Wow teleport. Potions, Portals, and Scrolls: Making it easier to fly around Azeroth - WoW JP

Character questions "How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and back?" arise not only among new players of the game "Word of Warcraft". But even those who have long received a high level also forget the route back. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the guide and find out how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa.

What is Darnassus and where is it located?

Darnassus is one of the main cities of the capital of the night elves faction, so it is located on their starting location. That is, everyone who started playing for this race, after the tenth level, gets into Darnassus. Quests (tasks) lead there, and only through this city you can get to others. After all, the initial location is located in the north of the Kalimdor mainland, on an island in the branches of a huge tree.

In connection with this location, many players often have the question: "How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind or to another city?" After all, when you enter the capital of the night elves, it is not clear from the first time whether there is any kind of transport or teleport here.

Also sometimes high level players forget how to get back to Darnassus. The question is: why do they need it at all, because the location seems to be the initial one? As mentioned earlier, Darnassus is not just a city, it is the capital. Here are all the teachers of professions and classes, here you can learn horseback riding, buy transport in the form of saber teeth and several pets (owls and hawks). Therefore, many come back here when they accumulate gold in order to replenish their collections of vehicles and satellites.

How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind: looking for vehicles

There are no means of transportation in Darnassus itself. Therefore, in order to get into Stormwind, you need to get out of it. To do this, go to the middle of the city to big tree where the bank is located. From there head west. You will see a large pink tent. Go into it - you will be teleported to the shore of the location. Here you can already get to anywhere in the world "WWII"

WOW: how to get to Stormwind from Darnassus?

From almost any city, this can be done in four ways:

  • air transport;
  • through a magical portal;
  • on the ship;
  • at its own pace.

When you went through the tent from Darnassus to the shore, you can see three piers. And if you go a little further, you will also find

In order not to visit any other locations and immediately get to Stormwind - the main capital of the Alliance, it is recommended to use the ship. To do this, go to the end of the pier, which is located to the left of the house, located behind the portal tent. Wait for the ship, go to its deck and sail away. You will be presented with a loading screen with a dotted line indicating your route from Darnassus to Stormwind. You will sail to the port of the main capital. Therefore, you can go back in the same way.

You can also get to Stormwind by detours:

  • Get on the air transport of the flight manager and fly to the village - the next pumping location, and from there fly further and so with various transfers get to Stormwind. Such a route is useful if you plan to upgrade your character in places planned by the game itself.
  • Meet the mage in Darnassus high level and ask him to open a portal to Stormwind.
  • Join a guild and ask someone currently in Stormwind to summon you with the appropriate spell.

If you are already a high level and you have air transport, then you can independently fly over the water and land on the lands of Kalimdor, and from there fly to Stormwind.

They get back to Darnassus in the same ways that they get out of it.

What can a player who has just started his journey in World of Warcraft? When all the quests are still new, each location makes you blink your eyes in surprise, and global map leads to indescribable horror by the number of unexplored territories? So, the first dream usually becomes the acquisition of your own horse (more precisely, a mount, or mount).

What can a level 60 player dream of, who has long known all the delights of the game, dressed to the maximum, knows Azeroth so much that he can travel through it from end to end with eyes closed? Before release The Burning Crusade such a player dreamed that the addon would someday come out. Now such gamers, just like beginners, are exploring new territories, running headlong on fresh quests and... want to buy flying mount.

No matter how far apart the newcomer and old-timer of WoW are, they will definitely agree on one thing: it’s somehow very sad to conquer the vast territories of the game on your own two feet. Mounts, public transport system, return stones, teleports and summoning... Today we will try to summarize everything that can help novice players get themselves from point A to point B with the greatest comfort, and their more experienced brothers - to discover a few curious and not the most obvious facts about the WoW menagerie and logistics.

Fly planes...

As in real world, all transport in the game is divided into two large categories: public and private. And no matter how much you love your horse, but in order to move from one continent to another, you will have to use a ship (by sea) or a zeppelin (by air). This transport is free, and it doesn't require opening destinations, so anyone can use it. The only negative is that boats (both sea and air) run strictly on schedule and sometimes you have to wait for them. However, there are no traffic jams or drunk drivers here, so the interval of five minutes is maintained very strictly.

Each continent also has its own movement system: in every city and many villages there are "flight points". But in order to use them, you need, firstly, to know the place where you are flying (that is, you will first have to run around the world and discover all these “flyers”), and secondly, pay the carrier. For the Horde, bats and wyverns act as air taxis, for the Alliance, hippogriffs and gryphons. Accordingly, opposing factions cannot fly each other's airways; there will always be two flymasters in any neutral city, one each for the Horde and the Alliance. By the way, we immediately note that when a PvP raid on the town of the opposite faction takes place, one of the main achievements is the murder of the local master of flights.

Public transport in WoW is convenient, very fast and inexpensive: even a trip from end to end in the Outlands will cost less than half a gold piece, which for a player who has reached the level required for these lands, mere pennies. On the other hand, there is something to criticize the transport system for: say, you cannot (as in the same Ever Quest 2 and some other games) jump from the bird exactly to the point that is needed; in addition, there is virtually no teleportation system here (with the exception of Shattrath City in the Outlands).

The only teleport available to everyone and everyone is the so-called “return stone”, which can be “attached” to a tavern in the selected town, so that it becomes possible once an hour to instantly move from anywhere in the game to this very city.

It is not surprising that virtually all classes in the game envy mages who can open a teleport to friendly capitals (plus everything in the same Shattrath City) at will. Mages, in turn, envy warlocks, who can, with the help of two players, transfer (summon) any member of the party to themselves.

Players have long tried to come up with ways to quickly jump from one location to another, and Blizzard both helped and hindered them. On the one hand, the game is drawn so beautifully and with such taste (let's bow again to Blizzard's vice president of game design, Rob Pardo!), that during a ten-minute flight around it, turning the camera and staring around is a pleasure. But on the other hand, sometimes (in particular, when you are late to buy some mega-necessary thing from the auction) it becomes no longer up to admiring the beauties - it would be faster to get there.

Cunning players have long learned to use some features of the game, let's say, not quite for their intended purpose. For example, you need to quickly jump to the capital, and the standard methods are either too slow or unavailable ("return stone" is recharged or assigned to another city, and there is no mage in the party). In this case, you can ask any person you know (or even unfamiliar) who is in the right city to take you into a group and put you in line for the battleground. The invitation usually comes within a few seconds, after which we leave the arena and find ourselves ... where the leader put you, that is, in the capital.

Another method appeared relatively recently, when the system for finding a group in an instance was replenished with the ability to drag any member of the party to this instance. You will have to find two people who are in the right location, ask them to approach the summoning stone near any local cave - and instant teleport is provided. Another thing is that it may take more time to search for these two and negotiate regarding your requests than if you gave up on everything and set off on your own.

Before the release of the addon, the game world was one. It was called Azeroth(Azeroth) and was divided into two large continents - Kalimdor And Eastern kingdoms. With the release of the addon, there were two worlds - added outlands, or the Outlands. Strictly speaking, the Outlands is not a whole world, but just a piece of the shattered planet Draenor, the historical homeland of orcs, draenei and some other races. The standard way to travel between worlds is the Dark Portal ( Dark Portal, located in the Blasted Lands location, coordinates 57,55).

Getting to the Outlands through the portal is not very convenient, but getting out of there to "civilized" places is very easy: in the city Shattrath City(location Terrokar Forest, coordinates 30, 23) there are portals to all world capitals. Thus, when studying the Outer Lands, it is most advantageous to tie the "stone of return" to this city - so you will always have the opportunity to quickly jump to another world, and if necessary, immediately return to your "homeland". True, the stone is recharged for an hour of real time and this imposes some restrictions.

Ferrari, Jaguar, Cadillac and others

Public transport and instant travel are only needed to quickly cover long distances, but when it comes to traveling in a specific area, local ways to speed up travel come to the fore.

First of all, we note that some classes in the game have their own acceleration bonuses. The same robber can briefly turn on the sprint, and the magician can jump forward a couple of tens of meters. The druids were the luckiest of all: in the form of a beast, they could run much faster than other characters before, and with the release of The Burning Crusade they also received a “flying form” and now proudly saunter around the game world, looking down on other born crawlers.

But with all this, nothing in the game can compare with your own mount. The rogue isn't trained to run for long, the mage can't use his jump often, and the druidic flying form certainly looks good and helps to overcome obstacles that are impassable for other players, but does not provide that much increase in speed.

Novice players should immediately remember a few simple things. Each race has its own signature mount. For example, people ride horses, orcs ride wolves, trolls ride raptors, blood elves ride haukstriders (such fighting ostriches of absolutely acid colors), and so on. All creatures are divided into ordinary (give an increase in speed by 60%) and elite (add 100% speed and look much more impressive).

Swift Zulian Tiger

Before the release of The Burning Crusade, there were only ground mounts in the game, now flying mounts have appeared. There are only two types of them - griffin for all races of the Alliance, windrider - for the Horde. They are divided in the same way into ordinary and elite ones, however, with a very significant difference in speed: an ordinary flying mount gives an increase of 60%, but an elite one - already 280%. In fact, this means that the player can get a bird at his personal disposal, which is quite capable of competing with the local "public transport". But, alas, you can fly on griffins and windriders only in the Outlands - these animals categorically do not want to move to the world of Azeroth.

The player can acquire the first mount in his life at level 40, at level 60 it becomes possible to ride an epic beast, and at level 70 - to get his hands on a winged one. Prices for mounts are very biting; omitting the details, let's say that the minimum that a regular horse will cost you is a little less than 100 gold, and the maximum (for a flying epic) is about 5000. There are two classes of lucky people in the game who get their mounts virtually for free - paladins and warlocks. True, at level 60 they have to go through a very difficult quest for the sake of an epic horse, but they can rightfully boast of a very special, unlike other mount.

Qiraji Battle Tank

However, other classes are also unlikely to feel strongly deprived. In WoW, in addition to the usual rideable creatures, there are still a sufficient number rare specimens, however, for them it is necessary to hunt very diligently. But what can you do if you want to stand out from the mass of your own kind? Here are the most striking examples.

deathcharger. Even before the connection of The Burning Crusade, many players managed to run into the Stratholme instance to the point of complete stupefaction, trying to take away his signature horse from the Baron Rivendare. And what kind of speculation was there about the chance of it falling out! It was believed that the knight falls only when the entire party consists of players with Exalted reputation in Undercity and that the Baron must be beaten in a strictly defined way. In general, dances with a tambourine around this boss were held almost every day, but the site’s dry statistics Thottbot. Com indicates that the chance of a Rivendale horse dropping is 0.1%. It seems that if there are any ways to increase this chance, then the players have not yet found them. In terms of exterior and ride quality, this horse almost does not differ from the epic mount of the undead.

Swift Zulian Tiger. A very stylish tiger, which is obtained in the Zul'Gurub raid instance (boss codenamed Tiger, real name is High Priest Thekal). At one time, the sixties were ready to give hundreds of dkp for the possession of this mount (read more about the dkp system in the article " How to dress yourself in World of Warcraft" in the last issue of "Igromaniya"). The chance of its loss is still the same unfortunate 0.1%, in appearance and in fact this tiger is similar to the epic mount of the elves, but in a unique coloring.

In the same Zul'Gurub, you can get another interesting beast - Swift Razzashi Raptor, which is a kind of original version of the epic troll mount (drop from the Bloodlord Mandokir boss, about 0.6% chance). However, the raptor as a mount is not very convenient - it has a very specific, somewhat jerky run, and after the smooth running of other animals, riding a raptor, no matter how fancy it may be, can become not a pleasure, but a complete headache.

Qiraji Battle Tank. A unique mount of its kind (or rather, an insect), which can be used exclusively in the Temple of Ahn "Qiraj instance. It is knocked out in an instance or given as a quest reward. Some sites have a long (and insanely difficult) chain of quests that need to be completed , so that you can use this mount anywhere in the game, but there is no word on the official WoW website that this possibility even exists.

Riding Turtle. This is not a mount, but just a bonus for fun. This turtle adds exactly zero speed and is given as a reward to those who use the WoW Trading Card.

Swift Nether Drake

Swift Nether Drake. Take off your hats, gentlemen. Here is the most powerful and rarest WoW mount. At the time of this writing, there were no owners of these dragons in the game at all, on any server. The thing is that this flying monster is given as a reward to each member of the team, which at the end of the season will be the best in the arena. In fact, this is an incredibly beautiful jet aircraft that increases speed by 310%. Players are already debating whether such a beast will be offered as a reward for increasing reputation with the Netherwing faction, but Blizzard has remained meaningfully silent for now. Most likely, even if such an opportunity is given, it will appear no earlier than when a couple of hundreds of such animals appear on each server, hard-earned in PvP battles.

If you want to get a mount that is very different from your boring four-legged (or winged) friend, consider the following. A representative of any race can ride a mount given as a reward for a quest or knocked out as a drop. But in order to saddle a purchased unusual horse (these are also found in nature, though quite rarely) or a mount of another race, you will have to learn the appropriate skill. And it is impossible to learn it otherwise than by getting the Exalted reputation with its “native” race (we have already written in detail about the reputation system).

For example, there is such a unique mount as Winterspring Frostsaber- a snow-white tiger, which any representative of the Alliance can buy in Winterspring. But only elves will be able to immediately saddle it, for whom riding a tiger is their own riding skill. Dwarves, humans, and other draenei run the risk of dooming themselves to a couple of months of grueling reputation boosting with the elf capital as well.

Nevertheless, on any server there is a sufficient number of players showing off on unique "non-native" animals. Sometimes this is the result of daily trips to instances, sometimes it is a reward for endless farming, sometimes it is an indicator that a person begins to invest not only his time, but also quite real money in the game. And sometimes it's just luck and the ability to be in right place at the right time.

Winterspring Frostsaber

Do you know that...
  • Between the two capitals of the Alliance - Stormwind and Ironforge - is laid Railway Basically a subway.
  • Initially, it was impossible to specify the end point of the flight in the game and all transfers had to be done “manually”.
  • Blizzard introduced a system for marking linked flight points after they saw it in one of their homemade addons, but the calculation of the flight time was never connected.
  • There are a huge number of cheats and tricks that allow you to speed up the character - both the standard speed hack and more exotic methods such as launching a snowball after a flying griffin. But if you are probably banned for a speedhack, then the snowball was long enough until it was covered by one of the patches.
  • Birds used to move between cities are never attacked, while your own flying mount can easily knock you down.
  • You cannot mount a mount on zeppelins, but there are several dead spots where this restriction does not apply.
  • The most expensive way, used only in critical situations (with lack of time), to get out of some point very far from civilization is to die and be reborn in a cemetery. Some players have learned to bypass the respawn fee system and have been severely punished by Blizzard with a lifetime ban.
  • The official Blizzard website has interactive maps, showing all Alliance and Horde travel routes (

* * *

If before the release of The Burning Crusade in the “garage” of a medium-packed high-level player one could find two, less often three mounts (one’s own epic, a battleground mount, sometimes a “Rivendale horse” or a “Kurai battle tank”), now everyone who wants enjoy hi-end content to the maximum, can add a flying mount to the collection, the “Nagrand war goat” (yes, there are some) and quietly dream about that very dragon.

Surprisingly, Blizzard seems to know some terrible secret that makes players dream about mounts as much as about buying a fancy foreign car. And therefore, players often forgive them for not the most convenient transport network, the lack of teleports, and look through their fingers at the ship that has just left from under their noses. They know that at any moment they can mount a horse (or not quite a horse) - and the world will fall under their feet. Even the restriction on the use of flying mounts only in the Outlands does not stop them from spending crazy sums on the purchase. Why? Blizzard knows. But they will never tell, because this is one of the questions worth hundreds of millions of dollars and almost 10 million players.

Of course World of Warcraft is huge, but even it has its limits. Every day, players need to move between dozens of locations, but if you constantly run on your own, it will take an insane amount of time. However, players up to level 20 will have to move on their own two, but they don’t need more, because everything will be nearby, however, after reaching level 20 you can already increase your speed by 60% by buying a horse. The exception is the druid, who in the form of a cheetah runs at + 40%. Upon reaching level 40, your speed will increase by 100%, from normal. As your character grows, so will his choice of vehicles. At level 60, you will be able to purchase a flying hippogryph, which grants +150% speed. At level 80 - 280%. The fastest class is the paladin, which not only has a speed increase aura, but can also upgrade special passive talents. However, to cross all the content in a couple of tens of minutes, it will take a very long time.

The most common way to travel within the continent is flights for a certain number of silver coins. However, the minus of such a movement is only at the beginning of the game, because in order to fly, you will first have to open a flight. This isn't much of a problem because all you have to do is talk to the flight master at new location and a new point is added to your list.

Larger vehicles are used for flights between continents. Each faction has its own. The Alliance likes to use ships, and the Horde is famous for their airships. With these vehicles, you will be able to get to Northskoll. But how to get to Outland? To do this, there is a special dark portal, which is located in the Blasted Lands. You can get to the Blasted Lands both on your own and through a portal in one of your capitals.

But these difficulties do not affect mages at all, who can create portals both to their capitals and to small villages. Some can even earn in this way, because what prevents you from opening a portal for someone, while spending 40 silver on an ingredient, and earning 10 gold? Even for this, it is already worth trying out the magician.

For those who are not able to open portals, the ability to use stones of return is available. This is very useful, but there is a huge disadvantage, which is the recharge of the stone. Usually return stones are placed on the capitals or those places where you visit most often.

In addition to other methods, you can also use small tricks. Scribes can make scrolls, but only they can use them. Alchemists in Cataclysm have learned how to make dungeon potions that teleport directly to the dungeon of Orgrimmar or Stormwind capitals, which is very useful. These potions have a cooldown of 1 minute. There is also a Kirin Tor ring that teleports you to Dalaran, and, accordingly, from Dalaran you can go anywhere. But there is one minus of the ring - a long recharge and a very large amount of money that will have to be put up for the ring. There are also class skills, for example, the Shaman, which work like a stone of return.

Of the group movements, it is worth noting the guild bonus “All Here”. This is only available to Cataclysm players. This ability will move all party or raid members to the summoner.

In general, you can move by any means, but you just need to know the ways that you, over time, will learn everything!

→ Vehicles in World of Warcraft

What do you think takes the most time in the game? What does your character do most of the time? That's right, it's moving. The newly created character runs on his own two, and at the twentieth level he can already transfer to transport in world of warcraft. With the help of mounts you will move much faster. There are different mounts, and each race has its own, but any character can collect everything. There is a helicopter and a motorcycle in world of warcraft. Engineers make these vehicles, but any player can buy and use a motorcycle. There are also portals in wow, through which you can teleport from one city to another. As you can see, travel wow game Can different ways. Let's consider everything in more detail.

What kind of transport exists in world of warcraft

In the game, you can move around on a mount, airship, through wow portals and on foot. Walk slowly, but until level 20 you have no choice. There are flights located in any locality. They help save time. They mainly use vehicles in the form of mounts to move around the expanses of wow. At level 40, it becomes possible to transfer to a faster mount, and at level 60 you can buy an air vehicle. Flying is much faster than moving on the ground, so much less time will be spent on quests. Flying mounts can also run on the ground, but at any moment you will easily take to the air.

Unique vehicles

In wow, transport in the form of unique mounts is not easy to buy. To do this, you will either have to fork out, or be like raids. Moreover, for example, in a raid for 25 people, another 24 players will apply for a rare mount. But there are mounts that drop from heroic bosses, although they have a small chance of dropping.

A variety of vehicles can be obtained for reputation and achievements. For example, the Dark Phoenix can be obtained from the Glory of the Cataclysm Raider achievement, while the Netherwing Dragon can only be obtained after reaching maximum reputation with the Netherwing faction.

There are plenty of unique mounts in the game. For example, in world of warcraft you can buy a helicopter or make it yourself if you have the Engineering profession. You can buy a large mount, which will be able to ride friends. If you own a motorcycle, then you can easily ride one partner in a sidecar.

Very rare mounts

There are vehicles that are very rare to find in anyone in the game. If a helicopter is made by an engineer in World of Warcraft, then you can get rare mounts only for entering a loot code. For example, the well-known Spectral Tiger comes across in one of the approximately 500 decks of the collection. playing cards"Fires of Outland". This will require spending a large number of real money. Now you understand why such rare mounts are not often found in the open spaces of the wow world? Riding Turtle, Great War Bear, Spotted Riding Dragon, Savage Raptor and other similar mounts are also found only in playing cards.

Professions and vehicles

Some professions allow you to craft vehicles, and only those characters who have this profession can use them. For example, in wow, the helicopter, which has already been described above, can only be created and flown by engineers. The flying carpet is only available for taylors.

Travel to wow through the portal

You can move between some cities in the game through portals. Outwardly, they look like a sparkling egg. These portals are located in some cities, but there is one class that can make them anywhere - this is the magician. Mages can make portals to any capital, but for this you will have to be in the same group with him. Otherwise, you won't be able to use the mage's wow portal.

Potions, Portals and Scrolls: Making it easier to fly around Azeroth 09.02.2012

Azeroth is big. This is true for those who are not yet high enough or not rich enough to mount. Even on a mount, it will take you a long time to get from point A to point B, but this path can almost always be shortened. There are many ways to do this.

We all know about ships and airships, flight points. But we should also note that the shortest path between two points is not necessarily a straight line. For example, a Horde player without a Return Stone wants to run from Silithus to Orgrimmar. However, he can use the Potion of the Underdark and take the portal to Orgrimmar from there. There is a way without the potion. You can quickly get to the south of Un "Goro Crater and go to Sholazar Basin, from there to Warsong Hold, and then by airship to Orgrimmar. It's still faster than flying directly.

But this is only a small part of the options. In principle, a level 85 player with a normal imagination could well figure out how to shorten their journey.

Abilities by class

Many classes can teleport or increase their movement speed to reduce travel time.

Note that Warlocks and Mages can move more than just themselves.

  • Death Knight The Gate of Death can help you get to Acherus, where you can take a flight to anywhere in the Eastern Kingdoms.
  • Druid Teleport: Moonglade will give you the ability to travel to Moonglade. Druids also have access to free flights to Darnassus (Alliance) and Thunder Bluff (Horde). Walking Form also counts as an increase in movement speed.
  • Hunter Spirit of the Cheetah can increase your movement speed by 30%, and Spirit of the Pack can increase the movement speed of the whole group.
  • Mage Oh yes - this class is ideal for those who do not like to wait and prefer to quickly get from one point to another. You can fly to any major city in your faction (Stormwind, Ironforge, Darnassus and Exodar for the Alliance; Orgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder Bluff and Silvermoon City for the Horde). He can also teleport to less important cities like Theramore (Alliance) and Stonenor (Horde). Also to neutral cities: Shattrath City and Dalaran. Plus, in a not so neutral city like Tol Barad. Not bad, but the mage can teleport other players as well. Each teleportation requires a Teleportation Rune, each portal requires a Portal Rune, which can be easily bought from reagent vendors. If you want to ask a mage for a portal, it would be polite to buy the rune yourself. If you are a magician, have upgraded your engineering, you have learned all the portals and you have chosen one of the methods proposed in the article, you may well be anywhere in Azeroth within, say, 2 minutes.
  • Paladin While paladins have Crusader Aura, they don't have instant travel abilities at all.
  • Priest does not have the ability to increase movement speed and own movement, but you can be a wretch and use Zeal. Although it's better not to.
  • Rogue Rogues have no ability to increase movement speed, except for Sprint. Although, with a bit of imagination, you could even use Shadowstep.
  • Shaman Astral Return will return you to the Stone of Return, but this ability has a shorter cooldown of 15 minutes. You can reduce this time to 7.5 minutes by using the Glyph of Astral Return. Ghost Wolf can also be used to increase movement speed.
  • Warlocks can help people by creating a summoning portal with the Ritual of Summoning. This portal (if you have 2 other people nearby) can call people in the raid/group to this portal. The ability is available at level 42. However, warlocks cannot increase their movement speed and instantly move anywhere using their abilities.
  • Warrior does not have any ability to increase movement speed. I think you probably don't want to use Intercept. I wouldn't use Heroic Leap as a Pseudo Blink either.

Attachments, tabards and armor

These things need to be knocked out / bought / mined, however, it would not hurt you to have a couple of such items in your backpack.

  • Argent Knight's Tabard gives you the opportunity to go to the Stadium of the Silver Tournament. Cooldown - 30 minutes. True, in order to get it, you need to earn 50 champion seals, which takes time.
  • Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian allows you to create a portal to Karazhan with almost no cooldown. Very few people have it. I would like the staff, or at least its model, to be returned to the game.
  • Tabard of the Defenders of Tol Barad (A) / Tabard of Hellscream's Battalion (O). To get capes, you will need to build up some reputation. It does not take a lot of time. This cape teleports you to Tol Barad on a 4 hour cooldown. From there you can take a teleport to Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
  • Blessed Medallion of Karabor can teleport you to a location outside the Black Temple. A very important item if you need to visit Outland. However, to obtain this item, you will have to complete a long quest chain that ends with the killing of Illidan.
  • Booty Bay Boots can be won for the Kaluak Fish Race. The cooldown is quite high, but it the only way reach the southern part of the Eastern Kingdoms without the Return Stone.
  • Hudovar control panel. This item is obtained from the Barrel Treasure Chest, which can only be obtained once per day during the Brewfest. The device will take you and your party to the Grim Glutton, a bar in Blackrock Depths.
  • Jaina's Medallion can only be obtained if you killed the Lich King with a person who has Darkmourne. You will be able to get an Unsealed Chest. You will turn in the quest and receive an item that can create a portal to Dalaran with a 1 hour cooldown.
  • Potion of the Underdark Such a potion can be created by an alchemist with a skill of 525, but anyone can use it. This potion will take you to the Deepholm, which has portals to Stormwind City and Orgrimmar.
  • Ring of the Kirin Tor I did not post links to all 4 rings, I just left a link to the achievement, which shows all the rings. Even with Exalted reputation, these rings will cost you 6800, so it's not a very cheap purchase. From Dalaran, you can travel to all major faction cities, including Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
  • Cape of Cooperation (Alliance/Horde), Cloak of Unity (Alliance/Horde), Cloak of Cooperation (Alliance/Horde). You need to get Revered in your guild before you can buy these capes from your guild quartermaster.

One way portals

The obvious disadvantage of these portals is that you cannot go back through the same portal. Make sure you go where you want to, because WoW doesn't have a save button.

  • From major cities to the Blasted Lands. I'm surprised I almost forgot about those portals. They help to get to Outland pretty quickly, because the Dark Portal is located in the Blasted Lands.
  • From Shattrath to Tanaris. This is not a portal, but rather a Bronze dragon in human form named Zephyr in Shattrath that will send you to the Caverns of Time.
  • From Shattrath City to the Isle of Quel'Danas. This teleport can be taken in the northwestern part of the central building of Shattrath (where it stands ... more precisely, A "dal levitates). You will be taken to the top of the Sanctuary of the Sunny Land, from where you can take a flight to anywhere in the Eastern Kingdoms. You may well take the task, which will take you back to Shattrath City.
  • From Dalaran to Tanaris. This is another teleport that will send you to the entrance to the Caverns of Time, but in this case it's a portal, not an NPC. You will find a teleport in a building in the southwest of the city. Up the stairs and to the left.
  • From Stormwind/Orgrimmar to Vashj'ir
  • From Stormwind/Orgrimmar to Uldum is in the circle of shamans in both cities. There is no return portal.

Round-trip portals

Although they are rare, they do occur. You can go back if you accidentally teleported.

  • Crater Un "Goro - Sholazar Basin. If I remember correctly, this portal becomes available after it is activated by one of Pilot Vic's quests. The quest chain starts with the quest Force of Nature. Once the portal is activated, you can use it forever.
  • Darnassus - Exodar. It is only for the Alliance and allows you to move between these two cities without difficulty.
  • Stormwind/Orgrimmar - Deepholm. In principle, this is not a round-trip portal, but rather 2 sets of portals in opposite directions.
  • Stormwind/Orgrimmar - Hyjal. The portal is located in the same place as the portals to Vashj "ir and Uldum. In the circle of shamans. Portals back are located along different sides buildings where you spawn.
  • Stormwind/Orgrimmar - Twilight Highlands. The same portal as in Hyjal. Located there.
  • Tol Barad - Stormwind/Orgrimmar. Each faction has portals in Tol Barad, allowing them to travel to their cities.

Opportunities for mobility in professions
