos, Dorian, and also use your powerful heroes there. It is not necessary to use all the indicated heroes to complete all 50 floors of the tower every day. Keep in mind that when passing the tower, the heroes must be sufficiently intact (healed) to pass the next floors.
  • If the tank first standing(for example, Ismail) has significantly reduced hit points (life) on the tower floor and there is no way to heal him, place another tank standing in front of him on the next floor of the tower (for example, place Galahad, Astrot in front of Ismail). In some cases, you put up another instead of one tank, if it is powerful enough.

Get pirate gold in the game Chronicles of Chaos video

You can only get gold and resources in the “Pirate Gold” secret once.

Where to get gold in the game Chronicles of Chaos

  • Receive when passing the company.
  • Get completing daily and general tasks.
  • Selling surplus equipment ( inventory/sell).
  • By exchanging emeralds.
  • High place in the arena or grand arena at the time of receiving the award.
  • In the tower, this is the most abundant place where gold comes from. From team level 80, the supply of gold in the tower increases by 50%.
  • Buy emeralds for money and exchange them for gold.

Arena Secrets

We see that Orion inflicted the greatest damage on the opponents. When visually viewing the battles, it is clear that if Orion is left without serious cover (in this case, I3mail and Ju), they will quickly demolish it.
And here from another server:

We see Peppy and Ju proved to be the most effective here.

Bundles of heroes in the game Chronicles of Chaos

  • Lars and Krista
  • Galahad and the Faceless
  • Judge and Orion

Game "Chronicles of Chaos" secrets, Chronicles of Chaos guide.

Energy and activity in the game Chronicles of Chaos, video

Walkthrough of the tower with ONE hero in the game Chronicles of Chaos.

I don’t advise you to complete the tower with just one hero, add others, but this may be indicative.

Which totem to choose in the game Chronicles of Chaos

Recruiting 300+ titanite in a dungeon easily and quickly

Selecting a tank in the game Chronicles of Chaos

Good day everyone! Today I will tell you in detail about leveling up heroes, items, game modes and other things in the game Chronicles of Chaos. The guide will help you become stronger so you can win more often. Let's go!


As you all know, in a battle in any of the modes (tower, arena) you can equip a squad of 5 heroes. However, their places on the battlefield will be chosen automatically, based on the role they play. The same applies to the line. So you can only indirectly influence the alignment by thinking about which heroes to take.

How to start playing Chronicles of Chaos

Tower Mode

Many players, especially beginners, have a number of difficulties with this mode, and at the very first stages. However, there is that part of the players who have overcome the barrier by choosing several cool and effective combinations that help in passing the Tower.

So, the most important two heroes in a team are tank and heal (see below), because they give you more time and protection. Astaroth or Lilith would be great as a tank. Take Thea to your team as a healer. The three remaining characters are at your discretion, but players are advised to take the Judge, Phobos, Faceless and Arachne. Advice: if there are a lot of shooters against you, then it is better to remove Phobos, replacing him with some kind of two-star shooter. If you like experiments, take a fighter.

Campaign Mode

If we talk about the campaign, then there should not be any special difficulties (after the tower!). But in general, it’s worth taking Thea or Phobos into your team, who will be covered by a tank or a fighter, anyone at that. After gathering the team, go to the Archdemon. You should only monitor the timely increase in the ranks of heroes, improvement of equipment, as well as pumping up skills and other additions that increase efficiency.

Arena Mode

In the arena, no rules regarding characters apply anymore, because you have to make a selection based on the real situation. The main thing you need to have in your squad is your bread and butter! - This is a tanka. However, look at the hero’s Power, which will determine his performance. The better the hero's Power, the higher the chances of winning. Try to read about each hero to formulate your tactics.

About roles and lines

Accordingly, heroes can be of several types. In total, there are 7 different roles in the Chronicles of Chaos, which, however, can be mixed. For example, two roles can be in one hero at once.
  1. Tank– its main parameter is strength. Quite a classic tank, holding back tons of damage.
  2. Fighter– looks like a tank, but still wields more of its weapons.
  3. Shooter– is aimed at agility, so its main advantage is speed in battle.
  4. Mage– intelligence and ancient knowledge work wonders.

The next three roles are rather combinable, and each of the 4 classes can mix one or another of their elements.

  1. Healing
  2. Support
  3. Control

The heroes will fight on three main lines: front, center and back.

Line is very important because not all skills hit far or close. After reading detailed information about skills, you can build on the arrangement. Be vigilant, because incorrectly chosen skills and units often break the course of the battle.

Any hero in the game will have one dominant parameter. This is how clear roles emerge. The parameter distinguishes the hero in some way, thereby setting boundaries for other parameters and possibilities.


Strictly speaking, pumping takes place in the following ways - putting equipment, an accessory on the hero, improving an ability, or raising the level. This increases the indicator that sums up all your hero’s abilities – Hero’s Power. The best way to upgrade a hero is by accumulating stars, which greatly increase the Hero’s Power. To increase stardom, you need to collect a certain number of soul stones. Accordingly, the more stars you have, the more you need to give each time.

To summon a hero with one star you need 10 soul stones and 10,000 gold.

  • Two stars– 20 stones and 30,000 gold. 35 thousand is needed for evolution (see below).
  • Three stars– 50 stones and 100,000 gold. 120,000 for evolution. Four stars– 100 stones. 300,000 for evolution. Five stars– 150 stones. 800,000 for evolution.


When you explore the territories of the game world, and also regularly participate in battles, you are given a certain amount of experience that increases your level. The team level also increases, but this is calculated based on energy costs. So that you understand, 1 unit of energy will bring 1 unit of experience to the team. To get maximum experience for your team, complete daily quests(dailys).

By the way, the hero’s level is based on the team’s level, while being limited. The exception is the first 27 levels of a team, and after level 50, each hero in such a team should not be higher than 50.

The level of each Hero is limited by the team level (with the exception of the first 27 team levels), i.e. If the team level is 50, then the maximum level of any existing hero cannot be higher than 50.

Skill Impact

If there are roles, then there is an RPG system, and accordingly, along with it, skills appear for different heroes. The skills in the Chronicles of Chaos are very different - healing, protection, damage (periodic inclusive), etc. Some skills you need to use yourself, and some will be used automatically, depending on the situation. However, in arena mode, absolutely all skills are used automatically.

To, for example, use the first skill, you need to accumulate a certain amount of energy. To accumulate energy, you need to hit the enemy, and also use skills if you can. The most energy is gained after killing an enemy.
Skills can be roughly divided into types.

A zero (empty) skill is the same basic attack that cannot be improved in the ability window, but you can increase the parameter that is responsible for the damage of a certain hero. For example, a tank has strength, and a shooter has agility.

You use the first skill manually, but it can also be done automatically. But such a skill already requires a certain amount of energy. You can increase the level of an ability by spending gold. Moreover, this is available already at the first level.

The second skill will be unlocked when you upgrade your hero to Green rank. The second skill is always used automatically as soon as it is recharged. Reach the second hero level to improve the ability.

The third skill will be unlocked after leveling up to Blue rank. This skill also operates exclusively in automatic mode. The third skill, unlike the second, can be improved only after level 21.

The fourth skill of almost all heroes will be passive in one way or another. Moreover, it will passively influence various parameters and other characteristics of the hero. You will unlock the fourth skill after Purple Rank - level 50. Improve this skill you can immediately, but it’s strange why, but the improvement is already available at level 41.

On official websites and resources you can find detailed tables with leveling. I don't put them in the guide because they are too long and only make sense for a small audience of players.


As you already understand, the characteristics of the heroes are the basis of the basics. You must approach their leveling up correctly, because the character's effectiveness depends on it. You can make adjustments in different areas - auto-attack, healing, defense and others. The game has 13 options, which are divided into two categories.

Main (main, primary):
  1. Strength.
  2. Agility.
  3. Intelligence.

Basic - dependent:

  1. Health.
  2. Physical attack.
  3. Magic attack.
  4. Armor.
  5. Protection from magic.
Additional (Minor):
  1. Penetrating armor.
  2. Penetrating protection from magic.
  3. Critical hit chance.
  4. Dodge.
  5. Vampirism.
I think there is no need to explain each parameter, since they are quite common, and are also clear from the name. But it’s worth talking about parameters that can influence others. Parameters that are partially dependent on the main ones.

For example, 1 unit of Strength can add 40 units. health. 1 unit agility will give you 3 units. physical attack and 1 unit. armor. 1 unit intelligence will add 3 units. magic attack and 1 unit. protection from magical damage.

To make the calculation, you need to know which terms to start from. So here they are:

  1. The base value of the parameter.
  2. A parameter on a given number of stars, which is multiplied by the hero’s level.
  3. The value of the parameter at the current rank.
  4. Parameter indicator that is displayed on the equipped item.
  5. When a parameter is also dependent, it is necessary to calculate it based on the main parameter.
Additional parameters (from 9 to 13) are separate for each hero and require a special approach. To improve, you need to increase the hero's Rank, as well as wear the right accessories. Ranks will give some increase to the parameters - main and additional.


Ranks in the world of the Chaos Chronicles are another option to increase your hero’s Hero Power, add parameters, or discover some interesting and useful skills. Let me remind you that the rank will not depend in any way on the main level of your pumping. Rank can only be limited by certain things that need to be worn based on the levels. However, the characteristics that one rank adds will not ultimately be transferred to the next one. There are a total of 10 ranks in the Chronicles of Chaos.
  1. White
  2. Green
  3. Green +1
  4. Blue
  5. Blue +1
  6. Blue +2
  7. Violet
  8. Purple +1
  9. Purple +2
  10. Purple +3

Returning to the heroes

The game is bursting with variety - you are given as many as 25 heroes to choose from, each of which requires a separate approach to leveling up. Here I will not provide guides for each, because it will be long and uninteresting. So instead, I advise you to read official group VKontakte, and also find video guides on certain characters.

A few words about objects

In the Chronicles of Chaos, as in other similar projects, there are a lot of different items, which, again, are pointless to list in this guide. But I will classify and characterize them.
  1. Equipment items- the largest part of all game items, which is put on the hero and is divided by rarity.
  • White quality- ordinary items.
  • Green quality– unusual items that are more difficult to obtain.
  • Blue quality– rare items with good characteristics.
  • Purple qualitybest items in the game.
  • Scrolls– a variety of scrolls needed to activate some effect. For example, teleportation.
  • Consumable- all sorts of potions and other objects and cones that increase something for a while.
  • Coins- ordinary money, currency.
  • Scroll fragments– you can collect scrolls from them.
  • Soul stones– needed for improvements and evolution (see above).
  • Runes– also serve for improvement.
  • The main thing is not to rush anywhere. Read more carefully, study the game, because it is a whole universe that works according to its own simplified rules. Don't forget also about free rewards in which a good hero may be waiting for you.
    Well, I say goodbye to you. Good luck on the battlefields!

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    5. ↓ ↓


    In the city shop for gold Be sure to buy Equipment (this way you will save money, for example, in the store “Skull Crusher” is sold for 4500 coins, but to create it yourself you need to spend 22500 coins - and besides the fact that its assembly is already more expensive, you also need to farm for it fragments). Even if this equipment is not needed at the moment, it will come in handy someday. And buy fragments as well, especially those that you have little or none at all, they are not expensive, and you will save time on farming them.


    Having reached level 30-34, some players stop raising the team level in order to pump up their heroes and their skills to the team level. So, you don't need to do that.

    Don't stop, try to do everything daily tasks for which they give experience and hurry up to level 40, the Tower will become available there - and this is the most farming place in the game (you can earn on average 1kk per day).

    But at level 40 it’s worth staying for a long time until you max out the skills of the main characters, and then after level 40 try to keep the heroes and their skills at the team level. But I will write more about the Tower below.

    A lot of experience comes from daily quests, if you decide to stop at some level, for example, in order to pump up heroes for the Tower - just don’t press the “Finish” button, even if the task is completed.


    All guilds have minimum requirements by titanite set and activity. Many requirements are approximately the following: 65 titanite and 850 activity.

    • Will the Titans, Symbols and Gift of the Elements be preserved when moving to another gi?- Yes. All this will remain with you.
    • Daily Activity Challenge- Raise symbols every day by 1 lvl (cost of each level up to 5 lvl = 5 Rune stones + 1500 gold) + spend 150 energy, so you: 1. Complete the daily task. 2. Meet the guild's activity requirements. 3. You won’t spend anything because... for completing the Rune Stones daily, you will get back even more than what was spent (if the symbols are up to lvl 10).
    • 1 activity = 1 energy spent. How to spend 150 energy and not get experience for it? If you don’t want to gain experience, you can enter battles in the campaign and Retreat, so you won’t get experience and energy will be wasted (Cancel battles: normal battle -1 energy, heroic battle -2 energy, boss battle -3 energy)
    • About Dungeon and Titanite read below.


    • There are 2 daily tasks for Titanite, for 75 titanite they give 1 sphere, for 150 titanite they give 2 summoning spheres. No need to gain more than 150 titanite in 1 day. Even if your titans are strong and healthy enough to go further, it is better to leave this opportunity for the next day.
    • Daily guild task to collect 750, 1800, 4500 titanite - all titanite is counted assembled by members guild, when the scale is filled, all gi participants receive 1, 2, 4 summoning spheres.

    What to do if completing a dungeon becomes too difficult?
    • There is no need to activate save points as soon as you manage to reach it. If you get to the save point with barely alive titans, it’s not a fact that you’ll be able to take at least 75 titanite.
    • Collecting 75 titanite is less profitable than 150 titanite (75 titanite on 1 day + 75 the next = 2 spheres. 75+75 titanite in one day = 3 summon spheres). This is another reason why you shouldn’t immediately activate save points; it’s better to accumulate more strength to definitely get to 150 titanite.
    • Having reached the save point, 65 titanite will be collected - this is enough to contribute to the clan titanite collection. In addition, on the way to the save point you will collect about 250 Titan Potions and some Titan Soul Stones. © site
    • How do you know that you can already activate a save point? I navigate by the tanking Titans. If, having reached the save point, all tanks have ~70% health remaining, then I go further to 150 titanite.


    The Tower has a total of 50 floors:

    • 15 floors with Chests - random reward: Gold, Tower Coins, Equipment Fragment.
    • Floors with Battles - Health in the tower between battles is preserved until the next day.
    • With an Altar in which you can buy Enhancements: increased attack +2% +4% +8%, increased armor and magical defense +5% +10% +20%. In addition to increasing characteristics, you can resurrect a dead hero, restore energy and health. Enhancements are bought for scoops, and skulls are given for Tower Fights, there is no point in accumulating them because... they reset every day. Purchased Enhancements are also reset every day.

    With the maximum level of heroes for the current level of the team, the Tower is easy to complete; it is possible to complete it with any heroes. Some players even complete the tower with 1-3 heroes.

    But how to pass the Tower at the initial levels with weak heroes?

    There is nowhere to get money up to lvl 40, and having reached the Tower, those who do not increase the level of skills in best case scenario there will be lvl 30 and not all heroes. In addition, leveling up to lvl 40 goes quickly, within a few days, and during this time you most likely did not have time to level up any artifacts, symbols, or elemental gifts. Therefore, immediately upon reaching level 40, it is unlikely that you will immediately be able to pass the tower to the maximum (up to the 50th floor).

    1. Using an Experience Potion - Raise the level of all existing heroes to 40(just don’t need to upgrade all of them skills and raise their rank). If this helps you go at least 1-2 floors higher, that’s at least some kind of increase in your coin earnings.

      Walkthrough of the Tower using all heroes


    2. Buy Faceless for friendship coins and first of all, pump him Ulta (gray skill) to the maximum. With his ult he will be able to one-shot all opponents if he combines it with the AOE ults of Jorgen, Ginger, and the Judge. Or it will effectively heal all allies if you activate the ult after any healing ult.
    3. It is very important to upgrade skills for Healers(Thea) - Perhaps this is even a priority than the faceless one, because... Health in the Tower is preserved between battles.
    4. The difficulty of the Tower depends on the team level- therefore, stop gaining experience and increasing the level of the team until the rank and skills of the main characters are pumped to the maximum - otherwise you will never reach lvl 50 of the Tower!!! In the future, always try to keep your heroes with maximum pumping for the current team level.

    If you are lucky enough to get Maya, then there will be no problems with the Tower at all, even with weak heroes.
