Download the test version of world of tanks. World of Tanks test server download

Servers for the World of Tanks 1.6 game update test are dedicated servers where the playability of cards, characteristics of vehicles, general updates ordinary wot players. Test server available only at certain times, entry is possible only when the developers are ready to check the functionality of game innovations.

Release date - updates 1.5

Download general test World of Tanks 1.6.1

As soon as the link to download the test client 1.6 appears, it will be published right here! Tentatively, we should expect it in the late afternoon after 18:00 Moscow time. The client 1.6 release date should be expected by October 2019, as indicated in the table below.

How does this work?

Let's look at what a test server is. Basically, this is a virtual resource where a modified copy of the game is located. The main purpose is to test and check the capabilities of any innovations before including them in the main patch.
WG developers get access to test domains first. Then super-testers are connected to look for shortcomings and bugs. After the fix, additional testing is carried out with the maximum load of the game client.

To do this, a copy of the game is “uploaded” to a backup domain, where anyone can access it. After this, the detected deficiencies are again eliminated, after which changes are made to the main game client.

How to take part in the WoT test?

Anyone can take part in testing the game. To do this, you need to download the installer with version 1.6 After which, the installer will prompt the user to download the test game client. After the download is complete, a new folder WORLD of TANKS is created on the desktop, with a directory of graphics settings specified by the player.

Key Features

There are two basic rules for test participants:

  1. Participants receive: 20,000 game gold, 100,000,000 credits and free experience.
  2. Experience earned on the test server, game currency and purchased equipment are not transferred to the main client.

Test goal for patch 1.6.1

Players will have to test the following innovations:

  • Changes for the LBZ tank: Object 279 early;
  • 3 maps converted to HD:
    "Empire's Border"
  • Changes and edits on maps: Ruinberg, Overlord, Redshire, Sand River and Paris;

The Common Test client server has a test version of your Wargaming account, meaning that all the vehicles purchased and the research that you have completed will be the same. But don"t forget these key points:

  • Though your login details are the same, your test account is still completely separate from your normal account. Achievements and research that you complete on the test client will not be carried over to your normal play account
  • Real money transactions are not possible on the test server and payments will not be accepted
  • All test accounts will receive a one-time payment of:
    • 100,000,000
    • 100,000,000
    • 20,000
  • Depending on the aims of the test, Credits and Experience rates may not be increased

The test server is subject to the same EULA and general rules as the World of Tanks game server. This means that you still need to play nice, or you will be subject to the same consequences as on the regular, "production" game servers.

Getting Started

Installing and playing in the Common Test is virtually the same as installing the "regular" World of Tanks. To participate in the test, you need to take the following steps:

  • Install the Common Test client,

  • Update World of Tanks via the launcher (total download depends on the update, but is more than 8 GB)

  • If you have already installed the Common Test game client, the launcher will update to the new version automatically

Be sure to install the Test launcher in a different folder from the current game client version. Also, close all game clients before installing the update.

If you previously installed the Test client and are having problems updating or starting, we recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the Test client.


Once you have logged into the test client, you are free to play as much or as little as you want. We encourage you to try out everything the new features and see what you can do!

Once you have been playing for a while, please let us know your feedback by posting in the dedicated forum threads. The appropriate links will be provided in the respective announcement. Wargaming community managers will collect feedback and report to the development team after the test period.

What makes good feedback? Here"s some examples of things you can bring up:

  • Any bugs or glitches that you have found in the game. Got stuck in the scenery? Game crashes when you do a certain action? Tell us all about it!
  • Honest feedback about vehicles and game mechanics. If you think something doesn't function well, then please tell us
  • Feedback isn't just about being negative! Anything you particularly like? Do you love the new stats for a vehicle? If the developers get a sense of what the community likes, it can allow them to focus on other improvements

Remember that the Common Test is about testing! Every new feature is subject to change before the final release.

Server Cycles

In order to make the test experience more efficient, it may be necessary to limit the number of players on the test server. If the server is full when you log in, you"ll be placed into a queue.

In addition, each periphery (server) of the Common Test will be restarted regularly according to the following schedule:

  • First Periphery: Every EVEN day of the month. Average duration will be around 25 minutes
  • Second Periphery: Every ODD day of the month. Average duration will be around 25 minutes
  • Central Database: Every day. Average duration will be around 2 or 3 minutes
  • The test server may also be subject to unscheduled restarts and maintenance.

Finally, the Common Test is also updated a few times each test period to address collected feedback or add other new features. Keep an eye on the Common Test article(s) and the forum for details on new iterations!

“I quit drinking, smoking, and my wife.

I left work for the whole summer.

I don't recognize my friends.

Thanks to World of Tanks for this!”


Today a lot of boys are playing popular game"World of tanks". Even some girls play it. I started playing in January 2011 and I remember how well it all started. Just recently (March 2018) the open beta test ended. Some may argue that it ended much earlier. But in fact, the beta test of any game ends only with the release of version 1.0. Many of my friends deleted the game a couple of years ago and forgot about it like a bad dream.

The Belarusians who made World of Tanks opened offices in Ukraine, Russia, France, Germany, the USA, South Korea and, of course, Australia. Already now these cunning guys can buy some Moldova, and take Penza as change.

Most World of tanks players consider themselves to be the elite among millions of gamers. The main argument on their part: “We’re not playing bang-bang here, but driving real combat vehicles and using strategic thinking" In fact, today the game "World of tanks" is the same merde as "World of Warcraft", "Lineage II" and " Perfect world" In short, like all MMO games. And I'll tell you why I think so.

When the game came out, it literally blew up the market for MMO projects. Of course, because “Mechwarrior online” did not exist then, and “Hawken” had not yet been invented. Belarusians from Wargaming made arcade online shooting games on tanks based on real combat vehicles of the 20th century.

At first, the tanks of the USSR, Germany and the USA were different. For example, German tanks had better armor and good guns, USSR tanks were more maneuverable, and their guns had a higher rate of fire. As a rule, when developers added some kind of new tank, it was superior to other vehicles of its level in a number of indicators, and when the unfortunate schoolchildren started howling, the Belarusians began to cut all the tanks so that they became approximately the same.

As a result, this has become a tradition: the guys from Wargaming introduce new tanks (Great Britain, France, China, Japan, etc.), people sit on them and drive them, find out what American tank destroyer“Hellcat” for some unknown reason is tearing up the best tank of the Second World War – the Soviet “T-34”, throwing tantrums and starting fights on the forums, and the developers urgently cut all the tanks down to the same cardboard. By the way, we should write a letter to Lukashenko saying that his game makers are buttering up the Pindos!

However, in fairness it is worth noting that heavy tanks high levels cope not only with medium and light tanks, but also with heavy tanks of their level. And here another important element of the gameplay arises: the game involves interaction between players on the same team. Without this, no matter how cool a tank you have, two or three opponents playing coherently will destroy it without any problems. Unfortunately, normal team game it was not in the tanks, and it is not. Yes, it is possible to create a platoon with friends and play together. Even now it is possible to unite into a company. But the classic fight remains a dull spectacle.

For seasoned nerds, the developers have made it possible to unite into clans and fight according to a schedule. I don’t understand anything about this, because I was not a member of the “tanker” clan.

Today it is 2018, and in the game there is still no option to play in a team based on the “nationality” of the tank. For example, as a fan of Soviet tanks, it’s unpleasant for me to play in the same team as a German tank. And it's not just a matter of taste. My grandfather defended the USSR from the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. So for me this is a matter of principle.

Today, all tanks in the World of Tanks are toys that have several common features with real vehicles: the names of the tanks themselves, modules that need to be researched for experience, and information about the vehicle.

First of all, armor and guns were subjected to virtualization. Light tanks have armor that is just for show; the guns are often suitable for firing at any distance. For medium tanks, everything is somewhat different, here the indicators of armor and guns depend on the tank’s nationality. Well, things are lousy with heavy tanks. If you have a German, Soviet or American heavy vehicle of levels VII-VIII, you don’t have to worry - such a vehicle is suitable for close combat and breaking through the enemy’s flank in cooperation with other players. And if you manage to upgrade and buy yourself some “lord” or “monsieur”, get ready for the fact that throughout the battle you will stand behind your “thick-skinned” allies and shoot from medium distance. If, God forbid, you took a Japanese “heavy” for yourself, then there is a high probability that while you are driving to the battle site, the battle will already be over or your tank will be destroyed from afar.

You bought yourself something mediocre and good (Tier V-VI tanks), entered a random battle, and then the balancer joked - you were thrown into a battle where most players had Tier VII-VIII tanks. And now you meet an “IS” or “AMX M4 45” on your “Churchill I” or “BDR G1 B”. They tore you in the lungs, and some asshole in the chat will write to you that you are a noob. Well, you worked hard, upgraded yourself, bought yourself a Tier VIII heavy tank and went into battle to celebrate, and here against you is a Tier IX iron monster with a dick like a horse. And that's it, come on, goodbye! Moreover, in order for you to upgrade to tanks of levels IX-X, you need to either improve your eyesight in N months, or pour a ton into the game real money and play under a premium account (you get 50% more experience per battle).

To make tanks shoot better, you need to buy cumulative shells, high-octane gasoline and food for the crew. For example, chocolate for the virtual crew of a virtual tank, mother! For money that a schoolchild could not spend on a game, but buy a real chocolate bar and give it to his girlfriend. And thousands of suckers feed virtual tankers with virtual chocolate!

In fact, in order to buy food, the developers regularly release updates, each of which changes the characteristics of certain tanks, either making them more powerful, or lowering them to the baseboard, or leveling all the tanks to the same cardboard.

This happened almost every time Wargaming added tanks of a new nation or new branch the technology under study. In 2012, French tanks appeared in the game, main feature of which the “drum” became. That is, the tank can fire several shots in a row, and then its gun reloads for some time. After some time, the drum loading system appeared in the Germans, USA, and USSR. Today, both the Czechs and the Swedes have tanks with a “drum”.

If you want to immediately play on a tank that is something unintelligible (neither fish nor fowl), invest real money, buy a premium tank. But on a premium Tier VIII tank, according to the current schedule, most often you will find yourself in battle with Tier IX and X tanks. Will you survive such a battle? If you are a seasoned player and you are lucky with the team, then yes. But more often than not it doesn’t work.

To purchase tanks, modules, simple equipment and equipment, the game uses the currency – silver. To purchase a premium account and some premium tanks, transfer experience from premium vehicles, apply camouflage and badges to vehicles, and special equipment, you need gold. Gold is purchased with real money. Yes, yes, for the same money that a schoolboy could use to buy a chocolate bar for his girlfriend. Today it is possible to buy cumulative shells for silver, but according to my calculations, this is also not profitable.

If you want to download normally, you need a premium account. If you want to distribute experience from tanks the way you want, pay. And don’t forget to feed the crew! As a result, today a World of Tanks player can spend about fifty dollars a month (or even more), and this is without any extras, just to properly upgrade two Tier VII tanks. The game sucks the money out of the player deftly and skillfully, like an experienced port whore.

Some nerds play World of Tanks for about a year, spend money, turn into nerds, and then sell their accounts to some suckers. Here you can make a horse move, and after the sale write to technical support that your account passwords were stolen and email. And then the loshara is left without drawn tanks and without money. And since the buyer is often a schoolchild, he does not run to court.

Playing World of Tanks just like that with artillery or tank destroyers is boring. Therefore, during the game, players often eat chips, nuts, roach, and drink beer. Their butts begin to grow. At first, the players are happy: they say, there will be no calluses and hemorrhoids! But then the butt becomes huge, a sight, I tell you, not for the faint of heart.

If you are a classic nerd, the game has personal combat missions. By completing them until your eyes are red and your nose runs snot, you can get a premium tank that is not sold in the store. I feel sorry for the time, so I did not complete these tasks, and played on premium equipment, purchased for ordinary Russian rubles in the Potatoes store.

When I was playing hard at World of Tanks, gameplay was easier than in 2018. Today, thanks to the wide variety of tanks, the terrain on maps, and the tendency of many players to sit in the bushes and stand instead of attacking, the game is more difficult. To simplify the gameplay, folk craftsmen came up with mods. At first everything was fine, the players used mods and enjoyed life. And after some time, the developers banned some of the mods, and players who use these mods are regularly sent to the “bathhouse” for various periods of time. The developers approved some of the mods and allowed them to be posted on a special website. But the benefits of approved mods are often little.

To prevent players from getting bored, developers edit game locations, then remove them from the game and add new ones. Here you can argue that the new cards are not the same, but before it was better. In fact, if you carefully examine the cards existing in the game today, you can understand a simple truth - they are different. That is, some are more suitable for playing on artillery or light tanks, while others are suitable for racing on heavy tanks. And here there is another big drawback of the game, in my opinion. When entering a battle, there is no option to select the map you want to play on.

I don't understand the logic of the developers. Why was the Province card removed from the game? It was ideal for “rides” on low-level light tanks. The maps “Swamp”, “Komarin”, “Pearl River” were interesting and allowed us to practice tactics on different types of vehicles. With the release of version 1.0, the developers returned the Overlord card, which made me happy.

A premium account, premium tanks, personal reserves (providing a bonus to experience and money), game currency significantly affect the gameplay. And not every schoolchild or student can afford to regularly spend money on such a game. That is why the developers hold promotions several times a year, during which they increase the amount of experience and money for the first victory of the day on each tank in the player’s hangar, offer to complete certain tasks and receive some useless premium tank or equipment. Thus, the average player remains interested in the game.

In general, the situation with upgrading a regular Tier VII-VIII tank looks like this at the moment. If you simply open a tank for experience, buy it and start playing, you will quickly see that it is worse than its pumped-up predecessor. Therefore, you should first spend more time to accumulate experience and money, and after purchasing a tank, immediately research and buy modules for it (if not all, then at least a couple). To feel more confident on a tank, you need to install equipment on it that costs money. Finally, for a comfortable game you will need a crew with upgraded skills, the percentage of influence of which you will never be able to calculate on your own.

It is important to understand that despite the differences in game mechanics for tanks different classes nations, there are some general rules games on this or that map, provided that you are not at the bottom of the team’s list in terms of technology. By following these rules, memorizing the cards, being patient and interacting with other players, you can play and win.

Today, millions of gamers around the world are ready to ignore the shortcomings of the gameplay, mistakes and primitiveness of the plot, as long as the game has cool graphics. That is why the developers from Wargaming released their mega-game not only on personal computers, but also on consoles. And with the release of version 1.0, they changed the engine, added more graphics settings, special effects, and redrew the maps. As an old-school player, I don’t care about graphics, as long as the game is interesting game mechanics Yes, it's a good story. So for me version 1.0 is worse than the 2011 version when I started playing. But the new game mechanics, the evil balancer and many tanks that were born after the Second World War, or were even just prototypes and in projects, I don’t like all this at all. I don’t know about you, but the tanks of Czechoslovakia, Japan, and Sweden never gave up on me.

To the conscience of the developers, the game has a test server on which Wargaming is testing upcoming updates in order to reduce the degree of hatred among players after the release of the next patch.

Today the internet is filled with videos on the game “World of tanks”. Various nerds, including girls, consider it their duty to “make videos” and publish them online. Some (especially greedy) ask viewers for money. But we know that for these videos the developers give reviewers in-game currency, a premium account and personal reserves.

Wargaming has done well with its tanks. Today, the World of Tanks game lives and thrives on PCs running Windows, on consoles of the Xbox family, and even on PlayStation 4. There was no balance in the game, and there is not, and most likely there will not be. The game “World of tanks Blitz” has been released for tablets and smartphones.

Belarusians pasted paper “airplanes” - “World of warplanes” and lifted them from the bottom sea ​​battle for real men – “World of warships”. The board card game “World of tanks Rush” has been released, aimed at seasoned nerds.

Souvenir products in the form of mugs, belts, badges and mouse pads are widely sold in stores in Russia. “World of tanks” stirred up a wave of popularity of tank models; this wave drowned transformers, Tetris and Lego, which were popular in the 90s of the 20th century.

In 2018, Quartet I released the film “What Men Talk About. Continuation”, in which special attention was paid to “World of tanks”. According to the plot, married men run away from their families, once again complain to each other about their wives, and play “tank” at every opportunity. This is the kind of behavior that adult conscious men should have, according to the filmmakers.

Girls and wives are howling on their forums. Like, he was a normal guy, he went to the cinema, walked around the city, had sex. And I installed “World of tanks” for myself, just like that. Like, what is this, why?!

And the solution is as simple as an orange. Most MMO players have this term for it: “bending.” It is widely used by nerds in World of Tanks. In their case, this term means: riding a huge tank (as if compensating for the small size of the penis), pinching left and right for the sake of frags. Who likes to play free-to-play games? That's right, schoolchildren and students. Inexperienced, naive gamers without funds. Of course, almost every self-respecting nerd has a desire to bend just such people. He cannot in life outdo a successful peer who has earned his own car and apartment through his labor. This is work that needs to be done! And here's some fun...

It is thanks to this bending over that the man loses the desire to have sex with the girl (wife). You’re also lucky, if the girl looks like a teenage boy, then the desire for sex does not disappear, but intensifies. Although if the girl finds out why, she will run away in horror.

In general, the average tank player loses the desire to do anything. Sleep, go to the toilet, play and eat. That's the whole daily routine of the “tanker”!

I personally know several men who are over 50 years old, and their favorite activity after work and dinner - “go to the tanks”. Don't go to a concert or movie with your wife. Don't go for a walk with the dog or with friends. Don't talk to children. And play “World of tanks”. Because their interest in the rest fades away thanks to the daily “rides”.

While schoolchildren and students, through tears, despite calluses, fight on virtual tanks, pay money for a premium account, cumulative shells and, saving on lunch, avoiding girls with arguments like “Fuck it...! After all, you have to take care of them, take your butt off the chair,” they go broke on premium tanks, the cunning guys from “Wargaming” raise a lot of money, open offices behind the hills and go on vacation to the sea.

During the period of participation in the protracted beta test of World of Tanks, I spent a lot of money on premium equipment and in-game currency. I tried to play American tanks VI level and realized that for a leisurely game you need a Tier VIII heavy tank, the T-32, or its predecessor, the T-29. I was complaining about the clumsy and slow Tier V-VII English heavy tanks, playing them until a friend told me that I had to endure and farm experience and game currency to open the Tier VIII heavy tank "Caernarvon", which is not suitable for breaking a flank enemy. I stopped in time, pumping up the French heavy tank of Tier VI “ARL 44”, because the next tank is practically no different from its predecessor, but is not capable of standing alone against heavy tanks of Tiers VII and VIII of the USSR, Germany and the USA. I tried to play on Chinese light and medium tanks and quickly became convinced that they were inferior to Soviet vehicles. I am not interested in Japan's design, development and experimental tanks. Czech tanks, which are copies or modifications of German and Soviet vehicles, also did not deserve my attention. The Swedes have most of their tanks not related to World War II. Meanwhile, the developers promise to introduce tanks from Italy and Poland into the game in 2018.

Thanks to the addition of new nations, new research branches, factors influencing the gameplay, a new engine, a balancer that mocks the players, the World of Tanks game has lost the gloss and charm that delighted me in 2011.

In addition, despite the assurances of the developers and some players, I do not believe that the amount of experience and money awarded per battle in the World of Tanks game has not changed since 2011. Today they give less than in 2011! Therefore, to farm, you need to use a premium account, premium equipment and play on those days when the first win of the day gives out experience with a x5 coefficient. Otherwise, you will need a lot of time and effort to get from a “cardboard” Tier I tank to a clumsy and cumbersome Tier X heavy tank.

My aversion to the game arose in 2017, when I entered a regular battle on a pumped-up Tier VIII IS-3 heavy tank. Having driven a little, I noticed an approaching Tier VII enemy light tank “AMX 13 75”. Having waited for the right moment, he fired an armor-piercing shell at his side. Do you know what the game told me in a mechanical voice? That I didn’t break through its side! This is when firing an armor-piercing shell from the top gun of a heavy tank at short range! I cursed, drove on and again met the AMX 13 75. He fired an armor-piercing shell at his stern. But the game had its own opinion, and I heard the word “Ricochet.” During that battle, I tried twice more to damage the AMX 13 75 using armor-piercing shells. And I heard “Didn’t hit” and “Ricochet”.

If one of your friends plays World of Tanks, show him this article, maybe the person can still be saved. And, for God's sake, don't offer him chocolate!

All the changes happening to World of Tanks players described above will not necessarily happen to you or someone close to you, but you shouldn’t take the risk.

This article was written using materials from Tyrtyrnet, kindly provided by my friend Kostya, for which many thanks to him.

To participate in testing innovations in your favorite game, you need to download the test server World of Tanks 0.9.18 and 0.9.19. All updates that are planned to be added to the game are tested on it, and you can take direct part in this.

Any innovations are active on the test server for some time before being released into the main client. There, a small number of testers check their performance and look for bugs. This is voluntary and unpaid, but it also has its advantages. You will be the first to know about what the vast majority of players will see only in the future. At the same time, you will learn this not in words, but in deeds. And when this content appears on the main server, you will already be aware of all its features and get an advantage.

When playing on the WoT test server from the official website, you will be able to try out any equipment from the game that you do not have access to. This will help you understand whether the tank you want is right for you or if you should save up for something else.

Or maybe you just want to help Wargaming improve their creation. In any case, a new account will be created for you and a certain amount of money and upgrade points will be awarded. And then everything is the same - take part in battles, buy new tanks and improve them. There will be no connection with the main account. Yes, you can only play here at certain times. So don't miss the opportunity and get a hands-on look at what World of Tanks will look like in the near future.

Video review of the game on a test server for WoT

Screenshots from the game on the WoT test server

System Requirements

OS: Windows 10 / 7 / 8 / XP / Vista
Processor: Intel or AMD
RAM: 1 Gb
HDD: 19 Gb
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or AMD HD 2400 XT (256 MB)
Genre: MMO
Release date: 2016
Publisher: Wargaming
Platform: PC
Edition type: test server
Interface language: Russian (RUS) / English (ENG)
Medicine: not required
Volume: 4 Mb

Obviously, the third operation is different from the first two and requires above all consistency and precision. Since the task is distributed over several battles (say, inflict at least 3000 units of damage in 5 consecutive battles), there is an option that allows you to pause progress in the task. It will come in handy if you feel that you need a break before the next push.

Artificial intelligence

In certain regions (for example, on servers for players from Latin America), you have to wait a very long time for the battle to start, especially at low levels. That's why we're introducing tanks controlled by artificial intelligence. And in the general test you will be able to fight with them.

Artificial intelligence will control tanks from levels I to V. Such machines will only play on certain maps. You will easily understand that in AI battle: at the beginning and end of the nickname there will be a colon sign, and next to the nickname there will be a special patch.

Although during general test mechanics will be available to all players, eventually artificial intelligence will appear only on the LATAM server. Perhaps we will add AI on the Australian server as well. On EU, RU, APAC (except Australia), as well as on North American (NA) servers located in the USA, everything will remain unchanged.

The number and types of AI-controlled vehicles in each team will always be the same. So neither team will be in a better position. The number of cars in a team controlled by AI will be limited.

We will definitely study the feedback from everyone who tests this mechanic. This will allow us to plan other PvE events. Current testing is the first step towards adding a PvE component to World of Tanks.

Levels covered


Minimum number of real players per team

Waiting time limit

20 seconds before the balancer adds AI-controlled cars

How to spot AI-controlled cars

By the colon sign (“:”), as well as a special patch next to the nickname

"Karelia", "Prokhorovka", "Rudniki", "Redshire", "Steppes", "Fisherman's Bay", "Ensk", "Lasville", "Ruinberg", "Murovanka" , "Erlenberg", "Siegfried Line", " Cliff", "Sandy River" , "El Halluf", "Airfield", " Pass" , "Mannerheim Line", " Calm", "Quiet Coast", "Overlord"
