Short riddles about Lego for children. Remote intellectual game “Lego riddles”

Lego constructor –
best friend.
He teaches, develops
And you can do anything with him,
He's very helpful.

My dad gave me a construction set.
I asked him for a designer for a long time.
Nuts, screwdrivers, two keys, bolts -
Sometimes childhood dreams come true.
Today I'll build a fast rocket,
And I’ll go to the planet Pluto at night.
There I will build houses, schools and bridges -
These are such bright childhood dreams.
I tighten the nuts with a small wrench,
And I twist it with a screwdriver - I don’t care.
Mom shouts from the room: “Aren’t you tired?”
I feel like my childhood dreams are under threat.
“I’m not tired, mommy, I’ll go to bed soon.
I’ll just find an engine for the rocket.”
We need to plant flowers on Pluto -
These are such good childhood dreams.

Costa Lukas

One, two, three - put the parts together,
So that they become a machine.
Assemble the garage. After
Don't forget to build a house.
You can go to the very threshold
Pave another road
Select a location for the bridge -
That will be beauty!
From the constructor of this
Whatever you do, everything works!

Assemble a car, all-terrain vehicle,
Palace, rocket, steamship
And even a whole town
The Lego constructor helped us.

Here are only true friends
You can't build it from bricks!

Shatskikh T.

LEGO is a fantasy world!
A world of ideas and diversity.
Studying the diagrams in it,
It might turn out to be a house.
Or we'll build a castle
Where does the big dragon live?
He is guarding the princess
And he growls like fire at everyone.
LEGO develops hands
And it doesn’t stop us from dreaming.
And I’ll tell you about LEGO
This best game!

So that you noticeably develop
And he didn’t mark time,
So that you show your imagination,
I took the designer for you.
From it today you will build
The house is complex, if you can.
And then the car, ships,
To be surprised we could.

I don't play with toys
I collect Legos with my mom.
There will be a street with houses
And cars with ships.
Friends will come to visit us -
The game continues.
Borya future builder
Bring a crane.
Yana and Rita, please keep in mind
They will assemble the airplane.
Together we will all fly
Into an unfamiliar LEGO world!

"Lego" - smart game,
Attractive, cunning.
It's fun to play here
Build, compose, search!
I invite all my friends
Collect Lego quickly.
It's also interesting for adults:
It's good to play with Lego!

Cars, robots, animals,
Your friends, your girlfriends.
Pirates, castles and miners,
And trains, and the whole city!
Your favorite heroes -
On land, in the air, at sea.
You will open up a whole world with them -
You will go, fly, build...
And into this world - cheerful, bright,
Where are the magical gifts?
You plunge into the sea from the shore:
Welcome to the LEGO world!

There are millions of spare parts here!
We are LEGO champions!
Do you want to cheer up?
Start playing LEGO.
You can build everything from LEGO
The main thing is to include imagination
We have a LEGO constructor
You won't be bored with him
We build cars and houses
And we advise everyone to play
LEGO is beauty
We build from cubes different houses
And the car and the garage,
A house, a ship, even a school
LEGO is simply “super” class!
Now we don't run at all
We don't want it at all
Because in "super" LEGO
We play as a group!

"Poems on Lego Construction"

Melnikova V.Ya., teacher at the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Buratino"

LEGO constructor - game or

as a means for game-based learning technology.

"The direction in which a person begins

his education will determine his future..."


Poems about Lego construction

It's also interesting for adults:

"LEGO" is a smart game,

Fascinating, cunning

It's fun to play here

Build, compose, search!

I invite all my friends

Collect LEGO quickly.

It's also interesting for adults:

It's good to play LEGO!

It's good to play LEGO!

* * *

Lego is a smart game

Attractive, cunning.

It's fun to play here

Build, compose, search!

I invite all my friends

Collect Lego quickly.

It's also interesting for adults:

It's good to play with Lego!

* * *

One, two, three - add up the parts,

So that they become a machine.

Assemble the garage. After

Don't forget to build a house.

You can go to the very threshold

Pave another road

Select a location for the bridge -

That will be beauty!

From the constructor of this

Whatever you do, everything works!

* * *

LEGO is a fantasy world!

A world of ideas and diversity.

Studying the diagrams in it,

It might turn out to be a house.

Or we'll build a castle

Where does the big dragon live?

He is guarding the princess

And he growls like fire at everyone.

* * *

LEGO develops hands

And it doesn’t stop us from dreaming.

And I’ll tell you about LEGO

This is the best game!

* * *

Lego constructor –
Best friend.
He teaches, develops
And you can do anything with him,
He's very helpful.

Assemble a car, all-terrain vehicle,
Palace, rocket, steamship.
And even a whole town
The Lego constructor helped us.

Here are only true friends
You can't build it from bricks!

* * *

If you want to keep your child busy,
Buy him Lego
There are five boxes.

* * *

There are a lot of different activities at school.
We are intellectual guys.
We don’t need an inductor for the idea -
We are in love with Lego!

* * *

Cars, robots, animals,
Your friends, your girlfriends.
Pirates, castles and miners,
And trains, and the whole city!

Your favorite heroes -
On land, in the air, at sea.
You will open up a whole world with them -
You will go, fly, build...

And into this world - cheerful, bright,
Where are the magical gifts?
You plunge into the sea from the shore:
Welcome to the LEGO world!

* * *

There are millions of spare parts here!
We are LEGO champions!
Do you want to cheer up?
Start playing LEGO.
You can build everything from LEGO
The main thing is to include imagination
We have a LEGO constructor
You won't be bored with him
We build cars and houses
And we advise everyone to play
LEGO is beauty
We build different houses from cubes
And the car and the garage,
A house, a ship, even a school
LEGO is simply “super” class!
Now we don't run at all
We don't want it at all
Because in "super" LEGO
We play as a group!

* * *

Poem about a friendly robot.

No steering wheel and no tires,

But I am a relative of machines.

Even with a square head,

I'm almost like you, alive:

I stand and I walk

I can be friends with anyone who wants to.

Let a little stubborn

But I'm a very kind robot.

* * *

Once Kubik went into the forest,

I found Brick there,

Details joined hands,

They ran along the path,

And towards - hop-hop -

Ran up to friends Bar.

And Brusok asked for details:

“Have you seen Cylinder?”

The Cube turned sideways:

"I'm not familiar with Cylinder"

And Brick was surprised:

“Did he roll towards us?

Well, now it's time to go,

We need to find the Prism.

I saw her - idle

She sat with Cone

Visiting Plastin's friends

And with a diagram in hand.

* * *

“Two by two” - a strong baby,

Small brick, like a mouse.

And I also have

More authentically - with four!

There's also in the box

LEGO two-by-six brick!

And we will also find in it

“Two by eight” is the longest!

Elena Khalevina
Remote mind game"Lego Riddles"

Rules: Select the question number - click on the number, answer the question. Click on the smiley face in the lower left corner and you will be taken back to the questions slide. When you answer all the questions, click on the smiley face to end the game. You can check yourself whether you answered the questions correctly on the last slide.

1. Guess the riddle:

It is colorful and bright,

It would be a gift for everyone.

We'll build a house out of it,

And we'll collect the car!

Answer: Constructor LEGO

2 Find out the fairy tale

Answer: "3 Bears"

3 Find out the fairy tale

Answer: "Little Red Riding Hood"

4 Find out the fairy tale

Answer: "3 Little Pigs"

5 Guess the riddle:

Plastic bricks

Huge number

They are all on spikes.

Are born in the hands

Car, house, cart...

The constructor is -.

Answer: LEGO

6 What is the name of the constructor?


7 Name the detail

Answer: Red brick 2*4

8 Name the detail

Answer: Yellow brick 2*2

9 Name the detail

Answer: Construction plate

10 Name the constructor

Answer: Constructor "First mechanisms"

11 What helps the top move?

Answer: Axle and gears

12 Name the set

Answer: STEM "Robomouse"

The presentation was supposed to be attached, but apparently it didn’t load.

Publications on the topic:

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" Scenario "Intellectual game in preparatory group"What? Where? When?" (Compiled by teacher Kostyuk N.V.) Goal: generalize knowledge.

Intellectual game "Clever and wise guys" Intellectual game "Clever and wise guys." Time of the game: October 6, 2017 Location of the game: Music hall Event.

Summary of educational activities for the development of communication skills through Lego construction “Christmas tree toys for Lego residents” Summary of direct educational activities on the development of communication abilities through light construction in the preparatory school.

A yard for Lego men" Goal: Development of children's cognitive activity in the process of organizing constructive-model activities. Objectives:

Video and summary of GCD in the preparatory group for Lego construction “Lego City” Abstract of GCD in the preparatory group for Lego construction "Legocity" Educational field: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Summary of a lesson on Lego construction in the senior group “Journey to Lego City” Goal: Developing children's ability to visually model through LEGO construction sets. Objectives: Develop visual and spatial perception.

Consultation for educators “Intellectual game” What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up, so the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play.”

In the mornings and evenings
I re-read books
Bunny, elephant and... (Mishka)

Dolls Ninochka and Nastya,
Ira, Olenka and Katya
My friend and I very often
Trying on... (Dress)

It is both light and thin!
A lot of girls
And they rotate it without hands,
And they don’t drop it on the ground!(Hoop)

There are so many board games
What probably can’t be counted!
Well, me and brother Sashka
We play all day...(Checkers)

With brother Misha from him
Lots of different things
We collected in a day,
And you’re not tired at all!(Constructor)

In the youngest children
Favorite toys
Without any complications, no fuss -
Simple... (Rattles)

And Kolya is ours until the night
Plays and plays -
From different small pieces
Collects pictures.(Puzzles)

There is a cabin, a box,
The folding side on it,
Has wheels and tires
At the toy...(Cars)

Lies in the corner - and unsightly,
But it just gets up - very quickly
Suddenly it turns...(Yula)

Bears, cubes, cars
And the designers are big,
And balls and trinkets -
These are all mine...(Toys)

The baby is dancing, just one leg.(Yula)

Ask me how I work?
I'm spinning around my axis.(Top)

Two very fast horses
They carry me through the snow -
Through the meadow to the birch tree,
Two stripes are drawn.(Skis)

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You start it with the key -
The wheels will start spinning.
Place it and she will rush.(Wind-up machine)

The doll cries: "I'm old,
It's time to throw me out!"
But the hostess came:
- Wipe your tears away!

I'll save you now -
I'll take it to the workshop!
You'll be like new -
Beautiful, healthy!
You can't leave someone you love
Otherwise you won’t be happy! (Old doll)

What kind of fidget toy
Dancing, running along the trail? -
I pressed, started,
Suddenly dizzy... (Yula)

Touch me on the head
I'll spin around deftly -
Colored skirt,
I'm groovy myself!
I'm spinning around - and that's it,
What's my name? (Yula)

If you touch it, it will immediately rattle
And the baby will be surprised.
What is this bright toy?
For the baby (Beanbag)

She looks like an actress
In a beautiful silver dress,
I'll tell her a story -
She will close her eyes
Let's play - we'll sleep,
I'll put her to bed.
What a cute toy:
In the morning - daughter, in the afternoon - girlfriend? (Doll)

You hit - he doesn’t moan,
Doesn't drown in water
Colored side,
Rubber bun. (Ball)

I like to play with him:
Jump, run, catch up!
What kind of ball is jumping briskly? -
This is my favorite... (Ball)

Multi-colored bun,
He'll give you a hand
He's not afraid of pain either
Loves to jump and roll!
Who's jumping around like that? -
My cheerful round... (Ball)

I'll build a house out of them,
Pyramid, cosmodrome.
What kind of bricks are they?
Like matchboxes? (Cubes)

If you want, take a look:
I am a future builder!
As soon as I receive the task,
I will lay brick by brick
exactly at each other,
It's like there are logs in a house.
What kind of square bricks?
Colorful, neat? -
Like paints in tubes,

I'm just a rope
Small in stature
Instead of hands - two sticks,
What's my name? (Jump rope)

I'm holding on by the thread
Rainbow lantern
And I'm afraid that it will fly away
My balloon...(Balloon)

They smile at each other
They are placed one inside the other,
Wooden like spoons!
Do you know who this is? (Matryoshka dolls)

Here is a car with a long neck,
With a hooked head -
It lifts a huge load,
Move away, don't stand under him!
It has a driver like a captain.
What is this? (Crane)

Who cannot live without cargo,
Who has a huge body?
Everything you want will be taken away,
Never gets tired.
Directly on the road
The cargo will be delivered... (Truck)

What a strange car -
Isn't the tank big enough for gasoline?
There is also an inscription on the sides.
Shall we read it syllable by syllable?
Simple, delicious - “Mo-lo-ko”!
Now I know for sure -
The car is... ("dairy")

If there is a fire somewhere,
The car is rushing there quickly,
The alarm signal is given -
And the people make way!
Not cargo, not commodity,
Which one? ("Firehouse")

What kind of ambulance is it?
With a siren he rushes through the city,
Hastens to help the sick
Both old and young? ("Ambulance")

For cement and concrete -
To build a summer house, a house -
Machine with barrel stirrer
It's called... (concrete mixer)

What kind of car is this?
Covered body and cab?
She brings us fresh bread
For breakfast, dinner and lunch.
Will save you from hunger and troubles
A machine called... (Bread)

On parade and in battle
His power will show everyone:
Instead of a body - a rocket,
What kind of car is this? -
The car is extraordinary
Green -... (military)

Poems about construction toys for children - this is a selection for of different ages and desires. We have collected short works for kids and longer poems for kindergarten or primary school.

Lego constructor –
Best friend.
He teaches, develops
And you can do anything with him,
He's very helpful.

Costa Lukas
My dad gave me a construction set.
I asked him for a designer for a long time.
Nuts, screwdrivers, two keys, bolts -
Sometimes childhood dreams come true.
Today I'll build a fast rocket,
And I’ll go to the planet Pluto at night.
There I will build houses, schools and bridges -
These are such bright childhood dreams.
I tighten the nuts with a small wrench,
And I twist it with a screwdriver - I don’t care.
Mom shouts from the room: “Aren’t you tired?”
I feel like my childhood dreams are under threat.
“I’m not tired, mommy, I’ll go to bed soon.
I’ll just find an engine for the rocket.”
We need to plant flowers on Pluto -
These are such good childhood dreams.

One, two, three - put the parts together,
So that they become a machine.
Assemble the garage. After
Don't forget to build a house.
You can go to the very threshold
Pave another road
Select a location for the bridge -
That will be beauty!
From the constructor of this
Whatever you do, everything works!

Shatskikh T.
Assemble a car, all-terrain vehicle,
Palace, rocket, steamship
And even a whole town
The Lego constructor helped us.

Here are only true friends
You can't build it from bricks!

LEGO is a fantasy world!
A world of ideas and diversity.
Studying the diagrams in it,
It might turn out to be a house.
Or we'll build a castle
Where does the big dragon live?
He is guarding the princess
And he growls like fire at everyone.
LEGO develops hands
And it doesn’t stop us from dreaming.
And I’ll tell you about LEGO
This is the best game!

So that you noticeably develop
And he didn’t mark time,
So that you show your imagination,
I took the designer for you.
From it today you will build
The house is complex, if you can.
And then the car, ships,
To be surprised we could.

I don't play with toys
I collect Legos with my mom.
There will be a street with houses
And cars with ships.
Friends will come to visit us -
The game continues.
Borya future builder
Bring a crane.
Yana and Rita, please keep in mind
They will assemble the airplane.
Together we will all fly
Into an unfamiliar LEGO world!

Lego is a smart game
Attractive, cunning.
It's fun to play here
Build, compose, search!
I invite all my friends
Collect Lego quickly.
It's also interesting for adults:
It's good to play with Lego!

Cars, robots, animals,
Your friends, your girlfriends.
Pirates, castles and miners,
And trains, and the whole city!
Your favorite heroes -
On land, in the air, at sea.
You will open up a whole world with them -
You will go, fly, build...
And into this world - cheerful, bright,
Where are the magical gifts?
You plunge into the sea from the shore:
Welcome to the LEGO world!

There are millions of spare parts here!
We are LEGO champions!
Do you want to cheer up?
Start playing LEGO.
You can build everything from LEGO
The main thing is to include imagination
We have a LEGO constructor
You won't be bored with him
We build cars and houses
And we advise everyone to play
LEGO is beauty
We build different houses from cubes
And the car and the garage,
A house, a ship, even a school
LEGO is simply “super” class!
Now we don't run at all
We don't want it at all
Because in "super" LEGO
We play as a group!
