How to quickly increase XP rank in CS:GO? Quickly level up XP rank in CS:GO. How to raise the level on Steam: recommendations How to raise the level on Steam without cards

Steam represents a whole social network for players, where in addition to the main task - buying games - you can perform many other actions. In particular, users are encouraged to develop their personal page in every possible way, for example, by increasing its level. However, not everyone knows how to do this correctly and competently.

It’s worth making a reservation right away - raising the level of your account without spending real or internal currency on Steam is quite problematic and requires a lot of time, effort and desire. If you are not ready to part with money for the sake of a high level, you will need to resort to active communication with other Steam users.

Before moving on to the main topic, you should understand what the user level is based on. It directly depends on the number of created and/or improved icons. But the ways in which you will come to create them depends solely on your own financial capabilities and the amount of free time.

Creating Steam Icons

The main way to increase the level is to create (also called crafting) badges in Steam. A badge is an icon associated with a specific event: collecting all the cards from the game, participating in sales, holiday events. As you already understand, without having the entire pool of cards necessary to receive the badge, you will not be able to create Go. We discussed in detail how to receive cards on Steam in our other material and invite you to familiarize yourself with it: your maximum level profile.

Now that you know how to get the necessary item for crafting badges, let's move on to looking at all the available options related to getting a badge.

All icons are displayed on home page your profile. Their number and the individual level of each icon determines the profile level:

As you can see, getting each badge gives you 100 experience points.

Each received game icon can be upgraded up to 4 times. In the screenshot below you see an example of an icon upgraded 4 times (i.e. to level 5) with a total amount of experience received of 500 units.

It follows that each subsequent improvement of the icon gives you another 100 units. experience.

It is not necessary to improve the same icon; it is much more interesting to collect cards from different games, this option is more suitable in situations where, for example, from friends you can receive cards for a game for which there is an icon, but selling them is unprofitable due to their low cost. Or you just really like a certain game and want to highlight it.

Please note:

Icon Steam sales can be improved any number of times. If you set out to get high level Steam profile without having large quantity games, make the most of this opportunity. The prices for sale cards on the Marketplace are quite low, but they are sold there until they are burned out in users' inventories (and this is a month after the end of the event).

Purchasing games

For every game you purchase, you will also receive experience. The amount of experience does not depend on the game. Accordingly, it is best to purchase a lot of cheap indie games. True, leveling up for purchase is very slow, since only 1 unit is given for one purchased game. experience. The only plus here is that you will receive cards that can be used for the previous method of leveling up on Steam. How to find cheap games that support cards in the Steam Store is written in the article at the link we provided at the beginning of the article.

What does the Steam level give?

Some users who want to get a larger Steam profile number are not aware of the additional benefits this provides. The value of these features is debatable, but it will be useful to someone.

Now you know the most useful information regarding increasing your level on Steam. By the way, you can see the ranking of leaders by level, as well as your place in the list of this table, on a special website -.

Steam today is not even a gaming service, but an entire RPG where you interact with other players and complete various quests. As in any role-playing game, these actions increase your level. Let's look at the main ways you can increase your level in Steam, and why it might be useful.

How to level up on Steam.

If no one understood why a level was needed, it’s unlikely that gamers would try so hard to “upgrade” it. Here are at least a few reasons to do it.

  • Respect. The indicator is both unspoken and quite visible. Players with the highest level are always displayed at the top of all lists: friends, communities, etc. This gives them some advertising. This is why the most active traders try to raise the level of their account.
  • Friends limit. With each new level it increases by five. Therefore, soon you will be able to have 300, or even 500, instead of 250 friends.
  • Lost useful items. The higher you rise among other users in the community, the greater the chance of receiving various goodies: free trading cards, profile backgrounds, emoticons and even discount coupons. All this brings both aesthetic pleasure and material benefits.

It's quite easy to see your level. To do this, simply hover over your account name and select the “Profile” tab. The current level will be displayed at the top.

Ways to level up

There are a huge number of them, because almost every action on Steam is rewarded in one way or another. First of all, you should pay attention to those that provide the greatest benefits and the most popular ones.


The main means of increasing the level are received badges or badges. There are a lot of them on Steam. The methods used to acquire them can also vary greatly.

The main icons are gaming ones. They are obtained for a complete set of trading cards. These cards drop by themselves as you play the game. The catch is that only three trading cards can be collected this way. The remaining two, needed to obtain a badge, will have to be obtained somehow differently. As a rule, this is an exchange with other players. We have previously written about all sorts of methods for obtaining such badges and cards: these are special programs, trading, secret methods, and much more.

In addition to game icons, there are many others. In fact, the whole process of getting a new level comes down to receiving various badges. You will understand this when you read the following methods.

Participation in events

This remedy can be very effective. Events on Steam are numerous sales dedicated to various holidays. During them, the service gives users the opportunity to earn a new badge. But this can only be done by completing certain tasks. Sometimes they can be performed several times to gain experience points multiple times and greatly increase your level.

ADVICE. In addition, badges are often given simply for purchasing games during the sale period; you don’t even have to do anything.


Purchase game content and programs also brings experience points. However, it is not necessary to do this during the promotion. However, raising the level in this way will take an extremely long time. For each game purchased, the user receives one XP (experience point). You can buy a bunch of indie games and level up this way.

But, nevertheless, this also makes sense. For every certain number of games purchased, a special badge is issued. And every time he brings more and more experience. So if you have more than a thousand or at least five hundred games, this will significantly affect the level.

A special consideration is purchasing games during the beta testing stage. For it, the user generally receives various bonuses: additional cards and a special icon. And, as a rule, you get more experience.

Completing Steam Missions

This method is perfect for those new to the service. Steam has a list of tasks, there are about thirty of them in total. If you complete all or half of them, you will be given special badges, which, accordingly, bring different quantities OO.

The tasks are quite simple and will not be difficult to complete: update your status, recommend a game, add a user as a friend, etc. They will not only allow you to raise your level, but will also give you the opportunity to become a full-fledged and active member of the gaming community.

ATTENTION. Here full guide for completing these quests:

Secret way

The method relates to obtaining game badges, but allows you to craft them faster than using standard methods, and more economically than buying cards. Accordingly, with the help of it you can quickly raise the level in Steam.

This site - - sells sets of cards for various games. They can cost differently, sometimes the price reaches one hundred rubles. But in general, you can purchase cards for a few rubles, which is quite profitable. In this case, you do not need to buy the game itself. You just need to buy cards and craft badges from them. Each icon will bring 100 experience points. For 100 rubles you can rise to several levels if you are at the initial stage.

As you can see, there is different ways, allowing you to level up on Steam. But still, the main ones are fair play and high activity in the community. This is the only way you can reach real heights and become known as a legendary player with a huge number of badges.

Why do you need a level on Steam? It is needed for various things, from selling to collecting. Let me explain everything in order.

The first thing you need a Steam level for is, of course, your reputation. People see you spending a lot of time on Steam playing games.
The second thing you need a level on Steam for is to get card sets. Every 10 levels, your chance to get a set of cards for a particular game increases by 20%.
The third thing you need a level for on Steam is to create storefronts. They are available from level 10. On them you can put something for sale, show the most expensive things from your inventory, etc.

Step 2

This is the badge that you will receive after completing tasks.

How do you still get a level on Steam? The level is not difficult, but it will take a lot of time and effort, and even money. Let's look at the simplest option for raising the level on Steam.

Most easy way- This is to complete all the tasks that Steam offers you. The tasks are very simple - take a screenshot and post it, leave a comment with a friend, link Facebook and Steam accounts, etc. However, the maximum this can give is only 200 experience, and at the first levels, every 100 experience gives + 1 level, which means the maximum you can do with this You can only gain 2 levels.

Step 3

The same icon

The second way is to buy games. Not the best best way, but the most expensive. It’s better not to use this method at all, but I’ll tell you.
Every time you buy a game, your games counter will be replenished by +1. And that's when you buy 5 games. you will be given a badge and you will gain experience. When you buy 10 games, they will update your badge and give you more experience, etc. But they give little experience, and they get a lot of money, so if you are not rich, then you don’t need to try this method.

Step 4

There is also a way to collect cards. When you collect a certain number of cards, you can create an icon for that game. But how to get them?
1. Play a game.
When playing the game you get a certain number of cards, but not all of them. If there are 8 cards in total, then you will only get 5, if 5, then only 3, etc.
2. Buy cards for trading. site.
This is the easiest way, but you need money. Cards usually cost 2-4 rubles.
3. Exchange.
Here you will have to sacrifice something else if you want to exchange.

I would like to note that when exchanging, you need to enable Steam Guard and that 15 days have passed since it was turned on!

Modern gaming market is slowly beginning to absorb the features of technological and scientific development of IT technology, which gives reason to respect this industry. And, as it happens, the innovators of many ideas become too popular and become monopolists. This is an interactive store called Steam. Yes, many of us are familiar with this program, which allows you to create a gaming social account, stock up on games and simply find new friends and like-minded people.

Steam is a unique interactive platform for every gamer, which not only stores all the information about a particular user, but also visually shows what he has achieved. And the so-called illumination in games shows the level of the profile that needs to be increased and improved. How to raise the level in Steam? This is exactly what the next conversation will be about, which will show in all its colors how to do this, and what benefits improving your profile can bring.

Steam - gaming social network

What is a game profile? It reflects your achievements, library and gaming preferences. How to raise the level in Steam? Before answering this question, it is worth understanding whether it is worth doing this at all? Yes, it’s worth it, since this procedure allows you to get new opportunities in terms of exhibition showcases of achievements and gives you a chance to simply improve your status compared to other players who use this interactive gaming network. How to quickly increase your level in Steam? Alas, it’s worth noting right away that this is impossible to do, since progress directly depends on your collection of games and the badges you receive.

Level Up

So, it is necessary to raise the bar, this is all clear. But how does this process happen? For example, how to raise the level in Steam to 10? To do this, it is worth remembering that the process of obtaining it resembles role-playing game, that is, you need to accumulate the experience that is required new level. The higher the user’s level, the more often cards will be credited. Yes, the level value adds a certain amount of percentage for successfully receiving cards from a variety of games, and this is a pretty good motivator, since it is the cards and their further transformation into badges that are the most effective way gaining experience to level up.

Improvement process

So, it’s already clear how to raise the level in Steam. But what is the process that allows you to improve your profile? It's quite simple. As we said above, you just need to gain experience, which will accumulate, and when it reaches a certain limit, you will reach a new level. Then you will need to accumulate points again, only in larger quantities than before.

You definitely won’t be able to deceive the system, so you should be patient and gradually get what you are striving for. It is worth noting that sometimes Steam holds various promotions and competitions, the consolation prizes of which are experience. In addition, this program now implements a system for exchanging virtual crystals, which consists in the fact that the user turns his cards or badges into precious dust. When performing this action, experience is also added to your profile.

Ways to increase

Now you know how to raise the level in Steam. The main way to gain experience is to turn cards from various games into badges. That is, you need to collect the entire collection of cards in order to get an experience badge as a result of mixing. This is the easiest, most accessible and profitable way to level up.

The second option is to complete all the initial tasks of your profile, which are not so difficult, but at the same time allow you to quickly achieve a good result. Starting from a simple message to downloading a video, you will gradually need to complete a couple of dozen tasks. This will bring you several levels at once. How to raise the level in Steam without cards? Fortunately, this option is quite real. There are two ways to gain experience without using virtual rewards. One of them is that you need to take part in various competitions from Steam. The second method involves turning your inventory into precious dust, which you can later spend on buying games. This process is taken into account by the system, and you are awarded experience.

Steam level is exactly the indicator that reflects all your actions performed on Steam. And the higher it is, the more new chances and opportunities open to the player. These include, first of all, profile backgrounds, emoticons, coupons, add-ons and other useful attributes.

Absolutely everything is important to level up on Steam: your experience, the total number of badges, the games you have purchased, and other Steam items.

So, everything is clear about the level increase itself and its benefits. Now a few words about How exactly to increase your level on Steam?

And here it is worth saying that the most valuable item There are icons for this action. The more there are, the higher your chances. The basis of such badges are collection cards and FAQs on cards (separate articles are devoted to this issue).

You can get such cards thanks to games such as:


-Dota 2

-Half-Life 2

-Don't Strave

-Portal 2

-Team Fortress 2

You can also receive cards by exchanging them with friends or purchasing them on trading platform Steam.

Speaking about the bonus system, we can imagine it as follows:

1 icon = experience points

100 experience points = +1 level on Steam

That is, the more badges you have, the higher your level.

"Community Ambassador" is another type of community badge that is given to the player for completing special tasks. Another factor taken into account is experience. In addition, badges are also issued to the player for purchasing games in the Steam store.

How to raise your level on Steam video

And if we talk about accumulating bonuses and increasing levels in a nutshell, then just be active. Play, buy more different goods, exchange cards, communicate, work on your workshop, etc. In the meantime, your points will increase, and perhaps you yourself will not notice how you will become one of the most advanced users of the resource.
