Corsairs - GPK Description of typical (automatically generated) quests of the game. Walkthrough of Pirates Odyssey: To Each His Own Corsairs to each their own generator quests of governors

Walkthrough Corsairs To Each His Own Burden of the State End
From the magazine: October 1, 1654 11:14 Your deeds are inscrutable, Lord! Gascon's Burden
Who would have imagined six months ago that the gallant Maltese knight Michel de Montpey, hero of Barcelona and others, would cast a dirty shadow on the glorious name of the noble Henri de Montpey, and I, his “prodigal son”, “rake” and “Gigalo” would be offered to wipe away the traces of the stormy life of my “infallible” brother. And so I, like a mad Don Quixote, rush with full sail to the ends of the World, leaving behind Paris and the unfinished portrait of Pula in the form of Aphrodite emerging from the foam. By the way, I must admit that, in contrast to the charms of this devil, sea foam actually looks a little different than it seemed to me until now. I'll have to take this into account when I return... I hope my adventure will not last beyond Christmas, and Lulu's hubby will disappear on the eastern borders, leaving her alone with his baboon jealousy. Because of him, the air in Paris has recently become truly deadly for me. It will be necessary to make inquiries about the mission of the Order and my disgraced brother. I believe that Governor Jacques Deal du Parquet is aware of what is happening in his domain. Although de Brignier’s servant once again verbally warned me to be careful and not look for direct paths, which are not always the shortest. It's good that I still have a couple of trinkets left from Pulu's bounty, and some silver. I’ll have something to live on for the first time and come back as soon as I find out what our restless Michel could have done.
We go into the residence, the governor is sitting on a chair, talk to him, after that you will be arrested.
Before I even had time to ask properly about my brother, I was immediately arrested and put in prison. Brrr, I will remember these days in the company of rats and bedbugs for a long time. However, everything ended well - some pompous dandy, who introduced himself as Philippe de Poincy and turned out to be the governor-general of the French colonies, visited me in the casemates and ordered my release. It turns out that our brave Michel has done some very dubious things here! According to this de Poincy, my brother is suspected of almost all mortal sins. However, I won’t waste time and rush to him - let him tell me how he managed to stir up such a mess that even the mere mention of his name can put a person behind bars.
I'm going to the underground base of the Order of Malta in Saint-Pierre.
The meeting with my dear brother took place. Gee! I still can't come to my senses. Michel is accused of embezzling the Order's money, and owes Philippe de Poincy, the Governor General of the French Colonies, a million pesos! Incredible! But even more incredible is that his debt will have to be paid to me! It looks like my stay here will be prolonged and poor Lulu will have to find a new favorite. However, knowing her habits, this won’t be the case. And a “brilliant” prospect, according to Michel, opened up before me - to become a sailor and captain of my own ship. This is just what I needed! But I have no choice - I will have to come to terms with such an unexpected turn of fate. Michel said that there was a good ship in the local shipyard, a lugger as he called it, for which a deposit had been paid. You should visit the local shipwright and talk to him about buying back the ship. But where to get the money to buy? Michel put down 5,000 pesos for the ship as collateral, leaving only 15,000 pesos. Where can I get them?
First of all, go to the residence and pick up your sword, pistol, and light leather corset. Let's start earning money for the ship.
Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Rum for the bartender
You take this task from the bartender.
From the magazine: Looks like I'll have to learn the trade of a smuggler. Tonight the lugger "Ghost" will anchor off Lamentin Beach, on the northern tip of the island. I need to get to this lugger on a longboat, go up on deck, tell the captain the password and get several boxes of expensive bottled rum. Then the longboat must be taken to the bay of the pirate settlement of Le Francois. If everything goes well, I will receive five thousand pesos for the work. So, at 19-00 you need to be on that very left pier, go on a longboat with five sailors to the Lamentin beach area, find the Ghost ship and board. Say the code phrase and wait for the rum to be loaded onto the longboat. Next you need to sail to the bay of the pirate settlement of Francois. But this task will need to start at 19-00, which is still far from that time. When 19-05 arrives, the entry “The longboat is at the pier” will be updated in the log. You can hit the road."
Go to the left pier, proceed to the longboat. You can use the tack of the ship, get out of the bay as far as possible, taking a little to the right, then a landmark, the farthest rock on the right and swim to it, the shore should be on the right, going around it, press Enter, the Ghost ship icon should appear in the list at the top left - click on it. Now reopen the menu and select the boat - sail aboard the Ghost. The captain of the ship will approach you - tell him the password. Passwords in the game are randomly generated. If you suddenly forgot it and didn’t write it down, here are some of them:
The boards and tow will be there in the morning
Don't wait for the south wind
Old Thomas was waiting for beer
Camels go north
The bay is ready for landing
In my case it was the last option. At the same time, write in the same transcription as the innkeeper gave you - no need to put a period at the end! Rum is loaded onto my longboat. Now - to Le Francois Bay. Land at the port, talk to the smugglers and go to the tavern. The bartender paid me according to the agreement - he paid me five thousand pesos. In addition, he left me a telescope as a gift and presented me with three bottles of rum.
Walkthrough of Corsairs To each his own. Call girl
From the magazine: On the streets of the city, a certain nobleman named Apollinaire Sizois approached me and asked me for one unusual service: to go into a brothel and negotiate with the owner, Angelique, so that she would provide one of her girls named Lutisse “to take away.” Arthur gives us 6000 pesos, saying that we will need to pay 3000-3500 pesos per night. Agree!
Having agreed, you will learn the name - Lutiss. You will need to bring the girl no earlier than 23-00. The girl will need to be taken to the nobleman's barn, a two-story mansion with a red roof near the residence, after eleven in the evening. Follow to the brothel, talk in the room with Aurora, the local pimp. Say that you need Lutiss. Pay 2500 pesos. Aurora will say that Lutiss will be free at 11 pm and you need to pick her up before midnight. At 23-00 to 24-00 go to the brothel, to the common room. Where are several girls. Start a conversation with the blonde Lutiss. Tell her to follow you. Leave the brothel, go towards the residence and, facing it, approach the house on the right side - with a red roof and two floors. The girl herself should ask if you are there. Answer yes, wait for her to go inside, and thereby complete the task. You don’t have to come for Lutiss that same night, you can do it the next day. It is important to show up between 23-00 and 24-00! The girl was delivered to the customer's house. Well then. I think everyone was satisfied: me too. both the nobleman and Lutiss...

This game is considered to be one of the most difficult in the series. Even the “Jung” level requires a fair amount of skill from the player and super-frequent saves. Difficulties begin from the very first minutes. Often they are purely financial in nature. And it all begins with the fact that the main character, Charles de Maure, comes to Martinique, to the town of Saint-Pierre, in order to find his brother. There are two ways to do this. The first method involves asking the governor for help. The ruler of the island will refuse to talk to de More and instead will place him in custody, where he will have to languish until the visit of the governor-general of the French colonies in the Caribbean archipelago, Philippe de Poincy. We draw your attention to the fact that after de Mora’s arrest, all money and valuables will be confiscated, therefore, in order not to be left broke, it is necessary to hide everything well. For example, in the oven in the settlement of Le Francois.

The second option for completing the mission involves contacting Abbot Benoit in the church, who will help de Maur find a companion who will take him to his brother. With a companion or after arrest alone, you need to go to the underground base of the Order of Malta. This is where our hero’s brother Michel will be, who will talk about his troubles and ask for the return of a million pesos to de Poincy. To do this, he will first have to visit Guadeloupe and find there a man named Fry, who will lend our character money. The lugger is already waiting for de Mora at the shipyard, so all that remains for him is to recruit a crew and set sail.

Arriving at the harbor, de More learns that he needs to pay another 17,000 pesos to rent the ship. To earn this money, complete several quests that come up. If you chose the first option for completing “Corsairs: To Each His Own,” contact the governor of the Maltese. It will help equip your character for a hike. Below we provide a list of quests that will help you raise money for the ship.

Quest “Scarce goods”. The task is to bring a bottle of European wine to the guard at the port. Wine can be purchased at any stall for 700 pesos. You can resell it to the guard for 1000 pesos. You can also hand over this careless guard to the head of the fort, after which the quest will automatically close.

Quest “The Stolen Jewel”. The task is to sell the found jewelry. To do this, exit the city and turn left, find the corpse and search it. Find beautiful earrings and take them to the store owner, governor or moneylender. Each of them will offer their own price.

Quest "Warehouse worker". The task is to find the missing employee of the store owner. You should look for Gralam Lavoie in Le Francois. After he refuses to return to the store, talk to the owner again and receive a new task - to find and hire a worker to replace Lavoie. You should also look for it in Le Francois. A bartender can be hired as an assistant, who promises to call candidates for the review and asks for 1,000 pesos for this. Depending on which worker you find, your reward could be 3,000, 4,000, or 5,000 pesos.

Quest “Rum for the bartender”. You can receive this task from the tavernkeeper. He will ask you to smuggle some high-end rum from Jamaica to him. Be sure to write down the password that the tavern owner gives you, as it is not displayed in the quest log. To complete this task, you need to find the lugger "Ghost" in the Lamentin beach area, talk to a member of its crew, tell the password and wait for the rum to be loaded onto your longboat.

Quest “Call Girl”. The task is to bring the call girl Lutiss to a stranger you meet on the street. The reward for completing the mission is 6,000 pesos. To complete it, you need to go to the brothel and talk with its owner. She will ask you why you need Lutiss. Depending on your answer, calling a girl will cost you 2,500 - 3,000 pesos.

Quest "Cannibals". This task can be taken from the head of the port department. To complete it, it is necessary to save the daughter of a certain Prosper Trubal from the Indians who kidnapped her. To complete this mission, you will need to follow Trubal to the cave and destroy all the Indians. The reward for the girl's release will be 5,000 pesos, 15 doubloons. It is advisable not to sell doubloons, as they may be useful to you in the future game.

Once you have collected 17,000 pesos, return to the shipyard to charter a ship. Once the lease is settled, start hiring a team. The best place to look for sailors is in the tavern. Here, with the help of the tavern owner, you will find one decommissioned sailor who offers to take himself and his comrades on board (40 people in total). In order to pay them an advance, you will need 8,000 pesos (that is, 200 pesos per person). After hiring a crew, you need to purchase provisions and a minimum of medicine for the ship. Now all you have to do is find yourself a navigator. This time you have nothing to look for in the tavern, so go look for the right person at the port. The most suitable option would be a certain Folke Delluc, who is in a debtor's prison. You can buy it from there with your own money (only 10,450 pesos) or by agreeing with the moneylender to complete the “Spanish Engineer” quest. The main task in this mission is to free the captive Spanish engineer pirates. To do this, you should go to Le Marin Bay in the evening, taking with you a pistol from the moneylender. It is best to return back a little after midnight, when there is not a single soldier at the gate. After you resolve the issue with the moneylender using these methods, go to the debtor's prison and free the navigator. After which another unpleasant, but easily solvable incident with a pirate awaits you, and that’s it - you can raise the sail and head for Guadeloupe.

Start of the game:

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of completing the quest “Rum for the Bartender”:

(watch from the 3rd minute).

An example of completing the quest “Cannibals”:

(watch from the 3rd minute).


In the game you can become a slave trader, but after completing seven tasks from this task, relations with factions deteriorate very much. So it's up to you. I would recommend completing this task at the end of the game, when relations with factions can be corrected by a lawyer and he takes pesos for this, not doubloons. Well, let's start reading?

Task I:

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

The moneylender who gives this task can be found in any city and you need to have a good ship and an excellent crew. Also, it is advisable to have a high level and be good with a sword. The amount of slaves needed by the moneylender is random. In order to recruit slaves, attack small schooners and make the entire enemy team slaves. After you have collected the required amount, swim to the moneylender and hand over the slaves, after which you will receive a reward. Also, don’t forget to stop by in three weeks for a solid order.

Task II:

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

We come to the moneylender in three weeks for the next order. We need to disrupt the deal, and also seize galleons with slaves and bring them to the moneylender. We sail to the indicated place and wait for the ships. You need to sail to the specified place in two weeks. After we arrive at the indicated place, we board two ships, and after that we unload the slaves for ourselves. In one of the galleons, in the chest you will find the Scorpio amulet, keep it for yourself. After this, we return to the moneylender for a reward, and you can also get an additional one hundred thousand pesos or, by bargaining, get the light armor “Brigante”. After this, the moneylender will ask you to come back in a month for a new task.

Task III:

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

We come to the moneylender in a month for the next order. He will ask you to go to Curacao, find runaway slaves and bring them to him. We sail to Curacao, go to a tavern and find out the latest rumors about runaway slaves. After that, we go to the port office and find out about the ship that was stolen by blacks. Now we go back to the tavern, look for the drunkard and give him some drink. After several glasses of rum, the drunkard says that he saw black monkeys on the ship we need. We sail to Port-au-Prince and drop anchor near the lighthouse. We land there, kill all the enemies and a scripted scene starts, during which all the blacks go to your ship. We take the blacks to the moneylender and receive a reward.

Task IV:

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

We come to the moneylender in a month for the next order. He will ask you to board a ship that is located in the port of this city. A very dangerous and difficult task. Get out onto the ship, swim up to the ship, change the flag and fire a salvo at the ship we need, and then board it. Well-prepared and trained soldiers are waiting for us on the ship, and in the cabin there is a captain who says that this is a trap. Also, before his death, the officer blurts out that he knows about our affairs with the moneylender and the letter was sent to the governor. Finish off the officer and remove excellent things from his corpse: a claybag and a dueling pistol. As you already understand, there are no slaves on the ship. After that, return to the moneylender. The moneylender shouts that he was set up and asks to catch up with the courier with the documents to the governor, otherwise we are all screwed. After our conversation, officers break into the moneylender's shop and try to arrest you. After dismantling the shop, we rush to the indicated place in an attempt to stop the courier. Having arrived at the place, we leave the global voyage and attack the ship. What's strange is that the fort won't bother us. We board the ship and take the letter to the governor and return to the moneylender for the reward. Instead of money, the moneylender tells us the location of the treasure, which we can dig up and take for ourselves. We sail to the shores of Cumana and land on the shore of Boca De La Sierpe. The Indians will be waiting for us in the bay, we kill them and take the entire treasure from the leader’s body. A month later we come to the moneylender for a new task.

Task V:

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

In a month, the moneylender will issue a new task. He will ask you to capture a galleon with 3,000 slaves. The Diligente galleon, by the way, is heading to Santiago. We head there and cruise all the ways in search of a ship with purple sails. After we catch the ship, we understand that this is another trap. The galleon turns out to be a warship. We board, and in the captain's cabin we take amulets and other goodies. After this, we overload the slaves and rush to the moneylender for a reward and explanation. We receive the amount for the slaves, and then come back five days later for the remaining amount. Also, we will receive fifteen chests, and you can also exchange the amulets that you found on the ship with the moneylender for pesos or other amulets.

Task VI:

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

Walkthrough “Corsairs: To Each His Own.” Becoming a slave trader

We arrive in five days and receive the next task. This time there is no need to deliver slaves, but to kill the man who gave false information on the two previous tasks to the moneylender. We need to kill Francois Gautier, who was recently seen in Panama. To do this, we sail to Panama and from the innkeeper we learn about Francois Gauthier, who went to Porto Bello. We sail there and at the shipyard we find out that Francois bought the ship. After this, we go to the port office and find out that Francois has gone to Jamaica. We go to the tavern and find out from the drunks that Francois was talking with one waitress, we go to her for information, give her the “gem pendant” and find out that Francois went to Havana. We sail there and learn from the innkeeper that Francois has gone to Tortuga. We sail to Tortuga and go to the tavern for information about the whereabouts of Francois. After this, we search all private houses, and in one of them a pirate will attack us. We kill him and go up to the second floor in Francois's mistress. She will say that her lover is now standing in the sea near the city. We go out to sea and board his ship or sink it, it doesn’t matter. After this, we return to the moneylender for the reward. As a reward we receive: “an excellent pipe” and one hundred and fifty thousand pesos.

Task VII:

We arrive a month later and receive a task to capture Havana and a large number of slaves. We equip two ships to the brim with sailors. After this, we sail to Havana, go out to sea, deal with two warships, destroy the fort and capture the city. We speak with the governor and get five thousand slaves for our ship. Spain's attitude sinks to its lowest point and we become its worst enemy. After that, we have thirty days to take the slaves to the customer. We sail to the moneylender and receive an order - to come in a week for money. We'll come in a week. OPA! There is already another moneylender in place, and there is no trace of the former moneylender. There is no money, and relations with countries are damaged. The quest ends here.

All information about the quests that appear endlessly throughout the archipelago

Governors Quests

Find an enemy infiltrator


We go out into the city and start a dialogue with the first citizen we come across, if the dialogue contains the line “I am looking for an enemy spy” and “Who can confirm your words,” then we approach each citizen and ask him about the spy, the one who hesitates and cannot confirm in fact, he is his own words - we take him to the governor and close the quest.
If in the city, when addressing citizens, there is no above line of dialogue, then the spy hides in one of the houses or other premises. We go into each house in turn, inspect the first and second floors - the person who will not automatically start a dialogue when you appear in the location is the spy - we talk to him, kill him in dialogue and go report this to the governor.
If the spy is not on the streets or in the houses, then the governor has given you more than 1 day to complete this quest... sleep for a day

Sink a pirate ship


After receiving the task, we go out to sea and call the command “Swim to”, we swim in turn to all the ships that are in the field of view of this command. Having approached the ship, if within a few seconds it has not changed the flag to a pirate one, we call the command “Send a boat” and disembark on the ship, there we begin a dialogue with the captain, select the line “I’m looking for a pirate ship in these waters, haven’t you heard anything?” if the ship is not a pirate, then the captain will answer that no, if it is the ship you are looking for, then the captain will surrender himself and set his boarders on you, killing them, we return to our ship and either destroy or board the ship that has become a pirate. If the ship is not a pirate, then we swim to all the other ships in sight until we come across the one we are looking for. If you still haven’t found the ship you are looking for, then sail for a couple of days on the global map.

Destroy a gang of bandits in the jungle


Having received the quest, we head into the jungle and go around all the locations in turn, including bays and locations near caves, a bandit or bandits will most likely run up when they see you, after the conversation we kill them and go report to the governor about the completion of the task.

Sneak into an enemy city to meet with an informant


There are two options to enter an enemy city, the first is to buy a trade license (which will cost much more than the reward for successful completion) and, after hanging the flag of the corresponding nation, enter the city through the port, and the second is to enter the city after midnight from the jungle, once in the city we go to the tavern without being seen by the guards, we spend the night there, and in the morning we go to the right person, you can also try your luck (if the secrecy is great) and by hanging the appropriate flag, get into the city by ship, deceiving the fort, but it’s better at night, otherwise you will run into the guards near the port . You cannot raise the alarm, otherwise you will scare off the informant. After talking with the informant, we return to the governor and report on the completion of the quest.

Deal with the smugglers


After receiving the task, we go to the tavern, there we talk with the smuggler at one of the tables, if we have contraband cargo in the hold, then there will be a dialogue with a proposal to meet outside the city and push it at a higher price, if not, then we go to the store and buy at least one a unit of smuggled goods (highlighted in red), then we return and make an appointment, the smuggler says in which bay they will wait for us, we go to the meeting place, enter into dialogue with the smugglers, select the line about the governor, kill them, go to the governor for a reward!

Now you must sail to the island of Antigua to find the informant on it. It is he who can suggest the right person through whom the message can be conveyed to Fleetwood. Head there and anchor in Falmouth Bay. Then move to the city. Be careful, because the Mirage ship robbed the British more than once. Try not to be exposed. Once at the fork, go left and go through the city gate. Then move further until you find yourself near the stairs. Stop and find a pharmacy nearby. There you will meet a man who will provide information about one of Fleetwood's friends. You can continue the passage of Corsairs: To each his own and return to board the ship.

Open your map and travel to Dominica. After Longway does not come to your aid, wait until the Valkyrie ship, under the leadership of Fleetwood, looms on the horizon. Make every effort to capture this ship and talk to the captain. Only after you talk to him will his lives be restored again and you will have to get rid of him again. If you don’t want to fool your head, then just let the ship sink.

Then return to the island of Curacao and tell Rhodesburg what you have done. This will add 150,000 gold to your balance. You will also learn that the ship on which you performed the assigned tasks has now become yours. And the previous one was flooded near the pier. Then head to the governor to receive one of the state awards in the amount of 1000 gold.

Fourth task. Jew's money

After you take a break for a week, return to Rodenburg and receive the next task in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own. He will tell you that he is in love with a girl named Abigail. However, she resists marrying him, without giving reasons. You have to figure out what's what. Head towards the residence and turn left.

Once you are not far from the gate, go into the house on the right. Go inside and go up to the second floor, where you will find the girl. It turns out that she does not want to marry Roddensburg, so that she will not be condemned for doing it for profit. In order to avoid such rumors, you need to find a chest on one of the islands that her father hid. Don't waste time and go down to chat with the old man. However, he will not remember the location of the island.

Leave the building and move along the street until a stranger approaches you. After talking with him, you will find out that his name is Joaquim Merriman. He will ask you to follow him, agree. Once you are in the room, talk to him. It turns out that he is interested in the skull, which is hidden in the same chest as Solomon's savings. If you bring him this skull, you will be rewarded with half a million pesos. Continue passing the game Corsairs: To Each His Own and agree to complete this task.

Open the diary and read that the coordinates of the desired island can be found in the records of the Berg and Fleetwood baths. Now you will need a compass, hourglass, astrolabe and chronometer. Bring up the alchemy menu and combine the chronometer with the hourglass to create a functioning chronometer. Then hurry aboard your ship and go to the cabin. Then use a function with which you can find the island only by coordinates.

Once you have the information, begin your journey. This piece of land is located between the island of Curacao and Martinique. After you reach your goal, disembark and go to the fork. Move left from it, and then go into the grotto. There you need to find the desired chest. After you take the contents from it: skull, gold, money. You can return to Solomon and give him what you found. It's up to you to decide whether to return the skull to him or get half a million pesos. Then go up to Abigail and tell her everything. It turns out that she now agrees to marry Lucas.

Now, in the walkthrough of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should head to Lucas and report this. He will reward you with an amulet and 50,000 pesos. However, he has no work for you yet, so take a little break and do something else.

Fifth task

After some time you return to the island of Curacao, a stranger will suddenly run up and say that Rodensburg wants to see you. Talk to him and find out that you need to kill the traitor Murdoch before he does so. Open the map and start your swim to Antigau. Drop anchor in the port and go to the church. Stop and see two buildings opposite it, go to them and find a hatch between them. Open it and start going down into the dungeon. No matter how hard you try to avoid getting into a dead end, you will still end up there.

Look around and find a passage in the wall. Go there and examine it to see the entrance to a warehouse with barrels. After you enter it, finish off Murdock and his accomplice. Then, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you will need to select the third bottom line in the dialogue with Longwei in order to hire him. Now you can search Murdock's body and find the keys to the pharmacy. You can move further around the warehouse and climb the stairs.

Once at the pharmacy, go to the chest and open it to pick up 25,000 pesos and an archive belonging to John Murdock, who once worked for GVIC. Now you need to try to find the encryption, which is located in the subway. Only then can you return to the city. Using the hatch for this, you can go to your ship and climb on board. Start your journey to the shores of Curacao to complete the quests in the Dutch Gambit series. Approach Rodenburg and report to him what you have done.

Dutch Gambit. Secret organization

In order to begin completing this series of quests in the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you should meet the following indicators:
- Weapon skill at least level 30;
- Character experience - at least level 15;
- Reputation should also be at the “Unknown Pirate” level.

If you have all this, then you can go to Barbados and chat with the owner of one of the taverns, whose name is Gaston the Bald. It is from him that you will receive your first assignment.

Spanish Hidalgo

Now you have to eliminate one Spanish nobleman who calls himself Fernando Rodriguez. It can be found on one of the islands under Spanish rule. Since the appearance of this character is randomly generated, simply stop in different cities and visit taverns at night to find him. If you find yourself in the right place at the right time, the owner of the tavern will tell you that he is walking somewhere around the city or spending the night on his brigantine. Then find the ship, board it and finish off Rodriguez. Just don’t think about letting the ship sink, because after you kill the enemy, you need to pick up his belongings and deliver them to Bridgetown to Gaston. If you do not do this, the task will not be considered completed.

Ship's log

After Gaston gives you a new quest in the passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, get ready to steal the ship's log from Richard Fleetwood. After 10 days, he will appear in the governor’s reception room, at which time you need to be in his house, kill the guard and climb to the second floor. There you will find the magazine you need, then exit. Be careful, as three enemies will now attack you. Having dealt with them, run out into the street and finish off the rest. After a while you will lose consciousness.

Preparing a trap

You will open your eyes already in the pharmacist's house. Try to follow him carefully and get out of his house at night. In order to do this, you need to use the dungeon. But when you come to your ship, it will be arrested. But don't worry, because Gaston will now provide you with a courier lugger. However, if you do not want to complete the task on it, then return to the pharmacist. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you need to talk with him to find out that Fleetwood's best friend, Charlie Knippel, is now going to sail towards Curacao. And he will be on the brigantine. So you have a whole week to catch up with him.

Get to the outskirts of the island of Curacao and try to board this brigantine. Afterwards, you can interrogate Knippel, and then move to the city and find Fleetwood’s lover with him. Persuade her to sail with you to Antigua.

Then head to the tavern and find a heavily drunk man there. After he agrees to deliver the message to Fleetwood, he will tell you how much this service will cost you.

Fall of the Valkyrie

Open the map and navigate to Turks Island. After walking a little, you will meet Fleetwood and talk. Then you need to fight him. After winning, return to your ship and head to the island where Valkyrie is located. Try to board the ship, and then return to John. As soon as you report to him what you have done, he will offer you an officer's rank. Of course, we should agree.

Dutch West India Company

In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, you will have to become an opponent of GVIK and enter into battle with Lucas Rodenburg. Once you receive a tip on the brigantine GVIKA, which is currently located between Antigua and St. Christopher, get down to business. Open the map and find this ship there by its purple color. After you board him and deliver the letter, return to Willemstad.

Once you are there, you will see that the Meinfeng ship is now in the roadstead. Head to the tavern and find out more about this ship. Afterwards you can head to Van Hato Bay. Now you can see a purple ship in it. Try to overtake him and board him. Then continue the passage of Corsairs: To Each His Own and move to the Mainfeng. Go down into his hold and interrogate the Chinese. Just hurry up to carry out the interrogation as quickly as possible, because the Chinese may die from his injuries. He will ask you to drop him off in Guadeloupe. Agree to learn important information.

The end of Lucas Rodenburg

Head to St. Christopher and sail the new ship to the Dutch galleon. Once you get close, send a boat to him to chat with Stevezant, and then go with him to the island of Curacao. Once on the spot, you can arrest Lucas to get a decent reward. After you return the ship to GVIK, you can head to Antigua.
