Board game treasure island. Adventure board game for the whole family “Treasure Island” Economic game treasure island rules

Treasures buried by pirates on uninhabited islands and encrypted maps with the location of treasures have been exciting the minds of adventurers and...writers for several centuries. In 1883, Scotsman Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the novel Treasure Island, which became a worldwide bestseller. Millions are still read by them, and the events outlined on the pages inspire directors to create films. Of course, board games have not been left out either... Today on the Pink Sofa is the insidious cartoon board game “Treasure Island”.

Before lifting the lid, I would like to go back to the distant 1988, when cartoon characters first appeared on the convex flickering TV screens, whose fame would be the envy of many modern movie stars. David Cherkassky, who became famous for his film “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel,” created a masterpiece that was talked about literally the next day after the show in the most remote corners of the USSR.

The statements of enchantingly positive characters were quoted, imitated, admired, and those who missed the show in despair reviewed the program schedule in anticipation of a re-run. True, the cinematic inserts, due to the timing of the state order, caused a controversial reaction among many.

By the way, you know that in 1992, a version without film inserts called “The Return to Treasure Island” was released in the USA, which the craftsmen then immediately “crossed” with a domestic soundtrack...

Inside the compact box you will find a stack of cards and a bright booklet of simple rules. It is noteworthy that there is enough free space for protective protectors that will protect your game for a long time.

Treasure hunting is a busy business, so each adventurer will receive a double-sided card with hints on the properties of the items they find. A useful reminder, especially during the first games.

Famous cartoon characters will take part in the expedition, each of whom, as you remember from the tape, has their own character, their own catchphrases and their own individual capabilities, indicated in the text block. This set is recommended for use by experienced treasure hunters, but for beginners it is better to put these cards aside until better times...

On the way to Captain Flint's treasure, players will come across many strange objects with various properties (see the memo).

The numerical value in the corner is the number of ringing doubloons that the owner of the found card will earn. But not everything is so simple, and in just a couple of minutes you will find out “why”...

All the characters in this drama...

First of all, decide whether you will use character cards that give players special abilities, or whether you will play the game in a “simplified” mode. Do you feel like a seasoned sea wolf?! In this case, get two random heroes, choose one for yourself, and send the second to the box. And don’t forget about the reminders, you never know what will happen...

Next, we separate from the deck, according to the rules, one item of minimum value, mix both sets separately and place them in the center of the table, pictures down. The larger pile will become common, and the smaller one will initiate a reset. The most cunning participant in the adventure makes the first move.

He takes turns removing any number of cards from the common pile and lays them out in a row with the pictures facing up. Stopping is allowed at any time, but before that the player must apply the property of the opened item (if any). For example, a bottle of rum instructs you to remove two more cards and activate their properties.

If the revealed items are not duplicated, and you decide to take the loot for yourself, then take the cards and place them openly in front of you, sorting them “ladder” by type from high to low value. After this, the right to try fate passes to the opponent sitting on the left hand.

« Greed is worse than cholera..."Is there a repeat? In this case, discard all open items - you have earned absolutely nothing in the current round...

The chest and the key make a pair, allowing you to make a hefty profit under the envious gaze of your opponents. Such a tandem will not appear often, but emotions will be “over the edge” when it appears.

A candle, for example, makes it possible to take three items from the discard pile, and then place one of them in the center of the table, continuing the chain. That's what the starting stack is for - everyone is in the same conditions, even the one starting the game...

As soon as the general pile is empty, it is time to count the wealth. And then, to the surprise of beginners, it turns out that... only the top items in each typical “ladder” are taken into account. This means that if you collect at least three candles, only one will be counted, with the maximum value. The winner leads his opponents to the nearest tavern and treats them to an octopus dinner.

“And now, when you are two steps away...”

Fans of board games have long guessed that this is a version designed in the style of one of the best Russian animated films, which makes Treasure Island ideal entertainment for all ages. If they ask me which of the two versions I would choose, I will answer without hesitation - the cartoon version, since it is incredibly positive and evokes only positive emotions when viewing the illustrations. “Progenitor” was a little gloomy...

Otherwise, there are no differences from Dead Man's Draw, so Treasure Island has both positive features (simplicity of rules, fast and emotional games, versatility and accessibility) and negative ones (unpredictability, utter chaos and the bacchanalia of Her Majesty Fortune) .

By the way, I still have it installed on my tablet, but the card version was given to friends. I note that this is not expected with “Treasure Island” - I’ll leave it as a guest “entertainment”; pictures of familiar characters invariably make friends smile and, as a result, a desire to get to know the game better...

For all ages who understand the whims of Fortune.

The board game Treasure Island is 60 cards that play on the theme of the well-known animated film. However, most sheets are both action cards and trophies. The “pirate” with the highest amount of game points or cards wins (if the points are equal).

Board game Treasure Island: basic rules

The game uses a variety of symbols traditionally associated with piracy. The same drawing, depending on the designation, gives a different number of points. In addition, the character card also provides some benefits to the participant.

This or that symbol may oblige the player to:

  • take another's treasure
  • place another card on the table
  • steal the treasure and complete the task
  • discard cards

Or you can simply steal the treasure from the main zone on your turn. The very essence of the game Treasure Island is to remove the top card, and then either immediately pick it up by performing an action, or add another one from the deck. If there are two identical cards in a line, the entire layout will be discarded.

All collected treasures are in the open, so everyone can see who collected how many points . It is also allowed to count the number of sheets remaining in the deck. The game ends when the last pirate treasure comes out of the pile.

Opens up an incredible world of dangers and adventures. What else does a real pirate need? A fascinating plot, getting to know the island, searching for treasure. Forward! What are you waiting for?

Advantages of the publication

Here is a dynamic, exciting board game of our time. It is impossible to get bored with her, since the mind is constantly in search of the right move.

“Jackal” is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Randomly placed chips make the game unpredictable, as a result, each game is a new story of capturing and searching for treasure.

Up to 4 players aged 8 years and older can fight enemies at the same time.


Pass all the tests, find the gold and transfer it to your ship. The battle time ranges from an hour to two.

So, brigs of filibusters and conquistadors are waiting for you, an island with unexpectedly opening obstacles and clues, natives - Friday, the missionary and Ben Gunn, ready to take your side, bottles with messages and coins, of course, gold coins!


  • Assemble the frame into an 11x11 square.
  • Mix the field chips thoroughly and place them face down inside the square - the territory of the island is set.
  • At each of the 4 shores, anchor ships with 3 pirates of the same color. Teams are ready, let's begin!

When 2 players play, they have 2 ships moored on opposite sides under their care. For a three-player game, three ships are taken, for a four-player game, each player plays for himself, or 2 on 2.

What can happen in water and on land

  • Put the pirate ashore– he steps onto the square in front of the ship.

  • Send him to explore the island. The hero can move 1 cell vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If the chip is face down, then the player needs to turn it over and complete the task provided by the picture. You can also step into already open areas.

  • Return a crew member to the ship. You can board from the square in front of the ship, or diagonally, using arrows, knight moves, etc. A pirate can board his own or a friendly ship without fear for his life. Death will inevitably await him on the enemy's brig.

  • Let the robber swim along the shore. So he can go around the entire island, moving 1 square for each step. However, when meeting an enemy ship, the character will die. He is prohibited from swimming onto land and jumping from the beach into the sea.

  • Guide your ship along the shore, if there is at least one crew member left on it. Its path is 1 cell; the ship cannot turn corners.

You cannot skip moves. But you can choose to act with one of your pirates, an inhabitant of the island (if he is on your side) or perform a maneuver on a ship.

How to mine gold

According to legend, 17 ancient treasures are hidden on the island. When you find a cell with a treasure chest, put the amount indicated on it. Gold will be considered yours only when it is in the holds of your ship.

When dragging bait, you need to remember important rules:

How to start a fight

And there are some subtleties here. To begin active actions, you need to enter a cell where there is a rival pirate. Then all the beaten enemies are transferred to their fragile little boat, but their profit remains in place and can go to others.

You can only swing your fists if your hands are empty. However, if the enemy managed to dig in the fortress, you will no longer be able to touch him.

If you meet an enemy on a spinning cage, you can hit him only one step behind.

Do you remember? Then show dexterity and ingenuity in a fist fight!

Death to the pirate!

Your character is eliminated from the game if he:

Collided (found himself on 1 cell) with an enemy ship;

Was beaten by the enemy at sea;

Photos used from the game Jackal: Treasure Island

1. Lay out an island of 11x11 cells and place the ships like this:

2. Move as pirates across one cell, revealing parts of the island. The action of each cell is described in the rules - open them and see what happens in the first game.

3. Various pirate adventures await you:

4. After some time, the island will become almost completely explored - and each time new for a new party.

5. The goal of the game is to look for gold and drag it to your ship.

6. If you step on a cell with an enemy, he is beaten (return him to his “home” ship)

7. Whoever collects the most gold wins! Protect your chests and take gold from the enemy!

About the game

"Jackal" is a strategic board game with unique game mechanics. The secret of “Jackal” is that the field chips are placed in random order, so the game will be different every time! There are no dice in the game, and the result depends more on your logical and strategic abilities, and not on luck. All this makes “Jackal” a truly interesting and exciting game that you want to play again and again! The game is designed for two or four players, recommended for adults and children from eight years old. The duration of the game is approximately 60–120 minutes.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is clear as day: find and drag to your ship as many gold coins as possible hidden on the island. Whoever brought the most coins to his ship won.

How to walk

White goes first. Next, participants take turns clockwise. In one turn, one of the following actions is performed:
  • the ship (with at least one pirate) moves along the shore one square. The ship can only sail along its side of the island. He doesn't know how to turn corners.
  • the pirate leaves the ship ashore - only on the square directly in front of the ship.
  • the pirate returns to the ship (with or without loot) from a square directly in front of the ship or diagonally. To return to the ship, you can also use other cells on the field: arrows, a horse, a balloon, etc. A pirate can only enter his own or a friendly (when playing pairs) ship: if he comes into contact with an enemy ship, the pirate dies.
  • On land, the pirate moves one square vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If the cell is closed (turned upside down), opens it and performs the action indicated by the picture (see Meaning of field cells). You need to turn over an unopened cage at random, without looking under the shirt. A pirate can only open unknown lands empty-handed (without a coin). The pirate can also walk along previously opened cells, performing all the actions indicated on them.
  • How to mine gold

    According to verified data, 16 treasures of varying value are hidden on this godforsaken island. If, after turning over a square of the field, you find a treasure chest, place as many coins on the square as indicated on it (Roman numeral). But don't rejoice ahead of time! Gold can be considered yours only if you managed to drag it to your ship (in this case, the coin is removed from the playing field into your piggy bank).
  • Every self-respecting pirate can only carry one coin.
  • You can move with a coin only in open cells.
  • You cannot beat an enemy while holding a piece of gold in your hands. But if you really want to, you can leave the coin in place and forward to the enemy!
  • If you, carrying a coin, are hit by an opponent, you go to the ship empty-handed, and the luggage remains in place.
  • You can't swim with a coin. If a pirate falls into the sea with a coin, it drowns (eliminates from the game). The pirate remains afloat.
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