Sneak Tools - Global mods - Mods for Skyrim - Mod catalog - Tes-Game. The best missions of The Dark Mod Download mod Skyrim tools of a thief

Purpose of the mod:

It is important to note that this mod only complements existing options and does not replace them. Although, the author of the mod predicts that the entire gameplay associated with stealth will soon be completely changed.

- A new method of murder by cutting the throat.

When you:
1. sneaking around
2. you are holding a dagger or a one-handed sword,
3. activate the NPC while standing behind,

You will try to cut the target's throat instead of pickpocketing. If everything goes well, it will lead to murder and absolutely new animation, where your character will cut the victim across the neck. If this action fails, the NPC will react in the same way as if you attacked him, but your attack failed.

How successful this action will be depends on the difference in level: perks such as stealth, one-handed weapons, whether the target knows about the player, whether the target is in combat, whether the target is wearing a helmet, and if so, which one, play an important role.
If menu pop-ups are enabled via the MCM menu, there will be a menu to confirm whether you want to commit pickpocketing or murder.

- Unaware of the blow.

Every time you:
- sneaking around
- you have activated fists or a one-handed mace,
- activate an NPC who is standing or sleeping,

This will cause your character to hit the target until they are unconscious. Try to carry out this action without unnecessary witnesses, since this act is considered an attack.
Unconscious bodies cannot be carried around as if they were dead, but if you activate an NPC while you are sneaking, you can access the victim's inventory.

If no one directly witnessed the crime committed, but the unconscious body is seen later, the NPCs will behave warily. If, while in this state, they notice you touching the victim (trying to move the body or access inventory), they will also consider this as an attack. Likewise, if they stand next to you while you are walking with your weapon/fists raised next to the victim, they will realize that you are a criminal.

And finally, if you are TOO close to the injured victim, this will also indicate that you have committed a crime.
After 10 minutes of real time, the NPC will wake up again.

- Killing a sleeping target.

Every time you:

Have any activated melee weapon (fists do not count),
- Activate an NPC who is sleeping,

You will be given the option to perform the default action (depending on whether you are sneaking or not) or kill the target. If you choose the latter, three powerful strikes will be performed in quick succession in the direction you are facing.

If you somehow managed to activate the NPC without looking at it, then this will result in your attack being missed and nothing will happen.

- Identity-concealing masks.

This mod introduces identity-obscuring masks, inspired by things like the Gray Hood of Nocturnal in Obvilion and the Red Bondana from Bandanas in Red Dead Redemption.

Tools.esp contains one type of mask by default, called "Dark Cowl", which can be made at any forge in the leather goods section. There are also 2 additional files that add identical hiding functionality to any corresponding Skyrim headdress.

Some details on how these masks work.

When you equip a mask, two things can happen:

1. If you are not noticed taking off your mask, and no one remembers your face before you put it on and committed the crime, the entire bounty on your head will accumulate until no one from the guards discovers that It's you hiding underneath it.

2. If you do get noticed taking off your mask (under the same conditions as described above) and are already remembered as the owner of the mask due to having been discovered earlier, the people of Skyrim will know who is behind all the previous crimes .

To put on or take off a mask and still remain unnoticed, you need to find a really secluded place where EXACTLY no one will notice you.
- Residents of Skyrim will view you with suspicion if you wear a mask in the city. Most people (exceptions are security guards, Dark Brotherhood, members of the Thieves Guild and companions) will completely refuse to talk to you. In addition, the same people (including security guards) will keep an eye on you even over long distances. If you get too close to someone while sneaking or with a weapon in your hands, then you will become even more suspicious and the guards will begin to follow you until you commit any crime.


With this modification, almost all the main sources of light (fire) around Skyrim also receive new level gameplay. It will now be possible for the player to extinguish any lit fire and similarly relight extinguished ones using fire/ice magic, or recently fired fire and water arrows (see below).

WITH current version mod, all campfires, candles and wall torches from vanilla Skyrim are fully supported for this feature. Also, bonfires placed on the map from most other mods should be automatically recognized unless they introduce new models or new light emitters.
Currently, the only exception is giant fires, due to the fact that large things cannot be put out as easily as small ones.

Lighting that has been changed from its vanilla state (i.e. if you lit fires that were extinguished or extinguished fires that were lit) will automatically revert to their original vanilla state after 24 hours of game time if the player is not in the same place all this time.

If at some point you decide to stop using this mod, but still want a similar feature for it, I recommend woodbyte's Dynamic Fire.

- Fire arrows.

Fire arrows that can be crafted at any forge in the “iron” category.
They can be produced in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. They can also be purchased from Horstar's store.

Fire arrows are made of dark wood that does not cause damage on impact itself, but ignites when fired. They can be used to set an enemy on fire (deals a small amount of fire damage) or ignite light sources (see above).

If Dawnguard is installed, a batch (five pieces) of fire arrows can be converted into a batch of fire bolts. They work in exactly the same way as fire arrows, except they are bolts that are fired from crossbows.

- Water Arrows

Water arrows that can be crafted at any forge. Can be produced in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. They can also be purchased from Horstar's store.

Water arrows can extinguish light sources (see above), but have no other special uses.

Can be turned into bolts.

- Loud arrows.

An arrow is a rattle that can be crafted at any forge in the “Dwemer” section. Can be produced in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. They can also be purchased from Horstar's store.

Rattle arrows can produce a small (harmless) but loud explosion upon impact, attracting the attention of surrounding NPCs.
Can be turned into bolts.

- Oil arrows.

Oil arrows, which can be created at any forge in the "iron" section. Can be produced in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. They can also be purchased from Horstar's store.

When shot at NPCs or creatures, the arrows will coat them in oil, making them temporarily extremely susceptible to fire. You can use, for example, fire arrows or any fire spell.

- Rope arrows.

The mod introduces rope arrows, which can be crafted at any forge in the “iron” category. They can be produced in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. They can also be purchased from Horstar's store.
When they hit any surface, a rope will fall down (if, of course, there is enough space for this). These ropes can be activated by the player to climb them.

The ropes do not fall instantly, it may take a few seconds. This is because Skyrim's scripting system is quite slow, and the scripts do require some complex calculations.

If you shoot your rope arrow at a location where there is no space for rope at all, nothing will happen and the arrow will be wasted.

- How it works:

The first time you activate the rope, you will be redirected to "climbing mode". This means, first of all, that you will be forced to switch to first person view (due to the lack of proper animations, this is - the only way), and will automatically sheathe any weapon. Some controls are disabled (for example, you won't be able to draw weapons or switch to third person view)

Also, you can jump from one rope to another.

When you activate the same rope or a different adjacent rope nearby, you will climb slightly up or down depending on where you are looking. The distance also depends on how far up or how far down you are looking.

Ropes will be automatically cleared after two full game days. If the ropes are in the player's field of view at that moment, they will not yet be removed, and the game will try to clear them again two days later.

-New Store.

A Nord named Horstar has opened a new shop somewhere in the sewers of Skyrim. Being secretive, he does not want to reveal his location and allows you to enter his store only through a special spell that you will receive automatically when you launch the mod.
He sells goods suitable for thieves and assassins (standard weapons, bows, master keys, etc.), but also all the new items from this mod.

Through dialogue, it also allows you to customize certain aspects of the mod. Talk to him "little tricks" and he will explain some of the new changes added by this mod and ask in a friendly manner if you want to see the pop-up menu.

Required mods:




Delete mod files from the "Skyrim" folder.

Version for Skyrim LE fully translated into Russian by user

Sneak Tools aims to improve gameplay secrecy. Adds new tools and gameplay options to give the player more control and more things to do with stealth, rather than just walking slowly and hoping no one finds you. It is important to note that this mod primarily adds new options and does not change the settings of an existing gameplay.

This mod adds the following features:

  1. Throat cutting
  2. Stun
  3. Murder of the Sleepers

This mod adds the following items:

  1. Masks that hide the player's identity
  2. Fire Arrows/Bolts
  3. Water arrows/bolts
  4. Noise-producing booms/bolts
  5. Oil arrows/bolts
  6. Rope arrows/bolts

This mod also adds a new store, owned by Horstar (the name of the place is Phantom Sanctuary). There you can purchase all of the above items. You can get into it through the Magic menu.

Features of the modification version for Skyrim SE:
- Due to numerous errors, the Shadow Vault was removed, perhaps it will return in an updated form later
- You can stun sleeping characters for 5 minutes.
- Added “Silent Tread” Boots - these are unique boots that muffle the wearer’s steps. You can easily find them at the Riverwood Merchant right behind the counter.

Here you can watch the gameplay of this mod:

Gameplay mod Sneak Tools

  • Requirements

    - Working copy The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, updated to version or higher
    - Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) versions 1.6.6 or higher
    - SkyUI versions 3.0 or higher, to configure the modification via the MCM menu

Art Thief is an absolutely brilliant puzzle map for Minecraft, where you need to let your inner creative thief come out if you want to come out on top. On the map this is hands down one of the most unique puzzle cards there, and features some of the most exciting gameplay we've seen in a while. In this map, you play the role of a clever thief who is usually given tasks that other thieves cannot complete. You must be cunning and smart in order to complete the map's tasks, and even the slightest mistake will cost you a lot.

In the puzzle map Artistic Thief, you will have to go through five different levels. Each level represents a house, so you'll have to steal five different paintings from five different houses to complete the map. However, the catch to this map is that every house will be littered with a bunch of traps and other systems that will try to stop you in your tracks and catch you red-handed. You will need to take a calculated approach to each of the levels of this map, because the slightest mistake can lead to you getting caught, which in turn will lead to the loss of a lot of progress.

The Thief map has a lot of Redstone related elements, so if you have no experience with Redstone in Minecraft then you might struggle a bit. It's important to keep in mind that what makes what Art Thief does so difficult is not the fact that the puzzles have insanely difficult solutions, but rather the fact that they are very punishing. You won't make as many mistakes in this card as you usually do in traditional puzzle cards. However, every mistake will set you back an exponential amount, so you must be very careful.

High-quality missions from fans of the game.

Do you miss the glory days of the series? Thief games? This means that you probably know about Dark fashion. This is a separate modification with missions, the events of which unfold in the old, already familiar world. As you might have guessed, fans can create their own levels. Having visited free access Over the course of a long time, the mod marked the beginning of the creation of a huge number of amateur missions.

I'm here to help you find the best game content, in case you are a newbie. But if you are an avid player, then I have a couple of interesting and completely new missions for you.

I warn those who are ready to plunge headlong into the passage: the Dark mod may seem raw and rough due to its storytelling style and bugs that can ruin all your plans. It wouldn't hurt to download the mission tutorial, whether you're familiar with the game itself or not. Dark mod is a completely different matter, even the controls may be different. If you can get used to it, you'll have a good time.

Let's start with the mission statement The Tears of St Lucia by Springheel and jdude. This is the most elegant creation of this mod. Your task is to sneak into a church guarded by a huge number of soldiers and steal everything possible. Later it turns out that this is all a cover. Your real task is to destroy the statue, which has been hailed as a miracle. In the dark of night, vandalism and theft are as good as ever. The mission is quite easy, but it contains additional moves, squads of soldiers and hidden treasures. This is one of the regular missions that demonstrates the capabilities of the Dark mod.

While The Tears of St Lucia is a fairly simple mission, A Score to Settle (also from Springheel) is much larger and more complex, covering a series of streets, tunnels, and shelters. And all this in order to stop the gang leader (fans are very creative in this regard). I was surprised at the enormous distance that can be covered by jumping from cornice to cornice, from window sill to window sill. This style of play helps not only to achieve the mission goal, but also to hide from the pursuit of annoying soldiers. And when you complete all the tasks, a long return awaits you. Not a bad evening walk.

You will have to navigate this labyrinth without any hints or maps. And the huge number of soldiers on every corner makes your chances of success minimal.

If you want to see the full power of the Dark mod, then download the Full Moon Fever mission from Spoonman. It's a classic, Thief-style appealing mission. The sudden death of the owner of the mansion that needs to be robbed adds even more mystery to this mission. The interesting thing here is that you will have to go through more than you planned. The investigation of a mysterious murder turns the passage into a complete horror. I was surprised when the game gave me more and more territory to explore. Nevertheless, I was interested in completing this mission. And all thanks to the direct hands of the fans, who were able to create an atmospheric story.

Developed by the same creator comes another outstanding mission - King of the Mountain. It's quite simple: you become a prisoner and try to escape. Everything seemed simple. You must pull off this scam without tools, a map, or tips. With so many guards on every corner, the chances of success don't look very promising. What I like about Spoonman's missions is how the story progresses through the situation surrounding the player. A makeshift ring in a prison building fully characterizes the place you need to escape from.

Speaking of such details, let me mention the mission Down by Riverside from the creator of Dragofer. A fun and atmospheric level where you sneak onto a boat to reach an abandoned, haunted estate. This is an unforgettable and unpredictable story of one family. The realistic and frightening atmosphere of the estate, attacks by marauders and an incomprehensible creature in the basement at times make the passage of the game tense. If this mission owes anything main game, then only to the moment from the mission Robbing the Cradle, namely in Deadly Shadows. This is what reminded me of the classic plot of the game.

Last but not least is Briarwood Manor by Chris 'Neonstyle' Kilgariff. It's a luxuriously presented mission, complete with its own cutscenes. The scene is a fog-soaked mansion with a complex interior. I found this place strange with its flashing lights, scared horses and a manager who constantly complains about the cold in the room and does nothing about it. But there's more to this mission than simple cutscenes. With no card, no blackjack, and only a limited number of water arrows, this mission is a true test of your skill. I took my breath away more than once as I walked through. However, Briarwood Manor is one of the best missions in the Dark modification.

These are just a few of my favorite single player missions, but there are tons more. Ranging from quick and short heists to multi-mission stories like the William Steele trilogy. And if the gaming community continues in the same spirit, then in a few years we will see more than is offered to our attention now.

The Sneak Tools mod improves Skyrim's stealth system, adding new thief tools and additional gameplay features. It is worth noting that the main goal of this mod is to add new features, and not change existing ones.

Features of the improved stealth system

Throat slitting

When you are in stealth mode behind an NPC and have a drawn dagger or one-handed sword in your hand, pressing the interact button will activate cutting the NPC's throat instead of pickpocketing. If the action is successful, an instant kill and an animation of cutting the throat of the NPC will work. If the action fails, the target will react as if you had attacked them, but the attack failed.

A successful throat cut depends on the level difference between the player and the target, stealth skills, one-handed weapons and sneaking, whether the target is aware of the player's presence, whether the target is in combat, whether the target is wearing a helmet and what type it is.
If pop-ups via the MSM menu or Horstar dialogue are enabled, a menu will appear to choose whether you want to cut the throat or pickpocket. By default you cannot cut the throats of important or quest NPCs, but this setting can be changed through the MSM menu or dialogue with Horstar, but killing such NPCs can break quests.


If you are in stealth mode behind or near a sleeping NPC and have your fists or a stun weapon (such as a mace) drawn, pressing the interact button will activate a stun instead of a pickpocket.

This will cause the player to swing their fist or weapon, and if the attack hits the NPC, they will fall unconscious. If someone notices you, it will be considered an attack. You cannot drag an unconscious body like corpses in the original Skyrim. If you are in stealth mode, you can open the victim's inventory.

Whenever someone who is not a direct witness to a crime discovers an unconscious body, he will be alarmed and any attempt to speak to him will be considered an assault. If someone sees you touching the victim (trying to drag the body or open the inventory), then these actions are also considered an attack.

If there are those around you who are in an alarmed state and you are walking around with your fists or weapons raised, then you will be mistaken for a criminal and this is also considered an attack. After 10 minutes of real time, the stunned NPC will wake up.

If you have enabled pop-ups via the MSM menu or dialogue with Horstar, a menu will appear to choose whether you want to stun or rob.

Murder of the Sleepers

If you have a melee weapon (not counting your fists) drawn, when interacting with a sleeping NPC, you will be given the choice to perform the default action (speak or pickpocket, depending on whether you are in stealth mode or not) or kill the target. If you choose the latter, you perform 3 consecutive and powerful strikes aimed at the place where you are looking.

If you have enabled pop-ups via the MSM menu or Horstar dialogue, a menu will appear to choose (as in Throat Cut) whether you want to cut the throat or pickpocket.

By default you cannot cut the throats of important or quest NPCs, but this setting can be changed through the MSM menu or dialogue with Horstar, but killing such NPCs can break quests.

Masks that hide identity

The mod adds masks that hide the face, like gray hood Noctryurnal in Oblivion and Bandanam in Red Dead Redemption. By default, Sneak Tools.esp contains a single mask, the "Dark Hood", which can be crafted at any forge in the "Leather" section or purchased from Horstar. There are also two additional files that add identical identity-concealing masks to match the vanilla Skyrim headdresses.

When you wear a mask

If no one saw you putting on a mask, then all fines in all possessions of Skyrim will be assessed on it.

If someone notices you putting on a mask, then the people of Skyrim will know that it is you, and they will become more attentive to their surroundings. If you sneak or enter closed room, then they will think that you are acting suspiciously and will follow you.

In this case, you will be remembered as the man in the mask. On top of all this, the fines from the previous “unknown” mask will be added to your real fines, because the residents of Skyrim now know who previously committed all those crimes.

When you take off your mask

If no one saw you take off your mask, then all fines in all possessions of Skyrim will remain on it.
If someone noticed you taking off your mask, then all the accumulated fines will be added to you, because the residents of Skyrim now know who previously committed all those crimes.

  • Detection of a mask on or off occurs not only when you put it on/take it off, but also within a few seconds after that. Therefore, you must make sure that you are truly safe place, so don’t take off your mask around the corner of the house, the guards can come around the corner at any second and find you.
  • If you do not wear a mask within 24 game hours (or 48 game hours if the mask has accumulated penalties), the penalties will be reset. Your actual mask penalties never reset until you somehow pay for them.
  • When you wear a mask, the people of Skyrim will be suspicious of you. Most people (with the exception of the guards, the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, companions and housecarls) will refuse to talk to you. Additionally, the same people (including guards) will be watching you more often when you're wearing a mask and at a greater distance. If you get very close to them with a weapon, they will become more suspicious and will even back away until you leave.
  • You can remove enchantments from things that hide your identity and apply these enchantments to any equipment.

Extinguishing and re-igniting fire sources

Almost all fiery light sources in Skyrim will gain a new level of interaction. Now the player can extinguish, extinguish or ignite fire or light using ice and flame spells, or using the fire and water arrows added by the mod (see below). All bonfires, candles and wall torches from vanilla Skyrim, as well as from the Claralux mod (Note: Claralux.esm version 2A only) are supported. Lights placed from other mods should also be automatically recognized unless they are new models or new lights. Nowadays the only exception is giant fires, it seems unrealistic to me that such huge fires can be extinguished as easily as small ones. A fire that has been lit or extinguished will automatically return to its original state after 24 hours of game time if there is no player in that location.

Fire Arrows

Arrows can be created at any forge in the category with iron objects. Manufactured in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. You can also buy arrows in the Horstar store.

Fire arrows are made of dark wood that does no damage on impact, but ignites when fired from a bow. Arrows can be used to set enemies on fire (doing minor fire damage) or light sources (read above).

Water Arrows

Water arrows can be used to extinguish light sources (see function above).

Noise Arrows

Arrows can be crafted at any forge in the “Dwemer” section. Manufactured in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. You can also buy arrows in the Horstar store.

Noise Arrows produce a small, harmless but loud explosion, attracting the attention of nearby NPCs.

Oil arrows

Arrows can be crafted at any forge in the “Iron” section. Manufactured in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. You can also buy arrows in the Horstar store.
When the arrows hit the ground, they create a puddle of oil that can be ignited with a fire arrow or spell. When shooting at NPCs and creatures, they will smear them with oil, temporarily making them susceptible to fire.

Rope arrows

Arrows can be crafted at any forge in the “Iron” section. Manufactured in batches of 5, 10, 15 or 50 pieces. You can also buy arrows in the Horstar store.

When you shoot at any surface, a rope will fall down. With the help of ropes you can climb wherever you want.

The ropes do not immediately fall down; it may take several seconds. After all, Skyrim's scripting system is quite slow; scripts from the mod require complex calculations. If you shoot into the sky or where there is no surface, then nothing will happen and the arrow will be wasted.

How the lift works
  • When first activated, you will enter "lift mode". This means that while climbing you will enter first person mode (due to the lack of a proper "climbing" animation) and automatically stow any weapons.
    Some controls, mainly combat and the ability to switch back to third-person mode, are disabled. This is also done so that during a jump (for example, when jumping from one rope to another), your character is able to quickly grab the rope and remain hanging at the same height.
  • Whenever you move or jump, you will automatically leave the climb mode. This means that you will be able to regain control and fall down until you activate the same rope or an adjacent one again.
  • The ropes are automatically cleared after two game days. If at this moment the ropes were in the player’s field of view, they will not be cleared and the game will try to clear them every two game days.

If you have the Dawnguard add-on installed, then a batch of 5 pcs. The above arrows can be converted into 5 pcs. crossbow bolts in any forge. Bolts have the same functions as booms.

New store

A Nord named Horstar has opened a new shop somewhere in the sewers of Skyrim. Being a secretive person, he does not want to reveal his location, so you can enter the store only with the help of the talent - “Shadow Shelter”, which you will automatically receive after installing the mod.

If you use the talent while in Horsat's store, you will be teleported back; if you are not in Horsat's store, then you will be teleported to the store. Horstar sells general goods suitable for thieves and assassins - one-handed weapons, bows and arrows, lockpicks and new items from the mod. Through dialogue, it also gives you the opportunity to customize certain aspects of the mod. While talking to him about "little tricks", he will explain the new features added by the mod, through him you can customize options such as the selection menu, whether you want to see it or not, etc.

Starting from version 1.0, these parameters can also be configured in the MSM menu for users who have installed SkyUI.

Known Issues

  • Some Skyrim mods (such as Belua Sanguinare Revisited - Dynamic Vampires) that add new options when interacting with NPCs do not work correctly with throat slitting and will override the features of that mod if you have disabled the selection menu. If you want to use these features in conjunction with such mods, you must enable the selection menu in the MSM menu or through dialogue with Horstar.
  • A stunned NPC can affect hiding the stealth eye by showing it open, but this is only in the UI. In fact, it will have no effect on your detection.
  • In rare cases, throat slitting may work slowly or not work at all.
  • In Skyrim, not every visible light source actually emits light. Bethesda often only uses one light source for candles/bonfires/torches. This means that sometimes when you extinguish several light sources, not all of them will go out until you extinguish the one you need, and sometimes they will all go out without having to extinguish them.
  • Oil puddles may remain visible even after they have ignited.
  • The game has a limit on the number of simultaneously visible fires. This means that if you use a lot of oil arrows and create a long trail of oil and then set it on fire, you won't be able to see the oil pool burning away from you until you get close to it.
  • Sometimes the rope arrows fall a little through the topography of the walls.
  • BOSS may tell you that Sneak Tools is already included in SkyRe, but this is not the case. If you have these two mods installed, some seemingly identical features will act differently, for example, the perks from SkyRe add features that you already have, but Sneak Tools has already given them to you. Sneak Tools should be below SkyRe.