Kill people with zombies. Free zombie games

Killing zombies is perhaps the most effective and accessible method to calm them down and save yourself and the whole world from their smelly, unpleasant and very dangerous effects. Zombies are not shy about their actions and if not you, they will kill you first...

In many games of the genre, you have to directly kill zombies by shooting them with a shotgun, a cannon, or cutting them with a katana; in others, in order to kill the risen dead, you have to crush them with cars. There are games where all kinds of traps are set for zombies.

Play games to kill zombies

We have put together for you, without exaggeration, a huge collection of “zombie killing games” that you can play completely free on our website without registration or installation. Let's be honest, it wasn't difficult to collect them, because it's very rare in zombie games that you don't have to kill them...

Kill zombies in games and don’t let them meet you in life, and if something happens, you will already learn how to do this and will not become their easy victim. Tell your friends about the zombie killing games on our website and do it together. We are always glad to see our players!

"Shaun of the Dead": zombies can be tamed

"28 Weeks Later": Zombies in Quarantine

Actually, in the strict sense of this magical word, which came to us from dark African cults, “zombie” means a completely alive person, only one who has completely lost control over himself and obeys someone else’s orders. However, popular culture has changed everything in its own way, and today, when we say “zombie,” we more often mean a very sleep-deprived colleague who looks like a reanimated corpse.

According to “modern ideas,” such zombies feed exclusively on flesh (not necessarily fresh, preferably human), tearing it with their teeth and hands, and everyone bitten by a zombie dies and rises again, becoming another zombie. At the same time, they have exceptional strength and equally exceptional slowness, inhibition of all reactions and dullness. As a rule, zombies, being already dead, easily endure the most severe wounds; they don’t even care about an “anti-vampire” blow to the heart. Except for direct brain damage or complete separation of the head. In general, the picture is well known.

The same popular culture has taught us to humbly accept the fact that in the event of a “real” attack by real zombies, only a couple of people who accidentally escaped will survive. However, Canadian mathematicians brought this to a rigorous scientific apparatus and found a way to escape. The main thing is to “hit often and hard.”

In fact, the zombie attack study was part of a much larger and completely serious study, in which Robert Smith? (that’s right - Robert Smith? - in a number of countries, for example, in Australia, where Mr. Smith is from?, last names can end with a question mark) and his colleagues built mathematical models of various ways and patterns of the spread of infectious diseases, as well as ways to counter them. A by-product is that we now know what to do in the event of a zombie attack.

The authors of the work write: “A zombie attack would, apparently, inevitably be fatal for everyone, unless exclusively aggressive tactics are used against them. We must act quickly, otherwise we will all be in serious trouble." However, they further admit: “Obviously, if we take this literally, such events are extremely unlikely. However, the research has roots in real life, and its results can be used to assess loyalty to political parties, or for cases of the spread of latent infections." However, we are much more interested in zombies.

It is worth emphasizing once again that for their model, Canadian scientists used precisely modern popular ideas about what zombies are and how their “infection” spreads. Among other things, this means that they can be effectively isolated in quarantine ("28 Weeks Later"), recovery occurs in extremely rare cases ("Back from the Dead"), and sometimes it is even possible for "taming" and completely peaceful coexistence of zombies and people ("Shaun of the Dead") - all these possibilities were taken into account. Despite all this, mathematical modeling showed that there is only one real path to salvation - the total extermination of the living dead: only continuous and frequent attacks, with an ever-increasing onslaught, will lead to the eradication of the “infection.”

In a word, humanity towards zombies is unnecessary. Otherwise, according to the authors, their attack will be the last day of humanity, resulting not only in the collapse of civilization, but also in the complete destruction of people: every single one of them will be “infected” or devoured. How fast? Mathematics gives the answer - and a very pessimistic one.

The first illustration on the left shows the distribution diagram of such an “infection”: S means normal people, R means dead people, Z means zombies, of course. An ordinary person can easily fall into category Z or R, and from R, too, will soon end up as Z. There is no way back: this scheme works in one direction, and works very effectively. According to Canadian calculations, if a zombie infection begins in a city with a population of 500 thousand, after 3 days the number of zombies will exceed the number of normal people. In this case, only one piece of advice is given: have no mercy. It turns out that mathematicians are not at all such defenseless pacifists as is commonly believed!

Of course, zombie games are popular like no other. Among all the terrible and dangerous monsters zombies are most famous around the world. They gladly take on the roles of monsters in horror films, scary stories and books, as well as video games. Why? There are many associated with them interesting stories and thanks to this you can have a lot of fun while playing the game. And you may not have any fun! Still, remember that a zombie is just a character from the game. Who are zombies and what are they afraid of? We are used to calling zombies the creepy dead who are only thinking about what they can get enough of. The brain of these guys does not work completely, only the part of it that is responsible for saturation functions. They perform only those actions that allow them to fill their belly faster. From numerous films produced by Hollywood and beyond, it is known that the walking dead are quite slow and not smart. Therefore, it will be easy to fight them; the only danger is their number. They can either saturate the human body or simply damage it, thereby dooming it to an endless stay in the “living dead” state. Therefore, you need to beware of zombie bites and scratches made by nails and teeth, if you do not want to become one of them.

Kill Zombie Games

Zombies cannot always be killed with a shot or a simple blow. Sometimes you need something a little heavier. For example, try to shoot down a heavier object with a bullet; if it falls on the dead man, then he is probably finished. Also, the dead love the dark more, and some games are based on the fact that characters go out to eat someone at night. Then you have super powerful weapon- daylight. IN different games exist different ways fighting zombies. In addition, there are two options for the development of events: the player is hiding from the zombies, or the zombies themselves are running away from the terrible hunter. Online zombie games of the latter option are in the minority, but everyone is accustomed to the first option, it is a classic. Depending on the situation, the player receives the necessary set of tools for self-defense or for exterminating zombies. What types of games are there about zombies? As has already been said, there are games in which a person hunts for zombies, purposefully tracking them down and exterminating them, and there are those where the player’s task is to stay alive. There is also an option to assign a role walking dead the player himself, his task is to stay alive, not to fall into the hands of a human zombie killer, and, if possible, to eat someone and increase the number of associates. But there are also few games of this type; users prefer to disperse with monsters than to turn into them. There are zombie games for two. They are very popular, since the partner in one case and the enemy in the other are alive. As it became clear, there are two ways to play a zombie game together: ? you and the second player are opponents; ? you and the second player are partners. In both cases, the game becomes more interesting because it does not contain programmed actions, the players are alive and use their mental abilities. Rise of the Zombies feels richer and more realistic as both players experience virtual world and become part of it. The actions and behavior of the players cannot be predicted; the outcome of the game depends on them.

A variety of zombie games online

As for the themes of games about zombies, they are full of variety. Games with zombies in the depths of the sea deserve special attention. There, creatures from the underworld protect sunken ships with treasures from those who want to get rich, and also do other things. Such games are especially interesting for lovers of sea mysteries. Besides marine theme, there are still a huge number of games, the locations of which are abandoned areas, cities after the apocalypse or natural disaster, etc. The meaning depends on the chosen genre: you can play an adventure game or a strategy game, where you need to think logically and make mental efforts to complete the levels, you can choose a battle, a shooter, where the main goal is not only to remain safe and sound, but also to destroy as many opponents as possible, what zombies are. Play zombies online Zombie games are popular with both children and adults. Depending on the genre and quality of the game, there are both young fans and older players. Free games zombies attract, first of all, those who are interested in the world of the dead. But if the graphics and design of the game as a whole are decent, then it will have fans among skeptics, skeptical gamers who will appreciate the level. This is often how zombie games are presented. The developers do not have the goal of scaring off the player (most often), it is always in his interests to intrigue him and organize a thrill.

The question of how to kill zombies is understood differently by all people. Most remember the content of horror films or novels about the “living dead”. A little less people associate zombies with online games or other forms of similar entertainment. Accordingly, they remember how zombies are destroyed in accordance with the plots of games, films, and books. And very few people think about what a zombie is in the first place.

Where did this name come from?

The word appeared in Russian from English. The British pronounced zombie when talking about the "living dead". But they themselves borrowed this name from the Creole colloquial dialect that developed on the island of Haiti. True, the Haitians pronounced it a little differently - zonbi. But the Creole dialect only borrowed this word from the Kimbundu language or the northern variety of Mbundu.

The Kimbundu language is spoken in several provinces of Angola, along the coasts of the Congo and in Zambia. This is the native language of the Ambundu people or, as these people are also called, the Northern Mbundu, Mbuni, Bambuun. Whether the word “zombie” is native to this language or also borrowed is unknown to linguists. In the Kimbundu language the word is nzumbe.

What is it originally?

Before you kill a zombie, no matter what exactly it's about - game character, a literary hero, or about other options, it would be nice to know what it is. In the perception of most people, the term “zombie” is firmly associated with religious or cult rituals of voodoo. More precisely, only two words are connected, since few people can answer the question of what a zombie is without remembering the content of Hollywood films.

Initially, the term “zombie” was understood as the state of a person who did not belong to the world of the living, but was not dead either. It was a body devoid of soul and mind, but with amazing physical strength, endurance and often amazing obedience.

These are the first ideas of Europeans about this phenomenon. They were formed largely thanks to the notes that William Seabrook, a well-known journalist writing for the New York Times, shared with readers in his book “Island of Magic.” The journalist spent some time in Haiti, studying local customs, including religious rituals.

However, the history of zombies as a cultural phenomenon is much older than what the correspondent in Haiti saw. And, of course, the purpose of creating zombies was not at all to work on the cane plantations in the southern part of America. The concept of “zombies” penetrated into Western lands along with Africans brought by slave traders who professed completely different beliefs. Representatives of Western civilization, without much thought, still call a set of these superstitions the general term “voodoo.”

Many historians suggest that the word "zombie" had another meaning. The term is associated with a huge serpent, which was the embodiment of darkness itself and opposed to sunlight. In Western cults related to Voodooism, this serpent was called nzumbe. According to one version, sorcerers or simply clergymen performed the ritual of zombification as punishment or punishment for any crimes against the snake, revered as one of the deities. The purpose of the ritual was to deprive a person of his individuality. What was left of the punished served the cult of the serpent for the rest of his life.

What do they call it now?

Currently, the term "zombie" refers to a character popular culture, which is an archetype. But in addition to the perception of zombies as the “living dead” wandering on movie screens or in virtual reality, there are other meanings.

This is what they call people who are under strong influence. For example, sectarians, simply religious fanatics, or people who are infinitely devoted to a certain idea, who blindly believe in something. In other words, the term "zombie" is used to refer to the psychological state of a person possessed by something. The name is also used in the scientific community: philosophy, neuroprogramming. Since 2001, carnival parades called “zombie mobs” have been held around the world. These are costume parades dedicated to revealing the theme of the “living dead” in modern culture.

How to kill them?

Paradoxically, the question of how to kill zombies was at one time dealt with at the headquarters of the Strategic Command of the US Armed Forces. As a result of this, a plan was born, called CONOP 8888. What exactly it says is still a mystery, since the list of actions is mandatory for senior officer ranks. That is, the leadership of the US Army knows exactly how to resist the zombie apocalypse, no matter how ridiculous it may sound. The public only knows about this plan that it exists, and information about the list of necessary actions came directly from military press secretaries. Accordingly, the US military is truly capable of destroying zombies.

The rest of the people will have to be content with knowledge from films, books, games or African legends. According to legends and African tales, zombies are completely devoid of sensitivity. That is, scenes from films in which the arms or legs of a “living” dead man are sawed off, but he does not even wince and continues to pursue the victim, do not at all contradict African ideas.

Based on this, it is possible to destroy the living dead only by depriving him of his control nerve node, in other words, his head. It doesn't have to be cut off. You can crush your head with any available object: a bat, a hammer, a sledgehammer, even a paperweight from the table is quite suitable. The goal is irreparable brain damage. Only this can destroy zombies.

If we perceive zombification as a change in the functioning of parts of the brain, then only shutting down the organ can stop the “living dead”. For example, many crazy people have monstrous physical strength, do not feel pain at all, and are completely devoid of intelligence. Quite similar to zombie behavior.

Having understood how to destroy the “living dead”, you need to figure out where to kill zombies. According to numerous beliefs, a dead person awakens to life upon hearing the call of a sorcerer. He gets out of the grave and follows the call of his owner. So, it's logical to ambush the zombies in the cemetery. However, not everything is so simple. In the event of a mass rise of the dead from the earth, ambushes or patrolling cemeteries make sense. But if we are talking about one case of zombification, then the best way protection from the living dead is not its destruction, but the prevention of an uprising from the grave.

For these purposes, in the southern states of America they still nail a human skull to a coffin or cut off the head of the deceased. Of course, loved ones do this even if they are confident that the deceased relative can rise from the grave.
