Stations of the West Siberian Railway. Industrial station on the map Industrial station of the West Siberian railway

"...Industrial railway station- a station that has track development and technical devices that allow operations for the reception and departure of trains (feeds), shunting work for their disbandment and formation, selection of cars along loading and unloading fronts and other technical operations taking into account the production process of the enterprise..."


"SNiP 2.05.07-91*. Industrial transport"

(approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated November 28, 1991 N 18)

  • - architecture of buildings, structures and complexes for industrial purposes - industrial architecture - průmyslová architektura - Industriebauarchitektur - ipari építészet - үldveriyn barilgyn architecture - architektura przemysłowa - arhitectură industrială -...

    Construction dictionary

  • - an accident at an industrial facility, in a technical system or in an industrial installation...
  • - 1) the state of security of production facilities in which, by complying with legal norms, economic, engineering and technological requirements, as well as carrying out appropriate...

    Glossary of emergency terms

  • - a major industrial accident that resulted in casualties, damage to human health or destruction and destruction of objects, material assets in a significant amount, and also led to...

    Glossary of emergency terms

  • - English autocracy, industrial; German Autokratie, industrielle...

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

  • - see ZONING...

    Large economic dictionary

  • Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - section B., studying bacteria used in technological processes industrial production of food products, vitamins, antibiotics and...

    Large medical dictionary

  • - syn. term industrial mineral water...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - an installation with an electric generator of direct or alternating current for generating electrical energy and supplying it to consumers...

    Marine dictionary

  • - "INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM" – op. Saint-Simon...

    Philosophical Encyclopedia

  • - activities organized at enterprises and individual work activity people for the manufacture of tools, the extraction of natural non-renewable material goods, for industrial and agricultural...

    Large economic dictionary

  • - "...accident - destruction of structures and technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, uncontrolled explosion and release of hazardous substances;..." Source: Federal Law of July 21...

    Official terminology

  • - "...Industrial freight station is an industrial railway station designed to perform primarily shunting work on servicing the fronts for loading and unloading wagons.....

    Official terminology

  • - see Declaration of safety of an industrial facility; Industrial safety...

    Large legal dictionary

  • - an urban-type settlement, the center of the Promyshlennovsky district of the Kemerovo region of the RSFSR. Located on the river. Inya, 68 km south of Kemerovo. Railway station on the line Novosibirsk - Proektnaya. 14.7 thousand inhabitants...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"Industrial railway station" in books

Industrial revolution

From the book Werner von Siemens - biography author Weiher Siegfried von

Industrial Revolution Two centuries have passed since the receipt of a patent for steam engine and its gradual introduction into production began the age of the industrial revolution. Significant design changes introduced by Scottish mechanic James

Industrial revolution

From the book A Dream Came True by Bosco Teresio

Industrial Revolution All these guys wandering the streets of Turin were the sad fruit of an event that shook the world - the fruit of the Industrial Revolution. In 1769 in England, James Watt received a patent for a steam engine. Using thermal energy, he set in motion

Industrial revolution

From the book Youth of Science author Anikin Andrey Vladimirovich

7.2.2 Industrial policy

From the book New Era - Old Anxieties: Political Economy author Yasin Evgeniy Grigorievich

7.2.2 Industrial policy To ensure an increase in production and stimulate investment in the real sector, the government has planned a number of measures (I mention only the fundamentally important ones).1. Exemption from income tax on all funds allocated for investment.

Industrial revolution

From the book Youth of Science. Life and ideas of economic thinkers before Marx author Anikin Andrey Vladimirovich

England fought the Industrial Revolution for a quarter of a century. First with the Jacobins, then with General Bonaparte, and finally with Emperor Napoleon. The war ended in the summer of 1815 with victory at Waterloo. Now England could enjoy the fruits of victory. The continental collapsed

2. Industrial Revolution

From the book Instinct and Social Behavior author Fet Abram Ilyich

2. Industrial Revolution We will describe the “industrial revolution” using the material of England, where it also led to new, historically important social consequences. In the mid-eighteenth century in England, demand for many industrial products increased sharply, only partly


From the book The Mystery of the Romanovs' Accession author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

37. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Ideas about Russia in the 17th century. It would be incomplete without mentioning the hectic “business life”. Swede Kielburger wrote that Russians “from the most noble to the simplest love commerce.” Indeed, unlike France or Spain, where the nobles


From the book Century of Revolution. Europe 1789-1848 The Age of Capital. 1848-1875 Age of Empire. 1875-1914 by Eric Hobsbawm

1.5. Industrial policy

From the book Russia in 1917-2000. A book for everyone interested in Russian history author Yarov Sergey Viktorovich

1.5. Industrial policy The coexistence of various forms of ownership has become a distinctive feature of industrial development in the post-perestroika years. The transition to market relations in industry actually occurred by the mid-1990s, although the Russian version

Industrial Moscow

From the book Moscow. Geographical characteristics author Saushkin Yulian Glebovich

Industrial Moscow There is no industrial center in our country that would be equal to Moscow in terms of the value of the output of factories and factories. Moreover, it is impossible to name an industrial center that could compare with Moscow in terms of the diversity of the factory industry.

Industrial revolution

From the author's book

Industrial Revolution Idea of ​​Russia in the 17th century. It would be incomplete without mentioning the hectic “business life.” Swede Kielburger wrote that Russians “from the most noble to the simplest love commerce.” Indeed, unlike France or Spain, where the nobles

Industrial revolution

From the author's book

Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution affected all areas of English economic life. It brought numerous improvements in transport, metallurgy, and the use of steam energy. But the most serious area of ​​innovation was the mechanization of textiles.


From the book Petersburg in street names. Origin of names of streets and avenues, rivers and canals, bridges and islands author Erofeev Alexey

INDUSTRIAL STREET Promyshlennaya Street departs from the place where Stachek Square turns into the avenue of the same name and goes to Kalinin Street. Its first name - Boldyrevsky, later Boldyrev Lane - has been known since 1896 and was derived from the name of the owner of the unpreserved

1881 1st telephone exchange in Berlin, Edison's triumph at the exhibition in Paris, Ader stereophony, 1st industrial welding of metals by Benardos

From the book Popular History - from electricity to television author Kuchin Vladimir

1881 1st telephone exchange in Berlin, Edison's triumph at the exhibition in Paris, Ader's stereophony, 1st industrial welding of metals by Benardos In Germany, the 1st patent law came into force only on July 1, 1877, while in the USA such a law has been in force since 1787, and


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PR) by the author TSB
  • How to buy a train ticket?

    • Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the train and seats that suit you best.
    • Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

    Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.

    The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. Software The gateway has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.

    The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Purchase electronic ticket to the website - modern and quick way issuing a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.

    After payment, to board the train you need:

    • or register electronically;
    • or print your ticket at the station.

    Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.

The West Siberian Railway was founded in 1961 as a result of the merger of the Tomsk and Omsk railways. Its management is located in the city of Novosibirsk. Stations of the West Siberian Railway are located on the territory of Omsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk regions, Altai Territory and, partially, Pavlodar and Kokchetav regions of Kazakhstan.

The stations of the West Siberian Railway connect the regions of the Far East and Siberia with all regions of the country. The highway serves the largest industrial areas ore and coal mining, oil refining, processing and logging, enterprises in the chemical, metallurgical and energy industries, machine tool manufacturing and developed agricultural areas. The trains bring a variety of riches to the stations of the West Siberian Railway: ore, metals, some building materials, petroleum products, mechanical engineering products, timber cargo, food and light industry products; and they export mainly coal, coke, metals, grain cargo, and forestry products. Transit through the stations of the West Siberian Railway is carried out mainly by metals, oil products, timber and products agriculture.

The road's traffic density is the highest on the network - more than 35 million t/km. And it is constantly growing at the stations of the West Siberian Railway. Some areas have an indicator of 100 or more million tons/km/. Among the stations of the West Siberian Railway, the largest among the points of arrival and departure of goods are: Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk, Kombinatskaya, Belovo, Kemerovo, Prokopyevsk, Ostrovskaya, Mezhdurechensk, Tomsk, Leninsk-Kuznetsky. For 7 months of 2011, the volume of loading in the Novosibirsk region of the road amounted to more than 8.5 million tons of cargo. The road also serves intensive passenger traffic, both in local and transit traffic between the regions of the Far East and Siberia with the rest of the country.
