The psychological game mafia is welcome to. A fascinating psychological educational game "mafia" as a training for effective communication and self-confidence

Mafia game is psychological game, the plot of which completely depends on the host and the players themselves. The game "Mafia" conducted by a professional trainer can form the skills necessary for more effective communication in everyday life. Because card game"Mafia" is a role-playing psychological game, then, depending on the role you have received, you will be able to work out and hone your skills:

  • listen carefully, not missing a single word or gesture;
  • take a hit, speak convincingly and with reason;
  • work in a team, understanding partners from a glance;
  • recognize falsehood and manipulation;
  • influence, convince, conduct subtle diplomacy.

The game "Mafia" is an opportunity to spend time not only fun, but also useful and gain additional skills.

The game "Mafia" is better than a dog and a computer. After all…

  • Many people have completely forgotten that games are not only in front of the monitor. If we talk about psychological games, then they are not compatible with the monitor at all - the computer has no psyche at all.
  • Many people have forgotten what it is to get acquainted in real life. Moreover, many do not understand how it is generally possible to meet not on the Internet.
  • Many people don't know that a best friend/girlfriend can be bought with a couple of well-spent evenings.
  • Many people have forgotten what real communication is.

Well, the goal of the Mafia game is to win with your team. So we invite you...

  • Learn the theory and practice of the game "Mafia", where you can acquire a lot of interesting and unique knowledge about theatrical improvisation, both on stage and in life.
  • To understand tactics, technologies and many subtle nuances in the ability to be an interesting, charming, charismatic interlocutor.
  • Master the art of psychological attack and emotional flexibility.
  • Develop the skills of eloquence and master the laws of wit.
  • Learn to work with the halftones of your character, creating for yourself many new, interesting and sometimes unexpected and charming images.

Format of the game "Mafia":

  1. Theoretical part
  2. The game "Mafia"
  3. Feedback

The structure of acquired skills


  • body language
  • Confidence
  • Formation of a stable image among others

Negotiation (last word)

  • Optimal Legend Selection Skill
  • The art of persuading
  • Emotions and imitation of emotions

Psychological attack

  • Attack - defense
  • Protection - ways
  • Psychological Aikido Techniques

You are guaranteed to get a lot of pleasure from participating in the game itself, meeting with worthy partners in the game, interested spectators and experienced hosts. You will receive high-quality feedback from the host of the game and from the participants. Are you both scared and curious at the same time? So the psychological game Mafia is for you!

The cost of participation in the game Mafia

Mafia is noisy and chaotic group game from detective story, in which the player does not really decide anything, and only the general fun of the company is of interest. I already feel you disagree.

This game is often described as " exciting game social type” or “psychological role-playing game”, etc. All this is not true, because. often the game is a banal massacre, with a huge share of "who will shout over whom."

They may object to me. Listen, but we play in salons, dress in jackets and dresses, cognac, cigars - everything. We are calm and everyone can speak. Folks, I don't mind, but it's not about how you dress, it's about the game.

And to finally decide on this issue, I want to say that there are 2 types of Mafia games. There is a salon version (or tournament). This is played in specialized clubs (or places where they are specially assembled for this game), everything is solid and serious there, each player has a number there, there is a mask, the host makes sure that all the rules are observed. The teams are divided into red and black, each player is given time to speak, there are certain voting rules so that everything does not turn into a farce, etc.

And there is a casual option when you play at home, in a club with friends, on the road. When you play Mafia on a par with other games, when you play with random acquaintances. Those. an option when Mafia is just one of many games for you. You don't want complexity, you just want to have fun. This option is described below. In the direction of the glamorous type of game, I released some barbs, only to show that there is no psychology here, and some things, even in the professional version of the game, look ridiculous.

And so, let's get started.

Despite this conflicting description above, the game is great for a company of diverse people, because it practically does not need any components and the preparation time is about 5 minutes, of which you spend most of it on describing the rules.

Usually, at first, people don’t understand anything (what the hell is going on?), But from the second game, everyone knows what and how, and the fun grows exponentially. Everyone is making noise, laughing, deciding who will be beaten, blood is flowing like water, everyone is happy.

The game is practically independent of age and beliefs. Ideal for unfamiliar people who are nearby.

I happened to play Mafia on hikes (where every day there can be a different company, and the components are two logs by the fire), on trains, on vacation with strangers, in offices after corporate parties. The game almost always goes with a bang.

It's very easy to get into the game, game preparation time is minimal. As it usually happens: someone offers to play, no one has time to figure out that they asked a question and need to answer, but they have already been put into circulation. He is already a mafia or a sheriff, and there is no time to refuse - it is necessary to solve cases.

So what do we get:

  • game for varied campaign
  • does not depend on age and preferences
  • easy to play
  • can be both noisy and cheerful, and strict and glamorous

But enough to praise and excite, it's time to tell what's what.

The plot of the game

A small town inhabited by the mafia, hiding under the guise of innocent citizens. The inhabitants of the city decided to get rid of her, and for this they need to figure out "who is who" and eliminate the mafiosi. The mafia also does not sleep and gradually removes objectionable citizens.

The gameplay consists of the initial distribution of roles, acquaintance of the mafia with each other (secretly from the townspeople), and constant discussions and votes of the townspeople, who is the mafia and who should be executed. In turn, the mafiosi gradually shoot citizens at night. Whoever eliminates whom faster is the winner.

Game process

It should be noted that There are many different versions of this game. It is almost impossible to describe everything and I will list only the most common options. I am sure that you can add to me a bunch of different options and solutions for this game.

I clarify what I describe below normal mode games when you play at home or in the office, i.e. I will describe the game not in a specialized club. The game in the club is distinguished by a more strict approach and atmosphere.

So, the variety of the game depends very much on the number of players. In a small company, say 7 people, the game will have a host, 4 townspeople and 2 mafiosi. For the company there will be more characters with their own characteristics. Below you will understand why.

At the beginning of the game, each player blindly receives a card that indicates who he is: a civilian or a mafia. The player does not show the card to anyone and no one knows his role. The exception is the mafiosi, who know each other and act together.

The game is divided into stages: day and night. At night, the mafiosi, having agreed, kill one of the citizens. In the afternoon, the citizens (together with the still undiscovered gangsters) discuss the situation and lynch one resident.

There are many citizens, but they act blindly. They think, reason, and often kill the innocent. At the same time, mafiosi also take part in discussions and voting, under the guise of innocent residents. They influence the process, pit citizens against each other, and those stupid ones do not understand anything. Everything is like in life.

Of course, the mafia will not blame and kill its own, and the main reasoning of citizens is based on this. But there are critical situations and one of the mafiosi, in order not to impersonate himself, has to follow the lead of the majority and kill his own.

Mafia game characters

As I already mentioned, in a small company (up to 10-12 people) and with the basic version, there are only two types of players: citizens and mafiosi. There can be many of those and others, although mafiosi are usually 3-4 times less.

With the growing number of players in the game, you need to introduce at least some unique characters. If they are not, then the game becomes boring and dull, because. most of the players are "cannon fodder" in the showdown of the mafia. In general, the role of an ordinary resident is the most boring, so I recommend immediately adding the Sheriff and the Doctor to the game.

There are several standard characters.

icon user Citizen (civilian)

base role. There are no features other than the ability to vote during the day.

icon user Mafiosi

In fact, the mafia can not be described, because. this is a basic role, it is always there and without it the game is not possible. However, I will briefly describe it. All mafia players are familiar with each other, and have the right to agree to kill one of the players.

icon user Sheriff (Commissioner Cattani)

Can find out which of the players is the mafia.

When everyone is asleep, the Sheriff randomly chooses a player to watch. The host shows whether he is a mafia. Those. the sheriff conducts an investigation, and in the afternoon in the vote he can already have at least a little influence on the process. Works only with a small number of players, otherwise his voice is drowned among the crowd of citizens.

icon user Doctor

Can save one villager.

When everyone is asleep, the doctor randomly chooses a player to heal. If it turned out to be a player who was killed by the mafia at night (i.e. the doctor guessed right), then the player remains alive. With a large number of participants, the chance to guess is small, but still it is.

icon user Bodyguard

Can save one inhabitant by his own death.

When everyone is asleep, the bodyguard randomly selects the player he is protecting. If it turned out to be a player who is killed by the mafia at night (i.e. the bodyguard guessed right), then the player remains alive, but the bodyguard dies.

I already foresee the exclamations of “wait, everything is wrong” and “but here we are in the company.” Don't get excited, read below.

Other characters and game rules Mafia

Again, the game has many different variations of the rules, and the characters I described above may have alternative abilities.

For example,

  • Sheriff - if he guessed the mafia, he can kill her at night. Above I described what can only guess.
  • Bodyguard - Rescues the player, and kills his killer. Above, I described what can only save.

And there are many such differences. In general, an incredible variety of characters were invented for the game. Unfortunately, most of them just copy each other with minor differences.

For example, characters that heal and save:

  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • reanimator
  • Bodyguard

Or, characters who are looking for the mafia:

  • Sheriff
  • Commissioner
  • Sergeant

There are additional rules where, in addition to the mafia, there is another criminal group in the city - the yakuza. The yakuza are fighting both the inhabitants and the mafia.

The scourge and joy of the game - discussion and voting

In short, the game process is quite monotonous.: during the day the inhabitants kill someone, at night the mafia kills. Characters wake up and point fingers at someone. That's it, that's the whole game. There is time for discussion and voting, but what to discuss? There are no facts!

Someone died. Nobody knows anything, there are ridiculous accusations“yes, I heard you moved at night”, “I remember you voted for so-and-so”, etc. Logical reasoning is drowned in a stream of other conversations, suggestions and cries.

Yes and what logical reasoning - I repeat, there are no facts- nothing to discuss. The players have neither clues nor any initial input. If everyone allocates time, he can speak. But usually it is some kind of stream of thoughts. Often, citizens do not look for the mafia (and how to find it, there is no evidence, only guesses), but only defend themselves in some kind of skirmish. When you argue, you must somehow justify your speech. To say, like this and that, there is this and that, and then draw conclusions. But you have nothing, no leads.

The only thing you have is the results of previous votes, from which you can draw conclusions. But this will only work if everyone else is doing something logically. But the other players don't know either. They may want to kill one, then want to kill another - that's chaos.

But most players are just defending. You can talk any nonsense, make excuses, grind all sorts of nonsense just to live another day. Logic is practically useless here - remember, no one is listening to you - this is a chanting game. Civilians will blame each other just to survive.

The characters are much more interesting, they can perform actions, and even learn something, but they cannot reveal themselves and their voice is also one of many.

For beginners, when the game is still incomprehensible, all these conversations and voting are the main charm of the game., some illusion of investigation. But this is really an illusion.

Experienced players are usually already bored, they just move on to voting. “Wet, so wet, what is there to talk about,” they say.

And this is true, because I repeat, logic in this game will not help you much. You know something, but you can't convince anyone. And if they have laid eyes on you, then everything - your death is only a matter of time.

You can know the mafia, know the truth, but that won't help you. You are completely defenseless.

This fatality is what I dislike the most in this game. You practically do nothing. You can figure out the mafia, but that won't make victory any closer. Everything is decided by voting-meat grinder.

The first death in the game is generally stupid. The game has just begun, nothing has happened yet, and the inhabitants need to kill someone. As they joke in some companies, this can be decided even before the roles are distributed. And it's not funny at all, the first death is always a blind shot.

Besides the game has another problem - it has too few options for the average player. Playing as a non-character is very, very boring. The only good news is that everything ends very quickly, and in next game mafia can already be you.

You say a psychological role-playing game?

Some players believe that the game is still saturated with role-playing. You can do without screaming and firing. If each player is given the opportunity to speak and answer the questions of the others, then the mafiosi will lie to justify themselves, and experienced and trained players can notice this.

But listen It's not psychology, it's deduction. It is called psychological only in our country, but abroad no one talks about psychology. Using the word "psychology" is just a bluff.

And this is not a role-playing game, because. there is no role to play here. Yes, the role of the mafia is different from the role of a civilian, so what? How do you play your part? How does the role of one citizen differ from that of another. No way.

If they still return to deduction, then (allegedly) the opposite is true - the mafia is computable, the game is on intellectually and purely, like the work of Hercule Poirot in the novels of Agatha Christie. Perhaps, but usually it happens in gaming clubs specializing in the game Mafia. There everything goes with a touch of glamour: men in suits, ladies in dresses. Costumed rest with cigars and cognac. But then again, this is the entourage. What color suit you have does not affect the game.

The club atmosphere, to be honest, attracts me, but constantly spending time like this and playing just one game (the same one) looks somehow ridiculous. In addition, do not forget that under the sauce of the game they often offer seminars and trainings “How to recognize a lie” and “How to deceive so that you are not discovered” and the like. The club turns into a supplier of clients for a training company. I don't say "always", I say "sometimes".

So where is the psychology in the game? No one has yet answered my question - how do psychology and deduction affect the first death in the game? Why was this player killed in the first place?


I specifically describe the components at the end of the review.

As you already understood from all of the above, for the game only components for role distribution are needed. The deck of ordinary playing cards. If there are no cards, you can quickly put a couple of symbols on ordinary pieces of paper and the roles are ready. Those. You don't really need anything to play.

But the game is popular and there are many special beautiful decks made for this game. In addition to the decks, there are masks so that the players do not close their eyes at night, but cover their faces with masks. Masks, too (like cards) are very diverse and for a different wallet.


Intriguing subject matter
The detective plot and probable investigation instantly draws attention to the game.

No losers
The game attracts by the fact that there are no losers and winners in it. Only a group of players loses or wins. No one takes the loss personally, because. there is no specific winner.

Easy to start playing
Minimum preparation time and simple rules allow you to start playing almost instantly.

Missing Components
A deck of cards is the maximum you need. Everything else is from the evil one.

Can be played in almost any environment
You don't need a dedicated place to play, you don't need a table. You can play in nature, in transport (train, electric train).

Preferably a large company
The most important requirement. Five of us can play, but it's pointless. Dial 8-10 people.

Little party time
In experienced hands, the city dies out in 15-20 minutes. Whoever spoke about sociality is genocide!

Additional emotions for beginners
A diverse group of people is an almost ideal target audience. When you first get to know the game, everything is very attractive. And the fact that it’s fast, and the fact that different roles come across, and the fact that you don’t know people and everything looks like a secret.


So what to do? To play or not to play? At first, I painted the charms of the game picturesquely, and then scolded her in the same way. What is the result, where is the conclusion?

Everything is simple. The game has a very low saturation threshold. While the players are unfamiliar, until the beginners figured out what and how - the game is charming. She harbors intrigue and a desire to save the city. The further you go, the more you understand your hopelessness. The game is great for meeting people in new companies and for a short pastime. In all other cases, this is a banal and boring game.

Most of those who defend the game do not give any arguments why this game is better than others, why is it more interesting? If you have options: to play or not to play Mafia, then their answer is, of course, to play! And here I agree. But if there is option to play the Mafia or another game, then you won’t get any answers from them. Or offer similar party games.

Despite the fact that I criticize the game, this does not mean that I have a bad attitude towards it. Just don't make an idol out of her. You like to play in a specialized club, you like a good atmosphere, nice people, reasoning and conversation is great. But it's all about the atmosphere around the game, not the game.

But what to do if the game has taken possession of you - is there a way out? There is.

  • If you are not afraid of hot prairies and a couple of scars, try Bang!
  • And if you are attracted by intrigue and mystery - welcome to the Star Cruiser Galaxy.

More about Mafia

  • Characters in the Mafia only add chaos to the game (http://spottymill NULL .com/2012/07/28/mafiya-character/)

Psychological game "Mafia".

Target: formation of internal self-control; development of memory, attention; development of the communicative sphere.

Materials: pre-prepared cards according to the number of participants, on several of which the word "mafia" is written.

Procedure: Participants sit in a circle facing the center. The coach distributes to the participants a special card, having agreed in advance which cards will denote the “mafia”. Players look at the cards without showing them to anyone, after which they are collected. Mafiosi should not show their affiliation in any way, and "civilians" should detect them by their behavior.

“Night falls on the city. Civilians are sleeping, - the host says, all participants close their eyes, and the host continues: - the mafia is getting acquainted!

Mafiosi open their eyes and look at each other. After that, the leader invites them to close their eyes and says: “Morning has come. The news spread through the city that the mafia had appeared. Residents discuss this message and try to guess who the culprit is.”

The group opens its eyes and leads the discussion, analyzing the behavior of each participant. The group chooses a “candidate” by voting, if the group guessed correctly, then the leader says: “Congratulations! You killed the mobsters," and the group continues their discussion. If the participants indicate incorrectly, the host announces: “Alas! You killed an honest man!" The player pointed to by the group is eliminated from further play. The host says: “Night comes to the city. All the residents are sleeping.” Everyone closes their eyes, and after a while, when the presenter is convinced that no one is peeping, he gives a sign to the mafia, for example: “Only the mafia does not sleep. She's out hunting." Mafia people open their eyes, choose a victim, agree with their eyes and show it to the host, after which they close their eyes again.

“Morning has come! announces the host. The city woke up, and its inhabitants learned a terrible message. A civilian was killed that night: - the presenter points to the participant chosen by the mafiosi. Who is the criminal?

The group resumes discussion. The game continues until all mafiosi or number have been found and eliminated. civilians will not be less than the number of bandits.


  1. Important rule clarificationsMafia

    The leader is always right.

    You can open your eyes only at the request of the host.
    (The offender unconditionally leaves the game).

    Players are forbidden to open their eyes at night without the appropriate order of the leader.
    (The violator unconditionally leaves the game).

    According to the rules of the game for the afternoon discussion, the participants are given time, after which the host announces that the players must stop the conversation.

    The player does not have the right to say the words "I swear" during the game, and the player does not have the right to swear in any other form, or appeal to any religion.
    (The violator receives a remark from the host).

    At night, any gestures and comments from civilians are prohibited.
    (The violator receives a remark from the host).

    Players who left the game are prohibited from prompting (gesturing) to the remaining participants in the game.
    (The offender is not allowed to the next game).

    "Car accident" - a situation where two or more players gain the same number of votes. These players are given 1 minute to convince the table which of them should be left in the game. If the nominated candidates again gain an equal number of votes, the host puts the issue to the vote about the "fate" of these players (ie, either they both leave the game, or both remain).

    Per player, 3 remarks are allowed.
    (A player who scores more than 3 remarks leaves the game unconditionally).
