Dragon age inquisition parameters. Description of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition

For the first playthrough of the game, I traditionally chose the robber class and made it a shooter. There are several reasons for this, firstly, there is only one shooter among the satellites. Secondly, hunters always have the best view of the battlefield. Thirdly, this work - do not hit someone lying down: know that you have fallen on the nearest enemies, cover your own and from time to time cover the area with a rain of arrows.
The shooter can, at the very least, fight off the monster, and in particularly advanced cases, go into invisibility, if, of course, he takes this ability. Being close to the magicians, he can easily protect them. Moving ahead of the entire team, the shooter, being a robber, can be the first to detect and disarm traps. They cannot be underestimated - towards the end of the game, falling into a trap can become fatal.
Finally, playing as a robber, you can open all the chests you encounter in a row without thinking twice.


We have a defender on our team - only one, but an excellent one! Without it, going into battle is like death! More precisely, without her, because in the role of “tank” is the female warrior Aveline.
There will be no difficulties with treating the team either. There will also be one or two promising magician-healers among your comrades. You can’t make a doctor out of just the elf Merrill. The magician Anders will cope best with the role of a healer and combat resurrector, although some may find it uncomfortable to constantly keep him behind (a demon has found refuge in Anders). Which “killer” characters are preferable? I'm leaning towards ranged combat specializations - namely Varric the marksman or Merril the sorceress. It’s not that the robber Isabella and the warriors Carver and Fenris were bad in any way... It’s just that when the main group stands in one place and doesn’t run away, there is more order in the battle. By sticking together, ranged characters support each other. If the enemy inadvertently passes by the tank and tries to gnaw on three tightly standing heroes, he will receive three times more splash. In addition, keeping the entire team in one place is useful for implementing the “let’s gather in a bunch and hit the area” tactics. Now that there is no “friendly fire” in the game, you can make flamethrowers and napalm bombs from magicians and marksmen without any problems.
NOTE: You can turn on “friendly fire” if you wish - to do this you need to set the maximum difficulty level.


The character in the game has six characteristics.
Strength. Necessary for warriors, and only for them. Increases weapon damage and the likelihood of hitting an enemy - that is, accuracy, which is called here by the strange term “Attack”.
Agility. Necessary for robbers, and only for them. Increases the strength of attacks, accuracy (“Attack”) and the likelihood of a critical hit for robbers.
Magic. Necessary for magicians, and only for them. Increases damage and accuracy from spells and from regular “shooting” with a staff. High magic parameters also protect against hostile magic, reducing the duration and damage.
Cunning. Necessary for rogues, although it theoretically increases defense (the ability to dodge blows) and critical strike damage for all classes. In addition, cunning determines the robbers' ability to disarm traps and open locks. At the beginning of the game you can get by with 20 points, by the middle you will need at least 30. The most complex castles and traps will require 40 units of cunning.
Willpower. Necessary for all classes, as it increases the supply of mana or energy (the same mana, but for robbers and warriors). The more mana a character has, the longer he will be able to deal damage, heal teammates, and stop monsters. If there is no mana, you will either have to drink an expensive potion (you can drink it again only after some “recharging” time), or hit enemies with the default attack,
Endurance. First of all, the tank needs it. Secondly, to classes that are in close contact with the enemy (warriors with two-handers and robbers with daggers). Mages and shooters should also not forget about stamina, because even the best defender will not save you from the flying spit of a dragon or from a monster that appears right in front of a puny magician.

Other character parameters are partly determined by characteristics (for example, defense), partly by equipment (armor), enhancements, or passive skills learned.
Damage. The amount of health removed from a “conditional enemy in a vacuum” during a normal attack with a melee weapon, shot from a bow, crossbow or staff. It is affected by the level of the weapon and the characteristic - strength or agility, depending on the class. Real damage is calculated adjusted for the enemy's armor and magic resistance.
Attack. The probability that a hit or shot will reach its target. Depending on the class, the “attack” is affected by the values ​​of strength, dexterity or magic. In addition, the probability of hitting a strong enemy or boss is much lower than an ordinary enemy.
Protection. Chance to dodge an enemy attack. Defense is not a military parameter, but a robber one, since it depends on cunning. In-
They need little protection; they have their own ways of staying alive, taking powerful blows.
Armor. Reduces incoming physical damage (and only physical!). The higher the monster's class, the less the impact absorption effect. Armor is a typical military parameter. And not only because there is a lot of armor on heavy armor and shields, but also because a high level of armor, as in the first part of Dragon Age, determines a high level of threat. That is, the monsters have not abandoned their masochistic habits here either - seeing in front of them a rag magician and a warrior clad in armor, they will attack the warrior.
Damage resistance. Subtracted from any incoming attack - both physical and magical. Usually found on things or in specific “tank” skill trees. It cannot be developed to a high level, but this is not necessary, because besides it, a lot of other things are subtracted from the damage.
Resistance to magic. It is subtracted from magical attacks. It turns out the same armor, but already effective against incoming magical damage. Magic resistance also reduces the duration of enemy spells on the hero
Persistence. Helps the character resist physical and magical effects that could incapacitate him (stun or knock him down) or impose a negative effect (for example, setting him on fire).
Elemental Resistance There are five types: resistance to fire, cold, electricity, forces of nature and spirit magic. It is usually found on things. There is a benefit from it, because developing resistance to magic in general is quite difficult, and things with protection against certain types of magic come across often. For example, if in the future there is a fight with dragons, it is better to equip the team (or at least the defender) with at least a couple of things with resistance to fire,


There are five types of magic in the game: fiery, icy, electric, natural And spirit magic. These are all damage types. The effects of cursing, slowing or stunning do not provide damage, so technically they do not have a type. Each magic staff has its own type of damage (from staves, let me remind you, a magician can fire like magic wands in World of Warcraft - no mana is wasted) .
Enemies in the game often have both vulnerability to some types of magic, as well as resistance and even immunity. Therefore, it is worth remembering that:
Dragons are vulnerable to cold (they didn’t care about fire magic from a high ledge - and they do, with the same fire),
Spiders are vulnerable to electricity
The creatures of darkness (they are rare here, but nevertheless) are vulnerable to the magic of spirit and nature.
Demonic shadows (on the contrary, they are found around every turn) do not like electricity and the magic of nature,
Demons of desire (they come across less often than we would like) are also afraid of electricity and the magic of nature.
Demons of anger, hot and dangerous, should be cooled down if possible.
Blood mages generally hate spirit magic.
Stone golems are vulnerable to cold and electricity.
Qunari fighters are greatly impressed by cold magic and nature magic.
In addition, mages can cast spells that deal physical damage. Armor saves enemies from spells of this type, so it is slightly less effective against templars than against magicians.
We will tell you exactly what spells it makes sense to distribute to each magician in the team a little further, in the section on companions.


Inter-class interaction is a new concept in the series that makes battles much easier if applied correctly. Its meaning is this. that some characters, using specific skills, impose negative effects on enemies, which enhance the effectiveness of the specific skills of other characters.
Simply put, the mage casts an improved frost spell on enemies, and they become fragile for a while, and the warrior uses a skill that acts with double power precisely on fragile enemies. Or, conversely, the warrior hits the enemy with a shield and puts him in a state of stunnedness, and the magician casts a spell that hits with double force or stuns the stunned enemies. Rogue skills impose a disorientation effect, which also applies to spells and warrior skills.
So the battle can be greatly facilitated if you develop the characters taking into account their interaction. This will be especially useful at the end of the game, when you begin to encounter indecently thick-skinned enemies.
but it’s difficult, and things with protection from certain types of magic come across often. For example, if in the future there is a fight with dragons, it is better to equip the team (or at least the defender) with at least a couple of things with resistance to fire,
The intricacies of using magic are worth talking about separately.
The good news is that inter-class interaction is very easily built into character behavior algorithms. To force, for example, a shooter to use the “Use Explosive Arrow” action under the “Enemy is fragile” condition, you don’t need to understand the commands for a long time.


Class: warrior
Dossier: Younger brother of Garrett (or Marian) Hawk. Initially set up to compete with a brother or sister. He really likes it when Hawk asks him for advice in dialogue. Being a warrior, he resolutely opposes magicians and supports the initiatives of the templars. Accordingly, the easiest way to make friends with him is if, in front of him, you demonstratively take the side of the templars. Role: ordinary warrior, one piece. At Carver's. Unlike most companions, there is no unique skill tree - only five standard ones. You can make your brother both a fighter with a two-handed weapon and a defender, but finding a suitable role for him is difficult. In the role of a “tank” he will play worse than Aveline. As a Damage Dealer, Fenris will beat him. It turns out that Carver is a kind of “compensation for the fragility of the main character-magician.”
THIS IS INTERESTING: Carver and Bethany's appearance changes depending on the chosen appearance and skin color of the protagonist or heroine. Brothers and sisters should be alike!

Class: magician
Dossier: Garrett's younger sister or Marian Hawke, a renegade mage. Fears of falling into the Circle of Magicians, diligently hides his gift
and avoids communication with the templars. Kind and simple-minded. She is childishly happy when Garrett asks for her advice in conversation. He really dislikes manifestations of cruelty. The easiest way to make friends with her is to demonstrate a good attitude towards magicians and prejudice towards templars.
Role: Bethany is worth her brother - she is a standard mage with five ordinary class skill trees, but she does not have her own. From it you can fashion something to your taste - for example, a magician-doctor hybrid. But she casts spells worse than Merrill, and heals worse than Anders.
NOTE: Carver and Bethany will be the hero's companions in the introductory part of the game (escape from Ferelden), but then only one of them will go with the hero. Who exactly depends on the class of the main character. If Hawk is a magician, Carver will stay with him. If Hawk is a warrior or a robber, Bethany will remain.

Class: warrior
Dossier: a stern warrior, a resident of Loughering, joined the Hawk family during the escape from Ferelden. Once in Kirkwall, she decided to use her abilities in the city guard. Direct and honest. He does not know how to be cunning and play around, which is why he often suffers.
As a guard, Aveline tries to adhere to the laws, but will not mind too much if Hawk slightly violates the letter of the law for the sake of justice (for example, to spare justice the hassle of dealing with a particularly incorrigible villain). But breaking the law left and right in her presence is not recommended. Aveline especially does not like extortion. She likes demonstrative modesty in the style of “why don’t you deserve gratitude - this dragon would have died on its own someday anyway.”
Role: of course, “tank”! And what another! If you take her with you in this role, then from the very first levels start investing points in strengthening skills of the “Intercessor” and “Weapons and Shield” branches. Improved taunt and bravery from the Warmonger tree will come in handy. Aveline's own unique branch is called "Defender", and there is a lot of tasty stuff in it. Actually, Aveline simply does not have enough skill points to take all the available “tank” skills. Something will have to be sacrificed - it is possible that it will be the “Defender” branch.
It is highly advisable to have resistance to magic and to being stunned or knocked down. These are great passive skills. In general, when in doubt, give preference to passive skills.

Class: robber
Dossier: a red-haired dwarf with a dubious appearance and a hefty chain around his neck. Contrary to the first impression, he is peaceful, easy-going and simple-minded. Loves to joke and laugh at a good joke. He treats both magicians and templars calmly. He won’t mind if the main character wants to get rich at the expense of his neighbor. In general, it is very difficult to quarrel with Varrick, so by the end of the game the hero will probably have a good relationship with him.
Role: Varrick is a marksman by profession with good control abilities. He will always support you in battle with his personal weapon - a huge crossbow nicknamed Bianca. And he is the only companion who does not need to select weapons. In addition, choosing a dwarf skill is very easy - develop the “Bianca” shooting branch and the personal Varrick branch “Sharpshooter”. Everything else is purely to taste.

Class: magician
Dossier: renegade mage. An obvious client of the templars, since he is possessed by a demon and from time to time loses control over himself. Hates templars for personal reasons. He is hiding from them, but he does it badly, because out of the goodness of his heart he decided to become an underground doctor on a voluntary basis for the poorest residents of Kirkwall.
While treating magicians in general well, Anders really dislikes magicians and demons. You shouldn’t try to negotiate with both of them in front of him. But as soon as you sympathize with the magicians, Anders melts. Some of Anders' personal preferences are very specific.
Role: the ideal doctor. His personal branch “Revenge” is wonderful, it is necessary to take it almost in its entirety. But going deeper into the general healing branch of “Creation” hardly makes sense. Take healing, aura, improved healing - and call it a day. You can spend the remaining points on “hybridizing” Anders, making him a killer magician to your liking. Personally, I like the “Elements” branch - there is meaningful damage everywhere and frosty fragility to help partners. But Sorcery also has interesting things: an improved Mind Blast and the always fashionable Crushing Dungeon,

Class: magician
Dossier: Dalish elf. Left her fellow tribesmen to join Hawk's team. Hobby: Exploring dangerous areas of magic. She is very inquisitive and loses her will at the sight of ancient artifacts. He does not disdain blood magic and communication with demons, which sometimes shocks Hawk and his companions. Shy, easily embarrassed. She tries to hide her feelings towards Hawk, which, however, she doesn’t do well,
Merrill is a mage and will not appreciate being treated poorly by other mages. Making friends with her is more difficult than with other members of the squad. Treat her gently, do not criticize her actions in any way and do not condemn her unusual and risky experiments.
Role: a killer magician of the highest class. Her “Dalish Outcast” branch is questionable in places, but the merits of the “Wrath of Elwen” aura are undeniable.
Romes. If you don’t go further along the branch, you can make a magician out of Merrill according to your own taste - even fire-ice, crushing-stone, or entropy.

Class: warrior
Dossier: former slave of a cruel magician. Subjected to an inhumane skin treatment with lyrium. Unable to withstand the cruelty and humiliation, he escaped from the owner and, pursued by his henchmen, tries to hide in Kirkwall.
Fenris suffers from amnesia and does not remember anything from his previous life. His magical training helped him become an outstanding warrior, but his experience as a slave made him a hater of magicians. In the conflict between sorcerers and templars, Fenris will side with the latter.
As an elf, Fenris has quite broad views on some aspects of personal relationships.
Role: two-handed fighter: the “Two-Handed” branch is a must, “Vanguard” and “Warmonger” are to your liking. Fenris’s own “Tevinter Fugitive” branch has several interesting passive skills, but it is a little awkward - improved defense and increased damage when health is bitten They don't fit well.
In general, the best warrior is a magician.

Class: robber
Dossier: a pirate captain without a ship, a kind of female Jack Sparrow. One of the most prominent (in every sense) characters in the game. He hunts for money and does not hide it. For some unknown reason, he avoids visiting certain locations in the port. Sexually liberated. She is prone to discussing topics that would make even experienced employees of the Kirkwall brothel blush. It definitely makes sense to take her out with the other girls on the team just to listen to their conversations.
Isabella is familiar with Zevran, the entertaining elf from the first part of the game. When you pick up a quest to find a dangerous assassin near the brothel, be sure to take Isabella with you.
Honor, valor, chivalry - these concepts are unfamiliar to Isabella. Most of all she loves money. Brazen extortion for any reason is a good way to earn the respect of a pirate captain. Isabella's cherished dream is to acquire a new ship and set sail with a crowd of muscular sailors.
Role: a robber with a pair of daggers and an excellent Brawl branch, in which there are simply no weak skills. But the problem of using Isabella's skills nevertheless remains. Robbers give good melee combat
damage to one target, but bosses in the game are much less common than crowds of bandits or demons. In normal battles, Isabella is no longer so useful. In addition, the melee branches of robbers are not very well algorithmized, since they use combinations, combination discharges and fast movements. The only thing that works well for the algorithm is the auxiliary branch of control and mitigation “Sabotage”, but... is it worth it?

Now you know what's what in Dragon Age 2. But only you can choose who to be friends with and who to leave as rivals, which side to take in the game, and with whom to fight irreconcilably, And remember that there is no Dark Lord in this game , which means there are no clear answers. Every mage and templar, elf and companion has their own truth. So do as your heart tells you.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be released in autumn 2014. For the first time, a Dragon Age game will be based on the Frostbite 3 engine.

Dragon Age Keep

As the game moves to next-gen consoles and a new engine, BioWare has come up with a new way to transfer saved worlds from previous Dragon Age games. The creation of worlds will be made possible by the special online application Dragon Age Keep, which will be released somewhat earlier than Dragon Age: Inquisition.


The main character will be a new character, the Inquisitor. The player will be able to customize the race, class, gender and appearance of the hero. The Inquisitor will have to save the planet Thedas from itself by seizing control of it and forming the "Inquisition". The Inquisitor's quest takes place in various areas of Thedas, including the holdings of the nations of Ferelden and Orlais.

Unlike Dragon Age II, where the player could only control a human character, Dragon Age: Inquisition has many options. The hero can be a human, an elf, a gnome (dwarf) and a qunari (a new race). The choice of race affects the plot and interactions with certain characters and groups to some extent. Also, the hero can be a woman or a man, a warrior, a magician or a tramp - exactly as in previous games.

Confirmed old characters

Morrigan: Will be a non-player character. Morrigan became an influential behind-the-scenes figure in the world of Dragon Age after her departure at the end of the Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt DLC.

Varric Tetras: The first Dragon Age II companion will also be a companion in DA:I.

Cassandra Pentagast: An NPC from Part 2 will become a playable character in Part 3. Cassandra is proficient with a sword and shield.

New characters

Vivien: female, ex-mage of the Orlais circle. Fights to help friendly mages.


Executive producer Mark Darrah announced on September 17, 2012 that Dragon Age: Inquisition had been in development since 2010. Dragon Age: Inquisition, like previous games, will be located on the planet Thedas. The difference was the expansion of the setting: Dragon Age: Origins took place in Ferelden, Dragon Age II took place in Kirkwall, and Dragon Age: Origins will take place throughout Thedas. The story will follow Dragon Age II and the novel Dragon Age: Asunder. Both the magicians of Thedas and the Seekers of Truth leading the Templar Order will break away from the Church and begin to prepare for war among themselves.

At the Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo 2012, creative director Mike Laidlaw stated that the game would have more customization options than Dragon Age: Origins. Film designer John Perry said that the pre-production stage took longer than on any other BioWare project he has been involved with. Perry also noted that one level of DA3 is equal in size to the entire world of DA2.

At E3 2013, a trailer for the game was released with Morrigan as the narrator. The trailer featured Varric Tetras and Cassandra Pentagast. Anticipating the chaos threatening the world of Dragon Age, Morrigan asked the protagonist: will he (or she) save Thedas from destruction?


BioWare plans to combine elements of both previous parts. The size of the world will become significantly larger, so research opportunities will expand. Combat should change towards fewer strikes and a stronger need to think about tactics (how to prepare, how to take position, how to form a coherent team with group members).

The love or "romantic" aspect of the game will be reworked. Now the novels will spin not from dialogues and gifts, but from events and variables that are special for each individual character. The novels will end with "adult and tasteful" sex scenes.

Gameplay decisions will have a greater impact on the plot.

According to ex-BioWare CEO Ray Muzika in an interview with Wired.com, Dragon Age III will feature influences from various open-world games, such as Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

All characteristics of a character are reflected in attributes. Their values ​​determine the character's strength. Attributes interact with each other according to certain formulas; we have also collected known ones on this page.

To view your attributes, click P


Basic, fundamental parameters of the characters. Attributes from other groups largely depend on the main ones.


  • Warrior gain 0.5 strength
  • 1 strength point = +1% attack (only for warriors)
  • 1 point of strength = +1% bonus to damage against defense


  • For each new level, class characters Robber gain 0.5 agility
  • 1 agility point = +1% attack (rogues only)
  • 1 agility point = +1% bonus to critical damage


  • For each new level, class characters Mage gain 0.5 magic
  • 1 magic point = +1% attack (only for magicians)
  • 1 magic point = +1% bonus damage against barrier


  • 1 point of cunning = +0.5% critical strike chance
  • 1 point of cunning = +0.5% defense against ranged attacks


  • 1 point of willpower = +0.5% attack
  • 1 point of willpower = +0.5% magic defense


  • 1 constitution point = +5 maximum health
  • 1 Constitution point = +0.5% melee defense


Your character's attack stats are listed here.


The "attack" stat increases all damage dealt by the character.

  • 1% attack = +1% to base damage of all types
  • The damage bonus is applied before the target's armor is deducted.
  • Weapon * (1 + Attack%) - Armor, NOT (Weapon - Armor) * (1 + Attack%)

Note: The damage of different abilities is calculated differently.

Bonus to damage against defense

Increases damage against enemies with the "Defense" effect.

  • 1% bonus damage against defense = +1% to all types of damage against the target's defense
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses

Armor Penetration

Armor Penetration Points allow you to ignore the corresponding amount of armor points on the target when dealing damage.

  • 1% armor penetration ignores 1% of the target's armor (counts against physical damage)
  • Cannot be combined with other bonuses, i.e. the bonus will be the same for critical and non-critical hits
  • The effectiveness of this parameter is slightly inferior to Attack: 1% attack > 2% armor penetration

Bonus to damage against barrier

Increases damage against enemies with the barrier effect.

  • 1% bonus to damage against barrier = +1% to all types of damage against the target's barrier

Critical Damage Bonus

Increases the additional damage dealt on a critical hit.

  • 1% bonus to critical damage = +1% damage on a critical hit (example: 100 damage and 50% bonus to critical damage will give 150 damage on a crit)
  • Applies before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.

Critical Chance

Chance to score a critical hit when attacking.

  • The value of this parameter indicates the percent chance of landing a critical hit (example: at 10% chance of a critical hit, 1 out of 10 of your hits (on average) will be a critical hit)
  • When attacking several targets at once, the chance of a critical hit is calculated for each hit separately
  • There is no internal delay for repeat critical hits

Primary Weapon Damage

Damage dealt by the weapon in your main hand on each hit.

  • Basic hit per normal attack
  • All other damage modifiers apply to Weapon Damage as the main base stat.
  • A more useful indicator is a specific hit, rather than DPS (average damage per second), because When calculating the damage of abilities, the magnitude of the hit is used, not DPS.
  • Sub-weapon damage has a similar mechanic.

Sub Weapon Damage

Damage dealt by sub-weapons.

  • Cm. damage with main weapon

Bleeding on contact

Chance to cause bleeding on target. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • At the moment this option does not work, we are waiting for it to be fixed

Stagger on hit

Chance to stun the target on hit. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Indicates the percentage chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds on impact.
  • The status is not displayed in the interface (like damage numbers flying out), unlike ability stuns

Heal on Kill

Damage healed with each finishing blow.

  • Indicates the % of your maximum health that will be restored after killing
  • For this effect to work, you must personally finish off the target with an attack or ability.
  • There is no internal delay for the treatment to be triggered again

Bonus damage when attacking from the flank

Percentage bonus to damage when hitting a target from the side or behind.

  • 1% bonus to damage when attacking from a flank = +1% to all types of damage when attacking from a flank (at a base of 25% damage to an enemy from a flank will be multiplied by 1.25)
  • Applies before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.


Your character's defensive stats are listed here.

Protection from magic

Percentage resistance to damage from magical and elemental attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage
  • Example: 30% magic defense will reduce all magic damage taken by 30%

Melee defense

Percentage resistance to damage from all physical melee attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final melee damage

Defense against ranged attacks

The percentage of resistance to damage from all physical attacks at a distance.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage from ranged attacks
  • Applies after armor damage reduction

Cold resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from cold attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total cold damage
  • Example: 30% Cold Defense will reduce Cold damage taken by 30%

Electricity resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from electrical attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in final damage from electricity magic
  • Example: 30% Electrical Defense will reduce damage taken from Electrical magic by 30%

Fire resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from fire attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total fire damage
  • Example: 30% Fire Defense will reduce fire damage taken by 30%

Resistance to spirit magic

The percentage of resistance to damage from attacks by spirit magic.

  • Percentage reduction in final Spirit damage
  • Example: 30% Spirit Defense will reduce Spirit damage taken by 30%


Before damaging the character's health, the enemy must damage the defense, if any.

  • Defense is like extra health that can be gained through certain abilities
  • Max Defense = 25% of your Max Health
  • Some abilities increase the maximum amount of defense
  • Bug: Ability Unwavering Defense does not increase maximum defense

Armor level

The character's armor level reduces physical damage taken.

  • Reduces physical damage received in melee and ranged combat by the armor value * coefficient depending on difficulty (varies within 1-2, exact information is not yet available)
  • Applies before armor reduction from melee/ranged defenses
  • Some enemies have their own armor characteristics

Armor Level: Front

Physical damage dealt to the character from the front is reduced by the level of armor.

  • Functions like a normal armor level, but is only used when taking damage from the front
  • This parameter increases when wearing a shield; for all others, the value of Armor Level and Armor Level: before will be the same


A character whose health is reduced to zero falls unconscious and loses the ability to fight.

  • Current health

Maximum Health

The maximum amount of health a character has.

  • The amount of maximum health determines the character's survivability: the more it is, the more damage you can take and stay on your feet

Cause bleeding when hit

Chance that an enemy attack against a character causes the enemy to bleed. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Currently, this option does not work

Get stunned by getting hit

The likelihood that when an enemy attacks you, he will be stunned. The effect lasts for several seconds.

  • Indicates the percentage chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds when hit
  • Can work on ranged attacks if the enemy is standing close
  • Stun allows you to use combos (trigger abilities)
  • There is no internal re-stun delay



A resource acquired when damage is dealt. Each squad member has their own Focus bar, but whoever deals damage receives Focus for the entire squad.

  • Concentration is required to use focus abilities, see more in specializations

Maximum concentration

The maximum focus this character can accumulate.

  • Base value: 100, allows you to use level 1 focus abilities
  • At the first improvement it becomes equal to 200, allows you to use level 2 focus abilities
  • With the second improvement it becomes equal to 300, allows you to use level 3 focus abilities

Focus Gain Bonus

The specified % bonus is added to the focus received (regardless of what it was received for).

  • A value that increases the concentration received by n-amount %


The amount of current mana/stamina the character has. Mana and stamina are needed to cast abilities(for warriors and robbers this is stamina, for magicians it is mana).

Max Mana/Stamina

The maximum possible mana/stamina reserve for a character. Strength and stamina are needed to use abilities.

  • Maximum mana/stamina = 100 and does not increase with level

Combat experience points

The character's current experience points.

  • Experience can be gained by killing enemies, completing quests, and many other actions.
  • By gaining experience, the character's level increases


Current combat level character. Read more about levels on a separate page.

Ability Recovery Modifier

Reduces recovery time for everyone abilities character.

  • A value that reduces the recovery speed of abilities by n-amount of %