Maps online. Maps online Yandex maps maps online

Yandex.Maps is a variant of the name of the online mapping service Yandex.Maps for English-speaking users, similar to Google Maps. Which name is more convenient for you, decide for yourself. All the same, the server will determine where you are from and turn on the language set in the browser. It will probably even immediately show a map of your city.

In general, you need to figure out what kind of online service this is, how to use it and why it is needed at all.

History in brief

The Yandex.Maps service appeared in 2004, on August 27. Earlier than the Google Maps project, announced on February 8, 2005! So don’t say that Yandex copies everything from Google! It also happens the other way around. However, let's not get distracted.

Initially, maps of Russia, some surrounding countries, as well as transport routes and major cities of Europe, Egypt and Israel were presented in detail.

At the end of January, Yandex turned to a large American manufacturer digital cards Navigation Technologies (Navteq) and made a large purchase of products from him. So, even wider capabilities are expected to be introduced in the near future. Well, for now let’s move on to the existing ones.


There are four types of cards provided:

  • schemes, that is, ordinary ones;
  • satellite images;
  • combined of the previous two;
  • user-generated folk maps.
  • Switching modes is done with the “Show” button at the top right. Scaling - by scrolling the mouse wheel or, if there is no such wheel, using a special slider on the left side of the map. Search for the desired city by typing its name in the line above the map.

    You can search for specific streets, organizations, significant objects (museums, architectural monuments, parks, restaurants, hospitals, hotels by star rating).

    That is, you typed “Kyiv, hospital” into the search bar - and you immediately see where it is and how to get there. At the top right there is a small but very useful “Build a route” button. Press it, use clicks to mark points A and B on the map - the shortest route will be highlighted with a thick purple line.

    However, the distance between points (the button with the image of a ruler) is still measured in a straight line.

    In addition, for some large cities, the “Traffic Traffic” service is available, showing which streets are impossible to drive on due to traffic congestion there.

    And that's not all. Click the “Show” button and select “Video cameras”, after which purple and white webcam icons will appear on the map. You will be able to see the situation with your own eyes. True, unfortunately, Adobe Flash Player is required, without it you will only be shown static pictures.

    Regarding pictures, the “Panoramas” button will allow you to admire the views of large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Minsk, Ankara, Istanbul, Astana and some others. The photographed streets will be highlighted on the maps with pastel blue lines, so you can easily figure out where to click.

    Would you like to know exactly what area is shown on the map? This means that you should activate the corresponding tool by pressing the button with images of a pointer and a question mark.

    Now click on an unknown area and get information that this is such and such a district of such and such a city. And also quite useful information about what public transport you can use to get there (a “How to get there” button will appear, the name for which was invented by Captain Obvious).

    Village Gadyukino

    For the sake of objectivity, we should find out the shortcomings of the online mapping service Yandex.Maps (which, as said earlier, can also be called Yandex.Maps). And somehow everything works too well. An attempt to clarify this gave the result described below.

    Perhaps, weak point is a section of folk maps compiled by users. The search for “Gadyukino village” brings up a plant named after Kirov somewhere near Novosibirsk.

    However, not everything is so bad: a competing service of Google Maps believes that Gadyukino is a McDonald's restaurant in New York, on Broadway, at number 317.


    Your humble servant easily found his street and house. The resolution of the satellite image turned out to be slightly lower than that of Google Maps, but these are minor things. The route from the house to the city center was laid out quite reasonably.

    Despite the sincere desire to show objectivity and find fault with at least something significant, we have to admit that the online mapping service Yandex.Maps is quite high quality and suitable for use.

    Previous publications:

    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I wanted to talk about Yandex Maps and their use on my website. Most webmasters are satisfied with the simplest features provided by the designer they have online, or they simply use the appropriate plugins or modules for their CMS.

    But for those who would like to receive from API Yandex.Cards have more features and functionality, you will have to learn JavaScript and understand their documentation.

    Unfortunately, I am not strong in languages ​​and therefore in this post I will only talk about the most simple ways inserting Yandex Maps onto your website or blog, and I’ll also show you where to look for information if this doesn’t seem enough and what you can get if you want.

    Search in Yandex Maps, people's map and Yandex.Directory

    The service itself online maps from Yandex (read about that) appeared in 2004 and since then has continued to develop intensively, especially since it has a very powerful competitor in Google maps. Residents of many large cities in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Belarus take advantage of such advanced features as Traffic Jams or Panoramas.

    The last service (panoramas) was launched relatively recently (2009) and Yandexmobile (with four wide-angle cameras on the roof) has not yet managed to travel around all corners of our vast homeland, but where panoramas have already appeared, it has become much easier to plan trips along an unfamiliar route.

    In addition to the car, Yandex Maps employees travel around some areas on bicycles or on foot (for example, in parks). Recently, panoramas taken from a helicopter have also appeared, and in order to view them, you need to check the “Aerial” checkbox under the corresponding button, but the truth is that such a thing is only available to St. Petersburg.

    If your company is not there, then use the form for adding a new organization to the Directory, the call button for which will appear on the right side under the verification form:

    Next, follow the instructions in the video below (the specified data, such as, for example, phone number or address, will need to be confirmed, so they must not be fake, otherwise you will not be able to be added to the card):

    In this case, you need to be authorized on Yandex and it is best if this is not your personal account, because you may need to edit the data added to the card (or order priority placement), and it will not always be right to trust your account to an employee. All you have to do is follow the instructions given.

    What is also attractive about searching on Yandex Maps for users is that they can read and, if desired, leave a review about the organization. Moreover, reviews are moderated (not by the owners of the company, naturally, but by employees of the Runet mirror) and obvious spam or nonsense is eliminated.

    By clicking on the reviews you will be taken to the organization’s card, where you can read them and, if desired, leave your own. There may also be additional information about this company.

    Creating maps in Yandex, routes and mobile applications

    We have described the three main sources from which Yandex gets information when searching for geographic objects. But there is also a fourth. These are the so-called tags that the user leaves on the so-called “My cards”, saving them with the possibility of public access to them. Do you understand what I'm talking about? If not, then I’ll try to explain it in just a couple of paragraphs.

    In the left column there is a “My Cards” tab. Its essence is that here you can save all those marks, highlights, routes and other things that you have created on Yandex Maps. Personally, this is how I marked the places where I managed to get to by bicycle in the vicinity of my residence.

    However, you can put a tag, highlight any building (get directions) and write that your company is located there, adding the necessary tags to the description keywords(in this case there will be no need to confirm the information), because there is a possibility that this information will be taken into account when searching on Yandex Maps. In this case, it would be better to save the map as public (marked “everyone”) in the above screenshot.

    Read more in the article about getting free commercial traffic from Yandex Maps, which was published by the author of the Mystery Online blog. It describes some tricks that worked, at least at the time of writing that note.

    Although, the ability to save created marks and markups can be useful, as I mentioned, simply for personal purposes. In this case, it would be best to save the cards after logging in to Yandex, so that later you can edit them, save an unlimited number of them, and also mark them as personal (only for me) or as narrowly targeted (only via a link that you then let me know, and when another user views the list of your creations, it will not be visible).

    If you want to send someone a link with a route, you can use the button located in the upper right corner “Link”, where, in addition to the usual hyperlink, you will also be offered to share a link to the map you created on popular social networks.

    Since we’re talking about plotting a route on Yandex Maps, I’ll say a few words about that. Convenient thing. When there was no car, it was important to plot the route on public transport to an unfamiliar place.

    Yandex told us which bus or trolleybus to take to the nearest metro, talked about transfers when moving underground, and then also told us how to get to the final point, down to the number of meters that would need to be walked.

    In addition, Yandex Maps warns about the time supposedly required to complete this pilgrimage and even offers alternative routes for your consideration.

    When the car appeared, it became even more important to use route planning, because the situation with traffic jams sometimes makes serious adjustments. To do this, simply enter two addresses (starting and ending points) in the left column or simply place these points on the diagram with the mouse (the first click is the beginning of the route, the second is the end).

    To take into account traffic jams, check the appropriate box, and to change the route in some particular place, just click the left mouse button in this place and when a white circle appears, grab it and drag it to the desired junction or route. True, if you manually adjust the route on the Yandex map, traffic accounting will no longer work - everything is under your responsibility.

    By the way, since we’re talking about the obvious, I’ll ask you, in how many ways can you change the display scale? Personally, I only knew about the plus and minus buttons (and the slider between them) in the upper left corner, and about rotating the mouse wheel. But it turned out that double-clicking the right and left mouse buttons also allows you to play with detail, which can sometimes be convenient.

    But, of course, it’s interesting to lay out routes and traffic jams at home, but most often you and I use mobile applications Yandex (Maps, Navigator or Metro). The first program, I think, is installed on 90% of phones in large cities of Russia, where huge traffic jams tend to occur. It is understandable, because it is convenient, prompt and reliable. This crap hasn't seriously let me down yet.

    Mobile applications can be downloaded completely free of charge from the official website or you can recognize the provided QR code with a link to download the file via mobile phone(you should have some program on it that helps):

    Mobile Yandex.Maps have very similar functionality to online version(traffic jams, route planning, search), however, for traveling along an unfamiliar route, their Navigator is, of course, best suited, general principle whose work is well demonstrated in this video:

    Although, personally, I keep the Navigator with Yandex Maps on my phone as a backup option, because the tiny Garmin with an awesome screen, voice control and beautiful maps of Russia completely suits me, except that traffic jams are not always loaded in a timely manner, because for this it uses a radio channel and when the whole of Moscow is at a standstill, you have to broadcast a lot, and by the time it comes to the area in which you are traveling, everything can change ten times.

    Api Yandex maps and constructor for creating them

    Well, here it is with general questions done, now it’s time to move on to practice, namely how to create in the designer and insert a map from Yandex onto your website. In fact, it is both easy and difficult at the same time.

    If you have a business card website, a blog or a simple online store that has an extensive network of offices, then the basic capabilities of an existing designer will be enough for you, and even an amateur can insert the code into the site.

    Actually, there is a very good video that will help you decide whether to bother with all this - How to improve a website with using the API Yandex.Maps (in examples):

    If you approach the matter thoroughly, then a correctly drawn up directions or calculation of delivery costs based on the location specified by the user can significantly improve usability and ultimately make the visitor a buyer.

    For details, watch the video, which explains how to improve your online store using cards:

    It’s another matter if you need to go beyond the basic framework of the Yandex Maps constructor and create something comparable in grandeur to the coverage schemes of leading cellular operators, a list of all ATMs of the Qiwi network, the traffic jam situation in your area, etc. things. Here you will need a programmer who knows JavaScript.

    The Yandex.Maps API, for example, allows you to overlay a layer with traffic jams on your website, but for this, the capabilities of the built-in designer, unfortunately, are not enough and you will have to use the services of a specialist who knows JavaScript, who will only need to familiarize yourself with the API documentation.

    Yes, the very term API (application programming interface) means gaining the ability to use some software without knowing at all how it works, but having a description of the tools (handles) that are necessary to connect it and implement certain capabilities. This thing is common and quite often used.

    The Yandex Maps API is described at the link given just above, but there is also a simple constructor that will allow you to quickly create a map of the area you need, put the necessary labels with descriptions on it, highlight the necessary objects and show the path along which it is easiest to get to them, for example, from the nearest metro station.

    Map constructor in Yandex function customscript_shortcode($atts, $text) ( global $post; return get_post_meta($post->ID, $text, true); ) @add_shortcode("customscript","customscript_shortcode");

    After this, you can insert the code obtained in the Yandex maps constructor into an article or static page using the following construction, where instead of “yandexmap” insert the identifier you use:

    Now you are not afraid of a visual editor that is ready to cut everything that differs from HTML code. Hooray. If you need to insert a driving map into the blog framework (header, sidebar or footer), then the script can be inserted there directly, but you will need to select the one you need so that the map is displayed where you want. Read about the purpose of templates at the link provided.

    To insert an API map from Yandex to a site running Joomla, you can use the same one, but first disable the visual editor so that the code is not cut by it. After insertion, the editor can be turned back.

    If you need to add driving directions code to an article on Joomla, you can simply paste it with the visual editor disabled, or you can paste the contents of a custom code module using the plugin's capabilities.

    In this case, the module with the map code from Yandex needs to be placed in a non-existent position of the template (it’s commonplace to type something like: yandex-karta in the position selection field in the module settings of a custom Html code). And then, when writing or editing articles, you can insert the following structure in the right place:

    (loadposition yandex-karta)

    By the way, if suddenly this method does not work for you, then go to the plugin manager (from the Joomla admin panel, select the menu items “Extensions” - “Plugin Manager”) and find and then activate “Content - Load Module”. It is included in the standard Joomla package, so you must have it.

    Now, it’s also worth saying that you can pull out the diagram and paste it onto your website from the “My Maps” mentioned just above. Remember, I said there that you can get a link to a saved diagram; in addition, you could also get a YMapsML file, which can easily be attached to the site by first connecting the API to it.

    To connect the Yandex Api, it will be enough to place between the head tags (you can find them in the case of Joomla or WordPress in the same way as was described in the article about) the following script call:

    Well, in the right place (where the directions should be inserted and displayed), it will be enough to insert:

    ? ymaps.ready(function () (? var map = new ymaps.Map("YMapsID", (? center: ,? zoom: 9,? behaviors: ["scrollZoom", "drag"]? ));?? / /You need to substitute your URL.? ymaps.geoXml.load("copied link to the YMapsML file")? .then(function (res) (? // Adding objects loaded from the YMapsML file to the map.? map.geoObjects.add (res.geoObjects);? ));? ));?

    We will assume that with the creation the simplest scheme travel and inserting it into your website, we somehow figured it out. What's next? It’s probably worth saying a few words about more complex versions of the Yandex Maps API, which are no longer within the control of the mentioned constructor, but are quite within the capabilities of a person familiar with the JavaScript language.

    In this case, all the capabilities of the Yandex Maps API are available to you, which are described at the link provided. There is all the necessary documentation, and the girl from this video will bring you up to date:

    Great, pass these materials to your programmer and he will whip up something similar to this for you (if necessary):

    How to insert Yandex Maps into WordPress and Joomla using extensions

    In principle, the constructor capabilities described just above should be sufficient in most cases. However, there are some extensions for that allow you to insert a map from Yandex onto your website and add the necessary explanatory notes to it.

    A list of such extensions can be found on the official website. If we consider WordPress, then, in my opinion, there is only one plugin for it called Yandex Maps for WordPress, which can be downloaded for free using the link provided. It is installed and activated in the standard way.

    The only thing is that it seems to be a little outdated and still requires you to enter an API key to work, the method of obtaining which I wrote a little higher. You will need to enter this key on the “Plugins” - “Yandex Maps” page. After this, on the pages for creating or editing articles, you can find a data entry form below to receive the Yandex Card code.

    In the top field, enter the title of the callout, which will point to the desired location on the diagram. Next, enter the address of the place where the pointer arrow will point. Then fill out the description field, set the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the inserted map, and also check the boxes to display a scale for changing the scale and selecting the type (diagram, satellite, etc.).

    Then move the cursor (click the mouse) to the place in the article where you want to insert a Yandex map and click on the “Send Map To Editor” button. The result will be something similar to this:

    True, there are no panels with zoom and selection of card type, but otherwise everything is correct. I show a screenshot from my other blog, because there was a small conflict with CSS styles (my fault), which I didn’t want to correct now.

    There are several extensions of this type for Joomla, none of which I have tried. Therefore, I will simply list them and provide links to articles that describe in detail their capabilities and how to insert maps onto your website using them.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    Review of the best free online map services.

    In recent decades, we have become increasingly attached to various technologies. What was previously available only to a limited circle of people is becoming the property of the masses. And these masses begin to perceive the high achievements of science as something ordinary...

    A striking example of this is the desire of many Soviet children to become cosmonauts and see our planet from space. Today, even a kindergartener can look at satellite images of the Earth without leaving home. To do this, he just needs to have any computer or smartphone and a stable Internet connection.

    As you understand, today’s review will focus on free online map services.

    Features of application

    Any map is generally used for navigation in unfamiliar terrain. But, if the use of the usual paper map usually comes down only to finding a certain point or plotting a route from point “A” to point “B”, then online maps give us much more possibilities:

    Using them, you can search for any city infrastructure facilities, as well as information about them, view attached photos and media materials, and ultimately, search for your location or mark the points you need. Naturally, navigation services perform the usual functions of maps in full.

    From a technical point of view, online maps can work in one of three main ways:

  • Via browser. Typically, a desktop computer or laptop is used as a device for working in this mode.
  • As a separate application. Most often, such applications act as clients for online services and run on portable devices, such as smartphones or tablets (although there are also versions).
  • As the main software product at the firmware level in various navigation devices.
  • The way maps are used determines the set of functions available or unavailable to the user, however, the main capabilities can always be assessed by visiting any online map service. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the five most famous and powerful cartographic resources on the World Wide Web.

    Google Maps

    The popularity of the Google search engine, as well as the operating Android systems(which is developed by the corporation) have led to the fact that many Internet users associate online maps with Google service Maps:

    Today, Google maps have one of the best details of the entire globe, including all large and medium-sized cities in Russia, Ukraine and neighboring countries. And in terms of functionality, Google is one of the “trend setters” for all other similar services.

    In terms of ease of use, Google Maps can also be called very good. Default appearance They are very ascetic, however, you just need to press a couple of buttons and everything changes. For example, in the lower left corner there is an Earth toggle that activates the satellite view layer instead of the regular map. And in the lower right corner there is a row of buttons for changing the viewing angle of the map, its scale and displaying additional elements, type, photos, panoramas and street view.

    The search bar in the upper left corner has an interactive hint, recognizes voice input and gives access to a number of additional functions and materials related to the location you are searching for. In addition, on the left side there is a menu that contains options to enable/disable various transport symbols, as well as buttons for printing and sending the map to friends over the Internet.

    It would take a long time to describe the advantages of Google Maps, so it is better to focus on some of the disadvantages. In my opinion, one of the main ones is that maps are closed for editing. All you can do as a user is leave some notes that are not visible to others. To officially add an object to the map, you need to send a request to Google or use the Map Maker service, which, alas, is not available in all countries.

    The fact of such “closedness” affects the fact that for small cities and villages there is quite a bit of information on Google maps. Often it is limited only to mapped (sometimes not even exactly accurately) highways. By the way, about the roads. Google Maps, although it has a function for displaying traffic jams, is implemented only for large cities, and even then not for all.

    Nevertheless, google maps are one of the most used cards online worldwide. Many work on their basis third party services, as well as built into various portable devices (mainly with Android OS) software. So at this point, for better or worse, Google Maps is the #1 online maps app.


    If Google maps play the “first fiddle” at the global level, then in our latitudes Yandex.Maps “rule the roost”:

    By default, the appearance of Yandex maps is even more inconspicuous than that of Google and makes one think of an atlas. highways. However, switching operating modes, using search and additional functions significantly improves the appearance. By the way, it is worth noting that satellite and hybrid maps of Russia and nearby countries in Yandex are often more detailed than in Google Maps!

    Search in Yandex.Maps is a little inferior in terms of intuitive tips, but they are still available. The main panel with information about objects on the map is not combined with the search and opens separately on the right side of the window when you click on the map at the active point.

    Here, like Google, we can find out a certain piece of information about the selected point, as well as look at photographic materials and panoramas, if available. Unfortunately, there is no quite useful function for detecting the necessary establishments in the immediate vicinity of the selected point. To do this, you will have to use the search again.

    As for additional functions, Yandex.Maps can boast of a more successful mode for creating routes (they actually lay out the shortest route), as well as a very good “knowledge” of traffic jams. It’s not for nothing that many motorists like to install maps from Yandex in their navigators.

    In terms of the general organization of the interface, Yandex.Maps seem to me less overloaded and more intuitive. There are no hidden menus here - all buttons are always within reach and are accessible literally in one click.

    As for the ability to edit information on the map, recently Yandex (probably following Google’s example) removed it from the main service. However, you can do this on a separate additional service "People's Card":

    Despite the fact that these maps cannot be used for routing and navigation, you can find almost any organization or establishment on them if you know in advance in which area to look. If the location you are looking for does not yet exist, you can always put it on the map yourself by logging in to Yandex and clicking the “Create” button.

    As you can see, in functional terms, Yandex.Maps is not as rich as Google Maps, but, unlike the foreign service, it has better detail of our areas and actually works additional features, like the same traffic jams and People's cards. Therefore, Yandex maps can be called maps No. 1 in Russia and neighboring countries.

    Open Street Maps

    Man is a creature who is always looking for different alternatives in everything. If there are no visible alternatives, he creates them himself :) Google and Yandex maps are the property of these large companies, so software developers, for example, who want to implement map functionality in their programs, must do this with the permission of the owners (and often for money!) .

    The presence of such a monopoly has led many to seek alternative cartographic sources. The result of such searches and the efforts of volunteers around the world was Open Street Maps (abbreviated OSM):

    The basic principle of creating maps in OSM is the overlay of various GPS tracks and manual marks on the virtual surface of the globe. Therefore, Open Street Maps does not have the option to enable satellite or hybrid views. But there are several options for schematic displays (including vector ones!), available by clicking the “Layers” button on the side menu on the right.

    Since the Open Street Maps service was originally conceived specifically as a navigation service, there is nothing superfluous in it except search functions the right place and route planning (the button to the right of the search bar). And, of course, there are opportunities to make edits yourself (authorization is required), as well as export selected map fragments to the desired format.

    The capabilities described above make OSM promising maps for use in navigators. Firstly, they know how to plot the shortest routes. Secondly, the sizes of maps exported from Open Street Maps are significantly smaller than those of Google and Yandex. And thirdly, the service initially has basic navigator functions: tracking your movement and prompts while moving.

    You can edit maps both online and using special programs that are recommended in the documentation. If you seriously intend to become a user of OSM, then it would be best for you to register on the service and independently modify the maps you need, since the data here is not always complete.


    What will happen if everyone is given access to editing maps, for example, from Google? Chaos and anarchy? Not at all :) We'll get it unique project called Wikimapia:

    This service is based on the principle of public accessibility. Each user can leave their marks on fairly detailed maps anywhere in the world. Moreover, you don’t even have to register to make your own edits! And one more important detail: in Wikimapia you can work with any popular maps (Google, Yandex OSM and others).

    The functionality of Wikimapia maps in terms of navigation is not particularly wide. All streets and most houses are displayed here, but there is no way to get directions. The only thing that is available is the function of measuring the distance in a straight line from point “A” to point “B” and so on.

    But if you want to leave your mark on the history of cartography, then Wikimapia is the ideal tool for this. You can draw any contours on the maps, sign them, provide comments and photographs.

    The project is quite interesting and its motto is appropriate: “Let’s describe the whole world!” - however, users are in no particular hurry to add meaningful descriptions... At least on the selected maps of several medium-sized and small cities, almost all marks are reduced only to creating contours.


    The last service in our review is optimal in terms of the quality of navigation and the detail of information about objects on the map. Its only drawback is that only large Russian cities are covered. However, if you are looking for, for example, an intelligent guide to Moscow, then you are unlikely to find anything better than 2GIS:

    2GIS is based on modified and more detailed Open Street Maps, so, alas, there are no satellite and hybrid types of maps - only diagrams. However, on these diagrams all the houses are drawn quite clearly, so finding the one you need based on its outlines will not be difficult.

    The functionality of the service combines, as mentioned above, an almost complete navigator and a good help desk. General information about the selected city is displayed in the panel in the upper left corner. Here you can find information about local time, weather and groups of places that are most searched for. Also below there are links to download clients for PC and mobile OS.

    Except general information You can get data for any point on the map. To do this, just click on it and an additional help panel will appear. It usually contains addresses, phone numbers, information about work hours, as well as links to additional information and photographs. In addition, it is possible to immediately set the selected point as the starting or final point of the route.

    In terms of laying routes, 2GIS can give even Yandex.Maps a head start, since it “knows” many more roads and driveways that allow you to lay a route even through the courtyards of residential buildings, and not just along highways. However, there is also a drawback - there is no data on traffic jams, so the route laid out (especially in a large city) may be blocked...

    As for the possibility of adding data to the map, here, like Google, everything is closed. You can submit an application, but it will be added only after verification by 2GIS specialists.

    2GIS maps are not as “beautiful” as those of Google and Yandex, but, nevertheless, no one knows large cities better than them! With 2GIS you can find out which shops are located in the selected house, what attractions are nearby and how to get to them along the shortest route. It's just a pity that the list of available cities is not too large. But the service is developing, so perhaps in the future it will cover smaller cities.

    Map comparison

    To get a general idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of all the online cards discussed in the review, I propose to compare them in table format:

    Features of Google Maps Yandex.Maps Open Street Maps Wikimapia 2GIS
    Detailing Best in the world Best in Russia good Good on your own maps The best in major cities of Russia
    Map display modes circuit / satellite / hybrid circuit / satellite / hybrid only diagram circuit / satellite / hybrid detailed diagram
    Availability of clients (all platforms) + (navigation and browsing) + (navigation and browsing) + (navigation, viewing and editing) + (navigation and browsing) + (navigation and browsing)
    Ability to edit maps +/- (Map Maker is not available in all countries) +/- (People's Card service) + + - (only applications for adding organizations)
    Navigation Features good Almost excellent Weak search, but manual search is good Only with the client Excellent, but not all cities are available
    Place information and photos +/+ +/+ +/- +/+ ++/+
    What is it suitable for? A universal service for navigation and viewing general information and locations Good navigator with knowledge of Russian roads and organizations The service itself practically does not “know” anything about organizations, but has a small map size, which makes it ideal for inexpensive navigators Ideal for those who need to leave various marks on maps, but cannot get directions without third-party software Excellent navigator and help service major cities Russia

    We have reviewed the most popular cards online, but in fact there are much more similar services. In fact, every major search engine (Bing, Yahoo, etc.), as well as various organizations working on space exploration (for example, Roscosmos) has a map search.

    Today, almost all the leaders in online cartography have almost the same level of map detail, and the difference between them is very arbitrary and differs only in the detail of the infrastructure, as well as the amount of reference information provided. Our review took into account these factors as one of the main ones, so I hope it will help you determine best cards for yourself.

    Good luck with your navigation and more interesting travels!

    P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.
