Fun games in the evening. Party games for adults

What modern party in the company of friends or colleagues can do without fun games? Different themed games will add mood and complement the festive atmosphere of your evening.

Game "Words"

The host invites all guests to write any familiar word on pieces of paper. Then they collect the leaves and make up a story using the written words. Each participant makes one sentence. Whoever came up with the very last sentence of the story must then guess who wrote which word.

Game "Find the bows"

You need to find yellow bows that are tied in different parts of the apartment. The goal of this game is to find as many bows as possible in a short time. The participant who finds the most bows receives a prize.

Game "Yellow Islands"

Yellow circles of small diameter are laid out on the floor - these are islands. The number of “islands” should be half the number of players. While the music is playing, the guests dance, but as soon as the music is turned off, the participants must quickly occupy the “islands.” Thus, there should be two people on each “island”, and they should stand on one leg. If any pair of participants leaves the “island”, they are eliminated from the game, and accordingly the “island” is also removed. Players who manage to survive until the end of the game are awarded a prize.

Game "Ribbons"

This game involves three players. One stands in the center, two are blindfolded. One is given ribbons. His task is to tie them to the central player. Once he has tied all the ribbons, the second blindfolded player must find and untie them. Then you can switch roles.

Game "Terribly funny incident"

The guests sit down at the table, each begins to tell some scary or funny incident. You can come up with a story and see if others believe it.

Game "Making a story"

Based on the theme or name of the holiday, any letter is guessed, for example “L”. Then one of the players turns to his neighbor and asks the question: “Who?”; he must quickly answer - who, starting the word with the letter “L”, for example: “Fox”. The player who named the word asks his neighbor a question: “Which one?”; he must answer: “Cunning” - etc.

Game "Oki-doki"

One player leaves the room. Objects are laid out on the table: an orange, a plate and matches. The rest of the participants make a task, for example, put an orange on a plate and stick matches into it. The player is blindfolded and seated at the table. He doesn't know the task itself. His task is to perform such actions with objects as to guess the task. If he performs some action correctly (puts an orange on a plate), then everyone else shouts “okie,” if incorrectly (covers an orange with a plate), then they shout “doki” to him. The player who performs the actions correctly receives a prize or point.

Difficulty level: short

Preparation: having a scarf or handkerchief that will be convenient for blindfolding

Rules: The rules are simple as hell. The one who drives is blindfolded and led one by one to everyone present. The player’s task is to guess which guest is in front of him.

To divert attention, guests can wear additional items of clothing and make their height taller/lower. The main thing is to remain silent so as not to be identified by your voice :).

Game "Fanta"

Difficulty level: short

Preparation: deep basket, bag or hat

Rules: Each person present puts their item in the basket. This could be a watch, earring, lighter or any other personal item.

The presenter chooses a partner for the game, who is blindfolded. Pulling out the object, the presenter asks, “What is this phantom doing?” , and the partner comes up with any task at his own discretion, without seeing which of the guests belongs to the pulled out object

Blanks: and this phantom...

  1. Gotta drink a cup of champagne with a coffee spoon
  2. He will sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in heavy metal style
  3. Will tell you why he didn't wear underwear today
  4. Will take a group photo, acting as the author of the original idea
  5. Depicts Napoleon with a pillow on his head

Game "Andersen"

Difficulty level: short

Preparation: names of well-known fairy tales prepared on cardboard

Rules: Each person who wishes takes out a cardboard with the name of the fairy tale. The goal of the game is to tell an old fairy tale in a new way in a certain literary genre - thriller, horror, detective. The best storyteller gets a prize :)

Vacuum cleaner game

Difficulty level: short

Preparation: one playing card, preferably plastic

Rules: The players stand in a circle and pass the card to each other. This must be done without hands, with the help of your mouth, with which you will draw in air. The one who misses the card loses and is eliminated :).

Game "Porcupines"

Difficulty level: short

Preparation: small colored hair ties

Rules: The presenter announces that today we will increase the porcupine population. Each girl chooses a partner and, over a certain period of time, makes the maximum number of small ponytails that imitate the raised spines of porcupines. Whose partner will be the prickliest, that young lady wins :).

You can find a great variety of such competitions on the Internet. However, you can also use unusual ideas and make fun competitions for a party and also unforgettable for your company.

For example, you can find a treasure or act out the crime of the century. You just have to show a little imagination and create something extraordinary.

Game "In Search of Adventure"

Difficulty level: average

Preparation:"terrain" map. This could be a river bank, a clearing, or your apartment. Riddles for various destinations, competitions or puzzles.

Rules: you make the rules yourself. This could be a story about an ancient treasure, where you can split everyone present into pirates of various ships. Each of them receives a map indicating the points where they need to sail.

At the points, each team receives its tasks:

  1. Solve a Rubik's cube.
  2. Solve a small crossword puzzle, a set of children's riddles.
  3. Compose a pirate song.
  4. Show card trick.
  5. Puzzle over a puzzle or rebus.
  6. Do 17 push-ups.
  7. Learn Pushkin's poem.

As you can see, there are a great many conditions for passing each stage. The first team to reach the finish line receives the main treasure. These could be symbolic souvenirs for each player or one common surprise - a cake and a bottle of rum :)

Game "Mafia"

Difficulty level: average

Preparation: special cards for the game, which you can find on our website in the article “”

Rules: You can also familiarize yourself with the detailed rules in the specified article. Although you can change the rules depending on your own wishes and preferences :).

Game "Crime"

Difficulty level: high

Preparation: you need to create a murder situation, hand out cards with the names of the roles to the guests, one of which is the Murderer. You can create additional roles and circumstances. You can also create cards with suspected murder weapons and evidence.

Rules: in the course of thinking and finding out who and where was at the time of the murder, the game participants identify potential suspects, arrange cross-examinations and try to catch the Killer in a lie. Use the tactics of the game "Mafia" and you will spend an unforgettable evening with friends.

What cool competitions do you use at parties? Share them in the comments!

Games and fun. True, with age our games change, entertainment and toys become different and different for everyone. Here are the games for holiday programs everyone chooses according to their own taste.

Here are games that are especially good in a friendly drunk company. These are games for those who like to fool around during the holidays, run around in huge underpants or flippers, and who like to laugh at themselves and others.

We offer our cool competitions for a close group- it’s up to you to decide whether to play them or not.

1. Cool "captains" competition.

The competition is funny for spectators, but somewhat traumatic for participants. It takes two men. We dress them up in everything related to marine theme: caps, swimming goggles, inflatable children's rings, fins, life jackets, binoculars and so on - these will be sea captains.

Then we put the “captains” in plastic basins and give them two plungers in their hands - they will be oars. The task is to “swim” from start to finish as quickly as possible. To get going, players are allowed to push off with their hands and feet from literally anything that gets in their way.

Or an option without basins - then the task is to go through the obstacle course with fins and binoculars at the ready.

2. Competition - drawing "A trickle or a boy."

This . On a strip of wallpaper we draw a stream, that is, many, many winding blue lines and various fish. We call 3 participants and invite them to cross the stream blindfolded, but so as not to crush a single fish. The presenter constantly reminds the girls about the fish, asks them to be careful and spread their legs wider - the girls, of course, obediently follow his instructions. When the girls pass the “stream”, the presenter is in no hurry to untie their eyes, distracting them with comments about how they passed the “distance”, at this time a man lays face up on the “stream” or even a videographer with a camera.

When the girls take off the bandage and they look back at the “stream” - the first reaction at the sight of a lying man is embarrassment and shock, the presenter should explain everything to them after a while. Sometimes girls don’t wait for explanations, but simply try to break the camera or the presenter’s nose, be on your guard.

3. "Grandfather for a turnip" for a friendly company.

For a change cool game on a garden theme. The host invites couples who have a vegetable garden, a summer house, etc.

We make “beds” out of the men: we invite them to sit on the floor with their legs folded cross-legged and their hands hidden behind their backs. The ladies will be "turnips". They sit in the space between the man's legs and stretch their arms up, like the tails of a turnip. The role of the grandfather, a Michurin resident, is first played by the presenter.

To lull the vigilance of the “Michurinets,” walking through an improvised vegetable garden, he begins to “rub” something about timely watering of turnips and suddenly unexpectedly grabs one of the nearest “turnips” by the “tail” and pulls it towards himself. If the man - the “bed” did not hold back his “turnip”, then the man becomes a “grandfather”, and the woman returns to the hall. Now this “grandfather” must improve the moment and pull the “turnip” out of someone else’s “bed.”

The winner is the pair: “bed” and “turnip”, which “Michurinets” cannot separate.

4. "Let's remember our golden childhood"

This is a fun series of entertainment - not for everyone. For it, you need to prepare in advance several huge “family” panties, pots, and to complete the picture, you can also have children’s caps.

You put this “beauty” on the players, who, while the music is playing, simply dance. As soon as the melody stops, the players must quickly sit on the pots pre-placed throughout the hall and shout very loudly: “Mom, I’m done!”

Then the People's Choice Award is awarded for the best reaction.

Sometimes from this idea they arrange team relay, the meaning of which is as follows: the first player of each team (dressed in large underpants) runs to the opposite side of the hall where the pots are. He runs up, takes off his panties, sits on the potty and shouts: “Mom, I’m done!” Then he quickly puts on his underpants and runs to his team. There he takes off his underpants and hands them to the second player, who puts them on and quickly does the same as the first player. The most dexterous one will win quick command.

5. "Oriental martial arts".

The competition is from the same series as the previous one, only in the style of sumo wrestling, and for it you will need adult diapers (larger size) and balloons.

We invite two men who are ready to strip to the waist. We dress them in diapers, and attach one large or two small balls to their stomachs using double-sided tape. In the process of fighting, they must burst these balls, pressing their stomachs against each other. Naturally - without the help of hands. It is quite possible to limit the circle for them to fight (it is correctly called dohyo), beyond which they will try to push each other out.

To increase interest, you can arrange several rounds and even accept bets from visiting fans. The winner, of course, is the one who crushes his balls faster or pushes his opponent out of the dohyo.

6. "Running in your underpants."

For this competition, in addition to two to three teams, you will need huge family underpants. Each team member puts them on at the start, runs to the finish line, takes off his underpants there and returns to the start line with underpants in his hands. Thus, this wonderful part of the wardrobe turns into a relay baton.

The fastest team whose members overtake their opponents wins.

You can complicate the game and add a second round to it: first we do everything as described above, and the second race takes place together in just underpants. Did you run back and forth together? Let's add a third. In this case, the team should be no more than five people, but more panties will have to be sewn.

A game for “amateurs”: on the one hand, it is most fun to play it on a heated audience, on the other hand, it can be unsafe for them.

7. "Tear it off with your teeth!"

Couples participate in the game; first, they need to tie each other’s neckerchiefs properly. Then we put the pairs facing each other and offer to untie these scarves using only their teeth. Whoever is faster wins!

8. "Karapuz"

This fun relay race is for men. Three to four volunteers are called from the audience. They are dressed up in caps and bibs, have pacifiers hung around their necks, and are given a bottle of juice. Assignment: while the music is playing, they can drink juice through a pacifier, as soon as the music stops, the “little ones” must take a pacifier in their mouth and say loudly: “Yum-yum!” several times. The most important thing is that the music and pauses alternate very quickly and are of different durations.

The winner is the one who drinks the juice the fastest. The main prize for him is a bottle of beer, the rest are consolation prizes - rattles.

To make it more comical, you can organize this competition in your company, for example, with eating porridge from children's pots

9. "Explosion" of emotions.

If there is a desire to shout loudly, then the presenter can conduct such fun game. The first one pronounces the word “well...” very quietly. The next one should speak a little louder, and so on, progressively, until the last in the chain of participants have to shout with all their might.

For more fun, you can greet everyone entering with the phrase; “Hello, we’ve been waiting for you,” and again the favorite word in chorus. However, this game can be played with any stupid word, the main thing is that emotions grow with each utterance.

10. "Funny football."

For this cool team competition, stock up on plastic bottles with a volume of one and a half liters and fill them two quarters with water. We strongly advise against using glassware, as it can hit the player painfully and cause serious injury.

So, you select two teams with the same number of players. It can be mixed or only men's and only women's teams.

Tie the mentioned bottles to the participants’ belts so that there are twenty to twenty-five centimeters left to the floor. Give out a soccer ball and use chairs to mark the goals on both sides of the room or hall. What should players do? Use bottles to score a goal for the opposing team. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to kick the ball with your feet - only bottles are used (they must be used almost like a stick).

Arrange two halves of three to four minutes each. Be sure to award free throws - they will become additional comic moments. The result of the game is summed up as in regular football.

11. "Chicken Coop Fights."

The following games for adults will create an atmosphere of ease and fun; will help you get to know each other better and make friendly communication closer.

In the maternity hospital. Couples are invited to play this game, each of which must have a guy and a girl. The girls will portray wives who are in the maternity hospital and have recently given birth. And the guys - their husbands, eager to know as much as possible about their child. Therefore, the guys begin to take turns asking questions, and their partners must answer them in as much detail as possible, but not out loud, but using gestures, since the windows of the maternity hospital are soundproof. The girl who gives the most interesting answer wins.

The funniest one. All guests can participate in this game. They should stand in one big circle. The leader stands in the center with a handkerchief in his hands. Suddenly he throws the handkerchief up. At this time, everyone should laugh and not stop doing this until the scarf touches the floor. Then everyone should calm down at once. The one who fails completes the task.

Don't break the egg. Couples (boy and girl) are invited to participate in the competition. Each pair is given an egg, which they must press between their backs (or a little lower), and then try to lower it to the floor without breaking it. Whoever succeeds in this wins.

Rope. This is a team game. Therefore, all guests are divided into two or three teams and gather together. At the leader’s signal, they begin to take off their clothes and tie a rope from it. Whose rope turns out to be longer wins.

Game of marbles. The game involves couples (boy and girl). Each pair is given a ping pong ball. Their task is: for girls: roll the ball from one pant leg of their partner to the other; for guys: roll the ball from one girl’s sleeve to the other. The pair that completes this task faster wins.

Answer by association. This game can also be played at the table. One man says a word to his neighbor. He must immediately, without hesitation, tell the next person the word that is his association with the first one. He comes up with his own word and speaks it into his neighbor’s ear. And so on down the chain until the last person who says his word out loud. It is compared with the very first word. Sometimes it can be very interesting.

Eat an apple. Two guys are called for this competition. Two apples are placed in a cup of water. Participants in the competition have their hands tied behind their backs, after which they must try to eat each of their apples. The first person to completely eat the apple wins.

Bottle football. This team game. It involves 4-6 people from each team. They have strings tied to the front of their belts, with bottles attached to the ends. The players' task will be to use these bottles to roll an inflatable ball into the opponent's goal without using their hands.

Feed him some ice cream. To participate in this competition, guests are divided into pairs so that each has a guy and a girl. A cup with ice cream and a spoon is placed a few meters from each couple. At the presenter’s signal, all girls must go to their cups, scoop up ice cream from it with a spoon, and then take the spoon by the handle with their teeth and so return to their partner. Without letting go of the spoon from their mouth and without helping themselves with their hands, the girls must feed their guys ice cream and come back for the next portion. This continues until all the ice cream is eaten. The first couple to complete this task becomes the winner.

Overflowing cup. The game is played at the table. All guests begin to pass a glass around, into which everyone pours a little of any drink. The one whose glass is overfilled and the contents of the glass flow over the edge will have to say a toast and drink the resulting cocktail.

Pass the card. It all starts with an offer to try to hold the card in a vertical position without using your hands, using your lips. This is done by drawing in air, while the lips are slightly extended, as if for a kiss. Then you are asked to pass the card to someone else, again without using your hands. After practicing a little in passing the card from one to another, you can arrange a team competition.

Fun. The music turns on, and a large box containing various items of clothing is passed around the circle of guests. For example, large men's underwear, a child's bib, a miniskirt, etc. The music stops periodically. The person in whose hands the box is at this time must, without looking, take one item out of it. According to the rules, he will have to wear it for some time, which everyone agrees on in advance. It could be 1 hour or 5 minutes. There are no winners here, but everyone is having fun.

Strip game. This prank is usually done on a birthday. Friends, secretly from the birthday boy, must make his silhouette out of cardboard full height. A photograph of the hero of the occasion is glued in place of the face. Clothes are then put on this simple mannequin.

During the holiday, guests are asked questions about the birthday person. If someone answers incorrectly, then some piece of clothing is removed from the mannequin. In the most intimate places, you can attach pieces of paper in the form of fig leaves under your clothes, and write birthday wishes on the back side.

Loves-dislikes. This game can be played without leaving the table. The presenter asks everyone in turn to name what they like and what they don’t like about their neighbor on the right. You need to name one thing at a time. When everyone has answered, the presenter orders the neighbor to kiss what they like and bite what they don’t like. Participants in this competition can be both boys and girls. Participants are blindfolded and thick gloves are put on their hands. After which a person is brought to each of them, and the player must guess by touch who it is. Guys are usually approached by girls, and girls are usually approached by guys.

Monster. This game can be played right at the table. Guests are given pieces of paper and pens. Everyone must, without showing others, draw the head of some animal or person. Then the upper part of the drawing is carefully folded so that only the neck is visible. After which the leaves are passed clockwise. On the received sheet, everyone draws again, but this time the torso (with arms, if it is a person). Then the sheets also bend, and the exchange takes place again. For the third time, everyone draws the lower limbs, bends them and passes them on to their neighbor. In the final part, all participants sign their drawings without looking. The exchange is made again, and only now can the drawings be unfolded and see what kind of monster they have created.

Schisandra. Couples (a guy with a girl) are invited to participate in the competition. The girls should lie down on the carpet, and lemon slices, previously laid out on napkins, are placed on them. You can put one slice in your mouth (just don’t eat it). The guys are blindfolded, after which he must find his girlfriend and collect all the lemon drops from her (you can wash it down with water or something stronger), including the one that is in the girl’s mouth. Whoever does it the fastest wins.

Nesmeyana. Everyone participating in this comic competition lines up in a circle, taking turns - guy, girl, guy, girl. The presenter informs that the task of each player is to refrain from laughing. Whoever laughs immediately leaves the game and the circle. The game has one rule: everyone must exactly repeat all his movements after the leader. When the game begins, the leader takes his neighbor by the ear. When all participants repeat this movement, and those who laugh leave the circle, the leader makes the following movement: grabs the neighbor’s nose, knee, cheek, kisses, etc. The winner is the one or those who are the last to remain in the circle.

Guess the knees. Both boys and girls participate in the game. All participants sit on chairs lined up in a circle. A driver is selected and blindfolded. When the music turns on, the driver begins to walk in a circle. When the music stops, he also stops and sits on the lap of the nearest person sitting on a chair. Then the driver must guess whose lap he fell into. If he guesses correctly, then this person becomes the driver.

Who? Where? When? Everyone who wants to participate in this game is given blank sheets of paper and pens. Everyone writes down the answer to the question. First: “Who?” The answer can be anything. Having written it, you should wrap the piece of paper so that the first entry is not visible, and give it to your neighbor. Then other questions are asked in turn. Questions can be very varied and of any quantity (as long as there is enough paper). At the end, each piece of paper should have an interesting and very funny story that is read out loud.

Fun shoes. The guests are sitting at the table. One person is selected to climb under the table and take off and put on shoes there. Everyone sitting looks at each other. If someone laughs, they are eliminated from the game (or leave the table). Whoever remains last wins.

Dance competition. Newspaper sheets are laid out on the floor - one for each couple, who must dance without leaving these sheets. Whoever stumbles is out of the game. After a while, the music stops, and the newspaper sheets under those couples that remained on the dance floor are folded in half. The music stops several times, and the newspaper folds accordingly. This is repeated until there is only one couple left, which will be the winner.

Find the pin. Several people are invited to participate in this competition. They are all blindfolded, after which pins are attached to each one. The players' task will be to find the pins on other participants by touch. You can’t take pins off yourself. The one who manages to collect the most pins wins. This competition can become more funny if the presenter attaches pins, for example, to the hem of a skirt, socks, shirt cuffs and other secluded places. Or even attach all the pins to one person.

Guess the word. All guests can be divided into two (or more) teams. Each team comes up with a fancy word for the other team. One person from each side is called. He is told the intended word, which he will have to show to his team in pantomime, and the team will have to guess this word. Instead of words, you can think of whole phrases.

Crested. Girls participate in this competition. They are allowed to choose guys who will be their assistants during the competition. The girls are given rubber bands for their hair. Their task will be to use rubber bands to create as many tufts as possible on the hair of their chosen ones. At a signal from the presenter, the music is turned on, and the contestants begin to complete the task. When the music stops, the number of tufts on the guys’ heads is counted. The one on whose head there are the most of them brings victory to his partner, and he himself receives the title of “most crested.”

Studio. Couples participate in this competition. They are given the task of using a roll of toilet paper to make a fashionable dress for one of the partners. In this case, you cannot use pins, needles, paper clips, etc. You can only use the paper itself, tearing it and tying it. The couples retire for a while to the next room. They then demonstrate the resulting model. The jury evaluates each person's skill and then invites the couples to dance to the music. Naturally, the paper suits created with such difficulty will begin to disintegrate before our eyes. But it will be fun.

Changing clothes. Couples participate in this competition. They are given bags with a set of clothes. From each pair, one person is selected and blindfolded. Within a few minutes, they will have to take clothes out of the bag by touch and put them on their partner (or partner). The couple that completes this task the fastest wins. You can make this competition much funnier if you choose sets of women's clothing for men.

Catch a cucumber. The driver is selected. All other participants stand in a close circle. Everyone's hands are behind them. One of the players quietly bites a cucumber and passes it behind his back to another player. The cucumber is passed around in a circle, from time to time one of the players takes a bite. The driver must catch someone with a cucumber in their hands. Then he himself moves into the circle, and the one caught by him becomes the driver. The game continues until the entire cucumber is eaten.

Blowing competition. A bottle of alcoholic drink is placed on the table. A whole deck of new cards is placed on top of the open neck. Anyone who wishes is invited to blow off a few cards from this deck, and not the entire deck. If someone does not succeed, then he must drink a certain amount of the drink from the bottle.

The longest dance. Dance couples participate in this competition. The music turns on and the couples begin to dance, with only one obligatory condition: all the guys must hold their partners in their arms. Whichever couple lasts the longest wins. In this competition, you can be a little tricky, for example, you can sit your partner on your back or put it on your shoulder.

Competition for real men. The two bravest guys are called up, ready to do anything for their lady love. They are given boxing gloves, and everyone else present forms a living boxing ring around the fighters. The presenter tries to build up the atmosphere, asks to warm up and practice a little. Then he reads out the rules, such as: do not hit below the belt, fight until the first drop of blood, etc. The presenter asks the audience to support those for whom they will root. After that, he gives each contestant a candy and announces the task: to unwrap the candy for his girlfriend faster than his opponent. In this case, you cannot take off your boxing gloves. The candy can be used when it has melted and with a candy wrapper stuck to it.

Merry round dance. This game is reminiscent of the children's game with chairs. Only instead of chairs, they use glasses with some kind of alcoholic drink. There are one fewer of them put on the table than the competition participants. All players begin to dance around the table to the music. Then the music stops abruptly, and the participants drink a glass. Whoever doesn't get it leaves the game. One glass is also removed from the table, the rest are filled again, and the game continues. The one who drinks the last glass wins. The most interesting thing in this game is watching the round dance, especially towards the end of the game.

Gentlemen's competition. Guys are welcome. They will have to take turns complimenting the ladies. The presenter announces which letter compliments should begin with. For example, the letter “a”. Whoever finds it difficult to answer is eliminated from the game. The last one standing wins.

Mummy. This is a team game. There can be two or more teams. One person from each team will play the role of a mummy. The team's task will be to wrap him from head to toe in toilet paper so that he really looks like a mummy. The team that completes this task first wins. However, you can arrange an additional competition - for winding paper from the mummy back into a roll and also for speed. Fun is guaranteed.

Pencil relay. All guests must be divided into two teams. Their main task will be to pass a pencil along the chain. However, this must be done without using your hands. The pencil is held between the nose and upper lip. In the same way, the next person must accept the pencil. Whose team passes it on faster wins.

Pop the ball. Everyone participates in the game (as far as the size of the room allows). Each player is tied to one leg balloon. The players' task is to step on the ball of any other participant so as to burst it. At the same time, you need to try to protect your own ball. The one whose ball pops leaves the game. The last one standing wins. In addition to your legs, you can also attach balls to your arms.

It? One volunteer is selected for the game. He is blindfolded and placed on a chair. Then the presenter takes turns pointing at people and at the same time asking the person sitting on the chair: “Is it?” When an affirmative answer is received, the presenter begins to ask another question: “Here?”, and at the same time point to some place on the body: chin, shoulder, nose, etc. The question is asked in the same way. -ty question: “How much?” - and a different number of fingers is shown. When the volunteer answers in the affirmative, then the person he chose in the first question must come up to him and kiss the place that was chosen in the second question as many times as he chose in the third question. And the person sitting on the chair at this time is trying to guess who it is. If he guesses right, the kisser sits in his place. If not, then the game repeats. If the “volunteer” fails to guess three times in a row, he changes to another one.

American test. Guests are given blank sheets of paper and pens. Then the presenter asks everyone to write down four associations: 1) with the word “forest”; 2) with the word “sea”; 3) with the word “cats”; 4) with the word “horses”. In this case, the answers must be detailed, in the form of one or several sentences.

The records are then signed and collected. The presenter explains that the concept of “forest” represents life, respectively, “sea” represents love, “cats” - women, and “horses” - men. After this, the presenter reads out the notes made by the guests, from which everyone’s subconscious attitude towards life, love, women and men is revealed. It turns out quite interesting.

Circulation. Guests are given blank sheets of paper and pens. They are then asked to draw a large circle with four more inside it, like a target at a shooting gallery. A point is placed in the center, and two perpendicular lines must be drawn through it. You will get four sectors.

Next, the presenter asks to write four letters in the very central circle: P, P, S, L. In the next circle - numbers from 1 to 4 in any order. Then in the third circle of each sector you need to write the names of animals and, finally, in the fourth circle - any four proverbs.

The sheets are signed and collected. After which the presenter reads them out, explaining that R, P, S and L mean “work”, “bed”, “family” and “love”. The numbers in the next circle mean the distribution of the places in life of the above-listed concepts. For example, “love” is in first place, “family” is in second, “bed” is in third, and “work” is in fourth. Who distributed it how? Each animal defines the first concept. For example, in love she is a cat, and at work she is a snake, etc. Each proverb is also a motto in these four areas: R, P, S and L. Very interesting stories about those present are obtained.

Congratulations. Everyone participates in this competition. The point is that everyone should say some kind of congratulations, appropriate to the person who brought everyone to this party. However, there is one condition. The first pose should begin with the first letter of the alphabet, and the rest with the following letters in order. Those who do not answer are eliminated from the game. This is how the alphabet turns out.

The Princess and the Pea. Girls participate in this competition. Before the start, chairs are placed in the middle of the hall, covered with a blanket, under which caramels or buttons on the legs are hidden. Each chair has a different number of them. Girls who volunteer to participate in the competition are invited to the chairs, and they are given the task: sitting on a chair, guess how many candies or buttons are hidden under them. You cannot touch the chairs with your hands. The winner is the participant who is the first to name the correct answer or the one closest to the correct one.

Flight into space. For this game, several volunteers are called, who are taken to another room and invited one by one to carry out a “flight into space.” The newcomer stands on a chair, and two strong guys get ready to lift him. Another guy stands nearby, whose head will be the “ship control panel”, which the “astronaut” can hold on to. Here the participant in the “flight” is blindfolded.

The chair rises 10-20 cm, and the guy the participant is holding on to squats at this time. The person being acted out has the impression that he was raised 1-1.5 m. The presenter shouts: “Jump!” It would be good to secure the player at this moment, because he will think that he is jumping from a great height. All participants are called in turn.

Take out the ring. Two volunteers are called for the competition. Shallow plates filled with sour cream are placed in front of them. A ring is thrown into these plates in front of everyone. The contestants' task is to get the ring out of the plate without using their hands. Whoever does it faster is the winner. As a reward, you can give him the very ring he got.

Find a gift. Usually this game is prepared by guests for the birthday person. Take several juice notes (from 6 to 15 pieces). Each of them contains information about the location of the next note. And so on until the very last one, which reports the finding of the gift itself. In some you can write assignments. The first note is given to the birthday boy. His task is to find a gift (or gifts).

Dancing with a mop. All those present are divided into pairs for dancing. And one guest, instead of the couple, holds a mop in his hands. The music turns on and everyone starts dancing. When the music stops, all participants must change their dance partners. At this time, the dancer with the mop throws it and grabs the first person he comes across as his partner. The one who is left without a partner takes a mop, and the dancing continues.

Guess your name. For this exciting game at the very beginning of the Evening, all guests are given inscriptions with their names on their backs. For example, “tiger cub”, “goat”, “hippopotamus”, “toaster”, “poker”, etc. Everyone can read these inscriptions on the backs of other guests, but not on their own. Therefore, during the festive evening, everyone’s task is to ask questions of others to find out who he is. Questions should be asked in monosyllables, to which you can only answer “yes” or “no.” The one of the guests who guesses first will be the winner and receive a prize.

Get dressed. Several people are invited for this game. Everyone is given a bag of clothes. The participants are blindfolded, after which, at a signal from the presenter, they will have to put on everything that is in their bags. Whoever does it faster wins. You can put women's clothes in a bag intended for a man, and men's clothes for a woman.

Each participant in the competition is given banknote. At the presenter’s signal, the participants throw the bills up and begin to blow on them so that they fly forward and do not fall to the floor. But if the bill does fall, don’t despair, because you can get down on your knees and continue to blow on it so that it, in turn, moves forward.
The participant whose bill moves as far as possible wins.

Baba Yaga

The players are divided into two teams and lined up. Players standing first in their ranks are given a mop and bucket. You need to take the mop in your right hand, put your foot in the bucket and hold it with your left hand. In this state, the player must run the intended distance and then pass his equipment to the next one.
The team whose players complete the task faster will win.

Feminine sophistication

Two girls are invited to participate in the competition. They are given bananas and a bowl of ice cream. The task of each girl is to eat ice cream with a banana. However, there is no need to rush, because the main thing in the competition is artistry. When determining the winner, the host addresses the guests, who vote to choose best girl.

Funny balls

To participate in the competition, you must invite several people. Each player is given a balloon and string. The thread is tied to the belt, and the ball should be attached to the end of the thread and go down randomly.
In addition, a push pin is attached to the forehead of each player with the needle pointing up. This can be done using a patch. Each player must literally burst the opponent's balloon with his forehead. Whose balloon bursts is out of the game. Whoever survives wins.

Representation in 3-D

This competition will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions to both the spectators and the participants themselves. Teams of 4-5 people are formed from the participants. Each team chooses its own forfeit, which will indicate to them a certain situation that they must show in 3-D. For example, relaxing by the sea: someone shows seagulls with their hands and sounds them with cries of “my my my”, someone imitates a gentle sea breeze, someone sounds the splash of sea waves, and someone shows the bright glow from the sun. Situations in forfeits can be completely different, for example, a flight into space, a morning in the forest, and so on. Whose team shows the best 3-D performance will receive its prize.


A small indoor tree is placed in the center of the hall, preferably with spreading branches. There are leaves hanging all over the tree, back side which wishes are written. Each of the participants in turn is blindfolded and asked to remove one of the leaves.
After this, the player must fulfill the wish that was written on the sheet.

Find the orange

The presenter announces the competition and its conditions: in front of each participant there are 3 boxes (which are not see-through and completely closed), in each box there is a hole for a hand, in one of the boxes an orange (apple) is hidden and in one of the boxes there are, for example, spiders or worms (but in fact there are no spiders). At the command “start”, each participant must stick his hand into all three boxes and find the orange faster than the others. Some of the guests, and most likely all of them, will not immediately decide to stick their hand in, knowing that there are “unpleasant” creatures sitting in one of the boxes. But, nevertheless, whoever finds the orange first wins. And in the end, the guests themselves will guess, and the host will confirm that there were no worms or spiders. And the participant who can overcome his fears and find an orange faster than others will receive a prize.

That's another couple

Guests are divided into pairs. Each couple assumes a back-to-back position, sitting on the floor with their arms wrapped around each other. Without changing position and without releasing their hands, on the command “start” the couples must get to their balloon (balloon), which is located at a certain distance from the start, and burst it. The couple that completes this fun task the fastest will be the winner.

What's on my head?

Each participant is blindfolded in turn and 5 different objects are placed on their head, for example, a book, a spoon, a comb, a coin, keys, a ball, candy, a jar, and so on, and the participants must guess what is on their head. Which of the guests can recognize all 5 “of their” items will receive a prize.
