Basic dart games. What is darts? Rules for playing darts for children

Highlight basic games darts that are ideal for beginners and professionals. Among the great variety, one of the most popular stands out, called “501”.

Pay attention! There are games that involve a team and individual competition. It is important to accurately distribute points among a certain number of participants.

Most often, in non-professional competitions, only a few of the simplest types of games of this type are used. And even more often, the best in the competition is determined by banal accuracy - who hits the bull's eye as close as possible. The following interpretations are especially popular:

Game name Rules Peculiarities
"501" Each participant makes three throws, each of which results in points being deducted.

The winner is the one who first receives a zero on the write-off.

You can play one on one or in a group. Depending on the number of players, the initial number of points is determined.
Bull It is considered a warm-up game. Players take turns throwing darts at a target.

At the beginning, a certain maximum number of points is set. Hits in the center or green sector are counted.

Typically, hitting a cent is worth 50 points, and hitting a green ring is worth 25. The number of throws is not limited.
American cricket One by one you need to close sectors from 15 to 20 and bull. The sector is considered closed if it is hit three times in a row. You can play together or arrange a competition between entire teams.
Big round Three throws are made from sector 1 to sector 20. Naturally, you need to hit the center. The game can be played independently and is used for accuracy training. Used to play with an opponent.
7 lives The principle of the game is similar to “501”. There can be an infinite number of players.
Cricket Specific sectors and the center that need to be closed are selected. Closing occurs as a result of hitting one cell three times. The number of players must be in pairs. The game is also played in pairs.

How to count points?

Since the variety of darts games is great, the scoring will be done differently. How to count points in each of the above games? In each case, it is important to take into account the number of those who take part in the “tournament”.

Important! In addition to the number of players, it is important to take into account other features - the distance to the target, how the target itself is marked.

It is better if a person who does not take part in the competition is to add up the points or referee the game, so he will not be distracted.

In accordance with the rules, calculation is carried out according to the following rules:

  • « 501 "—points are calculated in accordance with hits in all sectors. There are special segments that serve as ways to double and triple points. After three hits, the points are summed up and subtracted from the initial result.
  • Bull- the calculation is very simple. The bull has 50 points, and the green sector has 25. After the throws, the accumulated number is added up and the winner is determined.
  • American cricket– if you enter a sector that is not yet closed by the opponent, the lucky one is given points. Even if the player himself has successfully closed this sector. Sometimes this rule is not used - by agreement of the two players.
  • Big round– when entering a certain sector, this amount is multiplied by its number. After each lap, the points are summed up and the overall result is displayed.
  • 7 lives– when gaining the same number of points or in case of a shortage, one “life” is deducted. In the case of the maximum number of points gained in one approach, “life” is saved.
  • Cricket– first you need to assign a number to yourself, which is done by hitting one sector three times. If the number assignment is successful, then it can become a sector for doubling or tripling the result.

    If you get into the opponent’s sector, then points are awarded according to the same principle and in the same amount. Same for the player's sector.

In order not to lose track of your calculations, it is better to keep notes. This is especially true if the game is played in a group championship or there are a lot of players. To just have fun, it’s better to play Bull, here the calculations are as simple as possible.

Game history

History of this exciting game has many different interpretations. It is believed that playing this game began in Great Britain approximately two or three centuries ago.

Initially, the game was throwing arrows into the bottom of an inverted barrel. Pubs became the venue for such tournaments.

Over time the game has improved:

  • Initially, the markings of the target were formed, according to which the points received could be counted.
  • Over the years, a judging system has been developed that makes it easy to calculate the result of the entire game and limit the rules.
  • Several interpretations of one game were developed, according to which the assessment scheme was developed.
  • Improvement of inventory, which has become completely mobile and simple. Darts are used instead of arrows, and a sisal target has replaced the barrel.

IN modern world throwing darts at a target can be placed in any bar, office, home. Thanks to the mobility of the devices, you can constantly move them and even take them on the road.

Important! The cost of professional equipment usually does not exceed $100-120 for a full set. Thanks to such accessibility, this sport is becoming popular in many countries around the world.

The advantage of this game is that you can learn to play darts at any age. Within 1-2 years you can fully master and even succeed in the game of accuracy. Participation in tournaments high level are also within reach – you can apply and participate in them without much difficulty.

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Players take turns throwing 3 darts. To determine the order, each player or one of the team throws a dart. The one closest to the center starts the game. The count is based on the darts remaining on the target after three throws. Each side starts with a score of 301. The scoring method is to subtract the resulting number of points from the remaining ones. The bull's eye is 50 points, the green ring around it is 25 points, the inner ring of the target triples the value of the sector (the "Tripling" ring), the outer ring of the target doubles the value of the sector (the “Doubling” ring). The winner is the one who managed to reduce his score to zero first. The game must be completed by throwing at the “Doubling” or the “Bull-eye” of the target (Bull-eye) so that the resulting number points brought the score to zero. (Bullseye counts as a double 25). If a dart throw scores more than the score required to complete the game (or results in a score of one), then all three last throws do not count and the score remains the same as before. a series of throws that lead the score to a bust or one. Each game in 301 is called “Leg”. Five “Legs” make up a “Set” (the game is played until three wins in “Legs”). The final winner is the one who wins a given number of "Sets". The game of 301 is mainly for two opponents. For team game the score increases to 501 (in pairs) or 1001 (in triples and quadruples).

How to learn to play darts well?

When playing darts, many people often make the mistake of throwing the dart as if they were throwing a ball, while moving their arm far back and leaning their body forward to give force to the throw. It is not surprising that they do not hit the intended target. When choosing a throwing position for yourself, you must remember that the dart is light in weight, the distance to the target is short, and the target is very small in size. You will be successful if you throw with your torso slightly tilted forward and motionless, and the throw is made with the elbow and wrist. For brevity, we will consider the throwing position with the right hand, so those who play with the left will need to make appropriate adjustments for themselves. adjustments. So, stand half-sided towards the target, with the little toe of your right foot touching the throwing line. Strictly ensure that you do not step beyond this line and always fight your opponents correctly in the future. To do this, if possible, nail a wooden block to this line. Then, leaning forward slightly, choose the most comfortable and stable stand for yourself. Don't forget that stability is half the battle. To further promote stability when throwing, place your left hand against your stomach. Leaning forward will provide the necessary space for the throwing arm, as well as shorten the distance to the target. Now move your right arm forward so that your elbow is pointing straight down and the fletching of the dart is in a straight line from your eyes to the intended target.

History of darts

The appearance of the name may have its origin in the name of the cross section of the tree. Dartboard's old name translates to "butt". This may indicate that the bottom of the wine barrel was originally a dartboard.

There is an assumption that the game originated among soldiers. The soldiers threw short arrows into the bottom of the barrel or the bottom of tree trunks. In dry wood, cracks usually spread apart, creating “Sectors.”

The standard marking with sector 20 at the top was created in 1896 by Lancashire carpenter Brian Gamlin. However, many other configurations have been used over the years and in different geographic locations.


Dart targets are usually made from sisal (compressed agave fibers). The idea of ​​using sisal for the production of targets belongs to the Nodor company and in 1932 the first sisal targets appeared. The production of targets is concentrated in Kenya and China due to their proximity to sources of raw materials. The target is divided into sectors, which are assigned numbers from 1 to 20.

Sisal targets differ in the shape of the separating wire:

  • Regular (round) wire is characterized by a high percentage of dart bounces when hitting the wire and a low price. Used in targets: Winmau Pro SFB, Nodor Supabull II, Harrows Club.
  • Triangular wire is characterized by a reduced percentage of darts bouncing off the wire. When they hit the wire, the darts “slide” along the edge to the nearest sector. Used in targets: Nodor Supawire, Harrows Apex Wire, Winmau Diamond.
  • The thinnest separating wire, used in professional targets, has a minimum number of bounces and a fairly high price. Used in targets: Winmau Blade 4, Unicorn Eclipse Pro, Harrows Matrix, Nodor Supamatch.

In 1984, a stapleless “Staple-free bullseye” center mount was introduced, which significantly reduced the number of darts bouncing off the target.

Target height and distance to it

In standard play, the center of the target should be 1.73 meters (5 ft, 8 in) from the floor, and the distance from the face of the target to the line from which players throw darts is 2.37 meters (7 ft, 9.25 inches).

Standard target sizes:

The internal width of the double and treble rings is 8 mm. internal diameter"bull's-eye" 12.7 mm. the inner diameter of the outer central ring is 31.8 mm. the distance from the center of the target to the outer side of the wire of the double ring is 170.0 mm. the distance from the center of the target to the outside of the wire of the treble ring is 107.0 mm. total target diameter 451.0 mm ± 10.0 mm. wire thickness 1.5 mm.



A standard target is divided into twenty numbered sections, usually black and white, each assigned a number from 1 to 20. In the center is a bull's eye. bullseye), which is worth 50 points to hit, surrounded by a green ring around it (25 points). The outer narrow ring means doubling the sector number, the inner narrow ring means tripling the sector number. Both the outer and inner narrow rings are traditionally painted red and green.

Hitting a dart outside the narrow outer ring does not score any points. If the dart does not remain on the target after being thrown, it also does not score any points. Typically, points are calculated after a player throws 3 darts. After this, the turn passes to the other player.

The maximum possible result of 3 throws is 180 points (if the player hits all three darts in the inner narrow ring of sector 20).

Important note: according to the standard, players use darts whose weight does not exceed 50 grams. When playing at the amateur (non-classified) level, it is acceptable to use heavy darts weighing over 50 grams, but this exception is made for darts made to order and in non-championship play conditions. As for semi-amateur and professional games, the use of darts weighing more than 50 grams is grounds for non-admission or disqualification of a player. The most popular dart weight ranges from 19 to 25 grams. Today, the most famous manufacturers of darts equipment are Unicorn, Harrows, Nodor, Winmau. Professional players darts made from tungsten and nickel are used, while darts made from brass are suitable for beginner players.


Each side in the game starts with a score of 301 (option 501). The scoring method is to subtract the received number of points from the remaining ones until one of the players reaches 0. The game must be completed by throwing at the “double” or the “bull’s-eye” of the target so that the received number of points reduces the score to zero (“the bull’s-eye” is counted for double 25).

If a dart throw gives more points than needed to complete the game zero (or brings the score to one), then all throws of the current approach are not counted, and the score remains the same as it was before the series of throws that led to the score being over or one.

Each game in 301 is called "Leg". Five “legs” make up a “set” (the game is played until three wins in “legs”). The final winner is the one who wins the specified number of “sets”.

In all major tournaments, a version of the game is played with an initial number of points of 501. The minimum number of darts required to finish the game is 9. Depending on the type of tournament, the format also varies - both sets and up to a certain number of legs won, without dividing into sets .


The rules of the game boil down to hitting sectors from 1 to 20 one by one, then “Doubling” and “Tripling” the 20th sector, and ending the game by hitting the “Bullseye” of the target. If in a series of throws all three darts reach the target (for example: 1, 2, 3 or 12, 13, 14, etc.), the thrower continues his game out of turn. The scoring field of a sector is its entire area, including the “Doubling” and “Tripling” rings of the score.

The winner is the player who hits the Bullseye first.

Big round

The game is played in sectors from “1” to “20”, including the “center” (green ring or “Bull”). The task of each player is to hit his current sector as many times as possible in one approach (3 throws). Only hits in the current sector are counted. When you enter the doubling or tripling zone of a sector, the points are doubled or tripled, respectively. The player who scores wins greatest number points.

All A's

In series of three darts, players try to score the maximum number that is a multiple of 5. A series of throws that produces a number that is not a multiple of 5 does not count. The number 5 gives 1 point, 10 - 2 points, 50 - 10 points, etc.

The winner is the one who scores 51 points first.

The game has a “bust” rule.

Twenty seven

Each player is initially given 27 points. The first three darts must be used to hit the “Double” of sector 1. In this case, each hit on the target brings 2 points (1x2). If none of the darts hit the “Double” of sector 1, then 2 points (1x2) are subtracted from the available number of points (27).

The next three darts need to hit the “Double” of sector 2. In this case, each hit on the target brings 4 points (2x2). If none of the darts hit the “Double” of sector 2, then 4 (2x2) are subtracted from the available number of points.

Thus, the game is played until the 20th sector of the target. The winner is the one who, after throwing the “Doubling” of sector 20, has the most points left.

The player whose score during the game becomes less than one is eliminated from the competition.


The scoring field of the game is “Bull” and “Green Ring”. Each player initially has no points and scores them in series of three darts, counting only "50" and "25".

The winner is the one who first scores 1000 points.

The game has a bust rule.

Five Lives

For throwing three darts, you need to score more points than the previous player scored, at least by one point. The only exception is 180 points. Each player can make 5 mistakes. On the sixth player leaves the game. This game is best played with five or six players.

Sector 20

In the “Sector 20” exercise, the player performs 30 throws (10 series of 3 darts each), trying to score as much as possible only by hitting the “Sector 20” target. Hits in “Doubling” count for 40 points, in “Tripling” for 60 points. Darts that do not fall into the “20” zone are not added to the total result.


The game involves 10-20 people. Everyone chooses a cell (1-20), entering which, opponents reduce the number of his lives. If a player takes away last life(kills), he receives +1 to his life - thus eliminating suicide. If a player hits the bull's eye, he also receives +1 to life, if he hits the ring, he takes away a life from any player, if he hits 3 or 2, 3 or 2 lives are removed, respectively. The game ends after “killing” all opponents.


Players randomly select two diametrically opposed sectors and try to hit them with “Doubling” and “Tripling” along an imaginary line, for example: “Doubling” sector 11, “Tripling” sector 11, “Green Ring”, “Tripling” sector 6 and “Doubling” sector 6. The winner is the one who first walks an imaginary line along the given points.


An arbitrary number of players can take part in the game at the same time. Players take turns performing a series of 3-dart throws. A point is awarded for scoring 30 points in 3 throws. The first player to score a set number of points (usually 3, 5 or 7) wins. The game is popular among beginners due to its simplicity and the need for complex calculations.

Darts Tournament Rules

The most popular darts tournaments

  • PDC World Championship
  • Winmau World Masters
  • World Matchplay
  • Grand Slam of Darts
  • UK Open
  • Premier Darts League
  • Players Championship Finals
  • Las Vegas Desert Classic
  • Zuiderduin Masters
  • PDC World Cup of Darts
  • WDF World Cup

In addition, the PDC hosts the PDC ProTour, a series of 39 non-televised tournaments held on weekends around the world. The prize fund for such tournaments is the same and amounts to about 35 thousand pounds sterling.

Since 2011, the PDC Unicorn Youth Tour has been launched, in which young players aged 14 to 21 take part. There are 14 tournaments in total, each with a prize fund of 2 thousand pounds sterling.

In 2010, the World Cup of Darts was held for the first time, as well as the PDC Women's and Youth World Championships.

In 2012, 5 European PDC tournaments were launched, which will be held in Austria, Germany and Holland. The prize fund for each tournament is £79,200.

Famous dartsmen


  • Gary Anderson
  • Phil Taylor
  • James Wade
  • Adrian Lewis
  • Colin Lloyd
  • Simon Whitlock
  • Paul Nicholson
  • Tony O'Shea
  • Ronnie Baxter
  • Raymond van Barneveld
  • Jelle Klaasen
  • John Pat
  • Mark Webster
  • Robert Thornton
  • Martin Adams
  • Terry Jenkins

Darts is a popular game in which participants throw darts at a special target. For some it is a hobby and an interesting hobby, while others play at a professional level. This sport is interesting because it can be done at any age, whether as a child or as an elderly person. You don’t need a lot of space for training, and the material costs to start training are relatively small. Thanks to such democracy, the game is gaining popularity, so it is interesting to consider the rules of the game of darts. Parents should also remember that the game develops the child’s accuracy and precision.

Targets and darts

First you should find out what equipment is needed for this sport. To produce targets, natural fiber is used, which is obtained from agave leaves. This material is called sisal. It is from its compressed fibers that targets are made; their total diameter is 451 mm (+/- 10 mm).

On front side there are sectors of different colors, a wire is attached to the top, dividing the target into radial sectors (20 pcs), and also has rings of doubling and tripling. In the center is the green sector “Bull” and the red sector “Bull Eye”. According to the rules of the game of darts, the markings determine the number of points the player receives.

The game also requires darts, which can be brass or tungsten. Their weight should not be more than 50 g (usually 20-24 g), and their length should be up to 30.5 cm. Each dart consists of the following parts:

  • barrel, that is, the metal part into which the needle is pressed;
  • the shank is a replaceable part made of metal or plastic that is screwed into the barrel;
  • the tail is inserted into the tail, it is designed to stabilize the flight.

It is better to buy high-quality equipment, even if it costs more. This will protect against unnecessary dart bounces.

How to count points according to the rules of darts?

You can play together or as a team of 2 or more participants. It is determined by drawing lots who will start first. According to the rules of the game of darts, the distance to the center of the target from the floor should be 1.73 m, and from the line from which throws are made - 2.37 m.

Each team must throw 2 sets of darts, after which they are removed from the target. The throw will not be counted if the thrower steps out of line, or if the dart gets stuck in another dart or falls out of the target.

Scoring is carried out as follows:

  • hitting the sector field is counted according to the number indicated on the sector;
  • a throw into the outer ring leads to doubling the number on the sector;
  • hitting the inner ring triples the sector numbers;
  • the green sector gives 25 points, the red sector – 50.

This classic rules darts games, but there are various options, which are also worth saying a few words about.

Most popular game is “501”, and official competitions are held in it. Each player or team is initially given 501 points and must be counted down during the competition. It is necessary to close the last points through the doubling sector. If it turns out that in the last approach the player received more points than he had in his balance, then he will be left with the result that was before the throws.

One more famous game- “Cricket”, the essence of which is to be the first to cover certain numbers on the target. So, sectors from 15 to 20 and “Bull” take part in the game. In Cricket, to close a sector you need to score triple the number of points in it.

Of course, the rules of playing darts for children may be simplified or different. You also need to understand that for a child, the target should hang lower, at the level of his height. Darts can be a great family hobby and leisure activity.

The goal of the game of darts is to hit the target with the dart. Two or more opponents compete, taking turns throwing darts and earning points. The winner is the one who scores the required number of points by hitting the required sectors of the target with his darts.

Darts for playing darts

A metal dart for darts, according to the rules, has a maximum length of one foot (30.5 centimeters), in practice, as a rule, it is much shorter. Its weight should not exceed 50 grams (in practice it is usually 19-25 grams).

Rules of the game of darts: target and its diagram

The target is a round board divided into concentric circles and sectors. Most often it is made from agave fibers (the dart passes right through the target, only pushing the fibers apart and leaving almost no marks).

The central part of the target, colored red, is called the bullseye. Around the apple there is a narrow area painted green. The main part of the target is divided into twenty sectors, which are assigned numbers. For the convenience of players, the sectors are painted in contrasting colors (black and white)

In addition, there are also two narrow rings. The narrow inner ring is called the “treble” (or “tripling zone”). The narrow outer ring is called the “double” (or “doubling zone”).

Rules of the game of darts: distance to the target and its dimensions

The dimensions of the target are regulated in the most strict way:

  • total target size: 451 millimeters ± 1 centimeter;
  • diameter (inner) of the outer central ring - 31.8 millimeters;
  • diameter (internal) of the apple is 12.7 millimeters;
  • the internal width of the narrow rings of “double” and “treble” is 8 millimeters;
  • The thickness of the wire (the boundaries of the rings) is one and a half millimeters.

The target is hung on the wall so that its center is at a height of five feet eight inches (173 centimeters). The target must be seven feet 9 ¼ inches (237 centimeters) from the player.

Hitting the red bull's eye gives you the most points - 50. Hitting the narrow green circle around the bull's eye earns 25 points. Once in different sectors, you will earn the number of points that is written on the sector. When you enter one or another sector in the area of ​​the outer narrow “double” ring, the number of points earned doubles. When you enter one or another sector in the zone of the inner narrow “treble” ring, the number of points earned is tripled.

If the dart hits a target outside the outer ring, no points are awarded.

Points are only scored when the dart remains on the target and does not fall to the floor.

Typically, the player throws three darts in a row, after which it is the opponent's turn.

Rules of the game of darts: video for beginners

Strictly speaking, there are several dart games with varying rules. Let's talk about some of them!

Darts rules: 501 points

The peculiarity of the game “501” is that points are not added, but subtracted. At the beginning of the game, each participant has 501 points; with successful throws, points are deducted. Players take turns performing a series of three throws. The very last throw (when the score approaches zero) is counted only if the dart hits the outer narrow ring of the sector or the bull's eye. In addition, only the final series of throws that bring the score to zero is counted. If the result of these three rolls is one or negative (for example, -10), then the results of all these rolls are not counted. Thus, to successfully complete a set, the player must get into the narrow outer ring of the sector he needs (according to the number of points).

Finally, you have brought your points to zero. But this is not the end of the game in 501! This is just the first round or the first leg. One set can consist of 3-5 legs. A match may consist of several sets, by agreement of the participants.

The game “501” also has a less “professional” version - “301”. In this case, the initial number of points is 301.

As you can see, a successful darts player must not only throw a dart without missing, but also carry out complex calculations.

Twenty seven

Initially, each participant has 27 points. The players' task is to throw three darts at a time to hit the "double" zone of sector 1. Each dart that hits the target brings double the number of points. But if none of the darts hit the target, the same (double) number of points is deducted from the player.

Then players move on to sector 2, gradually “raising the stakes”, and so on up to the twentieth sector. If a player has less than one point left, he is instantly eliminated from the game. Therefore, the game of twenty-seven is suitable for fairly skilled opponents. The winner is the one who earned the most points.

This version of the darts rules can be played by three people or with a large number of participants.

There are many other variants of darts ("round", "big round", "thousand", "sector 20", "five lives", "killer", "all fives", "American cricket", "diameter", " thirty").
