Tactics of the game here at Art. Tactics of fighting on a medium tank in WOT

Medium tanks- one of the largest groups of equipment in the World of Tanks simulator. And although they are all collected in this class, their technical characteristics are very different. The player, knowing these features, will be able to skillfully use them in battles. So let's start our ST guide.

In American samples excellent angles vertical aiming , the gun drops very low. This makes it possible to use ravines and hills as cover without exposing yourself to attack.

Soviet copy, T-62A simply made for a boxing match. By grappling with an enemy, you can set up a strong tower without worrying about the body. It is low and many opponents in this position will not be able to hit it. The tilt angle of the gun will not allow it.

Technique German branch development, having high dynamics and decent mass, excellent suitable for ramming.

We study cartography for effective playing on ST

Knowing the features of a particular World Of Tanks map, you can make the most of your equipment. Firstly, if you need to quickly change position. Secondly, to covertly bypass the enemy and go to his rear or flank. Read on to fully understand the issue. how to play medium tanks in World Of Tanks.

“The key height is behind us”

Having captured one or another area, the team gains an advantage. From this height better review and the opponents' actions are clearly visible. By holding a mountain pass, the team controls an entire bridgehead to capture enemy territory. An example from the classics. Mountain on the “Mines” map. Whoever occupies it first gains a strategic advantage, and the chances of victory for that group increase significantly. Playing on medium tanks, sometimes you have to take risks, but such dangerous maneuvers often bring victory.

Join groups with other STs

During the battle, you need to find contact with other members of your team playing medium tanks. Gathered in a group of 2-3 tanks, this “wolf pack” can cause good damage to the enemy. Having surrounded the “heavy”, dismantle it for parts, attacking the tank destroyer, destroy it without receiving any damage, find and neutralize the artillery. The mobility of the group will allow you to solve many problems. Rescue your heavyweights who were ambushed and release the iron grip of the “clinch”, change the course of the battle in the “vigorous” “stall” of an anti-tank firefight.

"Exhaustion of the enemy by flight"

Many medium tanks are fast vehicles. Therefore, if the fight is not going in your favor, you need to use this quality. There is nothing wrong with a tactical retreat, especially if the enemy forces are superior to you.

"Jack of all trades out of boredom"

Using the high mobility of equipment, you can radically change the course of the battle. Leaving your allies to finish off a weak enemy, you can move to the other flank, where things are not going well. But it should be remembered that the ST is a universal tank, and although it has armor, it is not very thick. Therefore, it is not worth rushing into a frontal attack on the enemy’s heavy equipment. Read on after finishing guide to ST here until the end, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

ST "firefly"? It happens like this

The random value generator of the World of Tanks game, also known as VBR, can be cruel, and your position in the team list is 15. A “subtle” hint in plain text that in this battle your task is to shine, and for as long as possible. Well, that happens. This situation, frankly speaking, is not easy. Medium tank does not have such ease of control and speed characteristics as reconnaissance equipment - LT in VoT. Therefore, you need to consider where and how to move, in what place you can “illuminate” enemies.

Fighting scouts in WoT

Another straight line duty of medium tanks– hunting for “little brothers”, light armored vehicles. Judge for yourself, who else should do this? The “heavies” are slow and clumsy, they break through the enemy’s defenses, and it is difficult for them to spin behind the maneuverable “firefly”. Anti-tank artillery? They may knock you out, or they may not make it in time. The hull rotation of many tank destroyers without a turret is quite slow. "Arta"? After the famous “nerf” (reduction in combat qualities), in rare cases she can fight with dignity against LT. The harm from the firefly is enormous.

In the sights of self-propelled guns

Another legitimate target for the “middle peasants” World Of Tanks enemy artillery can serve. Why? It's simple. With its maneuverability, your equipment easily makes a detour along the flank, bypassing the enemy’s likely location, and goes to his rear, where the prey is located. Heavy, clumsy, with a long gun reload. But don’t forget that the “art” can be guarded and then the fight will be hot and interesting.

We maneuver to live

The main recommendation for all ST owners is the phrase: “Move, move, and move again.” While the tank is rushing, it is difficult to aim at it and difficult to disable it. But as soon as you stop, he turns into an easy target. Therefore, in any situation, no matter how the game progresses, you cannot stop. Although, this rule must be broken in order to shoot at the enemy. And again forward, backward, but not in place. After all, it is at the moment of stopping that the “art” or “petashka” of the other team may already be targeting you. Even leveling up the commander’s useful “sixth sense” skill will not always save you. The “light” lights up when you are in the field of view for a full 3 seconds. To live longer on the battlefield, move, change your trajectory, imagine that they are already firing at you, and you are dodging a projectile. Maneuver, and again maneuver. We hope our guide to art helped you and you now know how to play on st in here Right.

5 years and 9 months ago Comments: 3

After studying the article, you can master the theoretical combat skills on a medium tank in World of Tanks. Each representative of this class of equipment has its own characteristics and pronounced advantages not only over other types of equipment, but also among themselves. Don't think that if you play a good medium tank, this article will be useless to you. After all, this is a kind of generalized text guide for medium tanks, which already have three or more perks, which are wisely selected, taking into account all the features of a certain vehicle.

What is a medium tank?

So. The majority opinion is that playing on a medium tank is a combination of light and heavy tank tactics. That is, it is skillful and stable, effective fire at enemy equipment. It is impossible to disagree with this. But many people forget that some medium tanks have more armor than a heavy tank and speed than a light tank. A medium tank is a kind of ideal that can be used in any situation and in any balance of power. Simply put, a medium tank will not be a burden in general group or defa with heavy tanks. Below we will talk about everything in order and in more detail.

How to simultaneously shine and promote the advancement of an attacking allied group?

From the very beginning of the battle, taking into account the map, it is necessary to take a position from which the enemy group of tanks opposing the attacking group of allied forces will have good fire. Even one medium tank can influence the outcome of this fight if everything is worked out clearly and effectively. It is clear that words are words, but in practice it is a different matter. Therefore, let's look at an example.

Map "Fisherman's Bay", lower respawn.

A certain number of allied tanks drove along the right flank. We drive to the center in the T-62a and take up a position in the bushes somewhere on the 6th or 7th line. If we're lucky, we'll spot several enemy tanks heading into the city. The ideal situation is if there is no one in the center, in this mini-town with a road. In this case, nothing prevents you from helping your allies by distracting enemy tanks, causing them damage from unexpected place. This will give an advantage in firepower, since distracted enemy equipment will be vulnerable to allied weapons. At the same time, it will be possible to constantly maintain stable illumination of enemy tanks, which will reduce the time of their destruction due to constant fire from several sides - the center, the city and artillery fire.

Well, the essence of the example should be clear. We bring into reality, through mastery and skill, both light and damage. The general tactic in this type of combat would be to change position after being detected by the enemy. Of course, it is necessary to receive minimal damage. And this applies not only to playing on medium tanks...

We need to summarize as follows.

Playing a medium tank should not include passive aspects. It is necessary to constantly put pressure on the enemy. And if your enemies curse you in battle chat, then you know that you are on the right path.

The vast majority of "esteshki" have good dynamics and maneuverability. But they have to pay for this with rather mediocre weapons. This especially begins to manifest itself at level 6 and above. The consequence of this state of affairs can be one of the options for conducting combat: you need to go behind the heavy tanks of the allies and cover them from the flank. As a rule, “heavies” have very powerful frontal armor, and not very protected sides. The enemy can take advantage of this circumstance by coming in from the side and causing significant damage. This is where ST comes in handy. Having quickly advanced to a dangerous direction, he binds the enemy with fire, giving the “heavies” the opportunity to regroup and either continue the offensive or destroy the enemy.

“Hello, enemy rear!”

In the middle class WoT tanks in fact, there are quite “different caliber” machines. Some of them, due to their dynamic characteristics, could easily be classified as maneuverable. This property - mobility, can be used when the FBR is thrown into battle on a map with a large area. Throwing your Cromwell over the edge playing field, the player risks running into the enemy. But he may be lucky, and then he goes to the enemy rear. And here, as a rule, self-propelled artillery “hangs around”, which, with the right approach, becomes easy prey.

Push through the front?! Suicide!

No matter how it is. Among the rich variety of “average” ones, you come across such specimens that wow! Take, for example, the American Tier 6 medium tank M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo.

This unremarkable technique, upon closer examination, amazes with its potential! Stock tower – 152 mm all around! She has practically no weak points. Firing point on tracks. You just need to hide the “carcass” more reliably. And then the eye turns to the collection of guns. Is there a land mine?! Yes, such a tank has no price on the battlefield. You can move slightly behind the “heavy” and “rush in the center.” And as soon as the enemies move, you immediately jump into a suitable hole! And just put the turret out and point your 105 mm barrel at your opponents. Beauty, and that's all! This ideal picture also has its flaws. Rate of fire – 7.5 rounds per minute. You can't fight here alone. Allied support is vital. Well, the crew must be competent and trained. Without this, hitting the enemy will be a big problem.

Selecting the right tactics for ST

Another non-standard case of using medium tanks is as follows. Among the numerous “brotherhood” of STs, there are those whose guns are distinguished by increased accuracy. Apparently, the developers sat up late and messed something up, and were too lazy to redo it. But that doesn't matter. The main thing is that you can hit a squirrel in the eye with “fluff”. If only the gunner didn't let us down.

So here it is. On a tank as additional equipment is installed camouflage net and a stereo tube. If you have extra “silver”, then you can spend money on camouflage colors. After all, a medium tank still does not have a camouflage bonus, and after the first shot it will “light up” in the optics of the players of the enemy team, like a diamond under a ray of light.

According to the movement of the gamer’s “mouse”, this “miracle of nature” goes to look for a victim. He finds it and smashes it to smithereens with impunity. As practice shows, this style of firing bears fruit. At least some of the personal combat missions can be completed calmly and without unnecessary hassle.

Don't forget about position and ammunition

When using medium tanks on any map of the World of Tanks game, you need to know the advantageous places for positioning. On Prokhorovka it is stupid to climb along the alley, even if there are people standing behind you and “illuminating” the surrounding area. Well, at Khimki only the lazy or very cunning will not go to the “hill”, where light tanks, STs and “peteshki” have the most “party” place.

To increase your chances of winning, you need to stock up on different ammunition. Any skirmish is unpredictable, and to find yourself head-on against a “heavy” without sub-caliber shells means to feel, at the very least, “naked on a busy street.”

The tactics of playing for a medium tank are very diverse, but they all converge to the same thing.

As in a real war, medium tanks must strike on the flank and rear of the enemy. However, in the game World Of Tanks, many people forget about this and begin to fight head-on with heavy tanks and tank destroyers.

Rules of the game for a medium tank

1) So, the main goal of medium tanks is to occupy strategically important positions in order to spot the enemy and further attack. Usually, the successful play of several medium tanks can decide the outcome of the match. I remember those times when the team that had more T-54s always won. But those days are gone and now the T-54 is not such a bender as it was before.

2) Very important rule for medium tanks: do not travel alone. No matter how well you play, the chance of surviving alone is almost zero. Therefore, you should always attack with allies.

3) Don’t forget to use your advantage - speed and maneuverability. In case of close contact, you need to spin your opponent and not let him hit you normally.

4) Once you advance, there should be no turning back.

5) When facing enemy medium tanks, try to expose your forehead. Perhaps this will save your life.

6) Try to illuminate and destroy enemy artillery.

In World of Tanks it is quite easy to reach an average level (relatively speaking, 51-52% wins), but becoming a real master (with a win percentage of more than 60) is really difficult. This is due to the fact that learning the basics Games World of Tanks is quite easy: look for cover, shoot at the stern and sides of the enemy, expose your forehead yourself, or better yet, show only the gun mask, etc. But these are all the basics; the subtleties of the game are not so obvious.

In this short article we will point out several features of playing medium tanks that will allow you to achieve high level mastery of this technique. First, you should understand that playing medium tanks is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. This is due to the fact that they have average characteristics: average armor, average speed and dynamics, average penetration and damage. It would seem that this makes medium tanks universal vehicles, which should only simplify the game. But in reality, this leads to inexperienced players starting to use medium tanks in a role that is inappropriate for them.

Firstly, this is an attempt to play them like heavy tanks. Many heavy tanks, being in the top, are even capable of pushing through a direction alone until they are approached from the rear and flank or self-propelled guns start working on them. An attempt to use a medium tank in this manner ends with a logical quick send to the hangar: even head-on, most medium tanks are quite easily penetrated by opponents of the same level. Secondly, this is an attempt to use medium tanks as light tanks, that is, to work actively with light, organize unexpected raids on the enemy base, highlighting and destroying self-propelled guns, etc.

This also does not end well: medium tanks lack speed and dynamics, so in the open field they are quickly destroyed by opponents even with not very fast-firing and accurate guns. We won’t even talk about standing in the bushes and shooting at someone else’s light, since this is not even a tank destroyer tactic (they should also actively move and change position), but players who are useless for the team, who make no more than a couple of effective shots per battle . The characteristics of medium tanks can even be called mediocre, which sometimes makes playing them a chore for inexperienced players. If at low levels this is not particularly noticeable, then, for example, medium tanks of the seventh level lose greatly against the background heavy tanks the same level. For example, the T-43 has cardboard armor, a mediocre gun compared to the T-34-85, and not very outstanding dynamics. The German Panther is literally a hefty barn that can easily be penetrated head-on even by level 5 tanks, and the cannon has low one-time damage, although it has good accuracy and armor penetration.

This leads to the main rule of medium tanks: you can't do much alone. If heavy tanks are capable of holding back an entire flank alone, and light tanks highlight enemies alone, then your opponents will easily send you to the hangar, and you will not bring any benefit to the team, and will deprive yourself of experience and silver. Therefore, you always need to act in a group. In a random game it is quite difficult to talk, of course, about a well-coordinated game and even team interaction, but it's worth a try. 30 seconds before the battle, invite the allied medium tank to ride along, or at least give the command “Follow me!” In the end, you can just go with a group of medium tanks. Obviously, playing in a platoon would be the best choice. Further, your dynamics compare favorably with heavy tanks; this allows you not only to stand behind cover and shoot at an enemy who is facing you, but also to bypass him from the flank or even from the rear. Or rather, going around from the flank or even from the rear should be your main task during a collision with the enemy. And this is where the difficulty of playing with medium tanks comes into play: quite often neither the exact number of enemies in a given direction nor their location is known. You need to act quickly and decisively, and not expose yourself to gunfire. There is no guarantee that you won't get caught in the crossfire when trying to flank. Experience and the ability to quickly assess the situation will be indispensable here.

You can ask an allied light tank to “shine” in this area, but the light tank may already be dead or not respond to your request, so there is little hope here. Another tactic is firing from behind the backs of armored allies, but this is not very useful: after all, the guns of medium tanks do not effectively penetrate enemy heavy tanks head-on. If you are covering several heavy tanks, then you do not need to crowd behind them, interfere with them, or, especially, support them. The tactic of approaching from the flank or rear will be much more effective. Further, mediocre dynamics do not allow you to rush around the battlefield with impunity, but you can change flanks in an acceptable period of time. Medium tanks do not have great firepower, but their advantage is mobility, the ability to be where support is needed. Therefore, you should stand very little. Remember that statistically, experienced, high-performing players travel about twice as far per battle as poor players with low win percentages. If you can't deal damage, change your position, try to go to the flank.

If the enemy notices you, pays attention, and turns his gun on you, then you don’t need to stand behind cover forever - leave, maneuver, change position. The protection of a medium tank is not its strong armor, but its mobility. So, let's summarize. A medium tank, in general, is not a universal vehicle on which the tactics of other tank classes can be applied. He is primarily a support tank, the most effective tactic is to flank, but it is dangerous because you can fly out at a hidden enemy and quickly go to the hangar. On a medium tank you need to constantly move, change position, this will make your game much more effective.
