Technologist rules of the fantasy battle game. Fantasy Battle Rules

About 8 years ago, the Tekhnolog company released a series of games that could rightfully claim the proud title of “Wargame”. This is the Fantasy Battles gaming environment - several dozen sets of fantasy soldiers. There are goblins and knights, musketeers and barbarians, space marines and skeletal monsters. However, it is not only the variety of fantasy characters that turns this series of plastic toys into a “wargame”. Having opened the box of the “Fantasy Battles” set, the future player will find that he has literally found himself in a fantasy world.

There is everything you need here - a collapsible model of the fortress or, at worst, the ruins in which the battle takes place. A book of rules that describes in detail all the actions of the “characters” - movement, fights with the enemy, wounds, firing from cannons, ballistas and catapults. Having rummaged through the rule books, the player also finds a complete catalog of “Fantasy Battles” characters - it turns out that you can not limit yourself to the squad contained in the box, but assemble a powerful army!

Warriors differ from each other not only in size and appearance. Their combat properties are also different - one runs faster, the other fights better in hand-to-hand combat, the third knows how to operate throwing machines and cannons. And, of course, magic. What is a fantasy game without magic? There is plenty of magic in the “Fantasy Battles” sets - artifact cards, various spells, rules by which you can make “magic attacks” on the enemy...

In general, freedom. Gather armies, come up with your own tactics, place batteries of cannons and ballistas on the field, select combat spells and artifacts - and go into battle! The theater of military operations can be “constructed” in exactly the same way. Each set of "Fantasy Battles" includes a building set. From them you can assemble the ruins of a castle or even a large fortress with walls, bastions and galleries.

At first, “Fantasy Battles” were released in the form of small sets packaged in plastic bags. Each set contains a throwing machine, a squad of soldiers, a book of rules and gaming accessories- cards and cubes. Then large sets appeared, composed of several units at once, many combat vehicles and construction parts. New units also appeared - they acquired legends and missions, received their own names and unique features. Now the Fantasy Battles gaming environment is presented in the form of a variety of sets - from miniature bright boxes containing a single squad, to huge castles and entire armies.

Characters of the same squad differ from each other, and, at the same time, have easily recognizable features that will not allow them to be confused with fighters of other squads.

The developers of “Fantasy Battles” did not tie their gaming environment to existing ones fictional worlds- book or film. The Fantasy Battles legend was written specifically for this gaming environment.

Throwing vehicles are not just models representing, say, a ballista or a multi-barrel rocket mortar. They can actually shoot! The model has built-in spring mechanisms, and even rubber “rods” for ballistas and catapults - the shells of these machines fly several meters and knock down any figure from play sets.

This real shooting is the most important difference between the Fantasy Battles gaming system and Western wargames. There, the player is offered a system consisting of numerous dice rolls, calculating “bonuses” for armor, weapons, protection - many parameters that have to be taken into account during a game battle.

Of course, such complex, sophisticated systems are very, very interesting. But the developers of Tekhnolog took into account that the market for Western board games has been developing for decades, where children are surrounded by a wide selection of board games from childhood. These games gradually accustom him to increasingly complex rules - from elementary games to sophisticated mock-up wargames that reproduce entire battles. Such an abundance of products designed for a wide variety of age groups, has long ago formed a certain “ gaming culture» wargames.

We didn't have all this. The company's developers faced a difficult task - how to offer millions of Russian children and teenagers a full-fledged “game environment” that is easy to learn and attractive to many age groups at once? The task seems impossible...

The whole point, as we have already said, turned out to be the “real” firing of guns from “Fantasy Battles”. It was the flying plastic projectiles that made this problem solvable.

Did you play the checkers game “Chapaev” as a child? Remember how exciting it was to suddenly move from the precise logic of a checkered board to the intricate figures of checkers, which crumble so beautifully from a successful hit! This is exactly what “Fantasy Battles” offered its players. Rules? Great, let there be rules. And let there be cubes, and magic cards... but still the main thing in the game is accurate shot from a gun and cover in which a shell cannot hit your fighter.

It is this combination of action and logic, luck and calculation, that makes Fantasy Battles so dynamic and attractive. Not everyone can immediately master the rules of the game - some based on age, some based on their interests. But shooting at plastic soldiers with guns is exciting for both 6-year-olds and 11-year-olds! The rules of “Fantasy Battles” offer several difficulty levels - “Tradition”, “Ultra” and “Empire”. The higher the difficulty level, the more complex their tactical formations, the more attention is paid to combinations of properties of different “units” and combat magic.

Projectiles, however, always remain projectiles. Successfully placing a gun, covering it with infantry, choosing the right sectors of fire and positioning yourself among the fortifications - this always brings victory, no matter what level of rules you play by.

It is also important that the collection of figures, throwing machines and fortifications is suitable for play at any level of the Fantasy Battles rules. Therefore, starting with a simple collection of fantastic fighters and medieval castles, the child has every chance of being carried away by the unusually bright and fascinating world tabletop wargames. The Fantasy Battles gaming environment is the gateway to the world of tabletop strategies and collections of gaming miniatures.

Not long ago I was disassembling a sofa and found in it a set of soldiers from the famous “Fantasy Battles”. I decided to read more about them at a conscious age, and, surprise, I didn’t find anything about them on Peekaboo. Therefore, I decided to make such a nostalgic post myself.

The Tekhnolog company, initially engaged in thermal printing, gradually expanded its business, and by the end of the 90s it was engaged in printed products and the production of plastic models. The demand for board games and the high price of foreign analogues allowed the company to occupy a niche in the production of board tactical strategies.

The most popular series was definitely the Fantasy Battle series. I think every third kid who was into toy soldiers had figures from this series (many didn’t even know that they were from him). We must pay tribute, the figures were really well made, compared to the “soldiers” of other Russian manufacturers.

However, the main point was that these “soldiers” were sets for a full-fledged wargame. In those days, 10-year-old boys rarely knew about any Warhammers, so the presence of books with rules and other things aroused genuine interest.

To its credit, Technologist did not position the toy soldiers sets as a “global strategy game" Their approach was to get people hooked on collectibles after an unwary parent had purchased the treasured box. As far as I remember, the figures were sold in sets of either one squad in a transparent bag (in this case, the maximum with the figures themselves in the package was the squad’s army list), or, most often, a thematic set of two or more squads. They already had books with rules, and sheets of “magic” and “artifacts”, and artillery pieces, and there were even books with an artistic story-backstory of this confrontation.

The set of rules successfully fulfilled the very function of marketing - in addition to describing the rules, there were “arm lists” of units - images and gaming characteristics their. It was they who encouraged “moms to buy” the rest of the sets.

The rules of war themselves were quite simple and boring. Let’s not dive into the game mechanics of the wargame; I think this can be done, if desired, in the comments. Let's focus only on the key feature of the mechanics - military weapons.

All the guns in the game fired wonderfully, and the power of the shot was enough to kill a couple of soldiers standing closely. This made its own adjustments to the tactics of the game and most often served as a reason to stop worrying about counting maneuvers and tactical actions, and simply start extinguishing each other with all guns. And, as I recall, it was much more fun!

If we tried to play the game for real, according to the rules, then magic and artifacts were also used in battle. These cards diversified the long movements of soldiers and dice rolls with their properties.

Overall, there is a lot to say about this wonderful series. About what categories of rules there were, how long we waited and looked for sets with the “Status Empire” rules. The fact that Technolog released separate board games with its own rules, but using units from BF. About a fan community that is rumored to still exist.

But that's a completely different story.

Next time I'll try to tell you about legendary game Dungeon and Dragons, and more specifically, I will dispel all the legends about its complexity and high cost, and how easy it is to pick up and start playing it without any hassles.

Fantasy Battles


Description: We are the oldest VKontakte group for fantasy battles. Fifteen years ago, all modern youth were infatuated with step-by-step strategy FANTASY BATTLES from the TEHNOLOG company. Show in full…
Every self-respecting guy and almost every girl had skeletons and Hurons. Then we grew up, and the games went into attics, closets and younger siblings.
Plastic soldiers, castles, catapults and crossbows, maps and magic and artifacts - everything has gone into oblivion.

Years have passed, a lot has changed, and nostalgia has set in.

This group was created for those who want to feel like a child again when playing this exciting game!

Group rules - it is advisable to read:

Official forum of "Technolog":

Poll go to topic

462 entries to all entries

Good day everyone, dear friends!

We have some news

1. On our website there is a sale of sets (the set includes: squad, army list, artifact, rules, weapon, squad.) Show in full… hurry up, quantity is limited!

2. Opening by our partners of the online store Fan Fantasy LLC, Yekaterinburg - the site was created for the purpose of re-releasing rare Technolog products; access link:

Right now you can purchase a number of items:

— Cyber ​​Dragon
-Dragons BF
-Mages and wizards BF
- brigade "Poseidon"

The ability to pay for your orders through Yandex payment is already available, you can also pay for your order to the bank account of organizations.

3. We are glad to inform you about the opening of a pick-up point in Moscow!

Website for placing orders
A large assortment of products is already in stock and waiting for you!
VK store group:

Pickup is free from the address st. 3ya Lykovskaya 77 - by prior arrangement.

Paid pickup (RUB 130) from Postman Service pick-up points is possible.

Phone number to contact a representative: 84996860687 Alexander.

Fantasy Battle Rules

rules of the game entry level

...In search of mysterious magical artifacts, fearless warriors from different times and peoples converge in mortal combat. But, despite the intensity of passions, there will be no “casualties and destruction”, since all this is just a board game made to bring joy and pleasure! Welcome!
Preparing for the game

  • Select a field for a future battle
  • Assemble weapons and fortifications according to the diagram
  • Collect the magic cards in a deck and place them near playing field. In games using entry-level rules, Magic cards marked “Tradition” should be used. Each player, before the start of the game, draws one card from the deck - this will be his Initial Magic Reserve.
  • Recruit your armies: one or more squads of soldiers and one or more guns. The projectiles in the game are common.
  • Armies are placed on opposite ends of the battlefield within Start zone, width 10cm from the edge of the field (see Fig. 1). It is desirable that the distance between armies be at least 60cm.
    Game Move
    Players take turns. Each player's turn consists of four phases (actions), see Table 1:

    It is allowed to skip unnecessary Phases, but you cannot change their places.
    Magic Phase
    Your magicians conduct long and bloody research in the field of magical spheres, numbers and formations. They conduct experiments, derive formulas for new influences and spells, and then pass on the results of their work to you - their masters. The cards placed in a deck on the side of the playing field symbolize these magic spells.
    During your turn, in the magic phase, you can only use one magic card, where you can take this card:

  • or directly from the general deck, if your magicians have successfully completed magical research
  • or from your Magic Stock - the place where you store previously unused magic cards. Therefore, at the beginning of the magic phase of each turn, you must decide whether to draw a card from the general deck or the Magic Stock. Then you can use the taken card.
    Applying a card means reading its contents out loud and placing it in front of you with the text facing up. The card's requirement will be fulfilled throughout your turn and your opponent's turn, after which it is sent to the bottom of the general deck.
    Using a card from the Magic Stock
    If your Magic Pool is not empty and you decide to take a card from there, then you choose the desired card from those that you have in your Stock, and having denigrated it out loud, you apply it.
    Conducting Magical Research
    If you decide to get a new magic spell, then you must do magical research. To do this, you roll the dice. With the result:
  • 1,2 - the research was unsuccessful. This concludes the magic phase. Proceed to the next stage of the turn.
  • 3,4,5 - You received a new spell, take one card from the common deck.
  • 6 - the research was very successful, take two cards from the common deck. You can, at your discretion, either immediately use the received card or put it aside in your Magic Reserve to use it later. If you receive two cards, you can put both of them in your Magic Stock, or put only one and destroy the other.
    Actions in the Magic phase are explained according to the diagram in Fig. 2

    Warriors, combat vehicles (robots) and guns move in steps. One step is equal to 3 cm. You can walk in any direction and along any route.
    Movement of warriors and war machines
    Roll the dice: the number of points rolled is equal to the number of steps that your army can move - that is, all your warriors and combat vehicles (see Fig. 3). You can take fewer steps than the number of points on the dice, but no more.

    If the distance between the warrior and the weapon is 1 step or less, then, at the player’s request, this warrior can move along with the weapon, while the speed of the warrior does not change (see Fig. 4).
    But if there are enemy warriors within 1 step of a gun, then none of them can move with this gun.
    War vehicles guns cannot be moved.
    Overcoming obstacles
    While moving, warriors can climb over the walls of fortifications, climb walls to the upper floors of buildings, and overcome other obstacles that stand in their way. In this case, the height of ascent (or descent) is included in the movement distance. For example, if there is a wall three steps high on the warrior’s path, then in order to climb it, the warrior must spend 3 steps (see Fig. 5).

    If the length of the maneuver is not enough to overcome the obstacle, then the player must either direct his warrior to bypass the obstacle, or stop him in front of the obstacle in order to try to overcome this obstacle on the next turn.
    A warrior can safely jump from an obstacle if the height of the obstacle is not greater than the warrior’s height - from the top of the head to the feet (see Fig. 6).
    A jump from a greater height is associated with a risk to the life of a warrior: measure how much full height figures (from head to feet) fits in the height from which the warrior jumped, and roll the same number of dice. If at least one of the dice rolls one, the warrior will be considered dead and his figure will leave the field.
    For example, in Fig. The 7th warrior jumped from a building more than twice his height. The player rolled 2 dice and got the results: 3 and 6. This means that the warrior landed safely. If there was a one on one of the dice, then the warrior would be considered to have crashed.
    Combat vehicles and guns do not jump and can only ascend (descend) along ladders. In this case, the length of the ladder is included in the maneuver of the vehicle (soldier with a gun).

    Melee phase
    If your warrior (or combat vehicle) touches the enemy’s warrior (or combat vehicle), then hand-to-hand combat occurs between them [see. rice. 8).
    Heavily armed and well-protected warriors and vehicles in hand-to-hand combat have an advantage, which is expressed Extra points. They are indicated in the Armlists, in the column “Hand-to-Hand Combat” (see Fig. 9).

    To determine the winner, each player rolls the dice and counts Strength your warrior (or war machine). To do this, he adds the result rolled on the die with the Additional Points from the Armlist. Then the strengths of the participants in the battle are compared: whose strength is greater, he wins.
    The losing warrior (or vehicle) is destroyed and his figure is removed from the field. In case of equality of forces, the fight is repeated.
    For example, in Fig. The 10th warrior of the “Hawk” squad met in hand-to-hand combat with a soldier of the “Tomb Guardians” legion and, after comparing forces, won.
    An unequal battle is also possible when more than two warriors participate in the fight. For example, when two enemy soldiers attack one of your warriors. In this case, the enemy rolls the dice twice and counts the strength of each of his warriors. The resulting forces are added up and compared with the strength of one of your fighters (see Fig. 11). Having determined the outcome of one fight, players move on to the next, and so on.

    Shooting Phase
    All guns and combat vehicles in players' armies fire specially shaped plastic projectiles. The projectile is inserted into the gun barrel until it clicks. The shot is fired by pressing the trigger (see Fig. 12).
    The projectile for the catapult looks different than for the guns.
    Before firing, it is put on the pusher pad. To fire, you need to start on the trigger of the pusher and release it (see Fig. 13).
    During the shooting phase, each gun and combat vehicle in the player's army can fire one salvo at one selected target.
    Therefore, make sure that all barrels of combat vehicles and multi-barrel guns (see Fig. 14) fire in the direction of only one target.

    Unlike a combat vehicle, a weapon can only fire if your warrior is near it, at a distance of no more than 1 step (see Fig. 15). A gun cannot fire if warriors of both players are within 1 step of it (fig. 16).
    You can capture a weapon from the enemy. To do this, you need to bring your warrior to the weapon and win a hand-to-hand fight with the fighter who is guarding this weapon. If the gun is not guarded, that is, there are no enemy soldiers near it, then you capture the gun without a fight - now it is yours, and you can fire from it.
    War vehicles cannot capture other weapons and can only fire their own weapons.
    Shot result If the projectile misses the target, then this is a miss, and you can continue the game.
    If the projectile even touches the target, then this is a hit, and look at the result of the shot. TABLE 2

    Rules of the games of the FANTASY BATTLES series

    Construction games from the FANTASY BATTLES series - tabletop world real combat operations, where everyone who plays can feel like a Great Commander, learning to make the right decisions. Determination, ingenuity and a bit of luck will lead you to the desired victory over your opponent.

    To play FANTASY BATTLES, it is important to know the rules of battles. Only with this knowledge will victory always be with you. Always remember that ignorance is not a reason to be proud, so carefully understand the rules or ask an adult to explain them to you. The lives of your warriors and the outcome of the battle may depend on this.

    For more interesting and exciting game You can use additional sets of figures for the games “FANTASY BATTLES” (“Skeletons”, “Sheriffs”, “Hurons”, “Falcon”, etc.) that are commercially available or purchased by you previously. If you have several construction games from the FANTASY BATTLES series, then they can be successfully combined into one General Battle, which is conducted according to the same rules. Figure sets and construction games are constantly updated. They can be immediately recognized by the corresponding icon on the packaging - “FANTASY BATTLES”. For large single pieces, you can come up with your own rules by agreeing on this with your opponent.

    The game can be played in groups or alone. If there are two of you, then two troops are fighting: one is in the fortification, the other is attacking. If you are alone. then play for both those who attack and those who defend. Each player recruits one army and one or more shooting weapons (according to the agreement).

    The troops are placed opposite each other at a distance of at least one meter in any position (at the commander’s request) - this is the starting position.

    The first move is determined by throwing the dice.

    ATTENTION! Each turn consists of three phases:

    1. Maneuver phase - movement of soldiers and weapons.
    2. Firing phase - firing guns.
    3. Magic phase - performing the actions indicated in the magic cards. Each phase requires one die roll. It is prohibited to swap phases.

    So. The player rolls the dice for the first time (maneuver phase) and, depending on the points rolled on the dice, moves according to the following rules:

    1) The number of points rolled on the die is equal to the number of steps the player takes during the maneuver phase.

    ATTENTION! The length of each step of a warrior is equal to 5 cm or the length of the warrior figurine (according to the agreement of the commanders).

    ATTENTION! You can walk in ANY direction (forward, backward, in a circle, etc.).

    ATTENTION! In order for a warrior to get onto a tower or wall, as well as get down from a tower or wall, the length of one move (number of steps) must be enough for him.

    You cannot jump over walls and towers. You can go with one warrior for the entire number of points

    An example of a move by one warrior: if you have 5 points and you decide to go into battle with one warrior, then you take the desired soldier and measure 5 steps in the direction of your move, after which you place the warrior figurine in this place.

    2) You can move any number of warriors, combining the number of points and the number of steps for each warrior so that the total amount of steps corresponds to the points rolled on the die.

    An example of a move by several warriors: You got 4 points. You can take two warriors 2 steps each, or two warriors one step each, and the third warrior take 2 steps. But four warriors can take one step each. In any case, the number of steps must be equal to the number of points rolled on the die.

    After completing the maneuver phase, the commander (player) must fire his guns (if he has them). To do this, the player must roll the die a second time (shooting phase).

    ATTENTION! You can only shoot from a gun near which at least one warrior is standing at a distance of no more than one step from the gun. The number of shots fired from one or more weapons must be equal to the number of points rolled on the die. If you fire a shot from a cannon, hit an enemy warrior, and he falls, then the enemy warrior is considered “killed” and is removed from the field. If, after being hit by a shell, an enemy warrior remains standing, then he is considered “wounded” and is sent to his “hospital”. If you hit an enemy weapon with a shell, then this weapon is considered damaged for one turn (in the next firing phase, the damaged weapon does not fire). If the player does not have any weapons, then he immediately proceeds to the third phase - the magic phase. Shooting example: You got (shooting phase after maneuver phase) 3 points. This means you can fire 3 shots from one gun, or 2 shots from one and 1 shot from another, or one shot each from three guns.

    ATTENTION! If you run out of shells, you can:

    1) shoot enemy shells that fly towards you after the enemy shot;
    2) shells can be captured by you along with the enemy’s weapon during capture. You can use homemade projectiles for the game.

    The movement of guns is carried out only if at least one warrior is nearby. All rules for the movement of soldiers also apply to the movement of guns, including lifting a gun onto a tower, if it fits there.

    Example of weapon movement: You rolled the die for the first time (maneuver phase). You got 2 points. You have decided that you will move the gun. You can:

    1) move one weapon two steps;
    2) move the weapon and one warrior one step;
    3) move 2 guns one step each.

    Before the start of the game, gun shells are divided equally between opponents and placed near the guns. The projectiles move (maneuver phase) along with the gun. Shells and guns can be used to ransom prisoners (by agreement).

    After the maneuver phase, before the shooting phase, you can declare hand-to-hand combat. Hand-to-hand combat can be fought anywhere: on the field, on walls, on towers. Hand-to-hand combat begins when opposing warriors converge at a distance of no more than one step between them. The attacker declares hand-to-hand combat to the enemy. After the announcement, the opponents take turns throwing the dice.

    ATTENTION! The one who declared hand-to-hand combat has the advantage in combat. He starts the battle first by rolling the die. During hand-to-hand combat, everyone else fighting are suspended.
    A hand-to-hand fight is considered won if the one who declared it gets 6 points. In this case, the enemy warrior is immediately considered killed. If one of the players gets more points than the enemy (except 6), then the enemy warrior is considered “wounded” and is sent to the “hospital”. If 6 points are rolled on the defender’s dice, then the warrior is considered defeated. Declaring hand-to-hand combat. If both players have an equal number of points, then the attacker captures the enemy warrior.

    ATTENTION! The one who declared hand-to-hand combat is always considered the attacker. An example of equal hand-to-hand combat: You approached an enemy warrior at a distance of one step and declared hand-to-hand combat. You roll the dice:

    1) You get 6 points, which means the enemy warrior is “killed” and is removed from the field;
    2) You got 5 points, and the enemy got 4 points - you “wounded” the enemy warrior and he goes to his “hospital”;
    3) You and the enemy got 3 points each (equally): You take the enemy warrior prisoner;
    4) You got 4 points, and your opponent got 5 points: Your warrior is “wounded” and goes to his “hospital”;
    5) You got 6 points, and your opponent got 6 points: Your warrior is “killed” and removed from the battlefield.

    Hand-to-hand combat in unequal conditions, when several warriors attack one or vice versa, follows the same rules.

    An example of unequal hand-to-hand combat: you have 6 points, and there are 3 steps to the enemy warrior. You make 2 moves of 3 steps with two of your warriors and declare hand-to-hand combat to the enemy. You roll the dice alternately with the enemy for each of your warriors participating in hand-to-hand combat. The scoring rules are the same as in equal hand-to-hand combat.

    To capture a weapon, you must approach it within one step and win hand-to-hand combat if it is protected by an enemy warrior. If the enemy warrior does not defend the weapon (stands at a distance of more than one step), then you capture this weapon (along with the shells of this weapon) without a fight. Now the gun and shells are yours and you can use them in battle.

    After you have moved warriors and guns (maneuver phase) and fired guns (shooting phase), the third phase “magic phase” begins. To complete this phase, you roll the die a third time. If you roll 1 point, you lose one of the wounded warriors in your hospital. If there are no wounded warriors in your hospital, 1 point is added to your opponent’s next roll (maneuver phase). If 3 points are rolled, one of your wounded warriors returns from the hospital to your starting position. If there are no wounded warriors in your hospital, 1 point is subtracted from your opponent’s next roll (maneuver phase). If 5 points are rolled, you take the top magic card from the deck, which lies (face down) outside the combat area, and immediately perform the magic action written on it. If 2, 4 or 6 points are rolled, no action is taken (you can come up with additional actions yourself).

    The “hospital” is a place where soldiers wounded in battle are sent. Each player has his own hospital, which is located behind the starting position. There are no military operations taking place on the hospital grounds.

    Captured enemy warriors can be used by you only as soldiers for your guns or, at your request, as an exchange with the enemy for shells and guns (3 shells - 1 prisoner or one gun - 2 prisoners). If a gun is captured, the prisoners you used as soldiers at your guns are captured without a fight along with the gun. Prisoners near the guns do not participate in hand-to-hand combat, and, after your gun is captured by the enemy, they return to it in formation (to their original position).

    You are declared the winner of the game if your opponent(s) do not have a single warrior left on the battlefield, not counting the wounded and prisoners. We wish you successful maneuvers and accurate hits!


    First player's turn:

    1. Maneuver phase - roll the dice and move warriors or weapons^If possible and willing, declare hand-to-hand combat.
    2. Shooting phase - roll the die and fire shots according to the points on the die.
    3. Magic phase - roll the dice and if 5 points are rolled, take one magic card from the deck and complete the task. Then return the used card to the “bottom” of the deck. If you get 1 or 3 points, follow the steps in paragraph 11 of the game rules.

    Second player's move:

    1. Maneuver phase - roll the dice and move warriors or weapons.
    And so on.

  • About 8 years ago, the Tekhnolog company released a series of games that could rightfully claim the proud title of “Wargame”. This is the "Fantasy Battles" gaming environment - several dozen sets of fantasy soldiers. There are goblins and knights, musketeers and barbarians, space marines and skeletal monsters. However, it is not only the variety of fantasy characters that turns this series of plastic toys into a “wargame”. Having opened the box of the “Fantasy Battles” set, the future player will find that he has literally found himself in a fantasy world.

    There is everything you need here - a collapsible model of the fortress or, at worst, the ruins in which the battle takes place. A book of rules describing in detail all the actions of the “characters” - movement, fights with the enemy, wounds, firing from cannons, ballistas and catapults. Having rummaged through the rule books, the player also finds a complete catalog of “Fantasy Battles” characters - it turns out that you can not limit yourself to the squad contained in the box, but assemble a powerful army!

    Warriors differ from each other not only in size and appearance. Their combat properties are also different - one runs faster, the other fights better in hand-to-hand combat, the third knows how to operate throwing machines and cannons. And, of course, magic. What is a fantasy game without magic? There is plenty of magic in the “Fantasy Battles” sets - artifact cards, various spells, rules by which you can make “magic attacks” on the enemy...

    In general, freedom. Gather armies, come up with your own tactics, place batteries of cannons and ballistas on the field, select combat spells and artifacts - and go into battle! A theater of military operations can be “constructed” in exactly the same way. Each Fantasy Battles set includes a building set. From them you can assemble the ruins of a castle or even a large fortress with walls, bastions and galleries.

    At first, “Fantasy Battles” were released in the form of small sets packaged in plastic bags. Each set contains a throwing machine, a squad of soldiers, a rule book and game accessories - cards and cubes. Then large sets appeared, composed of several units at once, many combat vehicles and construction parts. New units also appeared - they acquired legends and missions, received their own names and unique features. Now the Fantasy Battles gaming environment is presented in the form of a variety of sets - from miniature bright boxes containing a single squad, to huge castles and entire armies.

    Characters of the same squad differ from each other, and, at the same time, have easily recognizable features that will not allow them to be confused with fighters of other squads.

    The developers of "Fantasy Battles" did not tie their gaming environment to existing fictional worlds - book or movie. The Fantasy Battles legend was written specifically for this gaming environment.

    Throwing vehicles are not just models representing, say, a ballista or a multi-barrel rocket mortar. They can actually shoot! The model has built-in spring mechanisms, and even rubber “rods” for ballistas and catapults - the shells of these machines fly several meters and knock down any figure from the play sets.

    This real shooting is the most important difference between the Fantasy Battles gaming system and Western wargames. There, the player is offered a system consisting of numerous dice rolls, counting “bonuses” for armor, weapons, protection - many parameters that have to be taken into account during a game battle.

    Of course, such complex, sophisticated systems are very, very interesting. But the developers of Tekhnolog took into account that the market for Western board games has been developing for decades, where children are surrounded by a wide selection of board games from childhood. These games gradually accustom him to increasingly complex rules - from elementary games to sophisticated mock-up wargames that reproduce entire battles. Such an abundance of goods designed for a wide variety of age groups has long formed a certain “game culture” of wargames...

    We didn't have all this. The company's developers faced a difficult task - how to offer millions of Russian children and teenagers a full-fledged "game environment" that is easy to learn and attractive to many age groups at once? The task seems impossible...

    The whole point, as we have already said, turned out to be the “real” firing of guns from “Fantasy Battles”. It was the flying plastic projectiles that made this problem solvable.

    Did you play the checkers game "Chapaev" as a child? Remember how exciting it was to suddenly move from the precise logic of a checkered board to the intricate figures of checkers, which crumble so beautifully from a successful hit! This is exactly what Battle Fantasy offered its players. Rules? Great, let there be rules. And let there be cubes, and magic cards... but still, the main thing in the game is an accurate shot from a gun and cover in which a shell cannot hit your fighter.

    It is this combination of action and logic, luck and calculation, that makes Fantasy Battles so dynamic and attractive. Not everyone can immediately master the rules of the game - some based on age, some based on their interests. But shooting at plastic soldiers with guns is exciting for both 6-year-olds and 11-year-olds! The rules of "Fantasy Battles" offer several difficulty levels - "Tradition", "Ultra" and "Empire". The higher the difficulty level, the more complex their tactical formations, the more attention is paid to combinations of properties of different “units” and combat magic.

    Projectiles, however, always remain projectiles. Successfully placing a gun, covering it with infantry, choosing the right sectors of fire and positioning yourself among the fortifications - this always brings victory, no matter what level of rules you play by.

    It is also important that the collection of figures, throwing machines and fortifications is suitable for play at any level of the Fantasy Battles rules. Therefore, starting with a simple collection of fantastic fighters and medieval castles, a child has every chance to become captivated by the unusually bright and exciting world of tabletop wargames. The Fantasy Battles gaming environment is the gateway to the world of tabletop strategies and collections of gaming miniatures.


    2.2. Battlefield.
    2.3. Warriors / Armlists.
    2.4. Army selection.
    2.5. Weapons / Technical sheets
    2.6. Combat vehicles.
    2.7. Single characters.
    2.8. Defensive fortifications.
    2.9. Cubes.

    2.11. Disposition of troops.
    2.12. Dispute resolution.
    3. Game.
    3.1. The unit of measurement for distances is step.
    3.2. Initiative.
    4.Phases of the game cycle.
    4.1. Phase of resuscitation of the wounded.
    4.2. Shooting phase
    4.2.1. Shooting.
    4.2.2. Amazing effect.
    4.2.3. Amendments and shooting restrictions.
    4.2.4. Premium shooting points (shooting bonus).
    4.2.5. Addition.
    4.3. Maneuver and hand-to-hand combat phase.
    4.3.1. Maneuver. Maneuver steps / Distribution of maneuver steps. Command distance / Forced march. Moving by crawling. Overcoming obstacles. Passing stairs. Movement of guns. Traveling over rough terrain.

    4.3.2. Hand-to-hand combat. Amendments and additions to hand-to-hand combat.
    4.4. Magic Phase.
    4.4.1. Actions with Magic.
    4.4.2. Movement of Mages.
    5. Special properties - Artifacts.
    6. Victory.
    7. Brief sequence of the game loop.
    8. Applications.
    8.1. Construction of tools.
    8.2. Traveling over rough terrain.
    8.2.1. Driving along hillsides.
    8.2.2. Movement in the forest. Shooting in the forest.
    8.2.3. Movement across rivers.
    1. Introduction.
    The “Empire” status is the third most difficult (after “Tradition”
    and “Ultra”) and a new set of rules for the “Battles” games
    FANTASY." The reason for creating a new level of popular
    games became numerous letters with your suggestions
    and wishes arriving daily at the company’s address
    When creating a new level, the main requirement
    we considered the new rules to be fully compatible with the previous ones
    developed provisions for the “Ultra” status. That's why
    differences when some warriors move faster than others,
    while others are stronger in hand-to-hand combat, everyone is abandoned
    no changes, since your feedback indicates
    approval of this approach to the division of abilities
    Thus, the Armlists of the units remained the same,
    as well as magic cards. Only the approach to
    use of the properties specified in the Armlists. Therefore, that's it
    previously released sets for Ultra status are automatically

    Applicable for playing according to the rules of the “Empire” status and everything that
    All you have to do is read these rules.
    ATTENTION! As you get acquainted with new
    According to the rules, you will see “P+” icons. With such icons
    are accompanied by ADDITIONAL RULES, which
    may seem too complicated for novice players.
    Therefore, such rules are not mandatory and players
    can agree on use or vice versa, not
    use of such rules in the game. More experienced players
    will undoubtedly find them useful, for these rules describe
    additional opportunities for players, their armies and games
    in general.
    There is much less between the Empire and Ultra levels
    differences than between “Tradition” and “Ultra”. - Therefore, those
    those who have managed to master the rules of “Ultra” can easily adapt to
    Empire rules. So,…
    2. General information and preparation for the game.
    2.1. What do you need to play?
    In addition to the rules that you now hold in your hands, you
    You'll need one more thing:
    - free space for a future battle - the battlefield;
    - figures of warriors who will form the basis of your army;
    - artillery guns and installations to provide fire
    support for your armies;
    - a figurine of a magician or any other figurine that will
    perform its functions;
    - a set of magic cards that come with everything
    game sets of “Ultra” status;
    - a set of business cards with the names of all game squads
    "FANTASY Battles";
    - several six-sided dice numbered from 1 to 6;
    - a piece of paper and a pencil.

    2.2. Battlefield.
    You can play on any flat surface, for example,
    on the table or even on the floor. It is important that the boundaries of the game
    surfaces were clearly marked. The place where there will be
    a battle takes place is called a “battlefield”. Soldiers,
    guns or combat vehicles that, for any reason, found themselves
    off the battlefield, are considered “dead” and are removed from the game.
    Since the FANTASY Battles games are related to real
    shooting from guns, it is preferable to play on the table - you
    It will be easier to aim and shoot.
    The size of the battlefield depends on the size of the armies
    opponents. For example, for a battle where the army size is
    one player is 10 - 12 warriors, quite enough
    kitchen table sizes.
    The terrain of the field brings a significant amount of interest to the game.
    battle, which can be organized from those at hand
    materials (cardboard boxes, sheets of thick paper,
    pieces of green fabric, etc.) or special elements,
    which are sold in stores.
    2.3. Warriors / Armlists.
    As soldiers who will form the basis of your army,
    units of warriors from play sets with branded
    logo of “Battle FANTASY”.
    In the FANTASY Battles games, most warriors
    united in small units. Each squad has its own
    commander. Squad name and combat characteristics soldier
    are given in the detachment's Armlist. As an example in Fig. 1
    provided by the Army List of the "FALCON" squad. It states:
    - squad affiliation - which army the squad belongs to
    (in the FANTASY Battles games there are 4 main armies:
    Sorcerer's Troops, Necromancer's Legionnaires, Sorcerer's Guard and
    detachments of the Guild of Free Shooters);
    - name of the squad;
    - squad artifact - a magical item that gives the squad

    Specific property (see rules section 5. “Special
    - keeper of the artifact - the one who has the artifact;
    - warriors of the squad, each of whom is assigned his own
    serial number. The commander of the detachment is always a warrior,
    indicated in the Armlist under number 1;
    Below each warrior are his combat characteristics:




    Maneuver - a warrior’s ability to move;
    - hand-to-hand combat - the strength of a warrior in hand-to-hand combat;
    - access to guns - the ability of a warrior to serve one or another
    type of tools;
    - protection from magic - protection of a warrior from certain types
    magical influences;
    - cost - the cost of soldiers and the entire detachment, expressed
    wearing glasses.

    Each of the characteristics will be discussed in detail later in
    relevant sections of these rules.
    Arm lists of all squads are given in a special publication
    - Military Catalog of the world “Battles FANTASY”. Them
    all game sets of “Ultra” status and
    2.4. Army selection.
    To make the battle equally interesting for
    both participants, the strength of the warring armies must be
    approximately equal. To do this, before the start of the game, the opponents
    agree on the size of the army. In "Empire" status games
    every warrior, squad as a whole, gun or combat vehicle has
    its cost. It is expressed in points and indicated in
    Armlists (Technical sheets). It is assumed that the more expensive
    warrior, unit or weapon, the more effective he/it is in battle. So
    Thus, by agreeing on the size of the army, the players are essentially
    stipulate a certain amount of points - a budget for which,
    subsequently, they recruit their army from single characters,
    troops, guns and vehicles.
    Single characters are magicians, masters, bachelors
    etc., that is, all the figures “in charge” of magic, as well as
    warriors not included in the units, endowed with especially powerful
    weapons, or any specific properties. They
    are issued separately with their own Armlist and detailed
    a description of their abilities, magical powers, or rules
    use of the superweapons they have.
    The remaining soldiers are recruited into the army in detachments - i.e.,
    the entire squad is bought entirely for the number of points that
    indicated in the “detachment cost” column of the Armlist. In Armlist
    The cost of each warrior of the squad is also indicated separately. However, she
    will only be needed when calculating the results of the battle at the end
    games (see rules section 2.10. “Determining the winner”).
    The larger the agreed amount, the more numerous
    there will be armies of opponents, the longer they will fight until

    Complete victory for one of the players. Total cost dialed
    The army player must not exceed the agreed amount.
    In addition, the battles offered in play sets
    are based on the legends of the world of "Battles FANTASY", according to
    in which there are four main forces in this world: the Sorcerer's Guard, the Sorcerer's Troops, the Necromancer's Legionnaires
    and units of the Free Shooters Guild. On the way to yours
    power, they then united in alliances so that together
    to fight against the others, then, having quarreled, they began
    fight among themselves. Therefore, the situation when units of different
    armies fighting on the same side is quite likely. However, not
    it should turn out that units of the same army fight each other
    against a friend. When recruiting your army, keep this fact in mind.
    The affiliations of squads and single characters are indicated in
    their Armlists.
    2.5. Weapons/Technical sheets..
    In addition to warriors, players must complete their
    army with artillery pieces for firing at
    enemy troops.
    In the FANTASY Battles games, all weapons are divided into four
    main types:
    1. Catapults (designated “K”).
    2. Crossbow mounts and arcaballists (designated “A”).
    3. Guns (indicated by “P”).
    4. Multi-barreled guns (designated “MP”).
    Each weapon in games of the Empire status has its own
    technical sheet (Technical Sheet) describing the properties of the weapon
    and rules for handling it. As an example in Fig. 2
    Technical sheet presented artillery installation"Bug".
    The Technical Sheet states:
    - name of the installation;
    - type of artillery gun;
    - mobility - the maximum number of steps for which
    the gun can move in one move;

    Point consumption - the number of shooting points needed
    spend to fire one shot from a given weapon;
    - combat crew - the number of soldiers required to
    so that the gun shoots and moves properly;
    - cost - the number of points for which you can purchase
    installation in your army.

    Artillery pieces do not belong to
    any specific army, and can be used by everyone
    players regardless of what army they represent.
    The rules for firing guns will be outlined in detail.
    below in rules section 4.2. "Shooting Phase".
    The cost of weapons purchased by the player should
    be included in the amount of points agreed upon before the game.
    Technical lists of the most commonly used games
    "BATTLE FANTASY" guns are given in a special
    publication - Military Catalog of the world “Battles FANTASY”.
    It is included with all game sets of “Ultra” status and

    2.6. Combat vehicles.
    Combat vehicles are programmable or controlled
    mechanisms capable of independent movement
    walking, flying or wheeled type. They are intended
    to perform various tasks - from transportation
    soldiers and equipment to independent combat
    actions. Each of the combat vehicles of the FANTASY Battles games
    are equipped with their own Armlist (or Technical Sheet) and
    detailed instructions for handling, therefore in this code
    rules, combat vehicles are not considered.
    However, it should be noted that the cost of purchased
    combat vehicles must be included in the agreed before the game
    amount of points.
    2.7. Single characters.
    Mages of all ranks and warriors equipped with superweapons or
    endowed with special abilities are Solitary
    Characters. As with combat vehicles, these
    characters are supplied with their own Armlists and
    a detailed description of their properties and rules for using them
    magic, abilities or rules for handling superweapons.
    Therefore, in this statement of rules, Single Characters are not
    are being considered.
    The cost of Single Characters should be included in
    the amount of points agreed upon before the game.
    2.8. Defensive fortifications.
    The Tekhnolog company completes sets for the games “Battles”
    FANTASY" with prefabricated models of fantastic fortresses from
    designers "Master Grad" and "Universal", accompanying them
    detailed assembly instructions. The company has already developed
    several dozen options for fortifications that you can
    use in your battles. However, the possibilities
    designers are not limited to this and you, with
    If you wish, you can easily create your own protective

    Fortifications that will protect your warriors in
    future battles.
    In addition, as protective structures you
    you can use any other ones you have in your
    availability of materials, be it models of buildings, fortresses
    or even fortifications made from ordinary cubes. "Battles
    FANTASY" are open to everything that adds interest and
    P+ RECOMMENDATIONS. Since the enemy's fortifications
    may differ greatly from each other (in width, number of storeys, the presence of doors at the central gate, etc.), then to ensure
    initial equality of forces of opponents, this should be taken into account
    difference. For example, assign your own price to the fortifications and so
    as well as your armies, buy them for the previously agreed upon total
    amount of points.
    We offer one of the ways to calculate the cost
    fortifications It consists of the following: measured
    overall dimensions of the fortification - length, width, height (see.
    Fig.3), in centimeters.

    H (height)

    B (width)

    Then all measured values ​​are added together and
    the resulting amount is multiplied by 3.
    U=(a+b+h)x3, where U is the resulting cost of strengthening,
    a - length of reinforcement, b - width of reinforcement, h - height
    Rounding the total to the nearest ten, we get the final
    the cost of this strengthening.
    This method is good because the more powerful the strengthening
    wants to have a player, the more points he must spend on
    its acquisition.
    In addition, if the opponents decide to play
    siege of a fortress, then the besieged person has spent a lot of points
    fortifications, will have a small garrison.
    The besieger, in turn, will be able to significantly increase
    the number of his forces, due to the fact that he did not spend points on
    strengthening Thus, the real situation is when large
    attacking forces attack the small garrison of the fortress,
    it turns out by itself.
    2.9. Cubes.
    The game uses six-sided dice with numbering
    faces from 1 to 6. All actions (turn phases) in the game are performed
    using these cubes. Number of used in the game
    cubes depends on the amount of points for which the players
    recruit their army at the rate of 1 die for every 300 points
    in the case where the players agreed not to take into account the cost
    fortifications in the total points. For example, if the players
    agreed on the amount of 1000 points, then they, accordingly,
    must use 3 (1000: 300 = 3.3 » 3) dice in the game.
    If, for example, the agreed amount is 500 points, then
    players must use 2 (500:300 = 1.66" 2) dice.
    If the players agreed to take into account the cost
    fortifications in the total points, then the number of cubes
    is scored at the rate of 1 die for every 400 total points

    2.10. Determination of the winner.
    Each opponent strives to win
    We offer several ways to determine the winner.
    The simplest of them is this: the player, completely
    defeating the enemy's "manpower" is the winner
    battles. That is, if one of the players has no warriors left for
    battlefield (the wounded do not count), then his opponent is declared
    winner of the battle.
    Another way is for players to
    agree on the number of moves after which
    the game stops and the players count their damage
    damage to a friend, charging the full cost for each “killed”
    enemy warrior and half the cost for each “wounded”
    (the costs of warriors are indicated in the Armlists). The player who struck
    greater damage to the enemy is considered the winner of the battle.
    Another method is good when players are limited
    in time. After the pre-agreed time has passed,
    players stop fighting and start counting
    damage caused, as in the previous case. Player,
    who managed to inflict more damage on the enemy is declared
    winner of the battle.
    In addition, some game sets come with
    scenarios for battles. In them, players need to win
    perform a specific task. For example - capture the flag
    enemy, take possession of a certain object, kill or
    injure a specific enemy officer or magician, prevent
    the enemy to introduce troops to any of his lines before the start
    a certain move, etc. In this case, the player is the first
    Having completed his task, he is declared the winner of the battle,
    regardless of the damage suffered.
    In addition to the suggested scenarios, players can
    play out your own variants of battles with the same or
    purposes different for their armies.

    2.11. Disposition of troops.
    Having completed the selection of their armies, players proceed to
    placement of defensive fortifications and deployment of troops on
    battlefield. This stage can be carried out in various ways.
    For example, players take turns placing fortifications first,
    and then one detachment and one gun at a time, gradually creating
    starting position.
    Another way is for players to throw
    dice and the one who threw fewer points is the first to place
    your strength.
    As a result of the deployment of troops, the distance between
    enemy fortifications should be 0.8 - 1.5 meters, and
    distance from the player’s warrior (gun) to the nearest warrior
    (guns) of the enemy - at least 50 cm.
    In addition, behind its original position (closer to its
    border of the battlefield) each player must leave space under
    "Hospital". A hospital is a place where the wounded are admitted
    warriors There are no military operations taking place on the hospital grounds.
    Business cards with the names of those participating in the battle
    the sides of each squad player are laid out on the nearest
    towards the player's edge of the battlefield.
    2.12. Dispute resolution.

    Hello again!

    This time on my blog I want to try to make for you a small guide on making a playing field.

    Like all my previous guides, this one is intended for people with low artistic abilities or with little imagination, although I am sure that when you want to repeat my lesson, you will definitely want to add your own details, and with time and experience, you will be able to implement your own ideas and enjoy the result.

    So, what do we need:

    1. Whatman paper

    2. Paints (I use acrylic, as always Decola)))

    4. Landscape elements, if any (I have 2 castles of two opponents)

    Where to start?

    Try to roughly imagine the layout of the area.

    Most likely, the enemy fortifications will be located opposite each other at the greatest distance.

    I decided to place my locks diagonally.

    Since my bat field is designed for me and my little son (5 years old), I tried to make everything as simple and easy to understand as possible, but at the same time, to make the field interesting and allow me to try different strategic combinations.

    So, let's put the first lock!

    While drawing, I tried to mentally imagine this castle. A cliff appeared before my eyes, on which an ancient fortress rises majestically - the shelter of filibusters.

    As you can see, I draw simply and roughly, which is quite accessible to any adult and child. You can create your landscape together with your children, this will make your work bring even more joy to you and your children.

    We begin to outline the second castle.

    I imagined it as a shelter for an ancient knightly order, hidden in a gorge and protected from the enemy by molten magma flowing from the rocks.

    Another element on our playing field is Dragon Mountain (I’ll tell you about its purpose later)

    I also simply depicted the circles looking like huge cobblestones, on which a dangerous fire-breathing Dragon majestically sits.

    This is what we get. Top view.

    The last game element of the landscape, I decided to make the Thicket - an impenetrable forest, which is located exactly in the middle on the path of the opponents. Well, to consolidate the result, I covered the white areas on the playing part of the field with green.

    As you can see, it’s nothing complicated, but the result is quite good in my opinion.

    Such fields can be drawn for each specific game, or they can be used for different ones.

    So a little about the rules that apply to this field:

    1. The main task is to capture the enemy’s castle.

    2. There are only 2 stages of the game (since I play with 5 summer child) is movement and attack (defense)

    About strategies:

    1. Looking at the map, you can see 3 options for possible routes to enemy fortifications.

    The shortest, but the most dangerous is past the Dragon Mountain, when the figure of one of the participants comes into the Dragon’s field of view (a corridor 5-6 cm wide), he will definitely attack it. And then depending on your luck... either the player will be able to survive the terrible roar and deadly flame of the Dragon, or he will not be able to overcome this obstacle and will look for other ways.

    Medium in duration - through the Thicket (passing a figure through the forest territory reduces the number of steps by 2 times, i.e. if a player has 6 steps, and 4 of them fall into a forest area, then he can take 2 full steps and 2 steps along forest area).

    The safest, but longest way is to bypass the Dragon and the forest.

    2. Since the goal of the game is to capture the enemy’s castle, I advise you to leave one piece in the castle as a guard during the game, in case the pieces of the opposing squad get to you faster than you.

    Below are some photos from different angles.

    Next I will post a photo report about the game played on this Battlefield.

    Initial rules of the game

    Fantasy Battles

    entry level game rules

    ...In search of mysterious magical artifacts, fearless warriors from different times and peoples converge in mortal combat. But, despite the intensity of passions, there will be no “casualties and destruction”, since all this is just a board game made to bring joy and pleasure! Welcome!
    Preparing for the game

  • Select a field for a future battle
  • Assemble weapons and fortifications according to the diagram
  • Collect the magic cards in a deck and place them near the playing field. In games using entry-level rules, Magic cards marked “Tradition” should be used. Each player, before the start of the game, draws one card from the deck - this will be his Initial Magic Reserve.
  • Recruit your armies: one or more squads of soldiers and one or more guns. The projectiles in the game are common.

  • Armies are placed on opposite ends of the battlefield within Start zone, width 10cm from the edge of the field (see Fig. 1). It is desirable that the distance between armies be at least 60cm.

  • Game Move
    Players take turns. Each player's turn consists of four phases (actions), see Table 1:

    Table 1

    It is allowed to skip unnecessary Phases, but you cannot change their places.
    Magic Phase
    Your magicians conduct long and bloody research in the field of magical spheres, numbers and formations. They conduct experiments, derive formulas for new influences and spells, and then pass on the results of their work to you - their masters. The cards placed in a deck on the side of the playing field symbolize these magic spells.
    During your turn, in the magic phase, you can use only one magic card, and you can take this card:
  • or directly from the general deck, if your magicians have successfully completed magical research
  • or from your Magic Stock - the place where you store previously unused magic cards
  • Therefore, at the beginning of the magic phase of each turn, you must decide where to draw a card from: from the general deck or from the Magic reserve. Then you can use the taken card.
    Applying a card means reading its contents out loud and placing it in front of you with the text facing up. The card's requirement will be fulfilled throughout your turn and your opponent's turn, after which it is sent to the bottom of the general deck.
    Using a card from the Magic Stock
    If your Magic Stock is not empty and you decide to take a card from there, then you select the desired card from those that you have in your Stock, and after reading it out loud, use it.
    Conducting Magical Research
    If you decide to get a new magic spell, then you must do magical research. To do this, you roll the dice. With the result:
  • 1,2 - the research was unsuccessful. This concludes the magic phase. Proceed to the next stage of the turn.
  • 3,4,5 - You received a new spell, take one card from the common deck.
  • 6 - the research was very successful, take two cards from the common deck.
  • You can, at your discretion, either immediately use the received card or put it aside in your Magic Reserve to use it later. If you receive two cards, you can put both of them in your Magic Stock, or put only one and destroy the other.
    Actions in the Magic phase are explained according to the diagram in Fig. 2

    Warriors, combat vehicles (robots) and guns move in steps. One step is equal to 3 cm. You can walk in any direction and along any route.
    Movement of warriors and war machines
    Roll the dice: the number of points rolled is equal to the number of steps that your army can move - that is, all your warriors and combat vehicles (see Fig. 3). You can take fewer steps than the number of points on the dice, but no more.

    If the distance between the warrior and the weapon is 1 step or less, then, at the player’s request, this warrior can move along with the weapon, while the speed of the warrior does not change (see Fig. 4).
    But if there are enemy warriors within 1 step of a gun, then none of them can move with this gun.
    Combat vehicles cannot move guns.
    Overcoming obstacles
    While moving, warriors can climb over the walls of fortifications, climb walls to the upper floors of buildings, and overcome other obstacles that stand in their way. In this case, the height of ascent (or descent) is included in the movement distance. For example, if there is a wall three steps high on the warrior’s path, then in order to climb it, the warrior must spend 3 steps (see Fig. 5).

    If the length of the maneuver is not enough to overcome the obstacle, then the player must either direct his warrior to bypass the obstacle, or stop him in front of the obstacle in order to try to overcome this obstacle on the next turn.
    A warrior can safely jump from an obstacle if the height of the obstacle is not greater than the warrior’s height - from the top of the head to the feet (see Fig. 6).
    Jumping from a higher height is associated with a risk to the warrior's life: measure how many full heights of the figurine (from head to feet) fit into the height from which the warrior jumped, and roll the same number of dice. If at least one of the dice rolls one, the warrior will be considered dead and his figure will leave the field.
    For example, in Fig. 7 the warrior jumped from a building more than twice his height. The player rolled 2 dice and got the results: 3 and 6. This means that the warrior landed safely. If there was a one on one of the dice, then the warrior would be considered to have crashed.
    Combat vehicles and guns do not jump and can only ascend (descend) along ladders. In this case, the length of the ladder is included in the maneuver of the vehicle (soldier with a gun).

    Melee phase
    If your warrior (or combat vehicle) touches the enemy’s warrior (or combat vehicle), then hand-to-hand combat occurs between them [see. rice. 8).
    Heavily armed and well-protected warriors and vehicles in hand-to-hand combat have an advantage, which is expressed Extra points. They are indicated in the Armlists, in the column “Hand-to-Hand Combat” (see Fig. 9).

    To determine the winner, each player rolls the dice and counts Strength your warrior (or war machine). To do this, he adds the result rolled on the die with the Additional Points from the Armlist. Then the strengths of the participants in the battle are compared: whose strength is greater, he wins.
    The losing warrior (or vehicle) is destroyed and his figure is removed from the field. In case of equality of forces, the fight is repeated.
    For example, in Fig. The 10th warrior of the “Hawk” squad met in hand-to-hand combat with a soldier of the “Tomb Guardians” legion and, after comparing forces, won.
    An unequal battle is also possible when more than two warriors participate in the fight. For example, when two enemy soldiers attack one of your warriors. In this case, the enemy rolls the dice twice and counts the strength of each of his warriors. The resulting forces are added up and compared with the strength of one of your fighters (see Fig. 11). Having determined the outcome of one fight, players move on to the next, and so on.

    Shooting Phase
    All guns and combat vehicles in players' armies fire specially shaped plastic projectiles. The projectile is inserted into the gun barrel until it clicks. The shot is fired by pressing the trigger (see Fig. 12).
    The projectile for the catapult looks different than for the guns.
    Before firing, it is put on the pusher pad. To fire, you need to start on the trigger of the pusher and release it (see Fig. 13).
    During the shooting phase, each gun and combat vehicle in the player's army can fire one salvo at one selected target.
    Therefore, make sure that all barrels of combat vehicles and multi-barrel guns (see Fig. 14) fire in the direction of only one target.

    Unlike a combat vehicle, a weapon can only fire if your warrior is near it, at a distance of no more than 1 step (see Fig. 15). A gun cannot fire if warriors of both players are within 1 step of it (fig. 16).
    You can capture a weapon from the enemy. To do this, you need to bring your warrior to the weapon and win a hand-to-hand fight with the fighter who is guarding this weapon. If the gun is not guarded, that is, there are no enemy soldiers near it, then you capture the gun without a fight - now it is yours, and you can fire from it.
    War vehicles cannot capture other weapons and can only fire their own weapons.
    Shot result If the projectile misses the target, then this is a miss, and you can continue the game.
    If the projectile even touches the target, then this is a hit, and look at the result of the shot. TABLE 2

    Table 2

    Dispute Resolution
    It is possible that controversial situations will arise in the game when players, relying only on the rules, will not be able to reach a consensus. To avoid mutual offense and not spoil the pleasure you get from the game, we invite each player to roll the dice - and let controversial situation is resolved in favor of the one whose result is higher.
    The player who is the first to destroy all enemy warriors is declared the winner!
    We wish you success!