Technique of playing poker stars. Poker secrets

What can you do if you constantly lose at online poker? The good thing is that you are aware of this situation and want to correct it. Many players are delusional about their results, refusing to admit that they are constantly losing.

Everyone has their own reasons for playing online poker, and making money isn't necessarily the most important reason. Poker - exciting game: If you can afford to lose money while still enjoying the game, then it’s okay. There are many pleasures in the world where we do not receive any financial return. But since you are reading this article, most likely you want to know how to win money in poker.

Want to stop losing?

It's simple. To do this you must change! The only way solve a problem - change. There is a so-called “change formula” that illustrates all this well:

N x O x P > S,

where N is your dissatisfaction with the situation, O is the mental image of the desired results, P is the first steps towards realizing this image, and C is your resistance.

Let's explain what this means. There are 4 elements here.

N- this is dissatisfaction. If you are not sufficiently dissatisfied with the state of affairs, nothing will happen.

ABOUT- mental image: you must clearly understand what results in online poker you want to achieve in a specific period. Where do you want to be in six months? You can create an image related to the profitability of your poker game. For example, set the following goal: start playing profitably in 3 or 6 months.

P- these are the first steps towards change, we will discuss them below.

But first of all you need to overcome one obstacle: in this formula it is under the letter WITH. How strong is your resistance to change? Do you have deeply ingrained habits, or are you flexible by nature? This will make the process of change either easier or more difficult.

Winning in poker or the first step to losing less.

The first steps to where you want to be in six months depend on your specific circumstances. What are the most common reasons for losing in online poker? Here is a list of typical "suspects":

  1. Alcohol: you are not playing sober.
  2. Spraying attention: During the game you are distracted by something else.
  3. Thirst for sensations: you play primarily for fun and for the thrill of the experience.
  4. Emotions: you give yourself up to the power of emotions.
  5. Discipline: don't stick to the plan.
  6. Wealth: you are not worried about losing money.

All of the items on this list are fixable, except item 6. If you are wealthy, you will have a very difficult time becoming a successful poker player because losing money at the virtual table will not really affect you. Billionaire Guy Laliberte is rumored to have lost $18 million in 2008, but that won't affect his lifestyle, right?

Points 1 and 2 relate to the environment in which you work. If you fall into these categories, be aware that playing while under the influence of alcohol or while distracted by something like the TV will always have a detrimental effect on your results.

If you are serious and want to stop losing, stay sober and focused when playing poker. When you want to drink or watch the masterful game of golfer Tiger Woods, just leave the tables. You can always come back later.

In general, points 3, 4 and 5 are the main problem for online poker players. If you want to win at poker, you need to create a plan and strictly follow it.

So, for most people, the key element in the formula will be element P: the first steps towards the goal. The first step towards profitable game is the so-called ABC poker. Keep your playing style simple and straightforward, without any fancy stuff. There are many articles teaching reliable poker techniques. First of all, master the basics. By playing with a strong ABC strategy, you won't be able to lose large amounts of money in low-limit online poker.

Let's now talk a little about. You already know much of what is written below, but let's repeat the obvious.

How to play poker: next steps.

ABC poker primarily involves tight-aggressive play. Tight style is playing only a certain number of hands. An aggressive style means that you should try to bet and raise more often, and call less often. All this is displayed in the so-called VPIP/PFR/AG statistics.

Use software to track your poker statistics, such as Holdem Manager. It allows you to monitor your statistics and potentially determine weak points in the game. Learn the optimal strategy and adjust your play style if necessary.

Let's take for example the most common factor that leads to losses in online poker: calling bets too often. In long-table no-limit hold'em cash games, the recommended VPIP (voluntary percentage of investment in the pot preflop) is between 10% and 20%. If your VPIP is 50%, you cannot be profitable. This is easy to deal with, you just need to stick to a much stricter starting hand chart.

Check out the biggest mistakes when playing poker - if you don't make any of them, you'll take a huge step towards playing profitably. Along with ABC poker and error correction, there are other, less obvious reasons for losses to consider.

Use proper bankroll management. - this is the money that you specifically and exclusively allocate for online poker. Bankroll management means playing at the limits that your bankroll allows. Typically in No Limit Hold'em your bankroll should be between 3,000 and 5,000 big blinds at your chosen limit. So, if you have $5,000, you can play $0.50/$1 NLHE, but if you play $1/$2, you're risking your entire bankroll.

Playing at the correct limit means that if you lose money, you need to move down to a lower limit. In the previous example, if you lose half your bankroll, i.e. $2500, you would be down $0.50/$1. Otherwise, you will make a serious mistake, which will lead to periodic losses.

If you can play profitably at low limits, you can move up to a higher limit. The secret to keeping losses to a minimum lies in moving up and down the limits - depending on whether your bankroll is growing or shrinking.

Finally, I would like to remind you about the biggest “culprit” of losses in online poker: tilt. Tilt is your most dangerous enemy in poker because it can lead to serious losses. Make tilt control your top priority and you'll lose less at online poker.

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Many poker players have wondered: how to start winning at poker? After all, according to statistics, only 5-10% of poker players play profitably over a long distance. This means that in order to make money in poker you need to be able to play better than 90% of players. Given such harsh conditions, it is clear that daily practice is necessary to achieve the desired result. But for effective practice it is necessary to have the correct direction vector. This article describes the secrets of playing online poker that will ensure your success.

Secrets of playing online poker to practice the game

The famous poker player and author of numerous books on poker theory, David Sklansky, once brought the solution to the previously posed question closer. He conducted a hypothetical experiment in which two players play against each other face to face.

Knowing the cards of his opponent, each player can accurately calculate all the probabilistic outcomes of the game and make the most optimal decision. In the long run, you will only profit from your opponent if he doesn't make the same decisions in the game that he would have made if he knew your cards.

Having made a less than optimal decision, he makes a mistake due to which he loses money. The same goes for your opponent's profit. From this we can conclude that profit poker player consists of mistakes made by his opponent during the game.

It doesn’t matter what cards you get in your hands or who you’re playing against, it doesn’t even matter what limits the game is played at, the formula for success will always be this: make as few mistakes as possible and earn as much as possible from your opponents’ mistakes. This principle is a fundamental theorem of poker that you should use throughout your career.

The rule sounds simple, but the question immediately arises: how to use it in practice? Of course, it takes a lot of practice to recognize your mistakes and the mistakes of your opponents, but most players repeat the same bad decisions:

Mistake #1: Playing too many starting hands. As you know, there are very few good starting hands. Accordingly, they will not come so often. If your opponents are playing their hands too often, they are making a mistake.

Mistake #2: Players are too passive. That is, they enter a hand by limping or constantly calling a bet or raise.

Mistake #3: Not discarding their hole cards, even if they have lost their value in the hand. For example, if you received A♦A in your hand, and the flop came 5♠6♠K♠. The value of aces preflop and on the flop in this case is significantly different. Because your opponent could easily have a flush and you and your overpair will be far behind.

Mistake #4: Beginners often bluff without knowing how to choose the right situation.

Mistake #5: Neglecting your position at the table. Position is one of the main elements when choosing tactics, and it also affects hand strength. Thus, K♣Q is considered a trash hand in UTG, but the same cards are considered valuable in a blind war and folding it preflop would be wrong.

Mistake #6: Poor management of your bankroll. Very often, inexperienced players underestimate the importance of bankroll management and play with all the money they have in their account at once. At the same time, players understand that they risk losing all their money at once. This puts pressure psychologically and negatively affects decision-making.

In order to use these errors to your advantage, you simply need to act in the absolutely opposite way:

  1. Select carefully starting hands to participate in the drawing.
  2. Play aggressively. If you think that the game is worth continuing, then you need to play a raise, not a call.
  3. If a hand has become devalued, then it must be discarded, no matter how beautiful it looks.
  4. It is worth bluffing rarely, while studying the right moments for bluffing.
  5. Plan your actions only taking into account the position in which you are.
  6. Maintain proper bankroll management.

By adhering to these basic rules, you are guaranteed a winning game. After all, without making mistakes, you earn from the mistakes of your opponents.

Secrets of Playing Online Poker to Maximize Profits

Let's start with the secrets of playing online poker that will help you get the maximum winnings. When playing online poker, players are unable to see each other. This makes it difficult to collect the necessary information about your opponent, but playing online poker has a significant advantage: the ability to connect programs to collect poker statistics. Very often, beginners neglect to use this software.

But the harsh realities of modern online poker are such that most poker players who play profitably constantly use software to collect poker statistics when playing at low limits. If you play without poker software, you will be put into unequal conditions at the very beginning. In most cases, poker is played against several opponents at once. When using this software, it will be possible not only to identify weak players, but also to find their vulnerabilities, which will allow you to make optimal decisions.

What poker software should every player who seeks to maximize their winnings have:

  1. Holdem manager 2. This software displays a huge number of statistical indicators directly while playing poker. The program is paid, but there is a free trial period. It lasts 30 days and all the functions that the program can offer are available. The license is given for two computers, so you can share the cost of purchasing it with someone.
  2. An analogue of this program is PokeTracker 4. The software has almost the same capabilities, but is somewhat inferior in popularity to Holdem manager.

Basic functionality Holdem manager 2 and PokeTracker 4:

The main function of these programs is to display statistics directly at the gaming table. This is possible thanks to the heads-up display or HUD built into the program. IN online mode the player receives almost all the necessary statistical information needed to evaluate opponents and relate this data to his game. You can customize HUD elements yourself and select the indicators that you consider the most important for calculation.

How Holdem manager 2 and PokeTracker 4 work:

Information about players' moves is saved in the program database at the end of each hand. This data is subsequently displayed in the form of statistics. The more hands played, the more detailed analysis of your opponents you can get.

Additional features of statistics programs:

An equally important function of these programs is statistical analysis of the game. At the same time, you can evaluate both your chances and the chances of your opponents. The necessary information can be easily displayed using filters. Filters are also customizable.

This makes it possible to get answers to a variety of questions: how often do you lose with aces preflop, how effectively do you play in late positions. But to get the full picture, you also need to study the game of your opponents. The more detailed you analyze the hand statistics, the fewer mistakes you will make in the future, which will significantly increase your winnings.

In order to find out the number of hands won and calculate your win rate, use the hand replayer. This extension performs step-by-step analysis.

Additional programs for Holdem manager 2:

  • NoteCaddy is a fully automated extension whose function is to make notes on your opponents while analyzing their game.
  • TableNinja. An extension for playing at several tables simultaneously.
  • LeakBuster. A program that identifies problematic issues in the game.
  • Tilt Breaker. An extension that indicates an unfavorable outcome of the game so that the player can stop the game in time.
  • The SpinNGo Wizard. A specialized extension for analyzing hands in the Sit & Go game mode. Good for push-fold practice.
  • Table Scanner. An extension that helps you find a table with the largest number weak players.

Bottom line

As you can see, the secrets of playing online poker are not complicated at all. The most important thing is to consolidate them in practice. Only transforming the knowledge gained from this article or any other sources into skills through practice can give the desired result.

Another secret of poker is programs for collecting poker statistics. A true poker pro does not neglect any opportunity that will help maximize his winnings.

Online poker has become very widespread recently. Millions of people around the world play poker every day. But according to statistics, only five percent of them win, the rest lose money. What is the sect of successful online poker games? Why do only a few people make money from poker while everyone else pays for their hobby? In our opinion, poker secrets consist in a combination of certain personal qualities of a person and his approach to the game, the expected result. The most important components of success are knowledge, distance, concentration and determination. The secret is that only the combination of all these qualities will allow you to win at poker. But let's look at all the little secrets of poker in order.


As in any business, in poker you need to have a certain set of knowledge to play successfully. Those who do not want or cannot learn inevitably lose. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend part of your time “over textbooks” - reading articles on poker strategy, studying the secrets of mastery, discussing controversial situations with colleagues on various forums, and so on. Don't think that improving your game is for beginners. This is not true at all. All professional players Online poker players spend a lot of time analyzing their game. This is the first secret of poker: always learn, never stop there, always strive for the perfect game.


Our section “secrets of playing poker” continues with the Distance section. Don't be surprised, but many players expect instant returns from poker. Unfortunately, this does not happen. By playing just a couple of hands and putting everything on the line, as is usually shown in feature films, you won’t win anything, except maybe pennies, which you will definitely lose after a few hands. Professionals know that the secret to playing Hold'em poker is to mathematically proper game over a long distance, over thousands of hands. The trick is to play every hand with a positive expectation of winning. Even if it seems to you that winning is impossible, and the theory of probability gives you a 52% chance of success, you need to continue playing the hand. Then, having played ten thousand hands in this way, you will receive a net income of 4% * 10000 * X, where X is the average income from the winning hand. Let's say that on average you get $5 in income per win in the drawing. Using the above formula, the net profit is $2,000. This is one of the main secrets of poker: less drama, more pragmatism. There is no need to put everything on the line and rely on chance. It would be more correct to play mathematically correctly and be guaranteed to take your money over the long haul.

Concentration and discipline

As you understand, everything described above is not so easy to accomplish. Sometimes you just want to make a nice gesture, bet more or try your luck. Therefore, we put concentration and discipline in third place on our list of poker secrets. When playing with the expectation of winning, you need to play each hand in the right way. If you made a mistake or decided to try your luck, this is a minus for your future state. Even if by luck this time you are lucky, next time the chance will take away much more than it gave. The secret of poker is that the game is most profitable when all your decisions are made with a positive probability of winning. This is what all professional players strive for. Therefore, you should not lose concentration when playing poker. It is necessary to constantly monitor yourself, your feelings, emotional and physical state and sweep away everything that could lead to a mistake. Remember, you are playing for money, and every mistake is your loss.


Undoubtedly, realizing everything described above is possible only if there is an appropriate goal. Think about what you want to achieve by playing and winning poker. Set yourself a tempting goal that will give you strength and patience, which will help you not to lose concentration and always play correctly. Perhaps this main secret poker games - determination that allows you to win. Some people strive for a new car of a prestigious model, others consider Thailand a good place to build a cottage. The choice is yours. Find your motivator, your little secret, and move towards the goal.

When learning the game, everyone who aims to win strives to learn not only the basics and stationary rules, but also to learn about the pitfalls and various secrets of Hold'em poker, which will help not just play, but also win.

Learning the subtleties and nuances makes it possible to regard this activity not only as entertainment, but also as a promising opportunity to earn decent money.

It is not enough to thoroughly master the rules of poker. The secrets of poker can be revealed to those who want to know everything about Texas Hold'em. They say that mathematical calculation in the game is important, as well as the ability to choose the right line of behavior and stick to it at the table. Thus, the secrets of playing poker are based on poker mathematics and psychology, which in a harmonious tandem will help you correctly assess your own chances, recognize the tactics of your opponents and present yourself correctly, which will ultimately help you become the owner of the coveted sum in the bank. A high-quality bluff in poker encourages your opponents to take the actions that are necessary for you in a particular situation.

You should study in more detail and thoroughly the secrets of the game of poker, which any connoisseur of this competition would not mind knowing. The main thing to understand: only sound and accurate calculations, as well as a meaningful line of behavior will help achieve the desired result.

The main secrets of a poker competition

Secrets of the game poker hold'em are based on three main components:

  • analytical thinking of the participant;
  • patience;
  • sound calculation carried out .

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on each of the secrets of poker.

Continuous analysis, constant comparison and observation gives the player a significant advantage over opponents. Patience and logic in every action, excitement should not overwhelm the participant. If you learn this, your chances of winning in poker clearly increase. But we cannot discount the need to “read” our opponents. If you do not take into account the behavior of your opponents, you can forever forget about the possibility of becoming a winner.

Subtleties and secrets of online games

True connoisseurs who cannot imagine their lives without poker are today actively exploring and conducting profitable activities in the World Wide Web space. It is important to understand that there is a difference between playing online and playing live.. Therefore, we should talk directly about the secrets of online poker.

  1. Preparation. It would be right to devote this moment greatest attention. Of course, the amount of time spent playing in a casino or booting up a PC and starting an online competition varies significantly. In the first case, it is possible to tune in to the desired wavelength and feel the surrounding atmosphere. The secrets of playing poker online are based on the fact that the process, which can be completed at home in a matter of minutes: press a button on the system unit, click the mouse a couple of times and enter the tournament, should be stretched out somewhat. First of all, you need to start preparing with the fact that you need to rid yourself of typical everyday fuss and various questions. Therefore, it is worth being alone with yourself for at least 10 minutes, turning off your phone, eliminating all distractions, if you need to move your PC or laptop to a place where there are no external “irritants”. Thus, get ready for the game and only then start.
  2. Automatic action buttons. The importance and value of their presence should be appreciated. They can be useful in situations where a player decides to confuse his opponents, that is, “bluff in poker”. It is important to understand the importance and turn to them only in exceptional situations, when there is an urgent need for it. But this is not all the secrets of poker Texas Hold'em.
  3. "Muck" – a button responsible for discarding hands. Through its use, a participant in an online tournament has the opportunity to fold losing or losing hands. Most often, players do not use the autofold button, even occasionally showing their hands to their opponents. If a person participates in hands until the river, after which he does not win and clearly demonstrates to his opponents that he has gone so far with a weak, unwinning card, this can cause unwanted and close attention from observant opponents. This development of events is fraught with not the best consequences, namely, you can lose respect among your opponents and lose the opportunity to bluff. It would be correct to adhere to one rule - do not show your cards in any situations!

This is what the main secrets of poker look like. It is easy to learn them, but putting them into practice is somewhat more difficult, but nevertheless, it is possible. Poker is a game known throughout the world, and in the next article we will figure out what is the secret of poker’s popularity.

Poker is very popular game and in the next article we will figure out what

Online poker has become quite widespread. In different parts of the world, millions of people every day have the opportunity to test themselves in the game. But, according to statistics, only about five percent of players win, while the majority are in the red.

  • So what is the fundamental secret to winning online poker?
  • What is the reason that the vast majority of players lose, and quite a few people always win?

It seems to us that the main secret of poker lies in the combination of certain human qualities as a person, and, most importantly, his methods of approaching the game, desired to obtain results. Remember that the basis of success is not the various secrets of tournament poker, but your knowledge, distance, concentration on the game and determination. Only the presence and proper combination of these qualities will give you the opportunity to win. It is worth considering all these qualities in more detail.

Required knowledge

In poker they are important, as in any other important matter.. Having them, you are guaranteed success. Those who do not want to learn should be prepared for clear losses. Therefore, expect that you will spend a significant part of your time studying theoretical aspects, understanding the basics of strategy, analyzing the secrets of the game, and sorting out controversial issues with other players on the forums. You should not think that only beginners study theory. Even professional players with considerable experience find time to analyze their actions. Here is the first secret of the game - learn at any time, do not stop at existing positions, strive to improve your skills.


A typical mistake for many players is expecting a big win from the first games.. Remember - such cases do not happen. Having taken part in several bets and bet everything, you best case scenario, you will win a small amount. And be sure, carried away by success, you will lose it in one go. Strong players have long known that the main secret of playing Texas Hold'em poker lies in the correct application of mathematical knowledge at any stage of the game. In every scenario, you should strive for a positive, even small, result. Even when there is a strong impression of the impossibility of winning, you should try to play your hand with maximum success. According to research, you need to play ten thousand hands, and only then will the luck of your net income smile. Here's the formula:

4% * 1000 * X, where X is the average profit from the winning change

And if on average you have a profit of 5 dollars in a winning game, then, according to the formula, you will receive $2,000 net. Here’s another secret of poker: don’t get upset, be a pragmatist. You should not rely on chance and thoughtlessly put everything on the line. Correct tactical method There will be a long game, giving a guarantee of taking your winnings, and the use of various poker tricks.

Concentration and discipline rules

Naturally, all these rules are quite difficult to follow.. There is often a desire to bet the maximum amount on a card and hope for a one-time win. It is for this reason that we want to talk about the rules of discipline and concentration on the game. When starting a game and trying to win, you should play each hand correctly. But if you made a mistake and hoped for luck, you are guaranteed to lose. And if you are lucky - this is not a reason to take such risks all the time - you can lose everything. The secret is that the game will always be profitable if all your decisions are made in a positive manner based on the existing winning situation. Professionals always strive for this principle of the game. Hence the conclusion - in no case should you dilute your concentration during the game. Only complete control of your emotions and feelings and complete rejection of thoughts that you can lose. After all, playing for money does not tolerate mistakes.
