Release the spirit of vampire bloodlines. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines Walkthrough

After watching the introductory video, we find ourselves in a "training" location, where a homeless-looking vampire Jack will be waiting for you. I strongly advise you not to refuse training and go through it in full (i.e., choose the first answer option) - otherwise you will not get 2 experience points and master keys. Otherwise, the training mission is not difficult, just read the prompts that appear, listen to Jack's instructions and look into the diary. Once you're done, Jack will take you to Santa Monica.
We wake up in a tattered bedbug, which in the near future will become our apartment. First of all, we go to the table, there we read a note left by Mercurio, an agent of Prince Lacroix in Santa Monica, and we climb into the computer (password „sunrise”). Reading emails, you will find out that Mercurio lives at 24 Main Street, apt. 4, you need to visit him.
Do not forget to also read the riddle card from the head of the local tremere Strauss, lying on the table, (the quest will appear in the diary The Regent's Riddle) and take 100 bucks from the desk drawer, which the caring Mercurio left for you.
Before leaving, look into the toilet (there is a jar of pills on the shelf, an ordinary clock is lying on the floor behind the toilet) and into the refrigerator (three bags of blood).
Go out into the corridor, you can not meddle in other apartments for now - you will still get there by completing other quests. In the corridor, read the newspaper lying on the floor with an article about a terrible murder, this starts the quest Carnival of Death
Going outside, you will see a scripted video in which a man, beaten and coughing up blood, crawls into a neighboring house. This is Mercurio, follow him.
On the way, you can notice that a decently dressed man is standing on the lawn near the house of Mercurio - alone at night in a gangster district! He's just asking for trouble. With Intimidation 3, you can threaten to knock out 20 bucks from him first, and then a watch and another 100, with Persuasion 4 he will donate twenty voluntarily, with Seduction 4 (regardless of the gender of your character) he will agree to take a walk to the nearest dark corner, where they can have a good time refresh yourself. Malkavians will not be able to use Persuasion - the man is clearly not inclined to trust unfamiliar personalities with bells and whistles.
After talking with Mercurio, you will find out that he was beaten and thrown by local bandits when he tried to buy explosives - an astrolite. Mercurio will ask you to take the money and explosives.
If you sympathetically ask Mercurio, you will find out that he needs a strong painkiller. If you agree to help, a quest will appear in the diary The Pain of Being Mercurio
After leaving Mercurio's house, turn right and go to the parking lot, then follow the Beach Access signs through the parking lot to the beach.
On the beach, a strange prophetess girl Rosa will run up to you and say that you need to go right and up (and she won’t lie). After talking with her longer, you will hear some vague advice and predictions of your fate.
In addition to Rosa, several more gloomy vampires hang out on the beach. The shirtless guy is E. If you talk to him without raids, he will tell you that they are all here - Thin Bloods, and at the same time he himself does not really know what Thin Blood means. If you promise to help him find out, the quest will start. thinned blood. If you threaten E. in a conversation, you can squeeze 50 out of him, but you will not receive the quest.
You can talk to two other types. One of them is convinced that there is a certain Supreme Vampire, and if you kill him, you can become a man again. If you do not dissuade him, then with Persuasion 3 or more, you can hang noodles that only the Holy Stake will kill the Supreme Vampire. You can also convince a weak-minded person that you can be cured of vampirism by transfusing the blood of a unicorn (also Persuasion 3. A stake (an ordinary pointed stick) is lying around here, not far from the ascent to the pier. Pick it up and sell it to a fool for 100 (with Intimidate 3, a stake can be driven for 200 You can also sell him up to three ordinary bags of blood, each for 120. Please note, having received a stake, the guy will immediately run to kill the Supreme Vampire, so he needs to sell the blood to the stake.
Following Rosa's instructions, climb the stairs (the one that is fenced with wire mesh), the location with the bandits' hut will load.
There is a guard at the entrance to the courtyard of the house. You can kill him, you can sneak into the yard through a hole in the fence, or you can persuade him to let you in - for this you need Persuasion, Intimidate or Seduction = 3. If you're a Ventrue or a Malkavian, you can use domination/dementation (choose the red line in the dialogue) to order the guard to let you through.
In the house in the room with the washing machine, open the ventilation grill, behind it is $ 250 (this is Mercurio's money).
Then you can either kill everyone in the house (if you haven't already), pick up the astrolite and leave, or (yet;) without touching anyone, talk to Dennis (a black man in a white coat) - you will hear one of the best dialogues in the game. If you are rude in a conversation or mention Mercurio, the bandits will be offended and attack. With Persuasion 4, you can convince the Negro to give you the astrolite "on parole", with Persuasion 3 (or using domination / dementation) he will agree to sell the astrolite (if Haggle=3, then for 300, otherwise for 500 bucks). If you play as a female character, then with Seduction 3 you can pay ... hmmm ... not with money :)
In the kitchen, you can still grab a car receiver, but keep in mind that if the bandits are still alive, they will be offended and attack.
By one way or another, having received an astrolite, return to Mercurio with a report. If you give him the money you found, you will get an additional experience point.
Mercurio will say that now you need to blow up a warehouse belonging to the Sabbat vampires. But there's a little problem, the only person... or rather, a vampire, who can lead you to the warehouse is Bertram Tang. And now he is hiding, because he had a big quarrel with Teresa Voeman, the owner of the Asylum club.
As soon as you enter Asylum, Jeanette, Teresa's sister, will speak to you. After chatting with her, go to the bartender and say that you have come to meet Teresa. He will direct you to the elevator. Climb up to the second floor, pick up a golden ring from the floor in the corridor, you can, if you haven't already, read the newspaper to start the quest Carnival of Death
As you approach the door, you will hear Jeanette and Teresa quarreling. When the sisters finish sorting things out, it will be possible to open the door and enter (the doors are enchanted there, or what? :)
Talk to Teresa about Bertram Tang. She will agree to stop the war - naturally, in exchange for a favor. The Ocean House hotel she owns has been haunted. You need to bring something that belongs to the ghosts so that Teresa can exorcise them.
Teresa gives you the key and pleases you with the message that Ocean House can only be accessed through the sewers at night.
We go outside, go down into the sewer hatch, open the door near Access Point A and climb out.
Go into the watchman's house in the far corner, take the key hanging on the wall. Then go to the hotel and start to diligently get scared. One of the ghosts living in the hotel has an extremely dirty character and poltergeist abilities. He will constantly throw objects at you and arrange nasty things.
Start climbing the stairs, it will fail and you will fall into the basement. Walk along the corridor, turn right to get into a room, one of the walls of which can be broken through (if you get close to the wall, the corresponding action icon will appear). In the next room, read the newspaper, after which the washing machine will work loudly in the laundry room. Go to the noise and get the key to the boiler room from the washing machine. Go to the boiler room (the door to the boiler room is lit with red light - it's hard to confuse), in the far corner of the boiler room, press the button that turns on the electricity supply.
You can go back to the elevator - it is now working, go up to the second floor in it. Go left and take the key from the night table in one of the rooms, then go to reverse side and open the locked room. Break the board covering the gap in the floor and jump down. There, climb into the mini-elevator for dishes and go down to the kitchen. Read the diary lying there, this will start the quest Spiritual Release. After reading the diary, you will hear a female voice warning "He's coming", and soon the dishes will start flying around the kitchen, and then the door to the next room will collapse. Go there and climb into the ventilation pipe. Before exiting the pipe, a female voice will warn you "Be careful." Jump to the stairs and climb to the third floor. If you're not careful enough and linger, the falling elevator will crush you.
Go right, in the room (first door on the left) take Weekapaug Thistle (increases defense by 1). Then you can return and go to the left corridor from the elevator. Immediately after the second elevator, go into the room, climb through the hole in the ceiling to the next floor. Don't touch the ghost fire, crawl under the broken steam pipes until you reach the room at the end of the corridor. When you enter it, the burnt room will suddenly turn into a whole, clean and bright one (the only time in the game when you will see something like a day :). Take the pendant from the table in the far corner of the room, the room will return to its previous state.
Return to the elevator shaft and go down to the second floor, from there you can jump over the railing to the first and leave the hotel.
Go to Asylum, but instead of Teresa, Jeanette is waiting for you. She will ask in a plaintive voice to give the pendant to her, if you give it back - quest Spiritual Release will fail. If you give the pendant, you will have the opportunity to sleep with Jeanette in the future.
In any case, Jeanette asks you for a small favor - go to Gallery Noir, cut the paintings with a knife and steal donated money from the cash register. To complete the task, she gives a knife. If you agree, the quest will begin. Slasherpiece.
Regardless of whether you agreed or not, go outside and go to Gallery Noir (it's opposite Mercurio's house).
If you refused to cut carinas, there will be a couple of police cars at the gallery. After talking with the police officer, you will find out that someone cut the paintings without you.
If you agreed to cut the paintings, go to the side door of the gallery. On the way, a fat policeman will lie in wait for you - Officer Chunk. With Seduction, Persuasion or Intimidate 2, he can be persuaded to let you through. The Malkavians can use Dementation to force Chunk to give you the key to the side door. Ventrue with Domination - open the front entrance. You can not mess with Chunk at all, go behind him to the parking lot, break the fence beam (if you don’t have enough strength, cast a Blood Buff) and crawl into the hole.
The complexity of the lock of the side door is 1, so even a paralyzed old woman will not have problems with breaking
Pick up a knife in the gallery and start your dirty work. Pictures must be cut in chronological order: Caine Slays Abel, Caine Cursed By God, Caine Meets Lilith, Caine Spurns Lilith. After that, jets of blood will begin to beat from the paintings, from which the Blood Guardian will rise in the center of the hall. Kill him, take 250 from the cash register and go outside.
Return to Asylum, now Teresa is waiting for you there. If you pissed her off by giving the pendant to Jeanette or cutting up the paintings in the gallery, she will demand another favor. You need to go to the Surfside Diner and convince Jeanette that Teresa doesn't hold a grudge against her.
Diner - Directly opposite the club, go inside and go to the phones at the far end of the hall. When you approach, the bandits will start shooting at you. When you're done with them, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone, hear Jeanette's voice saying that Teresa hired bandits to kill you; Jeanette herself is now locked in the bathroom because Teresa is threatening her with a gun.
Return to Asylum to the cheerful sisters, they quarrel as always. This time you not only hear them, but also see them - it turns out that these are two personalities in one body. You can support Teresa in a conversation, then she will kill Jeanette's personality; or support Jeanette to kill Teresa. At Persuasion 4, you can reconcile the sisters, this gives an additional experience point. Either way, you finally find out that Bertram Tang is hiding in an empty fuel tank on the Sunco Gasoline.
Head there, talk to Bertram, he can take you straight to the Sabbat warehouse. If you are not going to pass the mission stealthily, I advise you to first stock up on weapons and blood packs - there will be a lot of enemies in the warehouse, albeit mostly people.
Once in the warehouse and killing (or sneaking past) the first bandit, go to the next room. On the left there will be a box with cartridges for a revolver. Go outside (through the back door or through a hole in the wall), you can refresh yourself with a bum standing there, then go back, behind the house you can find shotgun shells.
Then take out or sneak past the two bandits that are staggering between the cars. Hack the door of one of the wagons (you need lockpicking 4, if yours is lower - use Blood Buff), there you will find more ammo for the revolver. Behind this car, a couple of bandits are cut into cards, do with them as you wish. In the next building, up the stairs, you can find some more shotgun shells. From there you can get into the fenced yard and pick up more cartridges.
Go through the narrow passage behind the building, there is a single sentry guarding the door, break it open. You will find yourself behind several bandits guarding the stairs up. You can kill them all, you can sneak past, or you can sneak onto the landing, press the lever and drop a heavy container on them. Go to the second office, plant explosives in the table and run to the exit from the location (you will have 3 minutes to do this). Depending on the chosen escape route, you may encounter one or two ghouls.
When you get to the place where the bum stood, a scripted video will start and Beckett will run up to you. After talking to him, you will automatically be transported back to the fuel tank.
Now it's time to go report to Lacroix in Downtown. You can get to Downtown by taxi, it will be waiting for you on Second Street, not far from the entrance to Asylum. If you play as a Nosferatu, then you should move between city districts not by taxi, but by sewerage, using the map of Los Angeles hanging on the wall (not to be confused with the city district map).

Side quests

The Pain of Being Mercurio

After agreeing to get a painkiller for Mercurio, head to the hospital. At the main entrance, a guy will talk to you (actually he is a ghoul) named Knox, I advise you to ask him about who the ghouls are and how they are created.
You can enter the hospital through the front entrance or (if you don't want to attract too much attention) through the side entrance.
If you enter through the main entrance, talk to the nurse on duty at the counter. With Persuasion 4, she can lie that you computer specialist, who was called to establish a network on the second floor - the sister will give you the key. When playing as a Malkavian, the key can be obtained using dementation. With Persuasion 3 (or - with the help of domination, if you play as a Ventrue), you can say that you have come to visit a sick friend, and your sister will let you in, but will not give you the key to the second floor. If the Persuasion skill is not high enough, you will have to wait until the phone rings and the sister moves to the far end of the bar. While she does not see, quietly seep further down the corridor.
Go through the first door - a bloody girl lies on a gurney. If you already know who ghouls are and how they are created, you can give her your blood to drink. Get +1 to Humanity and the ability to meet this girl in the future (don't worry, she will find you herself).
Further along the corridor you will see a door with a sign Dr. Malcolm St. Martin, you there. Lockpick = 4 is required to break the door, if not enough - use Blood Buff. If you are not looking for easy ways (or moral principles do not allow you to pick locks), you can get a key to the door. To do this, go up to the second floor, there is a guard staggering. You can kill him corny, you can chat (you need Persuasion 3, Intimidate 4 or Domination \ Dementation, if you play as a female character, Seduction 3 will work.
Go into the security room (Security), take the key from the utility room (Maintenance), go to the utility room. There, climb into the ventilation shaft, crawl to the right and down, go down into the room, on the table is the key to Malcolm's office.
Somehow, you ended up in Malcolm's office. Take three bottles of morphine from the table. I advise you to read the doctor's email (password - panacea), you will find out that he is dating several girls at the same time. Thanks to this information, you can squeeze $75 out of the doctor (he nurses the patient in one of the rooms on the way to the exit), the doctor will put the money in your mailbox. With Intimidation 3, you can squeeze $150 out of Malcolm.
Then go to Mercurio and give him morphine - the poor fellow has already suffered.

Bloody Mess (Bloody work)

You will receive this quest from Prince Lacroix via email (don't forget to check your email regularly). You need to steal the werewolf blood that the local newspaper gave to the Santa Monica hospital for analysis. Go to the hospital, go up to the second floor (for what and how to do in the hospital, see below). The Pain of Being Mercurio. The blood is in the "Controlled Substances" safe. The door and the safe can be opened via the computer (it's in the room labeled "CIS") by hacking the "cs door" (password - dosage) and "cs safe" (password - paige) directories. Take the werewolf blood from the safe and put it in your mailbox. The next time you go home, you'll find $150 from Lacroix in your mailbox. Don't forget to read Lacroix's email thanking him for a job well done. The quest will be closed only after reading the letter.

Thinned Blood

After talking to E on the beach, you will learn about his girlfriend Lily, whom he met at the Surfside Diner. Go there and talk to the old woman at the checkout. With Persuasion or Intimidation 2, you can pretend to be a health inspector and get a bribe - $50. When you talk about Lily, the saleswoman will report that there really was a strange pale girl here, and even give you Lily's things so that you can return them to her. It's possible to steal Lily's things from the back rack without any talk.
Lily's things - a photograph, car keys and a bail receipt in the name of Rolf Toten. Go to the local guarantor (Bail Bonds) Arthur Kilpatrick. He himself does not know anything about Lily, but he can give you a quest A bounty For the Hunter. After talking with Arthur, go to the computer and look at the information on Rolf Toten (s-z, toten, r). Find out that he owns a red car. It is logical that you need to look for it in the parking lot - it is in parking space 1E. Open the trunk, take and read Lily's diary. The last entry is that she is going to rob the local blood bank.
Go to the hospital, the blood bank is in the basement (the easiest way to go is through the side door). You can talk to Vandal (blood-selling guy... or is she such a scary woman?), with Persuasion 3 you can persuade him (her?) to open the door. Or you can just break open another door (lock difficulty - 3) and go further. There is a computer in one of the rooms, go to the freezers menu - pass-code> (password - ambrosia), you will find out that the code for the refrigerator's electronic lock is 1969. You can also get the code from the guy who hangs around in the room next door (requires Persuasion 6 , Intimidation 5, a female character can use Seduction 6).
Go to the refrigerators, enter the code, go downstairs. Untie Lily, after she is refreshed by the entered doctor, ask her about the Thin Bloods. Also say that E. will be glad to see her.
On the way back, you will be met by a wildly disgruntled Vandal. It is desirable to make peace with him - otherwise you will not be able to buy blood. There are several ways to reconcile. You can just pay $100. With Persuasion 3 and low Humanity, talking about the most brutal murder you've ever done will settle things. You can just intimidate (Intimidate 4), and the Malkavians can use dementation. Well, the most sadistic option - you can offer to bring someone to Lily's place (this option is not available to Nosferatu). A suitable candidate is Daniella, who hangs out in Asylum on the second floor (if you go up the stairs). At Persuasion 3, she can be lured into the blood bank, in which case you will lose a Humanity point.
Once you've established a relationship with Vandal one way or another, go to E. to turn in the quest and get legally earned experience.

The Hunted Hunter

When you walk past the hospital for the first time, the ghoul Nox will speak to you. He won't give you the quest right away, but talk to him later in Asylum. It turns out that he is doing the job of his master (Bertram Tang) - following the Asian vampire. Or rather, he should be watching the Asian vampire, but for some reason it turns out that this vampire is watching him. Offer to help him, he will give you a driver's license in the name of Virgil Crumb, which was dropped by an Asian vampire. No, the rights obviously don't belong to the vampire, but that's the only clue.
Go to Bail Bonds (you can talk to Arthur Kilpatrick there to get another quest - A Bounty For the Hunter), look at the computer for information on Virgil Crumb (a-f, crumb, v). You learn that he recently died, and his corpse is in the morgue of the Santa Monica hospital. Go to the hospital, go down to the basement, go to the laundry (laundry). (For information on how to get to the hospital and open the doors on the basement floor, see the passage of quests The Pain of Being Mercurio And thinned blood). In the laundry, move the board that closes the gap in the wall and climb into the adjacent corridor.
Dig into the computer (password - Cowbell) to find out that Crumb's things are in storage B. Now go to the morgue, Crumb's body is on the table, next to it is a box. Open it (you will need lockpicking 4), inside you will find the keys to Foxy Boxes. Go there. When you enter the warehouse, the same Asian vampire will appear, according to all the rules of oriental courtesy, he will bow to you and get into a fight. After killing the Asian, go back and make Knox happy.
In addition, you can find out from Knox that Trip sells weapons in his pawnshop.

The Regent's Riddle (The Riddle of the Regent)

This quest will appear in your diary when you read a card with a riddle in your apartment in Santa Monica:
Dark blood, our curse, a light this verse
Such power I sense in one so young
Come find me where burns the mystical sun.

(Our blood is dark, this verse is white
I feel strength in someone who is young
You will find me in the house under the mystical sun)

The specified house is located in Downtown, next to the Hallowbrook Hotel, the mystical sun is also in place - you just need to look up. Go inside, forward along the corridor, then - to the right. In the small library, take the book "Thaumaturgical Creatures" from the table and read about gargoyles - you will need it later. Then go further until you reach the room where Maximilian Strauss is standing by the fireplace. Talk to him, quest The Regent's Riddle this successfully ends. Be sure to ask Strauss about the plague, he will ask you to find its causes - the quest will begin A Plague For the Angels.

A Bounty For the Hunter

This quest can be obtained by talking to Arthur Kilpatrick in Bail Bonds. He will tell you that his best detective Carson has gone missing and will ask you to find him. After receiving the key to Carson's apartment from Kilpatrick, go there (he lives in the same house as Mercurio). Listen to the message on the recorder, dig into the computer (password is Imalia), you will find out that Carson was hunting for a certain McGee and was going to look for him in Devil's Brand Tattoo Parlor. The key to the tattoo parlor is on the TV. Pick up a silver ring from the floor by the table, take $25 from the table and go to the tattoo parlor.
There is no one in the salon, but when you go down to the basement, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone - prosthetist Stan Gimble is also looking for McGee, who was supposed to work for him as a model for creating prosthetics. Agree to replace McGee and go to Gimble's Prosthetics (it's in the basement at the end of Main Street). Talk to Gimble on the intercom, he will open the door.
Inside, talk to Gimble, he will soon leave to prepare the tools. Don't wait, follow him. Take the blood bag from the refrigerator and go down the stairs until you get to the operating room (if you can call this a nightmare). Go to the locked cell, Carson will speak to you and ask you to release him. As soon as you try to do this, Gimble will run in and attack you. Kill this maniac, free Carson and talk to him. It turns out that he is no longer going to work for Kilpatrick. Go back to Bail Bonds, report back to Kilpatrick and get $201.
Left without a detective, Kilpatrick will offer another job - to find Mike "Muddy" Durbin, who escaped from bail. This is how the quest begins jumpin' the bail.
Also, Kilpatrick can tell you that in Santa Monica, guns can be bought at Trip's Pawnshop.

Jumpin "the Bail

After you find Carson, Arthur Kilpatrick from Bail Bonds will ask you to find Mike Durbin, who is on bail. You need to start looking in the apartment of Durbin's girlfriend (she is opposite your own). The key to the apartment is hidden behind a flower pot in the hallway. Go inside, listen to the message on the answering machine. Find out that Mike escaped from Santa Monica and is now staying with his friend Milton in Downtown, Skyline Apartments, apartment 2A. From the shelf near the stove, take the book Peepin "- A Voyeur`s Field Guide (increases sneaking by 1). You can return to Kilpatrick and please him with the news that Durbin has left Santa Monica. Get $ 150, quest jumpin' the bail this is where it ends, but it starts Mudd Hunt.

Mudd Hunt (Dirty Hunt)

This quest will automatically appear in the journal during the course of the quest jumpin' the bail after listening to the message on the answering machine.
Once in Downtown (with the help of a taxi that appears next to Asylum` th after the explosion of the warehouse), go to Skyline Apartments, apt. 2A. You can take the elevator to the second floor and break open the front door (you need lockpicking 5), or go down to the basement and crawl through the ventilation shaft. Listen to the message on the answering machine - an unknown person says that he will meet with Milton and Durbin at some place opposite The Last Round bar. Take a couple of car receivers from the table, go upstairs - there you will find the book Kendo For Advanced Students (+1 to Melee).
Go to the Last Round bar, go forward along the alley that starts opposite the bar entrance, and go through the white door. Inside is a lovely sight - a decapitated corpse impaled on the armature, the head is lying nearby (try, by the way, to throw it into a basketball basketJ). A frightened bum is trembling here - ask him. You will find out that the corpse is Milton, and some terrible creature killed him, something screaming about revenge. With Persuasion or Intimidation 5, you can convince the bum not to tell anyone else about what he saw (get Masquerade Redemption and an additional experience point).
Go up the boxes to the second floor and pick up the key to the room in the Luckee Star Motel (this is in Hollywood).
When you get to Hollywood, go to the hotel, go through the courtyard and go upstairs. The key will fit the sixth number. Mike Durbin will be killed right in front of your eyes, but you will not have time to see the killer. The only piece of evidence in the room is a Brothers Salvage card in Santa Monica.
On this quest Mudd Hunt will end, but the quest will be updated in the journal Carnival of Death

The Carnival of Death

The quest will appear in the diary after you read the newspaper with an article about the bloody murders (one lying in the corridor of your house, the other in Asylum). The first thing to do is to inspect the murder scene on the Santa Monica Pier. Once on the beach, turn left and go up to the pier. Walk down the street to the left until you see the police huddled around the bloodstain (unfortunately, they will be fenced off from you with wire mesh). The entry in the diary will be updated - you examined the crime scene, but did not find anything interesting. To unravel the murders, you will need to visit Downtown and Hollywood and complete quests A Bounty For the Hunter, jumpin' the bail And Mudd Hunt
Finding during the quest Mudd Hunt Brothers Salvage card in Santa Monica, go there. Go inside and go to the car dump. The killer will throw cars at you from time to time and throw incendiary bombs - so be careful. After passing through the rubble, you will finally see the killer. Talk to him, at Persuasion 7 you can talk him into stopping killing (gain an extra 2 experience points and a Humanity point, but you will earn a masquerade violation), otherwise you will have to kill him. On this quest The Carnival of Death completed.

Missing Data

This quest can only be received by Nosferatu.
After you find the head of the Nosferatu Gary Golden in the dungeons of Hollywood, check the email. You should receive a letter from Bertram Tang (the one who hangs out in an empty cistern in Santa Monica). Visit him, he will tell you that he is looking for a data disk, which should be somewhere in the Hollywood nosferatu dungeons.
The easiest way to enter the dungeons is now through a secret passage in the mausoleum in Hollywood Cemetery. Go through Gary's room to the exit, then - almost to the very beginning of this level to the underground pier. There, turn left and go down the corridor until you see a TV set on the sofa. The desired disk lies on the floor on the right.
Take the disk to Bertram, for joy, he can increase your Computer Knowledge skill by one point.

Before starting the game, you need to create your character. You can do this with two different ways. The first, rather banal, is that you simply allocate your hero's attributes and define his clan. The second way is more interesting, you will be given questions, answering them the game itself will create a character for you and distribute its characteristics.

After character creation, a cut-scene will begin explaining how to protagonist became a vampire. When it ends, go outside and talk to Jack, agree to be trained in the basics of a vampire by him in order to gain experience and a free master key. All you have to do is follow the instructions of your mentor. To begin with, you will need to drink blood from a person, then go into the building and pick up the master key, which lies in the boxes. Then crack the door to the office, and in the room the computer is the password: chopshop.

Taking a pass card from the safe, open the door and go outside. Now you just have to go through the training of the combat mechanics of the game and stealth. This is a fairly simple task, all you have to do is follow Jack's instructions. After completing the training, you will find yourself at home, in the so-called "refuge".

Leaving the house on the street, you will see a scripted video in which a man, beaten to a pulp, crawls into one of the houses. This is the ghoul Mercurio you need, follow him on the trail of blood.

With a meeting with him this story quest ends and the next one starts.

High surf / Surf "s Up

Mercurio was beaten and taken away by local bandits when he came to them for explosives - astralite. Now your task is to take astralite from them, in addition, Mercurio is eager to return the money taken from him.
If you ask Mercurio if you can help him in any way, you will find out that he needs a painkiller. If you agree, the quest "" (The Pain of Being Mercurio) will appear in the diary. Head through the car park to the beach. There a soothsayer will run up to you Rose from it you will learn where to go - to the right and up. Follow Rosa's instructions and go up the stairs to the bandits' house.

There is a guard in front of the entrance to the courtyard, he can be killed, persuaded to let you through using Persuasion, Intimidate or Seduction (requires 3 or higher to succeed) or sneak past him through a hole in the fence. Ventrue or Malkavians can use domination or dementation respectively and simply order the guard to let you in.
Look around the house. In the room with the washing machine, open the ventilation grill, behind it are hidden Mercurio's money - $250. You can simply kill all the bandits and take the astralite, or you can try to solve the matter amicably. To do this, talk to Denis (an African American in white). If you are not polite enough in a conversation or mention Mercurio, then he will attack you. If you have Persuasion 4 and above, you can persuade him to give the astralite. With a Persuasion of 3 or domination or dementation (Ventrue, Malkavianen) convince him to sell it to you for $500. A female character with a seduction score of 3 or higher can pay with her own body. In the kitchen, you can grab a receiver for further sale (in this case, the bandits will immediately attack). One way or another, having acquired astralite, return to Mercurio, if you give him his money, you will receive an additional experience point. On this quest high surf" will end and the quest "" will begin.

Explosive Beginning

Now you have to blow up a warehouse belonging to the vampires of the Sabbat with the help of astralite. But only the Nosferatu knows the location of this warehouse by name. Bertram Tang. But at the moment he is hiding from Teresa Vaughan and his whereabouts are unknown. In order to meet him, try to convince Teresa to stop chasing Tang. To meet Teresa, go to the club Asylum.
As soon as you enter Asylum, you will be spoken to Jeanette, after talking to her, go to the bartender and say that you have come to meet Teresa. He will direct you to the elevator. Rise to the second floor, pick up from the floor in the corridor Golden ring.

After talking with Teresa, she will agree to end the war, but in exchange for a favor. Teresa gets in the way of bringing in ocean house, and in order for her to get rid of them, she needs to bring a thing belonging to ghosts from the hotel. From Teresa, you will learn that you can only get there through the sewers and get the key to the grate. After this conversation with Teresa, another quest "" will begin.

The Ghost Haunts at Midnight

Head through the sewers to ocean house(in the sewers near the entry point, you need to open the door and go up outside). The door to Ocean House is locked, you can pick the lock with enough skill or find the key (hanging on the wall in a small building).

One of the ghosts living in the hotel is extremely aggressive and will constantly try to damage you by throwing various items, so be careful, items can cause significant damage to your health.
Climbing the stairs to the second floor, it will fail and you will fall into the basement. Walk along the corridor, turn right to get into a room, one of the walls of which can be broken through. In the next room, read the newspaper, after that the washing machine will work loudly in the laundry room, it will contain the key to the boiler room. Turn on the power in the boiler room (the door to the boiler room is lit with red light), now the elevator from the basement to the second floor is working.
On the second floor, go left and take the key from the night table in one of the rooms, then go in the opposite direction and open the locked room. Break the board covering the gap in the floor and jump down. In the dish lift, go down to the kitchen. Take it on the table and read the diary. With the reading of the diary, two events will occur: firstly, the quest " Spirit Release” (Spiritual Release), and secondly, dishes will start flying around the kitchen, and then the door to the next room will break. From there, climb through the ventilation pipe into the elevator shaft. Inside the mine, do not linger for a long time, quickly run to the stairs, otherwise you will be crushed by the fallen elevator. Climb the stairs to the third floor, go right, and in one of the rooms (first door on the left) take Weekapaug Thistle- increases protection by 1. Go back to the elevator and go to the left corridor, in one of the rooms go up to the next floor through the hole in the ceiling.
Trying not to touch the light, crawl under the exploding pipes until you reach a room at the end of the corridor. As soon as you enter this room, it will be transformed and become the way it was when the hotel was in operation. The pendant lies on a table in the far corner of the room, as soon as you take it everything will return to its previous state. Go back to the elevator shaft, go down to the second floor and exit the hotel.

At Asylum, Jeanette will meet you. She will ask you to give the pendant to her, if you give it back - the quest " Spirit Release' will fail. (If you give the pendant, you will have the opportunity to sleep with Jeanette in the future). In any case, Jeanette asks you for a small favor - to go to Gallery Noir, cut pictures with a knife and (or) steal money donated to charity from the cash register. To complete the task, she gives a knife. If you agree, the quest "" (Slashterpiece) will begin.

Art carving / Slashterpiece

The gallery is guarded by a policeman, not disfigured by intellect named Chunk. With Seduction, Persuasion or Intimidate 2, he can be persuaded to let you through. The Malkavians can use Dementation to force Chunk to give the key to the side door, and the Ventrue to use Domination to open the front door. Or you can just go to the parking lot, break the fence beam (if you don’t have enough strength, Blood Buff will help) and crawl through the hole to the side door, any character can open the side door lock (difficulty 1). Inside, you must either cut the paintings, or steal donations, or do both. Pictures must be cut in a certain order (otherwise they will be restored), namely in the chronological sequence of the life events depicted on them Kaina:
Caine Slays Abel, Caine Cursed By God, Caine Meets Lilith, Caine Spurns Lilith.

After all four paintings are cut in the right order, the Blood Guardian will appear in the center of the hall, kill him and you can leave the gallery. You can take money from the donation box, but for the theft of $250 you will pay with a unit of humanity, the quest will be completed. After that, go outside and go on a visit to the sisters, this quest is over.

If you refused to cut pictures or steal donations, go to Gallery Noir. There will be a couple of police cars outside the gallery. After talking with the police officer, you will find out that someone cut the paintings without you.

Bad Blood

Returning to the club to the sisters, this time Teresa will be waiting for you there. And if you didn’t please her with something - you gave the pendant to Janet and (or) committed sabotage in the gallery, she tells you to go to Surfside Diner and convince Jeanette that Teresa holds no grudge against her.

Enter the diner and go to the phones at the far end of the hall. As soon as you get close to it, a group of bandits will open fire on you from the opposite corner. Having dealt with them, the phone will ring, pick up the phone and talk to Jeanette, she asks to come to the club faster.

Rival Sisters / Sibling Rivalry

Come back to asylum to the sisters, this time you will see their quarrel, it turns out that these are two personalities in one body. This time they decided to kill each other. You can support Teresa in a conversation, then she will kill Jeanette's personality or support Jeanette so that she kills Teresa.

With Persuasion 4, you can reconcile the sisters, for which you will receive additional experience points. In any case, you will find out that Bertram Tang hiding in an empty fuel tank on Sunco Gasoline.

Explosive Beginning (continued)

Bertram, ready to ferry you to the correct warehouse. Your task in the warehouse is to get to the office, plant explosives there and 3 minutes get to the platform, which is located at the entrance. Once in the warehouse, deal with the bandits or sneak past them. On the left there will be a box with cartridges for a revolver. Go outside through the back door or through the hole in the wall, behind the house you can find shotgun shells. Two bandits patrol between the cars, kill them or sneak past.

You can either break into the interior of the warehouse in the forehead, attacking groups of bandits, or you can go through the side entrance. Once in the office, plant a bomb there and run to the exit from the location. Depending on the chosen escape route, you may encounter one or two hostile vampires.
When you reach the platform, a cut-scene will play where you will meet Beckett. After talking to him, you will automatically be transported back to the fuel tank.

Your primary objective in Santa Monica has been completed and the following area is now available - downtown. Everyone except the Nosferatu moves between areas by taxi, after the explosion of the warehouse, it will appear near the entrance at Asylum. Nosferatu use a map in the sewers to travel between districts. Visit Lacroix to complete the Explosive Start quest.

Date with Elizabeth / Elizabethan Rendezvous

Arriving in Downtown, head to the Lacroix Tower. After listening to your report on the work done in Santa Monica, Lacroix will give next task- inspect the ship Elizabeth Dane:

  1. find out what happened to the Ankara sarcophagus, which was transported by ship;
  2. get a copy of the police report;
  3. Obtain a ship's cargo declaration.

All this is desirable to do without drawing attention to yourself.
In addition, Lacroix will ask you to go to Last Round and talk to Rodriguez to find out what he wants from you. It's best to do this before sending to Elizabeth Dane.

Having completed all three tasks in one way or another, return with a report to Lacroix. After completing this quest, everyone except Tremere and Nasferatu can receive new, more comfortable housing from the prince, located at Skyline Apt. 4. If you drink your blood to the girl in the Santa Monica hospital, meet her at the entrance to the tower.

Calling Dr. Grout Grout

In this task, you need to find - Alistair Grout. Before going to his mansion, it is recommended to go to a bar Last Round and talk to Rodriguez. At right choice replicas in the dialogue, he will raise the Melee or Brawl skill by one point. At the entrance to the mansion, you will encounter Nines Rodriguez coming out. After talking with him, go into the mansion. Go right, crawl under the rubble of furniture and go into the library at the end of the corridor.

Here, in the correct order, press the levers ( left - right - middle), a door at the other end of the corridor will open. Grab a nearby book Scarlet Torkelson: Circus Performer(+1 Parry) and head back to the exit. From the exit, go left, in the large hall, press the lever-candlestick, this will open the hatch on the ceiling. Climb up, go into the next room, go left and down, then go up the spiral staircase, go down the corridor and down the stairs again. Go down until you find yourself in a large hall, through the door at the far end, go into the next room, with a fireplace and a couple of vampires. Click button in the fireplace, a passage to the next room will open. Go down the corridor until you find yourself on the second floor of the library. Here again, candlestick levers, by pressing the levers, make all three lamps burn, and then press the middle lamp - a secret door will open on the first floor of the library.

You can do without fiddling with levers - for this you need to activate a fake book on one of the shelves.
Get down through the hatch in the floor to the first floor of the library and go into the opened corridor, it will lead to a room with a lightning strike unit.

Press the lever to the left of the entrance, go to the center, from there - to the left. Pick up an amulet Tarulfang(reduces the chance of falling into a frenzy) and press the next lever, etc. until the entrance to the next corridor is safe. Activate the lever and return to the large hall with the stairs. Now the large doors at the end of the hall are open - you go there. Take it in the room on the right refrigerator key. The refrigerator itself is opposite the entrance to the previous room. Grab a couple of bags from the fridge Elder Vitae and three packs of regular blood.
After that, go down the stairs to the left, you will find yourself in the next corridor - there are three ghouls, and a locked door with a lock of the 5th difficulty level. Pick the lock if you can - inside you can pick up some ammo (or a weapon if you don't already have one). At the end of the corridor, go through the door and go down to the unfinished part of the mansion. Climb up the boards, go through the only door and go up to the second floor and the room with the woman in the glass cage. Turn on the gramophone, the door to Grout's bedroom will open.
Immediately go to the balcony, there will be a conversation with the leader of the hunters - Bach. After the conversation, jump from the balcony and run to where there is no fire yet, until you find yourself in the last room. Open the window in it and get out. Report to Lacroix about the fate of Grout, and about the meeting with Rodriguez and Bach, this will complete the quest.

Antique Lover / Patron of the Ancient Arts

Now you need to get Ankara sarcophagus from the Museum of Natural History, where he was taken. It is advisable to complete this task without killing the museum guards. You can ask Lacroix for money for current expenses, get $ 300. Before you go by taxi (or through the sewers) to the museum, it is recommended to take Write quest " mystical personality» (Occultish Personality), as you won't be able to enter the museum a second time.
In the museum, go down the stairs to the corridor. Go down the corridor until you see a half-open door, take the key there. Go along the corridor to the nearest red door, through it you will enter the main hall of the museum.
If your character is physically well enough, go up to the bridge and jump onto the pterodactyl, you can find $100 there. From the main hall, sneak into the men's room, from there into the back room and climb into the ventilation shaft. Get to the room with the computer along the mine, jump there.

Sneak into the room lit with red light and take from the table cellar key. After that, return to the main hall of the museum and sneak to the opposite door and go down to the basement.

In the basement, keep a close eye on the cameras. If they notice you, then the alarm will be raised and the guards will come running. When the camera turns away, run under it. A character with a fairly well pumped stealth can hack a computer, turn off cameras (passwords pterodactyl And velociraptor), take from the table Security Manual(+1 to Lockpicking) and leave unnoticed by the guard in this room. In order to get a fetish for Pisha, follow the green line until you reach a large window through which you can see the room and the fetish on the table. Break the window, take the fetish and go back along the green line.
Once near the open door, go in and take another key from the table. Hack the computer (password ihatemyjob), in the email category, read that electronic lock code2358 . Go through the door with combination lock and continue down the corridor. You will find yourself near another glassed-in security room, behind it is a laser alarm.

There are two ways to go through them without raising an alarm:

  1. Break the electrical shield located right there, as a result, the rays will work unstably and it will be possible to get over them.
  2. Disable completely. To do this, you need to hack a computer in the next room. This task is for a character who knows how to disguise himself well.

After passing through the beams, go into the door on the left. If you passed the museum in a quiet way, the door will be open, if you somehow made a noise - the door will be locked, and a guard will stand nearby. If the guard is killed or some kind of "distracting" discipline is applied to him, a key will fall out of him.
Enter this door and soon you will reach the room with the sarcophagus. In the room, talk to Beckett proper management talking to him, he will raise the Scholarship skill by 1. After the conversation ends, you will automatically be transferred to Lacroix.

The Epic of the Ankaran Sarcophagus

This quest includes several other story quests that will be picked up and completed in Hollywood And Chinatown.
After you report to Lacroix about the disappearance of the sarcophagus, he will send you in search of the head of the local nosferatu Gary Goldon.

Gerry knew that the sarcophagus had been taken to the museum, and it was he who informed Lacroix of this, and Lacroix assumes that he gave this information to someone else. Gary can be found at sewers below Hollywood.

Ashes of Past Glory / Dead Ex

As soon as you get out of a taxi in Hollywood, a local vampire will speak to you and advise you to first talk to Isaac Abrams- local baron He's waiting for you at the end of the street at the jewelry store. Golden Age Jewelry(enter through the side door). He will give you several tasks. First you need to deliver the cassette to him. Go to an internet cafe Ground 0", there, on one of the computers (the last computer in the right row, the password is Kafka), contains information about the meeting point with the courier. near one of the computers you can find a book The Cowboy's Guide to Cyberspace.

Go to the indicated meeting point, behind Fast Buck, you will learn from the courier that the cassette is hidden somewhere near “ Ginger Swane". From Isaac Abrams, you can learn that Ginger Swane is a movie star of the 40s and 50s, now resting in a local cemetery. The same information can be found by rummaging through computers in Internet cafes.
The cemetery gates are closed at night, but you can enter the cemetery through a hole in the wall near the gate, after clearing it of debris.

On the territory of the cemetery, follow the path to the end until you come to a large mausoleum, inside it, find the place where she is buried Ginger, nearby bones can serve as a guide. Take the tape and take it to Isaac. On this quest "Ashes former glory will end and the next one will start.

Enough sadism / Snuff is Enough

Isaac will ask you to ask local gossips so that you go to the store Sin Bin at the opposite end of the region. The owner has Flynn, for Persuasion, Intimidation or, for female character, Seduction 6, you can get the information you need on how to contact the filmmakers. If there are not enough skills, then the same information is bought from him for $ 500 or pulled out of his computer (in the section Private, password - dirty dog). Communication with the filmmakers is carried out using a pay phone at the store red spot(password - " The moon is a mysterious mistress...", review - " ...who walks the night with demons of dread"). Having learned the response and password, go and talk on the phone. You will be assigned a meeting in the second room of the hotel Lucky Star.

There will be no one in the hotel, but there is a key to the door to the computer club Ground 0 and a gold ring for sale. In the club, open the door to the interior and climb the stairs, you will find yourself in the studio. Move forward until you see how animals kill a person.

With lockpicking 10, you can break open the door and immediately enter this room and take the desired cassette from the table. If the skill is not enough, go through the door with the inscription DMP, talk to the still living studio worker. Before being eaten, he will tell you that the studio did not shoot the film of interest, the cassette was found in a house on a hill. Go to the next room, climb through the ventilation shaft into the room with the lock of the 10th difficulty. Take the cassette from the table and go with a report to Isaac.
This time you have obtained the full version of the film, and Isaac will find out where it was filmed - in the mansion located at 609 King's Way.

Going the Way of Kings

A new point has appeared on the global map 609 King's Way, go there. In order to get inside the mansion, you need to climb the bush behind the building to the second floor, from there up the stairs to the third. And on the third floor through the window inside. In one of the rooms on the table you can take an artifact Mummywrap Fetish(increases healing speed).

Go down the stairs, on the next floor you can find a ring and several bags of blood in the refrigerator. In the basement you will find the author of the film, a vampire Andrew. After you deal with him and his minions - go through the door to the dungeon. Crawling along a dilapidated pipe, you will find yourself in the sewers. Nearby lies the corpse of a worker, you can take his diary and read the entries. Use the lever to open the grate, turn left at the nearest fork. Climb into the left pipe near the next grate, get out of the pipe, go to the right and open the next grate with the lever. At the next fork, turn left and then right and climb into the second pipe on the right. Having made your way through the pipe, in the end, your character will find himself in a room lit with red light, turn the valve there, and a stream of water will wash you away to the second level of the dungeon.
Get out up the stairs until you are wound on the blades. Make your way through the pipe into the next room, take the barrel in the corner and throw it into the water. The barrel will jam the blades, now you can climb into the pipe above them. In the next room, cross the bridge, go down the stairs and jump into the dry pipe. You will find yourself in a green room, go through the door at the far end, go up the stairs and into the next door. When you try to walk across the bridge to the control panel, it will fall under you. Get out of the water up the stairs. Now you need to turn off the electricity - this can be done by breaking the lock into the room next to it and turning the knife switch, or you can also through the computer.
After turning off the electricity, turn the switch at the device that controls the pumps to the “Safe” position (green indicators), after stopping the pumps, jump down as quickly as possible and swim along the underwater corridor to this pump, turn right near the fan. This must be done as quickly as possible until the pump has accelerated to full power, and the flow of water has not thrown you back. If it was not possible to swim the first time, return to the control panel and repeat the action until the end. After passing the pump, you will find yourself on the third level of the dungeon. Open the grate with the lever, go left at the fork. Go down, then up until you reach the door with the inscription Authorized Personnel Only(Outsiders are not allowed). Pick the lock on the door (lockpicking 5), get to the door on the bridge. A spider is waiting for you in the next room. Having dealt with him, in the corner, throw aside the barrels and make your way along the ledge to the ventilation grill. Break the grating and make your way through the ventilation shaft to the fourth level of the dungeons. Climb down by jumping from pipe to pipe or you can just jump. Go down the corridor and at the fork go left, then right. After passing through this tunnel, you will see a fight between a Nosferatu and a couple of creatures. On the right lies a corpse, pick up a magnetic key from it. Go back to the fork where you turned right, and now go straight and then left. In the end, you should get into a round hall with a platform in the middle. Approach the computer and use the found magnetic key, after that rise to the platform in the center of the hall and jump down into the hole leading to the fifth level of the dungeon.
So you have reached the lair of the Nosferatu. Here you can find a Nosferatu hacker Mitnick, after talking with him you will receive the quest "". From Mitnick's room to the left lives the former supermodel Imalia, you can take the task from her " » . Go to the rock next to Imalia's room and pick up an artifact from the floor Galdjum(+25% duration of all passive disciplines). At the end of the settlement, you will finally find the head of the nasferatu Gary Goldena. Just like that, Gary does not want to share information about the location of the sarcophagus, but demands that he first fulfill his order - to find his missing agent Barrabusa who disappeared in Chinatown. After receiving the task from Gary, get out of the room through the back door and climb out into the Hollywood Cemetery. The next area is now available - Chinatun.

Kikinapped / Kikinapped

The first thing to do in Chinatown is to go to the Golden Temple and talk to Ming Zhao, the head of the local Kwei Jin. She herself does not know anything about Barrabus, but she will advise you to ask Wong Ho, the owner of the Red Dragon restaurant. After leaving the temple, you will see a scripted scene, several running guys, one dragging a girl on his shoulder. Go to a restaurant. In the restaurant, talk to the headwaiter girl, she will open the elevator doors, you can call the elevator yourself by pressing the button on the desk.
Take the elevator to the second floor and talk to Wong Ho, you will learn from him that his daughter Kiki has just been kidnapped by Tong bandits, and in order to get information you must first return Kiki to her father. During your conversation, someone will call Wong Ho and say that his daughter is being held at the Lotus Blossom massage parlor. Send to the indicated address.
Inside the salon in the second room on the right along the corridor you can find a golden ring, in the last room on the right - an expensive watch. Then return to the entrance, go through the first door and go upstairs. In the room opposite the stairs, take the key, in the first room on the right along the corridor, $ 250 are lying around. Go back to the locked room above the stairs and open it with the key. You will find the kidnapped Kiki in the boarded up closet, free her and take her to Wong Ho.

Gangster of the old school / Original Gangster

After rescuing his daughter, Wong Ho will say that he himself does not know anything about Barrabus, but will direct you to Zhao, the owner of the warehouse.
In the warehouse, Zhao is waiting for you in a glassed-in office upstairs, he is sure that the leader of the Tongs, Johnny, had a hand in the disappearance of Barrabus. He sits in the Glaze Tong club, strangers are not allowed into the club, but Zhao knows the lock code - 725. At the end of the conversation, the Tongs will raid the warehouse, kill them and leave the warehouse, this will complete the quest.
Before leaving the warehouse, you can grab three tape recorders for sale, two on the first floor, the third is on the second among the boxes.

Dragon's Tail / Dragon's Tail

After meeting with Zhao, go to Glaze, enter the code 725 and go inside the club.
Your task in the club is to go to Johnny's office and talk to him. This problem can be solved in three ways. The first way is to cut out all the bandits. The second is to quietly sneak to the second floor behind the back of the guard, without touching anyone. And the third is to approach Johnny's deputy, he stands behind the partition not far from the DJ, and with Persuasion 7 or Intimidate 8, you can get permission from him to go upstairs to Johnny.
Climb up in any of the listed ways and talk to Johnny. During your conversation, the screen on the wall behind Johnny will turn on and someone who calls himself the Mandarin will appear there. This Mandarin will provoke Johnny into attacking you and, after his untimely death, will invite you to visit him at the Fu Syndicate.

Come to my abode / Come Into My Parlor

If you are invited to pay a visit to the Fu Syndicate, you will have to go there. Just before entering the syndicate building, make sure that you have a firearm and ammunition for it, it will be needed there.
Once you enter the building, you will not have a choice where to go, only one direction is open, which leads to the elevator. Mandarin will insistently offer to enter this elevator through the screen on the wall. It is not difficult to understand that the elevator leads into a trap, but you still have to go, because it will be impossible to go anywhere else. After going into the elevator and climbing it, you will see that it really was a trap. The syndicate is studying vampires and you have to play the role of a guinea pig, you will learn how to destroy vampires.
In the first room, you will be tested by the effects of poisonous gases and radiation, neither of which can harm you. After making sure of this, the observers will open the door to the next room and invite you to go there.
There are laser beams in the second room, you can run through them and a passage to the third room will open.
In the third room, where you are tested for resistance to slashing weapons. Three mechanisms are moving around the room, equipped with sharp rotating blades. To go through the room, you must destroy all these "meat grinders". To stop them, shoot the blocks behind bars opposite viewing window. After all three devices are disabled, you will be launched into the next room.
In the fourth room, you will first be met by a man with a crucifix. After making sure that the cross against vampires does not help, the Mandarin will unleash a team of armed people on you, after their untimely death, the door to the next test room will open.
In the fifth room, the effects of electricity will be tested on you. To survive in this room, shoot the electric dischargers on the ceiling of the room, after they stop functioning, the door to the next room will open.
In the sixth and final room, you are going to be tested for fire resistance. Shoot one of the flamethrowers, as a result there will be an explosion that will smash the armored glass and now you can get out through it and pay off the experimenters. After killing the guards, catch up with the runaway mandarin and take the key to the cell containing Barrabus from his corpse. Free Barrabus from captivity, but before you leave, you need to destroy all data on vampire research.
Go through the double doors, take the key from the body of one of the guards, open the door for them, hack the computer (password - Freedom) and open the door to the next room. Go there, hack the server (password - autopsy) and erase the information, after that Barrabus will break the door to the lobby. If you have Lockpicking maxed out to 10, break open the last of the three doors, grab the book Bustin "It: Harmful If Swallowed Hint Book (Melee +1) from the table and read the curious e-mail (password - elimination).
After destroying the data, exit the syndicate building, go to the phone booth near the entrance to the syndicate and Gary will call you and inform you that the sarcophagus should be at Giovanni's and the Giovanni Mansion becomes available on the map.
If you're a Nosferatu and haven't been rude to Gary, after freeing Barrabus, you'll get a new apartment in the Downtown Sewers, between Gates E and F.

Dinner in Italian / Italian Dinner

Giovanni's mansion is now available on the global map, go there by taxi. There is a big reception in the mansion, but unfortunately you are not on the list of invitees.
There are three ways to get into the mansion: 1. Break in by force, interrupting the guards; 2. quietly sneak past the guards through the back door; 3. Approach the couple at the fountain, with Persuasion 6 you can convince them that the woman has gone over and it is better for them not to go to the reception, but to return home. After they leave, pick up the dropped invitations and enter as a guest.
If you got to the mansion peacefully, you can complete a small quest. Among the guests in the main hall are three members of the Giovanni family: Adam, Chris and Mira. They are competitors for position in the family and everyone is eager to get dirt on the others.
Adam is on the verge of bankruptcy, this can be found in a conversation with him at Persuasion 8. For information about Mir and Chris, he will give a golden ring and an expensive watch.
Chris is not really Giovanni, but the illegitimate child of a fashion writer, Persuasion 9 will need to find out. For compromising evidence on Mira and Adam, he does not give anything.
Mira has AIDS, to find out this fact you need to have Persuasion 10 and Seduction 8. For information about Adam and Chris, she gives $ 100 each.
Having understood or ignored them, talk to the girl in white - Nadia. At Persuasion or Seduction 8, she will want to show you "something special". Follow her (in the library you can pick up the book Dodge II) and find yourself in the place where the Giovanni work on the corpses in this room, grab the book Voce del Morte for Write from the table to complete the Occultish Personality quest. After a short conversation, Nadia will open the next door.
You can also go here on your own. If you have chosen a hidden type of passage, use the system of secret passages that are hidden behind fake panels in the walls. If you approach such a panel and press the action button, it will open. In the library, to open the door, use the lever disguised as swords hanging on the wall. And in the embalming room, either break open the door (lockpicking 8) or use the elevators.
One way or another, you will find yourself in the catacombs inhabited by zombies. In the last alcove on the right, pick up the Saulocept amulet (+1 experience point whenever you get 3 or more experience points). Go through the door and go down the corridor that will take you to the lower level of the catacombs. There, in places, grates are built into the floor, which open when you approach, and you can fall into a hole with zombies. You can get out of the pit through a secret door in the wall. After making your way through the zombies, get to the circular corridor, in the center of which there will be a door leading to the third floor of the catacombs.
There you will be met by a couple of kwei-jins - agents of Ming Zhao, who came here for the same thing for you, that is, for the sarcophagus. At Persuasion 5, in a conversation, you can get information about a certain agreement between Lacroix and Quei Jin. The conversation with the agents will end in a fight, after the death of the brothers, a scripted video will start showing the loading and removal of the sarcophagus on a truck. After the end of the video, you will automatically find yourself in Downtown in the Lacroix building.

Society for the Preservation of Professors

The sarcophagus was delivered to Lacroix, but his attempts to open the sarcophagus were unsuccessful, the sarcophagus is locked. And you have to find a way to open it. Talk to Beckett, he advises you to talk to Professor Johansen - the man who found this sarcophagus. However, there is a small problem, he was lusted and hidden by hunters from Leopold's society. But Beckett managed to track them down, they contain the professor in an abandoned monastery on the coast. Now this location is available on the global map, go there by taxi or through the sewers.

If you play a gangrel during the conversation with Beckett, you can increase the Animalism.
Arriving at the coast, head to the monastery building, the monastery has good security, so decide to force your way through or sneak in slowly. Inside, in addition to the guards, there are boxes of ammunition that explode when you hit the laser beams. These beams are set to only respond to vampires. If you hack nearby laptops (password soc), then you can either turn off the rays or reconfigure them so that they do not react to vampires, but work when people cross them.
On the first floor you can find Grunfeld Bach's diary, on the second floor you can find the book Vampyr Apocrypha and the book Art of the Quick-Draw by Ned Nederlander (raising the Firearms skill), as well as the key to the basement. You need to go to the basement, the door to the basement is locked, lockpicking 9 or a key from the second floor of the monastery is required for hacking. In the basement, deal with three hunters, and drag aside one of the barrels at the far end of the cellar. Behind the barrel there will be a hole in the dungeon of the monastery, go down there.
Get down to the bottom of the cave and go along the corridor. Turning left, you will come to a cave with cages. Your old friend Ash Rivers is sitting in one of the cages, after all, the hunters caught him. The cage lock has a difficulty of 10, if the skill allows, pick it, if not, then you can open it with a key. The key is from one of the guards in the cave, which leads to the right corridor. For the release of Ash from the cage, you will not receive any experience or material rewards.
From the right cave, go to the next location, Grunfeld Bach is waiting for you there. A conversation will follow first, and then a battle, having dealt with the main hunter, go up the stairs to the room where the hunters are holding Professor Johansen. You will learn from the professor that the sarcophagus can only be opened with a special key that was stolen.
When you go back, on the stairs you will encounter a still alive Bach, who will activate the self-destruct mechanism. And you will only have one minute to escape. Run to the previous cave, there is a boat at the pier - jump into it, after which you will automatically find yourself in Downtown.
In the unpatched version of the game, there is a bug that makes the game impassable, after you get into the boat, the game crashes. The patch fixes this error, but the game must be patched before you go down to the monastery dungeon.
You can bypass the glitch with console commands, to do this, being at the boat itself, otherwise inventory items may disappear, in the console, type the commands:
SaveJohansen() - to save the professor
changelevel2 la_hub_1 taxi_landmark - for everyone except nosferatu
changelevel2 la_hub_1 sewer_map_landmark - for nosferatu.
The console is called by the ~ key in the game started with the -console key.

Hell at the Hallowbrook Hotel

In Downtown, near the Ventrue tower, a pile of some debris, bloody footprints in the tower itself. Something happened here.
If you have a ghoul Heather, and you treated her, then before visiting Lacroix, go to your apartment and talk to her, get the best armor in the game. Just be sure to go to her after returning from the monastery and before reporting this to Lacroix.
You will learn from Lacroix that the tower was raided on Shabbat. Lacroix is ​​going to strike back, of course with your hands. You are tasked with defeating the enemies at the Hallowbrook Hotel and killing the leader.
Before leaving, you can lure Lacroix $ 300 for current expenses.

Get inside the hotel using the construction lift, which is now located in the alley behind the hotel. Inside the hotel, there are many opponents of both vampires and ghouls. On the first level of the hotel, you can find the Tal "mahe" Ra Blade sword (the best melee weapons in the game have the same characteristics as a katana, only it is twice as fast as a regular katana) and a flamethrower. Moving forward along the corridor and through the gaps in the walls, you will eventually find yourself in a room with a hole in the floor, jump down, at this level make your way to the next gap in the floor. Then go until you find an elevator shaft and go down it.
There, if you gave Heather your blood to drink and did not drive her away, you will see a scripted video of her death. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save her, you can only avenge her death. After avenging Heather, go to the next room. Suppress the resistance there, make your way further until you reach the stairs to the basement of the hotel.
In the basement, go through the double doors and find yourself in the lair of the leader. This is your old friend - Andrey. Deal with him, this time for good and you can leave the hotel outside.
Ming Zhao is already waiting for you outside the hotel. She will tell you a lot of interesting things. Firstly, about the fact that between her and Lacroix a treaty was concluded against the anarchs. Secondly, she can change her appearance, and it was her in the form of Nines Rodriguez that you saw at the entrance to the Grout mansion, and Lacroix knows about it. And thirdly, she has the key to the sarcophagus and she is not going to give it away.
If in a conversation with Ming Zhao you are polite and say that you believe her, then in the future you will have the opportunity to choose the ending for kwei-jin.
After talking with Ming Zhao, return to Lacroix.

The Enemy of My Enemy

Tell Lacroix about your conversation with Ming Zhao, he denies colluding with the Kwei Jin. Lacroix will announce that he is ending the bloody hunt for Rodriguez and that he needs an alliance with the anarchs. Your task is to find the hiding Nines and inform him about it.
Go to the "Last Round" along the way Beckett will catch up with you and advise, no matter what happens, in no case open the Ankara sarcophagus.
In the Last Round bar, talk to Damzel, she will tell you where Nines is hiding. He took refuge in Griffith Park. Go there by taxi.

In the park, as soon as you go up the lift, you will meet Rodrigues, your conversation will be interrupted by a forest fire and the appearance of a pair of werewolves. One of the werewolves will attack Rodriguez and they will both fall down, the second will take care of you. It is useless to fight a werewolf, he is absolutely not vulnerable to any weapons and spells. You need to escape on the same lift that you came here on.
Although the werewolf is not vulnerable to your attacks, it is still possible to kill him. To do this, run to the transformer box behind the observatory building; you can get there either through a hole in the fence, or by running through the observatory building. Turn on the electricity by pressing the lever on the wall of the transformer box. After that, run to the main hall of the observatory and go up to the platform. Use the lever to open the doors of the observatory, and when the werewolf is at these gates, press the lever again. The gate will close and kill the werewolf. After that, you can safely go down on the lift.
At the exit from the park, Jack is waiting for you with some bad news. Lacrau accused you of selling out to the kwei-jin and announced a bloody hunt for you. Jack will take you to your first apartment in Santa Monica.

The smell of blood / Out For Blood

You are in your old apartment and all or almost all vampires are after you. Jack has prepared an escape route for you, you need to get into a taxi and the taxi driver will take you wherever you want, but you still need to get to the taxi. Go outside, this time Santa Monica is a combat zone and you can use any tricks to violate the masquerade. Force your way through or sneak to the taxi.

Talk to taxi drivers, during this conversation you choose game ending. There are five possible endings in total, which of them will be available to you depends on your actions throughout the game.
1. For myself- always available.
2. For the anarchs- available if during the game you completed tasks for the anarchs to find the Plaguebringer and successfully dealt with Patty (Attention Whore quest).
3. For Prince Lacroix- if you implicitly obey him.
4. Beyond the Camarilla- if you didn’t tell Isaac that the gargoyle was created by Maximilian Strauss.
5. For kwei jin- if they were not rude to Ming Zhao, but in a conversation after leaving the Hallowbrook hotel they said that they trust her.
Depending on the chosen ending, you must complete one or both of the quests Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).

Ming Zhao Must Die

This quest will appear in all endings except for the kwei-jin ending.
A taxi will take you to the Golden Temple in Chinatown. In the Golden Temple, make your way or sneak inside the pavilions and collect ammunition from the chests there, the chests are locked with a level 4 lock, so any character can open them if they wish. After replenishing the ammunition, go to the main building. Go down one of the stairs, the stairs are in the nooks to the left and right of the main entrance, and you will find yourself on the second level of the temple. This level is full of enemies and traps that are activated if you step on certain floor tiles. Make your way into the hall with a water mill, there will be a double-leaf gate, closed with a bolt, move the bolt (to open the bolt, rest against the handle and move forward) and go through the gate.
Sometimes in this place there is a glitch with the “sticking” of the bolt, it completely refuses to move. If this happens, you have several ways to solve the problem: 1. Try saving and reloading the game. 2. If it does not help, then change the screen resolution in the game, exit the game and boot again. 3. A stuck bolt sometimes comes off by itself after some rather long time.
Behind the door, turn left and go to a fork, where you need to turn right and go until you find yourself in a room with a large statue. Move the stone structures so that they are on the plates that activate the mechanism. As a result, the statue will move aside and open a passage to the lower level.
At this level, you need to collect four jade statues and place them on pedestals in the hall near the entrance. The statues are located in the rooms in the corners of the level, when you take the statue, remember what the pedestal on which it stood looks like, in the hall it will have to be placed on exactly the same pedestal.
After collecting the figurines, arrange them on the correct pedestals in the hall. If you did not pay attention to which pedestal which figurine stood on, then the correct order is: cat, heron, dragon, elephant clockwise standing with its back to the exit from the level.
If the figurines are placed correctly, a portal to the inner sanctuary will open. There you will find one of the most serious fights of the game with Ming Zhao. The easiest way to deal with her is with a flamethrower.
After dealing with Ming Zhao, pick up the key to the sarcophagus that fell out of her and enter the portal.

Lacroix Must Die / LaCroix Must Die

This quest will be in all endings except the Lacroix ending.
An old acquaintance awaits you in the lobby of the tower - guard Chunk. He can be killed, or PersuasionSeduction 9, Intimidate 8 or DominationDementation 1 for Ventrue and Malkavians can convince him to leave.

Having dealt with Chunk, get into the elevator and go upstairs, however, you won’t go far on it, the elevator will soon stop and you will have to continue walking. There is nothing interesting on this floor, turn left from the elevator, go through the conference room and go up the stairs.
On the next floor, move to the right and go into the hall with dining tables, as soon as you go there, several commandos will fall on you through the glass roof. It is useless to fight them, as reinforcements will arrive to them indefinitely, and it is impossible to kill them all. Run through the door behind the tables and go out onto the roof. Sneak or force your way to the opposite end of the roof and climb into the pipe.
On the next floor, sooner or later you will meet a commando with the face and voice of Lacroix, talk to him, then kill him and take the astrolite from the body. Go to the lift, put the astrolite in it and send the lift up, it's better to run away from the lift yourself. As a result, the next floor will be cleaned, of course you can not clean the floor or clean it yourself without using astrolite. Call the lift and go up to the cleared floor. You can harvest - the ammunition and weapons left after the special forces, then go into the elevator, the entrance to it is hidden in a dark nook and go up.
This floor is guarded by vampires - Ventrue. Force your way through them or sneak in. If you are going to pass without too much noise, then go up the stairs and go through the left door. Go into the room on the right along the corridor, there with the help of a computer (directory lights, password - hitthelights) you can turn off the electricity, which will facilitate the task of imperceptibly moving through the level.
Anyway, go to the conference room and take the elevator to the next floor. There you will find a very serious opponent - the Sheriff. When you almost kill him, he will turn into a giant bat Chiropteran Behemoth, grab you and carry you to the roof. On which the second round of the battle with him will take place. The second battle will be easier than the first. Use the spotlights on the roof to blind the Behemoth and the mouse won't get you big problems. You can focus on destroying the constantly oncoming bestial creatures by leaving the mouse to the snipers.
When the sheriff is finished, you will find yourself in Lacroix's room.

Game Endings

For myself

You decided not to take sides, but simply get out of the city. The taxi driver convinces you that you still need to destroy Ming Zhao and Lacroix. In this ending, you must complete both the quests Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).

After defeating the Behemoth at the top of the Ventrue Tower, you will find yourself in Lacroix's office. Lacroix will try to subdue you with Dominate and take the key, but he will fail. And you will have the choice to give him the key and leave, or still ignore Beckett's advice and open the sarcophagus on your own or with Lacroix.
If you prudently left, then Lacroix will pick up the key and open the sarcophagus and fly into the air, and you will meet Nines Rodrigues on the street, tell him everything you think about him and safely leave the city.
If you open the sarcophagus, you will find a bomb there, the timer of which is counting down the last seconds and greetings from Jack.

For the anarchs

The taxi driver will take you to the Luckee Star Hotel in Hollywood. At the entrance to room 1 of the hotel, Damzel is waiting, and inside Nines Rodriguez, he still managed to cope with the werewolf, as evidenced by the head lying right there.

Nines will tell you that Ming Zhao and Lacroix set up a trap in Griffith Park and send you to deal with them. See Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao Must Die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix Must Die).
Further, everything is the same as in the ending for yourself, only if you give the key to Lacroix, the meeting at the exit from the tower with Nines will be different.

For Prince Lacroix

If you still decide to stay on the side of Lacroix, a taxi will take you to the tower. Talk to Lacroix, he will say that he will forgive you everything if you kill Ming Joa and bring him the key to the sarcophagus, he will give you $ 2000 for expenses. After completing the quest Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die), return to him.

As a reward for the key, he will allow you to be present at the opening of the sarcophagus and, as a result, fly into the air with him.

Beyond the Camarilla

If you are for the Camarilla, but against Lacroix, then the taxi driver will take you to the chapel to Maximilian Strauss. The ostrich will promise to support you and send you to deal with Ming Zhao and Lacroix.

In this ending, you must complete both the quests Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).
When you get to Lacroix, the Ostrich will appear and Lacroix will be finished. Masimilian does not intend to open the sarcophagus.

For Kwei-jin

If, contrary to the advice of the driver, you still switch to the side of kwei-jin, a taxi will take you to Golden Horam. Talk to Ming Joa there and she will send you to kill Lacroix.

In this ending, you need to complete the quest LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).
During your conversation with Lacroix, Ming Joaso will join you with his men. As a result, Lacroix will lose his head, and the sarcophagus will be sent to the bottom of the ocean with you, but you were warned not to trust the Quei-Jin.

Santa Monica

Leaving the house on the street, you will see a scripted video in which a man, beaten to a pulp, crawls into one of the houses. This is the ghoul Mercurio you need, follow him on the trail of blood. With a meeting with him, this story quest will end and the next one will begin.

Surf "s Up (High surf)

Mercurio was beaten and taken away by local bandits when he came to them for explosives - astralite. Now your task is to take astralite from them, in addition, Mercurio is eager to return the money taken from him.
If you sympathetically ask Mercurio if you can help him in any way, you will know that he needs a painkiller. If you agree to provide this service to Mercurio, the quest The Pain of Being Mercurio will appear in the diary (How painful it is to be Mercurio).
Head through the car park to the beach. There, the prophetess Rose will run up to you, among other things, she will tell you, and the direction where to go is to the right and up. Following Rosa's instructions, go up the stairs to the location with the bandits' house.
There is a guard standing in front of the entrance to the courtyard, he can be killed, persuaded to let you through using Persuasion, Intimidate or Seduction (requires 3 or higher to succeed), or sneak past him through a hole in the fence. Ventrue or Malkavians can use domination or dementation respectively and simply order the guard to let you in.
Look around the house. In the room with the washing machine, open the ventilation grille, Mercurio's money is hidden behind it - $250. You can simply kill all the bandits and take the astralite, or you can try to solve the matter amicably. To do this, talk to Denis (a black man in white). If you are not polite enough in a conversation or mention Mercurio, then he will attack you. If Persuasion 4 and above, you can persuade him to give the astralite. With a Persuasion of 3 or domination or dementation (Ventrue, Malkavianen) convince him to sell it to you. For $500 (if Haggle is greater than or equal to 3, then the price will drop to 300). A female character with a seduction score of 3 or higher can pay with her own body. In the kitchen, you can grab a receiver for further sale, but in this case, the bandits will immediately attack. One way or another, having acquired astralite, return to Mercurio, if you give him his money, you will receive an additional experience point. This will end the High Surf quest and start the Explosive Start quest.

Explosive Beginning

Now you have to blow up a warehouse belonging to Shabbat vampires with the help of astralite. But there is one problem, only a Nosferatu named Bertram Tang knows about the location of this warehouse. But at the moment he is hiding from Teresa Vaughan and his whereabouts are unknown. And in order to meet with him, to convince Teresa to stop pursuing Tang. To meet Teresa, head to the Asylum Club.
As soon as you enter Asylum, Teresa's sister Jeanette will speak to you, after talking with her, go to the bartender and say that you have come to meet Teresa. He will direct you to the elevator. Climb to the second floor, in the corridor pick up the golden ring from the floor.
Talk to Teresa about Bertram Tang. She will agree to end the war, but not just like that, but in exchange for a favor. Teresa is prevented by ghosts in Ocean House, and in order for her to get rid of them, she needs to bring a thing belonging to ghosts from the hotel. From Teresa, you will learn that you can only get there through the sewers and get the key to the grate. After this conversation with Teresa, another quest "The Ghost Comes Out at Midnight" will begin.

The Ghost Haunts at Midnight

Head through the sewers to Ocean House. (in the sewers near entry point A, you need to open the door and go up outside).
The door to Ocean House is locked, you can pick the lock with enough skill or find the key. The key hangs on the wall in a small building.
One of the ghosts living in the hotel is extremely aggressive and will constantly try to damage you by throwing various objects at you, so be careful, objects can cause significant damage to your health.
When you climb the stairs to the second floor in the hotel, it will fail and you will fall into the basement. Walk along the corridor, turn right to get into a room, one of the walls of which can be broken through. In the next room, read the newspaper, after that the washing machine will work loudly in the laundry room, it will contain the key to the boiler room. Turn on the power in the boiler room (the door to the boiler room is lit with red light), now the elevator from the basement to the second floor is working.
You can try to get to the second floor without wandering around the basement. To do this, at the moment when the stairs begin to collapse, jump forward and jump over the failure or jump back in time, and then calmly jump over the hole. On the second floor, go left and take the key from the night table in one of the rooms, then go in the opposite direction and open the locked room. Break the board covering the gap in the floor and jump down. In the dish lift, go down to the kitchen. Take it on the table and read the diary. With the reading of the diary, two events will occur: firstly, the Spiritual Release quest will start ((Liberation of the spirit), and secondly, dishes will start flying around the kitchen, and then the door to the next room will break. From there, climb through the ventilation pipe into the elevator shaft. Inside do not stay long in the mine, quickly run to the stairs otherwise you will be crushed by the fallen elevator.Climb the stairs to the third floor.
Go right, and in one of the rooms (first door on the left) take Weekapaug Thistle - increases defense by 1. Go back to the elevator and go to the left corridor, in one of the rooms go up to the next floor through the hole in the ceiling.
Trying not to touch the glow, crawl under the exploding pipes until you reach a room at the end of the corridor. As soon as you enter this room, it will be transformed and become the way it was when the hotel was functioning. The pendant lies on a table in the far corner of the room, as soon as you take it everything will return to its previous state. Go back to the elevator shaft, go down to the second floor and exit the hotel.
At Asylum, Jeanette will meet you. She will plaintively ask you to give the pendant to her, if you do, the Spiritual Release quest will fail. (If you hand over the pendant, you will have the opportunity to sleep with Jeanette in the future.)
In any case, Jeanette asks you for a small favor - go to Gallery Noir, cut the paintings with a knife and (or) steal money donated to charity from the box office. To complete the task, she gives a knife. If you agree, the quest Slashterpiece (Artistic carving) will begin.

Slashterpiece (Artistic carving)

If you agreed to help Jeanette, then your path lies in the gallery. Outside, the gallery is guarded by a fat policeman, not disfigured by intellect named Chunk. With Seduction, Persuasion or Intimidate 2, he can be persuaded to let you through. Malkavians can use Dementation to force Chunk to give you the key to the side door. Ventrue with Domination - open the front entrance. You can not mess with Chunk at all, go to the parking lot, break down the railing of the fence (if you don’t have enough strength, Blood Buff will help) and climb into the hole to the side door, any character can open the side door lock (difficulty 1).
Inside, you must either cut the paintings, or steal donations, or do both. The paintings must be cut in a certain order (otherwise they will be restored), namely in the chronological sequence of the events depicted on them from the life of Caine: Caine Slays Abel, Caine Cursed By God, Caine Meets Lilith, Caine Spurns Lilith. After all four paintings are cut in the right order, the Blood Guardian will appear in the center of the hall, kill him and you can leave the gallery.
You can take money from the donation box, but for the theft of $250 you will pay one unit of humanity, but the quest will be completed.
After cutting the paintings or stealing donations or doing both, go outside and go on a visit to the sisters, this quest is over.

If you refused to cut paintings or steal donations, go to Gallery Noir anyway. There will be a couple of police cars outside the gallery. After talking with the police officer, you will find out that someone cut the paintings without you.

Bad Blood

Return to the club to the sisters, this time Teresa will be waiting for you there. And if you didn’t please her with something - you gave Janet a pendant and (or) committed sabotage in the gallery, she tells you to go to the Surfside Diner and convince Jeanette that Teresa does not hold a grudge against her.
Enter the diner and go to the phones at the far end of the hall. When you approach him, a group of bandits will open fire on you from the opposite corner. After their untimely death, the phone will ring. Pick up the phone and talk to Jeanette, she asks to come to the club faster.

Sibling Rivalry(Rival sisters)

Return to Asylum to the sisters, this time you will see their quarrel, it turns out that these are two personalities in one body. This time they decided to kill each other. You can support Teresa in a conversation, then she will kill Jeanette's personality; or support Jeanette to kill Teresa. With Persuasion 4, you can reconcile the sisters, for which you will receive an additional experience point. Either way, you'll find out that Bertram Tang is hiding in an empty fuel tank on the Sunco Gasoline.

Explosive Beginning - continued

Bertram, ready to ferry you to the right warehouse. Your task in the warehouse is to get to the office, plant explosives there and in a certain time (3 minutes is given) get to the platform, which is near the place where you entered the location.
Once in the territory of the warehouse and killing or sneaking past the first bandit, go to the next room. On the left there will be a box with cartridges for a revolver. Go outside through the back door or through the hole in the wall, behind the house you can find shotgun shells.
Two bandits walk between the cars, kill them or sneak past.
You can either break into the interior of the warehouse in the forehead, attacking groups of bandits, or you can slowly through the side entrance. Once, one way or another, in the office, plant a bomb there and run to the exit from the location. Depending on the chosen escape route, you may encounter one or two hostile vampires.
When you reach the platform, a script cutscene will play and you will meet Beckett. After talking to him, you will automatically be transported back to the fuel tank. Your main task in Santa Monica is completed and the next area is now available - Downtown. Everyone except the Nosferatu moves between areas by taxi, after the explosion of the warehouse, it will appear near the entrance to Asylum. Nosferatu use a map in the sewers to travel between districts.
To complete the quest "Explosive Start" you need to report on the results of activities in Santa Monica Lacroix.


Elizabethan Rendezvous (Rendezvous with Elizabeth)

Arriving in Downtown, after the scripted scene with Nines Rodriguez, head to the Lacroix Tower. Officer Chunk is sitting there at the duty table, if you killed him during the Slashterpiece quest, then his brother, tell him that Sebastian Lacroix is ​​waiting for you and he will call the bodice. (For nosferatu, Chunk will not call the bodice, in which case you will have to use the elevator in the basement.)
After listening to your report on the work done in Santa Monica, Lacroix will give the following task - to inspect the ship Elizabeth Dane:
find out what happened to the Ankara sarcophagus, which was transported by ship;
get a copy of the police report;
Obtain a ship's cargo declaration.
All this is desirable to do without drawing attention to yourself.
In addition, Lacroix will ask you to go to the Last Round and talk to Rodriguez to find out what he wants from you. It's best to do this before sending to Elizabeth Dane.
Head to Santa Monica Beach, where a boat is already waiting for you. Jump into it and you will soon be at the ship. Climb up the rope ladder. A little further along the side, a policeman is chilling, bribed by a local newspaper. With Persuasion, Intimidation, or a female Seduction 3 (Malkavians can use Dementation 2), you can pretend to be a journalist and get a police report from him. The first part of the task is completed.
In addition, this police officer will distract his colleague guarding the passage to the interior of the ship and give you the password to the computer (lighthouse). Enlisting the help of a policeman, go down below, wait until he calls the guard on the radio, and sneak into the corridor.
In the middle of the corridor, turn into the door and go upstairs. Hack the computer there and run the ship control programs (password - lighthouse) - you should be interested in the "unlock the doors" and "turn cameras on" menus. After opening the doors and turning on the cameras, view the images on the nearby monitor, when you reach the picture with the Ankara sarcophagus, your diary will be updated and the second part of the task will be completed. Now it remains only to get a declaration of the ship's cargo. Exit the room and go down. There, go to the archive (Records Room) and take the ship's declaration from the table.
If you have not yet received a report from the policeman, then the second copy can be found on the table halfway to the sarcophagus, you can also inspect the sarcophagus not only through the computer monitor, but also with your own eyes. In order to get to the sarcophagus and back without being seen by the police, you must have a more or less developed skill Sneaking or Obfuscate (Blackout).
Having completed all three tasks in one way or another, return with a report to Lacroix. After completing this quest, everyone except Tremere and Nasferatu can receive new, more comfortable housing from the prince, located at Skyline Apt. 4. If you drink your blood to the girl in the Santa Monica hospital, meet her at the entrance to the tower.

Calling Dr. Grout (Summoning Dr. Grout)

Lacroix will report that the original Malkavian, Alistair Grout, did not appear at today's meeting. Of course, it is up to you to find and bring Dr. Grout to Lacroix.
Before going to Grout's mansion, it is recommended to go to the Last Round bar and talk to Rodriguez. With the right choice of lines in the dialogue, he will raise the Melee or Brawl skill by one point.
At the entrance to Grout's mansion, you will encounter Nines Rodriguez coming out from there. After talking with him, go into the mansion.
Go right, crawl under the rubble of furniture and go into the library at the end of the corridor. There, a crazy vampire is having fun pulling a candlestick lever. In the correct order, press the levers (left - right - middle), the door at the other end of the corridor will open. Grab the nearby book Scarlet Torkelson: Circus Performer (+1 Dodge) and head back to the exit. From the exit, now go left. In the large hall, press the lever-candlestick, this will open the hatch on the ceiling. Climb up, go into the next room, there - to the left and down, then go up the spiral staircase, go through the open corridor and down the stairs again. Go down until you are in a large hall, through the door at the far end, go into the next room, with a fireplace and a couple of vampires. Press the button in the fireplace, the passage to the next room will open. Go down the corridor until you find yourself on the second floor of the library. There again levers-candlesticks. Press the levers until all three lights are on, and then press the middle light. A secret door will open on the first floor of the library.
You can do without fiddling with levers - for this you need to activate a fake book-button on one of the shelves.
Get down through the hatch in the floor to the first floor of the library and go into the opened corridor, it will lead to a room with a lightning strike unit. Press the lever to the left of the entrance, go to the center, from there - to the left. Pick up the Tarulfang amulet (reduces the chance of falling into a frenzy) and press the next lever, etc. until the entrance to the next corridor is safe. Activate the lever and return to the large hall with the stairs. Now the large doors at the end of the hall are open, go there. There, in the room on the right, take the key to the refrigerator. The refrigerator itself is opposite the entrance to the previous room. Take a couple of bags of Elder Vitae and three bags of regular blood from the refrigerator.
Then go down the stairs to the left, you will find yourself in the next corridor - there are three ghouls and a locked door with a lock of the 5th difficulty level. Pick the lock if you can - inside you can pick up some ammo (or a weapon if you don't already have one).
At the end of the corridor, go through the door and go down to the unfinished part of the mansion. Climb up the boards, go through the only door and go up to the second floor and the room with the woman in the glass cage. Turn on the gramophone, the door to Grout's bedroom will open.
In the bedroom you will see what was once Grout. Go to the balcony, there will be a conversation with the leader of the hunters - Bach. After the conversation, jump from the balcony and run to where there is no fire yet, until you find yourself in a dead end room. Open the window there and get out.
Report to Lacroix about the fate of Grout, and about the meeting with Rodriguez and Bach, this will complete the quest.

Patron of the Ancient Arts (Antiquity lover)

After finding out the fate of Grout, Lacroix will give a new assignment - you need to get the Ankara sarcophagus from the Museum of Natural History, where he was delivered. It is advisable to complete this task without killing the museum guards.
You can ask Lacroix for money for current expenses, get $ 300.
Before you go by taxi (or through the sewers) to the museum, it is recommended to take the quest Occultish Personality (Mystical Personality) from Pisha, since you will not be able to get into the museum a second time.
In the museum, go down the stairs to the corridor. Go down the corridor no matter which way until you see a half-open door, take the key there. Go along the corridor to the nearest red door, through it you will enter the main hall of the museum.
If your character is physically well developed, go up to the bridge and jump onto the pterodactyl, someone left $100 on his back.
From the main hall, sneak into the men's room, from there into the back room and climb into the ventilation shaft. Get to the room with the computer along the mine, jump there. Sneak into the red-lit room and take the cellar key from the table. Then return to the main hall of the museum and sneak to the opposite door. Get down to the basement.
In the basement, keep a close eye on the cameras. If they notice you, then the alarm will be raised and the guards will come running. When the camera turns away, make your way under it, and when it turns back into the security room. A character with a decent level of stealth can hack into a computer, turn off the cameras (pterodactyl and velociraptor passwords), grab the Security Manual from the table (+1 to Lockpicking), and escape unnoticed by the guard in the room.
in order to get a fetish for Pisha, follow the green line until you find yourself at a large window through which you can see the room and the fetish on the table. Break the window, take the fetish and go back along the green line.
Once near the open door, go in and take another key from the table. Hack the computer (password ihatemyjob), read in emails that the code of the electronic lock is 2358. Another way to find out the code is to read a note in one of the offices located along the red line.
Go through the door with a combination lock and follow further along the corridor. You will find yourself near another glassed-in security room, behind it are laser signaling beams. There are two ways to go through them without raising an alarm:
Break the electrical panel located right there, as a result, the rays will work unstably and it will be possible to get over them.
Disable completely. To do this, you need to hack a computer in the next room. This task is for a character who knows how to disguise himself well. No matter how it is necessary to break the glass, climb into the room, hack into the computer and leave unnoticed by the security guard in this room.
If you go through the museum killing the guards, then you can ignore these beams at all.
After passing through the beams, go into the door on the left. If you have passed the museum in a quiet way, the door will be open; if you somehow made a fuss - the door will be locked, and a guard will stand nearby. If the guard is killed or some kind of "distracting" discipline is applied to him, a key will fall out of him.
Enter this door and soon you will reach the room with the sarcophagus, or rather, the room where the sarcophagus was. And now there is Beckett, who, however, has nothing to do with the abduction of the sarcophagus. When properly speaking with Beckett, he will raise the Scholarship skill by 1. After the conversation ends, you will automatically be transferred to Lacroix.
Report your actions in the museum - this will complete the quest, and if you didn’t kill anyone there, you will receive an additional two experience points as a reward.

The Epic of the Ankaran Sarcophagus

This quest includes several other story quests to be picked up and completed in Hollywood and Chinatown.
After you report to Lacroix about the disappearance of the sarcophagus, he will send you in search of the head of the local nosferatu, Gary Goldon. Gerry knew that the sarcophagus had been taken to the museum, it was he who informed Lacroix of this, and Lacroix assumes that he passed this information on to someone else. Gary is to be found in the sewers under Hollywood.


Dead Ex (Ashes of Past Glory)

As soon as you get out of a taxi in Hollywood, a local vampire will speak to you and advise you to first talk to Isaac Abrams, the local baron. Abrams is waiting for you at the end of the street in Golden Age Jewelry (enter through the side door).
Before Isaac says no matter what the Nosferatu, you need to follow his orders. Isaac wants you to deliver a tape to him. Unsolder in the Internet cafe Ground 0, there, on one of the computers (the last computer in the right row, the password is Kafka), contains information about the meeting point with the courier. near one of the computers you can find The Cowboy's Guide to Cyberspace
Go to the indicated meeting point, behind Fast Buck, the courier is in place, only he doesn’t have a cassette with him, saying that the cassette is hidden somewhere at Ginger Swane, he runs in a panic around the corner, where he, judging by by the sounds, they eat it safely.
From Isaac Abrams, you can learn that Ginger Swane is a movie star of the 40s and 50s, now resting in a local cemetery. The same information can be underlined by rummaging through computers in Internet cafes.
The cemetery gates are closed at night, but you can enter the cemetery through a hole in the wall near the gate, after clearing it of debris. On the territory of the cemetery, follow the path to the end until you come to a large mausoleum, inside it, find the place where Ginger is buried, the bones lying nearby can serve as a guide. Take the tape and take it to Isaac. After reviewing it, Isaac will say that this is not the full version, it lacks the beginning, so you need to look for another one. This will end the Ashes of Past Glory quest and start the next one.

Snuff is Enough

In order to determine the location of the film, you need the full version of the film. Isaac advises asking local "dirt-spreaders," so the next stop is Sin Bin at the opposite end of the district.
Sin Bin owner Flynn, Persuasion, Intimidation or, for a female character, Seduction 6, can provide information on how to contact the filmmakers. If the skills are not enough, then the same information is bought from him for $ 500 or pulled out of his computer (Private section, password - dirtydog).
Communication with the filmmakers is carried out using a pay phone at the Red Spot store (password - "The moon is a mysterious mistress ...", review - "...who walks the night with demons of dread"). Having learned the response and password, go and talk on the phone. You will be scheduled to meet in the second room of the Luckee Star Hotel.
There will be no one in the hotel, but there is a key to the door to the Ground 0 computer club and a gold ring for sale. In Ground 0, open the door to the interior and climb the stairs, you will find yourself in the snuff film studio. Move forward (grab a couple of cans of morphine in the second room) until you see how the little animals kill a person. With lockpicking 10, you can break open the door and immediately enter this room and take the desired cassette from the table. If the skill is not enough, go through the door with the inscription DMP, talk to the still living studio worker. Before being eaten, he will tell you that the studio did not shoot the film of interest, the cassette was found in some "scary house on the hill." Go to the next room, climb through the ventilation shaft into the room with the lock of the 10th difficulty. Take the cassette from the table and go with a report to Isaac.
This time, you've obtained the full version of the movie, and Isaac will find out where it was filmed - in the mansion located at 609 King's Way.

Going the Way of Kings

A new point 609 King's Way has appeared on the global map, go there.
In order to get inside the mansion, you need to climb the ivy behind the building to the second floor, from there up the stairs to the third. And on the third floor through the window inside.
In one of the rooms on the table is an artifact of the table Mummywrap Fetish (increases the speed of treatment). Go down the stairs, on the next floor you can find a ring and several bags of blood in the refrigerator.
In the basement you will find the author of the film, Andrey the vampire. After you deal with him and his little animals - go through the door to the dungeon.
Crawling along a dilapidated pipe, you will find yourself in the sewers. Nearby lies the corpse of a worker, you can take his diary and read the entries.
Use the lever to open the grate, turn left at the nearest fork. Climb into the left pipe near the next grate, get out of the pipe, go to the right and open the next grate with the lever.
If you turn left at the fork, then there, by opening the door of a small room, you will find cartridges. Through the door opposite you can get out to Hollywood and replenish supplies.
At the next fork, turn left and then right and climb into the second pipe on the right. Having made your way through the pipe, in the end, your character will find himself in a room lit with red light, turn the valve there, and a stream of water will wash you away to the second level of the dungeon.
Get out up the stairs until you are wound on the blades. Make your way through the pipe into the next room, take the barrel in the corner and throw it into the water. The barrel will jam the blades, now you can climb into the pipe above them. In the next room, cross the bridge, go down the stairs and jump into the dry pipe. You will find yourself in a green room, go through the door at the far end, go up the stairs and into the next door. When you try to walk across the bridge to the control panel, it will fall under you.
Get out of the water up the stairs. Now you need to turn off the electricity, this can be done by breaking the lock into the room next to it and turning the knife switch, or you can also through the computer.
After turning off the electricity, turn the switch at the device that controls the pumps to the “Safe” position (green indicators), after stopping the pumps, jump down as quickly as possible and swim along the underwater corridor to this pump, turn right near the fan. This must be done as quickly as possible until the pump pump has accelerated to full power, and the flow of water has not thrown you back. If you didn’t manage to swim the first time, return to the control panel and repeat the maneuver until the end.
After defeating the pump, you will find yourself on the third level of the dungeon. Open the grate with the lever, go left at the fork.
(If you need to resupply, turn right at this fork. At the end of the corridor there will be another service room with a magazine and you can again climb out to the surface in Hollywood.)
Go down, then up until you reach a door marked Authorized Personnel Only. Pick the lock on the door (lockpicking 5), get to the door on the bridge. In the next room, a "spider" is waiting for you, deal with this beast. In the corner, throw aside the barrels and make your way along the ledge to the ventilation grill. Break the grating and make your way through the ventilation shaft to the fourth level of the dungeons.
Climb down by jumping from pipe to pipe, or you can just jump, paying some health.
Go down the corridor and at the fork go left, then right. After passing through this tunnel, you will see a fight between a Nosferatu and a couple of creatures. On the right lies a corpse, pick up a magnetic key from it. Go back to the fork where you turned right, and now go straight and then left. In the end, you should get into a round hall with a platform in the middle. Approach the computer and use the found magnetic key, after that rise to the platform in the center of the hall and jump down into the hole leading to the fifth level of the dungeon.
So you have reached the lair of the Nosferatu. Here you can find the Nosferatu hacker Mitnick, talk to him and get the quest "Spread Web Everywhere". From Mitnick's room to the left lives the former supermodel Imalia, you can take the task "Citizen Model" from her. Go to the cliff next to Imalia's room and pick up the Galdjum artifact from the floor (+25% to the duration of all passive disciplines).
At the end of the settlement, you will finally find the head of the nasferatu, Gary Golden. Just like that, Gary does not want to share information about the location of the sarcophagus, but demands that he first complete his assignment - to find his missing agent Barrabus, who disappeared in Chinatown. This will complete the current quest and activate the next story quest I Spy Barabus.
After receiving the task from Gary, get out of the room through the back door and climb out into the Hollywood Cemetery. The next area is now available - Chinatun.


Kikinapped (Kikineping)

The first thing to do in Chinatown is to go to the Golden Temple and talk to Ming Zhao, the head of the local Kwei Jin. She herself does not know anything about Barrabus, but she will advise you to ask Wong Ho, the owner of the Red Dragon restaurant. After leaving the temple, you will see a scripted scene, several running guys, one dragging a girl on his shoulder. Go to a restaurant. In the restaurant, talk to the headwaiter girl, she will open the elevator doors, you can call the elevator yourself by pressing the button on the desk.
Take the elevator to the second floor and talk to Wong Ho, you will learn from him that his daughter Kiki has just been kidnapped by Tong bandits, and in order to get information you must first return Kiki to her father. During your conversation, someone will call Wong Ho and say that his daughter is being held at the Lotus Blossom massage parlor. Send to the indicated address.
Inside the salon in the second room on the right along the corridor you can find a golden ring, in the last room on the right - an expensive watch. Then return to the entrance, go through the first door and go upstairs. In the room opposite the stairs, take the key, in the first room on the right along the corridor, $ 250 are lying around. Go back to the locked room above the stairs and open it with the key. You will find the kidnapped Kiki in the boarded up closet, free her and take her to Wong Ho.

Original Gangster (Gangster of the old school)

After rescuing his daughter, Wong Ho will say that he himself does not know anything about Barrabus, but will direct you to Zhao, the owner of the warehouse.
In the warehouse, Zhao is waiting for you in a glassed-in office upstairs, he is sure that the leader of the Tongs, Johnny, had a hand in the disappearance of Barrabus. He sits in the Glaze Tong club, strangers are not allowed into the club, but Zhao knows the lock code - 725. At the end of the conversation, the Tongs will raid the warehouse, kill them and leave the warehouse, this will complete the quest.
Before leaving the warehouse, you can grab three tape recorders for sale, two on the first floor, the third is on the second among the boxes.

Dragon's Tail (Dragon Tail)

After meeting with Zhao, go to Glaze, enter the code 725 and go inside the club.
Your task in the club is to go to Johnny's office and talk to him. This problem can be solved in three ways. The first way is to cut out all the bandits. The second is to quietly sneak to the second floor behind the back of the guard, without touching anyone. And the third is to approach Johnny's deputy, he stands behind the partition not far from the DJ, and with Persuasion 7 or Intimidate 8, you can get permission from him to go upstairs to Johnny.
Climb up in any of the listed ways and talk to Johnny. During your conversation, the screen on the wall behind Johnny will turn on and someone who calls himself the Mandarin will appear there. This Mandarin will provoke Johnny into attacking you and, after his untimely death, will invite you to visit him at the Fu Syndicate.

Come Into My Parlor (Come to my abode)

If you are invited to pay a visit to the Fu Syndicate, you will have to go there. Just before entering the syndicate building, make sure that you have a firearm and ammunition for it, it will be needed there.
Once you enter the building, you will not have a choice where to go, only one direction is open, which leads to the elevator. Mandarin will insistently offer to enter this elevator through the screen on the wall. It is not difficult to understand that the elevator leads into a trap, but you still have to go, because it will be impossible to go anywhere else. After going into the elevator and climbing it, you will see that it really was a trap. The syndicate is studying vampires and you have to play the role of a guinea pig, you will learn how to destroy vampires.
In the first room, you will be tested by the effects of poisonous gases and radiation, neither of which can harm you. After making sure of this, the observers will open the door to the next room and invite you to go there.
There are laser beams in the second room, you can run through them and a passage to the third room will open.
In the third room, where you are tested for resistance to slashing weapons. Three mechanisms are moving around the room, equipped with sharp rotating blades. To go through the room, you must destroy all these "meat grinders". To stop them, shoot the blocks behind the bars opposite the viewing window. After all three devices are disabled, you will be launched into the next room.
In the fourth room, you will first be met by a man with a crucifix. After making sure that the cross against vampires does not help, the Mandarin will unleash a team of armed people on you, after their untimely death, the door to the next test room will open.
In the fifth room, the effects of electricity will be tested on you. To survive in this room, shoot the electric dischargers on the ceiling of the room, after they stop functioning, the door to the next room will open.
In the sixth and final room, you are going to be tested for fire resistance. Shoot one of the flamethrowers, as a result there will be an explosion that will smash the armored glass and now you can get out through it and pay off the experimenters. After killing the guards, catch up with the runaway mandarin and take the key to the cell containing Barrabus from his corpse. Free Barrabus from captivity, but before you leave, you need to destroy all data on vampire research.
Go through the double doors, take the key from the body of one of the guards, open the door for them, hack the computer (password - Freedom) and open the door to the next room. Go there, hack the server (password - autopsy) and erase the information, after that Barrabus will break the door to the lobby. If you have Lockpicking maxed out to 10, break open the last of the three doors, grab the book Bustin "It: Harmful If Swallowed Hint Book (Melee +1) from the table and read the curious e-mail (password - elimination).
After destroying the data, exit the syndicate building, go to the phone booth near the entrance to the syndicate and Gary will call you and inform you that the sarcophagus should be at Giovanni's and the Giovanni Mansion becomes available on the map.
If you're a Nosferatu and haven't been rude to Gary, after freeing Barrabus, you'll get a new apartment in the Downtown Sewers, between Gates E and F.

Italian Dinner (Italian Dinner)

Giovanni's mansion is now available on the global map, go there by taxi. There is a big reception in the mansion, but unfortunately you are not on the list of invitees.
There are three ways to get into the mansion: 1. Break in by force, interrupting the guards; 2. quietly sneak past the guards through the back door; 3. Approach the couple at the fountain, with Persuasion 6 you can convince them that the woman has gone over and it is better for them not to go to the reception, but to return home. After they leave, pick up the dropped invitations and enter as a guest.
If you got to the mansion peacefully, you can complete a small quest. Among the guests in the main hall are three members of the Giovanni family: Adam, Chris and Mira. They are competitors for position in the family and everyone is eager to get dirt on the others.
Adam is on the verge of bankruptcy, this can be found in a conversation with him at Persuasion 8. For information about Mir and Chris, he will give a golden ring and an expensive watch.
Chris is not really Giovanni, but the illegitimate child of a fashion writer, Persuasion 9 will need to find out. For compromising evidence on Mira and Adam, he does not give anything.
Mira has AIDS, to find out this fact you need to have Persuasion 10 and Seduction 8. For information about Adam and Chris, she gives $ 100 each.
Having understood or ignored them, talk to the girl in white - Nadia. At Persuasion or Seduction 8, she will want to show you "something special". Follow her (in the library you can pick up the book Dodge II) and find yourself in the place where the Giovanni work on the corpses in this room, grab the book Voce del Morte for Write from the table to complete the Occultish Personality quest. After a short conversation, Nadia will open the next door.
You can also go here on your own. If you have chosen a hidden type of passage, use the system of secret passages that are hidden behind fake panels in the walls. If you approach such a panel and press the action button, it will open. In the library, to open the door, use the lever disguised as swords hanging on the wall. And in the embalming room, either break open the door (lockpicking 8) or use the elevators.
One way or another, you will find yourself in the catacombs inhabited by zombies. In the last alcove on the right, pick up the Saulocept amulet (+1 experience point whenever you get 3 or more experience points). Go through the door and go down the corridor that will take you to the lower level of the catacombs. There, in places, grates are built into the floor, which open when you approach, and you can fall into a hole with zombies. You can get out of the pit through a secret door in the wall. After making your way through the zombies, get to the circular corridor, in the center of which there will be a door leading to the third floor of the catacombs.
There you will be met by a couple of kwei-jins - agents of Ming Zhao, who came here for the same thing for you, that is, for the sarcophagus. At Persuasion 5, in a conversation, you can get information about a certain agreement between Lacroix and Quei Jin. The conversation with the agents will end in a fight, after the death of the brothers, a scripted video will start showing the loading and removal of the sarcophagus on a truck. After the end of the video, you will automatically find yourself in Downtown in the Lacroix building.

Final quests

Society For the Preservation of Professors (Society for the Protection of Professors)

The sarcophagus was delivered to Lacroix, but his attempts to open the sarcophagus were unsuccessful, the sarcophagus is locked. And you have to find a way to open it. Talk to Beckett, he advises you to talk to Professor Johansen - the man who found this sarcophagus. However, there is a small problem, he was lusted and hidden by hunters from Leopold's society. But Beckett managed to track them down, they contain the professor in an abandoned monastery on the coast. Now this location is available on the global map, go there by taxi or through the sewers.
If you play a gangrel during the conversation with Beckett, you can increase the Animalism.
Arriving at the coast, head to the monastery building, the monastery has good security, so decide to force your way through or sneak in slowly. Inside, in addition to the guards, there are boxes of ammunition that explode when you hit the laser beams. These beams are set to only respond to vampires. If you hack nearby laptops (password soc), then you can either turn off the rays or reconfigure them so that they do not react to vampires, but work when people cross them.
On the first floor you can find Grunfeld Bach's diary, on the second floor you can find the book Vampyr Apocrypha and the book Art of the Quick-Draw by Ned Nederlander (raising the Firearms skill), as well as the key to the basement. You need to go to the basement, the door to the basement is locked, lockpicking 9 or a key from the second floor of the monastery is required for hacking. In the basement, deal with three hunters, and drag aside one of the barrels at the far end of the cellar. Behind the barrel there will be a hole in the dungeon of the monastery, go down there.
Get down to the bottom of the cave and go along the corridor. Turning left, you will come to a cave with cages. Your old friend Ash Rivers is sitting in one of the cages, after all, the hunters caught him. The cage lock has a difficulty of 10, if the skill allows, pick it, if not, then you can open it with a key. The key is from one of the guards in the cave, which leads to the right corridor. For the release of Ash from the cage, you will not receive any experience or material rewards.
From the right cave, go to the next location, Grunfeld Bach is waiting for you there. A conversation will follow first, and then a battle, having dealt with the main hunter, go up the stairs to the room where the hunters are holding Professor Johansen. You will learn from the professor that the sarcophagus can only be opened with a special key that was stolen.
When you go back, on the stairs you will encounter a still alive Bach, who will activate the self-destruct mechanism. And you will only have one minute to escape. Run to the previous cave, there is a boat at the pier - jump into it, after which you will automatically find yourself in Downtown.
In the unpatched version of the game, there is a bug that makes the game impassable, after you get into the boat, the game crashes. The patch fixes this error, but the game must be patched before you go down to the monastery dungeon.
You can bypass the glitch using console commands, to do this, being at the boat itself, otherwise inventory items may disappear, in the console type the commands:
SaveJohansen() - to save the professor
changelevel2 la_hub_1 taxi_landmark - for everyone except nosferatu
changelevel2 la_hub_1 sewer_map_landmark - for nosferatu.
The console is called by the ~ key in the game started with the -console key.

Hell at the Hotel Hallowbrook

In Downtown, near the Ventrue tower, a pile of some debris, bloody footprints in the tower itself. Something happened here.
If you have a ghoul Heather, and you treated her, then before visiting Lacroix, go to your apartment and talk to her, get the best armor in the game. Just be sure to go to her after returning from the monastery and before reporting this to Lacroix.
You will learn from Lacroix that the tower was raided on Shabbat. Lacroix is ​​going to strike back, of course with your hands. You are tasked with defeating the enemies at the Hallowbrook Hotel and killing the leader.
Before leaving, you can lure Lacroix $ 300 for current expenses.
Get inside the hotel using the construction lift, which is now located in the alley behind the hotel. Inside the hotel, there are many opponents of both vampires and ghouls. On the first level of the hotel, you can find the Tal "mahe" Ra Blade sword (the best melee weapons in the game have the same characteristics as a katana, only it is twice as fast as a regular katana) and a flamethrower. Moving forward along the corridor and through the gaps in the walls, you will eventually find yourself in a room with a hole in the floor, jump down, at this level make your way to the next gap in the floor. Then go until you find an elevator shaft and go down it.
There, if you gave Heather your blood to drink and did not drive her away, you will see a scripted video of her death. Unfortunately, it is impossible to save her, you can only avenge her death. After avenging Heather, go to the next room. Suppress the resistance there, make your way further until you reach the stairs to the basement of the hotel.
In the basement, go through the double doors and find yourself in the lair of the leader. This is your old friend - Andrey. Deal with him, this time for good and you can leave the hotel outside.
Ming Zhao is already waiting for you outside the hotel. She will tell you a lot of interesting things. Firstly, about the fact that between her and Lacroix a treaty was concluded against the anarchs. Secondly, she can change her appearance, and it was her in the form of Nines Rodriguez that you saw at the entrance to the Grout mansion, and Lacroix knows about it. And thirdly, she has the key to the sarcophagus and she is not going to give it away.
If in a conversation with Ming Zhao you are polite and say that you believe her, then in the future you will have the opportunity to choose the ending for kwei-jin.
After talking with Ming Zhao, return to Lacroix.

The Enemy of My Enemy (Enemy of my enemy)

Tell Lacroix about your conversation with Ming Zhao, he denies colluding with the Kwei Jin. Lacroix will announce that he is ending the bloody hunt for Rodriguez and that he needs an alliance with the anarchs. Your task is to find the hiding Nines and inform him about it.
Go to the "Last Round" along the way Beckett will catch up with you and advise, no matter what happens, in no case open the Ankara sarcophagus.
In the Last Round bar, talk to Damzel, she will tell you where Nines is hiding. He took refuge in Griffith Park. Go there by taxi.
In the park, as soon as you go up the lift, you will meet Rodrigues, your conversation will be interrupted by a forest fire and the appearance of a pair of werewolves. One of the werewolves will attack Rodriguez and they will both fall down, the second will take care of you. It is useless to fight a werewolf, he is absolutely not vulnerable to any weapons and spells. You need to escape on the same lift that you came here on.
Although the werewolf is not vulnerable to your attacks, it is still possible to kill him. To do this, run to the transformer box behind the observatory building; you can get there either through a hole in the fence, or by running through the observatory building. Turn on the electricity by pressing the lever on the wall of the transformer box. After that, run to the main hall of the observatory and go up to the platform. Use the lever to open the doors of the observatory, and when the werewolf is at these gates, press the lever again. The gate will close and kill the werewolf. After that, you can safely go down on the lift.
At the exit from the park, Jack is waiting for you with some bad news. Lacrau accused you of selling out to the kwei-jin and announced a bloody hunt for you. Jack will take you to your first apartment in Santa Monica.

Out For Blood (The smell of blood)

You are in your old apartment and all or almost all vampires are after you. Jack has prepared an escape route for you, you need to get into a taxi and the taxi driver will take you wherever you want, but you still need to get to the taxi. Go outside, this time Santa Monica is a combat zone and you can use any tricks to violate the masquerade. Force your way through or sneak to the taxi.
Talk to the taxi drivers, during this conversation you will choose the ending of the game. There are five possible endings in total, which of them will be available to you depends on your actions throughout the game.
1. For himself - always available.
2. For the anarchs - available if during the game you completed the tasks for the anarchs to find the Plaguebringer and successfully dealt with Patty (quest Attention).
3. For Prince Lacroix - if you unquestioningly obeyed him.
4. Behind the Camarilla - if you didn't tell Isaac that the gargoyle was created by Maximilian Strauss.
5. For kwei-jin - if they were not rude to Ming Zhao, and in a conversation after leaving the Hallowbrook hotel they said that they trust her.
Depending on the chosen ending, you must complete one or both of the quests Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).

Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao Must Die)

This quest will appear in all endings except for the kwei-jin ending.
A taxi will take you to the Golden Temple in Chinatown. In the Golden Temple, make your way or sneak inside the pavilions and collect ammunition from the chests there, the chests are locked with a level 4 lock, so any character can open them if they wish. After replenishing the ammunition, go to the main building. Go down one of the stairs, the stairs are in the nooks to the left and right of the main entrance, and you will find yourself on the second level of the temple. This level is full of enemies and traps that are activated if you step on certain floor tiles. Make your way into the hall with a water mill, there will be a double-leaf gate, closed with a bolt, move the bolt (to open the bolt, rest against the handle and move forward) and go through the gate.
Sometimes in this place there is a glitch with the “sticking” of the bolt, it completely refuses to move. If this happens, you have several ways to solve the problem: 1. Try saving and reloading the game. 2. If it does not help, then change the screen resolution in the game, exit the game and boot again. 3. A stuck bolt sometimes comes off by itself after some rather long time.
Behind the door, turn left and go to a fork, where you need to turn right and go until you find yourself in a room with a large statue. Move the stone structures so that they are on the plates that activate the mechanism. As a result, the statue will move aside and open a passage to the lower level.
At this level, you need to collect four jade statues and place them on pedestals in the hall near the entrance. The statues are located in the rooms in the corners of the level, when you take the statue, remember what the pedestal on which it stood looks like, in the hall it will have to be placed on exactly the same pedestal.
After collecting the figurines, arrange them on the correct pedestals in the hall. If you did not pay attention to which pedestal which figurine stood on, then the correct order is: cat, heron, dragon, elephant clockwise standing with its back to the exit from the level.
If the figurines are placed correctly, a portal to the inner sanctuary will open. There you will find one of the most serious fights of the game with Ming Zhao. The easiest way to deal with her is with a flamethrower.
After dealing with Ming Zhao, pick up the key to the sarcophagus that fell out of her and enter the portal.

LaCroix Must Die (LaCroix Must Die)

This quest will be in all endings except the Lacroix ending.
An old acquaintance awaits you in the lobby of the tower - guard Chunk. He can be killed, or PersuasionSeduction 9, Intimidate 8 or DominationDementation 1 for Ventrue and Malkavians can convince him to leave.
Having dealt with Chunk, get into the elevator and go upstairs, however, you won’t go far on it, the elevator will soon stop and you will have to continue walking. There is nothing interesting on this floor, turn left from the elevator, go through the conference room and go up the stairs.
On the next floor, move to the right and go into the hall with dining tables, as soon as you go there, several commandos will fall on you through the glass roof. It is useless to fight them, as reinforcements will arrive to them indefinitely, and it is impossible to kill them all. Run through the door behind the tables and go out onto the roof. Sneak or force your way to the opposite end of the roof and climb into the pipe.
On the next floor, sooner or later you will meet a commando with the face and voice of Lacroix, talk to him, then kill him and take the astrolite from the body. Go to the lift, put the astrolite in it and send the lift up, it's better to run away from the lift yourself. As a result, the next floor will be cleaned, of course you can not clean the floor or clean it yourself without using astrolite. Call the lift and go up to the cleared floor. You can harvest - the ammunition and weapons left after the special forces, then go into the elevator, the entrance to it is hidden in a dark nook and go up.
This floor is guarded by vampires - Ventrue. Force your way through them or sneak in. If you are going to pass without too much noise, then go up the stairs and go through the left door. Go into the room on the right along the corridor, there with the help of a computer (directory lights, password - hitthelights) you can turn off the electricity, which will facilitate the task of imperceptibly moving through the level.
Anyway, go to the conference room and take the elevator to the next floor. There you will find a very serious opponent - the Sheriff. When you almost kill him, he will turn into a giant bat Chiropteran Behemoth, grab you and carry you to the roof. On which the second round of the battle with him will take place. The second battle will be easier than the first. Use the spotlights on the roof to blind the Behemoth and the mouse won't give you much trouble. You can focus on destroying the constantly oncoming bestial creatures by leaving the mouse to the snipers.
When the sheriff is finished, you will find yourself in Lacroix's room.

Game endings

1. For himself.
You decided not to take sides, but simply get out of the city. The taxi driver convinces you that you still need to destroy Ming Zhao and Lacroix. In this ending, you must complete both the quests Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).
After defeating the Behemoth at the top of the Ventrue Tower, you will find yourself in Lacroix's office. Lacroix will try to subdue you with Dominate and take the key, but he will fail. And you will have the choice to give him the key and leave, or still ignore Beckett's advice and open the sarcophagus on your own or with Lacroix.
If you prudently left, then Lacroix will pick up the key and open the sarcophagus and fly into the air, and you will meet Nines Rodrigues on the street, tell him everything you think about him and safely leave the city.
If you open the sarcophagus, you will find a bomb there, the timer of which is counting down the last seconds and greetings from Jack.

2. For the anarchs.
The taxi driver will take you to the Luckee Star Hotel in Hollywood. At the entrance to room 1 of the hotel, Damzel is waiting, and inside Nines Rodriguez, he still managed to cope with the werewolf, as evidenced by the head lying right there. Nines will tell you that Ming Zhao and Lacroix set up a trap in Griffith Park and send you to deal with them. See Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao Must Die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix Must Die).
Further, everything is the same as in the ending for yourself, only if you give the key to Lacroix, the meeting at the exit from the tower with Nines will be different.

3. For Prince Lacroix.
If you still decide to stay on the side of Lacroix, a taxi will take you to the tower. Talk to Lacroix, he will say that he will forgive you everything if you kill Ming Joa and bring him the key to the sarcophagus, he will give you $ 2000 for expenses. After completing the quest Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die), return to him. As a reward for the key, he will allow you to be present at the opening of the sarcophagus and, as a result, fly into the air with him.

4. For the Camarilla.
If you are for the Camarilla, but against Lacroix, then the taxi driver will take you to the chapel to Maximilian Strauss. The ostrich will promise to support you and send you to deal with Ming Zhao and Lacroix. In this ending, you must complete both the quests Ming Must Die (Ming Zhao must die) and LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).
When you get to Lacroix, the Ostrich will appear and Lacroix will be finished. Masimilian does not intend to open the sarcophagus.

5. For Kwei-jin.
If, contrary to the advice of the driver, you still switch to the side of kwei-jin, a taxi will take you to Golden Horam. Talk to Ming Joa there and she will send you to kill Lacroix. In this ending, you need to complete the quest LaCroix Must Die (Lacroix must die).
During your conversation with Lacroix, Ming Joaso will join you with his men. As a result, Lacroix will lose his head, and the sarcophagus will be sent to the bottom of the ocean with you, but you were warned not to trust the Quei-Jin.



Reflects the character's ability to price products and get discounts. The value of the skill depends on the knowledge of finance and manipulation.

Reflects the ability to instill fear and seek cooperation. The value of the skill depends on the intellect and intimidation talent.

Reflects the ability to explain to people what they really want and what they need to do. The value of the skill depends on charisma and learning.

Reflects the character's ability to use their physical abilities to achieve their goals. The value of the skill depends on the appearance and talent of deception.

Damage protection

The ability to reflect damage inflicted by clubs and bullets (bullets are ineffective against vampires). In addition to protection from armor and clothing, the character's endurance is also taken into account.

The ability to reflect damage from melee weapons. Remember that even though the vampire can defend against an attack, there is next to nothing he can do if the attack does land. Clothes and armor will help you to protect yourself minimally.

The ability to reflect damage from claws, teeth, fire, electricity and sunlight. Severe damage causes serious injury; The only way to protect yourself from them is by supernatural means. Skill Rating:

Unarmed Combat: Pretty decent damage. I would say that the XP invested in "Hand to Hand Combat"; at the beginning of the game, they will help you deal with the first opponents without any problems (you can add two more points to the talent without spending XP if you find such opportunities). 2-4 points - and you will be able to smear small enemies on the wall without any problems and spending ammo, and adding to this the effect of discipline "bloodbuff"; You can even handle bosses with your bare hands.

Melee weapons: If your specialty is combat, then it is better to choose melee weapons. The main reason is that in the middle of the game you will come across a very good sword.

Shooting: Firearms gain weight in the second half of the game. However, you will have to develop the skill seriously, since "bloodbuff"; does not affect shooting; not to mention the fact that at the beginning of the game, using firearms is tantamount to suicide. As compensation for suffering in the beginning, later you will get a wide choice of weapons to deal with various problems, and towards the end of the game the only way to cope with a crowd of people armed with machine guns - this is a vampire armed with a machine gun.

Defense: It's always nice to not get hit by enemies (not to mention the health benefits). The ability to defend yourself is influenced by quick wits - good news for hackers. In any case, it will be useful to spend XP on a couple of dodge points. For those who prefer hand-to-hand combat, it is more logical to develop dexterity - this will give an additional bonus to defense when blocking (TAB key) in combat. Again, never forget "bloodbuff";.

Lockpicks: An extremely useful skill. There are literally hundreds of castles in the game, and behind most of them there is something useful, interesting and necessary. Raised to three points safety plus "bloodbuff"; - and you are able to open most of the locks. This will require you to only 12 XP, and by investing 33 XP, you will become an unsurpassed master, from which not a single castle can be saved.

Stealth: At the very beginning, you can find a book that will give you a free point in stealth. It is unlikely that you will need to spend XP on this rather useless skill - you can already hide and sneak wherever you need it.

Hacking: There are many computers in the game with interesting (though often redundant) information, so in principle, hacking is useful skill. In addition, you will need indecent high level hack for the Nosferatu quest, however... However, all the passwords you will need are listed above. Rejoice.

Inspection: Useless. Not the slightest difference was noticed.

Training: Demanding on XP, but grows nicely if you are already developing scholarship or intelligence for other purposes. In any other case, if you read all twelve skill books, you will have to spend slightly less XP than if you improved those skills yourself. However, if you're in the business of improving learning and/or intelligence, don't forget about learning.

Trading: You have a chance to learn a little from the book, and you will not have any more problems with finances. You will always have enough money (minimum enough, but still) amount, and XP is always better spent on something that will help you get through the game.

Intimidation: not very widely used, and almost always easily replaced by persuasion.

Persuasion: A good way to complete a quest without getting too aggressive. Persuasion will often give you new dialogue options. In addition, in the process of improving the skill, you will also improve learning nicely. However, it is worth remembering that the characters of the Ventrue clans and the Children of Malkav have alternative dialogue options, and can safely refuse this skill.

Seduction: a very strange fact - the male characters in this game are practically incapable of seducing anyone, while women seduce everyone right and left, including (and at the same time - mostly) women. In addition, neither appearance nor deceit is of any use to other skills. The only relative plus is that it will become easier to find fresh blood in clubs. The only question is, is it worth spending XP in order to make life so slightly easier for yourself?

Impact Protection: Reduces impact damage significantly. If you're a skirmisher and not a "bloodbuff" fan, you'll need to invest your XP in endurance. It won't help against bosses - they tend to deal heavy damage. Three big questions Fist, knives or guns? In the shadow or in the light? Chatter, scare, seduce?

Okay, this is the schedule. As for social skills, persuasion comes first in terms of applicability and effectiveness, intimidation is used in places when it is not possible to convince. It is persuasion that gives a chance to bypass a significant number of fights in the first half of the game. As said, the Ventrue and the Children of Malkav have their own counterparts to persuasion, and can afford not to develop this skill.

It should also be noted that, since Hollywood, the game takes on an obvious penchant for combat, losing its social character. Certainly this will require new scheme XP distribution.

Logically, the question arises which combat option is more effective. It also depends on how far you have gone before the moment you started having problems. At the beginning of the game, unarmed combat works great in combination with "bloodbuff";. The downside is that you will not be able to improve your efficiency, since you will never have to change weapons for more powerful ones. When you gain access to downtown and find a fire ax, you should consider switching to melee weapons. The presence of good melee weapons later in the game is also an incentive to stop there.

The disadvantage of firearms is that you won't need "bloodbuff" at all, so you'll have to honestly earn skill points. Without a decent skill, in practice you will not be able to hit even at close range. Also known fact - bullets are not very effective against vampires. A less obvious fact is that the .38 isn't very effective at all, and the weapons in the first two episodes themselves aren't far behind flintlock pistols, it seems. Another thing is the last third of the game. A skill brought to ten plus an automatic weapon is much better than the same ten for melee weapons plus best sword. Also the ability to switch from automatic shotgun to assault rifle and right there on a large-caliber pistol it has a great effect (positively) on the prospects for changing tactics for each specific battle.

If you read the books and don't miss the free stat points, you should have enough XP to fight decently with bare hands in the beginning, melee weapons in the mid game, and pretty good shooting towards the end. However, keep in mind that there are no extra XP and you will probably have to make a choice. Just keep in mind that the beginning is always easier, and if the game is completed without spending XP on combat skills, then you are already pretty cool. reference Information

Skill Books
Computers: Lombard, (Santa Monica)
Shooting: Lombard (Santa Monica)

(both books can be purchased twice)
Stealth: The room opposite yours (Santa Monica)
Evasion: Candle Room (Grout's Mansion)
Hand-to-Hand Combat: Room 1, on the sixth floor of the Empire Hotel;
Close Combat: Bedroom apartment #2, in the Skyline building;
Finances: Jezebel's room at the Empire Hotel;
Security: Museum basement, security room
Computers: Ground Zero (Hollywood)
Evasion: Library, Giovanni's mansion
Melee: Behind a Locked Door (difficulty 9), Fu Syndicate)
Shooting: Upper Room, Leopold Society

Secret items:
Weekapaug Thistle (Defense +1): in an abandoned hotel
Tarulfang (Insanity -1): at the Children of Malkav's mansion

Bloodstar (Double the duration of the "Bloodbuff" effect;) Tremir Chapel (Regent)
Mummywrap Fetish (Faster Regeneration): Kings Way Mansion;
Galdjum (+25% Passive Discipline Duration): in the Nosferatu Vault
Tal'mahe'ra Blade (Twice as fast attack): at the Hallobrook Hotel
Heart of Eliza (Melee Enhancement): in the herbal shop (Chinatown)
Faecharm (+1 Agility): in the herbal shop (Chinatown)
Saulocept (+1 XP extra every time you get 3 or more): in the zombie crypt (Giovanni's mansion)
Odius Chalice (accumulates blood) (obtained in exchange for a fetish from the museum)
Key of Alamut (+1 damage reduction) (obtained in exchange for Giovanni's book) Password list:

Here is a list of passwords for most of the computers you will encounter in the game. This saves you the hassle of using hacking skills, and thus frees up some priceless XP for other uses.

Location name - folder name: password

Santa Monica
Starting room - Email: sunrise
Notebook Jannet - Contacts: callme, Email: wishes
Teresa's computer - Contacts: business, Email: 1baroness3
Beach House - Email: hang 10
Carson Computer - McGee: Imalia
Kilpatrick's computer - Bonds: money

Administration - Email: lakers
Blood bank - Freezers: ambrosia
Computer CiS - CS Door: dosage, CS Cabinet: money, CS Safe: paige
Malcolm's computer - Email: panacea, Patients: hippocrates
Mortuary - Cadavers: cowbell
Security Service - Camera: optometry
Computer Firm - Net Security: gil bates
Tung's Computer - Email: tung, Notes: obfuscate

"Confessions"; - Email: slave, Important: master
Elizabeth Dane - Log: antoniobay, Control: lighthouse
Empire Hotel; - Guest Logs: power, Suites: wealth

Computer 1 - Email: iluvgabe, Sales: danfinsip
Computer 2 - Email: archeopteryx, Cameras1: pterodactyl, Cameras2: velociraptor
Computer 3 - Email: ihatemyjob, Results: ksdfieow
Computer 4 - Email: fijdslo, Beams: platypus,
Alarm: wombat
Nocturne Theatre;- Net Security: break a leg

Skyline Apartments;
Cellar - Email: peep
1st floor - Email: ectoplasm
3rd floor - Safe: jewels
Training - Safe: chopshop

Ground 0
Computer 1 - Email: Kafka
Computer 2 - Email: shizzle
Computer 3 - Email: subarashi

Metal Head Productions
Computer 1 - Operations: codpiece
Computer 2 - Net Security: bang your head,
Safe: turbo lover
Nosferatu Territories - Electrical: tank, PUMP
118A: septic
Sinbin - Logfile: sinner, Peepshow: sinner,
PRIVATE: dirtydog
Tawney's computer - Camera: Cleopatra

Fu Syndicate
Computer 1 - Status: elimination
Computer 2 - Species X Data: autopsy
Server - Door Control: freedom
Kamakaji Zen
Computer 1 - Power: gwailo
Computer 2 - Email: shinto-x
Computer 3 - Email: waterloo, PERSONAL: elba
Computer 3 - Net Security: nirvana, vault: nippelhcs

The final
Leopold Society - Heat Sig: soc, Power: soc
Ventrue Tower - Lights: hitthelights
