When will new branches of tanks be introduced on PS4? Impressions of World of Tanks on PS4

World of Tanks on PlayStation 4 - your favorite World of Tanks tanks on the new generation console from Sony are available for free from 01/19/2016.

Now all tankers can take advantage of the opportunities that only PS4 provides:

Review of World of Tanks on PS4

World of Tanks release date on PS4

The release took place January 19, 2016 for Russia.
The worldwide release took place on January 19, 2016.

Release Features: free installation for all types of PlayStation 4 accounts.

For subscribers PlayStation Plus available:

  • 3 days of premium account,
  • discounts on many things from the store,
  • rare German light tank Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J (Russian designation - Tank T-II, slang name in the game - Jedi).

Review of World of Tanks for PlayStation 4

The arcade tank simulator World of Tanks tried its best to take advantage of the PlayStation 4 platform. Support for Share Play and PlayStation Vita functions has already been implemented. Remote Play, DUALSHOCK 4. New level battles are guaranteed. In addition, fans of this console will be able to treat themselves to a platinum trophy, and four founders' packs with premium content.


Game graphics on console significantly improved compared to the PC version. The picture on the TV is excellent - details, special effects, clear contours of textures. The game runs without delays or stutters. At the end of the review there are screenshots and videos where you can see the graphics features. Even considering that YouTube reduces picture quality, you can create your own idea of ​​the graphic component.


The game is controlled using a gamepad. The game shows all its best sides, of course, with the Sony Dualshock 4 gamepad. We are not advocating immediately running to the store, but Dualshock 4 owners will rightfully appreciate the efforts of the developers.

We noted some features: using a gamepad you can better feel the nuances of the map’s landscape, and it has become more convenient to regulate the speed of the car. But aiming became more difficult. The good news is that all players (both you and your opponents) find themselves in such conditions. And what at first seemed like a drawback turned out to be an interesting feature that brings new intrigue to the game.

Keyboard and mouse

At the time of writing, mouse and keyboard support for World of Tanks on PS4 is not possible.


The game features a clan system. True, for now clans serve to select a battle partner and communicate (the “chat” function). But knowing Wargaming, the clan system will continue to develop.

PvE and PvP

On the console you can play with both live opponents and bots.

Buy World of Tanks for PS4 - price

The game can be downloaded for free, with bonuses for PlayStation Plus owners. In-store purchases are not necessary.

Download World of Tanks on PS4

World of Tanks on PlayStation 4 is free for all PlayStation accounts and does not require a PlayStation Plus membership.

To install the game, log into your PlayStation 4 account (if you don't have one, register on the PlayStation®Store) and download the game using the link provided.
Download World of Tanks on PS4
(via direct link)



Official announcement

Installation, start of the game, gameplay features, graphics

Review of the exclusive Pz.Kpfw tank. II Ausf. J

1. To play CoD online, you need a PS Plus subscription; a three-month subscription costs about a thousand rubles. Many players are unhappy with this, but what to do, these are the rules. Here you can argue and bicker for a long time, PC owners will grin, they say, they have to pay money for this, PS4 owners will grin - but you don’t have to update the system from game to game and deal with incorrect operation. In general, all this can be continued ad infinitum. But, most importantly, the WoT developers and Sony managed to come to an agreement, so that a PS Plus subscription is not needed to play online. This is, of course, a huge plus. It seems to me that WoT may well become a kind of “driver” for the PS4 in Russia - firstly, the game is very popular here, and secondly, you can connect the console to the TV, create an account and immediately start playing, without extra expenses. Or rather, all spending in WoT is at your discretion.

2. About graphics, downloading and installing “textures” high resolution“it took several hours - if you start downloading the game before leaving for work, then everything will be downloaded by the time you arrive. By the way, you can start downloading from your smartphone, don’t forget. So, if we talk about graphics, then the PC is ahead, but the game looks very good on a TV with a FullHD screen (in my opinion). Naturally, there is no need to think about drivers and any problems; over the long hours of play there was not a single crash, not a single stop, or other problems.

3. The game launches on the European server by default, the network code is debugged perfectly - no delays, no lags, I didn’t notice anything like that. What can’t be said, for example, about CoD: Black Ops 3. Loading the hangar occurs quickly; there are slight delays only in the built-in store. I may have noticed some twitching in the game, but it’s a split second and doesn’t affect the gameplay.

4. If you have previously played on a PC, you are tired, you ran to buy a console to play WoT, keep in mind that you need to get used to the joystick. And this is not an hour, not two, not a day or even a week. Unfortunately, this is a completely different control system, so it will take a month of training before you can get comfortable with the joystick in WoT. Even I can’t always move straight back or turn the tank at a slight angle towards the enemy, the slightest movement of the stick and the tank is already driving in the wrong direction. If we talk about WoT, then the most precise control is in the PC version, then there are consoles, then already Blitz– I can't play the last one because I hate playing with touch screens. I hope I expressed myself as clearly and intelligibly as possible - the controls in the PS4 version have their own characteristics, and this must be taken into account. If you feel like you need to practice, try riding in training modes.

5. The game has artillery, as far as I understand, it is done similar to the PC version: the map opens, select a square, and so on. In reality, artillery is not as scary as it is painted to be. On tanks of low levels you have to constantly look at how many “squares” the enemy has, one hit and that’s it. Starting from HF this is no longer so important. On the other hand, “art” can do a lot of damage with critical hits on the tracks when you can’t move. In general, you probably know everything about tactics - in general, on PS4 you can start playing with artillery and then move on.

6. It seems that WoT for many is already a passed stage, it seems that why do these console providers need the old good game for PC - but now WoT is, to put it mildly, incredibly popular. As of January 29, there were 1,400,000 installations of the game, with about 32,000 online players on the European server every day. It’s clear that compared to a PC, this is a drop in the ocean, but also keep in mind that about 36 million PS4 consoles have been sold worldwide. That is, the results on the attitudes are very interesting, and they, of course, are already different - people are interested in this universe, and this is not at all some passing hobby.

7. The PS4 version has two new console-only maps: Scorpion Gorge and Ruinberg. The first one, for me personally, is uncomfortable and strange, in the center there is a hill, on one side there is a desert, on the other side there is a village, I constantly see that the players seem to be standing in thought and deciding where to go. But “Ruinberg” is a very playful and cheerful map: railway tracks, an avenue, houses, a kind of cake, on the avenue heavy tanks they go on direct fire and click on impatient novice players, between houses you can go around the KV from the rear, in general, it’s interesting.

8. As I was told, prices in the in-game store differ, for example, 1,200 gold costs 376 rubles. As far as I understand, the economy itself is no different from the PC version, for battles you earn experience and silver, for gold you can buy premium equipment, train the crew more effectively, transfer experience from other combat vehicles and buy special tanks. You can try not to spend money at all - I didn’t succeed, and in the first week I spent about three thousand without noticing. You can chalk it up to a hobby.

9. So far there are only three branches, Russian, German and American, it seems that not all tanks are present. The developers promise very, very, very many interesting things in 2016 - new tanks, new tasks, new maps. I believe that the success of WoT on PS4 may push Wargaming to speed up work on World of Warships for the console - such work is certainly underway.

10. The official website of this version of the game, you can watch the news. My nickname is Zavackiy, add me as a friend, let's play.

More recently World of Tanks released on PS4. And now that the most popular project Wargaming available on both main consoles of the current generation, we are ready to tell you how the console versions differ from the computer version.

The controls and interface take some getting used to

Transferring World of Tanks on PS4 and Xbox One(let's not forget the "trial" version for Xbox 360, released in 2014), Wargaming put a lot of effort into ensuring that playing on a gamepad was as convenient as playing on a keyboard and mouse. You don’t have to look far for examples of other successful adaptations - Diablo 3 And Divinity: Original Sin They feel great on consoles.

It turned out well, but not without compromises, especially if you are switching to the console version from a PC.

The first thing that catches your eye is that the developers, for obvious reasons, had to sacrifice text chat in favor of voice communication and an additional interface with quick commands.

As for the gameplay, the main shooter mechanics really fit organically into the classic gamepad layout, but movement tied to the left stick can be confusing at first: you can accidentally start turning the tank, throw off the aim and lose precious seconds on aiming.

You also need to get used to navigating on the map again: viewing sectors with a cursor is still much more convenient than with a stick. After Destiny, where the “computer” role-playing interface with a cursor is executed in an exemplary manner, the return to cumbersome menus that have to be scrolled with buttons (if, say, you already have a decent collection of vehicles and camouflages for them in your hangar) is depressing, but not fatal.

This is not just a console version

Console control and interface, coupled with minor mechanical changes (Wargaming added a barely noticeable auto-adjustment of the sight and multi-colored marks showing the probability of causing damage) do not have a very noticeable effect on the overall dynamics.

The class system has not changed - “fireflies” quickly fly behind enemy lines, artillery provides cover, light, medium and heavy tanks fight in positional battles of varying degrees of intensity, and self-propelled guns sit in the bushes and wait.

The set of maps is current, but in terms of variety of cars, console WoT is now at the level of its older brother from 2011: at the start, the game has only three classic branches, no French or Chinese yet. Presumably, other nations will soon add patches.

But visually the console version turned out to be much more lively thanks to the new engine. Here the developers also made technical concessions, limiting the frame rate to thirty FPS, but otherwise the console World of Tanks wins. The rendering distance is higher, the lighting is more natural, updated physics and destructibility are in place, and the tank models and environmental textures look no worse than in the PC version, although nominally fewer resources were spent on them due to technical limitations.

But the main thing is that the console versions have a full cycle of day and night and weather conditions. After five years, the usual maps in night and rainy scenery are perceived completely differently, and an ordinary battle on a mountain on the Himmelsdorf instantly adds drama when there is evening twilight all around, a thunderstorm is raging overhead, and raindrops are flowing down the hull of your hidden IS-7. This is the case when a fresh look at the visuals changes the feeling of the gameplay, and that’s great.

* * *

It's a small matter. Wargaming just needs to fix little things in the interface and controls and make sure that console WoT versions received updates and additional content more often. Well, it would also be nice to introduce changes in weather and time of day into the PC version. Otherwise everything is fine.

Updated! We played WOT on PS4 and share with you the gameplay and first impressions of the game.


  • Sergeant Grafouni is happy - everything is beautiful, new effects, everything that can be wrapped in HD;
  • from effects Not I only liked the explosions and fire from the guns when fired;
  • the sounds are very good;
  • the controls are complicated - you have to get used to them, you can’t assign your own buttons, but there are several control presets;
  • platoons are not working yet;
  • tim damage does not go away;
  • the chat is clean, no one remembers the mothers;
  • excellent farming, already at levels 1-3, 20-30k silver per battle - simple;
  • sound notifications that the enemy is taking aim or “art is working on us” were very pleasing;
  • The sight is buggy (details below).

Gameplay video

The medals after the fight are very fun to fly in

And now the details

In general, these are still the same tanks, but stuck in a new shell. However, the sensations are slightly different, but most likely the problem is not in the game itself, but in the controls - you need to get used to the sticks, at least for aiming. Hence the even slower pace of the game, worse quality aiming, there are often moments when you want to throw the joystick at the monitor because you simply didn’t have time to aim at the right place and you were killed.

New perks:

  • holding your breath- increases the time during which the car can be under water;
  • high pain threshold- reduces the likelihood of injury to crew members; the effect is enhanced with a “large first aid kit” and “anti-fragmentation lining”;
  • airborne training- reduces the damage a tank receives when falling, the effect is enhanced by a “large first aid kit”;
  • hidden movement- reduces the likelihood of detection when moving, increases from “maximization”;
  • field repair- increases the speed of repairing a downed track, works even better together with the “tool box” and “repair”;
  • muffled shot- reduces the likelihood of detection when shooting, “cloaking net” and “camouflage” will add points to this skill.

Bug or trick with a sight?

A terrible irritant has been discovered. I don’t know if they did this on purpose or if it was a flaw. The point is that when you rotate the camera in arcade mode and switch to sniper mode, the camera no longer looks where it was looking before in arcade mode, but where the barrel was looking at that second (and it rotates slower than the arcade camera).

What happens in practice is that the enemy came from the rear, we turn towards him in arcade mode, enter snipe mode and the camera turns out to be no longer looking at him, but in the other direction and, of course, the rotation of the tower stops. We enter back into arcade mode and look in the direction where the barrel was pointing (that is, again in the wrong direction). You have to turn the camera, wait for the tower to fully unfold and only then sniper. In these few seconds we manage to get a good hit on the cabbage soup, because while we were struggling with the aim, we completely lost our orientation in space.

About the good

Graphics, effects, textures - everything is top notch. The only suspicions were caused by the explosions. They are somehow boring and too bright with an oversaturation of white. The same goes for tracers. Sometimes it felt like you were shooting from a plasma gun. IMHO, this point needs to be improved a little.

Chat very clean - you can only see rare commands, indicating squares on the map and requests for help.

Apply no damage to allies, at least shooting at them.

It’s worth talking separately about sounds. Of the effects, I liked the sounds of ricochets the most, especially in sniper mode"inside" the tank. Such a powerful metal sound in the best traditions of Michael Bay and Transformers. Well, other small processed moments of sound add atmosphere.

Well entered audio messages about the light (now the pumping of the sixth sense is in question) and that the enemy is aiming at us. There was also a new message that " art works for us" - is very helpful in sniping mode, when you have little understanding of what is happening around you, and upon receiving such a message you can quickly run for cover.

This seemingly small thing looks nice in the form of setting houses on fire - if you fire a charge on the roof or through a window, the building lights up, perhaps not the first time. Adds atmosphere and interactivity to the environment.

There are a lot of unafraid newcomers who are eager to climb under the artillery or rush into the center. There are plenty of free frags every battle.

Art is still annoying and one-shots at the most inopportune moments.

Without mods, it’s unusual to play on the standard interface. At least the commander's camera is really missing, but again its use without a mouse wheel is doubtful. The zoom is basically good in its current form.

Main loading screen:

WOT loading screen on PS4.

This was the opinion of the site administrator.

Opinion of Ruslan, section editor

First of all, the improved graphics are striking. This is especially true for tank models; here even the MC-1 immediately appears before our eyes in HD form! And what happens in battle! Damn it, the grass here is spiking from the wind, Karl! Grass! And this is where we should finish the story about the visual part, there is no point in describing it in particular - the entire game is made in HD, that's all you need to know. Developers from Minsk, releasing several HD models each patch, are not very impressive (even though I am against the general herd hatred of WG).

IN console version There are a lot of solutions that are invisible at first glance, but cool. For example, if you damaged a module during a shot, its icon will appear next to the sight. Or if a rebound occurs, its icon will also appear.

Or pumping - now you don’t need to study each module separately, the vehicle is researched in “packages”, that is, having bought a stock BT-2, for a certain amount of silver you can buy some improved modification of it. And so on until the next car is examined.

The Chinese curse says: " I wish you to live in an age of change", and according to him console tanks may not appeal to conservatives who are accustomed to a keyboard-mouse combination. I don’t particularly suffer from aiming with a gamepad; the American developers managed to make the controls quite responsive (I’m talking about the aim), but the wildly annoying fixation, which was described by the administrator in the first review, needs to be removed.

Main differences

  • Graphics.
  • Physics.
  • Easier pumping.
  • More experience/silver from each battle.
  • New sounds.
  • New perks.
  • Deer, their name is Legion.

Will I play? For sure yes, the game is definitely worth it. Moreover, herds of unafraid deer open up for me, an art lover, spaces unseen on a PC. And light tanks are definitely worth exploring; aiming with a gamepad will most likely increase the lifespan of each tank in the game.

Let's summarize! The game was a success, you need to fix a few annoying moments and you can safely play.

Finally, a little borscht:

thundered like a shot from Dora, deafening, striking and drawing into their tank battlefields many players, both experienced players who have been into computer games for decades, and completely newbies. The latter even have a special name, independent of age, although appealing to it, stuck to them mainly due to unsportsmanlike and often primitive behavior, but we will leave this behind the scenes. The most interesting thing was that in this game those players who previously did not really like network projects also reached out. Often this happened under the influence of the environment, they say everyone is playing and I will play. Before I knew it, hundreds of battles had already begun.

Actually, I was one of those people - those who didn’t complain network games, but spent his thousand+ battles in World of Tanks. Not a great indicator, of course, compared to the experts of this project, who have been hanging around virtual levers for several years, who have hangars full of cool high-level equipment, who remember by heart the weak points in the bodies of all machines and do not hesitate to shoot gold. But, nevertheless, quite a good experience.

And all these lyrics above mean that today I would like to take a brief look at the console version of this project, which appeared last month on the PlayStation 4. The main thing that interested me when downloading 40 gigabytes to my gaming system was... no, not why the game was bloated two and a half times (although that’s the same), but how well it was optimized for the Sony console. In every way, from technical implementation, to control and interface. The last point is especially painful, because many games now like to sin criminally small print and controls, which can be dealt with using the magnifying glass function. Or binoculars, as an option, for those who are especially inventive. You know, the kind they give out in theaters.

Modes available in the game.

But surprisingly, the interface in World of Tanks on PlayStation 4 turned out to be quite acceptable; at 32” from three meters it can be read without any particular difficulties, with not at all ideal visual acuity. What, for example, cannot be said about "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt» , War Thunder and a number of other projects. Second important point- management. Yes, unfortunately, the speed and accuracy of a keyboard and mouse cannot be achieved here, but everything is implemented well. During the first few battles you will have to get used to the behavior of the tank, and then slightly adapt to each new vehicle, but there should be no problems here. The tower controls are also well implemented, including switching views. You can install a camera somewhere in the area of ​​the machine gun and observe only the barrel of your tank, or aim through the optics. Shooting from third person is fine entry levels, and closer to the average, some accuracy will be needed.

And it is with the latter that some difficulties may arise, since the analogue does not provide the same speed and aiming accuracy as a good mouse. No matter how wonderful this analogue may be. Fortunately, all PlayStation 4 players are in the same position, and will have to adjust to a new way of targeting weak areas, such as the VLD and NLD of an enemy vehicle, or shooting on the move at a moving target. However, I spent about forty battles, and by the age of twenty I had already become quite accustomed to most of the control features. Strictly speaking, World of Tanks also has its problems on PC. For example, invisible textures or strange slopes, the angle of which seems to allow you to climb to the top, but some invisible pebble prevents you from doing this.

Another significant, although not so physically tangible, change in the console version of the game is the upgrade of combat vehicles in the player’s hangar. If in the regular version we improved each module separately, we could strengthen the tank gradually, highlighting the most sensible characteristics for this particular vehicle - speed and radio for light tanks, making them ideal “fireflies”, guns for artillery, and so on. Now we buy entire packages of modules at once, instantly improving a number of characteristics and significantly transforming our tank. Otherwise, leveling up remains the same - in battles we gain experience and money, and for experience we open new packages of modules. and then we buy and install them for money. You can also purchase various equipment and train the crew. In general, we have before us the good old “Tanks” (although not Battle City!), but now on the most popular home console of the current generation. And with trophies!