Project “Outdoor Games. The use of role-playing games in physical education lessons Project story games in a physical education lesson

In the 21st century, radical changes are taking place in the life of our society, which entail great changes in worldview and ideology, in culture and education. New thinking brings to the fore universal human values.

I see three directions in a teacher’s activity:

1. Health improvement.
2. Training.
3. Education, development.

The leading pedagogical idea in working with primary schoolchildren is the formation of initial beliefs based on universal human values ​​and the need for physical exercise; creating a situation of success in educational activities in the subject of physical education.

I consider the educational tasks to be the cultivation of moral qualities: empathy, mutual assistance, complicity, restraint, the ability to win and lose. Formation of a sense of beauty and aesthetic taste.

I choose the technology of learning in the game as the main educational technology. Play is a natural companion of a child’s life, and therefore corresponds to the law of nature. The result of the game is joy and emotional uplift. Positive emotion creativity is the most important factor in health improvement.

The anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of children of this age should be especially taken into account. The child's body is subject to various environmental influences, as well as rapid fatigue. The attention of children at this age is not stable enough. The child is often distracted by what seems more interesting to him at the moment. The will is poorly developed, so games should be used with few rules. Since thinking at this age is figurative and objective, story games are the best way to promote the development creative imagination children and education of personal qualities. Plot- role playing games are valuable from a pedagogical point of view, since they have a great influence on the development of thinking, the formation of character, the development of will, moral qualities, physically strengthen the child, and create a spiritual mood for positive educational activities. In 1st grade I use the role-playing game “Zoo”. It includes three parts: “The Run of Animals”, “Falcon and Swallows”, “Lion and Monkeys”. In the game, children, reciting plot texts, turn into animals: a fox, a hare, a wolf. Depending on the role, students perform certain movements. In 2nd grades the game “My Favorite Cartoons” is played. Children love cartoons very much, therefore, when developing game scripts based on famous cartoons, for example, “Chip and Dale”, “Tom and Jerry”, I solve not only educational and developmental problems, but also educational problems.

“Chip and Dale” are two chipmunks, very dexterous and fast, most importantly, they are friendly and help each other. Couples are organized: Chip and Dale.

In the game, children run and move in pairs, show dexterity and speed when running, holding hands tightly, symbolizing their friendship. In the Tom and Jerry game, children line up in lines. The players standing in the first line are Jerry's team (little mice): very fast, agile (according to the plot of the cartoon), they deftly run away from the second line (Tom's teams are cunning cats).

Children, demonstrating agility, speed, strength, and endurance in role-playing games, develop physically. At the same time, they experience positive emotions: joy, pleasure and, accordingly, become healthier.

Game "On the Lake"

Children form a “lake” in the center of the hall - each sits in their own house.
They choose a merman for him, put on a beard and a small crown. He holds a traffic light in his hands - red and green. The teacher shows the children a drawing of a heron. Everyone says together: “The herons walk around, raising their paws, walking merrily over the hummocks and stumps.” For each word, students follow the teacher and perform various movements with their arms and legs in a sitting position. Then they disperse around the hall and imitate the movements of a heron (walking, raising your knees high, pulling your toes, arms to the sides, watching your posture). The waterman raises the red traffic light, and all the herons sit in their houses.

And the teacher already shows a drawing of a frog and reads out the following refrain: “We are frogs, we are frogs, we have green bellies, we jump in the swamp and move our legs.” The waterman raises the green traffic light. All children begin to jump in a squat with support on their hands and croak. The waterman raises the red traffic light. And all the frogs run to the houses (the last one to run gets a penalty point).

Teacher: “A fisherman came to the lake, he was carrying a backpack on his back, and he had a fishing rod in his hands.” At the waterman’s signal, the children run to the gymnastics walls, take the rolling pins hanging there, fold them in half, spin them in a circle with their right hands, and jump over them, trying not to fall for the bait. The teacher tells the children that they need to lower their hand with the rope, and then it will be more convenient to jump.

New waterman signal (all actions are performed only on a signal). Children hang ropes on the gymnastics walls and return to their houses.
I compose role-playing games for physical education classes. For example, the games “Sun”, “Captain”, “Tourists”, “Spiders”.

I develop extracurricular activities in a non-traditional form. For example, sports competition“Dad, Mom and I are a sports family” is based on the plot of Russian folk tales: “Turnip”, “Morozko”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Geese-Swans”, etc.

Role-playing games in Russian folk tales They strengthen not only the body and spirit, but also introduce them to oral folk art and introduce children to the national culture.
Role-playing games are also held during gymnastics lessons. For example, the game "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Children, performing physical exercises in groups at the stations “In the swamp near the turtle Tortilla”, “Karabas-Barabas”, etc.), not only learn to jump “over bumps”, rolls, etc., but also learn to show personal qualities: accuracy and precision of movements, mutual respect and mutual assistance.

In ski lessons, I use the game “Steam Locomotive” to teach and consolidate gliding skills. On the ski track, the teacher “goes first”, then the students who are good at sliding, etc. depending on the level of physical fitness of the children. While moving, students follow the basic rule: do not go “out of the way.” The teacher sets the route: the following stations are announced: “Speed” (heavy traffic), “Relax” (waiting for the “trailers” that complete the slide), “Remontnaya” (providing assistance), “Finish”. This approach to organizing a lesson helps to foster a culture of behavior and communication, the formation of such qualities as empathy and mutual support.

In my pedagogical arsenal there is a significant number of developed scenarios of role-playing games for primary classes, some of them were published in the magazine “Physical Education at School”. (No. 1, 1994 " Fabulous journey", No. 4, 1994 "Visiting a fairy tale", No. 2, 1995 "For physical education minutes", No. 6, 1997 "Autumn holidays", No. 4, 1998 "We are on a hike", No. 3, 2000 "Story-based physical education minutes", No. 4, 2008 “Thematic sports festival “Dad, Mom and I - a sports family”).

Daria Oznobikhina
Project “Outdoor Games as a Means of Increasing Interest in Older Children” preschool age to physical culture"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten No. 93, Tomsk

Project topic:

« Sports games as a means of increasing interest in physical education among children of senior preschool age"

By dominant activity: social - communicative

By number of participants – group

The nature of contacts is among children of the same group

Duration: short-term

Statement of the problem: During physical education classes and conversations with them, I realized that children at home do not engage in outdoor games at all.

Work practice analysis preschool institutions shows that recently many preschool institutions have been working according to new comprehensive programs, but they are unfortunately limited to physical education, aimed mainly at developing the basic qualities of movements in children. Often, parents do not instill in their children the need for a healthy lifestyle. However, this is not enough.

Relevance of the project: In modern conditions, there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children.

Modern children experience a “motor deficit,” that is, the number of movements they make during the day is below the age norm. It is no secret that in kindergarten and at home children spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, in front of the TV, playing quiet games at the table). This increases the static load on certain mouse groups and causes them to become fatigued. The strength and performance of skeletal muscles decreases, which entails poor posture, flat feet, delayed age-related development, speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength. Physically weakened children are subject to rapid fatigue, their emotional tone and mood are reduced, which in turn negatively affects the nature of their mental performance.

In our opinion, the leading place in satisfying the biological needs of a preschool child in movement is occupied by outdoor games. It is in outdoor games that a child gets a unique opportunity to maximize his own activity and creativity, eliminate the deficit of movements, realize himself and assert himself, and receive a lot of joyful emotions and experiences.

Project activity object: Sports games

Subject of project activity: rules of sports games

Project goal: Strengthen the health and improve the performance of children through the organization of outdoor games and games with elements of sports.


1. Develop and implement into the practice of preschool educational institutions a plan-project for the formation of relationships among children of senior preschool age, using outdoor games.

2. Teach children the rules of outdoor games and the ability to use them in independent motor activities.

3. Develop children’s ability to interact with members of the children’s team and provide mutual assistance.

4. To develop in children the skills of adequate, respectful and friendly behavior when interacting with each other.

5. Cultivate interest in physical education and sports.

Hypothesis: If you use sports games, then the interest of older preschool children in physical education increases.

Project resources:

1. Physical education corners in the group.

2. Gym.

3. Physical education equipment and sports equipment.

4. Methodological tools (card index of outdoor games, notes of conversations, classes, etc.).

5. A selection of methodological literature “Physical education and health improvement of preschool children.”

Project stages:

Stages Activities of the teacher Activities of children Interaction with parents

organizational A selection of games,

Equipment Desire to take part in outdoor games

Basic Learning words in the game.

Creating drawings about outdoor games. Exhibitions of drawings and design of the album “Our Creativity”. Active participation in the implementation of the project: participation in conversations, joint activities with parents on the topic: “Outdoor games at home”

Participation in creative activities during the production of collective work Memos for parents about “Outdoor games in the family”

"Through the Stream"

"Put the bag into the circle"


"Find where it's hidden"

"By the Bear in the Forest"

Final Design of the exhibition of child-parent works

Outdoor sports games

“Zimushka-Winter” Active participation in winter games on the street

Educational areas Joint educational activities of the teacher with children, taking into account educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup

Physical development Development of speed, agility, coordination of movement Outdoor games

"By the Bear in the Forest"


“Trap” Reminders for parents about the benefits of playing outdoor games at home

Artistic and aesthetic Listening to music, looking at paintings, illustrations Looking at illustrations about outdoor games

Speech development Teaching chants using outdoor games

“I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest.

The bear caught a cold

I froze on the stove!”

Practice poetry with parents

Expected results:

1. Increasing emotional, psychological, physical well-being.

2. Formation of hygienic culture.

3. Improvement of somatic health indicators

4. Availability of needs for a healthy lifestyle and opportunities to provide it

Project product:

1. Exhibition of drawings about your favorite outdoor game

2. Memos to parents “Play outdoor games with your child at home”

3. Sports games on the street “Hello Zimushka - Winter”

Criteria for assessing diagnostic results

Low – the child’s movements in outdoor games are not confident; in his free time in a group and on walks, he does not play outdoor games. Shows no interest in the game. Doesn't know the rules of behavior during the game.

Average - the child’s movements in outdoor games are confident, but not always; in his free time in the group he does not always play games. listens to the instructor, but does not always follow the rules of the game. Shows interest in the game every now and then.

High – the child’s movements in outdoor games are confident and dexterous. In his free time in a group and on walks, the child organizes outdoor games with other children. Complies with all the rules of the game and shows interest in the game. Listens to the instructor, quickly assimilates the speech accompaniment.

Project presentation

1. Exhibition of drawings on the theme “Favorite outdoor game”

2. Project presentation

3. Sports entertainment"Hello Zimushka - Winter"

Reflection: As a result of my project, children learned how important it is to engage in outdoor games and what the benefits are from it. Children understand that games must be played according to the rules. During the game, physical qualities such as speed, dexterity, and coordination of movement are developed. Children learned to independently choose and play outdoor games.

Forecast of possible negative consequences, methods of correction

Negative consequences Methods of correction

Some children did not show interest in the match the masks game, musical accompaniment

Did not follow the rules of conduct in the game Before the game, tell about the rules of conduct in the game

Children do not engage in outdoor games at home. Distribute reminders with games to parents.


1. Berestova Z.I.; Healthy baby: Children's health program in preschool educational institutions /. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

2. Voloshina L.N., Kurilova T.V. Games with elements of sports for children 3–4 years old. The “Play for Health” program and the technology of its application in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Publishing house “GNOM and D”, 2004.

3. Internet resources

4. Litvinova M. F. “Russian folk outdoor games”, Iris Press M.: 2003, 192 p.

Publications on the topic:

Fitball gymnastics as a means of increasing motor activity and strengthening the health of preschool children Fitball-gymnastics promotes the development of motor qualities (strength, coordination, flexibility, balance function, vestibular apparatus).

Formation of sustainable interest of children of senior preschool age in physical education and sports Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 15” From the experience of working as a teacher for a senior.

The project method as a means of environmental education for children of senior preschool age My students love it very much educational activities on environmental education. Systematic observations of nature, stories.

Non-standard equipment as a means of increasing children's interest in physical activity Consultation for teachers. Good health is the foundation for comprehensive and harmonious overall development. It is in childhood that they are laid.

Experimentation method as a means of developing cognitive interest in children of senior preschool age Master class "Method of experimentation as a means of developing cognitive interest in children of senior preschool age during familiarization.

Master class “Games and experiments as a means of environmental education for children of senior preschool age” Municipal Educational Institution "Ynyrginskaya Secondary secondary school» Kindergarten"Sunny" "Games and experiments."

Master class on physical education for educators “Outdoor games with fitballs” In the master class, I want to introduce you to how to organize games with fitballs. After all, we all know that the game is the most accessible.

Seminar “Educational games as a means of developing mental processes in children of senior preschool age with mental retardation” The relevance of this work lies in the fact that in children with delayed mental development When entering school, a deficiency is discovered.

D. S. Likhachev. : The culture of humanity moves forward not by moving in “time space”, but by accumulating values. In everything.

Scenario of joint activities of physical education instructors with children of senior preschool age Scenario joint activities physical education instructors with children of senior preschool age. Topic: “Meeting with an athlete.

Image library:

Class: 2

Presentation for the lesson

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Annotation: Role-playing lesson physical culture for 2nd grade. “Hike to a forest clearing” is carried out for the purpose of propaganda healthy image life, where students acquire skills in running and jumping; Games develop friendly relationships, motor skills and mental abilities, and improve health.

To conduct the lesson, I used non-standard equipment: homemade foam devices - fish, mushrooms, nuts; buckets and baskets; soft toys, gymnastic hoops, “garbage”, cardboard stumps.

Younger school age– the most active period in the formation of a child’s motor coordination, his physical qualities. The relationship between play and learning is manifested in the influence of play on the formation of elements of educational activity. Thus, by solving motor problems, children learn about the world around them in a role-playing lesson. They travel in a lesson whose content is filled game stories. Children have a high emotional mood, and their interest in physical activity in class increases. The lesson develops not only the physical qualities of children, but also their intellectual abilities; while relaxing, children solve riddles and sing songs during relaxation. The guys enthusiastically use homemade non-standard equipment - fish, mushrooms, nuts; soft toys, etc. Homemade visual aids help you perform the exercises correctly. The use of ICT in the classroom gives children the illusion of being in a forest clearing.

Academic subject: physical training

Level of education of schoolchildren: 2nd grade students

Target: Developing interest in sports and tourism. Fostering a love for nature, caring for animals, birds, and green spaces. Formation of the development of physical qualities as one of the main components of a healthy life.


  1. Develop coordination of movements, speed, agility, flexibility, attention.
  2. Improve the combat elements previously studied.
  3. Improve relay passing

Venue: gym

Equipment: Non-standard: homemade devices made of foam plastic - fish, mushrooms, nuts, buckets and baskets, soft toys, gymnastic hoops, “garbage”, cardboard stumps). Visual aids. Use of ICT.

Lesson progress

Lesson parts and content Dosage Organizational and methodological instructions
I. Preparatory part (10 min.)
1. Formation, greeting, communication of the lesson objectives: “When going into the forest, on a hike in a forest clearing, we must repeat the safety rules, do a warm-up, prepare the muscles for long journey» 1 min. Repeating the commands “Be equal!”, “At attention!”, “At ease!”.
2. Repeat the turns in place learned earlier: “Right!”, “Left!”, “Round!”. March in place, march forward! 1 min. Hands are pressed to the body while performing turns; turns are performed in the second part of the command.
3. Walking. Walking on your toes, on your heels, raising your hip high.
Teacher- We are walking along a narrow forest path. Let's look around: head turns left, right. To the left and right of us are tall pines, green spruce trees, and young birch trees. They give us oxygen. The forest has the cleanest air. Take a deep breath. Inhale…exhale….
1 min. Place landmarks at the corners of the hall that need to be walked around without touching.
Watch your posture, keep your back straight.
4. Slow running. Running on your toes, running while raising your hip high, running with your shin whipping back. Walking. Exercises to restore breathing.
Teacher“They opened their arms at outstretched arms and formed a circle.”
2 min.
At the corners of the hall there are landmarks that you need to run around without touching. Watch your posture, keep your back straight.
Carry out a set of general developmental exercises "Tourist Charging"
1. Shake a finger of one hand, then the other.
If in the morning you do exercises
You're too lazy to do it
It's a walk away from her
There's no escape.
4.5 min. Students stand in a circle. Mark the best children in performing exercises.
1. Keep your back straight, turn left, right, wave your finger when turning.
2. I.p. – hands up, locked. Tilting the body - “chopping wood.”
It's time to make a fire,
Make friends with an axe.
Friends are just like that, friends
It's impossible to imagine anything better.
2. Bend the torso forward, backward with a wave of the arms, fingers in the lock. Feet shoulder width apart.
3. I.p. – o.s. Swing your arms up and down.
To set the fire's heat,
Wave everyone's hands.
The light buzzes: “Wait,
I’m not simple either!”
3. O.S. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up - swinging movements, arms down - swinging movements.
4. I.p. - hands on the belt. Torso rotations.
So as not to get lost in the forest,
We need to spin together.
And a tired back,
This is just nonsense.
4. Circular movement of the body. Feet shoulder width apart.
5. Walking in place with high knees.
My legs don't know how tired I am
They walk through the mountains.
I'll tell you, "This is clever!"
That's what training means.
5. Keep your back straight.
6. Smooth movements with your hands in front of you.
Here our fire is smoking,
A cloud of smoke swirls.
It finally goes out
And a charger
6. O.S. Keep your back straight. Feet shoulder width apart.
Walking. Rebuilding from one column to two.
Teacher: We ended up with two teams for different relay races.
30 sec. Ensure that formation changes are carried out correctly.
II. Main part (30 min.)
Teacher:“Guys, we came with you to our clearing. But what do we see in the clearing? Garbage (jars, plastic bottles, paper wrappers, candy wrappers) needs to be removed urgently.
1. “Cleaning the forest clearing”
Whichever team removes garbage on its territory the fastest will win.
3 min. Ensure that the rules of the game are followed correctly.
Teacher: There are animals that store food for the winter. These include proteins. Let's help the squirrels collect mushrooms, cones, and berries.
2. “Let’s help the squirrel”
Opposite each team, 5 meters away, “mushrooms, cones, berries” are laid out (according to the number of players in the team). On the opposite side of the site there is a hoop, and behind the hoop on a chair there is a “squirrel” toy. The hoop is the squirrel's home. In the hands of the first numbers there is a basket or bucket. At the signal, the player with the bucket runs to the first mushroom, puts it in the basket, runs further to the squirrel’s house, crawls through the hoop and leaves the mushroom near the squirrel. He runs around the chair with the squirrel, returns and passes the basket to the next participant. The relay race is repeated. The team that harvests the squirrel's crops the fastest will win.
5 min. Repeat the safety rules to the children. Ensure that the rules of the game are followed correctly.
The team that harvests the squirrel's crops the fastest will win.
Teacher: And now, guys, let’s relax and sing a funny mouse song, but at the same time we will draw out the sounds “e”, “ya”, “y”.
What a wonderful d-e-n (hands up)
We can't do too much work (hands on belt)
In the forest my friends-me-me (hands on chest)
And the song is my-me-me (hands to the side, let's march)
What a wonderful p-e-n (hands down)
Bloomed into a radiant de-e-n (hands up)
Flowers are blooming on it (arms to the sides)
And next to me, take off we-s-s (hands on chest)
3 min. Form a circle. Watch your posture
Teacher: Who is resting here in the forest clearing, yes, it is a falcon and falcons. The falcon teaches its chicks to fly. But who is that hiding in the bushes? Yes, it's a fox.
3. "The Falcon and the Fox"
A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. "Falcon" teaches "falcons" to fly. He runs in different directions and at the same time shows different flying movements with his arms. A flock of “falcons” runs after the “falcon” and repeats the movements after it. At the time when the “fox” jumps out, the “falcons” must sit down.
5 min. The time of the fox's appearance is determined by the leader's signal. The fox catches only those who did not have time to sit down
Teacher: There is a lake next to the forest clearing, there are fish there. But what are these holes filled with water near the lake? Valuable fry swim in them. After all, the holes will soon dry up and the fish will die. Let's help the fish, move the fish from the holes to the lake.
4. Operation Living Silver

Team members line up in a column one at a time, opposite each team there is a hoop - this is a hole, then 5 meters away there is another hoop - this is a lake. There are “fish” in the hole; they need to be transferred to the lake.
5 min. At the signal, the first numbers run to the hoop with fish, take 1 fish and transfer it to another hoop, then quickly return and pass the baton to the next one. The team that finishes the relay faster will win.
Teacher: Now, guys, let’s take a break and answer the fold riddles:
Fold riddles
×Cossacks are standing, wearing white caps.
×Winter and summer in one color.
×It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, warms in the winter.
×The sieve is hanging, not twisted by hand.
×He sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by.
×Not for fish, but for setting nets.
4 min. Students sit on the floor in a circle with their legs crossed.
Teacher: Guys, there is a stump in the middle of the clearing. Let's play the game "Don't hit the tree stump"
5. “Don’t touch the tree stump”
Holding hands, the children, when given a signal, begin to run around the “stump”, trying not to touch it, and at the same time push their neighbor towards it. Whoever hits the stump is out of the game.
5 min. During play, children should not break away or bump into each other.
III. Final part (5 min.)
Teacher: Today in class we visited you in the forest, in a forest clearing. We helped the squirrels and fish, cleaned up the clearing and played in it. And now it's time to go home, our trip is over. A plane came for us.
“We boarded the plane together,
And we took flight
We flew over the forests,
They sat down on the playground at school.
One, two, one, two -
So the game is over"
3 min. They held hands and stood in a circle.
1. Formation in one line, summing up the lesson, Homework. Encouraging the best students. 2 min. Homework – Fill out an observation diary. What did you like about the forest?
2. Organized exit of students from the hall.

The games given on this page are recommended for use in physical education lessons in primary school. The games are arranged in order of increasing difficulty. Designed for 6-8 year old children.

2-3 teams of 10 people play. The leader ties a rope around each team, or the players “put on” a gymnastic hoop. At the signal, the groups of “centipedes” begin moving towards the finish line.
The team that comes first and doesn't fall along the way wins.

Two teams of 10 people play. The players of one are crows, the other are sparrows. Groups line up with their backs to each other. It is determined where the team has a house where they can hide so as not to be stained. The leader shouts out the name of one of the teams, for example: “Vo-ro-ny!” The sparrows run away to their house, and the crows catch them. If the signal “Crows!” is given, then the crows run away, and the sparrows catch them. The number of caught players is counted.
The team that catches it wins greatest number rivals.

A glass of water is placed on the tennis rackets. Participants, at the leader’s signal, run to the finish line and return back to the starting line.
The player who comes first and does not splash the water wins.

2-3 teams of 10 people play. Each line up at the start in a column, behind each other’s heads. In front of the team, at a distance of 15 m, an object is placed - a stone, a stick, a pin, a flag, a tree branch stuck in the ground. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers run forward to the control landmark, go around it and run again to their team. The second number joins the first number, clasping him by the belt, and now they run forward together, then the third numbers join them, the fourth, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

10-15 people can play. The driver is chosen - a cat, all the others - mice. The cat sits on the ground and sleeps. The mice surround him and sing a song:
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta. We are not afraid of goats!
At the presenter’s signal: “The skin has woken up!” - the mice run away to their house, and the cat tries to catch them. Those whom the cat stains (touches with his hand) become his prey.
At the second signal from the presenter: “The cat has fallen asleep!” - the players again approach the driver, who has returned to his place and is sleeping, and again sing the mouse song. After the cat goes hunting three times, a new leader is selected.
Two teams of 5 people play. An open chessboard is placed in the middle of the playing area.
Teams line up in columns one after another on opposite sides. Near one group lie black chess pieces, near the other - white. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers of both teams take one piece each and run to chessboard, put the figure in its proper place, go back, touch the next player with his hand, who
takes a piece, runs to the board, etc. The first numbers take place at the end of the column. The winner is the team whose players quickly and correctly place the chess pieces.

Two players join hands and catch other players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the caught one ends up in the circle. Now the three of them catch the others. Everyone caught becomes part of the net. The game continues until all participants are caught.

The host gives each player a spoon containing an egg, potato or tennis ball. At the leader’s signal, the participants run, holding the spoons in front of them and trying not to drop the objects in them.
The one who reaches the finish line first wins.
Two teams can also compete. Then the first players of both teams, having reached the finish line, make a turn and run to the start - pass the spoon to the second numbers, etc. The team whose players finish the run first wins.

The host gives each player a plate with a burning candle glued to it. At the leader’s signal, the competitors run to the finish line, making sure that the candle does not go out. If teams are participating in the game, then the first numbers, having reached the finish line, return to the start and pass the plate with a burning candle to the second numbers, the second to the third, etc. The winner is the team that finished the run first and whose candle did not go out during the run.

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up in a column behind each other at the start. At the leader’s signal, the first players of both teams run to the control landmark (stone, pin, cube, flag), go around it, return back to the starting line and touch the outstretched hand of the next participant, the second numbers also run to the finish line, return and pass the baton to the third numbers , third to fourth, etc.
The team that manages to complete the run before the other wins.
Next, the groups compete with each other in the following types of relay races:
Running together, wearing the same hoop;
Running while dribbling the ball;
Running while carrying a partner;
Running with one ski on your leg.
Running with fins;
Running backwards (backwards);
Running with jumping rope;
Running with an apple on your head;
Running with a hand kick balloon;
Running overcoming simple obstacles.
The players are divided into two teams, each of which is divided into pairs. Couples stand in columns facing each other and hold the ends of the rope at knee level.
At the leader’s signal, the first pair puts the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then jump over the ropes of the remaining pairs. Having reached their place, they lift the rope from the ground. Behind them, the second pair puts a jump rope on the ground, jumps over the first rope and goes the entire way of the first pair. Then the third pair comes into play, the fourth, etc.
The team whose players finish jumping ropes first wins.

Players compete against each other in the following competitions.
Hitting the ball at the target. A target is drawn on the wall with chalk. Strikes are performed with the right and left feet from a place, then from a run.
Some objects are placed one after another on the ground; you need to circle them, dribbling the ball with your foot (either right or left).
Raise your hands with the ball above your head, release it and catch it on the fly.
Lean your left hand on the floor, hit the ball with your right hand against the wall from under your hand, and catch it with both hands.
Hit the ball against the wall, slam your hands on your knees and catch the ball.
Throw the ball under your left or right foot and catch it.
Throw the ball up, squat down, touch the ground with your hands, then straighten up and catch the ball, first with both hands, then alternately with your right and left.
Throw the ball to each other with clapping, with a turn, with a bounce from the ground.
Throwing a ball into the distance (who will throw the farthest).
Throwing a ball at a running partner.
Throwing the ball into a basketball basket from different distances.
A ball is placed on the ground at a distance of 6 m. You need to hit this ball with the other ball. so that it rolls as far as possible.
Place a pin at a distance of 8 m. You need to knock it down with a kick (right, then left).
Roll the ball down the hill and catch it.
Standing opposite each other and clasping the ball with your hands, try to take the other ball from your opponent and not give up yours.

The players stand with their backs to each other at a distance of 1 m. Each player has a ball in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the ball is thrown back over the head, and everyone rushes forward after the opponent’s ball.
The winner is the one who catches the ball faster and returns to the starting position.

The ball must be placed on the book, carefully lifted above your head without dropping the ball, and lowered just as carefully. That one wins. who completed the task correctly.

The players stand in a circle. The host gives the ball, and at the signal, the participants pass it clockwise to each other. Nelly the presenter says: “Stop!”, the transfer of the ball stops, and the player who has it in his hands is eliminated from the game. The presenter gives the command: “Start!”, and the game resumes.
The winner is the last participant remaining, when there is no one left to pass the ball to.
Players line up at the starting line. Holding the ball between their knees, participants jump towards the finish line.
The winner is the one who arrived first and did not lose the ball.

The ball is placed in front of the player at a distance of 5-6 steps. Blindfold the eyes. You need to approach the ball and kick it.
The one who successfully completes the task wins.

Several pairs of players compete with each other, trying to reach the finish line as quickly as possible:
placing the ball on your shoulders and pressing your heads on both sides;
pressing the ball with your shoulders;
holding the ball with your backs;
holding the ball, pressing it with their foreheads and moving sideways.
The first couple to arrive without losing the ball wins.
The players take the ball and stand in a circle. The first participant, throwing the ball, names a noun. The catcher names the adjective and throws the ball further, the third player names the verb. For example: “Bird,” says the first; “Black,” says the second; “It flies,” says the third and, throwing the ball to the next one, calls a new noun.

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The presenter throws the ball to one of the participants and says: “Beast.”
The person who catches the ball must quickly name someone from the animal world and throw the ball back to the leader. If the leader, after throwing the ball, says “fish” or “bird,” the catcher calls the fish or bird. Anyone who does not answer the presenter or hesitates to answer is eliminated from the game.

Two teams of up to 8 people each participate. The players line up one after another in a column. The ball is pressed between the participants with their back and chest. At the leader’s signal, the “dragons” run to the finish line.
The team that comes first and does not lose a single ball wins.

The players stand in a circle at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides and are counted on the first and second numbers. The first numbers are one team, the second numbers are another. Two players standing next to each other are named captains and given a ball each.
At the signal, the captains begin to pass (throw) balls in a circle - one to the right, the other to the left to their closest players, i.e. through one. The balls are tossed around until they return to the captains.
The team that manages to move the ball around the entire circle the fastest wins. Having received the ball, the captains raise their hands with the ball up. The game can be played several times in a row.
1. The ball must be passed or thrown to your nearest neighbor. Each player miss counts as a penalty point. 2. If the balls collide in the air, then the players after whose throw they collided must quickly take their balls and, standing in place, continue the game. 3. The winner is the team that finished passing the ball around the circle earlier and has no penalties.

A line is drawn in the middle of the site, along which 10 towns (clubs) are placed. The players are divided into two teams and lined up one behind the other on one side of the court facing the towns. Participants in the front line receive a small ball. A starting line is drawn in front of the line.
At the established signal from the leader, the players in the first rank throw balls at the balls (clubs), trying to knock them down. Downed towns are counted and put in place. The guys who threw the balls run, pick them up and pass them to the members of the next team, and they themselves stand in a line behind them. At the command of the leader, the members of the second rank (team) also throw balls into the towns. The knocked down towns are counted again. This is done 2-4 times. The team that manages to knock down the most towns several times wins.
1. Balls can only be thrown upon a signal from the leader.
2. When throwing, you cannot go beyond the starting line - in this case, the throw does not count.

    Cooperative play is a unique type of cooperation. It is no coincidence that psychologists believe that truly democratic relations between adults and children are possible only in play. And above all, games with rules - a traditional means of folk pedagogy - have a positive impact on their relationships.

    In the methodology of physical education for primary school Many means have been developed to achieve the harmonious development of the child’s body. Games and exercises are used that develop dexterity and endurance, courage and speed, and the ability to control one’s actions. However, dance and rhythmic elements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and plastic arts have not yet received due attention. I believe that incorporating dance exercises into a physical education lesson is a powerful tool for harmonious development child's personality. By combining complex physical exercises with dancing and role-playing games in one lesson, you can achieve high results and sustainable interest in physical education. All these elements can make up story lesson, which, as a rule, is the result of the material covered during the quarter. This lesson is a holiday for children. One of the tasks of a role-playing lesson is to learn new things and improve what has been learned. But in addition to educational and cognitive tasks, moral and aesthetic tasks are set and solved, including the task of instilling in children a respectful attitude towards each other, the manifestation of such qualities as mutual assistance, solidarity in completing the proposed tasks. In my story lessons, I use materials from oral folk art, local history material, and show slides and films.

    Role-playing lessons can consist of competitive programs such as “Sports Serpentine”, “The Best”, “Forward to the Olympic Medal”.
    Role-playing lessons contribute not only to the physical and moral improvement of children, but also develop their creativity. Such lessons create positive motivation and emotional mood in children. They can also be presented as sports and musical theatrical performances on a specific topic, where the intellectual, physical, and ethical development of children is carried out. In role-playing lessons, children simultaneously feel the joint joy of learning, creativity, sports achievements, and beauty.

    So, role-playing games in combination with other elements of a physical education lesson in the lower grades represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection, and in the future, thanks to this, the teacher achieves high speed and strength indicators at physical education lessons in middle school.

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“Article “Plot-role-playing games in physical education lessons””

Tolkova Svetlana Viktorovna, physical education teacher, secondary school No. 8, 446306, Samara region, Otradny, Orlova street 20, apt. 28, e-mail: [email protected], 89276937721

Role-playing games in physical education lessons as a means of harmonious development of a child’s personality.

A physical education lesson, more than any other lesson, is fraught with joy for a child: movement itself is joy for a growing organism. And if the teacher clearly organizes the lesson, and the children do not sit, freezing, on benches along the wall, then the physical education lesson is a great joy for them. That's how it should be. This corresponds to the physiology and psychology of the child, as well as the desire for everything new and unusual. I strive to ensure that in my lessons children experience the joy of movement, the joy of learning new things, the joy of discovery.

Primary school students take part in physical education with great pleasure. They are especially interested in various types of games: from folk games, ending with sports - basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, badminton, etc.

Various types of games and exercises help improve the functioning of the main physiological systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory), improve physical development, physical fitness of children, and cultivate positive moral and volitional qualities. It is very valuable that playing games contributes to the development of positive character traits in primary school students and creates favorable conditions for developing friendly relations in a team and mutual assistance. They are held in summer and winter not only in gym, but also in the open air, which is an effective means of hardening the child’s body.

Outdoor games are one of the most favorite and useful activities for children. They are based on physical exercises, movements during which participants overcome a number of obstacles and strive to achieve a certain, pre-set goal. Due to the wide variety of content of gaming activities, they have a comprehensive impact on the body and personality, while at the same time contributing to the solution of the most important special tasks of physical education, for example, the development of speed and strength qualities.

Play activity is always associated with solving certain problems, fulfilling certain responsibilities, overcoming various kinds difficulties and obstacles. Overcoming obstacles strengthens willpower, cultivates endurance, determination, perseverance in achieving goals, and faith in one’s strength.

All these developmental aspects are enhanced by the specifics of role-playing games.

That is why the competent use of role-playing games in physical education lessons is not only useful for children, but also extremely important, since the correct “inclusion” of game elements in the process of physical education actively contributes to the harmonious development and physical fitness of students. In my work, I actively use role-playing games in the process of physical education of primary school students. Taking into account the educational and developmental significance of games, the solution to a set of physical education problems is pursued:

    promoting health, improving posture, promoting harmonious physical development, hardening;

    formation of knowledge and skills in the field of personal hygiene;

    introduction to independent physical exercises and outdoor games;

    fostering discipline, responsiveness, honesty, courage;

    development of children's creative abilities in physical education lessons.

Cooperative play is a unique type of cooperation. It is no coincidence that psychologists believe that truly democratic relations between adults and children are possible only in play. And above all, games with rules - a traditional means of folk pedagogy - have a positive impact on their relationships.

In games, more than in other physical exercises, participants can perform various motor actions the way they want, as their individual characteristics allow them. One of the undoubted factors in the attractiveness of games is the element of competition. They contain clearly expressed aspirations of the players to win: to run around the circle faster, to catch up with a partner or to have time to run away from him. Games in which participants are divided into groups, teams, and where each group or team, each team member strives to achieve better results and win, are even more competitive in nature.

While playing, children satisfy their inherent need for movement.
In the methodology of physical education for primary schools, many means have been developed with the help of which the harmonious development of the child’s body is achieved. Games and exercises are used that develop dexterity and endurance, courage and speed, and the ability to control one’s actions. However, dance and rhythmic elements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics and plastic arts have not yet received due attention. I believe that the inclusion of dance exercises in a physical education lesson is a powerful tool for the harmonious development of a child’s personality. By combining complex physical exercises with dancing and role-playing games in one lesson, you can achieve high results and sustainable interest in physical education. All these elements can make up a story lesson, which, as a rule, is the result of the material covered during the quarter. This lesson is a holiday for children. One of the tasks of a role-playing lesson is to learn new things and improve what has been learned. But in addition to educational and cognitive tasks, moral and aesthetic tasks are set and solved, including the task of instilling in children a respectful attitude towards each other, the manifestation of such qualities as mutual assistance, solidarity in completing the proposed tasks. In my story lessons, I use materials from oral folk art, local history material, and show slides and films.

To increase the working activity of children and their mood, I often use musical accompaniment, for which we use folk, classical and modern music. The uniqueness of the plot lessons is improvisation and dancing. No matter how difficult educational material, dance is an integral part of the lesson. Used in dancing various types movements: rhythmic gymnastics, rhythmics, plastics, theatrical elements. The boys dance willingly. Through dance one gets acquainted with Russian culture and the culture of other peoples and countries. Dancing has a positive impact on children’s aesthetic feelings, fosters organization and discipline, and makes the lesson meaningful and complete. A story lesson is a performance, and the children in it are artists. The teacher’s task is to reveal the creative and physical potential of children, to give each child the opportunity to express themselves and be happy for themselves and others. Role-playing lessons represent a special organization of a physical education lesson, in which the assigned educational tasks are solved in a creative, game form using a previously conceived plot in conjunction with the performance of various roles.

On the one hand, role-playing lessons give children momentary joy, on the other hand, these lessons should be aimed at the future and should model some fairy-tale or life situations. Examples of role-playing lessons include the games “Journey to the Jungle”, “Find the Treasure”, “Sports Marathon”, “We are the Robinsons”.
Role-playing lessons can consist of competitive programs such as “Sports Serpentine”, “The Best”, “Forward to the Olympic Medal”.
Role-playing lessons contribute not only to the physical and moral improvement of children, but also develop their creativity. Such lessons create positive motivation and emotional mood in children. They can also be presented as sports and musical theatrical performances on a specific topic, where the intellectual, physical, and ethical development of children is carried out. In role-playing lessons, children simultaneously feel the joint joy of learning, creativity, sports achievements, and beauty.

So, role-playing games in combination with other elements of a physical education lesson in the lower grades represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection, and in the future, thanks to this, the teacher achieves high speed and strength indicators at physical education lessons in middle school.
