Quest games for a group of 40 people. Interesting quest tasks

Quest tasks are a very interesting and popular entertainment. Players are given various riddles and clues, with the help of which they move from one point of a given route to the next, receiving pleasant surprises for this.

Questions asked to participants are often united by one topic that the quest is dedicated to. The main requirement for their composition is diversity and unusualness. The degree of fun of the game depends on how difficult they are. But when coming up with clues, it is also important not to go too far and not make them overly complex.

Main classification

The simplest tasks for quests in terms of level of preparation are questions in notes. They are encrypted on pieces of paper that participants need to find or earn at each stage of the competition. There are many varieties of them.

    1. The name of the next point of movement is cut into separate letters, which, when put together correctly, participants will know where to go next.
    2. Use of puzzles and charades. They can combine pictures, numbers, letters, which, if interpreted correctly, give clues about the further route of movement.
    3. Riddles in logical series. For example: “Heat comes from the oven, but where does the cold come from?”
    4. An option in the best spy traditions is tips written on paper using melted wax. To find out the answer, you need to color the leaf with colored pencils.
    5. Placement of signs along the entire route. But these do not necessarily have to be ordinary arrows. You can use flowers of a certain type or traces of an animal. Tasks are often done in this form for For example, you can tell them: “Follow in the footsteps of the lion cub and you will find a pleasant surprise.”
    6. The phrase that makes up the clue may contain mixed words. Players need to place them in the correct order. This is the only way they will know what to do next.
    7. The assignment is written backwards and must be read correctly.
    8. The hint is applied to paper using lemon juice or milk. Along with the leaf, participants are given a candle and a lighter, thanks to the heat from the fire of which the words should appear and direct the players to the next point.
    9. Digital encryption of words is used. For example, instead of each letter it is written serial number in the alphabet. The clue must be guessed or won at one of the previous stages.
    10. As a task for an indoor quest, you can use an object located in the room in several copies, one of which contains hidden instructions regarding further actions. This could be a book, a box, a nightstand and the like.
    11. Another interesting option is to use clues written in the form. Decoding them is not an easy task, but it is very exciting and interesting.
    12. Riddles can be encrypted using pictures, each of which symbolizes part of the name of the next destination.
    13. Messages are also placed with magnets on the refrigerator door.
    14. Notes are hidden inside cookies, candies and other products.

In order for participants to successfully complete all stages of the competition and get the maximum amount of pleasure from it, the tips must be interesting and original. For victory in each individual stage and the game as a whole, you need to prepare prizes.

Since the tasks for quests directly depend on the chosen topic of the competition, we will consider the most popular options for conducting it.

You can get confused even within four walls

You don't have to go outside to play this game. The tasks for the quest indoors are no less exciting than those outside. There are several varieties of this type of game.

  1. Escape from the room. Just by the name itself it is clear where this competition is held. Its essence is that participants are locked in an entire apartment or a separate room, and with the help of clues they must find the key to get out of it. This is a very unusual and interesting way to entertain guests who come, for example, to celebrate a birthday.
  2. Tasks for quests in the office Great for surprising your boss. If the company is small, each employee can come up with one puzzle for the boss and thoroughly enjoy watching him rush around the building in search of a solution and his gift. The office is an ideal place to hide a lot of clues, solving which will be an unforgettable entertainment.
  3. Interesting examples of tasks for a quest in a shopping center. And if it is also large, you can organize a truly unforgettable game in it. After all, in large shopping complexes you can often get lost, even just while shopping, and what can we say about looking for clues and solving puzzles! For example, you could give participants a photo of a dress and they would have to find out its price. But first you need to find a boutique that sells this particular model of clothing item. Alternatively, hide the leaf from next task in some kind of jacket, which will also need to be found from the photo. But in the case of this task, you will need to warn the store staff in advance so that no one accidentally sells this item to anyone.

We turn on our brains to the fullest

Who said that intellectuals can only be measured by their knowledge? They can be no less nimble and active than others. If you have a few of these bookworms among your friends, get them out of their textbook-strewn rooms and into the fresh air.

Arrange for them a quest in the style of the TV shows “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “The Smartest” and “What? Where? When?" Prepare encrypted hint messages for knowledge of various facts from history, geography, physics, biology and any other sciences. Make sure that the answer to each question serves as a clue to your next destination.

You can also organize a similar test for your significant other on the anniversary of your relationship or on any other occasion. Only in this case, questions must be tied to dates, places and events from life together.

If your "victim" loves the TV series "The Big Bang Theory", involve its main character Sheldon Cooper in the case. The confusing notes, written in an abstruse style in the style of this eccentric physicist, will greatly amuse any connoisseur of intellectual humor and will make him rack his brains thoroughly over the clues.

For the little ones

Children's tasks for a quest game can be no less exciting and interesting than adults. To organize such a competition for your child and his friends, use your favorite cartoon or computer game characters. Write your questions on pieces of paper with a picture of a particular character. You can use images from one cartoon, organizing the entire quest in its style, or from several at once.

A great source of inspiration can be computer game"Klondike". Quests and tasks invented on its basis consist of searching for various artifacts related to the theme of the Wild West. For greater realism, children can be dressed up or fully dressed up in the best traditions of Westerns.

Participants can go in search of treasure, following the directions of the map. On it you will depict several streets closest to the house, designing it in the style of the Klondike game. Quests and tasks of this type involve searching for treasure, opening hiding places, asking friends for help, etc. This adventure will bring kids a lot of joy and pleasant gifts. Any holiday with such a game will become an unforgettable event in the life of every child.

“Klondike”, the quests and tasks in which are very exciting and varied, is far from the only option interesting game. A moving quiz in the style of the movie “Pirates” would also be great. Caribbean Sea" At the final destination of the journey, a man dressed as Jack Sparrow will be waiting for them, who will present the treasure to the winner.

Hiding the answers away

You can come up with a wide variety of interesting tasks for the quest. For example, use your old suitcase and hide the grand prize in it. And let the participants collect the code that will help open it, one by one, throughout the game.

To come up with tasks for quests in the apartment, use a deck of cards. Scratch directions for the next step on the end of it and give it a good shuffle. To make out the message, players will have to put the cards in the right order. Give them a hint that says something like “Hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds will reveal to you the secrets of the future.” This will let players know what cards they should be looking for and what order they should put them in.

We present gifts in an original way

To give an unusual gift to the birthday boy, you can also use a quest. Birthday tasks can be very different. For example, you can arrange a whole trip around the city in search of a present. The end point will be a dressing room with a bunch of boxes, in one of which the treasured souvenir will be hidden, and to find it, you will have to open them all.

You can also arrange an exciting quest around the city, the tasks of which will lead the birthday boy to a place where a surprise congratulatory party awaits him. Here's how you can start your journey. Leave a piece of cake in your friend’s room the night before with a note containing something like this: “Well, your birthday has come. Today everything will be for you, but to get the treats prepared, you will have to work hard. After all, nothing in this life comes easy. And even your holiday is no exception. To start, dress comfortably, eat some cake, and recharge your energy with some coffee. You’ll soon find out what to do next.”

If you are going to give the birthday boy some clothes or jewelry, you can leave the following message in the coffee can: “I hope you liked the cake and you finally woke up completely. If yes - well done! Now take something stylish with you and go in search of your happiness.” Even if there is no surprise among the things, you can simply hide a note in the closet with further instructions.

If you want to give a mobile phone as a birthday present in an unusual way, let the participant receive one number at each stage of the game. They will consist of a phone number, by calling which, in the end the birthday person will find his gift.

We fight the insidious numbers

Interesting tasks for a quest you can come up with numbers using numbers in a variety of ways. These can be either the most basic tasks like counting the number of steps in a house, or sophisticated puzzles. You can encrypt the code in a magazine or book. Participants will first have to guess the name of the required publication, and then use the given page, line and word numbers to find a clue to the next action.

Quest tasks also often consist of guessing the phone number of the person to whom email the key to the next step has arrived. To guess the treasured numbers, you need to find information on the Internet as quickly as possible about the height, age of stars or dates of famous and not so famous events. Such a puzzle might look like this.

A good example

“Are you finally here? I can’t even believe that I finally made it! I am sure that you will not go further, because this task is clearly not up to you. The fact is that the necessary code was sent to one person, whose name I will not say. You can only contact him by phone, but you won’t get his number either. Whether you like it or not, you will have to guess it. So the first number is Arnold Schwarzenegger's weight in grams, you need the second number. Next is the fourth number from the year of birth of Leonardo DiCaprio. Then - the second growth figure of his Wolf of Wall Street co-star. Renee Zellweger's birthday month. Then - the second half of Penelope Cruz's foot size. And the last number is the date when Jason Statham's girlfriend was born. May the great star expert Google help you!

Examples of tasks for a quest of this type can be encrypted as your heart desires, and use any wording that comes to your mind. Since execution of this assignment involves the help of an Internet search engine, you can ask questions of any complexity. It is also not forbidden to mention stars in whose biographies your friend-player is not very strong. But to make it even more interesting for him to look for answers, you can ask for information about his idols.

Hollywood to the rescue!

Tasks for quests in the office and on the street can be organized in the style of any films and TV series of the group of people for whom the game is being played. You can come up with a myriad of riddle options.

For example, you can use the “Men in Black” theme in a very interesting way by starting the competition with the following note: “Greetings, Earthling! We, Agent K and Agent J, need your help. We have detected it coming but have not yet identified the planet from which it was sent. This could be a warning to people about alien invasion to Earth, so you need to act very quickly. The message is encrypted. The best of our agents are struggling to decipher it, but they can’t do it without you. We have parts of the message, but without help we cannot reconstruct all its contents. Start searching the entire text immediately! You will be Agent M and will receive all the necessary data from Agent B. Don’t forget that the fate of the planet is in your hands! See you later!

A sea of ​​topics

An interesting hunt for monsters can be organized during a quest in the style of the series “Supernatural”. For lovers of royal intrigue, the ideal option is the Game of Thrones competition. And for the fans " The Walking Dead“An unforgettable surprise will be meeting a zombie apocalypse on the streets of the city.

“The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, “Transformers”, “Fast and the Furious”, “Batman”... This list can be continued indefinitely, because any popular film is simply a storehouse of facts that can be used to write riddles. The same can be said about online entertainment. For example, the game “Klondike” is perfect for this purpose; its quests and tasks will make the holiday unforgettable.

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Popular categories of quests in Moscow

Quests for up to 30 people in Moscow

  • about a month ago

    The game is just great! Interest and excitement remained throughout gameplay! Very exciting!

  • about 2 months ago

    A group of 25 people attended the event. I want to emphasize that it is an event, not a quest, but a theatrical production, a show (as it is actually written on the 2048 website itself! and this is the main point in choosing a game, and, accordingly, in its perception. Because everywhere it is presented as a quest , and we ourselves didn’t really delve into the description on the site itself, so for the entire 2 hours we were just waiting for some kind of intrigue, riddles, active action... None of this happened, hence more than half of the disappointed players, on whose behalf I am writing. Objectively : a very atmospheric place, the scenery is cool, just wow-wow, the actors played at 5+ - well done! But.. There is a lack of some drive, action and intrigue. A lot of absolutely meaningless actions, like the marriage of couples (what was this for? ), why were they given a stencil in the cell, but not even given the opportunity to use it? Is there no specific purpose? logical problems.. The first half is generally aimless wandering.. In general, we were not impressed at all :(

  • 2 months ago

    We were at a relative’s anniversary in Moscow and couldn’t even imagine that instead of the usual feast we would end up at a game like Quest. Since there were no small children among the participants, they almost unanimously chose the quest in the historical museum. Thank you to the children for being with us and their answers were more often correct, and we, adults, already tried our best))))). Brainstorm and adrenaline in one bottle! After the quest we continued to celebrate birthdays in the restaurant and spent the whole evening sharing our impressions!!! Got a charge positive emotions and remembered a lot of forgotten information from the school curriculum. Thanks to the presenters from Quest Lab, it was cool!

Elena Kaldorkina
August 20, 2019 Quest “Quarantine in a House”

I received enormous pleasure from this quest, although I am very far from medicine. But I love this series, so when my friends suggested going to Quarantine in Da House, I knew for sure that it was Cool. White coats, the hospital interior, House’s voice - completely immerses you in the quest. Plus different medical equipment and distribution of roles. Be sure to go - it's superb.

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Alena Limanskaya
July 9, 2019 Quest “Hide and Seek 2.0 Kids”

We went to play hide and seek in the dark with the children. Delight! The game actually takes place in complete darkness in adult mode. For children 11-12 years old there was special lighting and glowing lasers and drawings. Lots of labyrinths and passages. The children played with such enthusiasm that they did not notice how time had passed. Indeed, very original and mysterious. We'll definitely go again!

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Mia Lounova
June 23, 2019 Quest “Hide and Seek 2.0 Kids”

If you need to organize a children's birthday that is not boring, and at the same time not stressful for adults, this is definitely the place to go. The children finally looked up from their screens and played hide and seek for an hour, and then discussed it for several more hours. Safety is very important for children's games - and here everything is excellent too - soft floors, smoothed corners, helmets on the head, an administrator who monitors the progress of the game.

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Victoria Vladimirovna
June 21, 2019 Quest “The Mystery of the Flying Dutchman”

An excellent adventure quest with logical, although sometimes tricky, riddles. I would classify the level as intermediate, but at the same time it is quite suitable for both beginners and teenagers. A special “bravo” for the surroundings - there are rooms in which you get pleasure regardless of whether you leave or not - and “Dutch” is one of them. Well, for the fans pirate legends and films - definitely a must!

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Sergey Travkin
May 27, 2019 City quest “Magic Tsaritsino”

Last weekend my friends and I walked through Tsaritsyno park, so as not to wander aimlessly, we decided to take on the “Magic Tsaritsyno” quest. It ended up being a very nice walk. And they walked through the whole park and guessed all sorts of sfix riddles and looked for the gods. We had a fun time. The quest is not difficult.

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Alena Titova
May 23, 2019 City quest "American Uncle's Inheritance"

Friends gave it for my birthday!
In the park we were met by a decent guy in a suit and tie.
What I didn’t learn about my American uncle. Great job on your legs and brains😘🤪. And the cafe near the park turned out to be quite useful after such a walk. I remember that birthday for a long time. 😘🤗

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Nick Markin
May 17, 2019 City quest "Adventurers of the Caribbean"

One of the few quests that we have already completed twice and think that perhaps we will go through it again later. Each time we found something new. I think next time we’ll go in several teams and organize a competition.

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Ilya Pantyukhin
May 14, 2019 Quest “Transformer quest HEXA”

The first quest we visited on our quest tour of Moscow. Completely lived up to expectations about myself. Unfortunately, it is closing soon, but will be reborn as Hex2. Now the details.

In almost every review I write how much I miss riddles. And I often underestimate the rating for this shortcoming. And I would like to say that there is a Klondike of mysteries here, but it is not so. Of course, the riddles are interesting, especially the final one. But their whole charm is not in quantity or complexity, but in addition to the atmosphere. Even search puzzles no longer seem like a routine, but organically (or almost) fit into the general convoy.

Atmosphere and Story.
We chose almost all quests based on the picture. AND this quest immediately grabbed my attention. It's like you're stepping into a less dark version of the hypercube from the movie of the same name. The plot, by the way, is the same - you need to restart the hex and get out. But it changes for any of your actions. Transforms. The complete symmetry of the room along 6 axes will bring special joy to aesthetes.

Clean + they provide shoe covers.

The quest is tiny. There are riddles to find. And although I can recommend it to experienced teams, it will not provide any challenge for them.

Great quest. I would advise beginners to go for something larger. This quest is more for experienced quest lovers to diversify their visual range. 2-3 people – a comfortable team composition. 4 will also fit, but, honestly, if not for a couple of tasks, I would say that you need to go strictly solo to consolidate the effect of the atmosphere.
I'm waiting for Hexa2. I hope that by our next visit it will be ready or not yet closed, depending on which way you look at it.

Two years have passed since the last classification of quests in my interpretation. During this time, some games have changed beyond recognition, others have disappeared, others are completely new, no one really knows anything about them.

Before you decide to order a quest (and I hope that you will do this on the “Holiday Again” website), carefully read this table. The word “quest” refers to events that are completely different in meaning, let’s try to understand them.

Here are examples of quests in Moscow that we can organize (on the left under the picture is the recommended number of players, completion time, approximate cost per person, team or entire team):

Several quest rooms with a buffet room (for companies of up to 40 people)

All quest rooms are immediately closed for your company so that there are no outside visitors. The cost does not depend on the number of players - just all the premises are yours for 3-5 hours.

Here are our 4 suggestions:

from 20 to 40 people
minimum 3 hours (from 24,000 per hour)
in November and December the price increases

1. 6 rooms, buffet, Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station

6 amazing quests, 60 minutes each. There is no papier-mâché or drywall in these rooms. All interior details and props are made of stone, metal and wood. In the "Egyptian Pyramid", for example, there are 4 tons of sand... The rooms are stuffed with mechanical, electronic and magnetic locks, each room consists of several rooms with different designs.

There is an area for organizing a buffet (from RUB 1,500 per person)

"Banquet" quest

The cost depends on the number of participants, the duration of the event and the set of show numbers. Leave your requests, we will offer an interesting option for your event.

Why is this format interesting? Your guests sit at tables in the banquet hall, eat, drink and congratulate each other. The quest lasts as long as your event is ongoing. Such a game has a plot with intrigue, climax and denouement. Puzzles and tasks are given to you by a group of actors, and the selected show numbers are part of the quest.

"Around the world in one day"(you will be transported to Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Thailand, and each table will have its own piece of the map...),
"Odessa-mama"(parcels from Sonya “Golden Hand”, counterfeit bills and codes from the old newspaper “Evening Odessa”)
"Agent 007"(robot spies, combination locks, ultraviolet lamps, etc.)

Write, I will send you a presentation with examples of tasks.

Interactive quest

from 10 to 100 people
2.5 hours
about 2000 rub. per player
Price increases in December

The size of the room depends on the number of players. A meeting room of 50-60 sq.m. is sufficient for 20 people. If there are more of you, the game room will need a larger room. The game involves instructors or actors in costumes who help drive the plot. A lot of props are used. You will be divided into teams and will take turns passing tests, earning points.

Most of all, such games are suitable for New Year's corporate parties, congratulating employees on February 23 and March 8, on Company Day or on a professional holiday. Any plot can be tied to real events and characters of your company.

Game themes:“Top Secret”, “Fort Boyard”, “Detective Agency”, “Bermuda Mystery”, “The Sherlock Case”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “The Game of Professor X”, “Jumanji”, “Agent 007”. We will send the presentation by mail, write.

Active quest in nature

from 20 to 500 people
2.5 hours or more
from 100,000 rub. per game
Price increases in December

This type of quest differs from the previous description in that you will also need to navigate the area with a map in your hands. Even more props and even more actors. All game materials are branded, and the script itself is compiled taking into account the values ​​of your company. This quest takes place at a recreation center or in a park in the warm season and is very popular in companies with a good sense of humor.

For large teams, additional presenters, actors and coordinators are provided; there is no need to worry that a corporate event for 500 people will turn into chaos. Each team will have its own own card movement and test plan. It is easy to identify the leader, since at the end we will count the number of points in each team.

Quest tour (quest + bus tour) “The Mystery of Stalin’s Skyscrapers”

3.5 hours
For 20 participants - 60,000 rubles
For 40 players - 80,000 rubles

Legends about Stalin's skyscrapers haunt the organizers of quests. A very unusual excursion combined with an interactive quest, which our customers like for many reasons:

Firstly, this is an interesting journey through the most beautiful streets of Moscow
Secondly, you will learn a lot of amazing things about those very Stalinist high-rise buildings, about which they talk and write so much not only in our country, but also in the foreign press
Thirdly, you need to use all the interesting and mysterious facts to complete the quest tests
Fourth, you will have a huge number of cool photos and selfies that will cause a strong response on social networks

Historical walking quest in Moscow

from 1 to 5 people per team
20-80 people can play in total
3 hours
about 4000 rub. for a team of 5 people
Price increases in December

An incredibly interesting quest excursion, during which you will have to follow in the footsteps of Professor Tikhomirov with a tablet in your hands and unravel one of the secrets of Jacob Bruce’s “Black Book” and the elixir of immortality.

The game was created by a whole group of historians, travelers and members of the Russian Geographical Society, and was designed with high quality by programmers and video editing specialists.

There are also killer quests in Tsaritsyno and Kolomenskoye.
