Effect skin for minecraft by nickname. Mod for new effects

If you think that in Minecraft game PE lacks effects and features, then the Potion Effect mod will add more than 23 new effects and features, which include invisibility, super speed and much more. Now you can enable one of the presented effects for your character, thanks to which you can jump up dozens of blocks, breathe underwater and other incredible things.
How to enable effects?

To enable one of the effects you need to enter the command into the chat .effect 1 10 3 where `1` is the name of the effect (you can also enter a letter value, for example speed or jump), in our case this is the speed effect, `10` the duration of the effect in seconds and `3` the level of the effect, the higher the higher you will move faster, jump higher, etc. Please note that all commands are entered not with a slash `/`, as many are used to, but with a dot `.`

Example of entering a command:

.effect speed 10 3
.effect 1 10 3

In the Potion Effect mod you will have access to about 23 different effects and let's look at some of them more specifically. The first effect I wanted to talk about will increase your movement speed.

Thanks to another effect, you will be able to jump to any height in MCPE, from a couple of blocks to a height of tens of blocks, which will allow you to overcome obstacles of any height in one jump

Another effect is no less useful and will allow you to stay under water for any amount of time without drowning or losing your life.

The last, but no less useful effect that I will tell you about is invisibility. After entering the command, you will become completely invisible to everyone around you, be it cows or evil mobs.

If you think that in the game Pocket Edition not enough visual effects or you want to get new features then be sure to download and install the Potion Effect mod, which will give you new skills and diversify the gameplay quite a lot.

List of effects in the mod:

  • speed or 1 - speed effect
  • slowness or 2 - slowdown effect
  • haste or 3 - acceleration effect
  • mining_fatigue or 4
  • strength or 5 - strength effect
  • instant_health or 6 - instant health
  • instant_damage or 7 - instant damage
  • jump or 8 - jumping effect
  • nausea or 9 - nausea effect
  • regeneration or 10 - regeneration effect
  • damage_resistance or 11 - damage resistance effect
  • fire_resistance or 12 - fire resistance effect
  • water_breathing or 13 - the ability to breathe underwater
  • invisibility or 14 - invisibility effect
  • blindness or 15 - blindness effect
  • night_vision or 16 - night vision effect
  • hunger or 17 - hunger effect
  • weakness or 18 - weakness
  • poison or 19 - poison
  • wither or 20 - withering
  • health_boost or 21 - health boost effect
  • absorption or 22 - absorption effect
  • saturation or 23 - saturation

Skin effect (from the English skin - skin, shell)

surface effect, the attenuation of electromagnetic waves as they penetrate deep into the conducting medium, as a result of which, for example, alternating current across the cross-section of a conductor or alternating magnetic flux across the cross-section of a magnetic circuit is not distributed evenly, but predominantly in the surface layer. S.-e. due to the fact that when an electromagnetic wave propagates in a conducting medium, eddy currents arise , As a result, part of the electromagnetic energy is converted into heat. This leads to a decrease in the strength of the electric and magnetic fields and current density, i.e. to wave attenuation.

The higher the frequency ν of the electromagnetic field and the greater the magnetic permeability μ of the conductor, the stronger (in accordance with Maxwell’s equations) the vortex electric field created by the alternating magnetic field, and the greater the conductivity A conductor, the greater the current density and power dissipated per unit volume (in accordance with Ohm and Joule-Lenz laws). Thus, the greater ν, μ, and σ, the stronger the attenuation, i.e., the more pronounced the S.-e.

In the case of a plane sinusoidal wave propagating along the axis X in a well-conducting, homogeneous, linear medium (displacement currents can be neglected compared to conduction currents), the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic field strengths decay according to the exponential law:

Attenuation coefficient, μ 0 - Magnetic constant. In depth x =δ = 1/α the wave amplitude decreases in e once. This distance is called the penetration depth or skin thickness. For example, at a frequency of 50 Hz in copper (σ = 580 ksym/cm;μ = 1) σ = 9.4 mm, in steel (α = 100 ksym/cm,= 1000) δ = 0.74 mm. When the frequency increases to 0.5 MHzδ will decrease by 100 times. An electromagnetic wave does not penetrate into an ideal conductor (with infinitely high conductivity), it is completely reflected from it. The shorter the distance the wave travels compared to δ, the weaker the S.-e.

For conductors with a strongly pronounced solar emission, when the radius of curvature of the wire cross-section is significantly greater than δ and the field in the conductor is a plane wave, the concept of surface resistance of the conductor is introduced Z s (surface impedance). It is defined as the ratio of the complex amplitude (See Complex amplitude) of the voltage drop per unit length of the conductor to the complex amplitude of the current flowing through the cross section of a skin layer of unit length. Complex resistance per unit length of conductor:

Where R 0 - active resistance of the conductor, which determines the power loss in it, X 0 - inductive reactance, taking into account the inductance of the conductor due to the magnetic flux inside the conductor, lc- perimeter of the cross section of the skin layer, ω = 2πν; at the same time R0= X 0 . With strongly expressed S.-e. the surface resistance coincides with the characteristic impedance (See Characteristic impedance) of the conductor and, therefore, is equal to the ratio of the electric field strength to the magnetic field strength on the surface of the conductor.

In cases where the free path l current carriers become greater than the thickness δ of the skin layer (for example, in very pure metals at low temperatures), at relatively high frequencies of the S.-e. acquires a number of features due to which it received the name anomalous. Since the field over the electron mean free path is nonuniform, the current at a given point depends on the value of the electric field not only at this point, but also in its vicinity, which has dimensions of the order of l Therefore, when solving Maxwell’s equations, instead of Ohm’s law, it is necessary to use the Boltzmann kinetic equation to calculate the current. Electrons with abnormal S.-e. become unequal in terms of their contribution to the electric current; at l >>δ the main contribution comes from those that move in the skin layer parallel to the metal surface or at very small angles to it and, therefore, spend more time in the strong field region (effective electrons). Attenuation of the electromagnetic wave in the surface layer still occurs, but the quantitative characteristics of the anomalous S.-e. somewhat different. The field in the skin layer does not decay exponentially ( R 0 /X 0 =

In the infrared frequency range, an electron may not have time to travel the distance during the period of field change l. In this case, the field along the path of the electron over the period can be considered uniform. This leads again to Ohm's law, and S.-e. becomes normal again. Thus, at low and very high frequencies S.-e. always normal. In the radio range, depending on the relationship between / and δ, normal and anomalous S.-e. can occur. All of the above is true as long as the frequency с is less than the plasma frequency: ω ne2/ m) 1/2 (n- concentration of free electrons, e- charge, m- electron mass) (for higher frequencies, see article Metaloptics).

S.-e. often undesirable. In wires there is alternating current at strong S.-e. flows mainly along the surface layer; in this case, the cross-section of the wire is not fully used, the resistance of the wire and the power losses in it at a given current increase. In ferromagnetic plates or tapes of magnetic circuits of transformers, electrical machines, and other devices, there is an alternating magnetic flux at strong S.-e. passes mainly along their surface layer; As a result, the use of the cross-section of the magnetic core deteriorates, the magnetizing current and losses in the steel increase. The “harmful” influence of S.-e. weakened by reducing the thickness of the plates or tape, and at sufficiently high frequencies - by using magnetic cores made of magnetodielectrics (See Magnetodielectrics).

On the other hand, S.-e. finds application in practice. In S.-E. based on the action of electromagnetic screens. So, to protect the external space from interference created by the field of a power transformer operating at a frequency of 50 Hz, a screen made of relatively thick ferromagnetic steel is used; To shield an inductor operating at high frequencies, the screens are made of a thin layer of Al. In S.-E. High-frequency surface hardening of steel products was founded (see Induction heating unit).

Lit.: Netushil A.V., Polivanov K.M., Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, vol. 3, M., 1956; Polivanov K.M., Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, part 3 - Theory of the electromagnetic field, M., 1975; Neumann L.R., Surface effect in ferromagnetic bodies, L. - M., 1949. See also lit. at Art. Metals.

I. B. Negnevitsky.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


With this texture pack, explosions in portable Minecraft look more realistic. New effect the explosion will add to the impression of destruction. The detail is insignificant, but thanks to it the graphics in the game will become more interesting and of higher quality.

Beautiful explosions are designed in a primitive style, which is so loved by fans of the mining sandbox. At the same time, animation adds a special liveliness to what is happening on the screen.

This texture pack does not make significant changes, but this detail will make the miner's life more varied and fun. New explosion textures will add realism and immersion in the game will become more clear.

How to install the texture pack:

First step: download the texture pack from the link below.

Second step: Unzip the downloaded archive and copy the folder HD Explosion Effect on the way games\com.mojang\resource_packs ( if this folder does not exist, create it yourself)

Third step: In the game, go to Settings, next to Texture Sets there will be a Control button, click on it. In the left list there will be a copied texture pack, click on it so that it becomes the first in the right list.
