Biblio quest a journey through the ocean of books. Quest game “In the footsteps of your favorite books”

Quest- (English quest), or adventure game (English adventure game) is one of the main genres of computer games, which is an interactive story with the main character controlled by the player. The most important elements of a game in the quest genre are the actual narrative and exploration of the world, and a key role in the gameplay is played by solving puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player.

Today, quests have ceased to be a part of computer games. They are carried out in reality according to certain rules and scenarios by special organizations specializing in quests, libraries, educational and cultural institutions.

Quest in reality is an entertaining game for a team of several people in a specially prepared room. To pass it you need to use logic, dexterity, coordination, and the ability to work in a team.

Live quest- this is a salon detective game. Participants find themselves in a situation in which they have a common goal - searching for a killer, fighting for treasure, uncovering a mystery, saving them from disaster. Each of the participants receives an individual role in this situation, as well as their own individual goals, sometimes even contrary to the general one - for example, to return a lover or find out about betrayal, to restore justice or, conversely, to cover up the traces of a crime. Having multiple goals provides versatility to the game. The player himself can determine which goal is his priority. The point of the game is to complete as many goals as possible.

The quest industry has its own genres :

1. Escape room or how to get out of the room. The team is locked in the room. Using numerous clues and aids (which must be found), participants must get out within a limited time. Usually this is given only one hour.

2. Quest in reality (live quest). Unlike classic escape, there is no need to look for a way out. Players can save the universe and protect the Ring of Omnipotence from the encroachments of dark forces. When completing tasks, players experience the situation as closely as possible to the scenario.

3. Quest performance. This genre involves the presence of actors in the room who can direct the gameplay in one direction or another. They can help or, conversely, hinder you from completing tasks.

4. Action Game or sports quest. In this genre, all kinds of obstacle courses, chases, power tasks are harmoniously combined with the need to instantly solve logic problems, involving the entire team in their solution.

Library quest- a game for several people, usually based on one or more works of fiction, with a script, route and certain rules. Libraries often conduct local history quests, each stop on the route corresponding to a memorable place, city attraction, or settlement. This game tells in an interesting way about the city and local history literature.

Target library quest: promoting books and reading among young people using creative means.

Methodology for organizing and conducting a quest in the library:

1.Selecting an idea/topic for the quest.

2.Development of the game concept, legend.

3.Drawing up a script and tasks

4. The composition of participants and employees (initiative group) responsible for the routes is determined.

5. A general map of the game is drawn up and final editing is carried out

7.Interior design of the library premises in accordance with the chosen theme.

8. Conducting the game.

Prizes (bonuses) can be traditional books, CDs, branded notebooks, pens, sweet gifts for such events, or creative ones: a “treasure map” collected after completing the quest, a photo in a suit with the quest heroes (if technical opportunities).

Library quest scenario

The script combines storylines points at which tasks are performed. The game can take the form of a theatrical performance, an excursion, a route (in this case, a route sheet or map is drawn up) or a combination of all these options. The plot of the quest (legend) combines tasks, heroes, and design. The outcome of the game can be the creation of a map, a puzzle, a phrase, the accumulation of points or artifacts.

Quests can be diverse, depending on the central legend that unites the game:

Intellectual (knowledge of the text of a certain work, solving a crossword, puzzle, rebus, detective problem, cipher);

Indicative (find a clue, a way out, a route on the map, a place in a book);

Technical (assemble something, for example, a layout, a letter);

Sports (jump to something, hit a target, pass through “security beams” without hitting them;

Creative (make a collage of a character, an era, draw a book cover).

Rules for completing the quest vary by the organizers and are announced before the start of the game:

1. The game starts simultaneously for all participants for some reason conventional sign(word from the presenter, strike of the gong, wave of the flag). Next, the legend is voiced, where there may already be hints, distributed (if necessary) route sheets, cards, puzzle piece or phrase.

2. Control of the completion of tasks is established by the leader or a mark on the map, waybill, or participant card.

3. For violation of the rules of the game, deviation from the route, the team is subject to a fine - an additional question (task), giving the participant game functions (for example, the role of an owl, homing pigeon) or exclusion from the game.

4. The end of the game is the arrival of the first or last team at the final point and the assessment of the results or the sound of the gong, notifying that the time is up (in this case, the calculation of points/results is based on what has been done so far).

Examples of library quests

Library quest “Walks in Time” of the Intersettlement Library of the Temryuk District Krasnodar region. The cross-cutting theme of the quest was “The Transition of Time.” Two teams “Legend” and “Generation of the XXI century”, according to the conditions of the game, collected a key phrase, sequentially moving through the stages, while performing various tasks: active, logical, search. Thus, at the “Library” stage, teams, in order to collect fragments of a key phrase, had to pass several creative tests, using a search for books in a traditional and electronic catalogue, using Internet sources, electronic encyclopedias and other technical capabilities of the library. The tasks took place in the library, near the Taman cinema, in the park named after. A.F. Kuemzhiev, near the oak tree planted near the library. All tasks were related to books, libraries and time. The script and tasks can be found by following the link:

The Aniva Central Library held a horror quest “After Sunset: Twilight in the Library” as part of “Library Night”. Participants were asked to walk together with the leader, a stalker, through dark labyrinths designed based on horror books. The cross-cutting idea of ​​the event is that characters come to life in the library at night, and not all of them are respectable and humane citizens of the Land of Books. To exit with honor Book labyrinths, it was proposed to perform unusual tasks. The script can be found at the link:

New form - webquest is a site on the Internet with which readers work, performing one or another task. Such web quests are being developed to maximize the integration of the Internet into the cultural, leisure or educational space of the user. They cover a single problem (for example, moral choice), a field of knowledge (for example, astronomy), a book, a series of books, or combine several areas.

Webquest result– website, blog or page on social network, where the works of participants are published.

The webquest must have :

Introduction, which clearly describes the main roles of the participants (for example, “You are a detective trying to solve the mystery of a mysterious incident,” etc.) or the quest script, a preliminary work plan, an overview of the entire quest;

A central task that is understandable, interesting and doable. The outcome must be clearly defined (e.g., a series of questions that need to be answered, a problem that needs to be solved, a position that needs to be defended, and other activities that are aimed at processing and presenting the results based on the information collected). );

List of information resources (in electronic form- on CDs, video and audio media, in paper form, links to Internet resources, website addresses on the topic) necessary to complete the task. The list must be annotated.

Description of the work procedure that each participant must perform when independent execution tasks (stages).

Guidelines for action (how to organize and present the collected information), which can be presented in the form of guiding questions that organize the work (for example, related to determining the time frame, general concept, recommendations for the use of electronic sources, presentation of “blank” web pages - in avoiding technical difficulties when they create independent pages as a result);

A conclusion that summarizes the experience that readers gained as a result of completing the webquest.

Examples of webquests:

“Spelling game. Time Travel" - the web quest of Zaporozhye gymnasium No. 47 took place according to the following scheme: participants need to register, select one of the proposed roles (literate, connoisseurs, linguists, book lovers), on behalf of which they will complete the quest and, according to this principle, unite in groups . Next, you need to complete the exercises, with each group member answering a question on a specific topic, which saves time. Each task is given 4 days to complete, and the last task, which is the same for all groups, is given 2 days. Players send results to email organizer and post information on their group page on the Time Travel blog. A note on the completion of tasks is recorded in the Travel Log. Having completed all the tasks, participants receive a code pass, which, having solved it, gets them to a gathering of travelers in the country of Spelling.

The web quest “Pushkin's Tales in the 21st Century” from the library of MAOU “Linguistic Lyceum No. 25” is based on the following assumption: in modern society, schoolchildren’s ability to read cannot be reduced only to mastering reading techniques. The project is aimed at developing students' semantic reading skills. Using a system of questions and creative tasks, students are asked to repeatedly reread and review the texts of A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tales for various reasons: while reading by role, in search of the desired fragment, to confirm their answer. By using modern technologies The project draws attention to the understanding of literary text.

The game is a quiz in the form of a quest. A very convenient form of implementation (the children received it with great interest). If necessary, you can replace the works (at the discretion of the teacher) and conduct this game How extracurricular activity or a literature lesson.

Game script for summer camp"Literary quest"

- development of logical thinking,
- testing knowledge of literary works,
- nurturing a positive emotional and value attitude towards Russian and foreign literature,
- improvement of certain types of student’s speech activity (listening, speaking);
- developing interest in reading literary works,
- team building,
- identification of leaders.
- update knowledge about literary works (A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”, A.N. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin),
- broaden the horizons of students,
- promote the formation of independent cognitive activity,
- create conditions for the development of such analytical abilities of students as the ability to analyze, compare, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions.
Required equipment:
- tokens according to the number of questions;
- books by A. Milne “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”, A.N. Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”, fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, etc.;
- portraits of Russian writers;
- pieces of paper and pens according to the number of commands;
- certificates for awarding participants.
Leading:- Hello, dear guys! I'm very glad to see you! Please tell me, do you like computer games?
/Children's answers/
- What do you know about such computer games How's the quest?
/Children's answers/
- A quest, or adventure game, is one of the main genres of games that require the player to solve mental problems to advance through the plot. The plot can be predetermined, or it can give many outcomes, the choice of which depends on the actions of the player. The name quest comes from a series of games by Sierra ( Space Quest, King's Quest, Police Quest and others). Guys, today you have to take part in a literary quest. Are you ready?
/Children's answers/
- To participate in this exciting game we have to divide into teams.
/Division into teams according to any principle: “Pear – apple – banana”, “Brownian movement”, etc./
- Guys, now each team has to choose a captain and come up with a name.
/Getting to know the teams and their captains./
-Let's start the game. Let's get acquainted with its rules. The game consists of 4 levels. At each level you have to answer a series of questions. The first person to raise their hand gets the right to answer. If the answer is incorrect, the right to answer goes to the other team. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. The team that scores wins greatest number tokens. So, before getting to the first “level”, you need to solve the riddle and find the clue book.
He goes to visit with Piglet,
He loves honey and asks for jam.
/Children say riddles, find riddle books among others/
- Well done, guys! You have completed the first test and moved on to the first level of the game. As you probably already understood, this level will be dedicated to the work of Alan Alexander Milne “Winnie the Pooh and Everything.”
While walking, Vinny was always cheerful. But to find out where he walked, guess the riddle.
There is noise on the mountain
And under the mountain it is silent. (Forest.)
Pooh went out into the clearing and saw a tall, tall...
It's cold in the summer,
Warms in winter. (Tree.)
At the top of this tree, Vinny saw...
My delicious food
Sweet is the fruit of my labors. (Bee.)
And Pooh climbed the tree for this delicacy.
The vessel is standing hollowed out,
And the gruel is not boiled in it. (Beehive and honey.)
But Pooh fell from a tree into a bush, and what was the name of the bush?
On Mount Gorynskaya
There is a Volyn oak tree,
We don’t need a hero’s dress,
And the devilish bitch. (Blackthorn.)
Pooh pulled the thorns out of his nose, went to his friend Piglet and began to ask him...
I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.
Piglet had two balloon one is blue and the other is green: “If you extract honey from a green ball, the bees will mistake you for...”
I grow up in the summer
And in the fall I fall. (Leaves.)
And if you fly for honey on a blue balloon, then you will look like...
An eagle flies across the blue sky,
Wings spread out
The sun was covered up. (Cloud.)
The friends took the blue ball, and Piglet also took it with him...
Black Kochet
He wants to bark. (Gun)
They went on a hike. The friends began to inflate the balloon, suddenly Piglet let go of the string and Pooh flew into... What kind of ceiling is this -
Sometimes he is low, sometimes he is high,
Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is whitish,
It's a little bluish
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue. (Sky.)
"Hooray! - Pooh shouted. “Well, who do I look like?” Let's guess who he looks like?
The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear.) There was a short silence and the voice was heard again: “Do you, Piglet, have this thing at home?”
I walk in the rain and in the heat -
This is my character. (Umbrella.)
Suddenly a bee sat down on Pooh...
The chock has two stoves. (Nose.)
Because of what insect was he named Pooh?
Who's above us
Upside down
Walks - not afraid,
Aren't you afraid to fall? (Fly.)
Pooh was walking through the forest and came to visit. To whom?
A ball of fluff,
Long ear
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots. (Rabbit.)
What product did Pooh say about that you don’t have to give it?
Everyone needs
But not everyone will do it. (Bread.)
Pooh climbed out of the hole, and at first he appeared...
He is always there by the seas,
Ships always have them. (Nose.)
Then they showed him...
Flat board:
Sheathing around the edges
And in the middle there is a hole. (Ears.)
Then paws appeared, and then Pooh screamed in a desperate voice. And Robin suggested that he lose weight, and with the help of his friends, Pooh crawled out of the hole.
- Well done, guys! To move to the second level you must complete the following task. Find among the presented portraits the one that depicts the author of such works as “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker”. Write the number of this portrait on a piece of paper.
/Complete the task/.
- Well done, guys! You have switched to the second level, the tasks of which are dedicated to the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
1. What cat runs near Lukomorye? /Scientist/
2. How many years did the old man and the old woman live together? / “Exactly 30 years and 3 years”/
3. Who brought the poisoned apple to the princess? /Chernavka/
4. What property did the mirror from the fairy tale “About the Dead Princess” have? /“It can speak skillfully”/
5. What did the old woman call the old man when she found out that he had released the goldfish? /"You're a fool, you simpleton"/
6. Which fairy tale ends with the words “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!” A lesson to good fellows!”? / “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”/
7. What song did the squirrel sing in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”? (“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”).
8. Who was the leader of the thirty-three heroes? (Chernomor.)
9. Who rushed in the sea over the Swan? (Kite.)
10. Who was the kite shot by Guidon? (A sorcerer.)
11. What happened to the old woman’s old trough? (Cracked.)
12. What color were the old woman’s boots when she was a noblewoman? (Red.)
13. What did Queen Chernavka order to do with the princess? (Take him into the forest to be devoured by wolves.)
14. Where did the old woman want to live so that she could have a goldfish on her parcels? (“In Okiyan-sea.”)
15. What did the old woman ask the goldfish the second time? (New hut.)
16. In which coffin did the seven heroes put the princess? (Crystal.)
17. What did the queen do with the magic mirror when she found out that the princess had come to life? (I broke it.)
18. By what month, according to the king, should the fair maiden give birth to his son-hero? (“By the end of September.”)
19. What does the learned cat say when he goes left? (Fairy tales.)
20. What is the name of Alexander Pushkin’s nanny? (Arina Rodionovna.)
- Guys, your captains will show themselves at the next level. As you know, any leader must have good diction. And in order to develop clear diction, it is necessary to pronounce tongue twisters from time to time.
The Greek was driving across the river, he sees the Greek: there is a crab in the river, he put the Greek’s hand in the river, the crab grabs the Greek’s hand.
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
Auntie reads Tyutchev a little.
- Well done! To move to the next level, you are offered the following task: write on a piece of paper the author and the name of the work whose heroes are in front of you. (Images of Pinocchio and Malvina, heroes of Tolstoy’s work “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”)
1. Which of the fairy tale characters’ last and first names differ by only one letter? / Karabas Barabas /
2. Who did Giuseppe give the talking log to? (To the organ grinder Carlo.)
3. Who almost killed Pinocchio on the first day of his life? (Rat Shushara.)
4. Who are Alice and Basilio? (Fox and cat.)
5. Who saved Pinocchio when the robbers hung him on a tree? (Malvina.)
6. What medicine was used to treat Pinocchio? (Castor oil.)
7. What was the name of the country where Pinocchio was called the cat and the fox? (Country of Fools.)
8. What words did Pinocchio have to say in order to grow up? money tree? (Cracks, fex, pex.)
9. What academic title did the owner of the puppet theater Karabas Barabas have? (Doctor of Puppet Science.)
10. Where was secret door, which had to be opened with a golden key? (In Papa Carlo's closet.)
11. What did Pinocchio and his friends find behind this door? (Puppet theater.)
12. What magic phrase did Malvina dictate to her guest Buratino in a dictation? Why is she magical? (“And the rose fell on Azor’s paw,” the phrase can be read from left to right.)
13. What did Carlo Buratino dream of buying for dad? (New jacket.)
14. He “went around the cities in a wide-brimmed hat with a beautiful barrel organ and earned his living by singing and music.” (Organ grinder Carlo.)
15. “He swayed, swayed on his thin legs, took one step, took another step, hop-hop, straight to the door, across the threshold and into the street.” (Pinocchio.)
16. “Curly-haired, pretty girl with a pretty upturned nose.” (Malvina.)
17. “A big, scary snake head appeared.” (Turtle Tortilla.)
18. “A long, wet, wet man came in with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom.” (Duremar.)
19. " Little man wearing a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was covered in powder, white as tooth powder.” (Pierrot.)
20. “A man so scary in appearance that one could become numb with horror just by looking at him. His thick, unkempt beard dragged along the floor, his bulging eyes rolled, his huge mouth clanged with teeth, as if he were not a man, but a crocodile.” (Karabas Barabas.)
/Summing up the game/
Teams take prizes depending on the number of tokens earned. You can separately note the team captains and the most active participants in the game.
- Guys, did you like the game?
-You see, in interesting games lurking not only behind monitor screens. I hope today's meeting will make you open some interesting book that hides many literary mysteries. Thanks for playing! See you again!

This form is actively used in both Internet games and street games. In our city, quests are actively conducted by the Department of Youth and Sports.

We began to apply this concept to our events only this year, when we realized that the construction scheme library games, so beloved by us and our readers, fully corresponds to the name “quest”. But in fact, everything started earlier for us, in 2009.

Basic rules/conditions of the quest:

There is a certain plot of the game

There are tasks/obstacles

There is some goal that can be achieved by overcoming obstacles.

Typically, quests are team games-competitions. And usually a traditional quest alternates between active (sports) tasks and intellectual ones.

Of course, we vary somewhat, changing the rules to suit ourselves. Emphasis on intellectual tasks, searching through books. However, we also include active moments, especially for kids. But this is more often expressed in improvised theatricality, dance steps, etc.

The work is organized as follows:

First, there is a discussion of ideas in departments; representatives from each department (heads) gather in an initiative group, bring various proposals, discuss them and make a common decision.

Then in each local department there is development and finalization of tasks, design, etc. in accordance with common theme. Every corner of the library, halls/ch.z/subscriptions are occupied.....

This time we invited social partners (representatives of cultural institutions). This is a convenient and interesting move.

All our quests are based on interactive exhibitions and installations that we work with. At the beginning of the game, all participants are given travel sheets (or “travel letters”, or “treasure map”, or “record book on all sorts of sciences”... depending on the theme of the game). At the end of the trip there is always some kind of surprise reward (a photo studio where you can take pictures in costumes, a trip to the library basement, diplomas, the opportunity to take home a book from the black...).

Yes, and our games are not team games. The fact is that all our library quests are aimed at unorganized readers. But in principle, if you agree with the classes, you can carry out team game(by the way, on September 1st there is already an application to repeat the pirate bibliotwilight for the 5th grade parallel).

The library quest, it seems to me, can have several options for connecting the plot of the entire game:

A specific hero of the book,

specific book,

The cross-cutting topic on which assignments are selected.

We have already completed several library quests:

- “Our Pushkin” (2009)

- “Across the Planets with the Little Prince” (2010)

- “The Universe of School Sciences” (2011)

- “Pirate Library Twilight” (2012)

A few words about one of the games.

As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, whose name our library bears, we decided to organize a thematic travel game on one of the days of the National Conservatory. Game exhibitions and installations were developed and decorated in each department. Children, getting to know them, discovered Pushkin’s work and Pushkin’s era from different angles:

Through music

Through theatrical performances and creative workshops

Through role playing games and drawing analogies with life and world literature.

We tried to make all the tasks non-standard, so that they would touch the heart of children and teenagers and arouse their interest. The so-called “penetration into the era,” an attempt to find common ground between the 19th and 21st centuries. Now many people already hold similar meetings, but then we tried it for the first time, at least in our own country.

The game began in the hall, where the conditions of the game-travel were explained to everyone present, and “traveler’s travel certificates” were issued. This “certificate” gave points for completed tasks. In addition, here we invited the children to express their opinion about the game (reflection, which we later analyzed and with great joy discovered a huge number of enthusiastic responses and DEMANDS to make such games as often as possible).

At each exhibition, interesting information about the Pushkin era was first given: - the main occupations of young ladies of the 19th century,

Who fought in a duel and why?

What were the rules for writing letters in the 19th century?

What they talked about in the girls' rooms of Pushkin's times,

Who in the century before last could organize a salon at home...

Then there were practical game tasks (2-3 options for each site, taking into account different ages and varying perseverance of readers). The children were asked to guess, for example:

What does this or that movement of a fan in the hands of a lady mean?

Remember the heroes of Pushkin who dressed up as someone,

Challenge your opponent to a duel by writing a letter in the style of Pushkin’s time,

Copy some Pushkin poem into the “Album of a 19th Century Girl” with a pen, try on a peasant young lady’s sundress or a Pushkin hero’s costume, etc., etc.

Approximate time spent on each site (information + task) is 15–20 minutes. However, if someone wanted to stay and do a few tasks, we didn’t send them away. J

For those who completed the task, the Site Supervisor put his stamp on the “travel document” and sent them onward.

There was a surprise present for those who passed all the stations - they could take a photo as a souvenir in the costume of a young lady or gentleman of the 19th century. The children were very pleased with this gift and then ran to the library for a month to download photos onto flash drives/disks.

Examples of library quests (material taken from the Bibliopuzzles blog):


This form is actively used in both Internet games and street games.

Basic rules/conditions of the quest:
- there is a certain plot of the game
- there are tasks/obstacles
- there is some goal that can be achieved by overcoming obstacles.

Typically, quests are team games-competitions. And usually a traditional quest alternates between active (sports) tasks and intellectual ones.

Goal: to develop curiosity and interest in reading books; enrich students' vocabulary; to cultivate an attentive reader and love of books, the ability to work in a team.

The game is designed for students in grades 5-6. High school students can serve as sentries and “station guards.” Students receive an advanced task: prepare a team name, motto, emblem corresponding to the theme of the event; reread the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, the fables of I.A. Krylov; As homework, prepare a dramatization of the fable.

Equipment: route sheet for each team, puzzles, items for the Lost and Found, prizes (books)

A route sheet (made in the form of a fairy-tale map with stations marked on it) is given to each team, taking into account the fact that they should not intersect at the same station - the game is played simultaneously for all teams. For example, 1 team goes along the route: Lost and Found - Puzzles-words - Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles-illustrations - Fables of I.A. Krylov - Numbers, 2nd team: Puzzles-words - Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin - Puzzles - illustrations - Fables by I.A. Krylov - Figures - Lost and Found, etc.

Student fans who do not take part in the game remain in assembly hall and perform next tasks: prepare an illustration for the work (the captains receive the task during the draw), answer quiz questions. The points they receive are summed up with the team’s results when summing up the results.

A table is attached to the route sheet:

Stations can be located in different parts of the school: in the library, in elementary school, in the literature room, in gym, in the music class, in the assembly hall.

A sentry stands near each station and asks each team a riddle. After the correct answer is received, the team goes to the station it needs. The correct answers are recorded by the jury members on the team route sheet.

Time spent at stations is limited - 5 minutes.

Riddles of the sentries:

Although not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root.
Talking to us
In a language everyone can understand. (Book)

You are familiar with the expressions:
About the first pancake, which is always lumpy,
About the rubbish that is carried in public...
What do people call them all? (Proverbs)

White field, Black seed, He who sows it rejoices. (Letter)

I carry a new house in my hand, The doors of the house are locked. The residents here are made of paper, everyone is terribly important. (Briefcase, books, notebooks)

A short phrase where the sounds are similar. We often cannot say it. Trains us on diction, sometimes with rhyme. What's it called? Who can guess? (Patter)

In preparation for the event, it is necessary to draw (print) scrolls, make illustration puzzles, letter puzzles, select items for the Lost and Found Office, and think over the design of all stations.


Stage one. Presentation of teams (name, motto. For example, “Wings” - “If you read a lot, you gain wings in life!”, “Sorcerers” - “As soon as we wave our wand, we will immediately find the answer to everything”)

The captains are presented with scrolls. They return to the teams to read and answer. The team that answers first receives an extra point and the opportunity to choose a route sheet.

My dear friends!

I found myself on a desert island and really need your help. In order to save me, you must go through a difficult path, demonstrate the courage and knowledge of true connoisseurs of the Russian word and great literature.

The one who first remembers my name will go on this journey along the shortest path.
(Robinson Crusoe, hero D. Defoe)

Stage two. Commands are sent by different stations so as not to interfere with each other in solving assigned tasks. Having answered the questions correctly, they receive further instructions along the route.


Fold the PUZZLES

(you can print out the illustration for the work of art yourself), guess the author and the title of the book: Baron Muhhausen (R. Raspe), Treasure Island (R. L. Stevenson), Harry Potter (Joan Rolling). For a complete correct answer (folded picture, book title, author) - 3 points.


Blitz tournament. The team answers questions about the fairy tales of A. S. PUSHKIN

  1. How many years did the old man fish? (thirty years and three years)
  2. Who did King Dadon turn to with a request for help? (To the Golden Cockerel)
  3. For what pay did Balda agree to work for the priest? (in 3 clicks)
  4. How long was the old woman queen? (two weeks: “one week, another goes by”)
  5. How many times did the old man throw the net before he caught the goldfish? (3 times)
  6. On what island did Guidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (on Buyan Island)
  7. How many years did Balda have to collect the rent from the devils? (3 years)
  8. What miracles did Prince Guidon have on the wonderful island? (miracle squirrel, 33 heroes, swan princess)
  9. Who did Prince Elisha turn to with a request for help? (sun, month, wind)
  10. Who did Tsar Guidon turn into in order to see his father, Tsar Saltan? (Mosquito, fly, bumblebee)

For all tasks - 10 points, for each incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Continue the famous lines from the fables of I.A. KRYLOV.

  1. And Vaska listens... (and eats)
  2. And you, friends, no matter how you sit down... (Everyone is not fit to be a musician).
  3. It’s a disaster if the shoemaker starts baking pies... (And the boots are made by the shoemaker)
  4. The cuckoo praises the rooster... (Because he praises the cuckoo)
  5. The Swan rushes into the clouds, the Cancer moves back... (And the Pike pulls into the water)
  6. The titmouse made a name for itself... (but didn’t set the sea on fire)
  7. Did you sing everything? This is the thing... (So go and dance!)
  8. Ay, Moska, know... (she is strong, since she barks at an elephant)
  9. No wonder they say... (that the master’s work is afraid)
  10. Helpful fool... (more dangerous than the enemy)

For answers to all questions - 10 points (for each - 1 point)



Which literary heroes lost these things? Name the author and title of the fairy tale.

  1. Log (Papa Carlo, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key”)
  2. ABC (Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio...”)
  3. The Crystal Slipper (Cinderella, H.H. Andersen “Cinderella”).
  4. Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood, the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault)
  5. Flower (“Flower-seven-flowered” by V. Kataev)
  6. Oriental shoes with curved toes (Little Muk, fairy tale of the same name by V. Gauf)
  7. Lamp (L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”)
  8. Pea (H.H. Andersen “The Princess and the Pea”)
  9. Hat (Joan Rolling. Harry Potter)
  10. Apple (stepmother, A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

For a complete correct answer (name of the hero, title of the fairy tale, name of the author) - 1 point, for an incomplete answer - 0.5 points



Make up the name of a work of art from the letters. State the author's name.


For a complete correct answer - 2 points


NUMBERS in literature.

Name works of art whose titles contain numbers.

For each answer 1 point. For an incomplete answer - 0.5 points.

For example, the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, the books by J. Verne “40 Leagues Under the Sea”, “80 Days Around the World”, A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”.

Stage three.

Teams submit route sheets to the jury. Points are counted and the times for completing the stages are compared.
Teams demonstrate homework (dramatization of fables, fairy tales)
An awards ceremony is taking place.
