Neighbors From Hell: Walkthrough. Neighbors From Hell: Walkthrough How to get a neighbor on an iPhone walkthrough

About 10 years ago, the “How to Get Your Neighbor” series of games was quite popular on computers. In them, the player needed to turn his neighbor's life into bad dream, doing various dirty tricks to him, small and not so small. Since recently they have been very fond of releasing remakes of old games on all devices in a row (including tablets), it is not surprising that “How to Get Your Neighbor” was dug up, the dust was blown off it and re-released under the title “”, apparently with a hint that the neighbors this time there will be a lot.

And indeed, according to the plot of the game you (as main character) and his family moved to a certain fictional city of Crankyville. And, as it turns out from local news, there lives a population very unfriendly to strangers. You will have to teach some representatives of this population a little lesson, because, as they say, “Debt is worth paying” and as they come to us, so we do to them.

(all screenshots are clickable)

The game is divided into levels-locations in each of which your target will be representatives of different professions: an overgrown jock, a migrant worker-construction worker, a couple of punk rock musicians, a burly military man, etc., etc. This matter cannot be solved with fists, so you will have to act secretly.

(all screenshots are clickable)

The principle of the game itself has not changed. You all also walk around the location, trying to high five in different ways harm your offender without getting noticed by him. To do this, first of all, you need to carefully study his route and, following the sequence of actions, figure out how to slightly ruin his life.

Well, let's say the first level - gym and the local school bully who studies there, taking away breakfast from the typically nerdy-looking son of the family. What is he doing? First he takes protein in the locker room. Then he goes to the gym, hits a punching bag, jumps over a goat, works out on a treadmill, lifts weights and works on a machine. After that he goes to the shower.

(all screenshots are clickable)

What are we doing? Collecting by level various items, which we will need to create traps. Well, we use them: we replace the protein with diet pills, install another springboard after the goat, jam the treadmill, add an extra pancake to the barbell and break the machine. Please note that some of the inventory items can be used twice.

(all screenshots are clickable)

Control in “Get the Neighbors!” quite convenient, which is not surprising, considering that the game was originally designed for the mouse. But the graphics don’t look quite modern. Everything, although bright, is very washed out. In "", which came out around the same time, I liked the drawing of the levels more.

(all screenshots are clickable)

It was also a little disappointing that although the game itself is localized, the translation in it is not complete. For example, in the news the text is only in English, because of which not everyone will understand why all the fuss flared up.

But donation here is not so harsh (and I remind you that the game is free). The banner that appears at the bottom of the screen in the menus is almost not annoying. And the internal currency of the game - coins, which, in addition to hints, can be used to buy such useful goodies as invulnerability, invisibility, acceleration and extra lives, you can get it for free. They are earned for advancing through levels, as well as for fulfilling certain conditions (watching game videos, registering on various resources, etc.). Actually, you can play without using them at all. It's even more interesting this way.

(all screenshots are clickable)

As a result, I can say that the game “Get the Neighbors!” - a strong middle peasant, albeit disposable.

Pros: Free and unobtrusive donation. Variety of gaming locations.
Cons:"Dirty" graphics. Incomplete localization. Doubtful replay.
Conclusion: The game will most likely appeal to fans of nostalgia, and of course to those who are very annoyed with their neighbors.

Gameplay video from the game Get the Neighbors! for iPad

– practically legendary game, which came out back in 2003. At that time it was very popular and all my friends went through it... A year later the second part was released, which also won the sympathy of the audience.

For a long time I thought that this was a Russian development, because on my pirated disk there was the inscription “Buka” and at that time I somehow did not think that these were Russian localizers. I recently remembered this game and found out that the developers are the Austrian company JoWooD Entertainment. And in the original the game is called Neighbors from Hell.

The essence of the game is to control the main character and do as many dirty tricks as possible to your neighbor. For example, putting soap on the carpet so that your neighbor slips or painting a portrait of his mother. This is a quest in which you need to find objects and somehow use them.

In the screenshot below, a neighbor was caught in a mousetrap, kindly thrown into his mailbox:

The game is presented as a TV show consisting of several seasons and episodes. Each episode is a certain set of dirty tricks that must first be explored and then pulled off beautifully.

Recently in App Store both parts appeared! Applications are distributed in the form of lite versions, which contain one built-in purchase. Purchases will unlock full versions.

Everything is fair! I don't understand why some users write such stupid reviews:

But I was unpleasantly surprised by the next moment. Graphically, both parts look very bad on a retina screen. I played for half an hour, but the feeling was like watching a screen: “It would be better to wait for the movie in good quality" Soapy textures look especially bad against the background of clear letters in texts.

I was also amazed by the size of the applications. The first part is 1.15 gigabytes, the second is 2.3! If I'm not mistaken, the game only took up a couple of hundred megabytes on the computer. But the graphics haven’t been improved...

Conclusion: Thanks to whoever for the port of the two parts, but even a feeling of nostalgia will not make me look at such a low-quality picture... The game itself is 5 out of 5 (Oh, where are my 20 years). Implementations on iOS – 2 out of 5. The case when something had to be done with the graphics...

How to get your neighbor! First part

How to get your neighbor! Part two (Free, Full version– 149 rubles)

How sometimes you want to do some nasty things to your neighbors, who periodically annoy you with loud music, housing issues, or are simply enviably rude. But if upbringing prevents us from turning our evil dreams into reality, then nothing will stop us from having a blast with our virtual neighbors. Players experienced approximately these feelings a decade ago, including the unforgettable “How to Get Your Neighbor” and its numerous sequels. Now it’s time for iOS users to annoy their harmful neighbors in the game “Pick up the Neighbors!”

“Get the neighbors!” or “The Cranks” in the English version of the title greets players with a story insert stylized as a news release. The presenter of “Blah blah blah news” talks about the arrival of a new family in the city. The thing is that the locals are not very friendly to newcomers to their town, but the visiting family turns out to be no stranger. The new neighbors will regret not giving you a warm welcome.

This premise precedes the game “Get the Neighbors!” Moreover, each new level will also be accompanied by the next release of local news, where the presenter will maintain and even escalate the degree of confrontation. There are currently 9 levels in the game. The developers promise to regularly add new ones.

Each level has one neighbor who is in for a few minutes of pure trouble. Anyone who has played the already mentioned “How to Get Your Neighbor” knows what to expect from the gameplay. But this moment cannot be ignored.

So, at each level the player is faced with the task of causing as much trouble as possible to the hostile character without catching his eye. Not to be noticed is the main task, otherwise the character you control (of a rather peculiar appearance, by the way) will be painfully beaten. There are points scattered around the location in various places where the hated neighbor performs various actions, and there are also various items useful to the player lying around. Some of them are collected to be used to create traps, while others are simply collected for collection. All items collected during the game can be viewed from the main menu.

Having set up another trap, you need to run to the side or hide in an inconspicuous place and wait a little until the unlucky neighbor falls into it. After that, you can move on to the next dirty trick. There are quite a lot of types of troubles that can be caused to a neighbor. Unfortunately, each level is only completed when you have discovered and used all the traps. In “Get the Neighbors!” There is no other option to complete the level early.

For each successful action against a neighbor, the player earns points that can be spent on bonuses. There are several types of them and they all make it easier to pass. You can also buy extra lives. Completing each level takes time, which then affects the rating.

In general, from level to level, the meaning of the game does not change, only the scenery, the enemy’s route and a set of nasty things that need to be implemented alternate. Lack of variety is one of the main disadvantages of the game. But you can’t deny the developers a sense of humor. During the passage, you will smile more than once at the troubles of your next neighbor. True, you probably won’t want to go through it a second time.

Graphically the game looks decent. The locations are carefully designed, but “Get the neighbors!” lacks detail. Because of this, it is partly difficult to find objects and places of their use. Otherwise, the character animation is usually sufficient to show all the incidents that occur. In addition, after each successful trap against the enemy, you can view a replay of what happened from a more convenient angle than the default one.

Each level has its own melody corresponding to what is happening. From time to time you can hear the characters muttering, which, although it makes it difficult to make out the words, you can still grasp the general course of their thoughts at the moment.

To summarize, I would like to say that “Get the neighbors!” was a success. Yes, the game will not be of interest for further replaying, and the originality gameplay does not shine from level to level. However, spend a little time playing and get charged positive emotions It’s quite possible, especially considering the zero price for the game in the App Store at the moment. I definitely advise everyone who is nostalgic for “How to Get Your Neighbor” to at least try to teach their neighbors a lesson in this game.

The game Neighbors from Hell (in Russian localization “How to Get Your Neighbor”) was released back in 2003 on PC. Quite unexpectedly, the developers from the THQ studio decided, 14 years later, to transfer the most popular arcade game to iOS and macOS. What came out of this, read further in the article.

One could assume that the ported version would still be supplemented with some new elements, if only out of an intention to attract a wider audience to the project, but the developers apparently did not consider it necessary to make changes to the original arcade game. In other words, the iOS version is a complete copy of the same game released in 2003. The only thing that has been changed by the developers is the management.

Thus, the plot, gameplay, graphics, musical accompaniment- everything was transferred from the original without the slightest addition. Therefore, gamers are invited to meet the main character named Woody and his annoying neighbor in a familiar environment.

For those who have not played How to Get Your Neighbor, let us briefly outline the essence of the project. We have to control the guy Woody, whose patience is regularly tested by his neighbor. To take revenge on the offender, the main character goes to his home. There he will have to set traps, carry out minor mischief and engage in other similar activities, the purpose of which is the complete psychological surrender of the opponent.

Each level consists of tasks that must be completed. There is also a countdown timer, so you won’t have time to think for long. The main goal of the player is to complete all tasks in such a way as to harm his neighbor as much as possible and at the same time remain unnoticed. If you manage to achieve this goal, the user will receive a reward in the form of a gold, silver or bronze figurine.

For each prank, the user is given game points, which can be used to purchase bonus features. The overall rating is affected by both the number of points received and the time spent on the level.

The complexity of the arcade is not high; completing each stage will take no more than 5-8 minutes. “How to Annoy Your Neighbor” for iPhone and iPad cannot boast of graphics, but in this case this does not play a special role. Generally, mobile version the famous arcade makes a positive impression.

Introducing one of the funniest and most exciting applications for Apple devices – the iOS game How to Get Your Neighbor. The plot of the game is very simple and uncomplicated. A new family moves to the small town of Crankyville, whose residents are famous for their unfriendliness towards new townspeople. She is ready to fight against the established traditions in the city, but winning will be very difficult.

The main task of the player in How to Annoy Your Neighbor on iOS is to help the new residents cope with the difficulties that have befallen them with the help of the weapons of local residents. All that remains is to get ready and annoy your neighbors.

Features of How to Get Your Neighbor for iOS

To date, the game features nine unique levels, in each of which new tasks await the player. New level– new dirty tricks for another harmful resident of Crankyville. The developers promise to periodically introduce new locations, so owners of Apple devices who have completed the game should not be upset.

You can complete each level only if your neighbor falls into all the traps set for him. At the same time, to successfully complete the task, you must charge all the traps, otherwise you will have to go through the level again. There is no way to complete a task without fulfilling all its conditions in How to Get Your Neighbor iOS. Of course, while performing dirty tricks, it is important not to catch the eye of your opponent, otherwise the achieved gameplay will be lost, and all actions will have to be performed again. If the character is noticed, he will be severely beaten.

At each location of the game in various corners there are special markers, moving between which the hated neighbor goes about his business. While the neighbor is busy with business at one point, the player needs to collect various objects (they are scattered all over the screen) and build a trap for him. Having set up another trap, you need to hide in a secluded place and wait until the harmful neighbor falls into it. The game features quite a lot large number traps, which adds quite a lot of fun moments to the gameplay.

Passing locations in How to Get Your Neighbor on iOS is accompanied by the issuance of points to the character. They can be spent on purchasing certain bonuses, the use of which makes it easier to complete the game. Passing locations takes time, the remainder of which affects the player’s rating.

Other features of How to Get Your Neighbor for iOS include:

  • funny cartoon graphics;
  • the presence of unique levels, each of which has its own characters, decorations and sets of nasty things;
  • fun gameplay;
  • easy control.

Of course, call the game How to get your neighbor iOS application every day is impossible. If desired, you can complete it in just one day and delete it from your iPad or iPhone. However, as a tool for a non-boring pastime in transport or during a lunch break, it is almost ideal, since it not only takes up time, but also gives a lot of positive emotions.
