Business marketing game. Methodological development of a binary lesson-game “Marketing Research” (in the disciplines “Marketing”) methodological development on the topic

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Play is an activity that permeates all human culture. The game is as old as humanity. Moreover, since ancient times, some types of games have been perceived as something extremely serious and attract the attention of a huge number of people. These are, for example, Olympic Games. In ancient times, for the sake of them, wars between Greek city-states stopped, and now billions are invested in their preparation, and the results influence the policies of the participating states.

During the game, no products of activity are produced. However, quite a long time ago it became clear that very serious non-gaming problems can be solved with the help of games. That's why games came into business.

In the USSR, this happened in the 30s of the 20th century: in 1932, the first production game “starting up a workshop” was created. This game is described in detail by Lyudmila Smerkovich in the article “Very Business Games”. The game was based on an analysis of the reasons that led to delays in the launch of workshops and the production of low-quality products in real factories. For two days, seven hours each, the participants in the game had to make decisions on the decision various problems arising in production. At the same time, they were divided into four groups that competed with each other. The strategies developed in the game were then applied at the plant - and led to an increase in production indicators. Unfortunately, the practice of business games (in the terminology of that time - “organizational and production tests”) was discontinued in our country in 1938. Later, in the 70s, a school of organizational activity games (ODG) arose in the USSR, and in the late 80s, Vladimir Tarasov created games in the field of business communication, now known as “Management duels.”

In the USA, the first business games began to be held in the 50s. They were originally developed for military purposes by the Rand Corporation, but very quickly became a “civilian” commercial product. The success of games in the United States was facilitated by the fact that games there immediately began to be played using computers. And at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, marketers became actively interested in games.

Active penetration gaming methods marketing can be explained by several factors:

  1. Impressive coverage of adults by various play activities and monetization of these activities

Movement role playing games, reconstruction movement, kasplay, subcultures around online computer games(from “Heroes of Might and Magic” to World of Tanks) - all these movements are united by the fact that adults spend a lot of money and a significant part of their free time to “be in the game.” Do you mean "gamers" and "extremes"? Don't rush. First, look at your smartphone. Many of us have simple games there that help pass the time on the road. Did you know that the Russian market mobile games for 2016 is estimated by the portal at 16.3 billion rubles? And about the fact that Candy game Crush Saga is the most popular game in the “3 Match Puzzle” genre - brings its creators about $100,000 a day? Such impressive monetization could not fail to attract the attention of marketing specialists.

  1. Everywhere Availability mobile devices and the Internet

Various games and sweepstakes for visitors were held before, before the era of Internet marketing began. But the reach of the offline drawing, which requires customers to come to the store to claim prizes, is limited geographically. The audience that can be “reached” via the Internet is much wider, amounting to millions of users - therefore, modern world launching a game pays for itself much faster.

  1. Decline in the effectiveness of traditional types of advertising

Clients unsubscribe from online mailings, are prohibited from inviting themselves to communities on social networks, they experience “banner blindness,” and they are not motivated by promotions and discounts. This is primarily due to information overload, from which people are trying to escape. At the same time, the offer to “play” is still capable of involving the client in active communication with the company. Perhaps over time, gamification will cease to be effective, but for now it works.

Despite the positive trends, some marketers are skeptical about gamification. For example, Mikhail Kechenov Studio published , in which she explained why clients’ gaming activity does not bring results. According to experts, such projects are perceived as entertaining and do not affect sales in any way.

Our experience shows that game mechanics bring results that can be calculated in numbers, but more on that later.

So, gamification in marketing solves three problems:

  1. User acquisition

Game elements involve users in interaction with the company. In addition, they are highly virulent: people willingly share their impressions of the game and the results achieved in the game both in conversations with friends and on social networks.

  1. Keeping users' attention

Games and game elements require users to be active and attentive, so users stay on the site longer and perceive its content better.

  1. Monetization of visits

Monetization is a consequence of attracting and retaining attention. The increase in income occurs both due to an increase in the number of visits and due to an increase in the time spent by the user on the site. In 5-7 minutes spent on the service, a potential client will see more main products - accordingly, the likelihood of converting a visitor into a buyer increases.

All gamification options can be divided into two large groups:

  • Full-fledged games (quests), with their own plot, rules, playing space, etc.
  • Implementation of individual game elements(game mechanics) in interaction with the client. Such elements can be tests, scores, assignment of ratings, etc.

Game elements in marketing: successful cases

    1. Plazius platform

Plazius is mobile application to pay bills in cafes and restaurants. The application allows you to accumulate points in loyalty programs of establishments connected to the system, and then exchange them for discounts. The application includes the following game elements:

  • To earn points, you need to show the waiter the Plazius application, in which the guest’s order will be linked to the table number.
  • Depending on the frequency and amount of purchases, customers are assigned different statuses. The higher the status in the program, the more bonus points the client receives with each purchase.

Rank mechanics bring 831 million rubles a month to restaurants with Plazius.

4.28 million guests confirm or increase their rank every month.

  1. Social network Foresquare/Swarm

The Foresquare service has gone through a long and difficult history, including ups and downs. Initially, Foresquare was launched as a social network with a geopositioning function that helped a person find a suitable establishment (cafe, restaurant, bar) based on various parameters. Foresquare differed from other applications that collected reviews in its game dynamics: for visiting establishments, participants received so-called “check-ins”, which brought them various statuses. The person who had the most check-ins at a particular establishment received the status of “mayor” of that establishment. In addition, check-ins could be exchanged for discounts and various bonuses. The network was launched in 2009.

In May 2014, Foursquare introduced the Swarm application, thereby dividing functions: Foursquare became a database of places and recommendations, and Swarm was a check-in application. Initially, some of the game mechanics in Swarm were removed, which led to a decrease in the popularity of the application. Gradually, most of the mechanics were returned, and Swarm's popularity began to increase. IN new version, which was released in August of this year, some of the game mechanics were changed due to the fact that users began to value privacy more. However, check-ins and “mayorship” are retained in the new version. Now Foresquare is valued at $250 million, and attracting customers through Swarm pays for itself many times over by increasing both the frequency of visits and the average check.

  1. Postcards from Tanya Tavla on the M-Video and WWF websites

Tanya Tavla (Zadorozhnaya) is one of the most popular illustrators on the Internet. For two years in a row, on the eve of the New Year, M-Video launched a special section of the site where a person could make a greeting card with an illustration by Tanya. The service operated in two versions:

  • quick production of postcards by randomly selecting a design;
  • developing a postcard with a choice of character and background.

After sending a postcard by e-mail, the site visitor was offered household appliances at a discount. The proposal was designed in the style of Tanya Zadorozhnaya’s drawings and contained a reference to the postcard. There is no information about the marketing success of this campaign, but the very duration of the cooperation suggests that it was fruitful.

With the help of Tanya Tavla's postcards, WWF disseminates environmental information. Their website offers a simple and funny seven-question test on environmental behavior. The test results are sent by e-mail along with tips on how to make life more environmentally friendly and a drawing by Tanya. From the letter, the test result can be “shared” in social media. The author of this article was happy to share with her friends that for nature she is a sensible muskrat.

Game in marketing: “golden case”
We will look at the use of quest games in marketing using the example of an e-mail game, which was launched in April of this year by M-Video (developed by Out of Cloud). Based on the plots of popular cartoons - “Rock Dog” and “LEGO: Ninjago Movie”, an email game was developed, in which participants completed exciting tasks, received thematic points and exchanged them for promotional codes with discounts. In this case, we did not use individual game elements (mechanics), but developed a complete game: with rules, tasks of various types, protection from gift hunters, etc.

The customer set the following tasks that the game was supposed to solve:

  • Increase in money turnover per subscriber
  • Increasing engagement of existing email subscribers and attracting new ones

As a result of the game:
- Turnover per subscriber increased 15 times compared to turnover from other mailings with promotional codes
- 30% of players who were not part of the email database became mailing list subscribers
- Return on investment was 760%
- Game mechanics have been scaled to a wider audience
- Positive feedback was received about the brand on social networks
And the case itself received gold at the Tagline Awards for the best use of eCRM.
Of course, gamification alone does not guarantee success. For it to bear fruit, several conditions must be met:

1.Game (or specific game mechanics) must be attractive to the target audience for which it is intended

The characters in the game should be familiar to this audience, and the actions performed should be sufficiently attractive and interesting.

2. Gamification must be clearly tied to marketing goals

You need to clearly understand what actions the game should stimulate users to take, and how its results will be monetized. For example, website development company DevHub missed this.

The company set a goal to increase its own popularity using gaming methods. For this purpose, a virtual currency was introduced, which the user could spend to view paid content and access additional functions. Later, the developers modernized the service, creating on its basis full game with the code name “Building an Empire”.

As a result, the number of visitors who began to complete the construction of the site increased from 10% to 80%. But at the same time, in absolute terms, one user gave the company only 40 cents per month.

After analyzing the situation, DevHub specialists came to the conclusion that they were unable to tie visits to strategically important goals and motivate users to take exactly those actions that lead to monetization of visits.

3. Having a qualified gaming practitioner on the team increases the chances of creating a successful game

To create games and implement game elements (mechanics), it is better to involve a gaming practitioner in the marketing team - a person who has experience in game development and understands the psychology of players. Fortunately, the market for gaming practitioners now exists and is actively developing, so it is possible to find such specialists.

Have fun and productive games!

Daria Bulatova

Lesson objectives:

1. Repeat and consolidate the material covered in the form of a game.

2. Intensify the study and consolidation of economic concepts, definitions, and terms.

3. Familiarize yourself with the competitive selection procedure, integrate the knowledge gained in economics and entrepreneurship lessons.

4. Develop creative thinking, reaction to situational situations, the ability to formulate and specify answers to questions.

5. Foster objectivity in self-esteem, the spirit of competition, the desire for self-affirmation, and competitiveness in the labor market.

6. Formation of an unbiased attitude towards entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in a market economy, and communication skills.

Equipment and equipment of the game: paper, paints, felt-tip pens, glue, tokens for drawing lots, envelopes with assignments, protocol forms for the jury, student self-control cards.

Interdisciplinary connections: economics, technology (professional self-determination), fundamentals of entrepreneurship, psychology, law.

Stages of the game.

1. Preparatory stage. In the previous lesson, students were introduced to new professions in a market economy. Game participants should be prepared to introduce these professions during the game according to the following scheme:

  • What does a specialist in this profession do?
  • What knowledge and education does he need?
  • What professionally important qualities are required for successful work?
  • Where can he work?

2. Start of the game. Organizational moment. Introductory speech by the presenter (introduction, purpose and course of the game). Jury presentation.

3. Drawing lots and dividing students into two teams.

4. Competition of professions.

5. Assignment to teams for a creative competition by drawing lots.

6. Presentation of competition works. Determination of the winning team (jury) in the creative competition.

7. Selection of the general manager of the company (one representative from the team).

8. Press conference of 2 candidates for the position of general manager of the company.

9. Summing up the results of the management competition (jury).

10. Lesson summary. Filling out the student self-control card.


1. Opening remarks by the presenter.

Dear friends, today in class you are invited to take part in a business game. A business game assumes that you take the rules of the game and the possible life circumstances offered to you seriously. The success of the game depends on your ability to embody the proposed life roles and accept the proposed situation. Today you will have the opportunity to show your entrepreneurial, organizational, communication and creative abilities.

So, the world-famous advertising company Alyonushka International is expanding. Marketing analysts, having studied the situation in competing companies, drew up a long-term project to open branches in different countries. We invite you to take part in the competition to fill vacant positions of specialists to work in newly opened branches.

You all want to get a job in this company. We will have a hiring committee (jury). You need to convince the commission to offer the vacancy to you.

Make up a legend for yourself and, when applying for a job, tell us why you want to work in this company, where you worked before, and what you can do. Also formulate an idea that you might be interested in the company. Try to convince the committee members of the value of your candidacy for the company.

Let me introduce the competent jury consisting of: ... .

2. To work, students are divided into two teams(based on tokens received at the beginning of the game).

Warm-up teams perform the following task:

  • They will prepare a project for creating a branch (they will come up with its name, basic principle or motto).
  • They will propose a worthy candidate for a manager for the position of executive director of the company.

At the end of the game, a pre-election press conference of candidates for this important position will be held.

(5 min)

3. Group work.

Filling vacancies for branch specialists - (chief accountant, economist; manager; programmer; designer, artist; advertising specialist; marketer, sales agent, sales consultant; psychologist; technical editor; legal adviser).

To do this: the presenter names a vacant position, finds out the number of applicants for this vacancy, the applicants take turns introducing themselves as a specialist, creating a legend (presentation time - 1 minute for each participant). The jury determines the best in each specialty.

(25 min)

4. Carrying out a creative task in teams.

It is necessary to come up with an advertisement for domestic goods (which ones will be determined by lot. For example: Shoes from the Severokhod factory in Italy. Georgian tea in India. Cranberries in Brazil. Wool in Australia. Porcelain in China. Pasta from the Rushleb association in Italy. Agat computers in Japan. Lemonade "Buratino" in Finland. Cosmetics from the company "Northern Lights" in France. Russian kvass in America), showing their creativity to the fullest. This could be a product in the form of a commercial, theatrical performance, fairy tale, etc. using drawings, poems, songs and, of course, humor. 20 min.

Present your creative work.

(10 min)

Teams select their candidate for the position of executive director of the company.

Team members prepare several tricky questions for the candidates' press conference (2-3 questions for each candidate from the other team).

5. Election campaign for the president of the company:

Applicants for the position of executive director of the company are invited to the stage and sit in the prepared seats. Then, in turn, each participant in the election campaign introduces himself, introduces his legend, and answers questions prepared by the other team.

(10 min)

6. Summing up the game.

The results of the jury's work are summed up and the winners are announced. (Each winner of the job competition brings 1 point to his team). The team winner of the creative competition is named. Employment contracts are presented.

(4 min)

7. Lesson summary. Filling out the student self-control card (Appendix 2).

Appendix 1


profession competition

Appendix 2


  1. Firsov E.G. Economy. Mind games for schoolchildren. Yaroslavl “Academy of Development”, 1998.
  2. M. Bendyukov, I. Solomin, D. Cherneyko. You and your profession. St. Petersburg, Publishing House ROST LLC, 2001.

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