Play preference cards. Rules of the game in preferenceleningrad

If you are offered to play chess, never say: “I can’t.” Say: “I can, but I don’t want to.”

Vladimir Vysotsky, “A Story about the Game of Chess”

My desire to learn to play chess appeared precisely after such a situation. True, I was able to say “I can,” but I couldn’t continue “but I don’t want to.” I had to play. Several stunning defeats after short games made it clear: knowing the rules of the game is not enough to win. There was something else that only chess players knew about. Something that helped them see the board from a different angle, as if looking into the future and commenting with disappointment: “Well, what have you done!” I wanted to know this secret, and I decided to understand...

How an adult can learn to play chess

First we needed to find out whether it was possible to learn to play chess on our own: using the Internet, mobile applications or a tutorial. A thorough survey of those who already know how to play showed that you can try to learn to play yourself, but it is better to do it with a friend or teacher.

However, the first steps can and should be taken alone. Desirable:

  • find or buy a board;
  • get to know the figures;
  • learn the rules of the game.

This will take you no more than an hour. Use YouTube videos, there are many videos on this topic. If there is a desire, excuses are unnecessary. Even a child (from four years old) can start playing.

After you understand this stage, you should look for a teacher. Why can't you learn to play on your own? The answer is very simple. You can try to do it yourself, and you will even start to succeed. It's just a matter of learning speed. What you figure out in a few days, the teacher will explain in an hour. Moreover, an experienced player or teacher will help you see on the board what you simply won’t notice due to lack of experience.

How to find a teacher

Enroll in a chess school or club

The only problem you may have is the age limit. But it can also be solved.

When I tried to enroll in the nearest chess schools, I was refused due to the fact that they only accept children. But instead they offered to come and try to negotiate with the teacher about private lessons.

Even if there is only one in your city chess school, go there and try to find yourself a coach.

There are also chess clubs. Most often, they are played by older people, united by a great desire and passion for the game. This is a great choice for those who love chess, but not always good option for a beginner.

Find a chess friend

When I tried to do this, it turned out that the chess players are part of some kind of “Fight Club”. Simple post in social networks showed: more than half of my friends have played or are playing chess. They just don't tell anyone about it. Try asking your friends too. I'm sure you'll be surprised.

As for my personal experience, among my acquaintances and friends I found one who turned out to be a candidate master of sports in chess. We quickly agreed on lessons, and I got a little closer to my goal.

Hire a teacher

Without contacting organizations, schools, clubs and clubs, you can simply find a teacher for private lessons. Try to meet him in person before you agree on the first lesson to make sure that you can study with this person and will not be afraid to ask him several times about unclear points. If you feel discomfort, embarrassment, awkwardness, try to find another teacher.

“Anyone who plays better than you can already teach. But the teacher should not be a bore. And it’s not worth spending money on super-professionals right away,” advises Vladimir Khlepitko.

Peter Miller/

What to read

While your coach will tell you what the opening, middlegame and endgame are, teach the theory and practice of chess, and simultaneously demonstrate the art of composition, you can already begin to help yourself move even faster. For example, with the help of books. Literature by itself will not teach you how to play, but it will become a powerful aid in this difficult task.

1. For beginners, self-instruction books and collections of problems are suitable. For example, “Collection of Chess Combinations” by S. D. Ivashchenko, “Textbook of the Chess Game” by H. R. Capablanca and “Journey to the Chess Kingdom” by Yu. Averbakh. Feel free to open books for children or those marked “For those just starting to play.” After all, it is in them that the complex chess system is explained very clearly and clearly.

2. Once you've got the introduction down and you've had a few productive lessons with your teacher, move on to the strategy and tactics books. Understand each stage of the game of chess, fortunately a lot has been written about them. Knowing which book to choose can be difficult, so be sure to ask your coach for advice. You can pay attention to these works:

  • “My system”, A. I. Nimzovich;
  • “Strategic techniques in chess”, A. I. Terekhin;
  • “In the wake of debut disasters”, Ya. I. Neishtadt;
  • “Transition to the endgame”, Y. Razuvaev, G. Nesis.

3. Look for inspiration. Read not only chess textbooks, but also books related to this great game. For example, Vladimir Khlepitko says that he likes Garry Kasparov’s book “Chess as a Model of Life.”

Watch films about chess and chess players, for example:

  • “Bobby Fischer against the World” is about the biography of the American champion and his legendary match with Boris Spassky.
  • “The Defense of Luzhin” is a film in which you should not look chess boards looking for interesting combinations, but you can immerse yourself in its unique atmosphere.
  • “Chess Fever” is a black and white Soviet comedy, of course, almost nothing about chess. But Capablanca himself appears in the frame!

What else?

Of course, you shouldn’t ignore online help. As long as you practice in reality, all other ways to make your lessons more effective are also valid.

  • a channel that makes chess understandable, adds excitement and inspires new achievements.
  • « ShahMatChannel" is a channel that specializes in holding video tournaments between bloggers and everyone, after which it analyzes in detail the mistakes and successes of players.
  • I will say this: if you really want it, you will definitely succeed. For me, trying to learn to play chess was a real challenge. The game is, to put it mildly, not easy. But beautiful. Therefore, if you really like chess and are willing to devote a little time to it every day or at least every week, everything will definitely work out.

    Success will come from desire and love for the game, and there are many ways to achieve success, the main thing is to keep moving the pieces!

    Vladimir Khlepitko, head of the Wisdom chess club

    With us you can play preference online right now absolutely free, without registration - both with a computer and with real people via the Internet. Here you can download Marriage Preference for your computer; all the links necessary for this are located just below this text.

    Currently, two versions of the online preference game are available in the system - “for friends” and “public game”. To play with your friend or acquaintance, you will need to create a private table and set a password, which you will need to tell your opponent. In the case of a public game, you will play with strangers, but real people from all over the world.

    To play preference on a computer without registration, just download the game, install and run it. In the case of playing with live opponents, it is also not necessary to register; you can log in through one of the popular social networks and then you will have the opportunity to communicate with other players, make new interesting acquaintances, receive prizes, gifts and all kinds of bonuses!

    We wish you have a nice game! Like, share the link on social networks and invite your friends, then the game will become even more interesting!

    Rules of the game "preference" for the computer and for its online version

    Deck of cards for playing preference
    The preference deck consists of 32 cards. There are 4 suits of 8 cards each - from Ace to Seven.
    Seniority of suits in ascending order: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts.
    The seniority of cards in suit is ascending: seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace.
    One of the suits can be designated as a trump; any trump card is higher than any non-trump card. In the trump suit, the seniority of the cards is preserved.

    Rules for bribes and turn order in preference
    The first card placed on the table is called a move. Each player must play one card per turn.
    Cards are laid out according to the following rules:
    On a move, the player must place a card of the move suit. If there are no cards of the move suit in the hand, the player must put a trump card. If there is no trump card, you can play any card. The bribe is taken by the player who owns the highest card in this bribe, taking into account the trump cards.

    In preference, the rights to make the first bid during trading and the first move in the game are transferred from player to player. The player who has the right to make the first move and make the first bid in trading is called the “first hand”. The next player is the “second hand” and the last player is the “third hand”.

    Types of games in preference
    There are three groups of games in preference - games of bribes, minuscule and passing.
    In games for bribes, the player undertakes to take at least the number of bribes stated by him when trading. The game can be played with or without a trump card. The goal of the other players is to prevent him from doing this - that is, in turn, to take as many tricks as possible (if possible).
    By declaring a minuscule amount, the player undertakes not to take a single bribe. Other players, on the contrary, try to force him to take bribes.
    In passing games, each player tries to take as few tricks as possible.

    Possible game orders
    Games for bribes and minuscule are ranked as follows: the minimum number of bribes that can be ordered is 6, the maximum is 10.
    The player undertakes to take the stated number of tricks, while all the Whists must take in total, in a six-game game, at least 4 tricks, in a seven-game game, at least 2, in an eight-, nine-, ten-fold game, at least 1 trick. At the minimum, the Whists have no obligations.
    For example, a 6 spades contract means that the player undertakes to take at least 6 tricks with a trump spades suit. You can play without trump (B/C), such a game is older than trump with the same number of tricks.

    Recording in preference
    The point of playing preference is to evaluate your cards, order and play the most profitable contract.
    The results of games in preference are recorded in bullet, mountain and whist. For playing a contract, the player receives bullet points. For an ordered and unplayed contract, the player receives a fine. Players opposing the player write whists against him for every trick they take, and if they do not take the required number of tricks, they receive a fine.
    The game protocol for recording bullets, mountains and whists is also called bullet.

    Varieties of preference, differing in the cost of games and passes, distribution of whists between players, and trading features, are called conventions. Our project presents game options - Leningradka, Sochinka and Rostov.

    Each hand is played by three players. 10 cards are dealt. The two remaining cards are called the draw, and their contents are unknown to anyone until the end of the trade. The purpose of trading is to obtain the right to buy and order the most profitable contract for yourself.
    The preference trading process is as follows. Each player, in turn, clockwise, can make a request to play or refuse to play. When applying for a game, he must clearly indicate the type of game, and when refusing to play, he must declare “pass”. The player who saved does not take part in further trading. In turn, you can only make one application. The minimum order is six tricks, with a pike in trumps - i.e. "6 spades". The next player can order according to the seniority of the games in the table only more senior game, that is, “6 clubs.” The subsequent order can only be “6 diamonds”, etc. If the player does not want to bargain further, he can, in turn, declare “pass”. The last player who did not pass, who participated in the trade and made the highest bid, receives the right to buy and order a contract.
    If all three players pass, a passing game is played - a game in which everyone tries to take as few tricks as possible.

    Order a game
    After the end of the trade, the buy-in is opened for everyone to see and given to the player who won the right to order the game. The player takes a buy-in and discards any two cards. After that, he must order the game. You can order any game no younger than the one on which the trade stopped. There is one exception - minuscule. You can only order a miniscule immediately. That is, you cannot first say “six of spades”, and then, on the next round of trading, say “minuscule”.
    If a player has taken a buy-in, then it is mandatory to order the game, even if it is obviously impossible to win.

    Game of bribes
    The player who participated in the trade and took the buy-in is obliged to order a game no lower than the one that the trade reached. For example, if you traded until the 7th of spades, then you can no longer order six games. The game is scheduled after demolition.
    By ordering a game, the player undertakes to take a certain number of bribes. If the player does not collect the required number of tricks, he is given a fine. The amount of the fine depends on the amount of bribes not collected. The shortfall in bribes is called remiz.
    If the player takes the stated number of tricks, an entry is made into the bullet in the amount determined for this game.
    If the player took more tricks than required for the ordered game - for example, he ordered 6 tricks, but took 7 - the entry still goes in accordance with the ordered game. The game of bribes is played if she is jealous. This means that at least one of the opponents in the game declared “whist” and, thus, accepted the obligation to take a certain number of tricks. If all players say “pass”, then the game is considered played, and the corresponding entries are made in the bullet.

    After the contract has been ordered, the remaining players must decide whether they undertake to take the number of bribes allotted to them in this game or not. If a player undertakes to take a certain number of tricks, he declares “wist”; if not, he declares “pass”.

    You can whist - play a contract - in the dark or in the light. If both players whist, then the whist is always blind. If one player whistles and the other passes, then the whistling player chooses the type of whist - bright or dark. If whist is chosen as a light whist, then the cards of both the passing and the whistling player are laid out on the table, and the whist disposes of both his own cards and the cards of the one who passed.
    If the player has the right to make the first move, then the players must agree before the start of the game at what point to open the cards - before the first move or after the player’s first move.

    Responsibility when whistling
    If the game is envious, then the defender is responsible for taking a certain number of tricks. The passer does not bear such responsibility. For each bribe, the whist writes a certain number of points (wists) for the player.
    If both opponents of the player whist, then, if there is a shortfall in tricks (remise), in addition to whists for actual bribes, the player who missed the tricks writes a penalty up the mountain. If the player did not collect enough bribes, then those who whist, in addition to whists for actual bribes, receive a consolidation - a bonus for tricking the player. The size of the consolidation, its distribution between players, the number of points per bribe - depends on the preference conventions.

    Mizer is a game when the player undertakes not to take a single bribe. Mizer can only be ordered if the player in the current hand has not made a single application before. In trading, the minuscule is interrupted by a nine-fold (or, by agreement, a ten-fold game). Mizer is played without trump cards, all other rules of tricks (the highest card takes, the suit must be put on the suit, if there is no suit, you can put any card, the player who took the last trick goes) are preserved.

    Passing or passes
    A pass is played if all three players declare a “pass”. Passing is a game in which all players try to take as few tricks as possible. There are no trump cards in the passing game.
    The game begins with one card at a time being opened in succession.
    When playing with three players, the trick card only indicates the suit, and the trick belongs to the player who put the highest card. When playing with four players, the buy card belongs to the fourth player. Therefore, if this card takes a bribe, then this bribe is considered to be the giver and is recorded in the mountain on a general basis.
    Different preference conventions have their own characteristics of the game and recording of passing results. The table convention specifies the specifics of the arrangements, i.e. a progressive increase in the cost of a bribe if several hands are played in a row. Varieties of progression - arithmetic and geometric.

    Cost of games
    Each game corresponds to a certain number of points, which the player writes down either in the bullet if he successfully played the game, or in the mountain if he did not take the required number of tricks. For each trick during whisting, the player writes whists. If the player who was whisting did not collect enough tricks, then he writes both whists and a fine uphill at the same time. When remitting the player, the whistling player writes a consolidation - a bonus for baiting the player. The size of the premium for bait, the distribution of whists, their size, and the cost of games vary depending on the type (convention) of preference. The result of all the records for each game is the balance of whists won and lost, which is its value.

    Leningradka (Leningrad preference)
    Sign up for pulka and uphill in Leningrad:

    Key Features:
    whist is semi-responsible: half the cost of the game is written for uphill whist;
    consolidation (bonus for baiting the point guard): when remise (buying) the point guard, both defenders write whists to the point guard - in the amount of the cost of the game for each missed trick.
    Consolidation is written in addition to whists for actually taken bribes;

    An example of consolidation in Leningrad:

    Gentleman's whist: when baiting the point guard (when one whisted and the other passed), the defenders whisting and passing write all the whists in half - both consolidation and whists for actually taken bribes. Whists are divided like gentlemen, regardless of whether the draw took place in the light or in the dark.
    An example of a gentleman's whist entry:

    uphill passing: usually 2 points for each trick;
    progressive passing: usually in arithmetic progression (2-4-6);
    for zero tricks on the pass: the player writes the cost of 1 trick into the bullet;
    purchase at the passer: opens and

  • when playing with three players, shows the suit of the move (the value of the card is not taken into account);

  • when playing with four players, the buy cards belong to the dealer, who writes both to the mountain and to the bullet on a general basis

  • end of the bullet: Leningradka is played until the sum of entries in the bullet reaches the agreed value, multiplied by the number of players. Anyone who does not reach the arithmetic average takes up the mountain with the double difference between the amount of points actually scored in the bullet and the arithmetic average. The one who outplayed writes off his difference from the mountain - also doubly.

    If you try to characterize the Leningrad ball in one word - it’s a game against the player, while the sochinka is a game against the whistler, and the Moscow bullet is for master passers.


    Penalty points, a type of penalty charged in various games over and above the direct loss. In preference, when the player remits, the defenders and the dealer receive a consolidation in the amount of the number of bribes not collected by the player, multiplied by the cost of the bribe. For example, when baiting on a six-wheeler without one, everyone writes for the bribes actually taken plus one for not taking them.
    In worms the worst game
    I played and it was three minutes to go!
    Although there is a notation in my soul
    I read to myself
    But then there’s the consolidation
    My neighbor collected money from me.

    (Nekrasov. Govorun).


    (preference, screw, bridge) shortfall in bribes, baiting at a game or whist, failure to fulfill an obligation to take a certain number of bribes at a game (or an obligation not to take bribes - at a minimum). The registration for the remise in preference is made on the mountain. It's always a loss.
    There are expressions: remise- to set up a partner, to set him up, to prevent him from collecting the required number of bribes; bring under the reins- prevent the taking of the requested bribes; to be burdened, to be burdened- get addicted yourself, fail to fulfill your obligations at the game.
    The maid silently moved along the fluffy carpet, carrying glasses of strong tea, and only her starched skirts rustled, the chalk creaked, and Nikolai Dmitrievich sighed, having set the large heald.
    (Leonid Andreev. Grand Slam).
    Both defenders whistled.
    The opposite of gentleman's whist is redneck whist, where all the whists for actually taken bribes are written by the whistler, and the passing defender writes only consolidation.
    Arithmetic mean (sum 150).
    *Based on materials from the website

    Deck of cards for playing preference

    Used in preference card deck 32 cards: 4 suits of 8 cards each - from seven (low) to ace (high). Seniority of suits in ascending order: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts.
    Any of the suits can be designated as a trump card, any trump card is higher than any non-trump card. In the trump suit, the seniority of the cards is also preserved.

    Rules for bribes and turn order

    The first card placed on the table is considered a move. Each player must put down one card per turn. Next, we will describe the standard rules for laying out cards in the preference of the LiveGames system.
    For each move you need to place a suit corresponding to the suit of the move. If there is no such suit, you need to play a trump card. If there is no trump card, you can put any card. The bribe is taken by the player who placed the highest card, taking into account the trump cards. Using the "Moves" button you can see the last trick.
    The right to make the first bid in trading and the first move are transferred in a circle from player to player. The player who has the right to make the first move and make the first bid when trading is called the “first hand,” the next player is the “second hand,” and the last player is the “third hand.”

    Types of games

    There are 3 types of games in preference - the game of bribes, minuscule and passing.
    In a game of bribes, the player must take no less than the number of bribes stated in the trade. The game can be played with a trump card or without a trump card. The goal of the other players is to prevent him from taking the required number of tricks, i.e. if possible take greatest number bribes
    The player who declared the minuscule should not take a single bribe, while others, on the contrary, try to give him one or as many bribes as possible.
    In passing, each player tries to take the least number of tricks.

    Possible game orders

    Games for bribes and minuscule are ranked as follows: the minimum quantity for an order is 6 bribes, the maximum is 10 bribes.
    The player is obliged to take the ordered number of tricks, at the same time, the whistlers must take a total of at least 4 tricks in a six game, at least 2 in a seven game, and at least 1 trick in an eight, nine or ten game. At a minimum, the Whists have no obligations.
    For example, the contract “7 of hearts” means that the declaring player is obliged to take at least 7 tricks with a trump card of the red suit. You can also order a game without trump (BC), this game is considered older than any trump if the number of tricks is the same.

    Recording in preference

    The goal of the preference game is to evaluate your cards and declare and play the most expensive contract.
    The results of the games are written in bullet, on the mountain and in whists. The declared player gets points in the bullet for the contract played, and a penalty for the failure to play. Opponents write whists against him for every bribe they take; if they do not take the required number of bribes, they receive a fine. The protocol for recording bullets, mountains, whists is also called Bullet.
    To view the bullet you need to click on the “Score” button, where you can also see the conventions of the gaming table.
    Varieties of preference differ in the cost of games and passes, the distribution of whists between players, and the peculiarities of trading, and are called conventions. Our project presents game options - St. Petersburg, Sochi and Rostov.


    In each hand, all 3 players play, everyone is dealt 10 cards. The remaining 2 cards are not shown until the end of the trade and their meaning is unknown to anyone - they are called buy-in. The goal of trading is to order the most profitable contract based on your cards.
    Each of the players takes turns ordering the game and says pass, i.e. refuses to play. To do this, during trading, a field for ordering a game opens in front of each player in turn; each player must select the value corresponding to the game he is declaring or select Pass to refuse the game.
    Each player, in turn, can order only one game; the player who passed does not take part in further trading. Minimum game, which can be declared - 6 spades, the next player can only order a senior game, i.e. 6 clubs, then 6 diamonds and so on.
    The last one who did not pass, who participated in the trade and declared the highest game, receives a buy-in and the right to order the game.
    If all 3 players have passed, a passing game is played - a game in which each player tries to take the least number of tricks.

    Order a game

    After the trade is completed, the purchase order is opened and given to the player who ordered the game. This is done with the “Accept” button, after which opponents are invited to envy the game.
    The player demolishes any 2 cards, after which he needs to order a game; for this, the field for ordering a game appears again. You can order any game, but not younger than the one on which the sale ended. Livegames allows you to order a miniscule only immediately, i.e. You cannot first order, for example, 6 clubs, and then a minuscule one. You must order the game, even if it is clear that it is impossible to play.

    Game of bribes

    The person who ordered the game must take the required number of bribes. If he does not take the required number of bribes, he is given a fine.
    The amount of the fine is determined by the number of bribes not collected. The shortfall in bribes is called remise. If the player has taken the required number of tricks, he is given bullet points in the amount appropriate for a particular game. Using the “Offer” button, you can select one of the conditions for early completion of the deal, for example - “Take 6, Take 7, Take 8, Own game, Without 1, Without 2, etc. ", if the opponents agree, they press the "Accept" button and the deal is completed in accordance with the selected proposal. If the player takes more tricks than necessary, for example, when ordering 7 tricks, he takes 8, the entry in the bullet is made in accordance with the game that was ordered.
    If the game of bribes was envious, i.e. at least one of the players said “whist” and thereby committed to take a certain number of tricks, then it is played, if both players said “pass”, then the game is considered played and the corresponding entries are written in the bullet.


    After ordering a game, the remaining players must choose whether they accept the obligation to take a certain number of tricks for the corresponding game or not. If they agree, then you need to press the “Whist” button, if not, the “Pass” button.
    You can whistle in the dark or in the light. In Livegames, if both players whist, then the whist is always blind. If one of the players whistles and the other passes, then the whistler must choose to whist dark or bright. To do this, the whistler has two buttons: “Light” and “Dark”. If the whist is bright, then the cards of the whistler and the passer are revealed and the whistler plays with both his own cards and the cards of the passer.

    Responsibility when whistling

    In a jealous game, the defender is responsible for taking required quantity bribes The one who saved does not bear such responsibility. For each bribe taken, the whist writes whists to the player.
    If both whist, if there is a shortfall, except for whists for missed tricks, the one who didn’t get a penalty will be fined.
    If the player does not get the required number of tricks, those who whist, in addition to whists for bribes, receive a consolidation - a bonus for tricking the player. The amount of consolidation and its distribution among the players, the number of points for tricks is determined by the convention of the game.


    Miser is a preference in which the player must not take a single bribe. A miser can be ordered by a player only if he has not made a single bid in this hand. In trading, a minuscule can only be beaten by a nine or ten play. A minuscule game is played without trump cards, the rest of the rules of bribes are unchanged.

    Passing, or passes

    Passes are played only when all players have ordered a pass. During passes, each player tries to take the least number of tricks. Passes are played without trump cards. The drawing begins with the fact that one card at a time is opened from the draw, this card only determines the suit, and the bribe is given to the one whose card is the highest.
    In different gaming conventions - various features games and recordings of passes. The table convention defines the features of the passes, i.e. a progressive increase in the cost of a bribe if several hands are played in a row. The types of progression are arithmetic and geometric.

    Cost of games

    Each game has its own cost, i.e. the number of points recorded for the player in the bullet if he played this game or in the mountain if he missed. For each trick in whist, the player writes whists. In the event that the whistler does not take the bribe, then both whists and a fine are written to him. If there is a shortage of players, the whistler receives a bonus for boosting the player - consolidation. The size of the bonus, the amount of whists and their distribution, the cost of games is determined by the convention of the game. Based on the results of all records, for each game a balance of whists won and lost is obtained, which determines its value.
