When will Assassin's Creed Rogue come out? Latest Assassin's Creed Rogue news


Training -
In this mission we are released, yeh! Quickly
get up, wash, change clothes and get your weapons! You can test your accuracy in
in the booths of the shooting range, but it’s a little dark there and not every target
you'll see. Having shot, we go up the next elevator and see an idiot there -
an orderly with a stun gun in his hands, everything is solved simply - he has a stun gun, and
us - ultrasound, shotgun and so on.
The most pleasant thing is to remove the orderly from the Kalashnikov :) We take off his clothes and hide them
all the weapons to get through another orderly behind bars.
-Kowloon Triads in Gang War-

Kowloon Triads in Gang War

Kowloon Triads in Gang War-
Run left until you reach a beautiful fence and a statue inside. The buildings around have elevators, you
you need the one to the right of the statue, from there the Red Dragon Ambassador is best visible.
First the security arrives, then the ambassador himself. You have one shot from the optical
rifles. Directly to the head. Don't miss. After the alarm is raised
Suddenly a wizard will arrive in a blue helicopter with a machine gun. You should advance
run into the elevator and wait for the slanted machine gunner, shoot him with a sniper rifle a little
looking out a little from the cockpit. You can use a pistol, but since I’m very greedy, then
I only take a sniper with five rounds for this mission (in other missions I
I do the same - I take only what is necessary, other weapons are taken away or
located).After that, drop everything and run to the car.

Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant

Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant-
Slowly go to the restaurant, it is on special service today. Wait by the garbage bins
tanks opposite until the hated bourgeois arrives, for whose sake it is closed
restaurant. The driver goes around the corner to pee, and this is where his journey ends.
Passers-by in cheap brown suits walk past, wait until they pass
past, they are nervous. Choke the driver with a noose, put the corpse in the hatch, take off your clothes there,
pick up the gun, calmly go to the limousine and plant a bomb.
Now run to the area where it all started. Anyone can drive a car,
so the limousine with the boss will still go and as soon as he catches up with the gang
from the Blue Lotus, yawning from idleness - press the button remote control
so that they don't get bored. Hurray!

The Massacre et Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant

The Massacre et Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant-
Go to the restaurant, but you don’t need to go through the door yet, climb through the window into
toilet. Leave the necessary weapons there. I'm taking a pistol with me for this mission.
a muffler and a knife. You will need a knife or a noose, don’t throw it away :) Get out
go back and go to the street to the left of the restaurant, there are already people stomping towards the meeting
representative of the Red Dragon. Wait until he approaches the intersection and
remove him.Into the nearest hatch.In the hatch, take off the bandit’s clothes and take
amulet. Well, of course, at the switch, they are already waiting for us there. Upon entering, they will search us.
A policeman with a nasty face and a Blue Lotus man are sitting in the restaurant.
Talk to the policeman, he will be very surprised at you. After visiting the police, ask him
The bartender has the key to the toilet. Once you enter the toilet, close the door. Take your weapon and
hide it, then open the door and go out a little, but so that it is not visible
to the bartender, he has a shotgun and if you hit the bartender, you will be charged five thousand.
In my case, I kill a policeman with a shot in the head from a pistol with a silencer.
With the second shot you can remove the lotus, then throw in the amulet and run away.
Run to the hatch where you left the dragon and change into your clothes. If everything
done cleanly - you can easily walk to the car.

The Lee Hong Assassination

The Lee Hong Assassination-
A mission that frightens you with the number of Chinese who are ready to shoot you for the slightest
mistake. Go to a familiar restaurant, today it is open to everyone. Hanging out inside
guards, we need one of them. An aunt with a machine gun walks from corner to corner,
wait until she disappears behind the door. There is a bald guard on the right, behind him
the door to the closet, go in there and, without closing the door, strangle the bald man. Quickly
drag him into the closet and pick up the gun before your aunt sees it. Change your clothes
and go to the bar. After talking with the bartender, take the kindly issued flyer and cross the hall
to the door on the right, then to the fat guy in a robe and here he is - a brothel :) Old woman
after talking with you he will offer the only girl, others apparently have a day off.
Follow the pretty girl into the room, there she will talk to you. Now you need
save the beauty, just run after her and help her get down from the roof. When the lady
will run to the gate, tell you a lot of good things, give you the necessary code and kiss :) By
There is a security guard walking around on the roof, not just one, but with a Kalashnikov. Fix this
misunderstanding. You need clothes even more than a machine gun. The far door on the left leads to
kitchen, in the kitchen, next to where you came from there is another one - in the basement where the agent is languishing
CIA. Wandering around the basement you will find machine guns and cartridges for them, there is always cartridges
needed. Not far from this place there is a door behind which is a prisoner of the Tsar, if you
drove away from the door - that means it’s her. The person guarding the door needs to be removed quietly, for this
you need a pistol with a silencer, one shot when another one passes
security. Drag the carcass inside. In the room, a CIA agent in a star-shaped twitch is twitching in the stocks
striped shorts, he needs help because he will tell you where he is
the safe we ​​need so much. The safe can be located in a new place every time -
in the V.I.P. hall , in the security room, in the warehouse on the 1st floor, in the room of the old woman-pimp.
If the alarm is raised and the entrance to Lee Hong's lair is closed, don't be sad, you'll be fine
you still didn’t enter through the front entrance. Where is the old lady?
you know, there is a door on the left - behind it there is another one and there is a safe. The guard must die quietly.
other safe locations can be reached by the appropriate elevator.
Just don’t get confused and get to Lee Hong ahead of time - health and
will definitely spoil the mood. There are two doors leading to the warehouse on the ground floor - both
next to the fat pig at the brothel, either the first door on the left, or the far one behind it. From
in the security room you can walk around the floor and look at different doors to find weapons there
and ammo for the whole squad, collect everything without offending anyone.
In the VIP area there are two people watching the safe, first quietly fire one, then
another. Take the figurine and go downstairs to the dining room, there is a
a small door, and a cunning grandfather in the room. Grandfather clearly doesn’t like Li Hong,
exchange for a dragon figurine he will give you a bag of wise advice and a small bottle
poison. After leaving your grandfather, quickly run to the toilet, the door is on the right, next to it is a sign -
Restroom. Behind it is the door above which there is a sign with hieroglyphs and wait there
waiter, yellow or green, depending on his mood. Li Hong entering the restaurant will
wait patiently for the food. It will wait. As soon as the waiter enters the toilet
look at yourself in the mirror - choke. And drag. To the end booth and take off
his clothes. Here... Now we go to the kitchenette, there the cook will begin to command -
take it, take it... look... Okay, take a plate and pour grandpa's
powder. We solemnly sail with the soup straight to LiHong.
Here you can throw the plate before reaching Li Hong and try to shoot him and
the boar Zong sitting next to him. Li Hong is a strong guy, he has martial arts
arts, you can’t kill it with one bullet. The guard’s carcass generally needs to be stuffed
bullets, so it’s better to give the plate, Zong will wave his fat paws and
will try the soup. He will like the soup so much that he will start shooting at the ceiling, then
will overwhelm you, but you are thinner and more agile :) Lee Hong meanwhile escaped, but we are now
We’ll come to him. He’s no longer waiting for the waiters, so run before the security comes
back to the toilet and change into the Red Dragon, then go down through
kitchen to the basement and look for the elevator to Li Hong. Since Zong is no longer there, no one
suspects you are an enemy, you can go up the stairs. At the top he walks out of the room
Li Hong, upset, enters the room. In the middle room, the guards do not see him, and there
strangle the mustachioed one. Don’t take the sword, it’s in your hands like a big knife, so beautiful
You won’t be able to move like Lee Hong :) If you want, you can fight with ten
other guards, or take the elevator down to the pier where the boat is parked and
get away, even at the last difficulty level no one shoots after you if
everything was done quietly.

Find the U"wa Tribe

Find the U"wa Tribe-
In this mission you will need a compass. Someone sent a hitman to fight in the jungle,
They probably made a mistake and sent the wrong person. After disembarking from the helicopter, quickly run along
compass to a place somewhere between E and S, there a fallen plane with huge
wings. Go around it in search of the golden figurine lying by the door. Hide it for now
no soldiers came running. If you are late, it doesn’t matter, kill the martinet next to
figurine and run before they catch you. Now we are told to bring the idol to the village
Indians, you can bring them later, they’ll wait. I like to climb on the wing
plane, from there there is a wonderful view of the jungle, only a soldier standing in front of the face
spoils everything. Having seen enough, we need to remember about business. Firstly, free the hostage -
Indian, secondly, collect cartridges and weapons, since the next two missions are about
No one will take care of this. The order of things can be rearranged. Run
along the river to the tower and bridge, if they are not there, run to reverse side.If audible
the sound of a helicopter, then you are close. There are soldiers standing in two rows on the bridge, a hostage in
in the middle of the bridge. Climb onto the tower and choke and kill whoever is there
yes. Change clothes and shoot the nearby soldiers with a machine gun,
shoot the distant ones with a sniper rifle so as not to hit the Indian. As soon as everyone
destroy, the Indian will come to his senses and run. You can run after him and you will end up right in
village, but then you must collect weapons in advance, or go for weapons and
come to the village alone. It’s better not to take a sniper as a weapon, with it you’ll be far from
you'll leave. When you enter the village, take out the golden god, otherwise you will be fooled
skins they will spit on you to death. Having given the deity, talk to the leader, he will give out valuable

The Jungle God-
After crossing the bridge, go right. Two options for passing: Be careful not to
soldiers noticed you were killing the pig. When everything calms down, drag the pig for
jaguar, he is in ruins by the rock. Throw him pork and grab the machine gun (you have to
bring it from where you got the pig) climb into the hole. At the most difficult level, the cat
doesn’t want to eat the pig, probably the natives fed it. Therefore, the second option is
no pigs, just go to the jaguar, climb up the rock on the right and into the hole.

Say Hello to my Little Friend

Say Hello to my Little Friend-
It smells like death here. Both white and your own. Having emerged into the light of day
collect the knives in the box and the vest. In general, the boxes are surprisingly similar, I used to think
that they fell from a plane.... huh... Well, after collecting everything and hiding it, go right
past two soldiers by a tree. I take one and the other out with a knife, but I can’t
do, in this way I reduce the number of soldiers who can
interfere. Squads of three people walk along the fence, be careful. Drag away the corpses
away or leave it as is, soldiers will approach them and be surprised
They will remain yawning nearby, you can shoot them. There are two more standing further away.
Remove. Do not touch the rest, run to the camp. There is a tower behind the entrance, if you run
from it into the forest - on the left you will find cartridges for Kalashnikov. Entering the camp, find in
a pistol with a silencer and a vest in the tent. You can leave the second one for now. Next to
entrance, there are sniper cartridges on the tower, climb crouched down and collect them in
maximum difficulty, it’s better not to kill the soldier on the tower. Now go to the tower opposite the second one
Checkpoint. Here, get rid of the soldier and shoot from the sniper tower, then those who are aiming at
you below. As Beringer said, “One shot, one dead.”
Leave a few rounds in the sniper rifle. The soldiers are crowding around the dead and this
ok, take the M-60 and go down from the tower and kill the bastards when they get ready
others are back behind the machine gun, by dashing you can eliminate them all in this part of the camp
but certainly no one will interfere with you on the way to the drug laboratory. If you
shabby, take the vest that you left in the tent.
After admiring the dead enemies, run to the tower closest to Pablo’s house,
but under no circumstances get close to the house, then Pablo will sniff and knock him down
it will become difficult, you will need to remove the remaining towers and climb onto the one opposite
at home, wet the damned narc M-60 in both windows, but you’ll get it too.
Carefully moving along the fence, remember why you swatted
two by the tree:) Look through the sniper scope when the narc and the baron become visible
Ochoa, just see his head and with one shot you will bring down this scoundrel.
Use the remaining bullets to remove all visible towers and soldiers running towards you
say hello. Before going into the house, collect cartridges in the tents near the house, you can
take a minigun, with it you will die barely feeling your own coolness. Approach
hangar with an airplane and kill three, in the hangar there are still machine gun cartridges and yourself
machine guns. Well, go to the house, shoot everyone who objects, go up
upstairs, take the bomb and run to the laboratory.
Enter the laboratory from the east, eliminate everyone there at the open doors, then
inside, place a bomb on the boxes and exit the same way. Press the button and two -
three soldiers from the other entrance will fly up into the air along with the bunker.
Run to the plane and fly off to the next mission.

Traditions of the Triada

Traditions of the Triada-
The only weapon is a noose.
A scary four-star hotel for some reason, this is the place for you.
At the hotel, go to the reception, a cupcake with an unforgettable accent will communicate the desired
information. You can go to Herr Fuchs, but then his brother Fritz will leave the steam room
and you’ll have to look for the bastard while running across the floors. So go straight to the pool,
There, change clothes in the last cabin, it’s not a good idea to go to the steam room in a suit. Go to
pool, along the way it’s fun to stand in the shower if it’s on :) Look along the wall
a steam room with a chisel doctor, if you come across a chickweed with huge boobs, don’t
Be surprised, even the cook is rude here. The nasty doctor will start complaining about
heart, I probably forgot how he tortured people, the bastard. Turn the valve and with one tooth
the doctor will become less. Take the key from the carcass and go get dressed.
If you do not immediately go for the doctor, he will go to the casino, where he will sit
complaining about life, then goes to the toilet and chokes him there. Funny thing - from the men's
the locker rooms won't let you out in shorts, but if you strangle a bird, you can get out through
women's clothes and walk around the hotel in just underpants!
Next, take the stairs all the way to the right to the second floor (you can take the elevator from
elevator to the left door), there is a guard at Fuchs's room. Run along the floor, along
the rooms are visited by feeble-minded cleaners who leave master keys on
doors. Take the key and go into the room next to Fuchs. Wait on the balcony
until the second guard comes out - when he leaves, climb onto the balcony and strangle him in the room
it is possible to do this on the balcony. Collect everything that is on the table and go to
Fuchs in the shower. Shoot the fascist pig right in the head if the first one comes in
the guard says the same to him. Take the bomb box and when you leave, hang a sign - Do not
bother -. Please note the key to Fuchs's room, you can get it
mail. If you changed into a janitor in the servants' room, be sure to
go down to the reception and listen to what they tell you.
The florist on the second floor needs letters from the reception, he will give you a box with
roses, it’s cool, you open it and there’s a shotgun, just like the Terminator... but
useless. The box is empty, let's go get the bomb. From Fuchs' room, go left to the fire station
stairs (green sign on the door) and go up to the third floor.
Behind the Exit sign there is an exit to the roof; you need to climb into the window of the dental office.
You choke the guard standing with his face to the wall and go to the X-ray for a bomb.
At difficult game the bald guard at the door will notice you, you better notice him
in advance. Pack the bomb, go back the same way and down the fire escape.

Gunrunner's Paradise

Gunrunner's Paradise-
If you walk a little forward and wait, a bandit in a jacket with a swastika will pass by.
This is the jacket we need. The machine gun will also come in handy, so before you slam
brother, let him pull out the machine gun. If you want, wait until the punk comes,
He also has an automatic rifle. Be careful, crazy train! Move the arrows, it will come in handy. Go
to the gate with the lights on, to the bar inside. Go inside without touching
bandit at the door. After chatting with the bartender, go behind the stage and when the chick is finished
dance and come there - talk to her. While she distracts the bandit
face, place the transmitter on the car. Now wait until the bandits get into the car and
They’ll go. It’s useless to run after the car, it’s driving through the closed gate. But that’s all
follow which direction she went and go there.
Look on the transmitter where everything is, and move the appropriate arrows.
When you approach the place carefully, there are angry Dobermans all around! Shoot
dog and take the transmitter from the car. Enter the hangar along the stairs on the side, from
Mp5 with a silencer, shoot those who are visible below, then hide behind the wall and wait
By the time the others come running up, there will be fewer corpses to hide.
After going down, finish off the rest and take the suitcase. Put the transmitter there and
hide the dead ones behind boxes, otherwise Ivan won’t like it. Wait until this clown arrives
and give him the money and let him choke.

Plutonium Runs Loose

Plutonium Runs Loose-
Take binoculars, mp5 with silencer and knife.
There is a sentry wandering around the building, the second one should go around the corner. As soon as this
will happen, run from the wall to the first one and count a couple of bullets into his head.
Change into a wonderful suit and wait for the second one. Now you have two machine guns,
go to the gate. If you need to take down the soldier on the roof, go up the stairs and
use a machine gun with a silencer. You don’t have to do this. There are soldiers at the gate
Apparently from the chemical troops, their colleagues are wandering along the fence. Wait until they
approach the gate and go through at the same time as in the subway. Run along the edge of the shore until
fence. Look through binoculars - straight and to the right open door in the fence, also you
If you see a stupid Doberman, go through the door so as not to mess with the dog,
after walking along, exit through another door. Walk along the fence all the time, then along
edge, near the buildings, look through binoculars. Those Dobermans again. Dog's dog
death. Look towards the containers straight ahead - there are two more dogs there
scary, one is waiting at the containers, the other is at the platform. In an open container
There are weapons lying around, take everything except the shotgun.
Run along the edge until people in gas masks become visible through the optical sight.
Their drinking buddy is on the roof. After these gates, look again through the optics or two at the gate,
one on the roof. The path to the ship is clear. But first put the bomb in the white limousine
with familiar numbers. You’ll have to kill the person guarding the car, but quietly, of course.
To avoid alarm and calmly board the ship, wait until they approach
soldiers in the car and take them away, there are four of them in total.
After placing the bomb, stomp towards the ship, there is a guard at the edge of the stairs, of course you need
his clothes. Well, now calmly climb up in such a funny manner
ship and look for the third door, when you open it you will see a flashing light, the lamp is not
kind of completely burned out. Go downstairs, at the very bottom there is a criminal looking on guard
man in a T-shirt, let him live for now, go out the door,
looking around you will see life jackets, go to that corner and through the next door,
there, look for the red light and go downstairs to the engine room.
When you pass the car, you will see Ivan, or rather he will see you and not very well
will be delighted, soak the hat and the men in T-shirts. The huckster Boris will run to the car, but
won’t go far, it’s a pity that the bomb explodes on its own. Having neutralized the green rocket
it’s unclear how it’s activated, go to the guy under the stairs, he’s harmful and
will begin to interfere with sailing. It won’t interfere anymore. Go up to the upper deck, there
there is a ladder up to the pipe, this is a direct path to the control room. We don’t need a captain, we
We can do everything ourselves. Start it up.

The Setup-
Mental hospital :)
Everything is as it should be in a mental hospital, you come to kill, and they are already waiting for you and
show you where to go. Don’t go there, you have nothing to kill with, only your own
only a view. Go through the door straight ahead and up to the room with test tubes
and flasks. Take an ultrasound, shoot the glass from a shotgun and leave
him. Go downstairs again and now go where it is said. Or almost there. Into the green
doors like an operating room and the next door right across the hall. There in the ward there is
first aid kit, there is a syringe in it. Do not go into Dr. Kovacs's office,
that’s the name :) then you’ll come in. Look for the entrance to the corridor where there are chambers with iron doors
there are psychos and orderlies walking around there, wait until one of the orderlies moves away from the other and
inject him with a syringe. You can inject the second one. Become a nurse, it suits him very well :)
Now you can go to Kovax. As soon as you enter the office, the hospital will be broken into
dudes from Rainbow Six! You can shoot the doctor if you have time, but the main thing is
take the key. Get out of there, there is a weapon in the opposite office, but it's
if you want to fight with stupid soldiers running in single file.
No one will touch you while dressed as an orderly, just don’t give an electric shock. You can
run through the attic, there are weapons and ammunition there in the cabinets and more, again
for war. In the wards there are the favorite toys of psychos, bears and rubber ducks, for this
It seems like you're supposed to get help, but in a difficult game the psychos will cheat you and that's why it's better
find everything yourself. There is a shotgun on the roof outside, they will take you there for a book,
for a bear - or shish somewhere or to the room with a TV, there and for a duck. Without help
crazy TV somewhere on the second floor, you can get there from the roof where
shotgun, door at the end and down. Or from below the Kovacs statue (delusions of grandeur) with
golden syringe, the door is approximately behind the syringe and upstairs. In the room with the TV
there is the highlight of the program - the loser-tsareshnik! He's wearing more starry panties
no, and in general he’s really bad. Or maybe he’s a malingerer. There’s an antidote in the cage behind him
in the closet and a syringe on the table. Give the American citizen the antidote and go get
him to the elevator. When it goes up, you need to go down, but to make it more fun
You can kill one soldier and put on an outfit with a mask.

Meet Your Brother

Meet Your Brother-
Remove the orderly, you're tired of the devils. There's a shotgun with cartridges in the closet.
Go outside the bars and to the left. See how many clones the damn doctor made,
but they didn’t turn out that smart, it sucks. Behind the next bars there’s another orderly, in
Uzi cartridges in the closet. Leave the shotgun for later. Close the screen door and
wait. Methodically shoot the running doubles through the bars. When
When you count ten pieces, you can leave. Take one and drag it to the doors with
Biohazard sign. Drag from the rug with the marks and scan the bald head
impostor. The door will open, come in. A mad professor will come out to meet you, not
listen to him, he's a bastard. Shoot.

Training -

In this mission we are released into the wild, yeh! We quickly get up, wash ourselves, change clothes and get our weapons! You can test your accuracy in the booths of the shooting range, but it’s a little dark there, and you won’t see every target. Having shot ourselves, we take the next elevator up and see an idiot orderly with a stun gun in his hands, everything is solved simply - he has a stun gun, and we have an ultrasound, a shotgun, and so on. The most pleasant thing is to remove the orderly from Kalashnikov :) We take off his clothes and hide all the weapons in order to go through another orderly behind bars.

Kowloon Triads in Gang War-

Run left until you reach a beautiful fence and a statue inside. The buildings around have elevators, you need the one to the right of the statue, from there the Red Dragon Ambassador is best visible. First the security arrives, then the ambassador himself. You have one shot from an optical rifle. Right to the head. Don't miss. After the alarm is raised, a wizard suddenly arrives in a blue helicopter. With a machine gun. You should run into the elevator in advance and wait for the slanted machine gunner; shoot him with a sniper rifle, slightly looking out of the cabin. You can use a pistol, but since I am very greedy, I take only a sniper with five rounds for this mission (in other missions I do the same - I take only what is necessary, the rest of the weapons are taken away or found. After that, drop everything and run to the car.

Ambush at the Wang Fou Restaurant-

Slowly walk to the restaurant, it is on special service today. Wait at the trash cans opposite until the hated bourgeois, for whom the restaurant is closed, arrives. The driver will go around the corner to pee, and this is where his journey will end. Passers-by in cheap brown suits walk past, wait until they pass by, they are nervous. Strangle the driver with a noose, put the corpse in the hatch, take off your clothes there, pick up a pistol, calmly go to the limousine and plant a bomb. Now run to the area where it all started. Anyone can drive a car, so the limo with the boss will still go, and as soon as he catches up with the guys from the Blue Lotus, yawning from idleness, press the remote control button so that they don’t get bored. Hooray!

The Massacre et Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant-

Go to the restaurant, but you don’t need to go through the door yet, climb through the window into the toilet. Leave the necessary weapons there. I take a pistol with a silencer and a knife for this mission. You will need a knife or a noose, don’t throw it away :) Get back out and go to the street to the left of the restaurant, there a representative of the Red Dragon is already stomping to the meeting. Wait until he approaches the intersection and take him out. Into the nearest hatch. In the hatch, take off the bandit’s clothes and take the amulet. Well, of course, they’re already waiting for us there. You will be searched upon entry. A policeman with a nasty face and a Blue Lotus man are sitting in the restaurant. Talk to the policeman, he will be very surprised at you. After visiting the police, ask the bartender for the key to the toilet. When you go to the toilet, close the door. Take the weapon and hide it, then open the door and go out a little, but so that the bartender cannot see it, he has a shotgun and if you kill the bartender, you will be charged five thousand. In my case, I kill a policeman with a shot in the head from a pistol with a silencer. With the second shot you can remove the lotus, then throw in the amulet and run away. Run to the hatch where you left the dragon and change into your clothes. If everything is done cleanly, you can safely walk to the car.

The Lee Hong Assassination-

A mission that frightens you with the number of Chinese who are ready to shoot you for the slightest mistake. Go to a familiar restaurant, today it is open to everyone. There are guards hanging out inside, we need one of them. An aunt with a machine gun walks from corner to corner, wait until she disappears behind the door. There is a bald guard on the right, behind him is a door to a closet, go in there and, without closing the door, strangle the bald man. Quickly drag him into the closet and pick up the pistol before your aunt sees him. Change clothes and go to the bar. After talking with the bartender, take the flyer kindly given out and go through the hall to the door on the right, then to the fat guy in a robe, and here he is - a brothel :) The old woman, after talking to you, will offer the only girl, others, apparently, have a day off. Follow the pretty girl into the room, where she will talk to you. Now you need to save the beauty, just run after her and help her down from the roof. When the lady reaches the gate, she will tell you a lot of good things, give you the required code and kiss you :) A guard walks along the roof, and not just one, but with a Kalashnikov. Correct this misunderstanding. You need clothes even more than a machine gun. The farthest door on the left leads to the kitchen, in the kitchen next to the door from where you came out, another one leads to the basement, where the CIA agent is languishing. After wandering around the basement, you will find machine guns and cartridges for them; cartridges are always needed. Not far from this place there is a door behind which there is a captured Tsar, if you were driven away from the door, then it was her. The person guarding the door needs to be removed quietly, for this you need a pistol with a silencer, with one shot, when the other guard passes. Drag the carcass inside. In the room, a CIA agent in stars and stripes is twitching in the stocks, he needs help, because he will tell you where the safe is, which we need so much. The safe can be located in a new place each time - in the VIP lobby, in the security room, in the warehouse on the 1st floor, in the room of the old pimp. If the alarm is raised and the entrance to Li Hong's lair is closed, don't be sad, you wouldn't have entered through the front door anyway. You already know where the old lady is, there is a door on the left, behind it there is another one, and there is a safe. The guard must die quietly. The rest of the safe locations can be reached by the appropriate elevator. Just don’t get confused and get to Li Hong ahead of time, your health and mood will definitely be ruined. There are two doors leading to the warehouse on the ground floor - both are next to the fat pig near the brothel, either the first door on the left, or the far one behind it. From the security room, you can walk along the floor and, looking at different doors, find weapons and ammunition for the whole squad, collect everything without offending anyone. In the VIP area There are two people watching the safe, first quietly fire one, then the other. Take the figurine and go downstairs to the dining room, there at the very beginning there is a small door and a cunning grandfather in the room. Grandfather clearly doesn't like Li Hong; in exchange for the dragon figurine, he will give you a bag of wise advice and a small bottle of poison. After leaving your grandfather, quickly run to the toilet, the door is on the right, next to it is a sign - Restroom. Behind her, through the door, above which there is a sign with hieroglyphs, and there wait for the waiter, yellow or green, depending on your mood. When Li Hong enters the restaurant, he will wait patiently for the food. It will wait. As soon as the waiter goes into the toilet to look at himself in the mirror, choke him. Drag him to the end booth and take off his clothes. Here... Now we go to the kitchenette, there the cook will begin to command - take it, take it... look... Okay, take a plate and pour grandpa's powder into it. We solemnly sail with the soup straight to LiHong. Here you can throw a plate before reaching Li Hong and try to shoot him and the boar Zong sitting next to him. Li Hong is a strong guy, he knows martial arts, and you can’t kill him with just one bullet. The guard’s carcass generally needs to be stuffed with bullets, so it’s better to hand over the plate, Zong will wave his fat paws and try the soup himself. He will like the soup so much that he will start shooting at the ceiling, then he will overwhelm you, but you are thinner and more agile :) Lee Hong has escaped in the meantime, but we will come to him now. He is no longer waiting for the waiters, so run before the guards come back to the toilet and change into the Red Dragon, then go down through the kitchen to the basement and look for the elevator to Li Hong. Since Zong is no longer there, no one suspects you as an enemy, you can go up the stairs. Upstairs, a frustrated Lee Hong walks from room to room. In the middle room the guards don’t see him, so they strangle the mustachioed guy there. Don’t take the sword, it’s like a big knife in your hands, you won’t be able to make such beautiful moves as Lee Hong did :) If you want, you can fight with a dozen other guards, or take the elevator down to the pier where the boat is and get away, even at the last level complexity, no one shoots after you if everything is done quietly.

Find the U"wa Tribe-

In this mission you will need a compass. Someone sent a killer to fight in the jungle, they probably made a mistake and sent the wrong one. After disembarking from the helicopter, quickly run along the compass to a place somewhere between E and S, where a fallen plane with huge wings is burning out. Go around it looking for the golden figurine lying by the door. Hide before the soldiers come running. If you are late, it doesn’t matter, kill the martinet next to the figurine and run before you catch him. Now we are told to bring the idol to the Indian village, we can bring it later, they will wait. I love to climb onto the wing of an airplane, from there there is a wonderful view of the jungle, but the soldier standing in front of him spoils everything. Having seen enough, we need to remember about business. Firstly, to free the Indian hostage, and secondly, to collect ammunition and weapons, since no one will take care of this in the next two missions. The order of tasks can be rearranged. Run along the river to the tower and bridge; if they are not there, run in the opposite direction. If you hear the sound of a helicopter, then you are close. There are two rows of soldiers on the bridge, a hostage in the middle of the bridge. Climb onto the tower and strangle and kill everyone who is there. Change clothes and shoot the nearby soldiers with a machine gun, and shoot the distant ones with a sniper rifle so as not to hit the Indian. As soon as you destroy everyone, the Indian will come to his senses and run. You can run after him, and you will go straight to the village, but then you must collect weapons in advance, or go for weapons and come to the village alone. It’s better not to take a sniper as a weapon, you won’t get far with it. When you enter the village, take out the golden god, otherwise the fools in skins will spit you to death. Having given the deity, talk to the leader, he will give valuable instructions.

The Jungle God-

After crossing the bridge, go right. Two options for passing: Be careful not to be noticed by the soldiers, kill the pig. When everything calms down, drag the grunt for the jaguar, he is in the ruins by the rock. You throw him the pork and, grabbing the machine gun (you’ll have to bring it from where you got the pig), climb into the hole. At the most difficult level, the cat doesn’t want to eat the piglet, probably the natives fed it. Therefore, the second option is no pigs, just go to the jaguar, climb up the rock on the right and into the hole.

Say Hello to my Little Friend-

It smells like death in here. Both white and your own. Once out into the light of day, collect the knives in the drawer and the vest. In general, the boxes are surprisingly similar, I used to think that they fell from a plane....meh... Well, having collected everything and hidden it, go right past the two soldiers near the tree. I take out one and the other with a knife, but you don’t have to do this, this way I reduce the number of soldiers who can interfere with me. Squads of three people walk along the fence, carefully. Drag the corpses away or leave them as is, soldiers will approach them and, surprised, will remain yawning nearby, you can shoot them. There are two more standing further. Put away. Don't touch the rest, run to the camp. There is a tower behind the entrance; if you run from it into the forest, you will find Kalashnikov cartridges on the left. Entering the camp, find a pistol with a silencer and a vest in the tent. The second one can be left for now. Near the entrance, there are sniper cartridges on the tower, climb down, crouch down, and collect them; in maximum difficulty, it is better not to kill the soldier on the tower. Now to the tower opposite the second checkpoint. Here, shoot down the soldier with a sniper rifle from the tower, then those who are aiming at you below. As Beringer said, “One shot, one dead.” Leave a few rounds in your sniper rifle. The soldiers are crowding around the dead, and this is good, take the M-60 and, going down from the tower, kill the reptiles, when others gather - again for the machine gun, by running you can eliminate them all in this part of the camp, but certainly no one will interfere with you on the way to a drug lab. If you get beat up, take the vest that was left in the tent. After admiring the dead enemies, run to the tower closest to Pablo’s house, but under no circumstances get close to the house, then Pablo will sniff and it will become difficult to knock him down, you will need to remove the remaining towers and, climbing onto the one opposite the house, kill the damned narc with M-60 in both windows, but you will get it too. Carefully moving along the fence, remember why you killed the two at the tree :) Look through the sniper scope, when the narc and Baron Ochoa become visible, just see his head and with one shot you will knock down this scoundrel. Use the remaining bullets to remove all visible towers and soldiers running towards you to say hello. Before going to the house, collect cartridges in the tents near the house, you can take a minigun, with it you will die, barely feeling your own coolness. Go to the hangar with the plane and kill three of them; in the hangar there are still machine gun cartridges and the machine guns themselves. Well, go to the house, shoot everyone who objects, go upstairs, take the bomb and run to the laboratory. Enter the laboratory from the east, eliminate everyone there near the open doors, then place a bomb on the boxes inside and exit the same way. Press the button and two or three soldiers from the other entrance will fly up into the air along with the bunker. Run to the plane and fly off to the next mission.

Traditions of the Triada-

The only weapon is a noose. Scary hotel, this is the place for you. At the hotel, go to the reception, a cupcake with an unforgettable accent will provide the necessary information. You can go to Herr Fuchs, but then his brother Fritz will leave the steam room
and you will have to look for the scoundrel, running through the floors. Therefore, go straight to the pool, change clothes there in the last cabin, there is no point in going to the steam room in a suit. Stomp towards the pool, on the way it’s fun to stand in the shower if it’s on :) Look along the wall for a steam room with a chisel doctor, if you come across a fish with huge boobs, don’t be surprised, even the cook is rude here. The vile doctor will begin to complain about his heart, he probably forgot how he tortured people, the bastard. Turn the valve and there will be one less dentist. Take the key from the carcass and go get dressed. If you don’t immediately go for the doctor, he will go to the casino, where he will sit, complaining about life, then he will go to the toilet, where you will choke him. It's funny - they won't let you out of the men's locker room in your underpants, but if you strangle a chick, you can leave through the women's locker room and walk around the hotel in just your underpants! Next, go along the stairs all the way to the right to the second floor (you can take the elevator, from the elevator to the left door), there is a guard at Fuchs’ room. Run along the floor, feeble-minded cleaners walk around the rooms, leaving master keys on the doors. Take the key and go into the room next to Fuchs. Wait on the balcony until the second guard comes out, when he leaves, climb onto the balcony and strangle him in the room, it is possible to do this on the balcony. Collect everything on the table and go into Fuchs's shower. Shoot the fascist pig right in the head; if the first guard comes in, he will too. Take the bomb box and hang up the "Do Not Disturb" sign when you leave. Pay attention to the key to Fuchs's room, you can receive his mail. If you change into a cleaner in the servants' room, be sure to go down to the reception and listen to what they tell you. The florist on the second floor needs letters from the reception, he will give you a box of roses, it’s cool, you open it, and there’s a shotgun, just like the Terminator... but it’s useless. The box is empty, let's go get the bomb. From Fuchs's room, go left to the fire escape (green sign on the door) and go up to the third floor. Behind the Exit sign there is an exit to the roof; you need to climb into the window of the dental office. You strangle the guard standing with his face to the wall and go to the X-ray for a bomb. In a difficult game, the bald guard at the door will notice you, it’s better if you notice him in advance. Pack the bomb, go back the same way and down the fire escape.

Gunrunner's Paradise-

If you walk a little forward and wait, a bandit in a jacket with a swastika will pass by. This is the jacket we need. The machine gun will also come in handy, so before you kill your brother, let him pull out the machine gun. If you want, wait until the punk comes, he also has a machine gun. Be careful, crazy train! Move the arrows, it will come in handy. Go to the gate with the lights above it to the bar inside. Go inside without touching the bandit at the door. After chatting with the bartender, go behind the stage and when the chick finishes dancing and comes there, talk to her. While she distracts the bandit's face, place the transmitter on the car. Now wait for the bandits to get into the car and drive off. It is useless to run after the car; it drives through the closed gate. But still, track which direction she went and go there. Look on the transmitter to see where everything is and move the appropriate arrows. When you approach the place, be careful, there are angry Dobermans all around! Shoot the dog and take the transmitter from the car. Enter the hangar along the stairs from the side, use an Mp5 with a silencer to shoot those who are visible below, then hide behind the wall and wait for the others to come running up, so you will have to hide fewer corpses. Having gone down, finish off the remaining ones and take the suitcase. Put the transmitter there and hide it behind the dead bodies, otherwise Ivan won’t like it. Wait for this clown to arrive and give him the money so he can choke.

Plutonium Runs Loose-

Take binoculars, mp5 with silencer and knife. A sentry is wandering around the building, the second one should go around the corner. As soon as this happens, run from the wall to the first one and count a couple of bullets into his head. Change into a wonderful suit and wait for the second one. Now you have two machine guns, go to the gate. If you need to take out the soldier on the roof, go up the stairs and use a silenced machine gun. You don't have to do this. There are soldiers standing at the gate, apparently from the chemical troops, and their colleagues are wandering along the fence. Wait until they approach the gate, and go through at the same time, like in the subway. Run along the edge of the bank to the fence. Look through binoculars - straight and to the right there is an open door in the fence, you also see a stupid Doberman, go through the door so as not to mess with the dog, walk along and exit through another door. Walk along the fence all the time, then along the edge, look at the buildings with binoculars. Those Dobermans again. A dog's death. Look towards the containers straight ahead - there are two more scary dogs, one is waiting at the containers, the other is at the platform. There are weapons in the open container, take everything except the shotgun. Run along the edge until people in gas masks become visible through the optical sight. Their drinking buddy is on the roof. After these gates, look through the optics again - two at the gate, one on the roof. The path to the ship is clear. But first, place the bomb in a white limousine with familiar license plates. You'll have to kill the person guarding the car, but quietly, of course. To avoid alarm and calmly enter the ship, wait until the soldiers approach the car and remove them, four in total. Having placed the bomb, stomp towards the ship, there is a guard at the edge of the stairs, you need, of course, his clothes. Well, now, in such a funny way, calmly climb onto the ship and look for the third door, opening it, you will see a flashing light, the lamp is not completely burned out. Go downstairs, at the very bottom there is a criminal-looking man in a T-shirt on guard, let him live for now, go out the door, look around, you will see life jackets, go to that corner and to the next door, look for the red light there and go downstairs to the engine room. When you pass the car, you will see Ivan, or rather, he will see you and will not be very happy, soak your hat and the men in T-shirts. The huckster Boris will run to the car, but he won’t go far, it’s a pity that the bomb explodes on its own. Having neutralized the green rocket, it is unclear how it was activated, go to the man under the stairs, he is harmful and will begin to interfere with the departure. It won't hurt anymore. Climb to the upper deck, there is a ladder up to the pipe, this is a direct path to the wheelhouse. We don't need a captain, we can do everything ourselves. Backwater.

Mental hospital :)

Everything is as it should be in a mental hospital, you come to kill, and they are already waiting for you and showing you where to go. Don’t go there, you have nothing to kill with, except perhaps with your own appearance. Go through the door straight ahead and up to the room with test tubes and flasks. Take the Uzi, shoot the glass with the shotgun and leave it. Go downstairs again and now go where it is said. Or almost there. Through the green operating room type doors and into the next door straight across the hall. There is a first aid kit in the room with a syringe in it. Don't go into Dr. Kovacs's office, that's his name :) Then you'll come in. Look for the entrance to the corridor, where there are rooms with iron doors, there are psychos and orderlies walking there, wait until one of the orderlies moves away from the other, and inject him with a syringe. You can inject a second one. Become a nurse, it really suits you :) Now you can go to Kovacs. As soon as you enter the office, the dudes from Rainbow Six will burst into the hospital! You can shoot the doctor if you have time, but the main thing is to take the key. Get out of there, there are weapons in the opposite office, but this is if you want to fight with the stupid soldiers running in single file. No one will touch you while dressed as an orderly, just don’t take a stun gun. You can run through the attic, there are weapons and ammunition there in the cabinets and more, again for war. In the wards there are the psychos' favorite toys, bears and rubber ducks, for this you seem to be entitled to help, but in a difficult game the psychos will cheat you, and therefore it is better to find everything yourself. There is a shotgun on the roof outside, they will take you there for a book, for a teddy bear, or whatever, or to a room with a TV, and there for a duck. Without the help of psychos, the TV is somewhere on the second floor, you can get there from the roof, where the shotgun is, the door at the end and down. Or below the statue of Kovacs (delusions of grandeur) with a golden syringe, the door is approximately behind the syringe and up. In the room with the TV there is the highlight of the program - the Tsar's loser! He's no longer wearing his starry panties, and in general he's really bad. Or maybe a malingerer. In the cage behind him there is an antidote in the cabinet and a syringe on the table. Give the American citizen the antidote and follow him to the elevator. When he rises, you need to go down, but to make it more fun, you can kill one soldier and put on an outfit with a mask.

Meet Your Brother-

Remove the orderly, I'm tired of the devils. There is a shotgun with cartridges in the closet. Go outside the bars and to the left. Do you see how many clones the damn doctor made? But they didn’t turn out that smart, it sucks. Behind the next grate there is another orderly; there are Uzi cartridges in the closet. Save the shotgun for later. Close the screen door and wait. Methodically shoot the running doubles through the bars. When you count ten pieces, you can leave. Take one and drag it to the doors with the Biohazard sign. Drag him to the rug with the footprints and scan the impostor's bald head. The door will open, come in. A crazy professor will come out to meet you, don’t listen to him, he’s a bastard. Shoot.
