Fallout 4 dance paladin offer. Task #3: Follow scriptor Heylin

Of all the satellites Paladin Dance in Fallout 4 is perhaps the most effective comrade in arms. This is a very dedicated fighter to the Brotherhood of Steel. Always wearing power armor. You first meet this character at the Cambridge Police Station. If you wish, complete the Fire Support task. Next you will need to do one more quest - A Call to Arms. Having joined the ranks of the faction, you will be able to take on the Shadow of Steel quest, after which Danse can become your companion.

Dance as a companion

Although Paladin Dance is a humanoid, he cannot be disguised like human companions or synths. He does not part with the silt armor, like a crab with its shell. You can force Dance to come out of it only with the help of console command. The armor model changes depending on your level. Although it cannot be removed, it is possible to modify the parts.

Unlike other partners, he interacts little with surrounding objects. He can be forced to pick up something (if it does not belong to anyone) or searched.

The paladin will be an effective support in any battle. His weapon is a laser rifle.

Dance has a skill: periodically appear in his inventory nuclear blocks, which can be picked up through exchange.

This companion's ability is Know Your Enemy. Having reached maximum relations, you will forever take possession of this ability and begin to deal 20% more damage to super mutants, synths and ghouls of all stripes.

How to save Dans

Many players are disappointed when, in a quest, the head of the faction orders the death of the paladin Dance just because he turned out to be a synth. You cannot refuse - this is an order. The task is performed in several ways.

  1. After finding the paladin, kill him as Maxson requires.
  2. Talk to Dance, use threats. He himself will ask you to shoot him. Fulfill the request.
  3. With a sufficient level of charisma and a choice of friendly remarks, you can convince the paladin. If you convince him that he is not a threat, he will agree to leave the Commonwealth and give you the Holo Tokens.

Having chosen the 3rd option, get ready to stumble upon Maxson himself on the way out. If you obey him, you will still have to kill Dance or watch as the elder himself executes him. With good charisma, you can convince the head of the Brotherhood to spare the paladin. In this case, he can still be your companion.


Learn how to interact with Paladin Dance to make him like you.

Plus to like:

  • Perform actions more often power armor: put it on, take it off, modify it, repair it. Dance also likes tinkering with simple armor and weapons.
  • Reacts positively to helping neutral characters.
  • He likes it when you speak positively about the Brotherhood and its ideals.
  • If you persuade Brandis to return to the faction, Dans will approve.
  • Summon a vertibird - the paladin also likes this action.
  • Love killing Virgil.

Disadvantage to sympathy:

  • Promoting synths, super mutants, and ghouls causes sharp disapproval from Dance.
  • Does not accept theft, drugs, cannibalism and extortion.
  • Paladin doesn't like it when you kill civilians.
  • Don't flirt with any characters in front of him.
  • Showing sympathy or respect for synths also lowers your opinion of yourself.

Danse becomes available as a companion at the end of the quest Shadow of Steel. To take this task, you will need to complete at least two previous brotherhood tasks Fire Support and Call to Arms.


Danse is a very dedicated member of the Brotherhood of Steel, fully supporting the Brotherhood's goals and policies. Believes that only the Brotherhood of Steel can save humanity.

Danse's unit is the third reconnaissance unit sent to the Commonwealth. The first brought many pre-war artifacts, and the second disappeared without a trace. Dance's squad suffered heavy losses from clashes with ghouls and super mutants, but Dance himself is not going to give up. We meet his squad at the moment when he, with the two remaining fighters, barricaded himself in the police station, and is fighting off crowds of ghouls.

After main character helps him in the tasks Fire Support and Call to Arms Dance will offer to join the brotherhood and vouch for us as a very good and promising fighter.

Despite the fact that Dance himself considers himself a human, he is a synth who escaped from the Institute. And when, on the assignment of Sortie, the main character provides information about the Institute to the brotherhood, they learn that the description of one of the escaped synths, M7-97, completely coincides with Dance. At the same time, Dance himself disappears after this incident.

In the quest Blind Betrayal, the main character is tasked with finding and killing Dance. When they meet, Dance himself will insist that he be killed:

“If you do not carry out the order, you will betray not only Maxson, but also the Brotherhood of Steel and its principles.” Paladin Dance in the last conversation.


No information.


Like other companions, # will have its own attitude towards your actions.


  • when you wear power armor;
  • when you help settlers (on assignments from the Minutemen);
  • when you choose "reasonable" dialogue options;
  • when you feel sorry for him while performing a task Blind betrayal;
  • when you show loyalty to the Brotherhood of Steel in dialogues;
  • when you modify weapons, armor or power armor.

Don't like it

  • when you talk to ghouls;
  • when you use drugs;
  • when you engage in cannibalism;
  • when you attack non-hostile NPCs;
  • when you are neutral about synths;
  • hates it when you speak positively about synths;
  • hates it when you flirt with other characters while in a romance with him;
  • hates it when you help synth X6-88 in the Detention mission.

Unique ability (perk)

If you earn Danse's trust, he will reward you with a special ability. It will be active even when you say goodbye to # or change it to another companion.

Dance's unique ability

Paladin Dance one of the early partners in Fallout 4. He is a paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, which means only one thing: for the rest of his days he will be dressed in Power Armor in the name of freedom and justice in Boston. In this guide, we will tell you where you can find Paladin Dance, his advantages, useful skills and abilities, as well as how to establish a relationship with him.

Paladin Dance Location

Paladin Dance is in Cambridge Police Station. Once near this location, you will see a message about the available radio frequency - Military frequency AF95. There will be messages on it that the Brotherhood of Steel needs help at that same Police Station. Go ahead to help, there you will first find Paladin Dance and his team.

How to get Paladin Dance as your partner

Help him with his problem on Arcjet Systems, and complete a couple of quests for him and his allies. After this, you will immediately earn his favor.

Paladin Dance Skills and Abilities

Skills: Our “Dancer” is a killing machine in power armor. Destroys enemies with a laser rifle. Can cover you in an uncomfortable situation.

Capabilities: Paladin Dance has an attack ability that will help you more effectively fight super mutants, synths and other evil spirits. Know Your Enemy gives +20% damage against Ferals, Super Mutants and Synths.

How to increase the maximum relationship level with a Dance Paladin

Paladin Dance is your direct path to the Brotherhood of Steel. If you decide to join them and carry out all their instructions, then by advancing your career ladder you will earn his favor. Be careful when choosing to use technology freely. He is also a romantic interest for the main female character

. Quest “Blind Betrayal” connected with the betrayal of the paladin Dans, the main character in this quest must decide his fate. This is very interesting quest, with an intriguing start and great possibilities at the end.

Passing the quest “Blind Betrayal”

After completing the “Prime Found” quest, the main character will be informed that Elder Maxson urgently wants to meet with him. The main character has no time to be surprised; the orders of his superiors must be carried out immediately, because the Brotherhood of Steel is under military order. So we arrive at Providence and look for the elder.

Objective #1: Talk to Elder Arthur Maxson

The conversation will begin in a raised voice, the main character will be informed that the brotherhood employees would have deciphered the data obtained during the “Soray” quest. In this data there was a list of runaway synths and on this list, to the surprise of everyone, was not anyone, but the paladin Dans himself. An unexpected turn of events.

Paladin Dance apparently realized in advance that the list would be deciphered and therefore he disappeared in advance. Arthur Maxson believes that the main character was aware of this, and also helped the paladin escape. So your character needs to convince the elder first. But even if you cannot do this, the order will be the same: “ Paladin Danse must be found and executed “.

Objective #2: Talk to Proctor Quinlan

You need to start your search for the paladin Dance with Proctor Quinlan, he should have information on how to find the paladin, so first of all we go to him. Having reached the procter, we enter into a dialogue with him, during the conversation he will tell us the information already known to us about the discovery of the paladin Dance in the lists of escaped synths, under the marker M7-97, and the DNA analysis allowed us to avoid an error, so Dance is definitely a synth. The proctor does not have exact information on where to look for Dans and he suggests simply visiting all the places where Dans has been, one after another.

Here scriptor Heylin unexpectedly enters the conversation; she does not believe that Dance is a synth. She will say that she has information about Dance and she does not believe in his betrayal, but she can only tell her rotorcraft about this, since the information is in his on-board computer; in fact, she just wants to talk with the main character without unnecessary ears.

Task #3: Follow scriptor Heylin

The scriptor leads you not to the vertibird, as she said, but simply to a secluded place where no one can overhear you. Next you need to talk to her.

Task #4: Talk to scriptor Heylin

In a conversation with the main character, Heylin will beg him not to kill Dance, but to give him a chance to explain himself, because he is so good, he just mi-mi-mi, he taught everything, he always helped and it doesn’t matter whether he is a synth or not, because he is good. We assent to her, we’ll decide what to do with Dance later, we’ll listen to what he says. Then Heylin will tell you that he and Dance had a reserve meeting place in case they had to leave the police station in Cambridge, this is the location of the Bravo interception post.

Task #5: Get to interception post “Bravo”

Everything is simple here, we get to this post, destroy the machine gun points at the entrance and go inside to find Dance.

Task #6: Find Paladin Dance

As soon as you see Dance, he will start a dialogue himself. In this conversation, he will tell you that he himself did not know that he was a synth, he remembers his childhood, he remembers everything, he feels like a man and a member of the brotherhood. Even though he is a synth, he does not abandon the ideology of the Brotherhood of Steel, so he himself insists that the main character carry out the execution, so here you have 3 options:

  1. execute Paladin Danse himself;
  2. order a paladin to commit suicide;
  3. convince Paladin Danse that he should live and allow him to escape.

By killing Dance, or leaving him alive, the main character will receive his tokens, which he must provide as proof of completing the mission.

The fact that the paladin did not know that he was a synth explains the name of the quest, he betrayed out of ignorance.

Gamers and modders have been closely studying the contents of files for weeks Fallout games 4 in search of components invisible to the eye. A couple of weeks ago, a discovery was made in the form of a weapon that was missing from the game - an underwater harpoon, which, when fired, releases bubbles and famously blows off the heads of enemies. Now on the Tumblr portal, a user under the explosive nickname tentacle-explosion has published a description of a new find - audio, which indicates that the game could have another ending option.

Depending on which one you finally decide to join at the end of the game, the options Fallout endings 4 are different. IN storyline Brotherhood of Steel, you discover that paladin Dance, one of the most honest and respected characters in this scoundrel-filled game, is revealed to be a synth. As everyone knows, the Brotherhood of Steel hates synths and strives to exterminate them. As a result, the leader of the group, Elder Maxon, gives you the order to kill Dance. Fortunately, this time in this rather straightforward game there are two options for the development of events: kill Dance or let him go home. In the latter case, the Brotherhood of Steel will consider him dead and will not look for him.

Paladin Dance is one of the most powerful partners - with his firepower, you can safely stand on the sidelines and only engage in searching the corpses of enemies. Naturally, many will not want to kill a partner to whom they have become accustomed after dozens of hours of play. However, the developers had another option for ending the plot of the Brotherhood of Steel, as evidenced by the found dialogues of the paladin Dance.

According to them, the game should have had the opportunity to go against Elder Maxon, kill him and lead the Brotherhood of Steel yourself. After this, Paladin Dance was not required to leave the organization. Instead, he convinces everyone that he wants to continue fighting to exterminate his own species, and his goals coincide with the goals of the Brotherhood.

Below is a transcription of the audio files found.

“If you mean Maxon, you're right. He's still a problem. However, I have an idea."

"I hope this is enough to convince you to take your place as elder of the Brotherhood of Steel."

“The word has been spoken. We have a new Elder."

“I want everyone to understand something. The body may be synthetic, but my heart and mind belong to the Brotherhood. The Institute continues to pose a huge threat to the Commonwealth. They have technology that should be confiscated or destroyed. And if that means I have to take up arms against my own species, that's the sacrifice I have to make."

“Get ready. I don't know what Maxon will do when we get there."

“When Heylin warned me about Quilan's discovery, she begged me to oppose Maxon. She said that there are still soldiers in the Brotherhood of Steel who believe in me, who will support me if I decide to oppose the Elder. Then I told her that it would be wrong to be disobedient and insubordinate. We are on the verge of war with the Institute, and weakening our unity for me would be tantamount to a stab in the back of our warriors. However, knowing that you are still with me... Perhaps this will be enough to convince Maxon of the mistake he made. I will return to Prydwen with you and we will oppose Maxon together."

“As a paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, I formally challenge your position as Elder. We decided this matter, as stated in the charter - in a duel. You leave me no choice." (Between these phrases there should be Maxon's answers.)

“Right now, I'm not sure we can get close to Maxon before the Brotherhood kills us. But we have to try. I have known Maxon for a long time, and under all the rules and formalities he is a decent person.”
