Tartary map 1775. G.v.nosovsky, a.t.fomenko new chronology of Rus'


Map from the atlas of Gerardus Mercator.
Scandalous, world-famous map. Well, why, why did Mercator depict this polar land everywhere on his maps? So much noise was raised about this, but the compiler of the atlas himself wrote that he was printing these maps from even more ancient maps. Everyone considered this a fiction, since the laurels of pioneers and pioneer printers would have to be taken away from some personalities. So, moreover, history would have to be revised, and this, oh, how not profitable.


Map from the old British Atlas. Edition around the end of the 18th century. The map clearly shows what the state of Muscovy is, and how many of them existed.

MAP "TARTARY" (1626)

Source unknown.
This map tells what the country of Tartaria is, where it was located and, most importantly, what the Siberians looked like. Well, for some reason they are completely unlike either the Mongols or the Tatars.

MAP "TARTARY" (1732)

And here we see even more amazing things.
It turns out that "Muscovy" with the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg have nothing to do with other "Tartaria", including Moscow Tartaria, which is spread over the whole of Siberia and the Far East.
China is indicated on the map in two copies: the huge Chinese Tartaria and the small China in the south. Considering that the Tartars are Caucasoids, then you wonder how much the modern Chinese have chopped off our territories, and in fact they will also bury themselves in Siberia.

MAP OF "ASIA" (1632)

On this map, the name Tartaria does not appear throughout Asia, but in the region of modern Kazakhstan, according to the map, there are Cossacks of Tartars. Remarkably, their appearance- Cossacks, you can also see on the map, and as you can see, they are more like Europeans than Kazakh-Kyrgyz-Yakuts.

MAP "ASIA" (15??)

One of the maps published by the son of George Mercator.
A memory card from 12,000 years ago. The map shows the sunken polar continent Daaria-Hyperborea-Ariana, etc. The Siberian rivers have slightly different outlines, for example, the Ob and Yenisei are connected by a large body of water. This is not a mistake, it's just that the place of the lake is now a swamp. On four-hundred-year-old maps, there can be not only distortions, but also real, different outlines of our planet.


There were many disputes in the ancient city of Tomsk about its former name "Grustina". But this map puts an end to this issue, as it clearly shows that the city of Grustina stands on the site of modern Biysk, and Tomsk, as expected, is in its place.

Approximately at the end of the 18th century, after the Great Tartaria was defeated in the World War, known to us from the school history course as the “Pugachev Uprising” of 1773-1775, this name on the maps began to be gradually replaced by the Russian Empire, however, Independent and Chinese Tartaria was still displayed until the beginning of the 19th century. After this time, the word Tartaria disappears from the maps altogether and is replaced by other names. For example, Chinese Tartaria began to be called Manchuria. All of the above applies to foreign cards. In Russian, on the other hand, maps with Tartaria have generally remained negligible, at least in the public domain. For example, there is a map of 1707 by V. Kiprianov "Image of the Earth's Globe" and a map of Asia of 1745. This state of affairs suggests that information about the Great Empire of the Rus was carefully concealed.

However, something still remained and finally reached the broad masses. One of the most significant works are the books and maps of the outstanding Russian cartographer and chronicler of Siberia, Semyon Remezov. In 1696, Remezov was entrusted with drawing up a drawing of the entire Siberian land. This activity marked the beginning of unique studies that have come down to us in the form of geographical atlases "Chorographic drawing book" (1697-1711), "Drawing book of Siberia" (1699-1701) and "Service drawing book of Siberia" (1702), as well as annalistic books "Chronicle Siberian Brief Kungur" and "History Siberian" and ethnographic works "Description of the Siberian peoples and the faces of their lands."

The geographical atlases that Remezov compiled simply amaze the imagination with the coverage of territories that were subject to careful study. But this happened at a time when people had only a horse from the “high-speed” means of transportation. In addition, Remezov's materials amaze with the variety of information about the culture, economy, customs and habits of the peoples of Siberia. Yes, and they are decorated with great artistic taste and contain luxurious illustrations. The "Drawing Book of Siberia" by Semyon Remezov and his three sons can be safely called the first Russian geographical atlas. It consists of a preface and 23 large-format maps, covering the entire territory of Siberia and distinguished by the abundance and detail of information. The book contains handwritten drawings of the lands: the City of Tobolsk and suburbs with streets, Tobolsk city, Tara city, Tyumen city, Turin prison, Vekhotursky city, Pelymsky city, and other cities and environs.

In the absence of a meridian grid, Remezov tied his cartographic images to a network of river and land routes. He obtained information on his "business trips", asked other service people, local residents and travelers. According to his own testimony, from such inquiries, he learned “the measure of the land and the distance of the path of cities, their villages and volosts, learned about rivers, rivers and lakes and about the Pomeranian shores, bays and islands and sea crafts and about all sorts of tracts.” On the maps, he marked in detail all the rivers and rivers of Siberia from peaks to mouths, along with their tributaries, as well as oxbow lakes, reaches, islands, fords, shoals, ferries, portages, mills, bridges, marinas, wells, swamps, lakes. He drew the land summer and winter roads with a dotted line, and marked the portages for days: “He dragged the reindeer with pine forests for four days, and up the“ Chudtsky letter ”copied from the Irbit hand-written stone. Sosva go two weeks. Remezov also used the original system symbols, among which: a city, a Russian village, yurts, an ulus, a mosque, a winter hut, a cemetery, a prayer place, burial mounds, guards, pillars (rocky weathering figures). In general, the array of information that three generations of the Remezovs have collected is incredibly huge.

Unfortunately, it took as much as 300 years for the descendants to see the work of life of these Russian people. last record it was made in 1730, after which it disappeared from view. It is known that the next time she was seen in 1764 in the personal library of Catherine II. Then it migrated to the Hermitage, and in the middle of the 19th century it was transferred to the Public Library of St. Petersburg. And since then, only very much has been known about her. narrow specialists. Another work by Remezov, “Chorographic Drawing Book” (primary drawing materials), ended up overseas at all. In 1919, it was taken out by an emigrant - the historian of cartography L.S. Bagrov. It surfaced in 1958 and is now in the library of Harvard University in Cambridge (USA) in the Gufton Library.
Let's try to summarize the above. Great Tartaria, a huge country that occupied almost the entire Eurasian continent and existed at the end of the 18th century, was precisely a country, not a territory, as some “researchers” are trying to present. They justify their point of view by saying that English word country means both a country and a territory, which means that Great Tartaria was just a territory, and not a country at all. However, this approach to the topic of the existence or non-existence of a huge power on the Eurasian continent raises several questions.

First, why are critics of the existence of the state Great Tartaria take as a basis English? After all, a large number of encyclopedias in the 17-18 centuries were published in French, which at that time was international, and only then they were translated into English. The first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica came out only at the end of the 18th century, in 1771. And in the French encyclopedias that appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, Great Tartaria is called exactly the country - PaÏs in Middle French, and this word has one meaning - the country.

Secondly, in the same British Encyclopedia, in the "Geography" section, there is a table in which the authors of the encyclopedia listed all the countries known to them and indicated their areas and capitals. And the capitals of Tartaria are named there, but, as we understand, there cannot be near the territory of the capital. So, according to the compilers of the encyclopedia, there are three Tartaria in Asia. Moscow with its capital in Tobolsk - an area of ​​3,050,000 square miles (three times larger than the state of Russia with its capital in St. Petersburg - 1,103,485 square miles). Independent Tartaria with its capital in Samarkand and an area of ​​778,290 square miles and Chinese Tartaria with its capital in Chinuan with an area of ​​644,000 square miles. The authors of the British encyclopedia could not say anything about the states located to the east of Moscow Tartaria, but they were, and this is mentioned in passing in the French encyclopedias.

Another example. Here is what is said about the Great Tartaria in the Dutch encyclopedia in French from 7 volumes “Historical Atlas or a new introduction to history, chronology and geography, ancient and modern ...” by Henri Abraham Chatelain (1684-1743), first published in Amsterdam 1705. It presents new maps of that time, articles about the history of the emergence of states and empires of the world, their rise and fall and their rulers. In the fifth volume of this encyclopedia, on page 87, there is a map of Great Tartaria with explanations in the upper right corner, which read: “This Tartaria is called Great to distinguish it from Small, which is part of Europe. Its size is significant, if taken from the border of Circassie to the canal or strait of Picko, which, according to observations made by the Jesuits sent to Siam, is at a longitude much less than the 69 to 192 degrees in which it is usually placed. . In this country, there are very few people living in proportion to its vast [territory]: there are few cities and many deserts. In very many places the land there is uncultivated and only closer to the center it produces the best rhubarb in the world. There are many polar bears, ermines and sables, whose fur forms the basis of the country's trade.

And further: “Tartaria, which until now has been an absolutely unknown country, both for geographers and historians, is presented here exactly within its natural boundaries thanks to the efforts famous mr Witsen, who presented us with an exact map from which an exact copy was made. The famous 400-lea-long wall that separates it from China could not stop the Tartars from invading and, to the chagrin of the Chinese, becoming the masters of their country in 1645. However, there are still many rulers in Tartaria, whose names or places of residence are still unknown. In the center of this vast country are free peoples who do not have a permanent place of residence, but who live in the open country on carts and tents. These people are distributed into troops, which are called Hordes.

In the same place: “It is believed that Tartaria consists of several kingdoms and they say that more than a thousand years ago typographic art was invented in the kingdom of Tangut. It is difficult to say exactly when the Tartars became the masters of the entire country, which is located between Tanais and Borisfen and, which today is called Little Tartaria. But as for China, the war waged by the Tartars with this country began in 2341 BC. According to the Jesuit father Mareni, who in 1655 claimed that the Tartars had been continuously at war with the Chinese for 4,000 years. In 1280, the Tartars became the masters of China, and then the Iven clan began to rule there for 89 years. Until 1369, the Chinese expelled the Tartars and the throne was occupied by rulers by nationality and from the Mim clan. In 1645, Tartars, led by King Xunchi, who is called the Great Khan, again captured the Chinese Empire. The clan of the Tartar prince reigns there to this day ... "

In general, it should be noted that the listed historical information for the most part leaves us somewhat perplexed by its fragmentary, superficial and, in general, illiteracy of the description of a huge rich country, and gives rise to more questions than they give answers. Yes, and more and more is being said about China than about Tartaria, but still there are some interesting points. It refers to the existence of several Tartar rulers, and therefore, possibly, states, but who they are and what kind of states they are, what are the relations between them and the metropolis, where their capitals are located, the authors do not know for the above reason. Therefore, in the notes, we are talking more and more about China, which was flooded in the 17th century by the Jesuits and who could get information both about China's relations with its northern neighbor, and some crumbs about the northernmost neighbor. Although these crumbs are surprising.

The information about the war of the Tartars with the Chinese, which lasted not even decades - millennia, is striking! It lasted even after the heavy war with China, which took place more than 7000 years ago and in honor of the victory, in which our ancestors introduced a new calendar - counting from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (see footnote about SMZH). It is possible that the Jesuit did not mean full-scale fighting, and some conflicts and skirmishes, but constant and for such a long time. Alas, the authors of the encyclopedia did not bother to name the reason why the Tartars were in conflict with the Chinese for so long and stubbornly sought to conquer them. Most likely, they did not know, and perhaps even then they began to create the image of a “terrible northern totalitarian monster” that attacks “little proud birds”. Surprising is the mention of book printing in Tangut, as we understand it, one of the provinces of Tartaria, 1000 years ago. It is a pity that no details are given either.

A certain Guthrie William in the middle of the 18th century published a book in which he verbally described the state of Tartaria and its parts, as well as a brief history of this state. Part of the Great Tartaria at the end of the 15th century was conquered by the Russians (Muscovites). In the 16th century, the Manchus fell away from Tartaria. And by the middle of the 18th century, only memories and three parts remained from the huge state: the Great, Independent and Chinese Tartaria. The capital of Great Tartaria was Tobolsk. Everything roughly agrees with Witsen's 1717 map.

After the defeat of the Great Tartaria in the war of 1773, which was given the name "Pugachev's uprising", the memory of this empire began to be carefully erased, but this could not be done right away. On the maps of the 18th and sometimes the 19th century, she, or her provinces, were still reflected, including the Far East.

From the end of the 20th, the beginning of the 21st century, on the vast territory of the Urals, in large numbers, research groups, consisting of both scientists and local history enthusiasts, began to discover ancient megalithic buildings that allow us to talk about a completely new page not only in the history of our country, but and the whole world. Here you can find all types of megalithic structures known to science. These are menhirs or standing stones, dolmens - stone tables and tombs, cromlechs - arched stone structures and geoglyphs, and the remains of stone cities and amphitheaters hidden by earth and vegetation, and giant walls, and pyramids.

There is also enough evidence that the Scythians fought with Ancient Egypt, founded powerful states in Mesopotamia, Central Asia, Palestine, India and China, that almost the entire continent of Eurasia, up to the Arctic, 5 thousand years ago was occupied by a huge empire - Great Scythia. Relatively recently, people knew that in ancient times the Arctic Ocean was called the Scythian. For example, on the map of Scythia and Seriki by Christopher Cellarius (Christopherus Cellarius), published in 1703 in Germany, on which you can also see the ancient name of the Volga River - RA (Rha) on the left and the Hyperborean or Scythian Ocean at the top. In addition, the results of archaeological excavations have now become widely available, and now we can see the appearance of the Scythians and see for ourselves that there is nothing Iranian, read eastern, in their appearance and not even close.
The fact that Great Scythia - a huge Eurasian empire is the empire of the Rus, the successor of which was Great Tartaria, and later Russian empire, written in the excellent book by Yu.D. Petukhov and N.I. Vasilyeva "Eurasian history of the Scythians". It notes, among other things:
- iron processing skills, alphabetical writing, the plots of the Homeric epic were brought to the Greeks by the Scythians in the 9th century BC, that Spartak was by origin a Scythian - a Bosporus prince from the Spartakid dynasty, which explains the extraordinary success of his uprising and the fact that at one time his troops controlled all of Italy, with the exception of Rome;
- in the 8th century BC on the territory of Palestine, the "Greek" city of Scythopolis flourished;
- Russian chronicles tell about the ancestors, the brothers Skif and Zardan, who went to war on the “Egyptian land”;
- evidence of an agreement with Alexander was preserved in Russian chronicles. It says that San, Velikosan, Avelhasan - the princes of the "brave-hearted people of the Slovene, the most glorious and noble Russian tribe" and Alexander the Great delimited spheres of influence, pledging not to enter foreign lands. The territory of the Russians (that is, the Scythians) was recognized as all the lands lying from the Baltic to the Caspian;
- Parthia was created by the Scythians. As a result of excavations of the city of Nisa (near Ashgabat), the capital of the first Arshakids, it was found that a fortress was built in the city "with the latest technology" of the then technology, and palaces overflowing with outstanding works of art: marble and clay statues, bas-reliefs, paintings, products in the Scythian animal style;
- The “Tatar-Mongolian” invasion was an invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan Rus, who drew into their mighty “ninth wave” the pagan Tatars, pagan Polovtsy, Rusovalans, secondary pagan Rus of Central Asia ... - the invasion of pagan Rus of Asia on the Rus- Christians of the "feudal-fragmented" Great Vladimir-Suzdal and Kievan Rus.
- Genuine Russian chronicles, not subjected to editing, said the same thing as contemporary foreign sources. In the Chronicle of Joachim, preserved in the transfer of Tatishchev, it is directly stated that the Russians descended from two brothers, Sloven and Scythian. “Sloven went to midnight and created a great city, and the Scythian remained to live in the same place, near Pontus and Meotis”;
- Tatishchev directly named the Scythians as the ancestors of the Russians.
Back in the 17th century in Europe they knew that in Great Tartaria they spoke the Scythian language. In particular, Nicholas Sanson wrote about this in the Atlas of Asia, published in 1653. The Scythians were also the founders and bearers of culture in the Caucasus - from the upper reaches of the Kuban River to modern Dagestan 12-4 century BC, which researchers call Koban, whose material objects are completely covered with a swastika pattern. Neither the Scythians nor the Sarmatians disappeared anywhere, despite the fact that historians constantly repeat this. In ancient times, the clans of the Slavic-Aryans were named after their prince: “And from that time on, by the names of their princes and their cities, I began to call these people Slavs and Rus” (The Legend of Slovene and Rus and the city of Slovensk from the Chronograph of 1679) So the people of the prince Rus, Slovenia, Scythian, Sarmat, etc. were called, respectively, Russ, Slovenes, Scythians, Sarmatians. The latter continue to live on the same territory where they lived all this time - on the territory of their once huge Empire, on the site of which modern Russia is located.

Back in 1854, Yegor Klassen, in his work “New Materials for the Ancient History of the Slavs in General and the Slavic-Russians before the Rurik Age, in Particular with a Light Essay on the History of the Russ Before the Birth of Christ,” proves that the Scythians and Sarmatians, about whom different people wrote at different times Western historians call the same people who spoke the same language: “... Anna Komnena, Kinnam and Konstantin Porphyrogenitus call them Scythians, when all other stories are already called Russ ...
1) The Scythians of Anna Komnenoy, Leo Deacon and Kinnam spoke Russian.
2) The Tauro-Scythians of Constantine Porphyrogenitus spoke Russian.
3) The Great Scythians of Greek writers, according to Nestor, spoke Russian.
4) Sarmatians (Russes) Chalkokondily spoke - Russian.
5) Alana (Rossi) in Georgian history - of course, Russian.
6) The Sarmatians of Pope Sylvester II spoke the Venedian language, and the Venedian language is the dialect of the Slavic.
7) Sarmatians (Yatsigs and Pannonians) of Ammian Marcellinus and Blessed. Joronim was spoken in Slavonic.
8) The Sarmatians (Antes), recognized by all as Slavs, spoke, of course, the Slavic language.
9) The Sarmatians (Serbs) of Pliny and Anton still speak the Slavic language.
10) The Sarmatians (Venedi) of Procopius and Ptolemy, as occupying the same place with the Sarmatians of Pope Sylvester, spoke the same language as the latter, hence Slavic.
11) Sarmatians (Slavs) of various Slavic historians.
12) In general, the Sarmatians of Apendini are Slavic.
13) Alana (Anty) Slavic.
14) Alan in northern France - Slavic ... "
He also wrote that the Scythians-Rus were the most advanced people of the Earth: on Russov all those distinctive features, which are attested separately for all three of their relative names by Phrygian, Greek, Roman and German historians, and from this grouping of the properties and development of one and the same people, it turns out that the enlightenment of the ancient Russ is older and higher than the Greek ... "
However, over the past a little over 100 years, this was forgotten, and the Scythians again became a mysterious disappeared people. Here is what Tamara Talbot Rice (1904-1993), nee Abelson, who immigrated from Russia in 1917, writes in the book Scythians: Builders of the Steppe Pyramids: “The Scythians disappeared from the pages of history as suddenly as they appeared, as if they had fallen into a deep well. And although they themselves disappeared, they stirred up the waters of history. The waves dispersed almost all over Europe, and it is hardly surprising that they had the greatest impact on Russia, where their smooth and moving lines are noticeable even in our time ... "

Her book is interesting in that the author analyzed 94 Scythian burials located on a vast territory - in Russia (including the Kuban, Astrakhan, Samara, Urals and Altai), Ukraine, Germany, the Balkans, Romania, Hungary and Mongolia, which confirmed , although it did not set itself such a goal, the existence of Great Scythia once occupied almost the entire continent of Eurasia and back in 1771 - the western part of North America, which is confirmed by the map in the first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, where for cartographers of that time this territory of Great Tartaria ( see also the map of the French cartographer Nicholas Sanson in 1691), the successor of Great Scythia, was a solid white spot, Terra Incognita, just as once for Herodotus the land of the north and east of Eurasia. Unfortunately, the author did not have archaeological data to show the territory of the Scythian state further, to the east, and on the American continent.

We managed to collect such information about the Great Tartary. There were a lot of them! And this testifies unambiguously in favor of the fact that such a country was in reality. Our vast territory of Siberia and the Far North remains unexplored. And there, it seems, there are enough other facts confirming our conclusions. The world's oldest Ural Mountains also hold many more secrets. ancient history our Earth and the civilizations that preceded today.

Maksimenko Yuri




Above, we talked about the striking at first glance statement of the Britannica Encyclopedia of 1771, that almost all of Siberia was formed at that time, that is, at the end of the 18th century! - an independent state with its capital in Tobolsk, vol. 2, pp. 682-684. See fig.11.11, . At the same time, MOSCOW TARTARY, according to the British Encyclopedia of 1771, WAS THE LARGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, v.2, p.683. This is depicted on many maps of the 18th century. See, for example, one of these maps on,. We see that Moscow Tartaria began from the middle reaches of the Volga, from Nizhny Novgorod. Thus, Moscow was very close to the border with Moscow Tartary. Its capital is the city of Tobolsk, whose name on this map is underlined and given in the form TOBOL. That is just like in the Bible. Recall that in the Bible, medieval Rus' is called ROSH MESHEKH and FUVAL, that is, Ros, Moscow and Tobol. See above.

The question arises. Where did this huge state go? One has only to ask the question, as the facts immediately begin to surface and be comprehended in a new way, showing that UP TO THE END OF THE 18TH CENTURY THERE WAS A GIANT STATE. Since the 19th century, it has been excluded from world history. They pretended it never existed. As evidenced maps XVIII century, until this era, Moscow Tartaria was practically inaccessible to Europeans.

But at the end of the 18th century, the situation changed dramatically. The study of the geographical maps of that time clearly shows that the stormy conquest of these lands began. It came from both sides at once. The troops of the Romanovs entered Russian-Horde Siberia and the Far East for the first time. And in the Russian-Horde western half of the North American continent, stretching all the way to California to the south, and to the middle of the continent to the east, the troops of the United States entered for the first time. On the maps of the world compiled at that time in Europe, the huge "blank spot" finally disappeared. And on the maps of Siberia they stopped writing in large letters "Great Tartaria" or "Moscow Tartaria".

What happened at the end of the 18th century? After all that we have learned about the history of Rus'-Horde, the answer is clear. AT THE END OF THE 18TH CENTURY, THE LAST BATTLE BETWEEN EUROPE AND THE HORDE IS OCCURRED. The Romanovs are on the side of Western Europe. This immediately makes us look at the so-called "Pugachev's peasant-Cossack uprising" of 1773-1775 with completely different eyes.


Apparently, the well-known war with Pugachev in 1773-1775 was by no means the suppression of the "peasant-Cossack uprising", as they explain to us today. It was a real major war of the Romanovs with the last independent Russian-Horde Cossack state - Moscow Tartaria. The capital of which, as the British Encyclopedia of 1771 informs us, was the Siberian city of Tobolsk. Note that this Encyclopedia was published, fortunately, before the war with Pugachev. True, in just two years. If the publishers of Encyclopædia Britannica had delayed its publication by even two or three years, it would be much more difficult to restore the truth today.

It turns out that ONLY AFTER WIN THE WAR WITH PUGACHEV - that is, as we now understand, with Tobolsk - also known as the famous Biblical Tubal or Tubal - THE ROMANOVS GOT ACCESS TO SIBERIA FOR THE FIRST TIME. Which was previously closed to them, of course. The Horde just wouldn't let them in.

And only after that the United States for the FIRST TIME got access to the western half of the North American continent. And they began to quickly capture it. But the Romanovs, apparently, did not doze off either. At first, they managed to "grab" Alaska, which is directly adjacent to Siberia. But in the end, they couldn't keep her. I had to give it to the Americans. For a very nominal fee. Highly. Apparently, the Romanovs simply could not really control the vast Russian territories beyond the Bering Strait from St. Petersburg. It must be assumed that the Russian population of North America was very hostile to the power of the Romanovs. As to the conquerors who came from the West and seized power in their state, in Moscow Tartaria.

Thus ended the division of Moscow Tartaria already in the 19th century. It is amazing that this "feast of the victors" has been wiped clean from the pages of history books. In fact, he never got there. Although quite obvious traces of this have been preserved. We will talk about them below.

By the way, the British Encyclopedia reports that in the 18th century there was another "Tatar" state - Independent Tartaria with its capital in Samarkand, v.2, p.682-684. As we now understand, it was another huge fragment of the Great Rus'-Horde of the XIV-XVI centuries. Unlike Moscow Tartaria, the fate of this state is known. It was conquered by the Romanovs in the middle of the 19th century. This is the so-called "conquest of Central Asia". So it is evasively called in modern textbooks. It was bloody. The very name of Independent Tartaria disappeared from the maps forever. It is still called the conditional, meaningless name of Central Asia. The capital of Independent Tartaria - Samarkand was taken by the Romanov troops in 1868, v.3, p.309. The entire war lasted four years, 1864-1868.


Let's go back to the 18th century. Let's see how North America and Siberia were depicted on maps of the 18th century before Pugachev. That is, earlier than 1773-1775. It turns out that the western part of the North American continent is NOT SHOWN AT ALL on these maps. The European cartographers of that time SIMPLY DID NOT KNOW HOW the western half of the N American continent looked like. They didn’t even know whether it was connected to Siberia or whether there was a strait there. Moreover, it is very strange that the American government "for some reason" did not show any interest in these neighboring lands. Although at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries this interest suddenly, out of nowhere, appeared. And it was very stormy. Is it because these lands suddenly became "no one's"? And it was necessary to hurry up in order to have time to capture them before the Romanovs. Who did the same from the West.

Let's turn to the maps of North America. Let's start with a map from the British Encyclopedia of 1771, which takes into account the latest achievements in geographical science of that time. That is, we repeat, the very end of the XVIII century. But - BEFORE PUGACHEV. Full map given by us above on . Here is a fragment of it. We see that the entire northwestern part of the North American continent, by no means only Alaska, is a huge "blank spot" overlooking the ocean. Even the coastline is not marked! Consequently, until 1771 no European ship passed along these coasts. One such pass would be sufficient to carry out at least a rough cartographic survey. And after that we are told that Russian Alaska, located in this part of North America, was allegedly subordinate to the Romanovs at that time. If that were the case, then European maps the coastline would certainly be drawn. Instead, we see here the curious words written by European cartographers on the American "white spot": Undiscovered lands (Parts Undiscovered), .

Take a slightly earlier English map, dated 1720 or later, drawn in London, pp. 170-171. Cm. . Here, too, a significant part of the North American continent is a "white spot". On which is written: "Unknown lands" (Parts Unknown). Note that this 18th century map depicts the California Peninsula as an ISLAND! That is, as we can see, European ships were not allowed here by the Horde even at the beginning of the 18th century. To Pugachev!

The same can be seen on the French map of 1688,. Here the California peninsula is also shown as an island! That is also wrong. What does this mean? A simple thing. The line of the western coast of North America is still unknown to Europeans. They are not allowed here. Therefore, they do not know that the California peninsula will join the mainland a little to the north.

Moreover, the compilers of the British Encyclopedia of 1771 have the same vague idea about the island of Novaya Zemlya. Fragment shown English map from the Encyclopædia Britannica depicting Siberia. We have shown this map in full form earlier on. Novaya Zemlya is shown here in such a way that it is completely incomprehensible whether it is a peninsula, drawn just below the inscription Nova Zemhla, or an island. The fact is that at the top of the Nova Zemhla inscription, some kind of blurry, barely noticeable shading is visible, clearly demonstrating the complete ignorance of the authors of the Encyclopædia Britannica of 1771 about the true geography of this area, . Such a "blank spot" they tried to portray the New Earth. But since they obviously did not know its true outlines, and did not even understand whether it was an island or a peninsula, they limited themselves to only vague shading with blurry outlines. For comparison, we provide a fragment of a modern map showing the correct geography of these areas.

And again, 1771 is still the pre-Pugachev era. The Romanovs have not yet entered Siberia, and the American colonists have not yet entered the northwest of the American continent. Therefore, Western European and Romanov cartographers are still confused in the geography of Northern Siberia and the Far East. Even professional cartographers who made maps for the Encyclopædia Britannica, that is, for work that accumulated all the best scientific achievements of their time, get confused.

There are quite a lot of similar maps of the first half and the middle of the 18th century. We have given only a few examples, illustrating, it turns out, a very common, but erroneous, opinion of the geographers of this era, that Novaya Zemlya is a peninsula.

And what do we see on the supposedly "more ancient" maps of the 16th-17th centuries? Here, for example, is a map of Great Tartaria, called the Mercator-Hondius map and allegedly dating from 1640. That is, as we are assured, as if more than a century earlier than the Encyclopædia Britannica map, . We are surprised to find that on the map of Mercator-Hondius the island of Novaya Zemlya is absolutely correctly shown as an island. Its upper part is not depicted (apparently still unknown), but the ISLAND IS SEPARATED BY A STRAIT FROM THE MATERIAL, and it is clear that along the entire coastline of the mainland, the island of Novaya Zemlya does not approach it anywhere else. This example is typical.

We take the world map of Rumold Mercator, presented on. Today, historians attribute it to 1587, p.100. It is believed that the map was drawn by Rumold, the son of the famous cartographer Gerhard Mercator, on the basis of his father's map, allegedly created as early as 1569, p.98. That is, the map of 1569-1587 by Rumold-Gerhard Mercator is allegedly much earlier than the map of Mercator-Hondius, allegedly from 1640, that we have already described. And here we again see that on the map of Rumold Mercator, the island of Novaya Zemlya is correctly depicted as an island,. Moreover, this "early" map of Rumold Mercator, allegedly from 1569-1587, is much BETTER AND DETAILED than the "later" map of Mercator-Hondius, allegedly from 1640. We see the same thing on another version of the map, allegedly from 1595, attributed to Gerhard Mercator, . Novaya Zemlya is correctly shown as an island, separated by one strait from the mainland and nowhere else approaching it.

Here and there we find some strange rule in the Scaligerian history. The older the map, the better it is. As we now understand, in a correct story it should be the other way around. Early cards, of course, were imperfect, but then gradually, and more or less monotonously, improved as correct information was accumulated. At the same time, the correct geographic knowledge obtained by cartographers was never forgotten and, having got on the maps, remained on them forever. Just clarifying. There has been no "mass forgetting" in the history of cartography.

We take further the French map of Great Tartaria, allegedly of the end of the 17th century,. And again we see that the island of Novaya Zemlya is correctly shown here as an island. And Korea, by the way, is also correctly depicted as a peninsula. That is, the authors of this map are already quite well versed in the geography of Siberia and the Far East. Allegedly at the end of the 17th century.

And so on. It turns out that it is "generally accepted" by cartographers of the supposedly 16th-17th centuries to depict the island of Novaya Zemlya as an ISLANDS, and the peninsula of California as a peninsula. But their students and followers, European cartographers of the next, XVIII century, right up to the era of the war with Pugachev, allegedly completely forgot all this, fell into ignorance, and began en masse to consider Novaya Zemlya as a peninsula, and California as an island. And only with the passage of time, namely, after the victory of the Romanovs over Pugachev, European cartographers finally "remembered" the correct geography. And they supposedly "returned" to the correct ideas of the supposedly 16th century.

The picture is clear. All of these are gorgeous correct cards allegedly of the 16th-17th centuries are either forgeries, specially drawn "for antiquity" in the 18th-19th centuries, or - genuine maps of the 18th-19th centuries, but with false earlier dates deliberately affixed to them. The cartographers of the 18th century did not "forget" anything and did not "remember" anything. They just FOR THE FIRST TIME LEARNED the correct geography of Siberia and the Far East after 1773-1775. When the Romanovs invaded Siberia for the FIRST TIME, and the United States troops invaded the Northwest of the American continent for the FIRST TIME. The result was charts like the 1782 chart: Chart NW Coast of America and NE Coast of Asia. Eng. - T.Hartman. Ed. - Strahan. London, 1782. It was presented at the exhibition of maps of Russia of the XVII-XVIII centuries in the Museum of Private Collections at the Pushkin Museum (Moscow), in February-March 1999.

This map already depicts the coastlines of Kamchatka and Northwest America quite correctly. The strait between Asia and America is correctly shown. At the same time, far from the coast, inside the continents, almost no details have yet been drawn. Solid white spots. And this is understandable. By 1782, neither the Romanovs nor the United States had yet managed to "Romanize" and "Americanize" these vast Russian-Horde territories.

Let us now take the fundamental atlas of old maps of America: Eduard Van Ermen "The United States in Old Maps and Prints", . Let's see how the ideas of European cartographers about the western coast of North America have changed over time. And in particular, about the peninsula of California. It turns out that all the maps of the XVIII century, given in the atlas, CATEGORICALLY, AND WITH REFERENCE TO THE LATEST (BY THE TIME) GEOGRAPHICAL INVESTIGATIONS, STATE THAT CALIFORNIA IS AN ISLAND. That is, they allow grossest mistake when describing the western coast of North America. The last such map is dated in the atlas in 1740. The map following it is dated as early as 1837, that is, a CENTURY LATER. This 19th-century map shows California and the American west coast correctly. And for the FIRST TIME the name "United States of America" ​​appears here on the maps of the atlas. Let us note here a very strange fact. For some reason, THERE IS NO MAP OF THE WEST COAST OF NORTH AMERICA DATED BETWEEN 1740 AND 1837 in the atlas. We see here a strange gap, a "cartographic gap" the size of a century! Although until 1740, a new map appeared approximately every ten years. From 1666 to 1740.


And now is the time to ask yourself: when and how was the United States of America formed? Let us pay special attention to the moment of the emergence of the United States. The Encyclopedic Dictionary reports that "in the course of the War of Independence in North America 1775-1783 ... an independent state was formed - the USA (1776)", p.1232. And then we suddenly realize "m that the formation of the United States surprisingly EXACTLY COINS WITH THE END OF THE WAR WITH "PUGACHEV" IN RUSSIA. Recall that "Pugachev" was defeated in 1775. See above. Now everything is falling into place. Apparently "The "War for Independence" in North America was a war against the weakening American Russian Horde. The Romanovs attacked the Horde from the west. And from the east, in America, the" American troops fighting for independence. Today we are told that the Americans fought for " independence from England". In fact, it was a war for the division of the vast American lands of Moscow Tartaria, which found themselves without a central Russian-Horde control. In order not to be late in the division, American troops rushed to the west and northwest. The first US president in 1776 became, as you know, George Washington, p. 1232. It turns out that George Washington became the first new ruler in the American lands of the Russian Horde. erased from the pages of American history textbooks. As well as the fact of the existence of the huge Moscow Tartaria in general. The war of the United States of America with the remnants of the Russian-American Horde for the complete possession of the American lands of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire continued until the second half of the 19th century. Alaska, which remained Russian for a particularly long time, was "bought" by the Americans from the Romanovs only in 1867, p.1232. On the cheap. For nothing.

Thus, it turns out that the United States of America naturally formed in 1776 from the American fragment of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire. Namely, from the American part of Moscow Tartaria, the heir to the Empire. This circumstance, of course, was rather quickly glossed over in the pages of history textbooks. Including - and first of all - on American history. First they forbade talking about it, and then they forgot. They began to talk about "independence from England." In fact, as we now understand, it was about secession and independence from the newly disintegrated Moscow Tartaria.


Let's go back to the old maps of America. We list all the maps from the atlas, which depict the west coast of America and, in particular, California.

The first map is the Ortelius map, allegedly dating from the 16th century, . As we can see, allegedly in the 16th century, European cartographers knew well what the western coast of America looked like. California is depicted as a peninsula. What is right. They also knew the Bering Strait. It is shown very clearly on the map of Ortelius and is called the "Strait of Anian". On the map, a sailing ship confidently sails through this strait, p.17.

The second map refers to 1666,. This is the second half of the 17th century. By this time, the west coast of America was allegedly completely "forgotten". California mysteriously turns into an ISLAND. What is wrong. Moreover, the following wonderful phrase is written next to California: "This California was in times past thought to been a part of y Continent and so made in all maps, but by further discoveries was found to be an Iland long 1700 legues". That is: "This California in the past was considered part of the Continent (that is, a peninsula - Auth.) and so was depicted on all maps, but in the course of further discoveries it was found that it is an ISLAND 1700 leagues long", .

So, they want to convince us that in the 17th century, through the most thorough research, they “finally proved” that California is not a peninsula, but an island. That is, supposedly "ancient", but correct information was, after "scientific analysis", massively replaced by "newest", but incorrect. All this looks extremely doubtful. Most likely, these are "tricks of the Scaligerian chronology". In the reliable history of cartography of the last two hundred years, no such absurdity has occurred. Geographic maps have evolved from bad to good. And not vice versa.

Also note that the entire coastline of America above Northern California is not marked at all on the 1666 map, .

It is clear that history geographical discoveries in the west of America is not at all what historians paint for us today. The appearance of a huge white spot on the maps of North America, capturing California and "turning the peninsula into an island," is a consequence of the closeness of the Russian-Horde lands to Western European cartographers of the 17th-18th centuries. Up to the defeat of "Pugachev".

We see the same picture on the next map of the west of North America from the atlas. It dates from 1680. On it, California is also an island. What is wrong. There is no Bering Strait. The western and central part of North America is a huge white spot extending into the ocean. The coastline in the north is not marked.

The next map is from 1692, . The same picture. California is an island. It is not right. What is happening in the northwest of the American continent, European cartographers of the 17th century have no idea. The coastline is not marked. VERY CLOSE to California, the supposed coast of Japan is drawn. This is completely false.

The next map with California is not dated exactly in the atlas. Dated to the era after 1698, . California is still an island. What is wrong. The white spot in North America remains empty. It can be seen that Europeans are not allowed here yet.

After that, in the atlas we see a map with California in 1710,. There are no shifts. California is still an island. What is wrong. But on the white spot appears a large inscription: UNKNOWN EARTH (Parts Unknown). The coastline is still unmarked.

The next map is with California in 1720. Cm. . Again, there are no shifts in the geography of these places. Although the east coast of North America, Central and South America are LITERALLY PATTERNED WITH NAMES. Something does not let cartographers, and Europeans in general, go beyond the magical border all in the same places in the northwest of America.

Further card is coming America 1726. Cm. . Again, no change in geographical knowledge about California and the northwest of the American continent. The border of the white spot does not move. California is still an island. What is wrong. Next to the huge white spot, in order to somehow cover it, they bashfully painted a luxurious picturesque picture. Palm trees, blacks, a merry festival under palm trees (in the north!). But in the rest of the American continent THERE IS LITERALLY NOT ENOUGH SPACE ON THE MAP FOR A LOT OF GEOGRAPHICAL DETAILS. For some reason, they don’t depict any banquets under palm trees.

The next map dates from 1739, . Here California finally becomes a peninsula. What is right. However, the white spot remains. Only its border moved slightly to the north. As a result, the connection between California and the mainland was slightly opened. It was a great success for European and American cartography.

The next map in the atlas, oddly enough, dates back to 1837. This is practically modern map, . There are no white spots on it anymore.

The question arises. Why is the fundamental atlas silent about the maps of North America from 1740 to 1837? This strange "geographical silence" falls precisely at the time of the collapse of Moscow Tartaria and the formation of the United States of America in the place of its American fragment.

We will supplement the resulting picture with information from the book on the history of geographical atlases. There we will find two more maps not included in the atlas and depicting North America. The first of these is a map from the atlas of the "ancient" Ptolemy, . It turns out that the "ancient" Ptolemy is well aware of the coast of America. Which is named in his atlas Terra Nova, that is, New Earth. All clear. Under the name "Ptolemy" they published either an old Horde map of the XV-XVII centuries, or a remake made "for antiquity" in the XVII-XVIII centuries.

Another map of North America, allegedly from 1593, is given by us on. Oddly enough, it describes the lands of the American northwest in some detail. The Bering Strait is shown. California is drawn as a peninsula. What is right. The image is rather inaccurate, but we see a peninsula here. So, either this is a forgery of the XVIII-XIX centuries, or is it some kind of real old map era of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire. After all, it is clear that the imperial cartographers of the XV-XVII centuries had a good idea of ​​the boundaries of their own Empire. The level of this map is quite consistent with the era of the end of the XVI century.

We will also cite an old Spanish map with an unknown date from the collection of A.M. Bulatov, . Again, despite the rather primitive cartographic representations, the western coast of North America is depicted in general correctly. California is a peninsula. What is right. Therefore, either this map is a late forgery, or one of the really old maps of the era of the Great = "Mongolian" Empire.

So, the history of maps of the western coast of North America clearly shows us that in the 17th-18th centuries there were huge "unknown territories" here, covering almost half of the North American continent. This area "for some reason" was inaccessible to European cartographers. Moreover, it became inaccessible precisely from the 17th century, after the collapse of the Great Empire. And it became available again, only at the end of the 18th century, immediately after the defeat of Pugachev in 1775, the collapse of Moscow Tartaria and (as a result) the emergence of the United States. Probably, in these places the American lands of the Russian-Horde Empire, and its heirs, Moscow Tartaria of the XVII-XVIII centuries, were located.

<Фоменко>Fra Mauro also tells about the sources of his remarkable cosmography on the graphic field of the map, placing the text in the place where the border between Europe and Asia was traditionally marked - in the bend of Tanais. "This work was made for the Serenissima (Venice. - I.F.) and is not as perfect as we would like. For it is impossible for the human mind to create a cosmography or an image of the ecumene without the Higher Providence ... I did not follow Ptolemy as regards the measures of longitude and latitude , as well as in structure ... Concerning myself, I will give the answer that I tried to reinforce my work on land description with experience, spending many years on this and communicating with trustworthy people who visited those countries and saw with their own eyes everything that I here I demonstrate ... As for the amount of land in the world, there is no unequivocal opinion among cosmographers on this matter, and I, in turn, will refrain from my point of view here. But in all regions, even the most insignificant, I put the letter "P" (which sign - or provinces) for convenience in designating various lands and the peoples inhabiting them ... As for the question about the circumference of the earth's circle, there are various opinions and statements that are not supported experienced knowledge ... and in this case, I trust in the Wisdom of the Lord and the measure of His Providence, for only He alone knows everything exactly. The map was ordered by the Portuguese monarch Affonso V. It should be noted that before the appearance of this masterpiece of medieval cartography, we do not see roads on European maps. At Fra Mauro, roads are laid, and they connect the regions and cities of Russia, which is another argument in favor of the fact that he drew information from travelers who had been there. The informers were probably "Guests-Surozhians", merchants who traded in the Italian trading posts of the Northern Black Sea region. Russian "guests" in the XIV-XV centuries. they traded between Surozh (Sugdeya), Tana and Moscow, and in search of birds of prey highly valued in the West and East, they reached Pechora. The map shows trade routes along the Don and the rivers of the Moscow region, as well as a complex of northern rivers (Sukhona, Dvina, Vychegda, Yug).

Fra Mauro distinguishes as many as five Russias: southern and southwestern Russia - Russia Ross (Red); northern and northwestern lands - Russia, Russia Sarmatia or Russia in Europe; eastern - Russia Bianca (White) Sarmatia or Russia in Asia; central and northeastern - Russia Negra (Black). The author explains this color differentiation as follows: "This division (of the country) into white, black and red Russia has no other explanation than the fact that these parts of Russia are called as follows. White Russia got its name from the (nearby) White Sea, the other part - Black Russia is called so from the black river, and Red Russia is called so by the name of the red river. The Tatars call the white sea "Akteniz", the black river "Karasu", and the red river is called "Kozus".

The borders of the lands and the settlement of peoples near Fra Mauro are peculiar "forest belts", about which the author says: "Note that throughout the map there are green icons and groups of trees are depicted; their purpose is to mark the boundaries of various provinces." On the Venetian cosmography there is the ethnonym "Tartaria" - in the name of the regions where earlier cartographers depicted Alania and Cumania (South Russian steppes) in the interfluve of the Dnieper, Don and Volga. There is also the city of "Tartaria" on this map - below the mouth of the river. Bear, which flows into the Don. This city is not yet amenable to localization due to poor archaeological knowledge of the region.

The miniature of Sarai, the first capital of the Golden Horde, on the map of Fra Mauro, is significantly inferior to Sarai surrounded by a powerful fortress wall, to which the artist Andrea Bianco knowingly gave the definition of "Grando". Near Saray Grando there is a miniature of a luxurious tomb with an accompanying epitaph text, which dates back to the events of 1395. "Tartar Tomb: in which there are 18 burials made by the will of Tamerlane, who inflicted the greatest defeat on them (the Tartars). And he ordered to bury them here only the most noble, and this burial mausoleum is similar to what is shown (on the map)." The value of the map of 1459 is also in the fact that the author placed on it two capitals of the Golden Horde at once on the left bank of the Edil (Volga): "Saray" on the left bank of the river "Kara Saray", at its confluence with the Edil, corresponds to the city of Saray- Batu, and "Saray Grando" (Saray al-Jedid). There is also a third Sarai on the map - the Kalmukov Sarai, which is located on the right bank of the Volga.

<Автор>Here one can disagree that the information reached the Italian cartographer through Russian merchants. Red Russia got its name from the Cherven cities conquered in 981 by Prince Vladimir. Black Rus' means "subordinate (to Lithuania and Poland) Rus'". The meaning of "black" in the sense of "subordinate" has been preserved in Russian in such expressions as "black hundred", "black-haired peasants". There is also a strange etymology from the name of the rivers in the Turkic language. Rather, the information came from the Tatars, who knew about the color division of the geography of Rus', but gave it their own etymology, different from Russian.

Old Saray (Saray-Batu) is well known to archaeologists. No traces of the "Slavic-Aryan civilization" were found there. Here, "alternative historians" even have nothing to say.
