Ready quest on ecology for children. The scenario of the ecological game-quest "Help nature

Pikaleva Marina Sergeevna, teacher
Rostov region, Millerovo

Purpose: creation of conditions for self-formation of ecological consciousness of an ecocentric type among participants in an ecological quest. Objectives:  Acquisition of knowledge about the components of a particular natural ecosystem and the relationships between them;  Development of a subjective attitude to various components of nature and nature in general;  Knowledge of non-pragmatic ways of interacting with nature;  Making adjustments to the existing system of values;  Acquisition of meditation skills in nature;  Development of skills and abilities to obtain environmental knowledge;  Acquisition of eco-tourist knowledge, skills and abilities.

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Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

Ecological - biological center

G. Millerovo

Methodical development:

Quest "Environmental Watch"

Pikaleva Marina Sergeevna

Quest "Environmental Watch"

Purpose: creation of conditions for self-formation of ecological consciousness of an ecocentric type among participants in an ecological quest.

Acquisition of knowledge about the components of a particular natural ecosystem and the relationships between them;

Development of a subjective attitude to various components of nature and nature in general;

Knowledge of non-pragmatic ways of interacting with nature;

Making adjustments to the existing system of values;

Acquisition of meditation skills in nature;

Development of skills and abilities to obtain environmental knowledge;

Acquisition of eco-tourist knowledge, skills and abilities.

AT ecological quest the technology of "immersion in nature" is used, i.e. such conditions are created when each child receives an unforgettable experience of communicating with nature. Immersion in nature, a feeling of dissolution in it, an inner awareness of its interrelations and interdependencies, the achievement of a sense of joy and reverence for Life is achieved through a carefully constructed sequence of games, exercises, independent mini-studies, meditations, reflections and socialization in conditions of a sufficiently long stay in various and healthy natural ecosystems.

Description of the eco-animation program:

Preliminary stage: determination of the program route (optimal 1.5 - 2.0 km) and selection of sites for specific stages of the quest. Timing of time spent on games. Preparation of the site for the final reflection.

I. Block: active games.

1. "Acorns".

Each participant in the quest is given several large fruits (acorns, chestnuts, large nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts, etc.).

“Imagine that you are a squirrel, hide these nuts in secluded places and try to trace where your neighbors hide their prey.”

After the end of all the games, the participants return to this site, and I ask the participants of the quest to find their "treasures", and the condition is that the more nuts they collect, the better. As a rule, each participant does not find all the nuts, and whoever appropriates others. Discussion along the way on the topic "the role of squirrels and other "treasure collectors" in the distribution of plants."

2. Noah's Ark.

The task of the game is for everyone to find a mate among the many running, crawling and jumping creatures gathered in Noah's Ark. Before the game, everyone receives a card with the name of the animal they will represent. Some of the quest participants have a similar card. To find a couple, you need to imitate the voices and habits of the received beast, you can’t talk.

Reflection after the game - what I felt when I was in the form of an animal and was looking for a mate.

II. Block: a game that encourages exploration and imagination.


The game consists in searching for interesting natural objects and traces of human activity. It is necessary to collect items in such a way as not to cause damage to nature. At the end of the task, objects of natural origin are returned to their original places, garbage is taken with them.

List of objects:

last year's sheet


Three different seeds

Living being with protective coloration

Something round


Something fluffy or fluffy

Something sharp

something sticky

Five items related to garbage

Something beautiful

Something completely useless in nature

A leaf that someone ate (but not you)

Something white

Something soft

Something important for nature

Something that makes you smile big.

Reflection: "What new things did I learn during this search?"

2. "Guess the animal."

Each participant receives a card with the characteristics of one of the four animals. When communicating with each other, the participants of the quest need to unite in groups and guess the animal according to the description. Next, each group shows their animal with the help of pantomime.

The host of the quest helps to form groups, acts as a consultant.

III. Block: a task of a psychological nature.


Precondition, after the game starts, no one says a single word. You can only communicate non-verbally. The organizer tells each participant the command “Build an anthill” in the ear. Each participant in the quest does not know what is communicated to others. Construction continues until the enthusiasm runs out.

Summing up and reflection: “what do I know about anthills in general”, “anthill is a collective matter”, “do I violate any laws with my constructive activity”.

This game good way assess the level of cohesion of the group and the communication skills of its members. The more anthills, the less united the team.

IV. Block: leading to meditation.

All participants in the quest stand in a circle, close their eyes, listen to the silence, count various sounds, bending their fingers. Open your eyes and compare the results.

Collective reflection.

After returning to the camp, the participants are comfortable and have the opportunity to discuss and reflect on what they saw and felt. You need to record your impressions. Write a short story related to one of the collected items or familiar trees. Use pencils or paints to restore a successful photograph.

QUEST - GAME 27-28.03.2015

Quest (from English quest - search) - team game, which involves not only endurance and erudition, but also ingenuity, creativity and innovative thinking. The idea of ​​the game is simple - the teams, moving through the points, perform various tasks. But the highlight is in the tasks! They are selected in such a way as to be as original, interesting, suitable for the situation as possible and do not require special knowledge or skills from the players.


to increase the interest of students in the study of school courses in biology, geography, ecology.

promote the development of individual qualities, erudition, intelligence, creativity and innovative thinking.


Each team receives a route sheet and starts moving through the stations according to its route sheet. Tasks are performed at each station, the answers are recorded in the route sheet.

Team Presentation

Station "Ecological"

Answer five environmental questions.

Station "A" to "Z"

Name the fish alphabetically from "A" to "Z"

Station "Stones and minerals"

Determine the name of minerals and rocks from the collection.

Station "Mushrooms"

Answer questions about mushrooms. Identify mushrooms from photographs.

Station "Musical"

Listen to the song and answer the questions.

Station "Man and Nature"

Answer the questions

Station "Rebusnaya"

You need to solve puzzles. Each rebus encodes a geographical object or geographical concept, or the name of a plant or animal.

Station " Best City Earth"

Students are given photographs of the sights of the city of Tyumen, they must indicate their name and location.

Decoder Station

It is necessary to decipher the words by rearranging the letters in the correct order.

After passing all the stations, the route sheet is handed over to the jury.


Team _________________________












Maximum 10 b.

"From A to Z"

1 point for each fish

Maximum 28 b

"Stones and Minerals"











Maximum 10 b












Maximum 10 b












Maximum 10 b

"Human and nature"











Maximum 10 b












Maximum 10 b

"Best City on Earth"











Maximum 10 b












Maximum 10 b

Team Presentation

Maximum 2 b

Total 110 b

Station "Ecological"

1. Which lake will soon die and disappear from the face of the earth?

Answer: Aral. The area of ​​this sea has decreased three times. This happened due to the fact that people urgently needed a territory for planting cotton and rice. On the rivers that flowed into the Aral Sea, a network of canals was built to divert water. For almost fifty years, the volume of water in the sea has decreased several times, the concentration of salt has increased, all the fish and plants that were in the sea have died. It is no longer possible to correct this ecological catastrophe created by human hands. ...

2. Where is the largest nature reserve on earth located today?

Answer: The largest area where any activity and human intervention is prohibited is Antarctica. Over 810 species of plants grow and many species of birds and animals live in a vast area covered with ice.

3. Pollution by what substance is dangerous for sea and ocean water.

Answer: Oil. Oil is not diluted in water, but accumulates on the surface, forming a huge multi-kilometer film. Fish, birds and marine animals die in oil spill areas. But man has learned to destroy oil stains on water with the help of an artificially bred oil-eater bacterium.

4. Why do some forest animals and birds eat poisonous fly agaric?

5. Is infrared or ultraviolet radiation the most dangerous for all living organisms on earth?

Answer: Ultraviolet. This radiation is invisible to the human eye and is highly reactive. Especially ultraviolet is dangerous for the skin and retina. This radiation can provoke the development and growth of oncological tumors.

6. Which berry ripens in autumn and is well preserved in winter under snow, being a source of food for many forest animals and birds.

Answer: Cowberry. This evergreen plant does not shed its leaves, and the berries, which are not afraid of frost, become sweet and juicy by spring.

7. Why forest birds sit on an anthill, spend some time on it and do not eat ants.

Answer: Elephant.

9. What contributes to climate change?

Answer: The greenhouse effect, which occurs due to the widespread cutting down of trees and the drainage of swamps.
10. Why do crocodiles climb ashore, look for stones on it and swallow them?

Answer: They need stones in order to increase their body weight and dive deeper under water.

"From A to Z"

Name the fish alphabetically from "A" to "Z". 1 point for each correctly named fish. If the team finds it difficult to name the fish, the game stops.

1. Shark 2. Barracuda 3. Vobla 4. Char 5. Dallium 6. Yelets 7. Ruff 8. Asp 9. Catfish 10. Pufferfish 11. Flounder 12. Coelacanth 13. Mackerel 14. Burbot 15. Perch 16. Halibut 17. Vendace 18. Sardine 19. Taimen 20. Eel 21. Trout 22. Grayling 23. Zepola 24. Chebak 25. Thorn 26. Pike 27. Eviota 28. Ide.

Station "Stones and minerals"

1. I. Davydova "Rhodonite"

Rhodonite -

Handful of lingonberries

On the black earth

Who scattered? But the forest

This secret is stubbornly kept.

Is it blood on the roots

Whether the fire goes out ....


For me

The forest stretched out its furry paws,

And lingonberries are hot drops

Dropped for me


Determine which of the stones in the collection is rhodonite?

2. A. Konetsky "Agate"

And like a nut, rough - heavy

She looks like

Inconspicuous - not rich,

But know

Inside it lies a treasure...

I hold an agate almond in my hand.

Wrinkled and gray shell

It is also hidden from our eyes, -

Imagination draws orbits for us,

Covered in secret blue,

circles in the water,

Night garden lilac,

And the free bends of the clouds ....

Only the shell will fall apart,

And you will see the wonders of agate.

Find agate in the collection.

3. L. Ladeyshchikova

Likes to hide a stone

Under a blade of grass, under a needle, -

That is a piece of colored calico,

That Kalkan marsh haze,

Thin solar cobweb,

Moth lace wing ...

The path led far, -

A slice of centuries, a break in times ...

But it came too painfully by the way, -

Well tailored, fit and for the future

On the Ural discreet dress

Bright jasper belt ....

Find jasper in the collection.

4. Iron ore attraction...

Maria Alyoshechkina

Iron ore attraction...
The night is tearing, bonfires are burning.
Chills and dizziness
On the descent to the lower worlds.

Here, where the root of storms lurks,
Where the thunder of a thunderstorm is like a heartbeat,
A bird flew after me
And lit up everything around.

The smoke of battle, the soil of certainty,
Trembling fingers, ancient horsetail in ice...
I rise to the surface
Mining iron ore.

Find red ironstone in the collection.

5. Marble Nikitin I.S.

Immovable marble in the deaf desert

Lying alone, overgrown with grass;

Rains in bad weather washed him

Yes, free birds rested on it.

But someone told the artist about him;

He looked at the marble - and with a bright fire

His inspired eyes flashed,

And he took it, and sleepless nights

He spent over it in his workshop

And the stone under the creative hand came to life

Since then, in amazement, with dumb delight

The crowd kneels before him.

Find marble in the collection.

6. The name of which mineral in Greek sounds like “petrified ice”? /Crystal/.

7. In ancient times in Rus', transparent green stones were called emeralds, red ones - rubies. What was the blue one called? /Sapphires/.

8. What minerals does granite consist of? /mica, quartzandfeldspar/.

9. The name of which ornamental stone in Lithuanian means “protection from diseases”? /Amber/.

10. What is the only precious mineral that contains only carbon? /Diamond/.

Station "Mushrooms"

1. Identify these mushrooms.

1. /fly agaric/.


/ Honey mushrooms /.


/ Boletus /.





/ Mushroom dung beetle /.

Station "Rebusnaya"

1. /Spruce/. 2.

3. /Hoof/.

/Rose hip/.




8. /Antelope/.

9. /Battleship/.


Station "Man and Nature"

1. Why do Japanese fishermen put an iron ring around the cormorant's neck? /So that he does not swallow the caught fish/.

2. Chinese scientists managed to transplant the gene of an arctic fish into sugar beets. What valuable quality has acquired beets? /Frost resistance/.

3. Why is synthetic household chemicals dangerous?

Answer: Washing powders, shampoos, shower gels and other chemicals can change the surface tension of water, destroying the microorganisms and beneficial bacteria that live in the water. Also, chemistry is toxic to humans, birds, fish and animals. Detergents made from synthetic compounds do not decompose in water, but accumulate.

4. What indicators of clean air among plants do you know? /Alder, pine, willow, spruce, fir, beans, clover, etc./.

5. What plants cause allergies? /Poplar, alder, bird cherry, wormwood/.

6. What tree and shrub plants are used to strengthen the banks of reservoirs and ravines? / Alder, willow, hawthorn, poplar, blackberry, wild rose, willow /.

7. Why does one American broiler company have lights on 22 hours a day? / To make chickens gain weight faster (they do not eat in the dark) /.

8. On the mountainside near the Swiss village of Andromatt, a forest grows, which, according to the law of 1397, is forbidden to cut down. Why? /The forest protects the village from mountain avalanches/.

9. The tunnel under Mont Blanc, which links Italy with France, has greatly facilitated the life of motorists moving from country to country. Who else uses this tunnel twice a year? /Answer: The tunnel under Mont Blanc is used by migrating flocks of birds/.

10. Where do broken egg shells go from birdhouses? /Birds carry shells in their beaks/.

Station "Musical"

1. Song "Thrushes"

1. What species of thrushes live in the Tyumen region? / There are 10 species of thrushes in the Tyumen region. Fieldfare, red-browed, song thrush, mistle, Siberian thrush, olive thrush, black-throated thrush, red-throated thrush, brown thrush, Naumann thrush or red thrush, spotted thrush /.

2. Song "Four cockroaches and a cricket"

1. What synanthropic insects do you know? /Flour beetle, ants, flies, cockroaches, bedbugs, lice, fleas, etc./.

3. Song "Tramp"

1. What ephemeroid plants do you know? /Steppe hyacinth, avian, tulips, irises/.

4. Song "Lilies of the Valley"

1. How does a person use lilies of the valley? /Lilies of the valley are used in medicine. Professor Botkin S.P. proved that lilies of the valley help with cardioneurosis and heart failure, endocarditis, arrhythmia, and to improve memory. Lilies of the valley are part of the drops of Zelenin, they are used for heart neurosis /.

5. Song "Black Cat"

1. Name five breeds of domestic cats. /Abyssinian,Russian Blue, Siamese, Persian, Siberian/.

6. Song about bears

1. What types of bears are found in the Tyumen region? /Polar bear and brown bear/.

7. Song "A grasshopper sat in the grass"

1. Where is the ear of a grasshopper? /According to research by scientists, the ears of a grasshopper are on their feet/.

8. Song "Penguins"

1. What are the biggest penguins called? / The emperor penguin (lat. Aptenodytes forsteri) is the largest and heaviest of the modern species of the penguin family. On average, the height is about 122 cm, and the weight varies between 22 and 45 kg /.

9. Song of Little Red Riding Hood

1. What predatory animals live in the savannas of Africa? /Lions, hyenas, leopards, jackals, cheetahs, wild cats/.

10. Song "Hunting for wolves"

1. What did the destruction of wolves lead to in Canada? / In Canada, after the extermination of the wolf in British Columbia, moose began to die of starvation and disease /.

Station "The best city of the Earth"

What are these objects in Tyumen called?

/Puppet show/.

/Tyumen circus/.

/Tyumen Drama Theatre/.

/Local History Museum/.

/Tyumen State University/.

/ Tyumen University of Architecture and Civil Engineering /.

/Tyumen railway station/.

/Memory Square/.

/Square of the 400th anniversary of Tyumen/.

/Bridge of lovers/.

Decoder Station


2. VOLBOLIGO / hemlock /.









Team Presentation

Introduce the name and motto of the team.

Quest "ECOLOGICAL ORIENTATION" for college students and high school students

Author Tkachenko Tamara Vladimirovna, teacher-methodologist of the Ingulets College
State Higher Educational Institution "Krivoy Rog National University"
Raise the level of environmental literacy, develop skills to apply environmental knowledge in a non-standard situation, expand knowledge about nature native land.
Develop intelligence, the ability to quickly find solutions to problems, independence
thinking, Creative skills, emotional-volitional sphere.
To cultivate communication and team skills in the game, a culture of communication, the desire to win and the ability to lose with dignity.

- formation of ecological thinking;
- expansion of erudition;
- deepening local history knowledge;
- improvement of orientation skills;
- strengthening of physical health;

If the game is played outdoors: for each team, a plan of the area with a route and indicated locations, a compass, manuals for competitions necessary for each location, signs indicating the location.
The game can also be played inside the school and in the yard, if it is large enough: instead of the site plan, the plan of the premises and the yard with the indicated routes.

Game conditions
Several teams can take part in the game, which will start the game from different locations (you only need to go through them in the specified order). Each location has one of the jury members and his assistant. Teams should have a name, emblems, it is desirable to have a motto for each location (I give examples of mottos). Points are awarded for correct answers. For a correct explanation of the answer, a bonus point is added. The time taken to complete the route is also taken into account in the team standings.

The emblem could be

In order to complicate the playing conditions on the route between locations, you can use simple elements of the obstacle course used in tourism, for example, "log", "web", "obstruction", "hummocks", "pendulum" and others - this will make the game even more exciting .

Start of the competition

Attention guys, the game is waiting for us again!
And the cooks are preparing for dinner by the fire,
You are knowledge, resourcefulness and speed and drive
Reveal, and the jury will announce the verdict!
Teams, let's go!

Teams are awarded route sheets, they are introduced to the rules of the game, time is recorded for each team

Location 1

Eco-friendly - not eco-friendly

The team is built, names itself and the motto

Our actions are different
We repeat them habitually,
But it's time to think
Let the game help us.

Jury Assistant
Attentiveness, friends, and diligence,
You will need. Now attention:
You must choose from these photos
Only those that are important in ecology.

The team is offered a series of photographs or pictures depicting environmentally correct and incorrect actions of people (photo examples: bathing in a bath, in a shower, an electric car, and a car with exhaust gases, a trolleybus, sorted and unsorted garbage, garbage in the forest and its cleaning, a gloomy face and smile and so on).

Location 2

Team motto:
What to wear and what to eat
Everyone must know clearly
Unclear? Here's some help for you:
Eco is an important prefix.

Jury Assistant
Look at the baskets:
For success you will be rewarded
We don't need a middle
Take it apart the way you need it.

The team is offered 3 baskets:
- in the first, a variety of goods are mixed: nuts and crackers with different flavors, chips, sweets, various carbonated drinks (Pepsi, Fanta), hairspray, nail polish, detergents, mineral water, fruits, vegetables, cotton, wool items , linen, synthetic fabrics and the like;
- the second and third baskets are empty, on one the inscription "environmentally friendly", on the second "not environmentally friendly".
The team must sort everything into two baskets.

Location 3

"Red Book"

Team motto:
Plants, animals and birds
Not guests on our planet,
So let the pages turn green
The Book - we, the people, are responsible!

Jury Assistant
Look at the pages:
Plants and birds are here
Insects and animals -
If you are familiar with them, check it out:
Try to take away
The ones that need to be protected.

Teams are offered photos or pictures of representatives of wildlife, from which they need to choose those that are listed in the Red Book.

Location 4

"Food chain"

Team motto:
To keep the cycle going,
Everyone must give energy,
Long or short is your chain,
If you have it, pass it on, period!

Jury Assistant
Everyone needs energy
It's not easy to get it
How is the task clear to everyone?
We build a chain, but not by height:
Pyramid principle here
You all need to take into account.

Teams are offered arrows, photos, pictures or toys, crafts depicting links in the food chain that need to be built.

Location 5

"Find a Pair"

Team motto:
Everyone has a couple
We can find her
Ask us questions
And accept the answers!

Jury Assistant
look at us
And define:
Who saved whom for you
Call quickly.

The team is invited to collect together the plant and its seeds, leaves, fruits, flowers (images of plants in the pictures, the rest is harvested).

Location 6

"Gather Your Feed"

Team motto:
If you want to eat, don't yawn
Get food soon
Who ignored the advice
He went to bed hungry!

Jury Assistant
Squirrel, hare, wolf, fox -
All of them dream of food at night,
try to guess
And help put it together.

Each team member is attached a picture of the animal for which he must collect food (some types of food must be in several copies)

Squirrel spruce and pine seeds from cones, hazelnuts, acorns, mushrooms,
berries, bird eggs
forest mouse plant seeds, blades of grass, mushrooms, insects, their larvae,
earthworms, green parts of plants, buds and bark
deciduous trees and shrubs
Hare herbaceous plants, bark and buds of deciduous trees and
Hedgehog insects, earthworms, frogs, mouse-like rodents,
lizards, snakes, eggs or chicks, fruits, berries
Already frogs, tadpoles, fish, mice, lizards, newts, eggs
birds, chicks
Frog insects, their larvae, tadpoles, earthworms
Fox mice, hares, birds, frogs, insects, carrion, berries
Boar rhizomes of plants, their green parts, acorns, insects and their
larvae, rodents, earthworms, carrion

Location 7

"Know and Obey"

Team motto:

If you are a friend of nature
Take care of everything around
Rate it fully
After all, we only have one Earth!

Jury Assistant
You are in nature today
The rules are known
List them out loud
If you are a friend of nature.

The team is asked to list the rules of behavior in nature, they can be asked to draw prohibitory or restrictive signs

Location 8


Team motto:
Likes to compose and sing
About nature, everyone
So hurry to see
What will we show you?

Jury Assistant
Our station, guys, is unusual,
Because its name is "Artistic",
We are waiting for poems and songs, skits,
To rate you.
I wish you inspiration
Start the show!

The team presents a song or poem or skit prepared for the competition. Points are given for compliance with the theme, performance, author's songs and poems, songs-alterations are taken into account (additional point)

After the route is completed, the teams gather at the finish line, the jury sums up the results. The time of the jury meeting can be filled with amateur performances.

(11.8 MB)

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Target: to intensify the cognitive activity of students in the field of ecology and nature protection of the PAs of the Leningrad Region, to draw the attention of children to the environmental problems of the environment, to continue to educate respect for nature, to form the ability to work in a team.

What kind of world awaits our children if we ignore the issue of ecology?

A team of young explorers meet messengers from the future.

Eco-quest was organized by students of grade 11 for schoolchildren of grades 4-6. (10-12 years old).

It should be a team of 5-6 people.

Young researchers are students in this game 5 "A" cells. gymnasiums, messengers from the future - students of the 11th grade.

Messengers from the future: In this future, the Earth has become a giant garbage dump, sources of light and energy have dried up, and plants and animals have almost disappeared from the planet, or mutated.

During the journey together with "mutating comrades-in-arms", the guys will learn a lot of important things - and most importantly, how to prevent such a sad future. Young researchers will learn how to save water, sort garbage and make useful things out of unnecessary things, and learn how to save our planet from extinction!

The practical benefits of the quest “Saving the Earth”:

  • Respect for water.
  • Plants and animals.
  • Cleaning of household garbage.
  • Garbage sorting.
  • The second life of household waste: new life old things.

Quest (English quest), or adventure game (English adventure game) is one of the main genres of computer games, which is an interactive story with the main character controlled by the player.

The most important elements of the game in the quest genre are the actual storytelling and exploration of the world, and the solution of puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player plays a key role in the gameplay. Elements that are typical of other genres of computer games, such as combat, economic planning, and tasks that require the player to react quickly and respond quickly.

Start of action.

For 1-2 days, participants receive an envelope with a task - a word (phrase) is encrypted. This game used the Caesar cipher.

APPENDIX. Envelopes.

Text - In just a few hundred years, our planet may turn into a giant dump, and to prevent this, messengers from the future have flown to us. But without the help of young researchers, they will not cope. We will start saving the planet on Friday at 14:00.


To participate in the rescue, you must solve the keyword using the Caesar cipher. SHIFT IS TWO.

yamrrekb ECOLOGY

On the day of the quest, the teams arrive at the specified time.

START - auditorium.

Quest script

Mutating people come out of the forest into the clearing. (2 people).

Mutants: Don't be afraid! We won't harm you. We have come to you from the future for help. An ecological catastrophe of a global scale arose as a result of the development of civilization (pollution of the atmosphere, soil, water in all parts of the planet). First, a mutation began in those sectors that were most polluted. Later, nature failed and the mutation began to grow. Our scientists have found a way to go back in time to warn people of an impending disaster and change the sad future.

Therefore, we turn to you with a request for help. Are you willing to help us?

In the distant past on our territory Leningrad region specially protected natural areas were created.

Since ancient times, man has been the most powerful of all living beings a transformer of the natural environment - at least since the time when he learned to use fire, domesticated livestock, invented crop production.

But the changes in nature have never been as fast as in the industrial era of the development of human civilization. Now the natural environment has changed under the influence of man so quickly that a large proportion of species and ecosystems have not had time to adapt to these changes in any way - and have become endangered.

It is the fear of losing forever species of wild animals and plants, natural ecosystems and landscapes that has led to the emergence of specially protected natural areas - land or water areas where economic activities that threaten wildlife are prohibited or limited.

But even these areas were eventually destroyed by man.

How could it be remembered now (with sadness).

Let's try to clean up a piece of our Earth - a part of the Leningrad region, where there used to be specially protected natural areas - reserves.

Quest rules.

The rules of the quest are reported.

After completing the task, the participants will receive a piece of pure "Earth" to clear the Leningrad region.

A map on which children must complete the task and the table.

1 task
2 task
cab 211
3 task
1st floor
4 task
1st floor
5 task
1st team
2nd team
3rd team
4th team
5th team

1. Water - purification of water, respect for water - assembly hall

2. Plants and animals - cab. 211.

3. Garbage sorting - 1st floor in the lobby, near the psychologist's office.

4. The second life of old things - 1st floor in the lobby.

5. Reflection - assembly hall.

STAGE 1. Water - water purification, respect for water

Water is one of the main resources on earth. Water is part of every living organism. All living things suffer from polluted water, it is harmful to human life. Therefore, water is our main wealth, we must protect it! This topic is especially relevant in our modern world.

Participants of the quest watch experiments with water and complete tasks in the process.

After passing this block, the guys should draw conclusions and answer questions.

Experience “Vinegar vs Detergent”

The biosphere is in danger due to human activities and the constant desire to increase profits at the expense of the global environment. Greenhouse gases contribute to global warming. Emissions from human activities continue to rise. Chemicals enter the atmosphere and have a detrimental effect on the ozone layer of our Earth. Empty containers are often left in landfills indefinitely. We must do our part and take action now to help nature.

  • diluted vinegar
  • glass cleaner
  • cleaning cloth
  • old newspaper

Time to conduct the experiment: less than 5 minutes.

Let's start the experiment:

  1. Find a dirty mirror or window.
  2. Pour vinegar on the newspaper. The paper must be saturated enough to clean the surface.
  3. Wipe half of the window or mirror for a minute in a circular motion.
  4. Use glass cleaner on the other half of the window.
  5. Take a cloth and wet it with detergent.
  6. Wipe the other half of the window in the same way, for one minute.
  7. When you're done, look at the glass. Which half is cleaner? Is there a noticeable difference?

Note: Glass cleaner manufacturers use various tricks to lure people into buying their product. They write on the label that they use only natural ingredients. But in most cases this is not the case! So, be careful when buying detergent.

Observation: Which window cleaning method do you consider the most environmentally friendly?

Conclusion. In most cases, there is no difference between vinegar and detergent! Many detergents contain harsh chemicals that are harmful to the environment and atmosphere. Vinegar, on the other hand, is a non-toxic acidic liquid and cleans glass surfaces just as effectively as store-bought detergents. The newspaper was used to demonstrate how recycled material can replace cleaning cloth, which requires a lot of energy to produce.

Oil Spill Cleanup Experience

An oil spill occurs when a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon is released into the environment as a result of human error. This form of pollution can take months, even years, to effectively clean up the environment. The consequences can be devastating, especially for birds and marine life. Birds exposed to the ravages of an oil spill are prone to kidney damage, liver failure, dehydration and metabolic imbalances. One of the most devastating oil spills occurred in 1989 in the Prince William Sound in Alaska.

To complete the experience you will need:

  • small piece of aluminum foil
  • vegetable oil
  • form for cooking
  • a few cotton balls

Time for the experiment: about 15 minutes.

Let's start the experiment:

  1. Pour water into a baking dish (fill the dish halfway with water).
  2. Make a finger-sized boat out of foil.
  3. Fill the boat with oil and place it on the surface of the water in a baking dish.
  4. Capsize the boat.
  5. Wait a few minutes for the oil to contaminate the water and begin to spread.
  6. Now it's time to put things in order. Use your cotton balls to soak up the oil by placing them on the contaminated area.

Note A: It won't take long for you to deal with this problem. But imagine how much effort it will take when a large amount of oil is spilled.

Observation: You will notice that the oil stays on the surface of the water and begins to dissipate at an almost exponential rate. If you created waves in the water, the oil would spread at a faster rate.

Result: Cotton balls absorb oil, but take a lot of water along with it. If you tried to clean up a bucket of spilled oil, you would have to put in a lot more effort.

Having made the right conclusions, the participants receive - "clean water".

STAGE 2. Plants and animals

The participants are met by genetic scientist Ruslan.

Ruslan: At present, the entire territory of our planet is subject to various anthropogenic influences. The consequences of the destruction of biocenoses and pollution of the environment have become serious. The entire biosphere is under increasing pressure from human activity. Environmental protection measures are becoming an urgent task.

Ecological problem - the problems of the relationship between society and nature, the preservation of the environment. For thousands of years, man has constantly increased his technical capabilities, intensified intervention in nature, forgetting about the need to maintain biological balance in it.

The pressure on the environment increased especially sharply in the second half of the 20th century. A qualitative leap took place in the relationship between society and nature, when, as a result of a sharp increase in the population, intensive industrialization and urbanization of our planet, economic loads everywhere began to exceed the ability of ecological systems to self-purify and regenerate. As a result, the natural circulation of substances in the biosphere was disturbed, and the health of the present and future generations of people was threatened.

Ecological problem modern world not only sharp, but also multifaceted. It appears in almost all branches of material production, is relevant to all regions of the planet.

Participants are shown what mutations have occurred with animals.

Animal Mutation Game- (link)

To save animals and plants, you need to answer questions.

1 A collection of specially harvested and dried plants.
2 The largest berry, the fruit of the creeper.
3 A medicinal plant with a formidable name for animals.
4 A valuable medicinal plant, the name of which indicates how many leaves it has.
5 What causes tears without pain and sadness?
6 A flower whose name is associated with ringing.
7 Homeland of the tomato.
8 What is the hump of a camel made of?
9 Was born in water, but lives on earth?
10 Who sleeps upside down?
11 The largest animal on land.

STAGE 3. Waste sorting

Modern people consume much more than previous generations. Consumption volumes tend to rise every year, and with them the volumes of waste also increase. The problem of garbage today is no longer just a difficulty, but a global environmental problem that requires an immediate solution. In some countries, the awareness of the whole danger of pollution by waste has come quite a long time ago, and somewhere the situation is kept at the same level. The environmental problem of waste has received a strong impetus due to technological progress. Undoubtedly, he gave humanity incalculably much, but the situation with waste in the world has worsened. New types of materials (such as plastic) have been developed that take hundreds of years to decompose or do not decompose at all. As a result, they rot in landfills, releasing a whole bunch of toxins.

The decomposition of garbage takes many years.

Participants must independently propose a way to solve all these problems. If the answer is correct, then the participants must sort the garbage on their own into containers for a time of 1 min.

Task - look at the photo of the "garbage" and pay attention to how old necessary for the complete decomposition of waste.


STAGE 4. The second life of old things

TASK - Insert a comma - Pollution cannot be recycled.

This sign means that the packaging itself is made from a material that can be recycled. If inside the pictogram there are numbers from 1 to 7, then they mean the name of the material from which the package is made. In ascending order of numbers, they mean: polyethylene terphthalate, high-density polyethylene, PVC, polypropylene, polystyrene or other plastic. Sometimes, instead of letters, capital Latin letters can be used, which mean the same thing.

Participants need to find this sign on the packages and say what can be made from this material.

Participants can look at the table for help.


During the quest, participants receive "pieces of pure Earth".

As the task progresses, the teams come to the assembly hall and cleanse the Earth.

When everyone completes the task - "Earth" should be clean - and part of Len. the area is also clean.

But we leave part of the Earth unchanged and tell the participants that in real life, and not in the game, we should think about our future and everything is in the hands of man.

On a large sheet, the guys will write down the conclusions on the quest and each participant will stick a leaflet of their activities.

Yellow color - everything went well, I want to participate in another quest again.

Green color - it was interesting, but it was necessary to think, made several mistakes.

Red color - it was difficult, not clear and not interesting.

"Tree of Success"

This is a reflection for the creators of the quest. Color yourself and sign.

Elena Votinova

Journey game« Ecological quest»

Organizers and presenters: teacher-speech therapist E. M. Votinova, teacher-psychologist E. S. Votinova.

Target: pass obstacles. Collect the letters of the word - "NATURE" (7 STATIONS)

fostering a sense of love for nature, respect for all living things, the formation ecological culture.


Organization of active recreation for children in order to form ecological awareness and respect for nature.

Consolidation of previously acquired knowledge about the protection and respect for nature.

To consolidate knowledge and skills of behavior in nature.

Raising friendly relationships between children, creating a positive emotional mood.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children.

preliminary work: view ecological fairy tale"Perform a Miracle" (MBUK DKZH); cartoons: "Rules of conduct in nature", "Fixie tips - What does it teach ecology» , "Pharmacy for KOAPPA"; drawing on the topic « Ecology» ; conversation over Ecology with children(tutors).

Equipment: letters "NATURE", game cards-tasks at stations, notes, prizes - seeds of flowers, vegetables, potatoes for planting.

Leading: Dear guys! Today we are going on a unique, very interesting and informative journey through ecological path. On the way, you will need knowledge and ingenuity, friendship and resourcefulness, speed and accuracy in completing tasks. As with any hike, you must help each other. Act together, have fun and you will be lucky.

So, our holiday begins with environmental"greetings".

Children go through 7 stations, at each station they receive letter:

1 station. The game"What's First, What's Later"

2 Station - "Mysterious".

Riddles about the animal world.

Movable the game"Fire, water, air"

3 station. The game"Who lives where?"

4 station. "Musical pause"

5 Station. The game"Whose tail?" (Card with animals and tails)

Movable the game"Tails"

6 Station. The game"Know by touch" (peas, beans, rice, millet, buckwheat in bags)

7 Station. "How to behave in the forest?" (Rules of behavior)

Movable attention game"Find and shut up"


In the forest on one leg

The cake has grown (Mushroom).

Standing in the meadow

In a red dress Tatyanka,

All in white dots (Amanita).

Not a bird, but with wings

(Butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug, etc.).

Roams the field, looking for calves, lambs (Wolf).

Guess what hat

A whole bunch of fur

The hat runs in the forest

Gnawing bark at trunks (Hare).

It will curl up in a ball, it is not given to take it. (Hedgehog).

Walking in summer, resting in winter (Bear).

Who wears a forest on his head? (deer and elk)

Without wings, but faster than a bird flies from tree to tree. (squirrel)

Oh, bells, blue color

With tongue, but no ringing (bell)

There is one such flower

Do not weave it into a wreath.

Blow on it a little

There was a flower and there is no flower. (dandelion)

After passing all the stages, the children receive prizes.

Related publications:

Quest - game "Space Journey" Children and adults kindergarten No. 59 made an exciting "Space Journey". Space.

Quest - game "Journey through the island of Health" for children 1 junior group. Prepared by the teacher of the first category Khalilullina Svetlana.

In our group, a quest game was held using ICT called "Journey with Kolobok to the Fairy Forest". Kolobok came to visit the guys.

Cheerful music sounds. Children gather in the central square of the kindergarten. Each child and educators have elements in their image.

Quest - the game "Journey to Multland". (based on cartoons by V. Suteev) Purpose: comprehensive development of children in various directions: cognitive; physical; speech; musical; social and communicative.

Quest game "Journey for the secrets of health" Purpose: to form in children a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle life. Tasks: Fix.
