How to get titles and ranks in CS: GO? Scheme for increasing ranks in Counter Strike Global Offensive Decreasing ranks in cs go.

Team-based shooters usually involve you splitting into two teams and fighting each other. However, if gamers do this on their own, there is a high probability that the battle will not be fair. One team may have high-quality players, while another may have newcomers. Naturally, the second team will not have a single chance. That's why modern games In this genre, they invent methods to equalize the chances of both teams. For example, in the popular shooter TF 2, the game periodically automatically balances teams to equalize the number of players, and also mixes lineups to avoid all the strongest gamers being placed on one team. However, latest version The legendary "Counter Strike" has a much more effective method - there are ranks that increase automatically, depending on how well you play. However, the system by which promotion occurs is not described anywhere, so many gamers are wondering how to increase their rank in CS:GO.

Various legends

Naturally, the lack of clear guidance and description gave rise to large number legends on how to increase your rank in CS:GO. Many argue that this indicator directly depends on how many enemies you kill in matches. Others go to extremes and claim that even metrics such as headshot percentage are taken into account. In general, everyone tries to come up with something original and special to justify the fact that he was not promoted, or to explain why he still received a promotion. In fact, everything is much simpler, and everyone can easily figure out how to increase their rank in CS:GO.

Victories matter most

So, if you want to know how to increase your rank in CS:GO, then you need to strive for one thing - victories. It doesn't matter how you get them - you might even be the worst player on your team. But if your team wins, then you will increase your rating.

Another question: do you need it? After all, increasing your rating will also increase the level of your opponents, so there is a high probability that you will be killed without any problems, especially if you decide to separate from your team and play on your own. Naturally, no one claims that other parameters do not affect the increase in rating, but they only have a side, secondary effect. Still, the number of victories is the most important indicator. However, everything is not so simple with him - it is necessary to take a closer look at the system by which the promotion is made in order to understand all the nuances relating to this topic in CS:GO (how to increase the rank, how not to lose it, and so on).

Zero point

First of all, you need to know what the zero point is in CS:GO. How to increase your rank if you don't understand basic principles? So, at each level there is a specific starting point that you reach when you move to a new rank. If you win, a point is added to you, if you lose, a point is taken away.

Of course, you are not promoted higher or lower after one win or one loss. The zero point serves to define the origin, but it has a margin on both sides, which may be different for different ranks. As you can see, earning a title in CS:GO is not so easy. But you won’t be able to lose him because of one defeat.

Promotion and relegation

Title in CS:GO is a very fickle category, you can move from one to another depending on your success. But what is the system? When you find yourself at the zero point of a particular rank, you have a reserve of both victories and defeats, that is, you will not return to the previous rank immediately if you lose, but there is nothing to count on for an immediate promotion.

Let's say for one title there are five victories and defeats in reserve. This means that you need to win five times to get to the next rank, but if you lose five times you will end up back at the previous level. At the same time, everything is very well balanced. If you win four games, you'll be at level four on your way to progression. If you lose one match after this, then your results are not reset, you simply roll back one level, ending up on the third. And now you need to win not once, but twice.

After reading the article, increasing your rank in CS:GO will not be a secret to you, and you will be able to control this process.

There are 18 titles in CS:GO that reflect the player's level. In ranked matches, the game selects players of approximately equal rank.

In November 2017, Valve updated rank icons and also revised trust factors in matchmaking. That is, the selection of players is also influenced by their behavior in CS:GO and on Steam before that.

Ranks in CS:GO:

Description of ranks in order:

Silver 1 - Silver 1
Silver 2 - Silver 2
Silver 3 - Silver 3
Silver 4 - Silver 4
Silver Elite - Silver Elite
Silver Elite Master - Silver - Grand Master
Gold Nova 1 - Gold Star 1
Gold Nova 2 - Gold Star 2
Gold Nova 3 - Gold Star 3
Gold Nova Master - Gold Star - Master
Master Guardian 1 - Master Guardian 1
Master Guardian 2 - Master Guardian 2
Master Guardian Elite - Master Guardian Elite
Distinguished Master Guardian - Honored Master Guardian
Legendary Eagle - Legendary Golden Eagle
Legendary Eagle Master - Legendary Eagle Master
Supreme Master First Class - Grand Master of the Highest Rank
The Global Elite - World Elite

How to increase your rank?

The rank increases for winning and gaining a certain number of points from a certain hidden rating. The higher the rank, the more of these points you need to score. For example, if you and your friend are Silver 4, but your hidden rating is higher, then you will be one step closer to promotion.

To receive “hidden rating” points, you need to have good statistics in a rating match - K/D (kill/death) value, number of stars for MVP of the round, victory over stronger opponents. The higher the rank or rating of your opponents, the more points you will be given. It is also not uncommon for players to be promoted if a match ends in a draw.

There is no specific number of wins for promotion. You can win five games in a row and be in last place, have bad statistics and have no MVP stars. In this case, there is a very small chance of promotion. There are times when one victory after a series of defeats is enough for promotion. If before this you showed good statistics compared to your teammates.

Why are they demoting their rank?

It's obvious what a defeat. Each defeat takes away “hidden rating” points. In addition, there are several factors that can cause your rank to be lowered:

  • Disconnection or abandoned game;
  • If a player is voted out and the team ends up losing;
  • For friendly fire, that is, for fire at allies;
  • For playing with a cheater on the team. If you win a game with a cheater and your rank is raised, but that cheater is later banned, then all games with that player are cancelled;
  • If the team gave up. In other words, for an ordinary defeat.

With the reduction everything is quite simple. If you lost, you lost your rating and, possibly, your rank was lowered.


Calibration is the first ten games in competitive mode, based on the results of which the player is awarded the title. All the statistics that we described above are taken into account: K/D, MVP, points in the table, victories. The higher the indicators of these values, the higher the rank you will receive.

I’m writing this down for myself, but I think it will be useful for the majority of those seeking to obtain their “legitimate” titles.

A working system for promoting rank for 5 people in premade (that is, for 5 in a party), what you need to know and what to do.

You need to gather 5 people with the same rank, you can have different ones, but then those with a lower rank will receive promotions.
As soon as you receive a new rank, you find yourself at “level zero” (I’ll call it that way for convenience). To get promoted you will need to win 3 games in a row. With each new victory the opponents become stronger, with each loss - weaker. If you received a new rank and lost the game, then you end up at level -1, the opponents there are weaker than at your ranks in general, did you lose again? got to level -2, where the opponents will be even weaker. Lost 3? Sorry, we're demoting you.
It's the same with victories. Won one game? Got to +1 level, one more? +2, but the opponents are already much stronger than you. If you won 3 times in a row, then the lowest ranks in your party of 5 people received an increase.
It’s not difficult to guess that if after promotion you lose and find yourself at level -1, then you need to win 4 in a row to promote.
All the tales about the number of frags in the game, MVP, number of clicks, etc. just fairy tales. Everything, that's it, is non-negotiable. You can be a ballast with the number of frags -1, but if your party of 5 people dragged you through 3 winning games, you will get a promotion in any case.

Perhaps these are 3 main points, and now a little about the nuances, which, again, few people know.
If you play in a party with one, two, three, four, this scheme does not work. Here the limit of required victories most likely increases. Something like +6 for one, +5 for two or three, +4 for four.
If you are paranoid by a strong player, but at the same time you are in a party of five, then there is a possibility that matchmaking will select solo players of exactly the same rank as your strongest player (you can imagine that even if you are the first Kalash, and the strongest player is your is already an eagle, then there will be 5 solo eagles against you... and it will just be a one-goal game... yours;))

Question. I only play one, and now in order to rise from silver-1 to silver-2 I need to win 6 wins in a row? Isn't that a lot? And if you lose at least once, then everything is +1.

Answer. Not really. No need to win 6 in a row... you need to get to level +6 :). That is, if I won 4 and ended up at level +4, and then lost one, then it turns out I’m at +3 and I need to win 3 more to get to promotion
Unfortunately, I can't find a clear pattern of increases when I play alone. Yesterday I got to +5 while playing alone. They didn’t give me an increase again, so I’m leaning more toward +6 for one player

What is a "rank"?

Ranking system, the same ranking system was introduced into Counter Strike: Global Offensive October 30, 2012, along with the 5x5 competitive mode. There are a total of 15 titles in the game, figuratively divided into three skill groups: low skill level, medium and high. A player’s rank is determined after he reaches profile level 3 (not Steam, but in-game) and completes ten calibration matches. The system does not take into account statistics in def matches, public matches and other modes, so in the first calibration match you will be thrown with other players without a rank. Some of them will probably play much worse than you, and some will play better, but the game by default considers everyone new. After each calibration, based on the kill/death ratio and depending on victory/defeat, the system will select stronger or weaker opponents and comrades, and somewhere in the 7-8th match it will completely lift the veil of secrecy over the potential rank, showing in the final table their rank.

How does the rank demotion/promotion system work?

Valve does not disclose on principle algorithm, responsible for promoting and demoting to make life difficult for boosters and smurfs, but some aspects can be easily highlighted by spending a long time shooting opponents in competitive mode. The concept itself is extremely simple: if you win often, you will increase your rank, if you lose often, you will be demoted. The number of rounds won in a match plays an important role. For example, for a match that ends with a score of 16:0, the players of the winning team will approach promotion much closer than in the case of the enemy capitulating in the first rounds. The same mechanics work in reverse. If you are voted out of a match, or if you leave the match for one reason or another, this is considered a loss. By the way, if at the end of the match you notice that the rank of most of your comrades and opponents is higher or lower than yours - rejoice or mourn, promotion and defeat are respectively close.

Low skill level

Players who are accustomed to seeing shooters as mindless shooters or who are not at all familiar with the genre are almost always assigned Silver (Silver) after calibration. Advanced players rarely miss the opportunity to make fun of representatives of this caste, but there is no need to be ashamed of this title - after all, you have to start somewhere? And you need to start with mastering weapons and studying maps. The spread of bullets when shooting is unique for each barrel, so take the time and try out every boom stick available in the game in def matches, public matches, or a match with bots. Also in the official workshop, training cards for every taste are waiting for you, maximizing and speeding up the learning process. At this point, try to concentrate on the easy to learn de_dust 2 and submachine guns, especially the true beginner's weapon, the P90.

Average skill level

Once you reach the gold stars (Nova), you will move to a commune of mid-level players. Here you will have to work hard, put the SMG aside and pay attention to the AK-47/M4A1 assault rifles. They are more difficult to handle due to the spray, but they are stronger, penetrate armor and helmets better, and are useful for piercing thin walls and surfaces. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to classic rifles; vary them with shotguns, which cause colossal damage and, with proper handling skills, kill the enemy with one hit at point-blank range; sniper rifles, allowing you to shoot enemies at a long distance without putting your own health scale at risk (keep in mind that enemies are not asleep and also actively use Scout and AWP). Oh yes, be sure to practice throwing grenades, in the same workshop there are training cards for teaching throwing for everyone popular maps competitive mode.

High skill level

Now you are already Master Guardian Elite... By this moment you will know exactly what to do in a given situation, how to properly control the spread of bullets, where to aim, where to go and where an insidious enemy may be waiting... and you will also understand that without a team and trusted comrades, further advancement along the “career ladder” is closed. Unfortunately, due to the imperfection of the system, high ranks are filled with cheaters, boosters and smurfs, hindering the achievement of the cherished goal - the World Elite. Over time, they will receive a well-deserved ban or lose interest in the game, but by the time this happens, you will already have time to burn out significantly and throw CS:GO into the farthest corner. In addition, after cheaters and boosters come players who have improved due to their efforts and who end up on your team as ballast. If none of your friends want or can play with you, look for suitable candidates in the community or among good players, you met along the long journey.

How NOT to Promote Your Rank

Finally, I would like to talk about how you should never play in hopes of increasing your rank. Everything is simple here: do not turn on the “just came in for fun” mode and do not use cheat programs. In the first case, you will spoil the statistics not only for yourself, but also for four other players on the team. In the second, you will receive a ban and automatically lose your rank and the opportunity to take part in competitive matches. By the way, sometimes fate throws you into the same lobby with a person who, after some time, gets blocked VAC system or a custom "patrol". Alas, you will also be punished for dishonest play, dropping in rank.

For the same reason, it is highly not recommended to use the services of so-called “boosters” - experienced players who, for a certain fee, play with you, hand out headshots left and right, and at the same time help you increase your rank in CS:GO. The catch is that boosters for such purposes create a smurf (second account) and use cheats without fear of getting blocked on the main account. And if not, then... Well, look. Let's say you play at the Kalash level, but thanks to a booster you get to the Golden Eagles or higher. Now imagine what opponents who are much stronger than you will do to you. One way or another, you won’t be able to stay at an elevated rank for long, so save your money and nerves.

I hope you found this guide useful, dear readers. GG WP!

General instructions:

Playing DM is very effective for improving your shooting.

  • Play DM or training maps from the Steam Workshop (aim_botz, etc.) often.
  • Always play to avoid cheating from your opponents;
  • Give up Dust cards 2;
  • Learn scope positioning. Always keep your aim level with the enemy's head;
  • Learn the names of all positions on the maps you play to give information to your teammates;
  • Don't say anything in clutch situations (rounds when the enemy is outnumbered);
  • Never criticize or insult teammates;
  • Never underestimate your opponent, even if you are winning;
  • Never recharge unless you are sure of your safety;
  • If you get tired just stop playing;

Team Actions:

Always act as a team. Don't play alone.

  • Do not say that there is an attack on site A or B if you see a flash or smoke flying;
  • If you see 3 enemies on A or B, don't say that all the enemies are on A or B;
  • Always buy grenades whenever possible;
  • Play passively as Counter-Terrorists, except in eco rounds. If you are a Terrorist, don't play too passively;
  • Make sure that you and your teammate are not looking at the same point on the map;
  • Always cover whoever is planting the bomb. If you are placing a bomb, say what position you are placing it at;
  • If you all rush the point as Terrorists together, try to go around and kill the opponents in the back;
  • Always check your teammates' economics. Buy only when everyone is stocked;
  • Always do eco as a team;
  • If you take out a bombsite, do it from different positions;
  • If you are left alone for CT against the Terrorist, act together;

Procurement guidelines for the round:

Your purchase for the round plays a critical role.

  • Counter-terrorists:

Round 1: USP/P2000 + body armor Round 2: if you win, buy UMP + body armor + smoke/flash/HE if you lose - P250/Deagle + body armor Round 3: if you lose 1 and/or 2, go full eco If you win 2 first rounds without terrorists planting a bomb, if you survive, drop UMP/M4 to your teammates, if you die ask for a drop. If you win the first 2 rounds with bomb planting, the whole team buys M4.
