Fairytale patrol games where they change clothes. Fairy patrol dress up game

Cartoons often inspire programmers to develop new games, and the wonderful animation Fairytale Patrol from the Parovoz studio has also migrated to desktops and Android devices. From now on, little fans of the squad can take a direct part in the adventures of fearless little ones and directly influence the fate of the fairy-tale world.

By the way, being enlisted in a magical patrol is a great honor! The selection for the team was very strict. A strict commission from a thousand applicants selected only these four witches, whose parents were sorcerers of various kinds.

New games Fairytale Patrol

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The game Fairytale Patrol on the computer will tell you the story of charming girls whom nature has endowed with witchcraft skills. Young ladies use witchcraft and spells exclusively for the benefit of their fellow countrymen. Many adventures await you, where you will have to show courage, fearlessness and firmness. It's incredibly fun to play, you'll soon see that!

Four sorceresses

If you have seen the cartoon, then you know that all the actions take place in the small provincial town of Myshkin. By the way, it really is on the map of Russia (it is located in Yaroslavl region). According to the plot of the cartoon, this city is a museum of fairy tales. Walking along the winding picturesque streets of Myshkin, you can easily meet popular heroes from folklore. All the guys dream of communicating with them, so both boys and girls will equally love the Fairytale Patrol games.

The Magic Patrol was created with the sole purpose of convincing the residents of Myshkin that all the mystical events that periodically happen in these parts are only part of a large-scale show that is organized to amuse tourists. In these games, your key task is to help the girls cope with their official responsibilities.

Are you ready to play Fairytale Patrol? Then choose fun and join the secret patronesses of a strange settlement. Take virtual tests and find out which of these characters you are most like. If you're bored, download an adventure game. There are a lot of tricky puzzles for you here, and some of them you won’t be able to solve alone. Invite a friend and divide the confrontation between two people.

While playing through any game in this series, you will see a lot of fabulous things. You will visit the legendary hut from fairy tales, which stands in the middle of the forest on chicken legs, chat with the learned cat about whom the storyteller Pushkin wrote. Afterwards, you will relax in the shade of an oak tree, on whose branches the little mermaid is sunbathing, and feed the squirrel nuts, for which she may thank you with a priceless emerald.

However, the fairytale patrol is not always concerned with eliminating the results of the harmful activities of dark sorcerers. Witches love shopping and beauty salons, so for lovers of fashion marathons, we have prepared Magic Patrol games for girls. Our colorful dress up games have an excellent collection of designer outfits, so the quest to change the image of your charges will be entertaining. We are sure that the fitting will take more than one hour!

Shall we meet?

Fairytale Patrol expects a lot difficult missions, and to cope with them, it is better to scout out all the abilities of good sorceresses. So, the focus of these games will be on brave sorceresses:

The leader of the sorcerer's company is the sorceress Varya. This is a very sensible brunette who can teleport and attract objects through levitation.

Masha is a lovely brown-haired woman with cat-like green eyes. This clever girl is able to figure out the structure of any device in a matter of minutes. Use this in flash drives!

Tender blonde Snowball is the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost himself. From the bearded magician she learned to control the cold.

The fiery red-haired sorceress Alyonka is extremely restless. Her element is fire, all that remains is to learn to control this magical power.

In the games you can become any of the fairy-tale patrol heroines and complete tasks on behalf of your favorite. Believe me, you will enjoy playing even more than watching cartoons. Here you will find a sea of ​​adventures for every mood and taste.

If you want, take up photography, or start collecting magical animals. Organize a gambling competition in a brand new game for fans of sports Olympics, or use enchantment to create a unique decor.

Game description

The game “Fairytale Patrol: Dress Up” tells us a story about four young sorceresses who are descendants of sorcerers. The main characters in storyline are:

  • Varya is the informal leader of the team. Her native element is air.
  • Masha has clear logical thinking. Draws strength from plant energy.
  • Snezka is calm and reserved, like ice.
  • Alenka is fiery, unstoppable and very cheerful.


The essence of this game comes down to finding invisible transparent heart-shaped figures in the presented picture. These are scattered throughout game screen only 30 pieces. You can find them by clicking on them with the left mouse button. You have 2 minutes to find all the “hearts” scattered across the screen. By clicking the mouse in the wrong place, you automatically lose game lives, of which according to the rules there are only 4 pieces. The player can also use 4 hints: by clicking on a multi-colored icon, the elements being searched will be highlighted one at a time, so they can be easily detected.

If you find all the items, you get access to the secret picture. Decent motivation to try hard!

If you have never watched a funny cartoon, then you were not lucky enough to find friends in the form of awesome characters. In the games, a group of young sorceresses use magic for the benefit of the residents of their hometown. But not only magic helps to defeat the dirty tricks of insidious villains.

The Fab Four

It all started from a fateful meeting in the city of Myshkin; according to the plot, this is a museum of fairy tales. Here you can meet fairy-tale characters, for example, Leshy, Baba Yaga, Malvina and others. Only the average half of the population living here is unaware that they all really exist, since order and the border between the two realities have been maintained for many years.

Ordinary people are convinced that everything unusual that happens from time to time is part of a grandiose performance to attract tourist flows. With the advent of the Fairytale Team, this mission fell on their shoulders. The first task took place without the consent of the girls, who met on the day of their arrival in Myshkin.

The Fairytale Patrol games include many applications of different genres, every gamer will find exciting entertainment for themselves. Virtual tests from this series of games will help to recognize which of the sorceresses the user has more similarities with. For lovers of more dynamic toys, turn on the Magic Patrol adventure games, here you need to pacify terrible monsters.

Thanks to the excellent graphics implemented in the Fairytale Patrol games, players, finding themselves in a hut on chicken legs, can see all the smallest details. Imagine how much useful and interesting information the brilliant Cat Scientist will tell, he mainly acts as a comedic character.

You will see with your own eyes a squirrel gnawing on nuts with emeralds, a beautiful mermaid on a huge oak tree, the three-headed Rat King, who is also a sophisticated interlocutor. Feisty characters also live here, such as Karabas Barabas, who almost turned the entire village into robots. Don't expect that you need to play solely by eliminating the consequences of villainous tricks. The release of games in Russian has become of great importance, since it is not difficult to thoroughly understand the interface.

There are games where you have to dress up magical fairies, which will be a great activity for little fashionistas. Bright dress-up pages contain a huge assortment of outfits, so the fitting will end in success. However, if you still haven’t found a suitable outfit, use coloring pages to create it yourself. Both children and adults can play on Android.

Meet the heroines

Before you start playing the Magic Patrol games, immediately find out about the abilities of the witches so that you can easily complete the tasks. So, brave sorceresses joined the fairy-tale squad:

Reasonable dark-haired Varya, who took on the burden of patrol captain. She has the skills of teleportation and levitation.

Technological genius, green-eyed beauty Masha. She is able to make any device from available materials, and is the owner of the forces of nature.

The modest and powerful granddaughter of Grandfather Frost himself, Snowball, possessing frosty talents.

Indigenous inhabitant of the miracle reserve, restless and lively Alenka. She mastered the gift thanks to hard training and the instructions of her friends, and as a result, the fire element obeys her without fail.
