Three aces in a goat. Playing "goat" with cards - features, rules and reviews

Goat threesome

A more risky and gambling option. The constant trump cards are queens, volts and diamonds. The dealer allows the deck to be removed and deals 10 cards for three, two as a bonus. Whoever has the best deal, starting from the left of the dealer clockwise, (in his opinion) takes the buy-in, throws two cards he doesn’t need into the bit (himself) and plays against two. If he wins, then the other two get 2 points if the opponents score from 31 to 60 points. If the opponents score from 0 to 31, they receive 4 points. When the player takes all the tricks, they get 6 points. If no one takes the buyout, they play “for less”. The player to the left of the dealer goes first. The open top card of the draw shows the suit or trump card, and determines whether he can enter with the trump card or by suit. The second buy-in card is revealed at the end of the bet and the buy-in is taken by the one who takes the last trick. Did not take anything or scored from 0 to 31 - zero points, from 31 to 60 - two points, for 60 - four points, for 90 - six points, for all tricks - “GOAT”. The game continues until one of the players scores twelve points - he is the “GOAT”.

Goat foursome

Four of us play, pair against pair. Players playing in pairs must sit opposite each other, across the player from the opposing pair. They play with a deck from Seven to Ace, and four 6s act as a kind of scoreboard that counts the so-called “pairs.” Each pair receives two sixes, which are placed on the table one on top of the other, front side to each other. This symbolizes zero points. The goal of the game is to move the scoreboard 6 “pairs” faster than the opponent: in this case, a win is counted. “Pair” is one line of two suit symbols on the body of the 6.

When a pair gets the first two points, the top six moves so that “two eyes” open, one row of the bottom six. To show four points, “four eyes” open - the top six moves two lines. At six points, the top six is ​​turned face up and lies exactly on the second six, then the actions are repeated. At twelve points the game ends in a win.

The players deal cards one by one, strictly clockwise. There are several ways of dealing, they are described below, in the section “Dealing and types of praise” Card rank: Ace – 11; Ten – 10; King – 4; Queen – 3; Jack – 2. Other cards – 0.

In this game, all Queens, Jacks and Diamonds are trumps. Their seniority depends on the suit and value of the card. The seniority of trump cards in descending order: Queen of clubs, Queen of spades, Queen of hearts, Queen of diamonds, Jack of clubs, Jack of spades, Jack of hearts, Jack of diamonds, Ace of diamonds, Ten of diamonds, King of diamonds, Nine of diamonds, Eight of diamonds, Seven of diamonds. Regular cards go in the same order: Ace, Ten, King, Nine, Eight, Seven.

The game plays like most card games for bribes. One player makes a move, placing a card on the table, the rest, clockwise, add a card to the suit; if there is no suit, then you can put any card. The highest card takes the trick. If an entry is made from a trump card (one of the cards listed above), then it is considered that the entry is made using a trump card. In this case, players must put a trump card into the bribe; if there is no trump card, then any card. At the end of the game, the sum of the values ​​of the cards in each pair's tricks is calculated, and the pair with the higher total earns points for the game.

The one who sits to the left of the dealer – the “boasting one” – starts walking. Only the pair in which the “boaster” is allowed to enter from the trump card (the first card in the trick). In this case, they usually say that the trump cards in the game are this pair. The second pair cannot enter with trump cards, but if there are only trump cards in their hands, then in this case they play with trump cards to take a bribe.

When the trick is played, the next move is made by the one who won the last trick.

The game ends when there are no cards left in the hand. After this, the sum of points on the cards is calculated.

The total sum of the values ​​of all cards in the deck is one hundred and twenty points. The pair whose sum of the numerical values ​​of the cards is more than sixty wins this game and receives two points and opens two eyes on sixes, as described above. If the winning pair has more than ninety points, then it receives not two, but four points and opens four eyes. If both pairs earned exactly sixty points (eggs), then the hand is replayed, the deal does not go to the next one on the left, but is dealt to the same ones who dealt the last hand, and at the end of the game the “goat” will have the “balls”. If a pair of players takes all the tricks and scores a total of 120 points (Lucy), and the other pair did not have a single pair of eyes open, then they automatically win the entire game. However, often such a victory is simply celebrated and the game continues normally until twelve points are reached. Moreover, if the other pair had a pair of eyes or more open, then the eyes are closed and the game continues. Also, if a pair of players had one trick of zero points, then four eyes are opened for them, that is, two pairs.

Six Goat

In a goat game with six players, they must sit one after the other, three against three. They play with a deck of 36 cards, and the points are recorded since sixes also play. The dealer lets the person sitting on the left remove the deck and deals six cards to each person, clockwise. The trump cards in the game are all queens, jacks, diamonds and their precedence in descending order: Queen of Clubs, Queen of Spades, Queen of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds, Jack of Clubs, Jack of Spades, Jack of Hearts, Jack of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds, Ten of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, Nine tambourine, Eight tambourine, Seven tambourine, Six tambourine. But in this game, the Six of Clubs “poker” catches the Queen of Clubs. If the opponents put the Six of Clubs, and you already have the Queen of Clubs as a trick or you are forced to put it (there was a trump entry, and you only have the Queen of Clubs from the trump cards), then in this case the game ends immediately, and the team, the player who put beaten Queen of Clubs, two “pairs” or, in other words, “scoop” are recorded in the game score. Therefore, players try to discard the Queen of Clubs as quickly as possible if they know that their opponents have the Six of Clubs, so as not to get caught.

Surrender and types of “praise”

They deal sequentially clockwise, the first dealer is chosen by agreement. On the first round, all cards are dealt clockwise, one card at a time, starting with the person sitting to the left of the dealer.

The first move of the first horse is always made by the one who has the ace of diamonds in his hands. Before dealing, the dealer must shuffle the cards and let the person sitting to his left remove them. If the dealer does not allow the deck to be removed, his team gets two points and the game is considered completed - the next one begins to deal. If the deck is removed by the wrong player, his team gets two points and the game ends.

After the deal, if one of the players has only one trump card left in their hands out of eight cards, he has the right to pass this trump card face down to his partner, and he, in turn, leaves the suit and gives a non-trump card in return, but they can also don't do it. And also, if there are two trump cards and only one of them is a trump card, then you give away the one that has the score card, and call it the one without the score card and say that it is not a trump card.

Regular change

If the one who was offered to remove the “boasting” one simply removes the deck, this means that he will not boast and the usual deal occurs. The dealer, starting with the player on the left - the “praiser”, deals four cards to everyone until the deck runs out and everyone receives eight cards.

One at a time

The “boasting” person may ask to be dealt one card at a time, starting with himself. This is usually done in the form: “work!”

To the cheerful one

First, one card face down for each player, starting with the one who praises. Then one card at a time face up. By open cards whose trick is determined as if the players put these cards into the trick. Then again, one card face down, one card face up. Moreover, in each round open first The player is considered to be the player sitting to the left of the dealer or the “boasting” one. Afterwards, the remaining cards are dealt, starting with the “praising” one. As a result, four tricks are distributed before the game, and the game begins with four cards in everyone's hands. The first to make a move is not the “boasting” one, but the one who got the last trick.


If the “boasting” one orders a mirror, then he divides the deck into two parts, removes the top part and looks at bottom card upper part (in the mirror). If it is a trump card, then he takes it for himself. This makes the next bottom card visible. If this is a trump card, then she again takes it for herself, and so on, until a non-trump card appears. At this moment, the “boaster” folds the deck back, and the dealer deals it without shuffling, starting with the “boaster” clockwise equally. Or, if the “boasting” one orders a mirror for everyone, then starting from him, they remove the upper part in turn and do the same as the previous player.

After this, the “praiser” is handed over required quantity There are up to eight cards, and everyone else has eight, and the one who got the bribe goes. It is recommended that in practice the player does not look at the taken layer of cards, since in this case he will see the next card remaining when he enters and will have information that it is in the deck. Therefore, the shifted layer should be placed on the table and the bottom card should be removed one at a time.

A trump card for yourself is not a trump card for a bribe

The “boaster” draws a card at random from the deck. If it is a trump, he keeps the card and draws further, otherwise he places it face up on the table. After the “boasting” person, everyone does this clockwise, ending with the deliverer. The cards on the table form a trick, in which the remover is considered to have entered. The bribe goes to the one who wins it, and the dealer distributes the remaining cards, starting with the “boasting” one, so that everyone has an equal share. The one who received the bribe goes first.


The same as the previous method, only the first non-trump card is not put on the bribe, but is kept for yourself. The dealer lets everyone draw eight cards from the left clockwise. The “boasting” one can also choose that only he “fishes”. In this case, he draws up to eight, and everyone else is simply dealt eight cards from left to right, clockwise.


By declaring “pants”, the “boaster” receives two cards - one from the bottom and one from the top of the deck. He looks at them but doesn't show them to anyone else. If trumps or aces come, he puts them aside for himself, without making a move, and asks for “more.” Again he receives one card from the top and bottom of the deck, looks again. As a result, good cards are assigned to the “boasting” ones, and the first card (possibly any of the 2 that came), which is neither an ace nor a trump card, is laid out in the dark - the first move is made. If the “boasting” one is lucky and has already collected 8 good cards (all aces and trumps), he continues to draw to his teammate. In this case, he will know which cards he handed to his partner, and this will make it difficult for the opposing team to counter him. Only trumps or aces can be transferred.

The second player, using the same scheme, weeds out good cards for himself and also makes a move with the first card that is not a trump card, but he can already hit with an ace. At the same time, he does not see the card with which the first player entered, and if, when he next receives two cards, both turn out to be neither an ace nor a trump card, he will not know which one to put in order to beat the trick.

The third and fourth players also act, but they already play their card face up during their turn. You can play any cards except trump cards. After everyone has logged in, the “boasting” card opens. And it is decided who paid the bribe. The one who takes the bribe makes the 2nd move. The rest of the deck of cards is distributed equally between the players.

It is clear that entering from ten always means taking the first trick. But often the seven takes the first bribe, since the opponents lay out more strong cards the wrong color. When playing “pants,” opponents cannot be sure that their partners are taking the cards fairly when dealing them. If in doubt, you can “open with two pairs”: the opponent is forced to open his cards. If it turns out that he violated the rules, his team is fined by counting the loss of two hands, that is, the position of the sixes board is shifted by two lines. However, if the suspect, having opened the cards, showed his innocence, the team of doubters receives a fine of “two pairs”.

Double pants

The “boasting one” takes four cards at once - two from the top and two from the bottom of the deck. At the same time, achieving a situation where he gets at least one non-ace or non-trump card is achieved faster, usually on the first try. Otherwise, everything resembles ordinary pants, except that one card is placed in the “dark” and the other in the “open”. The entry of the second horse belongs to the player who won the trick on the hole card.

Retake requirement

If the “praise” in this knight was not announced, and one of the players turned out to have: - all four nines or the total value of the points of all his cards is 12 points or even less; - four ladies must declare dry. then he, if desired, can present them and demand a re-dealing of the cards.

After a mulligan in this knight, “praising” is no longer allowed. If, after a mulligan, any player finds the above options among his cards, then another mulligan is made. If a mulligan is declared for the specified reasons for the third time, it is not carried out, and the team whose player interfered with the cards all three times is considered to have lost this game (one “pair” is lost) - the opponents’ scoreboard moves one row closer to victory. If the player has 5 identical cards, then this is not a retake.

A mulligan is possible if, after the deal, the players of one team have no queens in their hands, or only a queen of diamonds. (Usually, players ask their partners: “Are there boobs?” and, having received a negative answer, decide whether to retake or not).

Game finale

After the scoreboard of one of the teams moves to the sixth line, it is declared the winner, and the loser is declared the “goat”. The “goats” crawl under the table and “bleat” - and that’s where the game ends.

If the leading team was already on the fifth line of the scoreboard of sixes before the final winning game, and took more than 89 points in the final game (the opponents did not reach the “rescue”), then the losers are declared not just “goats”, but “goats with tails” which is more shameful.

If there were also “eggs” in the party, then “a goat with eggs and tails.” Total shame on the losers, to which the latter sometimes respond that “the goat must have balls, otherwise it’s not a goat.”


When playing goat in pairs, partners cannot talk to each other, in this case they give signs (hints): - winked, which means he is hitting clubs; - nodded his head to the side, which means he is hitting the pikes; - shows the tip of the tongue, which means it is hitting worms; - showed his fist, which means he has a trump ten; - showed a fist with an extended thumb up, which means he has an ace of trumps.

Also, the fingers of the right hand symbolize queens: - you show the index finger - the queen of clubs; - show the middle finger - the queen of spades; - show your ring finger - the queen of hearts; - show your little finger - the queen of diamonds.

The fingers of the left hand similarly symbolize jacks.

With a combination (for example): - the partner showed his fist and winked - that means he has a ten of clubs; - showed a fist with an extended thumb up and nodded his head to the side - that means he has the ace of spades; - showed his fist and the tip of his tongue - that means he has a dozen worms, etc.

IN card game "goats" 4 players participate. Used deck in 32 cards.

Rules of the game "goats"

Cost of cards in points: ace- 11 points, king- 4 points, lady- 3 points, jack- 2 points, ten - 10 points, the remaining 3 cards do not give points.

The one who scores more than sixty at the end of the game wins points. The deck is shuffled and removed. Each player is dealt 4 cards. The top card of the deck is trump, which does not change for two games in a row. The trump card belongs to the neighbor deliverer on the left, who goes first.

Tactics of the game "goats"

Tactics goat games is to discard empty or worthless cards to your neighbor based on points. In this case, you need to decide on jacks. In "goats" they play a significant role, especially the club, it is considered the most important of the cards and beats even the trump ace. In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind that the jack of spades beats trumps and red jacks, the jack of hearts beats trumps and the jack of diamonds, but the jack of diamonds beats only trumps.

However, these important cards At the end of the game, only two points are counted. Aces and tens are the most significant cards for calculations. Try to hold them until the last moment so that they are not “eaten” by a trump card or any jack.

When the first half of the deck is completely used up, the second half is dealt. The trump cards in it, as already noted, remain the same. The calculation of 60 points is done only after the second game.

If no player reaches 60 points, the game is void and draw starts again. If a player scores 60 points, then he deducts 2 points for his benefit from every 12 received by other players. Only one point is deducted from the dealer.

Who invented playing cards? Today, according to statistics, card games are played in eight out of ten UK homes. Games with card decks are so familiar that it seems to us as if they have always existed. Perhaps decks have been known since the creation of fine art by man. Their history goes back so far that no one can pinpoint the exact time of their origin.

There is an opinion that playing decks were invented in China, since earlier paper money and playing decks were almost identical. The ancient Egyptians believed that Thoth (the god of wisdom) invented playing decks so that people could “sharpen” their minds. So let's sharpen our minds with one of exciting games in cards - “Goat”.

It is known from sources that this game came to us from Germany back in the 20th century. It's hard to believe, but over time, the game "Goat" has not changed at all by its structure and idea. The unusual system of placing trumps is no longer found in any gambling entertainment. This game is relatively easier than in all of us familiar “Fool”. There are different variations of this game, but the only differences in them are the order in which the trump card is structured.

Rules for playing thirty-six cards

Rules of the game "Goat"

To begin, we shuffle the deck and deal four cards to each player.

For example, we came across these four cards:

  • Ace of spades;
  • Jack of spades;
  • "nine" of the cross;
  • "eight" worms.

In this game you can only move cards of the same suit. With this combination of cards, you have three options:

  1. Ace of spades and jack of spades.
  2. "Nine" of the cross.
  3. "Eight" worms.

If you go with the first option (ace of spades and jack of spades), then the other player will not be able to fight back, since there is an ace in the move. you take away these two cards and your opponent gives you his 2 cards. You put them separately and no longer use them in the game. Next, players take turns taking one card from the common deck. For example, we came across a card “nine” of spades. Please note that in the game "Goat" you can also play paired cards and it does not matter what suit they are from.

If you have collected four cards of the same suit, then go without a queue. Or your opponent could cover your cards, then he takes them for himself. At the end, when you and your opponent have 2 separate piles of covered cards, you need to start counting and adding up the points. Simple cards(“six”, “seven”, “eight” and “nine”) have zero points. The rest have the following point values:

After scoring, the results are compared. The player with the most points is considered the winner.

Rules of the game when dealing fifteen cards to each player or “Goat” with “Valts”

To begin with, you need to remove the “sixes” from the deck, shuffle it, and divide the deck into two equal parts. Each player takes fifteen cards each, the remaining top card becomes the trump card. IN this game It is advisable to play with four people, but you can also play with a couple. The Ace goes to the last player to draw their cards or dealt them. The scoring system itself is exactly the same, namely:

  • Jack – two points;
  • Queen – three points;
  • King – four points;
  • “ten” – ten points;
  • Ace – eleven points.

Each player scores twelve points for himself. A person who scores more than sixty points has the right to deduct two points from other players and only one point from the dealer. If you are lucky and after each so-called round you were able to take exactly twelve points from the other players, then you won. But this option has a peculiarity – it’s Jacks.

The jack of the cross can cover all cards without exception, even trump cards. The Jack of Spades wins over all trumps and relatives, except for the Jack of Cross. Jack of hearts calmly holds up trump cards and Jack of Diamonds. The latter, in turn, can only play trump cards. The player needs to remember that tens and aces are extremely important for winning, so he needs to throw out only empty or low cards to his opponent, without even sparing the jacks.

Play Goat on the computer

There is a great opportunity to play with the computer and practice, and then, if necessary, demonstrate masterly moves to your friends. You can download the game and play it on your computer for free. It is also possible to install an online game on platforms Android systems and iOS.

Spending time with friends can be both fun and educational, develop and play. That's all, I wish you wonderful and interesting games wherever you are.

General description

“Goat” is played by four people - two teams: two against two. Team players sit at the table crosswise, opposite each other, so the opponents are located to the left and right of the player.

A deck of 36 cards is used, and 32 cards are directly played, and four 6s act as a kind of scoreboard that counts the so-called “pairs.” The goal of the game is to move the scoreboard 6 pairs faster than the opponent: in this case, a win is counted. "Pair" is one line of two suit symbols on the body of the 6.

At the beginning of each hand, the dealer shuffles the cards and asks the first player whether he will “brag” (see below) or simply deal a deck of 32 cards to all four participants at once (eight cards to each player).

The concept of "praise". Types of "praise".

The player who makes the first move in this game can declare himself “boasting”, i.e. indicate how to distribute the shuffled deck, or not “boast”, but simply indicate to distribute the deck of 8 cards to each player, saying “let’s play” or “deal.” The “praise” can be of the following types: trousers, double trousers and a mirror.

Trousers- declaring “pants”, the “boasting” person receives two cards - one from the bottom and one from the top of the deck. He looks at them, but doesn't show them to anyone else. If trumps or aces come, he puts them aside for himself, without making a move, and asks for “more.” Again receives one card from the top and bottom of the deck. He looks again. As a result, good cards are assigned to those who boast, and the first card, which is neither an ace nor a trump card, is laid out to them in secret - the first move is made. If the “boaster” is lucky and has already collected 8 good cards (all aces or trumps), he continues the collection to his teammate. In this case, he will know which cards he handed over to his partner and this will make it difficult for the enemy team to counter him. The second player, using the same scheme, weeds out good cards for himself, and also makes a move with the first card, which is neither an ace nor a trump card. At the same time, he does not see the card with which the first player entered, and if, the next time he receives two cards, both turn out to be neither an ace nor a trump card, he will not know which one to put in order to beat the trick. The third and fourth players also act, but they already play their card face up during their turn. After everyone has logged in, the “boasting” card opens. And it is decided by whom the bribe was paid. It is clear that entering from ten always means taking the first trick. But often the seven takes the first trick, because the opponents play stronger cards of the wrong suit.

When playing “pants,” opponents cannot be sure that their partners are taking the cards fairly when dealing them. If in doubt, you can “open with two pairs”: the opponent is forced to open his cards. If it turns out that he violated the rules, his team is fined by counting the loss of two hands, i.e. The position of the table of sixes is shifted by two lines. However, if the suspect shows his innocence by opening the cards, the team of doubters receives a fine of “two pairs”.

Double pants- the “boasting one” takes four cards at once - two from the top and two from the bottom of the deck. At the same time, achieving a situation where he gets at least one non-ace or non-trump card is achieved faster, usually on the first try. Otherwise, everything resembles the usual trousers.

Mirror- the “boaster” takes the shuffled deck, moves it to any desired place, takes the top shifted layer of cards and turns the bottom card towards him. If this card is a trump card, he takes it for himself (placing it face down on the table). As soon as the first non-trump card appears, he makes an open entry with it (there is no point in hiding the entry card - the enemy, unlike pants or double pants, never has options for choosing an answer). Some companies use (and generally recommend) that in practice the player does not look at the taken layer of cards, because in this case, he will see the next card remaining when he enters and will have information that it is in the deck. Therefore, the shifted layer should be placed on the table and the bottom card should be removed one at a time. After the player enters, the remaining layer is returned to the rest of the deck and the deck is passed to the next partner in the circle, who performs the same actions. It is clear that if the first move is made by an ace, such a bribe cannot be beaten. And a weak card, for example, a seven, can easily take a trick if the three remaining players play the wrong suit.

Retake requirement

If the “praise” in this horse was not announced and one of the players has all four nines or the total point value (see below) of all his cards is 12 points or even less, then he, if desired, can present them and demand a mulligan . After a mulligan in this horse, “praise” is no longer allowed. If, after a mulligan, any player finds four nines or 12 or fewer points among his cards and considers it advisable to arrange a mulligan, he also presents them and a mulligan is made again. If a mulligan is declared for the specified reasons for the third time, it is not carried out, and the team whose player interfered with the cards all three times is considered to have lost this game (one “pair” is lost) - the opponents’ scoreboard moves one row closer to victory.

Con. Con result

The game is divided into rounds, and the result of each round can be:

  • winning the bet of one of the teams, when the losers score "save" (see below): the winning team moves the scoreboard one line - one "pair" is won
  • the same thing, but the opponent did not reach the “save” - two “pairs” were won at once
  • According to the betting results, the score is 60/60, the so-called “eggs” (see below). The scoreboard hasn't moved yet.
  • "Lucy" is reached (see below) - the losing team's scoreboard is reset to zero, i.e. returns to starting position
  • three times the cards were dealt incorrectly (see above) - thereby the dealing team lost one “pair”
  • one of the teams is caught by the other in forgetfulness/cheating/not following the rules, or the suspects have proven their innocence - a shift by two “pairs” (see below)

The process of playing a bet is as follows: one of the players (who has the lowest trump card in his hands - the seven of diamonds) - player No. 1 - makes an entry, i.e. places one card face up in the center of the table. The opponent sitting to his left (player No. 2) must put on top one of his cards of the required suit, and if it is not there, then any other card (except for one exception, see paragraph " Partial ban on discarding an ace"). In this case, the player himself decides whether to play with a trump card (“hit”, “press”) or any card of a non-trump suit (“overturn”, “demolish”). Then the next player makes the move - No. 3, and then the last one - No. 4 . Depending on whose card was of greater strength, a bribe is taken by the team members (bank No. 1 - players No. 1 and No. 3 (as they say “red”, since their 6s on the scoreboard are diamonds and hearts), and bank No. 2 - players No. 2 and No. 4 ("black", since their 6s on the scoreboard are clubs and spades)). If two allies have four queens in their hands, the first entry is made by the player of the winning team. previous con. Which of the two - they decide after they look at their cards after the distribution.

Each card has force, and has point value.

Card Power

Within the suit (including inside the trump diamonds) seniority by strength is as follows: ace - ten - king - nine - eight - seven.

From the above, it is clear that the seniority in strength within the trump cards is as follows: queen of clubs (the highest trump card), queen of spades, queen of hearts, queen of diamonds, jack of clubs, jack of spades, jack of hearts, jack of diamonds, ace of diamonds, ten of diamonds, king of diamonds, nine of diamonds, eight of diamonds, seven of diamonds.

If all 4 trump cards are found within one bribe, the bribe is taken strongest of them. Any non-trump card is always weaker than any trump card. If there are 3 or less trumps inside one trick, the trick will also be taken the strongest from trump cards. If there is not a single trump card inside one bribe, the bribe is taken by the strongest card of the suit with which the entry began. Example:
player #1: puts the king of hearts,
player #2: puts ten hearts,
player #3: puts the seven of hearts,
Player #4: Places the Ace of Spades.

This trick is taken by player No. 2 (and its points are added to the team bank player No. 2-player No. 4, while the team bank player No. 1-player No. 3 does not change). In addition, player No. 4, who was supposed to put in a heart, shows everyone that he has no hearts.

The next entry is made by player No. 2, as if he took the bribe.

Giving away the last trump card

With this number of trump cards, the probability of each player coming is 32/14=~2.3. And, nevertheless, there are situations when the trump card is in hand after the distribution specific player only one. Until the game begins, a player with one trump card can loudly announce “I’m giving away the last trump card!” (or may not do this, although this is unproductive). His teammate can agree to the trade and loudly say "go ahead", or reject the trade (even though this is counterproductive) and say "no need!" If the exchange is requested and approved, the partners secretly transfer one card to each other. In this case, the recipient of the exchange must transfer any non-trump card to the requested one. But if initially he has all the trump cards and has no choice, he hands over one of the trump cards.

After such an operation, all players know which of them has no trump cards (or has one, and then his partner has all the cards in his hands - trump cards).

With the above procedure, fraud is possible. A team in doubt can "open with two pair" (see below).

Point value

The goal of the game is to score as many points (not tricks!) as possible. Each card has point value.
All aces - 11 points
All tens - 10 points
All kings - 4 points
All ladies - 3 points
All jacks - 2 points
All nines, eights and sevens - zero points.

Not all

Partial ban on discarding an ace

If there has not yet been a single entry into a given suit, then the ace of this suit is prohibited from being “taken down” when playing a trick if the player does not have the requested suit. Example:
Before the start of the game, Player No. 4 gave the last trump card, i.e. he has no trump cards.
Player #1 enters with the Ace of Hearts.
Player #2 puts down the ten of hearts.
Player #3 sees that he has no worms. And the bribe is already for teams No. 1-No. 3. Accordingly, it is advisable for Player No. 3 to put as many points as possible into this bribe that he and his partner know. For example, he would like to put the ace of spades. But there was no approach to the peaks yet. Therefore, he cannot put the ace of spades ("take it down"), but must put another card. He puts the ace of clubs, because the club has already been entered.
Player #4 places the king of hearts.

Calculating the results of the con

At the end of the bet, both teams' pots are counted. If the teams scored 60 points, this situation is called "eggs". The scoreboard, which is used as sixes, does not change its state, but the next game for the team will also be added with an “egg pair”. At the end of the game, the players of the losing team will be declared not just “goats”, but “goats with balls”, which is considered more shameful.

If one of the teams scores from 61 to 89 points (the other, respectively, from 59 to 31 points), the one that scores more is considered to have won the game. In this case, its sixes board moves one row, while the losing team's board does not change. The amount of 31 points is called “saved”, since by scoring it the team avoids a double defeat.

If one of the teams scored from 90 to 120 points (the other - from 30 to 0 points), but the second team took at least one trick (albeit with 0 points inside it), the leading team moves its scoreboard by two rows, in while the losing team's scoreboard remains unchanged.

If one team scored 120 points and took all 8 tricks, and the second did not take a single trick, this situation is called “Lucy”: the losing team’s scoreboard is reset to the starting position, that is, all its achievements in the game are reset. At the beginning of the game, this is not a terrible result at all.

Game finale

After the scoreboard of one of the teams moves to the sixth line, it is declared the winner, and the loser is declared the “goat”. The “goats” crawl under the table and “bleat” - and that’s where the game ends.

If the leading team was already on the fifth line of the table of sixes before the final winning game, and took more than 89 points in the final game (the opponents did not reach the “rescue”), then the losers are declared not just “goats”, but “goats with a goat”, which is more shameful.

Game "with the blind"

If four players are not found, you can try to play with three of them - “with a blind man” (or, what is the same thing, with a “blockhead”). In this case, one of the players does not have a partner, but simply takes turns playing cards of a non-existent partner, and neither he nor the opponents see the “blind” set of cards. In this way, the obligation to lay out a suit is violated, and if it is not there, a trump card, and the game loses all meaning other than simply killing time. You can try to play with two or even three blind people. However, the latter can only be recommended to a person who has been sitting in solitary confinement for a long time, so as not to go crazy from idleness.

Cheating in the game

Even for a beginner, when playing “Goat” it immediately becomes clear that it is extremely important to know which cards your teammate has and which ones he doesn’t. For example, you have a lot of worms on your hands. If your teammate doesn’t have them, he, seeing you entering with an ace, will “press down” with a trump card, while your opponents obviously have hearts and will be forced to play with them. The balance of trump cards is also very important - having many weak trump cards, you can, by initiating a trump entry, knock out all the opponent’s trump cards from the game, and remain the monopoly owner of the remainder. Etc.

However, any conversations during the game are prohibited. Therefore, cheaters are armed with, in addition to the usual techniques like marked card decks, there is also an agreement about secret signs to a teammate about what cards are available.

For example, a barely noticeable movement of the index finger of the right hand means that the one showing has a “first” - the queen of clubs, the strongest trump card. The middle finger of the right hand indicates the presence of a queen of spades, the ring finger indicates a heart, and the little finger indicates a diamond. The movement of the same fingers of the left hand indicates the presence of jacks. As if by chance, the protruding thumb of the right hand indicates the presence of the Ace of Diamonds - a rather weak trump card, but carrying many (11) points. As if by chance, raised eyebrows - the presence of an ace of hearts, etc.

The deciphering of these signs is known to many players, but a pair of sharpers, playing on the same team, can also agree in advance on a gesture that inverts such signs, and this could be, say, touching a partner’s foot under the table.


Number of decks 1
Number of cards in deck: 32
Number of players: 2 or more
Card rank: 7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T.
The goal of the game is to be the first to score 60 points or more.
Rules of the game. Card game Kozla has a huge number of varieties. It’s quite difficult to even compose the rules of the classic Goat, since throughout Russia classic rules in the Goat differ. I also know that they like to play Goat for money. Today you can even play online on many sites. Let's try to withdraw general rules games. The first dealer in the game is determined by lot, in next games players deal cards one by one. The deck is carefully shuffled and removed. Then they play according to one of the options:
First- each player is dealt 4 cards, the remaining deck is placed in the center of the table, the top card is revealed as a trump card and placed under the bottom of the deck;
Second— the deck is divided into two parts, from the first part of the deck each player is dealt 4 cards, the second part of the deck is put aside until the second game. Cards are dealt from right to left, so that the last card dealt belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. Last card opens up and becomes a trump card for two games. This card remains with the player to the left of the dealer.

After this there is a drawing of bribes. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. A player can play any of his cards, all other players clockwise can also put any card. The strategy of the game is that the player must discard empty or worthless cards to the opponent for points, and he himself must try to take cards that are worth a lot of points. If you play according to the first option, then after playing a bribe, the players draw one card each so that there are 4 cards in their hands and continue playing tricks. If they play according to the second option, then only 4 bribes are played. Jacks play a special role in the game. The jack of spades beats off trumps and red jacks. The jack of hearts beats off the trumps and the jack of diamonds. The Jack of Diamonds beats only trump cards. When the cards in the first half of the deck are over, the second half is dealt. The seniority of jacks may be different. In our company it is customary to play like this. When the cards in the players' hands run out, the players begin to count points for the cards they took. According to the first option, they play until one of the players scores 60 points or more. According to the second option, players count points only after the second game; if no player scores 60 points or more, then the game is canceled and the game starts again. In both versions of the game, the winner is the player who scores 60 points or more.

0 points - 9, 8, 7;
2 points - jack;
3 points - queen;
4 points - king;
10 points - 10;
11 points - ace.
