Implants. Questions about game trivia Fallout 4 body upgrades pain inhibitor

Before the war, cybernetics achieved enormous success and began to be implemented in life. In fact, even then a very rich person could afford some kind of cybernetic implantation, but this was fraught with psychological problems, so implants were not widespread among the masses, but were widely used for military purposes. Now very, very few people know the technology for their implementation. The Enclave has retained all implant technology, but does not produce them, and the Brotherhood of Steel has the ability to introduce almost all implants, but does not have them.

Why is using implants dangerous? The first and main reason is the loss of humanity. Having lost half of his humanity, the cyborg becomes half a machine, which is expressed in the fact that he loses human feelings - love, hatred, greed, and so on. Having lost the last remnants of humanity, the cyborg becomes just a machine with an admixture of a human body. In game terms, this means that the cyborg is under the complete control of the DM.
A character's Humanity is the sum of his Perception and Wits. Restoring humanity is an extremely difficult process. Removing the implants (in most cases, an extremely difficult process) restores only half of the lost humanity and only after a month. (By the way, the loss of humanity occurs within a week after implementation).

And once again it is worth noting that cybernization is an extremely difficult task - firstly, you need to find an implant (this is the most difficult thing), and secondly, to find where to implement it. It can be implemented by a Doctor who has the appropriate skills and has the appropriate equipment.

Prices for implants are not indicated, since it is simply impossible to buy them from traders, and if someone sells them, it is unlikely that he will have an idea of ​​what he is selling. In the description after the name, in parentheses, the loss of humanity is indicated.

List of implants

Name # Description
Memory analyzer 1 Allows you to remember everything that once happened to the character.
Spectrum Analyzer 2 Allows you to see in the infrared and gamma spectrum, as well as notice any frequency fluctuations (laser, transmitters). Cyber ​​Eyes Add-on
Base CPU 1 Basic Central Processing Unit gives +1 to Wits, needed to control most implants
Bioactive blood 2 Increases healing speed by +4, gives immunity to diseases, stops bleeding in one round
Metabolism biocontroller 3 +4 to healing rank, +2 to Constitution rolls, character needs to eat less, may fall into a controlled coma
Nervous system biocontroller 4 Allows you to react faster and act more accurately. Doubles your Dexterity score for 30 seconds (5 rounds), then permanently loses 1 Constitution point per round. Can be reactivated after as many hours as the number of rounds worked. Also, when activated, the cyborg is not sensitive to pain or stuns, and all damage it receives is reduced by 2 hit points.
Biomuscles 3 +1 to Constitution and +1 to Dexterity
Bioheart 1 Replacing the usual - reduces the body's fatigue after physical exertion (-1 level of fatigue, regardless of action), all Constitution saving throws are made with a +2 bonus
Large hidden blades 2 Blades up to half a meter long can come out of the palms. Damage Strength: +3, Maximum 9. Addition to cyber arms. Losses are indicated for one hand, for two =3
Cyber ​​eyes 2 Allows you to enlarge (up to x8), record (if there is a memory chip). Penalties for poor lighting are halved. Perception +2
Cyber ​​lungs 2 Grants immunity to gas poisons. 2% oxygen in the atmosphere is enough for survival
Cybernetic guidance system 2 +2 to all ranged weapon attacks. Cyber ​​Eyes Add-on
Cybernetic food tract 2 Complete immunity to food poisoning. You can eat almost anything and your food needs are significantly reduced (by half)
Cybernetic health 4 +2 bonus to Constitution. Reduces fatigue from physical activity by half (-4 levels of fatigue per round). +4 bonus to Constitution rolls. Treatment rating +2
Cyberarm 4 The minimum Constitution requirement to use a weapon with a given hand is reduced by 2. (losses are for one hand, for two hands they are 5). +2 to strike power with this hand when using any melee weapon
Cyberskeleton 1 Gives +1 to Constitution
Cyberrush 1 Allows recording (to the memory chip). Bonus +4 to Perception rolls when listening and +1 to Perception itself
Blades to palm 1 Blades can extend from the palms: Attack +2, Maximum 8. Addition to cyber arms. Loss per blade indicated. For two blades the loss is 2
Appearance modification 1 Surgery improves your external parameters, which once improves the reaction to you from master characters by one category (from hostility to neutral, from neutral to sympathy, and from sympathy to adoration)
Voice modulator 1 +2 to Conversation and Trade when communicating (pleasant voice), can imitate other voices and sounds
Nanoarmor 1 Subdermal single-cell implant provides absorption 1/1/3 and -1 from Dexterity
Radiation shield 2 The level of radiation affecting the character is considered to be 3 levels weaker. Does not affect ghouls
Synthetic armor 4 Replacing leather with synthetic material gives damage absorption 3/2/6, -1 from Dexterity and -2 from Initiative. Incompatible with nanoarmor
Synthetic muscles 3 +2 to Constitution, not compatible with biomuscles.
Hormone control system 2 +2 to Constitution and +4 to Initiative, lasts for a maximum of 5 minutes, then cannot be activated for 1d6 hours during which time Constitution and Wits drop by 2
Improved CPU 2 +2 to Wits - an improved version of the standard Central Processing Unit
Sense enhancer 1 Slightly improves all five senses, resulting in Perception +1. However, the device is not compatible with cyber eyes and cyber ears.
Cleaning chip 1 In the event of a cyborg's death, all of its implants are destroyed.
Memory chip 2 For every additional point of loss, the character receives another open skill (which is determined by the chip)

Intros... Fallout intros never change. Oh, and war too. Only the scene changes. And a little bit of a temporary era. Apparently, Bethesda representatives are not very aware of this, because Fallout 4 radically different from previous games in the series. No, this is no longer a casual racing simulator with elements of the periodic table, but a very cool role-playing shooter. A very, very massive RPG shooter. And a very entertaining role-playing shooter, which contains a lot of details and interesting figures, which this article will partially introduce. Right now.

WARNING! The article uses Russian names from fan localization.

1.2 million– this is how many copies of the game, according to SteamSpy, found their owners within 24 hours of its release. The numbers are impressive, but not record-breaking. But 290 461 - very much a record holder . This is how many people were simultaneously playing the game on the night of November 10, 2015. Of course, this is a record for games focused on single playthrough. Above are only online projects like Counter-Strike Global Offensive (300,000 online users) and DotA2 (just over 700 thousand online users). The previous record belongs – who would doubt it – to GTAV, with a figure of 196,700 people.

Infinity. This is exactly what the level limit is in Fallout 4. Contrary to the traditions of previous parts, F4 does not limit the player’s leveling up. And due to the peculiarities of the role-playing system, at a certain level you can get an impeccable build, with all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. parameters. at maximum and with all the perks.

The most interesting thing is that the game is prepared for levels above 150 (which is about 200 hours of continuous play for one character), and begins to spawn monsters like the mystical Death Claws and charred ghouls. They deliver. Problem. Especially on the “Survival” difficulty level, where they are almost impossible to kill with anything other than a critical shot from the “Fat Man” with the MIRV modification.

226 . This is exactly the level required to upgrade ALL the perks to maximum level, if all parameters S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are equal to 10. Achieving this is not so easy - you will have to farm a lot and for a long time, and serious opponents at that.

10 is no longer the maximum number for S.P.E.C.I.A.L parameters. That is, with the help of dolls and drugs you can raise, say, Agility to 15, or Charisma to 18, and receive the corresponding bonuses.

16 . This is the maximum number of shots that can be fired in V.A.T.S. Regardless of the number of action points. The easiest way to test it is on a fully pumped up “Deliverer”, having first eaten a couple of drugs to increase AP.

5,3 . This is the maximum damage modifier for a sneak attack when using a suppressed weapon. As in Skyrim, and in previous 3D Fallout games, the “four” is easiest to beat as a ninja sniper, even without using critical shots. Gauss carbine with damage over 400 units from stealth sends to better worlds almost any enemy, be it a radroach or a hippopotamus.

160 points is the maximum amount of AP for a character, without using drugs. 10 Dexterity + 1 bobblehead for her. Contrary to my personal expectations, the amount of AP does not change due to perks, only their recovery time is accelerated.

560 . This - Weight Limit, which can be raised by a character with the appropriate perks, but without using unnecessary medications. Strength, required perks and power armor with appropriate modification are taken into account. After completing the game, the game may glitch a little, and the weight threshold will increase to 580, but this figure is unstable, like uranium-235. So yes, 560.

80% . The maximum percentage of the happiness level of a settlement that has enough protection, food, water and shelter. That is, all the basic amenities available in the wasteland. To increase this figure, it is necessary to build retail outlets, in particular medical ones. To achieve the coveted 100%, you will need to stay a little more in the location, the residents like it.

35 Court. This is an unmarked green building located just one building west of the Clover Bar. It's not easy to find, but it's also hard to miss, since there are two laser turrets at the entrance. On the very last floor of this building after level 28 the character can be Power Armor Enclave, aka Advanced Power Armor, aka APA. Yes, I know that the Enclave is not in the game, and I know that in Fallout4 this armor is called the X-01 prototype. BUT! It looks exactly like the one from the first two parts, is the rarest of all and gives the most better protection. So yes, this is Enclave Power Armor. You can't fool me, game!

To get to this armor, you will need to destroy the assault gun and the security robot in a patch of free space. Or just press two buttons behind them. For example, from secrecy. The bots will then explode on their own.

Rocket launcher
is the most fun weapon. Controversial, I know, but after several improvements it gets a magazine for 4 missiles and, importantly, the ability to aim at targets using the right mouse button. A small detail - the sound of aiming at the target - makes this process especially cozy and relaxing. Now not a single agile ghoul will escape its fate, and not a single rotorcraft will be able to fly away from it!

Purified water, paradoxically, is a key product for a successful merchant developing settlements. The fact is that water purification plants, especially industrial ones, produce much, much more product than settlers can consume. The remainder, accordingly, goes into reserve with stable regularity. Yes, purifiers can only be installed in water, but there are a few key places where you can simply line yourself up to your earlobes with them. Yes, the need for protection increases proportionally, but believe me, it’s worth it. No product can produce caps as consistently as water.

Preliminary analysis of items
allows you to significantly save on crafting components. So, if a biometric scanner consisting of asbestos, optical fiber and nuclear material is used only for the sake of asbestos, then the optical fiber and nuclear material will go to nothing. But if you first throw the scanner on the floor and disassemble it in the same way as unnecessary crafting components are disassembled, then all three components will go into the workbench inventory separately. Yes, sorting through every piece of found trash can be boring and tedious, but it is vital.

Critical Shots can now not only be used in V.A.T.S. at any convenient moment, but also increase hit accuracy up to 95%, regardless of the initial accuracy of the shot. That is, you can conduct aimed fire from a sawn-off shotgun at sniper distances, yes. Also with wild damage, like a wild ghoul. In combination with the “Penetrating” perk critical hits become simply an indispensable tool for fighting opponents whose most vulnerable points are located behind them. The exception is the security robot, whose nuclear blocks hide after the first hit on them. For a while...

Damage to limbs now plays a more serious role than in previous parts. A completely crippled enemy will simply fall to the ground and will not be able to move. Ghouls without limbs lose the ability to move and become simply motionless targets. The assault guns, after losing all their limbs, explode, and humanoid opponents fall to the ground, but I can continue to shoot.

, created over a cooking fire, is one of the key elements crafting, since when disassembled it immediately gives 5 units of glue, which is vital in almost every modification. And it is created with the help of corn, mutafruit, clean water and toshka (tato), that is, things that are available on every farm. Moreover, such a farm can be created in 30 minutes.

Cutting fluid
is the main source of oil in the game. It is created from acid, bone, steel and purified water on a chemistry bench. The main problem in this case is the bone, since even as a separate component it weighs 1 pound. However, finding it is not particularly difficult, since it is found everywhere in varying quantities. Largest quantity bones is located in the Dunwich Drillers location immediately east of the Sweatshop. Right in the center of the quarry hang cages that can be opened from below, and in the cages there are about a hundred units of bone in the form of various parts of the skeleton.

is a priority modification for power armor, since it is silent (!) and completely changes all the logistics in the game. Taking a sniper position on the spire of a building that you can’t even enter, getting to previously inaccessible places with useful loot (of which there are several in the game), flying across a radioactive lake, quickly getting to quest items - all these tasks are solved with the help of a jetpack.

Robopony “Buttercup” is an important source of both crafting parts (bolts, springs, steel, gears) and valuable loot, since a whole horse costs 177 caps. There are, however, some disadvantages - the pony weighs both in parts and as a whole, quite a lot (8 pounds maximum). Yes, and you can find it in the required quantities, consider, at the other end of Skyrim... that is, the Commonwealth - at the headquarters and at the Wilson Automatics plant. The latter will be easy to find - the ghoul technician from “Sweatshop” marks it on the map if you agree to find unique parts there. But the inhabitants in the form of super mutants (including a named high-level commander) will not simply allow them to be taken away.

, as a key component of building competent defense of locations, is mined on an industrial scale from robots and turrets. Robots spawn on the isthmus between the Nahant shipyards and the Big Lukowski cannery, as well as between the “Sweatshop” and Breakhard Banks. Assaulttrons are often found in Strelkov's locations. Lone Security Bot high level spawns south of the Suffolk County Private School behind the middle concrete block (there are only five of them), but only after the player opens the door in front. A couple of dozen mines behind the block - and valuable loot is ready to be received.

A real Klondike of robots is located in the Hester's Home Robots location. About six assistant robots, two protectrons, an assault gun and a security robot. Everything is in sleep mode. When damage is caused to any robot, all others in the same room with it become opponents. Premature laying of mines solves this problem successfully.

, a location northeast of the Warwick farm, is simply the perfect place to build a giant mansion. There is a workbench on the island, and it becomes accessible after turning on a pair of sirens (theoretically, the one closer to the center). The Siren on the wrecked ship closer to the farm summons the Swamp Queen, so be careful! By the way, on the same ship there is a “Luck” doll.

The island itself is chock full of resources. In total there are 4 thousand wood and 500 steel. The working area of ​​the workbench covers the ENTIRE island and even a little more, due to which it can be filled to capacity with water purifiers. Or build a palace on 5 floors. In general, the juiciest and one of the most profitable locations in the game. Getting to her is relatively easy, and the swamp queen is unlikely to cause problems incompatible with life - the ship is a good place for a battle.

Your limbs, head and torso may be hit in combat. If too much damage is done to any part of the body, it will suffer damage.

Damaged body parts incur the following penalties:

  • hands: it will be more difficult for you to aim;
  • legs: you will move slower;
  • torso: your action points will be restored more slowly;
  • head: your vision and hearing will be affected.

If a body part gets damaged, it will not heal on its own. To heal a damaged part of the body, use a stimulator. The effect extends to all parts of the body. You can also heal such injuries by sleeping for a few hours or seeing a doctor.

To assess the condition of body parts, open the “Parameters” tab in the Pip-Boy, the “Condition” section. All injuries will be displayed on the character figurine. small scales around the figure indicate how many health points a particular body part has left.

Injuring enemies

You can also damage your opponents' body parts in combat. Press the [Q] button while holding a weapon to target a limb in VATS mode.

Some enemies also have inhibitors in addition to regular body parts combat mode. If such an inhibitor is damaged, the enemy will go into a frenzy and attack the nearest target.
