Black desert system requirements for PC. I can't connect to the database server! System Requirements

This is a description of the approximate characteristics that a computer must meet in order for it to be able to run any particular software.

These characteristics can describe the requirements for both hardware (processor type and frequency, volume RAM, hard disk capacity), and to the software environment (operating system, presence of installed system components and services, etc.). Typically, such requirements are drawn up by the software manufacturer or author.

So you can play Black Desert, your computer must meet certain requirements. There are minimum and recommended system requirements.

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Minimum system requirements for Black Desert

The minimum system requirements for Black Desert most often indicate the PC configuration on which the game can be run without problems with minimal graphics settings.

Recommended system Black requirements Desert show on which computer you can run the game at maximum graphics settings and still play without stuttering and with a high number of frames per second (FPS).

For comfortable and productive work or play, you need a computer that meets the recommended requirements. Although there are cases that, despite meeting all the system requirements, the program does not work or works with “buggy” errors.

System and technical requirements may change from time to time, and therefore this document may be modified and/or supplemented.

Is the game slow?

In 90% of cases, performance can be improved in two steps:
It will increase the speed of your computer, fix system errors, and clear registry entries that remain after uninstalling programs.

Under development Pearl Abyss. The game will take place in the transition period from Middle Ages to Renaissance, where two states fight over a resource hidden in the desert Black Stone.

The game has a lot of advantages and its own features:

  • open and accessible dungeons, for solo or party play
  • game world seamless (sandbox)
  • The game features a full change of time of day
  • climatic zones, for a comfortable stay in which you need weather-appropriate clothing
  • As for the weather, the game embodies a dynamic system: weather conditions are not tied to a specific location (hydrocyclones, as in real world, move around the map), and each region has its own conditions - snow or rain, hurricane or blizzard, and so on.
  • according to the promises of the Pearl Abyss team, the gaming world Black Desert will be approximately several times larger than the world
  • There are no portals in Black Desert, and movement around the game zones will be carried out using mounts, and in rare cases, ships

Playable races, classes and characters

Black Desert features many game races, characters and classes. We should dwell on them in more detail, since they have a whole bunch of features:

At this moment Pearl Abyss was announced 9 classes, but unfortunately by the time the game is released, 4 game classes will be available.

  1. Warrior man with a shield and sword (tank). Husband.
  2. Valkyrie human warrior with a shield and sword (tank + support). Women
  3. Ranger elf archer. Husband.
  4. A giant barbarian with two axes. Husband.
  5. Samurai is a swordsman (does not have a shield). Husband.
  6. Beastmaster human summoner. Women
  7. Witch human magician. Women
  8. Archer elf archer. Women
  9. Sorcerer human magician. Husband.

Why did I list each class with a gender? Everything is very simple - the choice of the hero’s gender will determine his technique, characteristics, style of play and combat. Class is tied to race and gender, which is basically nothing new for us. An individual skill tree was developed for each class. All kinds of auxiliary classes, such as buffers and healers, are not going to be introduced, since partly they have this knowledge game classes. The game does not provide stealth (invisibility) and there are no divisions of classes into professionals.

Unlimited maximum level and character customization

One of the distinctive features Black Desert from other MMORPGs - this absence maximum level character. But even here the developers have added their own twist - after reaching the 50th level, the Persian acquires special skill awakening points, which are indispensable for the “skill awakening” system, which allows you to improve and change skills with new parameters.

As for appearance your hero was created character generator, which allows you to customize each element of the body in as much detail as possible.


The combat system is quite advanced and includes non-targeted actions, an active block, the ability to dodge, and a combo system. Most abilities are keybound and allow you to combine attacks. The not-so-good news is that jumping, dodging, and blocking use up stamina. Each class has a unique type of energy consumed when using abilities.

All this was made possible thanks to the Black Desert Engine, which was developed specifically for Black Desert.

Registration in the game

You can register for the Black Desert game for free.

This guide will help you achieve maximum performance and increase frame rates (FPS).

1. First of all, you need to configure the video card. To do this, use the appropriate instructions:

2. Go to the game settings and set the parameters as shown in the screenshots:

Quality Tab

Please note:

  • "Textures" determines the quality of textures, so a lower value for this parameter will give better performance;
  • The “Image Quality” parameter is responsible for the overall level of graphics in the game. When you set it to “Optimization Mode,” you will see the maximum increase in FPS;
  • Uncheck the following items: “Smoothing”, “SSAO”, “Filtering”, “Depth of Field”, “Tesselation”, “Max. settings”, “Blood in battle”, “Blood on the screen”, “Battle effects”, “NPC texts in the distance”, “Show workers”. This will give an additional performance boost.

Graphics Tab

Optimization Tab

Tab"Beta optimizations"

Set the settings as shown above to make the game consume less resources, which will have a positive effect on overall performance.

System Requirements Black Desert Online

Black Desert- this is, of course, a game that captivates not only with a huge living world, an impressive number of players, varied gameplay, multi-level crafting and many other things, which you can learn more about by reading our review of Black Desert, but also, of course, great, modern graphics. And as you and I know, good graphics always means that the video card requirements will be decent. However, we should not forget that the system requirements of Black Desert Online, like any other game, consist of not only one video card - the processor and the amount of RAM play an important role here. In this material we will try to look as honestly as possible at the system requirements Black Dessert to help you determine – the game will go you have it or you don’t. Well, if you don’t need help in this matter, then registration in Black Desert awaits you, described in detail in the corresponding material.

I decided to start analyzing the system requirements of Black Desert with video cards, since it is one of the most important components in any gamer's computer and is certainly important for comfortable game at Black Dessert. The minimum system requirements for the game indicate a level card GeForce 9800 GTX . Is it really possible to launch Black Desert Online with such junk? In principle, yes. However, I had to make the minimum resolution, turn off absolutely everything visual effects, including shadows, shaders and all types of anti-aliasing, and only then the game began to move without constant micro-freezes, second freezes, etc. What conclusion can be drawn from this? The conclusion is classic - the minimum system requirements of Black Desert somewhat underestimated– at least in the column dedicated to the video card. I would still advise you to something more modern if you are going to play with pleasure, because at the minimum graphics settings this game does not look as cool as it should.

V modern games has increased very much. This is especially noticeable if you compare the CPU load for even not particularly old games - released, say, 4-5 years ago. At that time, a dual-core processor was enough for any game, and the main work fell on the video card. Now the situation has changed radically, and if your processor is not powerful enough, and your video card, on the contrary, is top-end, then you can experience for yourself the so-called bottleneck effect.

This effect is that the processor does not allow the video card to open up to 100% (and there are cases when it does not even open up to 50%), as a result of which the video card simply cannot save the situation. Therefore, as you understand, balance is very important.

As for those requirements that Black game Desert is presented to the processor, then they quite modest. The fact is that this is one of those games that can be used immediately multiple cores evenly , so if you even have an old AMD Phenom with 2-4 cores, then you will not experience any problems. If you have 2-4 cores from Intel, then your situation will be even better, since, as you know, the performance of a single core from Intel is much higher than that of AMD. In general, we were not deceived with the processor.


Number of gigabytes of RAM does not play a key role in the system requirements of Black Desert Online, but, nevertheless, they cannot be skipped. The minimum system requirements state that we will run the game with 4 gigabytes, which is essentially correct. At some points (for example, in big cities) the game will freeze a little, but this can be minimized if you first close all applications that are not needed during the game - Skype, Steam, browser, etc. . You'll be surprised how much RAM they eat up just sitting in the background. For a comfortable game you will need 6-8+ and here you won’t even have to think about closing something - it’s been tested.

Free hard disk space

If you are thinking of downloading Black Desert, which, for a moment, is bye the only way play this game, then you will need not less than 32 gigabytes free space. Important point, which is better to learn right away. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for Black Desert to not start, and one of the most common reasons for such an extremely unpleasant incident is the insufficient amount of free disk space remaining. In order to avoid this, leave another 5-10 gigabytes free on the disk where you install Black Dessert and there will be no problems.

Summing up the review of system requirements for Black Desert Online

Despite the fact that we were a little fooled by the minimum video card requirements, Black Desert is a game that will run on most very average machines that are three, four, and even in some cases five years old. Personally, it started up great for me and drove the old one AMD Phenom X2 with a video card with 512 MB of memory and 4 gigabytes of RAM. If you have something close or more powerful, then most likely you won’t have any problems launching the game. I hope I helped you! Traditionally, I answer all questions in the comments to this material.

Information about its system requirements helps you figure out whether your computer can handle the game. Memory amounts, power and many other parameters are indicated in the “minimum” and “recommended” system requirements columns. The first means that playing on a computer with these components will be at the very least, but it will run - albeit with slowdowns and without much beauty in the graphics.

The recommended characteristics are already suitable for a pleasant, comfortable and calm game, but if your computer is weaker, you need to change something. The video card will not cope with rendering graphics, or there will not be enough RAM to process the information, or even the game will not fit on the hard drive at all.

For Black Dessert, the system requirements are quite lenient: the game supports a wide range of operating systems, and mainly those that are used by gamers worldwide.

In terms of RAM required for the game, the system requirements of Black Desert online imply that there are clearly more than two DDR sticks installed in the computer. Which is quite logical - nevertheless, the amount of information that the machine has to process during the game is very large.

Drawing graphics even at an average level requires quite large resources, and the picture produced by the game is quite far from ideal. What can we say about minimal settings graphics, with chopped square models, blurry textures“in a square”, flat vegetation and enemies suddenly appearing a few meters away. Yes, the rendering of the enemy in the game also depends on the graphics settings, and those who set this parameter higher will have some advantage. Provided that their computers can handle such a load, of course.

In general, given that the game is very beautiful in terms of graphics, to get full enjoyment, it is still advised to set the settings to at least above average, ideally to maximum. Then you can fully experience the beauty of the project and understand the reason for its popularity.

Information about what minimum requirements Black Desert's requirements, in terms of available hard drive space, are always changing. This is due to constant additions and updates to the project. For the main client files of the game, a fairly small amount of memory is enough, but the complete set of all game files exceeds more than fifty gigabytes.

The processor, if you study the Black Desert system requirements for it, is also far from the oldest. After all, along with a video card, a powerful processor is extremely important for the game, or rather, for you, so that you can get fun and pleasure from the game rather than irritation and frustration.

Of course, you can try to run the game on a machine with outdated and weak hardware, but what you end up with will at least look weak and incomparable with other modern online projects.
