Mordovian folk games for preschool children. Mordovian folk games

"Into the keys"
(“Panjomnese” - erz., “Pantemasa” - moksh.)
Five people playing. A square is drawn on the ground, four players sit in the corners of the house, and the fifth stands in the middle. He approaches one of the sitting players and asks:
Uncle (aunt), do you have the keys?
He answers, pointing to his neighbor:
Ask your uncle (aunt).
So the driver goes around all four. The latter advises him:
Look in the middle!
The driver moves to the middle, and at this time the others jump up and change places. The driver tries to quickly take someone's place, the fifth player is again left without a place. And the game repeats from the beginning.
Rules of the game. You can change places only when the leader moves to the middle. The corner is occupied by the one who got there first. If someone does not change his place, he becomes the driver.
"To the chickens"
(“Saraskese” - erz., “Saraskaks” - moksh.)
The players are divided into two groups. Children - chickens, sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each chicken there is a player - the owner of the chicken. The driver walks in a circle and decides who to take the chicken from. He approaches one of them and touches her head. Immediately the driver and the owner of the chicken begin to race in a circle. Whichever one of them comes running first becomes the owner, and the remaining one becomes the driver. The game continues.
Rules of the game. You cannot interfere with those running around the players. The owner will be the one who takes the place first. You can run the race only after the driver touches the chicken with his hand.
(“Ball kunsema” - erz., “Topsa nalkhksema” - moksh.)
The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, distributed evenly, try to hit those in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve; if he misses, he leaves the circle. When the ball has hit all the children, the players change places.
Rules of the game. The ball can only be caught from the air, from the ground does not count. The rest leave the circle. A child who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle.
"Heaven - heaven"
Two children are chosen for the game - gates; the rest of the players are mothers and children. The gate children raise their clasped hands up and say:
Paradise - heaven. I'm skipping
And I leave the last ones.
The mother herself will pass
And he will see the children through.
At this time, the children, having become a train, follow their mother through the gate. The gate children, with their hands down, separate the last child and in a whisper ask him two words - a password (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The responder chooses one of these words and joins the team of the child whose password he named. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her: shield or arrow? The mother answers and joins one of the teams. The gate children stand facing each other and hold hands. The remaining members of each team line up behind their half of the goal. The resulting two teams pull each other. The winning team is considered the winner.
Rules of the game: Children must not eavesdrop or give out the password.
(Kotelso nalxema. Kotelso nalxema) A deep hole (about 50 cm in diameter) is dug in the ground. Small dimples (ten to twelve pieces) are dug around it, which can be covered with the foot or heel. In the hands of the players is a round, smooth stick 50 - 60 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter. The leader throws a small ball into the pit-cauldron from a distance of 2 - 3 m. The players must knock the ball out of there. The ball that has flown out of the cauldron is taken by the host and thrown into the cauldron again. Players playing with sticks prevent the ball from getting into the hole.
They play this way until the ball hits the cauldron. If the ball is in the cauldron, the players must move from one small hole to another, while the leader must take one of the holes (salok). The one who doesn't get the tag is the one who drives. The game continues.
Rules of the game:
- players must knock the ball out without moving;
- you can move from hole to hole only when the ball hits the pot.
(Varenets pongoma. Varyanyas povoma) Salki holes are dug according to the size of the ball (3 - 4 cm). The players stand near the tag, and the leader, from a distance of 0.5 - 1 m, rolls the ball into one of the holes located not far from each other. Whoever hits the tag with the ball, he takes it, all the children scatter to the sides, and he must hit one of the players with the ball. The player who was hit by the ball becomes the leader.
Rules of the game: you can throw the ball only at the feet of the players and only from a place.
.Game "Potty"
Contents and rules of the game.
They sit the children in a circle, the rest of the children stand behind them. The buyer, having chosen the “pot”, runs away from the seller. The first one to reach the spot stands behind the “pot”.
Counting tables
Veike, kavto, kolmo, nile, One, two, three,
four.Mon sevigne sarazon pile. I ate chicken
ear.Kavto, kolmo, nile, ves, Two, three,
four, five, Kinen pongi psakan pepes? To whom
will get it
cat belly? Narmonts yarkhtsai suroda, The bird is pecking
grain, Mon kundaine puloda, I caught her by
tail.Narmonts yarkhtsai chakshsta, The bird is pecking
from a pot, Mon kundaine pakshta. I caught her
Game "Granny"
(“Babaso” - erz., “Baba” - moksh.)
Contents and rules of the game.
The players form a circle. The counting table is used to select a “grandmother” who stands in the center of the circle. She leans forward as if collecting something on the ground. The rest join hands, walk in a circle and invite them into the bathhouse:
“Grandma, grandma, what are you doing?
- I'm collecting pennies.
- What do you need pennies for?
- I’ll buy a bag. What is the bag for?
- I’ll pick up some pebbles. What are the pebbles for?
- I’ll fill the pies with them. Pies! For what?
- I’ll feed your children.
After these words, the “grandmother” runs away. The players rush after her with the words:
- Ugh, on your head!
If the “grandmother” is not caught, then the game starts again. If they are caught, then another “grandmother” is chosen. “Granny” runs away only after the last words are uttered.
Game “Circles” (“Kirksse”).
Contents and rules of the game.
The players stand in a circle. They choose a driver who stands in the center of the circle with his eyes tightly blindfolded. The players walk in a circle and say:
Guess whose voice it is
Forms into a circle
And quickly someone
Touch with your wand.
Answer quickly
Hurry up to guess!
After this, the players stop, and the driver approaches them and feels their heads: by the length of the hair, headdress and other signs, he must recognize the player standing in front of him. The one whose name is guessed becomes the driver. If the player is not recognized, he stands in a circle and the game continues.
Game "Tag"
A fun folk outdoor game for children. A driver is selected - he must catch up with the players and “salt”. The one who is salted becomes “water” and must run after the other participants, while holding the part of the body that the former leader just touched.
If no one has asked for this color, the seller replies: “Walk along the blue path, find the blue boots, wear them and bring them back.” The monk starts the game again. If blue paint is hidden by someone, the player tries to escape from the monk, and he catches up with him. If you succeed in catching up and making a face, then the monk becomes a “paint”, and the made player becomes a monk. If not, the game starts again with the same driver.
"Wind - breezes"
“Varma-varminet” (with a tambourine)
Contents and rules of the game.
The counting table is used to choose the leader of the game “winds”, the rest of the players are “winds”. The presenter begins to ring the tambourine. If the tambourine rings loudly, then the “winds” quickly run around the area, waving their arms vigorously. If the tambourine rings quietly, then the “winds” slowly spin in place and beautifully, gracefully wave their arms. Anyone who incorrectly follows the rules of the game is excluded. You can repeat the game 3-4 times
Outdoor game "Crow"
Characters: Raven. Stick. Chickens.
Klushka is walking with her chickens in the meadow. Raven comes out to meet her.
Raven: Stick, and stick, give teine ​​lefkscene! (Knuckle, yay, give me chicken!)
Klushka: Af maxsa, warsi, af maxsa! (I won’t give it, raven, I won’t give it!)
Raven: Mon ton Shabatnen salasaine! (I will steal all your children!)
And he begins to catch the chickens one by one.
Klushka (protecting chickens). Wark! Wark!
Raven (catching chickens). Drink! Drink!
When all the chickens have been caught, the game ends.
Game "Carousel"
Children stand in a circle, while holding a hoop or cord with tied ends. The children’s task is to make the correct movements that correspond to the words of the song that the adult reads:
Barely, barely, barely, barely the carousel began to spin, And then, then, then,
Everybody run, run, run
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel
One-two, one-two... So the game is over.
1.Savor, savor, savorne, Balls, balls, rustle. Mele, mele, seat,
Balls, balls, balls 2. Sate, network of deceit,
Lotkak, lotkak, sharomnya.
Fkya-kafta, fkya-kafta,
Lotkas sharomsya sharoma.
After running 2 - 3 laps, you can change direction and gradually slow down the movement to finish the game

Game "Catch the ball"
(“Kundyk oskanti”)
Contents and rules of the game.
Children stand in a circle, after the counting they begin to throw the ball and catch it.

More on the topic

Tyushti Games

The world today is striving for globalization, economic systems are merging in financial ecstasy, and boundaries between countries are blurring. And this process is inexorable. But the main task of any nation is not to lose its face in this international melting pot, to preserve the language and richness of traditions, customs and rituals, the system of values ​​and social ties, and to pass on to the next generation all the splendor of the national culture. After all, the world is beautiful when it is painted in different colors.


Director of the club “Revival of Finno-Ugric military games “Tyushtya” Pavel MIGUNOV told the VS journalist why it is so important today to reconstruct the Mordovian national wrestling and Finno-Ugric competitive traditions.

Revive Mordovian games

Tyushtya is a hero of the Mordovian epic, somewhat reminiscent of the ancient Greek Hercules, says Pavel Migunov. - Tyushtya taught the Mordovians many crafts and founded a state. When the time came to defend themselves from enemies, he gathered people and taught them the art of war. He conducted the first tests for all the men: those who run after him to the high mountain will become ushmans, that is, warriors. Competitions were held among the warriors, and those who won them were appointed Ushmandei - military leaders. After the victory over the enemy, games were held (in Mordovian “nalkhksemat”), where young boys competed in wrestling and weapon skills, measured their strength and prepared themselves for future battles. These were “Tyushtyan nalkhksemat” - Tyushti’s games.

Previously, Mordovian games took place a week after Trinity. Women danced in circles, men competed. Inside the holiday there was a fist fight, wrestling or wall-to-wall combat, that is, all skills were periodically practiced, and each person, in parallel with his main specialty, was a warrior. And now we need to do the same. If we don’t propagate this, the nation will slowly fade away. These are the kind of games I try to organize in Mordovian villages during some holidays. After all, before there were no spectators at the holidays, everyone participated in the event. Now it’s the other way around: the artist performs, people stand and watch. In a national holiday, the main thing is to express yourself emotionally, no matter how well you sing or dance. At the same time, an adult will receive a lot of impressions. In the child’s memory, the concept of folk traditions will be deposited as a bright image. This, I believe, is the most optimal way to preserve folk traditions. Even learning your native language, which sometimes happens under pressure, in my opinion, does not play such a role as observing traditions. People should enjoy national holidays, touch traditions, then everything will be fine.

We need a single national holiday

Each nation has its own traditional set of competitions. For example, running with rockers is included in the Tatar “Sabantuy”, but this does not mean that other peoples did not have such competitions, it just became a tradition among the Tatars, but not among other peoples. By the way, “Sabantuy” is an all-Russian holiday. But the Mordovians, who are scattered throughout Russia, do not have a single national holiday. We need to make a single Mordovian national holiday. If it enters people’s lives and is somehow advertised, then, most likely, people will come here from different regions, maybe they will add something national to their clothes. We need to start with intimate events, but have them in every district. For example, in the Ardatovsky district, where Urusovo is, for example, make it a felt boots day. Let people run, wrestle in felt boots, etc. On the one hand, this will support the craft, on the other hand, it will become the highlight of the area, attract guests, and serve as social advertising. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.

If there were a single national holiday, guests would come to us, competitions and events would be held. This would move national culture forward and prevent it from fading away. In general, the more events are held, the more people are interested. Let me give you an example. This year we have had very fruitful work with the Mordovian Society of the Deaf. It turned out that they are very organized people, they listen to their supervisors. In the summer, when there was a swimming championship among the deaf, athletes from different countries took part in the Mordovian national games. They shot with a bow, threw a knife, an ax, a spear, pulled a stick, lifted a log... Everything took place in Podlesnaya Tavla, where Romashkin’s house-museum is. It is very beautiful there, especially since you can taste national cuisine. Everyone was very pleased. This is the promotion of the Mordovia brand.

Pavel Migunov

Physical education lessons - in ethnic style

Nowadays, every educational institution has a so-called little school, where children are prepared for 1st grade, taught to write, read, and count. I think it would be possible to have another physical education lesson based on national traditions at every little school. This would be good, complete preparation for school. In addition, it is also good for health. Previously, all the children played on the street, ran around, and came home only in the evening, when it got dark. And now children sit more at the computer. This is wrong. Children should move, then there will be no excess weight, and there will be much fewer health problems.

At the moment, a teaching methodology has also been developed. A good direction is a physical education lesson in ethnic style. For now, for example, in the 19th gymnasium I conduct master classes. Everyone sees that the equipment for classes is the simplest: a board, a stick, a rope. Large investments are not required. Children respond very well to such lessons; later the school management will decide whether they need such lessons.

Develop a habit of sports

Now I work with small children - I have a group of preschoolers and a group of primary schoolchildren, grades 1-2. We give strong children the opportunity to realize themselves, and weak ones to better prepare for school. Classes are held at Khimmash, in the sports and recreation center. Anyone can come to us, first see what it is, and then decide whether it’s worth doing. Preschoolers study twice a week, schoolchildren three times a week. Studying folk principles, I came to the conclusion: the presence of parents in classes relieves unnecessary stress. Usually parents are expelled - at school, kindergarten, gym, and I, on the contrary, bring them. We train as a family. As a result, children become both physically and psychologically strong.

Any child can get involved in the activity; it is clear that some are stronger, some are weaker. This is life. Let’s say a group of small children, from 3 to 6 years old, comes to me. One won a couple of fights - he rejoices, then he lost - and then there are such tears! Woe! But it’s normal that in a fight a person can both win and lose. This is the school of life. We need to take advantage of every event. If you win, rejoice; if you lose, think about what you need to do to win next time. So in the end it turns out that no one loses. After all, in this way we prepare the child for school, for life. Losing is a reason for reflection and further action. You need to treat any negative event in a similar way.

In addition, the child can then engage in any sport - basketball, volleyball, football or martial arts. Our methodology allows us to work with preschoolers, develop them, and by grades 1-2, most children can choose a specialization. Others may just come to study. The main thing is to develop the habit of playing sports. In my opinion, every child, especially younger age, should spend 1-2 hours a day in the gym. Children will get used to playing sports and enjoying movement. As adults, it is difficult to start playing sports; children are already accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle, and especially to the computer.

A set of competitions for national holidays

For holidays there is a certain set of competitions. All of them are available and leave no one indifferent.

1. Throwing a knife, ax, or spear at a target for accuracy.

2. Archery for accuracy.

These competitions are reconstructions. A knife, axe, spear and bow were the main set of weapons of Finno-Ugric warriors and hunters. An accuracy competition helps to instill an interest in history among the younger generation.

3. Pulling the stick.

4. Pulling with a hand or finger grip while standing on stumps.

Due to their simplicity and excitement, competitions can be held on any site and at any time without preparation for any age groups.

5. Raising the log by quantity.

6. Throwing a wooden ball or weight at a distance.

7. Throwing a log at a distance.

These competitions were held between strong men and were popular, as they allowed men to show their strength and look decent among their peers and fellow villagers.

8. Run uphill at speed.

This type of competition is taken from the Mordovian national epic “Mastorava”. The epic prince Tyushtya recruited warriors, forcing men to run up a high mountain.

9. Sack fight.

Such fights were held among the youngest and were a preliminary stage for subsequent participation in fights at an older age.

10. Mordovian national wrestling “Tyushtyan prison”.

This type of wrestling is a combination of traditional types of fights in various areas of Mordovian residence. The creation of unified martial arts was based on such traditional competitions as fist fights in the Belinsky district of the Penza region, belt wrestling at the Aksha Kelu festival in the Zubovo-Polyansky district, freestyle wrestling at the Games festival in the Bolsheignatovsky district, and the traditions of hand-to-hand fights in Dubenskoye region of Mordovia.

Mordovian wrestling is wrestling in a Mordovian shirt. Now it is, of course, stylized, but adapted for fighting, made of strong material. This is a capture, it involves a certain set of techniques. The grip allows you to make a jerk, that is, use sambo and judo techniques. But the difference is that folk wrestling was never fought in a prone position: as soon as a throw or fall occurred, the wrestling stops. The winner is determined this way: whoever is on top wins - this is the peculiarity. It doesn’t matter what position the person below is in - on his back, on his side, on his stomach. You need to put the enemy down well and do it twice.

11. Ball game.

Team game. The team consists of 5 to 10 people. The Mordovian ball game resembles “handball” or “rugby”. Purpose of the game: kick the ball into the goal (height 1 meter, width 1.5 meters). The peculiarity of the game is the power struggle of all participants.

Additional photo source: Mordovian Cultural Center

Card index


for older children preschool age

Prepared by the teacher


Mari folk game

Rolling the ball(Meche dene modmash)

Goal and objectives: Develop hand-eye coordination, eye, concentration, and dexterity.

Attributes: felted wool ball

Progress of the game:

The players agree on the order in which they will roll the felted wool ball. On a flat area, at a distance of 3 - 5 m from the line behind which the players are located, a small hole is dug out (its diameter and depth is slightly larger than the ball). The first player rolls the ball, trying to get into the hole. If he hits, he gets one point and rolls the ball again. If the player misses and does not fall into the hole, the next one in line rolls. The first one to score a conditional number of points will win.

Rules of the game:

1. The ball must be rolled, not thrown into the hole.

2. You cannot step beyond the line from which the ball is rolled.

Mari folk game


Goal and objectives: Exercise the ability to act in a team in accordance with the game situation; develop dexterity and speed of reaction.


Progress of the game: The teacher on the site draws two lines at a distance of 3 - 4 m from one another. The players, divided into two teams, stand behind these lines facing each other. One of the comrades playing at his own request and consent shouting “Bilyasha!” runs to the other team, each member of which extends his right hand forward. The person running up takes someone from the opposing team by the hand and tries to pull him across the court behind his line. If he succeeds, he places the prisoner behind him. If he himself ends up outside the line of the enemy team, he becomes its prisoner and is located behind the back of the player who pulled him over to his side. The game continues, now the attacker is sent out by the other team. The game ends when one team attracts all the players of the other team.

Rules of the game .

1. You can only pull an opponent with one hand; you cannot help with the other hand.

2. No one should withdraw their hand extended forward.

3. If a player who has a prisoner is pulled over to his side by a player of the opposing team, then the prisoner is released and returns to his place on the team

Mordovian folk game

Boiler(Kotelso nalksema.)

Goal and objectives: Practice the ability to accurately hit a horizontal target; develop eye, reaction speed, dexterity.

Attributes: sticks 50 - 60 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter.

Progress of the game: Teacher on the site. A deep hole (about 50 cm in diameter) is dug in the ground. Small dimples (ten to twelve pieces) are dug around it, which can be covered with the foot or heel. In the hands of the players there is a round, smooth stick 50 - 60 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter. The leader throws a small ball into the pit-cauldron from a distance of 2 - 3 m. The players must knock the ball out of there. The ball that has flown out of the cauldron is taken by the host and thrown into the cauldron again. Players playing with sticks prevent the ball from getting into the hole. They play this way until the ball hits the cauldron. If the ball is in the cauldron, the players must move from one small hole to another, while the leader must take one of the holes (salok). The one who doesn't get the tag is the one who drives. The game continues.

Rules of the game :

1. The players must knock the ball out without leaving their place.

2. You can move from hole to hole only when the ball hits the pot.

Mordovian folk game

Salki (Varenets pongoma.)

Goal and objectives: Practice moving quickly depending on the game situation, accurately hitting a horizontal target; develop dexterity, concentration and switching attention

Attributes: balls with a diameter of 3 – 4cm

Progress of the game : The tag holes are dug according to the size of the ball (3 - 4 cm). The players stand near the tag, and the leader, from a distance of 0.5 - 1 m, rolls the ball into one of the holes located not far from each other. Whoever hits the tag with the ball, he takes it, all the children scatter to the sides, and he must hit one of the players with the ball. The player who was hit by the ball becomes the leader.

Rules of the game : You can throw the ball only at the feet of the players and only from a place.

Mordovian folk game

Circular (Kunsema ball.)

Goal and objectives: Practice throwing the ball accurately; develop accuracy, eye, speed, dexterity, coordination abilities.

Attributes: ball

Progress of the game:

The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, distributed evenly, try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve; if he misses, he leaves the circle. When the ball has hit all the children, the players change places.

Rules of the game :

1. The ball can only be caught from the air, from the ground does not count.

2. The greasy ones leave the circle.

3. A player who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle.

Tatar folk game

We sell pots (Chulmak ueny)

Goal and objectives: Practice the ability to accelerate; develop speed qualities, spatial orientation, dexterity.

Progress of the game:

The players are divided into two groups. Potty children, kneeling or sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each pot stands a player - the owner of the pot, with his hands behind his back. The driver stands behind the circle. The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation: - Hey, buddy, sell the pot!

- Buy it.

- How many rubles should I give you?

- Give me three.

The driver touches the pot three times (or as much as the owner agreed to sell the pot for, but no more than three rubles), and they begin running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle three times). Whoever runs faster to an empty space in the circle takes that place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game :

1. You are allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it.

2. Runners do not have the right to touch other players.

3. The driver starts running in any direction.

4. If he started running to the left, the spotted one should run to the right.

Tatar folk game

Throwing from below (Bynai akhst)

Goal and objectives: Practice throwing bags into the distance with one hand from below; develop strength in the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle.

Attributes: sandbags according to the number of participants in the game.

Progress of the game:

The game is as follows: take a bag of sand in your right hand, lowered along the body, and try to throw it from below as far forward as possible.

The winner is the one who throws the bag further.

Rules of the game . When repeating the game, the bag is thrown with the left hand.

Tatar folk game

Gray wolf (Sary bure)

Goal and objectives: Exercise the ability to start running after a sound signal; develop reaction speed, spatial orientation, dexterity, determination, attention.

Progress of the game: One of the players is chosen as a gray wolf. Squatting, the gray wolf hides behind the line at one end of the area (in the bushes or in thick grass). The rest of the players are on the opposite side. The distance between the drawn lines is 20-30m. At the signal, everyone goes into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. The leader comes out to meet them and asks (the children answer in unison):

- Where are you rushing, friends?

- We are going into the dense forest.

- What do you want to do there?

- We'll pick raspberries there.

- Why do you need raspberries, children?

- We'll make jam.

- What if a wolf meets you in the forest?

- The gray wolf will not catch us!

After this roll call, everyone comes up to the place where the gray wolf is hiding and says in unison:

I'll pick berries and make jam,

My dear grandmother will have a treat.

There are a lot of raspberries here, it’s impossible to pick them all,

And there are no wolves or bears to be seen at all!

After words are lost - the gray wolf gets up, and the children quickly run over the line. The wolf chases them and tries to tarnish someone. He takes the prisoners to the lair - to where he himself was hiding.

Rules of the game .

1. The person portraying the gray wolf cannot jump out, and all players cannot run away before the words are spoken.

2. You can catch those running away only up to the house line.

Tatar folk game

Skok-jump (Kuchtem-kuch)

Goal and objectives: Practice the ability to jump on one leg in different directions, drawing attention to the correct landing; develop speed and strength qualities of the legs, speed and precision of movement, agility.

Progress of the game:

The teacher draws a large circle on the ground with a diameter of 15 - 25 m, inside it there are small circles with a diameter of 30 - 35 cm for each participant in the game. The driver stands in the center of a large circle.

The driver says: “Jump!” After this word, the players quickly change places (in circles), jumping on one leg. The driver tries to take the place of one of the players, also jumping on one leg. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

Rules of the game :

1. You cannot push each other out of the circles.

2. Two players cannot be in the same circle.

3. When changing places, the circle is considered to be the one who joined it earlier.

Tatar folk game

Firecrackers (Abakle)

Goal and objectives: Practice fast running, the ability to accelerate and finish; develop speed qualities, reaction speed, agility.

Progress of the game:

On opposite sides of the room or area are marked with two parallel lines two cities. The distance between them is 20-30m. All children line up in one line near one of the cities: the left hand is on the belt, the right hand is extended forward with the palm up.

The driver is selected. He approaches those standing near the city and says the words:

Clap and clap - the signal is like this:

I'm running, and you're following me!

With these words, the driver lightly slaps someone on the palm. The driver and the stained one run to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will remain in the new city, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game :

1. Until the driver touches someone’s palm, you cannot run.

2. While running, players should not touch each other

Tatar folk game

Take a seat (Bush uryn)

Goal and objectives: Exercise the ability to run quickly in a given direction; develop reaction speed and speed of movement, spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the driver, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver follows the circle in the opposite direction and says:

I chirp like a magpie,

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose,

I'll slap you on the shoulder -


Having said run, the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in the circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle first takes a free place, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game :

1. The circle should stop immediately when you hear the word run.

2. You are only allowed to run in a circle, without crossing it.

3. While running, you must not touch those standing in a circle.

Chuvash folk game

Predator in the Sea (Shotkan kayak tinesre)

Goal and objectives: Practice jumping over a rotating rope; develop speed and strength qualities of the legs, agility, coordination abilities.

Attributes: rope 2-3m long

Progress of the game:

Up to ten children participate in the game. One of the players is chosen as a predator, the rest are fish. To play you need a rope 2-3m long. A loop is made at one end and placed on a post or peg. The player playing the role of a predator takes the free end of the rope and runs in a circle so that the rope is taut and the hand with the rope is at knee level. When the rope approaches, the fish children need to jump over it.

Rules of the game :

1. Fish touched by a rope leave the game.

2. The child, playing the role of a predator, starts running at the signal.

3. The rope must be constantly taut.

Chuvash folk game

Moon or sun (Uyohpa hevel)

Goal and objectives: Develop muscle strength of the upper and lower extremities, agility, endurance.

Progress of the game:

Two players are chosen to be captains. They agree among themselves which of them is the moon and which is the sun. The others, who had previously been standing aside, approach them one by one. Quietly, so that others do not hear, everyone says what he chooses: the moon or the sun. They also quietly tell him whose team he should join. So everyone is divided into two teams, which line up in columns - the players behind their captain, clasping the person in front by the waist. Teams pull each other across the line between them. The tug-of-war is fun and emotional, even when the teams are unequal.

Rules of the game . The loser is the team whose captain crossed the line during the tug-of-war.

Chuvash folk game

Who do you want? (Tili-ram?)

Goal and objectives: Practice the ability to quickly gain speed; develop agility, speed, endurance.

Progress of the game:

The game involves two teams. Players of both teams line up facing each other at a distance of 10 - 15m. The first team says in chorus: “Tili-ram, tili-ram?” (“Who do you want, who do you want?”) The other team names any player from the first team. He runs and tries to break through the chain of the second team holding hands with his chest or shoulder. Then the teams change roles. After challenges, teams pull each other over the line.

Rules of the game :

1. If the runner manages to break the chain of the other team, then he takes one of the two players between whom he broke into his team.

2. If the runner has not broken the chain of the other team, then he himself remains in this team.

3. In advance, before the start of the game, the number of command calls is set.

4. The winning team is determined after a tug of war.

Chuvash folk game

Bat (Syara sersi)

Target: Practice the ability to catch a target on the fly (in the air); develop speed of decision-making, dexterity, friendliness.

Attributes: pinwheel - bat.

Progress of the game:

Two thin planks or slivers are knocked down or tied crosswise. It turns out to be a pinwheel - a bat. Players are divided into two teams and choose captains. The captains stand in the center of a large area, the rest - around them. One of the captains is the first to throw the bat high into the air. Everyone else tries to catch her while falling while still in the air or grab her already on the ground.

Rules of the game :

1. It is not permitted to take away a bat that has already been caught.

2. The one who catches the bat gives it to the captain of his team, who gets the right to a new throw.

3. The captain's second roll gives the team a point.

4. They play until they get a certain number of points.

Chuvash folk game

Disperse! (Sireler!)

Goal and objectives: Practice running in all directions, the ability to accelerate and slow down; develop dexterity, speed, orientation in the space of the site.

Progress of the game:

The players stand in a circle and join hands. They walk in a circle to the words of one of their favorite songs. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Suddenly he says: “Scatter!” - and after that he runs to catch the running players.

Rules of the game :

1. The driver can take a certain number of steps (by agreement, depending on the size of the circle, usually three to five steps).

2. The salty one becomes the driver.

3. You can run only after the word disperse.

Russian folk game


Goal and objectives: Practice the ability to move quickly in a given direction and perform acceleration; develop speed and accuracy of movement, dexterity, and honesty.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players is Zarya. She walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Zarya - lightning, red maiden,
I walked across the field, dropped my keys,
Golden keys, blue ribbons,
The rings are entwined - she went for water!

With the last words, “Zarya” carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players. He, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run into different sides in a circle. Whoever is left without a place becomes Zarya.

Rules of the game :

1. The players do not turn while the driver chooses who should put the ribbon on their shoulder.

2. Runners must not cross the circle.

Russian folk game


Goal and objectives: Develop creativity, endurance, combinatorics of movements.

Progress of the game:

Before the game starts, all players say:

Firstborns, firstborns,

The little pigeons were flying,

On fresh dew,

In someone else's lane,

There are cups, tails,

Honey, sugar - Silence!

When the last word is said, everyone must remain silent. The presenter tries to make the players laugh with movements, funny words and nursery rhymes, and comic poems. If someone laughs or says one word, he gives the presenter a forfeit. At the end of the game, the children redeem their forfeits: at the request of the players, they sing songs. They read poetry, dance, perform interesting movements. You can play a forfeit immediately after you have committed a fine.

Rules of the game :

1. The leader is not allowed to touch the players.

2. All players should have different forfeits.

Russian folk game

« Zarya"

Goal and objectives: Practice running in a certain direction with acceleration; develop observation, dexterity, volitional efforts.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says: Dawn - Dawn. Red maiden. I walked across the field. I dropped the keys. The keys are gold. Blue ribbons, entwined rings. Let's go get some water! With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.

Rules of the game:

1. Runners must not cross the circle.

2. The players do not turn while the driver chooses who should put the ribbon on their shoulder.

Russian folk game

"Needle, thread and knot."

Goal and objectives: Exercise the ability to act in a team, coordinating your actions with the actions of other participants; develop determination, endurance, honesty.

Progress of the game:

The players stand in a circle and join hands. Using a counting table, select “Needle”, “Thread” and “Knot”.

The heroes, one after another, then run into the circle, then run out of it. If “Thread” or “Knot” break away (they fall behind or run out incorrectly or run into a circle), then this group is considered a loser. Other heroes are chosen.

The winner is the trio in which the children moved quickly, deftly, and kept up with each other.

Rules of the game. “Needle”, “Thread”, “Knot” must be let in and out of the circle without delay, and the circle must be closed immediately.

Target: introducing children to the culture of the peoples of Russia.


  1. The influence of folk games on the development of preschool children.
  2. Introduction of folk games into work with preschool children.
  3. Organization and conduct of folk outdoor games with preschool teachers.

A well-known saying: if you want to know the soul of a people, take a closer look at how and what their children play with. The game accompanies a person from the cradle. Scientists have long noticed that it is children's games that help visually imagine hoary antiquity. Much of what was characteristic of everyday life has disappeared over the centuries, but something has been preserved only in children's games.

A folk game is a game implemented on the principles of voluntariness, spontaneity under special conditions of agreement, popular and widespread at a given historical moment in the development of society and reflecting its characteristics, undergoing changes under various influences: socio-political, economic, national. The folk game, being a phenomenon of folk culture, can serve as one of the means of introducing children to folk traditions, which, in turn, represents the most important aspect of the education of spirituality, the formation of a system of universal values; In the current situation of social development, turning to folk origins and the past is very timely.

The folk game contributes to the development of the necessary moral qualities, always in conjunction with qualities related to physical, mental, labor and other aspects of culture. The most various games can be used to develop a culture of communication in preschool children. Thus, by including folk games in the educational process, the teacher unobtrusively and purposefully introduces children into the world of folk culture, teaching children the culture of communication.

The peculiarity of folk play as an educational tool is that it is included as a leading component in folk traditions: family, work, family, holiday games and others. This allows an adult to unobtrusively and purposefully introduce children into the world of folk culture, ethics, and human relations. It is no coincidence that the gaming experience of preschool children certainly includes a variety of folk jokes, game counting rhymes, folk active, comic and other games with peers and adults.

Children's life has its own traditions. One of them is the borrowing of games by children from each other, and by the younger generation from the older generation. Who invented these games (“Geese and Swans”, “Kite and Chickens”, etc.)? When did they arise? They were probably created by the people in the same way as songs, fairy tales, sayings, etc. For this reason they are called folk.

A whole range of children's games are based on combining song with movement. These are round dance games. IN similar games the action is carried out in rhythm, words and texts, here the child dramatizes what is sung in the song. The song is closely related to the folk game.

Folk pedagogy perfectly defined the sequence of games from infancy to adulthood. At the same time, folk games are very flexible in terms of age. For example, children of junior, senior preschool and school age willingly play “Zhmurki” and “Cat and Mouse”.

Folk outdoor games influence the development of will, moral feelings, development of intelligence, speed of reaction, and physically strengthen the child. Through the game, a sense of responsibility to the team and the ability to act in a team is developed. At the same time, the spontaneity of the game and the absence of didactic tasks make these games attractive and “fresh” for children. Apparently, such widespread use of folk outdoor games ensures their preservation and transmission from generation to generation.

Folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, and competitive fervor; the movements are precise and imaginative, often accompanied by unexpected funny moments, tempting and beloved by children counting rhymes, drawing lots, and nursery rhymes. They retain their artistic charm, aesthetic significance and constitute the most valuable, undeniable gaming folklore.

The main condition for the successful introduction of folk outdoor games into the lives of preschoolers there has always been and remains a deep knowledge of and fluency in a vast repertoire of games, as well as pedagogical guidance techniques. The teacher, creatively using the game as an emotional and imaginative means of influencing children, awakens interest and imagination, achieving active performance of game actions. Folk games, in combination with other educational means, represent the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection.

Using folk games in your work, it is necessary to simultaneously implement the following tasks:

  • Introduce folk holidays included in the Russian folk calendar; with the history of their occurrence; cultivate a desire to adopt and preserve folk traditions.
  • Develop coordination of movements, muscle tone, artistic skills.
  • Contribute to the development of initiative, organizational and creative abilities.

Teachers are offeredthe following games:

1. Russian folk game “Geese and Swans”

Purpose of the game: to train children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to act quickly and help each other.

“Participants in the game choose a wolf and an owner, the rest are geese-swans. On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and geese live, on the other - a wolf lives under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field to take a walk and browse some green grass. Geese go quite far from home. After some time, the owner calls the geese. There is a roll call between the owner and the geese:

- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ga.
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- Geese-swans! Home!
- Gray wolf under the mountain!
- What is he doing there?
- Ryabchikov is stinging.
- Well, run home!

The geese run into the house, the wolf tries to catch them. Those caught leave the game. The game ends when almost all the geese are caught. The last remaining goose, the most agile and fastest, becomes the wolf.”

Rules of the game. The geese should “fly” all over the site. The wolf can catch them only after saying: “Well, run home!”

2. Mordovian folk game “Circular”

The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, distributed evenly, try to hit the children in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve; if he misses, he leaves the circle. When the ball has hit all the children, the players change places.

Rules of the game. The ball can only be caught from the air, from the ground does not count. The “greasy” ones leave the circle. A child who catches balls that hit a player outside the circle remains in the circle.

3. Tatar folk game “Clappers”

On opposite sides of the room or area, two cities are marked with two parallel lines. The distance between them is 20-30 m. All children line up near one of the cities in one line: the left hand is on the belt, the right hand is extended forward with the palm up. The driver is selected. He approaches those standing near the city and says the words:

“Clap and clap the signal is like this: I I’m running, and you’re following me!”

With these words, the driver lightly slaps someone on the palm. The driver and the stained one run to the opposite city. Whoever runs faster will remain in the new city, and the one who lags behind becomes the driver.

Rules of the game. Until the driver touches someone's palm, you cannot run. While running, players should not touch each other.

4. Chuvash folk game “Disperse”

The players stand in a circle and join hands. They walk in a circle to the words of one of their favorite songs. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Suddenly he says: “Scatter!” - and after that he runs to catch the running players.

Rules of the game. The driver can take a certain number of steps (by agreement, depending on the size of the circle, usually three to five steps). The salty one becomes the driver. You can run only after the word disperse.

In conclusion, educators are invited to use in their work the mini-collection “Folk games in working with preschool children” (

Oksana Maltseva

Russia is a multinational state, so from preschool age it is necessary to familiarize children not only with the culture of their own people, but also to a respectful, kind attitude towards representatives of other cultures, towards their customs and morals.

Play in any form is the leading activity of preschoolers and therefore a lot can be achieved through play. And most of all, children love, of course, outdoor games and, offering them games of different nations, we thereby develop interest in people of different nationalities.

I live in a beautiful Republic Mordovia. The indigenous people of my region - Mordovians(Erzyans and Mokshans) U Mordovians, like others peoples, have their own national games which have centuries-old traditions. They have survived and survived to this day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation.

National Mordovian games closely related to songs, folk aphorisms and catchphrases.

I offer you, colleagues, descriptions of several Mordovian national games. Perhaps you will be interested in them and offer them for children in kindergarten to play with. Data games recommended for children of senior preschool age by the program "We are in We live in Mordovia»

"Into the keys"

("Panjomnese"- erz., "Pantemasa"- moksh.)

Five people playing. A square is drawn on the ground, four players sit in the corners of the house, and the fifth stands in the middle. He approaches one of the seated players and asks:

Uncle (aunt, do you have the keys?

He answers by pointing to neighbor:

Over there at my uncle's (aunts) ask.

So the driver goes around all four. Last one for him advises:

Look in the middle!

The driver moves to the middle, and at this time the others jump up and change places. The driver tries to quickly take someone's place, the fifth player is again left without a place. And the game repeats from the beginning.

Rules games. You can change places only when the leader moves to the middle. The corner is occupied by the one who got there first. If someone does not change his place, he becomes the driver.

"To the chickens"

("Sarasquese"- erz., "Sarascax"- moksh.)

The players are divided into two groups. Children - chickens, sitting on the grass, form a circle. Behind each chicken there is a player - the owner of the chicken. The driver walks in a circle and decides who to take the chicken from. He approaches one of them and touches her head. Immediately the driver and the owner of the chicken begin to race in a circle. Whichever one of them comes running first becomes the owner, and the remaining one becomes the driver. The game continues.

Rules games. You cannot interfere with those running around the players. The owner will be the one who takes the place first. You can run the race only after the driver touches the chicken with his hand.


("Kunsema Ball"- erz., "Topsa nalkhksema"- moksh.)

The players draw a large circle, divide into two equal teams and agree who will be in the circle and who will be outside the circle. Those who remain outside the circle, distributed evenly, try to hit those in the circle with the ball. If someone in the circle manages to catch the ball, he tries to hit any child outside the circle with it. If he succeeds, then he has a point in reserve; if he misses, he leaves the circle. When the ball has hit all the children, the players change places.

Rules games. The ball can only be caught from the air, from the ground does not count. The rest leave the circle. A child who catches the ball and hits a player outside the circle remains in the circle.

"Heaven - heaven"

For games choose two children - gates; the rest of the players are mothers and children. The gate children raise their clasped hands up and They say:

Paradise - heaven. I'm skipping

And I leave the last ones.

The mother herself will pass

And he will see the children through.

At this time, the children, having become a train, follow their mother through the gate. The gate children, with their hands down, separate the last child and in a whisper ask him two words - the password. (for example, one child is a shield, the other is an arrow). The responder chooses one of these words and joins the team of the child whose password he named. When the mother is left alone, the gate loudly asks her: shield or arrow? The mother answers and joins one of the teams. Gate children stand facing each other, holding hands. The remaining members of each team in a line cling to their half of the gate. The resulting two teams pull each other. The winning team is considered the winner.

Rules games: Children should not eavesdrop or give out the password.
