Black dessert game how to increase character strength. Upgrading body parameters: tone, strength, health

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IN Black Desert There are several different options for increasing the chances of drops from mobs. In this guide we will talk in detail about each of these methods.

If you have clearly decided that you are going to do it long and hard, then the first thing you should start with is pumping up the corresponding node near which farming will be carried out.

In total, each node has 10 levels. To upgrade, contact the node manager and upgrade the node level. Each node level increase will cost you 10 energy.

Upgrading a node by 1 level increases the chance of dropping valuable items by 5%. Accordingly, the maximum node level will significantly increase your chance of successful grinding.

2. Gaining knowledge

The level of knowledge of a particular monster is the next factor that affects the chance of items falling from it. There are several ranks of knowledge about mobs, and the most important and valuable is the S rank. You can influence the chance of gaining knowledge (not the rank of knowledge gained, but the chance of gaining knowledge) by purchasing the appropriate jewelry in the game store.

A monster's knowledge rank is given when it is killed. Moreover, it is given completely randomly and you cannot influence it in any way. In addition to increasing the drop chance, a high knowledge rank reduces the damage dealt by this mob to you and increases your damage to it. The acquired knowledge rank about a specific mob does not improve! In order to gain a more valuable knowledge rank, you need to reset an existing rank. This can be done from Librarian Annalisa in Calpheon.

There is one convenient and cunning way to quickly get the desired rank, which can save you a lot of time. Create a twink on your account and leave it near the librarian. As the main character you will receive knowledge, and as a twink you will discard unnecessary ones. This will save you time traveling to and from Calpheon.

Each rank reset will cost you 10 energy. Let me remind you that the maximum energy reserve applies to all characters on one account, and the amount of available energy is different for each character.

So, we have sorted out the knots and knowledge and move on to the last point - luck.

Maximum level luck - 5. To see your luck level, go to the character window by pressing P.

The higher the luck, the greater the chance of dropping valuable items. There are several ways to increase your luck in Black Desert:

  • Titles
  • Cubic zirconia: Luck
  • Golden Hand Potion
  • Buying pearls
  • Set for luck

3.1. Titles

Below is a table that shows what the number of your titles affects. Having earned 150 titles, you can increase your luck level by +3.

Number of titles Energy Experience Endurance
50 1
70 2 1
80 2 2
90 2 3
100 2 3 3%
150 3 3 3%
200 3 4 3%
300 3 4 6% 50 stamina
400 3 5 6% 50 stamina
500 3 5 9% 50 stamina
600 3 5 9% 100 stamina
700 3 6 9% 100 stamina
800 3 6 9% 150 stamina
900 3 6 12% 150 stamina
1000 3 7 12% 150 stamina
1500 3 8 12% 150 stamina
2000 3 8 12% 200 stamina

3.2. Cubic zirconia: luck

Golden Hand Potion can be purchased at auction or made using. It increases luck by +2, although only for 5 minutes. The price and duration of this potion makes it not very profitable.

3.4. Buying pearls

When purchasing pearls in the game store, you can receive a +1 luck buff. The duration of this buff is very short. For example, for purchasing 500 pearls, you will receive a buff for 1 hour.

3.5. Set for luck

2 parts of the Luck set will increase your luck by +2. Disadvantages of this method:

There is no point in sharpening such things.

Wearing such a set will reduce your combat characteristics, which can tell on the speed and difficulty of farming.

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Those lovers computer games Anyone who has ever launched the MMORPG Black Desert is probably aware that the main value and, without exaggeration, the most important resource in the game are influence points. Influence points (or otherwise, contribution points) are a unique currency, without which it is extremely difficult to imagine existence in the game world of Black Desert.

This resource will allow the player to purchase real estate in virtual world, build trade routes and even get very important game values. For influence points in Black Desert you can get, for example, unique equipment, weapons, or decorations, a vegetable garden in which the character can farm, as well as black stones, one of key elements games that will help improve your armor and weapons.

Every newcomer has a fair question: how to earn influence points in Black Desert?

The answer is both simple and complex: the most valuable points are given for completing various tasks, which the game more than provides. However, influence points are constantly required, and where can you get them in the required quantity? What tricks do you need to know to show off the maximum number of influence points?

First of all, you should remember that a large amount of influence experience can be obtained by paying due attention to the black spirit quests, as well as the main storyline. They are usually given for greatest number contribution points. In second place in terms of influence experience are territorial tasks (a house in general list) and craft quests (pickaxe).

All of the above quests most often provide a significant increase in influence, but they have a huge and insurmountable drawback - they can only be completed once. That is, having received a reward for a task once, the family (all characters on one account) will never be able to repeat this quest and gain more influence.

Daily quests in Black Desert, which gamers also call daily quests, do not have the above disadvantage. These quests are found everywhere, they can be either craft-related (make boards or bring flour, for example), or not at all related to craft (get an escaped cat, find a missing kite, or clean a pipe). In the list of tasks they are displayed with looping arrows.

And if at the beginning of the game the daily routines still bring some interest and pleasure to the player, then after performing the same type of actions more than a dozen times, an ordinary person will simply stop paying attention to the annoying icon daily quest. But this is absolutely forbidden to do, because it is in the dailies that the source of influence experience and endless contribution points to Black Desert is contained.

Therefore, the main recommendation of this article is the following: if you want to have a large number of influence points, and, accordingly, all the associated privileges, in no case should you disdain completing quests, and especially daily ones. And even though Lara demands a red kidney for the hundredth time, the girl has lost her cat again, and Eleanor Brock again and again goes into the forest with a baby... be patient. This will definitely pay off, because the main law of MMORPGs is as follows: in the top there will always be the one who gave the game the most patience, time, labor and effort.

After creation account When you first enter the game, you will be asked to come up with a unique surname for your family (all characters on your account whose property is common). The surname must consist entirely of Latin or Cyrillic alphabet; simultaneous use of two different layouts is not allowed. The surname, as well as the character’s name, are visible to all players without exception (except when the character is wearing an ent costume or a desert set). Data about the character is displayed in the following order: which he is a member of, title (if selected), last name, first name.

2. Customize your character in detail

The character editor in the game is truly revolutionary.

You can customize any body parameters: proportions of limbs and torso, degree of muscularity, presence of tattoos and much more. The face is a separate matter: thanks to the many changeable zones, after sitting for several evenings, you can create your own double or some celebrity. If you can’t wait to start an adventure in the world of Black Desert, but want your character’s appearance to be different from the standard one, you can download and install the appearance preset you like. It should be placed in the folder C:\Users\User\Documents\Black Desert\Customization.

3. Update the game correctly

Game updates, with rare exceptions, are installed once a week - usually on Wednesdays. Unfortunately, the GameNet launcher, without which it is generally impossible to launch Black Desert, does not always work correctly, interrupting network connection(seen among subscribers of some ADSL providers). For your convenience, you can download updates using any torrent downloader. The file named 30000000000 is located in the Black Desert folder in the live directory. All updates should also be downloaded here. After checking the files with the launcher, it will launch the game (provided that the maintenance work has already been completed).

4. Customize the interface

By default, the game interface contains many unnecessary elements that do not help in any way, but only take up space on the screen. You can disable them by pressing the Esc button and selecting “interface” in the window that appears. The visibility of elements is turned off by clicking on the icon with the image of an eye.

The settings will need to be saved. The appearance of notifications about the start of wars between guilds, strengthening of equipment by other players, the appearance of an expensive item at auction, and much more is disabled in the settings menu in the “Game” tab. Please note: the checkbox must be checked if you do not want notifications to be DISPLAYED.

5. Save energy

The maximum amount of energy (and you will need it) is common to all characters on the account. It is generated even when the character is offline. Create as many characters as you can at once free cells account. After completing a short introductory quest, the character finds himself on the global map and begins to generate energy.

6. Study your class

Find out all about the strong and weaknesses, effective skills and combos, choose the right equipment. It's better to be good at playing a class that you like than to be mediocre - an "imba" that can theoretically defeat any opponent.

7. Don’t chase increasing levels

Don’t rush headlong into destroying mobs around the clock in order to reach level 50. Explore game world, gain knowledge that will help increase the maximum amount of energy. Do something you like: this will help you find an additional source of income other than grinding.

8. Join a guild

This will allow you to receive a salary daily depending on your gaming activity and will provide additional buffs (if the guild is pumped up and has already activated the skills you need). In addition, in a serious guild you can find experienced members who will explain incomprehensible aspects of the game or support with weapons in case of difficulties.

9. Mobs

The fastest way to level up is on mobs whose level is higher than yours. Their names are highlighted in pink, red or purple. If you still have weak armor, you should stock up on enough cans to restore your health.

10. Boss quests

Upon reaching level 50, the Black Spirit will issue a quest daily for (1 per account). At first, to get a summon scroll, you will need to destroy various monsters, depending on which boss you are going to summon. When you gain knowledge about the boss, the scroll will be issued immediately, without the need to destroy mobs. It is more profitable not to kill the boss on the same day, but to collect at least 5 scrolls (they are valid for a week) and join a group for farming. Moreover, each group member receives loot not only from their own bosses, but also from the bosses of other participants - for example, Black Stones or Hunter's Seals.

11. How to save money on equipment

At the initial stage of the game, while your character is not very rich, you can use simpler equipment: getting and strengthening a boss set to the desired level is expensive. At the same time, it is more profitable not to strengthen the equipment yourself, but to buy ready-made equipment at an auction: in addition to silver, this way you will save a lot of time, which can be spent on more interesting activities.

12. Where is it more profitable to buy armor and weapons?

Crafting weapons is more profitable than buying - the total cost of the ingredients is cheaper. To become a successful crafter, you need to level up not only crafting, but also crafts such as gathering and alchemy. Keep in mind that collecting resources and crafting some equipment takes longer than looting it from a mob while grinding. Any equipment can be crafted entry level, except for Roshar weapons and Rokhav armor: they can only be knocked out from mobs in Valencia.

13. Pets are our everything

Any interaction in the game, including collecting loot, is performed by pressing the R button. When, having leveled up, you begin to kill mobs en masse, manual collection may take more time than the process of extermination itself. In order to automate actions, you will need a pet, or even better - 5 (the maximum possible number of pets that can be summoned at the same time). You can purchase a dog, cat, fox, penguin and other representatives of the fauna at an auction (extremely unlikely, given the number of people interested) or in a game store. Another useful feature of pets is various buffs that depend on its type and rank.

14. Quests that help

As your professions develop, the Black Spirit will offer you so-called help quests (you can find them in the Black Spirit menu in the “Help” tab). In addition to increasing your crafting skill, you will receive a reward for completing a task - symbolic for a beginner and more worthy as your professionalism grows.

15. Twink for farming world bosses

If you spend a lot of time in the game, it would be a good idea to level up your twink to level 50 and equip him with green weapons and armor, enhanced by at least +15. Such a character, along with a fast horse, should be left in Heidel. This will allow, by changing the character if you are playing with someone else, to quickly get to the place when the world bosses Kzarka, Karranda, Mud, Giant Ancient, Red Nose and Cowardly Bheg appear, when killed, we can get valuable items.

16. Twink for “point reset”

A twink with negative karma is required for everyone who is serious about it - so that, after being killed by the guards in the city, they can reduce the armor sharpening from +15 to +14 if the set of procs is unsuccessful. One effective method is to create a twink of the same class as your main character. Having reached level 30 and taken the equipment of the main character (and by this point it will be quite good), you can go in search of players whom you will PK.

17. What is the best way to spend your miles?

Every day, each account receives 100 miles - a currency that can be spent in a special section in the game store. Before reaching level 50, it is better not to spend miles, but to buy Elian’s Tears with this currency. When dying at the hands of mobs, unlike other players or summoned bosses, the character loses the experience gained. The size of the fine depends on karma, but is at least 2%. At level 50, it will not be possible to gain such an amount of labor experience, but starting from level 55, 2% is already a noticeable loss. Using Elian's Tears allows you to resurrect a character without penalty.

18. Is luck really that important?

The character's luck affects the quality of drops during grinding or farming resources, harvesting and fishing, but not the chance of successfully enhancing equipment. To further increase the chance of obtaining rare valuable items at a node, it is recommended to build a trade route from it to the nearest city. In addition, it is worth pumping up the node by investing energy in it. To do this, find a node on global map, click on it and click the “Invest in Node” button. The maximum node level is 10. It also makes sense to upgrade locality, if you are engaged in its territory or fishing in AFK mode.

19. What character characteristics affect

Tone is a parameter that affects the amount of energy expended during running or swimming. The amount of tone increases when the character moves on foot. Since you will have to walk a lot, there is no need to specifically upgrade this skill. The character's health affects the amount of additional HP. It increases with food intake. For a character to be viable, he must eat well. It's worth eating food even if you don't need the buffs it provides. You can increase the strength that affects the weight you carry with the help of seaweed. This product grows in huge quantities in the waters of the city of Epheria.

20. Should I sell or not?

Recently, developers have been constantly launching events, thanks to which you can get rare or unique items– for example, part of a boss set or an ogre necklace. It is not recommended to sell them. You can earn silver in different ways, except for the auction, but the second time it may be much more difficult to get unique equipment.

21. Don't forget about The Adventures of the Black Spirit

This mini-game can be found by pressing the Esc key and selecting the appropriate menu item. “Adventures,” like events, are also regularly launched by the developers (usually in honor of some holidays), and you can roll the dice every hour three times a day. The prize received is influenced by the Great Koroi Random: you can win as a buff that is currently useless (for example, if you went to and increased the chance in “Adventures”) critical hit). But here are also available valuable prizes, which you can keep for yourself or sell at auction.

Of course, these are not all the nuances that a beginner who has just begun to explore the vast world of Black Desert should know about. But by adhering to the recommendations outlined above, you can significantly simplify the game by making leveling up faster, farming silver more profitable, and enhancing equipment easier.

I've already touched on this issue briefly in my previous guides, so this guide will be short. I hope that you have already learned how to use the stove, know how the units work, how to place a worker there, and have also dealt with the merchants. This information was mentioned in several guides at once.

Tone, strength and health are the three most important parameters of the body. They can be found here:

For me, the difficulty of pumping up health turned out to be the most difficult, strength is a little easier, but pumping up tone is completely simple. In total, each parameter has 30 levels.


Tone is an indicator on the value of which your endurance depends. You will see the stamina when you press "Shift". The more stamina you have, the more you can sprint (hold Shift) and use skills that consume stamina more often.

Pumps up tone by running:

You can cycle auto-running (following the example of automatically pumping a horse in this guide . Just don’t eat carrots, hehe).


Strength is an indicator on the magnitude of which the weight carried depends. You can check it here:

To pump up your strength, you need to wear packs (those that slaves craft for you in trading houses or those that you buy from NPC traders for resale). Here, for example, is a pack from the merchant Bahar from Velia:

Convenient because there is a daily label for it. It must be handed over to Suite from Heidel. Be careful, merchants will offer you to transport cargo in a wagon or on a mount:

If you want to pump up your strength, then select “No”. After which the pack will “fall” into your inventory:

Please note that the pack is valid for 24 hours. In case you want to cycle auto-running for a very long time. Since the character with the pack walks much slower, the power pumps more slowly.


Health is an indicator, the value of which determines the level of... health. We see him all the time:

It is difficult to overestimate its importance.

Health is upgraded by consuming food. The simplest food that is convenient to use to level up your health:

Some nuances of extracting ingredients can be found . I will only add that the dough is made by mixing flour from any cereal and water for cooking. Flour, in turn, is ground from any cereal. I'm sure you'll do everything yourself:

Boiled eggs are easier to make and will be more useful for farming. Please note that all food has a cooldown of 30 minutes. So it won’t be possible to use everything at the same time. That’s why it’s more difficult to improve your health.

Hi all. In this guide I will talk about relatively the easy way raising the "Gathering" skill to the level "Professional 5". After reaching Professional level 5, you can collect precious metals and stones (see the next topic for a guide to collecting these resources). The speed at which the skill increases depends on the amount of energy you have. Ideally, it should be more than 200 units. (but if it’s less, that’s okay). You will also need to level up your Gathering skill to at least Novice 9 level (otherwise you won't be able to take on the necessary repeatable Gathering quests). It’s very easy to get to the “Beginner 9” level by simply cutting down trees and picking spar with a pickaxe, or completing guild collection quests. So, let's go.

Quest #1 - [Gathering 3] Camellia Stones (Lodge Farm)


The first quest is taken from Camelia, Lodge Farm node (west of Velia).

The goal of the quest is to collect 50 rough stones. Pick a pickaxe and go ahead, dig spar! A lot of spar is located just west of the farm itself. After running around, you can easily collect 50 stones and get required experience. And then you can process the stones themselves into black stone powder with the help of a worker.

Quest #2 - [Gathering 3] Emma's Trees (Bartelli Farm)


The second quest is taken from Emma, ​​Bartali Farm node (south of Velia).

The goal of the quest is to collect 50 logs. Let's take a stronger ax and chop everything! There are plenty of trees around, so completing the quest should not take you much time.

Quest #3 - [Gathering 3] Pork from Delucci Farm (Balenos Forest)


The third quest is taken from Daphne, Balenos Forest node (south-southeast of Velia).

The goal of the quest is to collect 50 pieces of boar meat.)) We take a larger cleaver and start playing the funny butcher, chasing the boars around. Boars are found in the forest in the south of the farm, the quest is completed fairly quickly.

Quest #4 - [Gathering 3] Martina's Council (Pinto Plantation)


The fourth quest is taken from Martina, Pinto Plantation node (east of Velia).

The goal of the quest is to collect 50 units. ferret blood. We arm ourselves with a syringe and run to catch the ferrets. They live near the farm, in the bushes and in the gardens.

Quartz collection points (if you still have energy left)


So, if you still have energy left after the quests, then there are two points at which you can quickly raise the collection level. The first point is Khiruto's Cave.

There is a lot of red quartz in the cave, which boosts the “Gathering” parameter well. However, this node is quite popular, so you will often encounter a situation where someone has already collected all the quartz before you. In this case, either change the channel or come at night. What quartz looks like is shown in the screenshot below. It is worth saying that quartz is displayed differently at different graphics settings (I have maximum graphics). Well, in the cave there are several points of false quartz (when instead of a real point with quartz, the developers simply inserted decorations with crystals).

The second quartz collection point is the Ratham Camp.

You need to run up to the manager of this node. Behind the manager is a high stone wall. Under this wall (as well as on it and on top of it) there are many points of green quartz. The quartz itself looks like this:

By completing all 4 quests and collecting quartz, you will very quickly increase your collection skill. Good luck!
