Walkthrough of fallout 3 point lookout. Point Lookout: Walkthrough

I think many of you will agree with me that Point Lookout best addition to Fallout 3. I've already played through it several times: the first time as a player who came across a very interesting and exciting game, the second time as a writer in search of storyline for a description story At the turns of time. Although the story turned out to be quite voluminous, in it I was not able to fully describe all the quests and mysterious stories that the addition pleased us with. Moreover, some things were not touched upon at all in my story. So I decided to continue my series of posts about Point Lookout by writing complete passage games. This time I will not go into the lyrical style of the narrative; there will be no description of the island or recreation of its atmosphere on paper. On the contrary, in this post I just want to present the bare facts, talk about quests and their completion, and create a kind of guide to the Viewpoint. The purpose of this post: to help those who have not yet played PL to complete it (and maybe even motivate them to do so), and to remind those who have completed it of the interesting events of the game.

Let's start with a selection of the main quests of the game.


So, we installed the Point Lookout add-on. After a few minutes of playing, we receive a message on our pip-boy that there is a pier south of Washington from which a small steamer departs. We are invited to explore this place and of course we are not averse to doing so.

Duchess Gambit waiting for passengers

Let's go there. The pier is located just below Washington, if you go straight south from the Citadel. Coming closer, we see a steamer smoking with its pipes, and a woman standing next to it. Her name is Katerina, and she asks us to find her daughter Nadine, who went to Viewpoint in search of adventure. We agree to help her and go to the ferryman Tobaru, the owner of a wonderful ship Duchess Gambit. He invites us to plunge into a sea of ​​adventures, discoveries, and dangers due to a strange coincidence of circumstances located at the Viewpoint. Having thought about it and deciding that we just didn’t have enough of them (adventures), we buy a very expensive ticket from the selfish Tobar and sit down on a bench in anticipation of a fun trip.

A ferry sails along the river Potomac and soon a small island appears before our eyes, completely shrouded in fog. A burning building can be seen to the east. Feeling that this is the notorious adventure, we ask Tobar about the building. He says that this is an old estate Calvertov, where everything is found - from spirits to ghouls. Hearing this statement, we fearlessly rush there before the estate burns down completely.

Even on the street near the house we hear shots coming from inside, and we understand that someone is in trouble or that the owner is hurrying up the slow firefighters. To confirm the first guess, a voice is heard from the house, begging for help. Noble (and selfish) us, we immediately rush into the burning estate. Inside we find the owner of the mansion, with several dogs, fighting off the savages attacking him. We help him kill several of them, and he asks us to finish the job we started by freeing the entire house from uninvited guests. Thinking that the guy will have to pay a lot for this, we clear the first, then the second floor, again find ourselves in the hall and fight off the last attack of the savages climbing into all the cracks. A grenade launcher and a sufficient number of rockets are very helpful in this last battle, for example, I gladly shot at the opened doors while standing on the second floor, and watched as packs of bandits immediately scattered into small pieces.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Ghoul Desmond - Whoever comes to me with a sword will die by the sword!

In general, we finish the job and turn to the owner (who turned out to be a ghoul) in the hope of a reward (or at least a kind word), but in response we hear only confident bravado. But we will still get something - after hesitating a little, Desmond(that's the name of this ghoul) gives a perk "Excellent Defender" allowing you to deal more damage to your opponent if you stand still while shooting.

After the award ceremony, another assignment awaits us. Desmond asks us to find out why the savages are attacking him. We agree and hit the road.


And here we are Cathedral, in which religion-obsessed savages hide. Thinking about what to offer them in return for information, we approach the intercom hanging on the gate (apparently these guys are quite technically savvy) and ask to be let in. But as usual they ask us why the hell we’re in, and they don’t let us in anywhere. The right thought comes to mind and we answer that, of course, we want to know the Lord and take the path of enlightenment and truth. A joyful voice on the other side of the intercom tells us that to join the brotherhood we need to go through a ritual, namely inhale the seeds Punga's Mothers. Of course, I don’t want to go to my mother, but since there is no other option, I have to make this journey. Sanctuary The goddess is located behind a large ridge of mountains, through which a narrow passage leads us, modestly hidden from prying eyes by a wooden door. Once on the other side of the mountains, we discover that in addition to radiation water, there are also bogworts here. But they are not a hindrance to us! Having reached the huge Punga standing at the end of the move and closing the right nostril, we inhale the seeds. We get high for a few seconds and then switch off.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

The most "fun" plant in the park

When consciousness returns to us, we stretch and go back to the park. But then comes the moment of the most successful surprise of all prepared by the developers - it starts to glitch us! The head spins, everything around turns blue, pink and green. Along the way, in different places of the sanctuary we come across baby dolls "Shmolt-Tek" with comic inscriptions on the side, in front and behind you can hear the tramp of ghouls and swampers. Soon bottles begin to fall from the sky and explode a second later, raising a miniature nuclear cloud above them. In the radiation water we find the corpses of familiar characters from the game ( Amata, Elders of Lyons, Moira Brown), and near the exit lies a large and real nuclear warhead (a la Megaton), next to which stands a well-known Mr Burke. The bomb explodes, and quite unexpectedly we find ourselves at the Viewpoint, near the entrance to the sanctuary. This is where the glitches end and we go to the Cathedral.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

“I fell into a trap again - what a sheep you are,” is written on the Shmolt-Tek doll

There we are greeted with cordiality and given a perk "The Power of Punga", increasing the beneficial effect of eating punga.


From the savages we learn that the tribe is ruled by a certain Jackson, which, of course, is not in the Cathedral now. We also find out that the savages attacked the estate on the orders of Jackson, who supposedly had a vision to do this. “We need to smoke less,” we think and go in search of a crazy leader. But the damned savages are silent as fish and do not even hint at Jackson’s current location. Luckily for us, in the Cathedral we meet a girl named Nadine. Yes, you were not mistaken - the same Nadine that Katerina told us about on the pier in the Wasteland. From the girl we learn the terrible truth - it turns out that while we were lying unconscious in the sanctuary, they made a small hole in our head, supposedly in order to free our sinful mind. Cursing, of course we want to find out what kind of bastard dared to perform such an operation, but Nadine says that this will become known only in a few days, and offers to meet on the river bank. Why shouldn’t he meet a beautiful girl, we think and agree. But that's a completely different story.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

The Cathedral is a haven for religiously obsessed savages.

Nadine tells her mother that everything is fine with her and she will definitely return home. And of course she tells where Jackson is - in a mystical cave on the eastern shore of the island. The entrance to the cave is covered by a large ship, to which Nadine, of course, has the key. We thank the girl and set off... for some reason, not to the ship, but to Desmond, apparently to report. Having learned that we haven’t found out anything, he becomes furious and sends us back to the park. In general, it’s difficult to understand why the developers needed to drive us back and forth to no avail...

Let's go to the ship. On the way we see another ship with a beautiful name "Ozymandias", but it is also part of another story, so we will return to it later. Our path lies further.

We get to the ship we need and use the key to open the hatch. Under the hatch there is a large cave, deep into which a spacious passage leads. Along the way, shooting the swampers that come our way, we follow it and find ourselves in a large room where we see Jackson talking to... a hologram of the brain. And not just talking, but receiving devils from this hologram! Understanding who is in charge here, we come to the brain. He tells us that he is afraid he needs to kill Desmond and is trying to convince us to do it. He argues for his request by saying that he has a jammer that prevents him from spreading wisdom across the Wasteland.


Having allegedly agreed to help the brain, we again go to Desmond. This time the ghoul greets us much more cordially and tells us that this brain is actually a certain Professor Calvert, his old enemy. The Calverts were quite influential individuals before the war and owned half the land in Maryland. What can I say - some of them even ran for President of the United States! If Calvert asked us to destroy the jammer, then Desmond, on the contrary, wants this generator to be installed at the highest point of the island - Ferris Wheel. What to do - you have to run to the ill-fated attraction. Near the wheel itself, Calvert’s voice suddenly appears in our heads, trying to convince us and dissuade us from our intentions. He says that it is better to be friends with him than with Desmond, offers a large reward and asks to throw the jammer in the nearest trash can. Actually, here we are presented with a choice on which all further events will depend. We save and go along one of the paths.

Calvert's Way. Having listened to the advice of an influential brain, we throw the generator into the trash can, and immediately, Calvert’s grateful voice appears in my head again, informing us that Desmond will finally be destroyed and offering to go to the mansion and see the surprise waiting for us there. Intrigued, we go up the hill. The surprise turns out to be simply magnificent: as soon as we approach the mansion, it explodes, leaving only burning debris.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

So there is no home...

Desmond's path. We install the jammer on the wheel. Immediately Calvert returns to us again in the form of his vile voice in the head and threatens punishment, which they say is already close. He doesn't lie and in a minute we can take part in a great fight on the roofs of the pier. Having finished with the savages, we go to Desmond. But we no longer find houses on the hill. He is blown up and turned to dust. True, in the center of the fire we find a hatch into the bomb shelter, where Desmond sits alive and happy. He smiles slyly and reports that he has caught the place where Calvert’s signal is coming from. It turns out that the villain was hiding very close all the time - in the lighthouse. Desmond and I are going there.


Desmond's path. Together with Desmond we run to the lighthouse. There we make our way into the basement and destroy the robots serving Calvert. We get to the central room, in which a brain hangs behind a large glass cylinder. Desmond talks to him, after which Calvert once again invites us to go over to his side, but of course to no avail. We kill the brain and, in gratitude for this, Desmond allows us to take whatever we want from Calvert's basements. We rummage through the property of the brain and find a new weapon - microwave emitter. With the acquired trophy, we get out of the lighthouse in search of new adventures, of which there are plenty on the island.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

What's left of Professor Calvert

Calvert's Way. We go to the lighthouse, not forgetting to look into the bomb shelter located in the middle of the fire. You can find many useful things there, including 44 caliber magnum.

In the lighthouse, the floor moves apart and we see a staircase leading underground. Let's go there. In one of the basement rooms we meet an incredibly surviving Desmond. He swears at us (and whoever swears at us), and says that we have only one chance to raise ourselves in his eyes - to go with him and kill Calvert. You can refuse and kill Desmond on the spot, after which he will calmly go to Calvert, or you can agree to his persuasion and go to the brain with him. But I would advise killing immediately, because when we come to Calvert, we will have no other choice but to kill Desmond. So we come to Calvert and report that Desmond has died. He rejoices at this fact and offers us a magnificent reward... DEATH. What a disembodied bastard! We kill the scoundrel and go to his basements in search of treasures.


The main quest is completed and we move on in search of the adventures Tobar promised. Let's start with the pier. Having wandered around it, you can note that not all the shops are closed, some entrepreneurs still managed to survive the war and hardships, and there is a magnificent retail outlet near the pier Madame Panada. You can buy many interesting things related to the island from her. Buy with confidence – you won’t find such goodness anywhere else in the Wasteland. After shopping, we set off along the coastline to the east. After walking a few hundred meters we see a large mansion somewhat reminiscent of Desmond’s house, but much gloomier. Let's go into it. Inside, an old man sits on a metal wheelchair. At first he orders you not to come closer, but then, oddly enough, he calmly lets you approach him. He says that the savages stole an important book from him and invites us to find it, promising as many as 1000 caps as a reward! Tempted by wealth, we agree and hit the road.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Old warlock Obadiah Blackhall

But before we even have time to cross the threshold of the house, we are greeted by a woman named Marcella. She says that the book that he asked to get Blackhall magical and called Krivbeknig. Marcella begs not to give the book to Obadiah, but to bring Krivbeknig to her so that she can destroy the infernal manuscript. Having listened to the woman, we run through the park to the ritual shelter of mutants. Soon we see a small ruined shack, and next to it there is a hatch to the basement. Under the hatch there is an entrance to an underground cave through which we go forward. By the way, in the cave you can find a drink popular in the park - moonshine, so I advise fans to search more carefully. After drinking the potion, we immediately find the treasured place - a large room in the center of which lies the mystical Krivbeknig. We take the book and, having killed several big men who attacked us, we leave the shelter.

Now we can give the book to Blackhall and receive 1000 caps for our efforts. By the way, if you are interested in seeing what the warlock Obadiah will do with her, then follow him deep into the basement and see that he is reading some prayers near a dead person. Whatever you say, there is plenty of mysticism in this addition.

If we decide to take the light side and go to Marcella, then in the tent city in which the woman lived we will find only her corpse. On her computer we find an audio recording recorded a few seconds before her death. The entry states that the book can only be destroyed in the Capital Wasteland, near the obelisk that embodies evil. The obelisk itself is located in Dunwich, and by going there we can easily fulfill the woman’s last wish.


There is a hotel right next to the pier "Native Home", once quite cozy, but now almost completely abandoned haven for visiting tourists. In the room 1D We will immediately be struck by the skeleton of the guest on the bed and the Chinese pistol lying right there on the chest of drawers. Suspecting something was wrong, we search the room, and in the terminal standing on the table we find out that not everything is really clean here. It turns out that before the war, this number was rented by a Chinese agent, who, apparently, did not have time to complete the mission entrusted to him. But we can do this! We look for the key to the storage locker in his suitcase and run to the pier. We find in the locker audio password which must be used to open a safe deposit box at a local bank. There should be a description of the spy's mission itself. Scolding these conspirators, we look for a bank and find it right there, not far from the Rodny Dom hotel. In the bank, instead of guards, there are fat radcockroaches that have not come across our path for a long time (really, remember the last time you saw radcockroaches after leveling up to level 30).

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

A good Chinese is a dead Chinese

We kill them and go to the terminal into which we speak the received password. But the damn system, after thinking a little, replies that the password is, in principle, suitable, but it really doesn’t like our voice. After thinking a little, we take out the audio recording found in the locker from our wide trousers and poke it into the system. The dumb piece of hardware is satisfied and the safe deposit box calmly opens. The instructions contained in it say that it was lost in American waters important ship, and we need to destroy it (apparently so that the Yankees don’t learn any secrets when they find it). But here's the bad luck - the password for self-destruction is hidden in the tooth of another agent abandoned in this area - Wang Yang. Unfortunately, our communist leadership does not know where their agent is (he had a conspiracy on high level), so we need to stock up on dental instruments and go look for the agent with his tooth. Actually, we have seen the wanted notice for this Chinese man before (even in this bank there is one) and we decide that someone, and the police, must definitely know something about the person we are interested in. We go to the police located next to the bank. In the large room we find a nuclear shot for our “Fat Man” and a computer in which it is recorded that Agent Young was caught and sent to a concentration camp Turtle Dove. Well, this time we need to go a little further.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Camp Gorlitsa in a haze of fog

The turtledove is located in the very north of the island, hidden among swamps, forests and a bunch of ghouls. After fighting a little with robots and ghouls, we go inside the camp. The camp itself is a real treasure for the poor traveler - weapons, medicines, supplies - all this is present here in huge quantities. We will find the corpse of the unfortunate agent Yang in the morgue, after which, having the code for destroying the submarine, we can complete the unfinished mission of the Chinese and blow up the rusty ship. Having reached the submarine, we activate the self-destruct mechanism in the computer, after which we press the switch to confirm the explosion and run away. On the way, don’t forget to grab a rather interesting thing lying in the chest - power brass knuckles. Let's sail away from the boat and turn around and watch a wonderful underwater explosion. The task is completed and you can now return to the terminal in the Home House for further instructions. There we find the coordinates underground bunker where you need to appear. This bunker is located next to the Calvert estate. To get there you need to dial a secret combination, for which we will need cryptochromatic glasses lying in the toilet rooms. We take them and go to the burnt mansion. Next to the estate we see a rather large frame of some kind of extension. On massive pedestals inside there are vases that lower when activated. How to dial the received password on them? It’s very simple - we put on cryptochromatic glasses and see stripes on the vases. Based on their number, enter the password. A hatch opens among the slabs, through which we enter the bunker.

In the Chinese bunker you can significantly replenish your ammunition, but we are prevented from doing this by the annoying protectron, inviting us to “come through” to receive further instructions, and calling us an affectionate word comrade. “You are not my friend, piece of iron,” we think, but we obediently go to the indicated room. But here another surprise awaits us - it turns out that our grateful comrades from China are so grateful that they decided to kill us as a reward for our efforts. The door slams shut and a crazy dose of radiation begins to flow from the hatch on the ground. “The greed of the brother will destroy him,” another thought comes and we begin to frantically look for a way out of the current situation. And of course he exists, because he cannot not exist. But in order to get out of here you need to have well-pumped repairs and science. First, we repair the grate on the floor and stop the flow of radiation into the room. Sighing more calmly, we go to the electrical panel on the wall and open the door. In revenge, we kill the innocent robot and get out into the wild with our pockets full of cartridges.


Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

The most original safari

To the East of the Cathedral, among the rocks, you can find a door leading to Lost Grotto. There's a strange ghoul inside Plik inviting us to take part in his unusual safari. This pleasure costs not a lot, not less than 1000 caps (apparently this bastard knows how much Blackhall paid us) and we are even more surprised when we find out that you need to hunt ghouls, without any protection from Plik, and who knows who you will end up in the end - hunter or prey. With a squeak, we give 1000 caps and go to the arena where two more of the same crazy amateurs are waiting for us. The signal is given, and the ghouls begin to attack with different sides. To be honest, it’s quite difficult to pass this test (unless, of course, you have God mode enabled), so it’s better to save in advance. Having killed all the ghouls and survived, we return to Plik who, as a reward for valor, gives us trophy ax.


There is a shack in the middle of the island Moonshine margaritas. Entering it, we see a woman on the bed, apparently suffering from a severe hangover. True, she says that it is orange fever, but we know the name of her disease... Moreover, only a good glass of moonshine can cure it! And we will be able to make it only when we collect several ingredients for it. We agree to help and listen attentively to the list of products. Needed yeast(this is understandable) punga(instead of potatoes) and... nuclear battery (I won't drink this!).

After wandering around the island a little, we find all the ingredients which are in abundance here and can be enough for more than one liter of moonshine. I advise you to look in the mutant shacks scattered around the park, you will probably find something you need there. Punga can be taken from the Cathedral, where the savages, not at all upset by the death of their deity, calmly let us in. We return to Margarita, who immediately takes our food and begins to make medicine. He asks us to come back in a day and pick up the reward. Having punctually waited the allotted time, we return and get our few liters of moonshine. Wow, now you can attack mutants with a naked saber! Yes, if you need 100 more caps, then fix the Margarita moonshine still.

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Moonshine still designed in 2075


In the coastal waters just below the Cathedral you can find a sunken ship Ozymandias. We go to him and make our way inside. In the terminal located in the ship, we learn that geological work was carried out at the Observation Point, the purpose of which was to discover natural gas. Among the records we find instructions in which the boss asks his subordinates not to reveal the true truth of these studies under any circumstances. To access this truth, you need audio passwords scattered throughout the park in places where excavations were carried out. We go to the park in search of these audio recordings. In three different places we find dug holes inside which there is a fairly strong radiation background. We quickly get the records we need from there and return to the ship. We enter the data into the terminal and gain access to secret information. It turns out that soil fertile for natural gas was formed as a result of mass graves of soldiers of the times Civil War. It turns out that all over the island under our feet there are graves of unknown warriors. It was this secret that the oil company hid, because if it became public knowledge, then there would be no conversation about any gas. This fact also explains all the mystical events taking place here - nothing else can be expected from a place located on the corpses of hundreds of people.

A few more quests are not displayed in the pip-boy.
If you remember, the girl Nadine from the main quest promised that she would find out the name of the one who cut holes in the head, and made an appointment for us on the shore. We find her near the steamship Duchess Gambit. She says that she found the one who delved into our brains. This scoundrel turned out to be the captain of the steamship Tobar (we didn’t like him right away). The villain waited for the tribe to send someone to the test and then cut a small hole in the daredevil’s head. He took out brains from there and exchanged them for pungs.

The captain kept every piece of his brain, collecting a kind of collection of exhibits. Nadine locked him in the engine room and took the ship for herself. Now she is his captain and can take him back to the Wasteland at any time for free.

For this she asks to kill the scoundrel Tobar, which we do with pleasure.

Among the rocks just below the Cathedral you can find abandoned mine, in which we meet a guy named Kenny, who told us a terrible story about a greedy Duke who blew up his workers in this mine. They also say that this duke later hanged himself here, and his ghost still wanders through the dark corners of the cave and scares tired travelers who came to spend the night. After chatting with Kenny, we find out that he lost his teddy bear in the deepest of the mines and if we had returned the toy, he would have allowed us to spend the night here whenever we wanted. We agree and go to the mine. The terrible creatures hiding in the mine turn out to be swampers and having dealt with them we easily find the right thing. We return it to Kenny and get free shelter at the Viewpoint.

Near the Cathedral we can see overturned truck. At first glance there is nothing valuable in it, but this is not so. Inside the trailer is a large lamp from the lighthouse, which can be used to resume its work. We take the lamp and rush to the lighthouse, where we screw it into the required socket. After this, the lighthouse comes to life and again begins to perform its direct functions. Thanks to us, good people naturally...

That's all the main and not so quests that we can take at the Viewpoint. But the adventures (Tobar did not lie here) do not end there. If you have the desire, you can find quite a lot of interesting things.

For example, armed with a shovel, you can dig holes, which are found in abundance throughout the island. True, this excavation is of no use (apparently the developers forgot to put the skeletons from their closets there).

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Lighthouse - a symbol of the Viewpoint

If you need to repair things or buy supplies, there is a store in the center of the island "Haley's Products" where a nice man, who has already forgotten a little English, sells.

Near the house where little Lily played you can find many mutants and overalls Red Racer giving +5 to repair.

In the very west of the island we come across a broken plane that crashed before the war. From the black box you can find out the details of the last minutes of the pilots' lives, and from the skeletons scattered around, it becomes clear that their death was not entirely pleasant.

That’s basically all I wanted to tell you about the passage of Point Lookout. It is quite possible that some details passed my attention (I looked very carefully, but you know - there is fog on the island), then I ask you, dear friends, to add to this post in the comments.

I hope that my humble walkthrough will help you in mastering the fourth and best DLC to Fallout 3.

Thank you all for your attention.

Cemetery at the Arc and Dove Cathedral

A small cemetery inhabited by wild ghouls. The outside of the cemetery is surrounded by a high metal fence; inside, some tombstones have been destroyed.

Enemies: wild ghouls, swamp ghouls, wild rogue ghouls, glowing ghoul, wild ripper ghouls, smugglers.

Rest near the beach

An abandoned camp with a fire, broken furniture and other rubbish. It may have once been a smuggler's camp, but now several members of the Swamp Folk live here and can sometimes be seen dancing around the fire.

Enemies: swamp people.

Blackhall Estate

This estate was owned by the Blackhall family long before the Great War. According to Obadiah Blackhall, "It's hundreds of years old, but it's still going strong. It's a great example of Victorian architecture."

At the entrance to the mansion, the main hall opens, to the left is the kitchen, to the right is the library. From the library you can climb to the second floor by stairs, and there also begins a corridor leading to a disguised entrance to the basement, where Obadiah performs his dark rituals. The door to the basement will not appear unless you give Krivbekni to Avdija, and will remain invisible on the map.

Occupant: Obadiah Blackhall.

Quest: Dark Side Blackhall (Find Avdiah Blackhall's book, "Krivbekni", which was stolen from him by some savage).

Calvert Estate

A luxurious (once) Victorian mansion. The estate is named after its antebellum owners, the Calverts, a very influential family in Maryland at the time. Among the Calverts there were many talented scientists and politicians who were elected to various positions - senators and congressmen.

Under the mansion there is a camouflaged shelter designed in case of attack. You can get into it after completing the quest “Thoughts under Control”.

Inhabitants: a ghoul named Desmond Lockhart and his two dogs, Freki and Geri.

  • Local customs (Help the owner of the mansion repel the invasion of savages).
  • Whispering Voices (Get additional information about the Brain).
  • Thoughts under control (Place a jammer on the Ferris wheel or destroy it, then return to the mansion).

Items: Quantum Nuka Cola in the shelter.

Chinese intelligence bunker

A secret pre-war Chinese bunker located under an ornate greenhouse near the Calvert mansion. To get into this top-secret bunker, you need to know a special code, and you also need chromatic glasses.

Quest: Velvet Curtain (Gain access to the Chinese bunker).

Equipment: workbench.

Items: Backwater rifle (a unique lever-action rifle), seven Chinese machine guns, nuclear shot, stealth battle, cap mine.

Coastal grotto

A small cave inhabited by a ghoul named Plik. Sometimes he goes on a sort of "safari" with wild ghouls as targets.

Occupants: Plick, Rip Smithy, Jacob Humboldt.

Enemies: wild ghouls, swamp creatures (outside).

Quest: Plika Safari (Survive the Plika Safari).

Items: "Flesh Tearer" (unique axe), nuclear shot.

Disaster Relief Station

A small camp of four tents. Apparently, before the war, this camp housed a medical center that carried out sanitary and preventive measures to prevent the spread of the New Plague among local residents.

Occupant: Marcella.

Quest: The Dark Side of Blackhall (Take "Krivbekni" to Marcella to the disaster relief station).

Items: stealth battle, pre-war book, "Last Words of Marcella" (holodisk, which can be found in Marcella's tent as you progress through the quest "The Dark Side of Blackhall").

Delta Dove

Delta Dove is a series of small sandy islands in the southwest of Point Lookout Park.

Enemies: swamp people.

Items: “For Osvaldo” (holodisk with clues about the location of the treasure buried on the islands).

Flooded Basin

A dirty lake separating the trapper's shack from the gardener's shack. When you swim to the bottom of the lake, there are many various items will float to the surface.

Items: 2 bottles of Quantum Nuka Cola, stealth boy in one of the three safes at the bottom of the lake.

Gardener's Shack

A small farm where several members of the Swamp Folk raise panga and make deals with Tobar the Ferryman.

Enemies: swamp people.

Items: nuclear shot, "Box 1213 - Voice of Burn" (holodisk that provides access to safe deposit box 1213 at the People's Bank of Point Lookout).

"Hardware" Hayley

A small wooden hut with a lot of rubbish nearby. Hayley, a merchant who currently lives here, woke up one day with amnesia, with no memory of who he was or where he had been before. Since people came here to buy or sell things, he decided to become a merchant and named himself "Haley" after the former owner of this store.

Occupant: Haley (merchant).

Equipment: workbench.

Herzog Mine

A winding network of tunnels. The mine was named after its owner, old Herzog, who became famous for forcing miners to work in very poor conditions. According to Kenny, the workers eventually went on strike, and evil old man Herzog mined the mine and blew it up. After that, no one else wanted to work for Herzog and he hanged himself. Now you can see collapsed tunnels and many human skeletons here.

Exit to location: Kenny's Cave.


A small store owned by Panada, just a counter under open air. The store offers a wide selection of poorly repaired goods, suitable for selling cheap junk. Panada trades only to earn a living; her real calling is divination (as she herself believes).

Inhabitants: Panada (merchant), Protectron.

Plane crash site

Combat fighter crash site. On October 23, 2077, as bombs began to fall, a US Navy fighter jet crashed at Point Lookout Park. The pilot ejected and hung by parachute on a tree near the crash site.

Enemies: wild ghouls.

Kenny's Cave

A cave in which a lonely child lives, looking for a playmate to play (hide and seek and tag, for example). However, Kenny is very reluctant to allow the Lone Wanderer to share his hideout. To receive an invitation from Kenny to live here, you need to pass a speech test, or use the “Eternal Child” perk, or find Kenny’s teddy bear in the nearby Gas-filled Mine Shaft (where the swampmen are nesting).

Exit to location: Herzog Mine (The easiest way to find Kenny's Cave for the first time is through the Herzog Mine, as finding the entrance to it on the surface can be difficult).

Occupant: Kenny.

Enemies: swampers.

Items: Tiny Killer Mask.

Little Tyke playhouse

A rough-hewn shack in the middle of a playground with a rocket ship, slide and swings.

Enemies: swamp people.

Items: Red Racer jumpsuit.

Margaret's Shack

The home of Margarita, a friendly woman who lives here and distills moonshine, according to family tradition. The house is a wooden rectangular structure, the yard is decorated with straw dolls and bone totems.

Occupant: Margarita.

Enemies: swamp people, smugglers.

Quest: Balm for the soul (Margarita will prepare her famous moonshine if you bring her the necessary ingredients).

Ophie Family Cemetery

A plot of land that served as a burial place for members of the Ofi family. It is a small cemetery on the top of a hill, surrounded by a low wooden fence.

Enemies: wild ghouls.

Collecting plant fruits: wild panga fruits.

Pilgrim's Landing

A small tourist attraction in Point Lookout Park. The main local attraction is the Ferris wheel.

Buildings: Homestead Motel, Recruiting Station, Point Lookout People's Bank, Warehouse.

Quest: Thoughts under control (Install a jammer on the Ferris wheel or destroy it in the waste compactor).

Recruitment point. Officially, residents and tourists of Point Lookout Park were recruited here for the US Navy. In fact, the recruitment point was under the control of the US DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency).

Quest: Velvet Curtain (Get access to the file with the report on the detention and transfer of Wen Yang).

Items: nuclear shot (in the second room).

People's Bank of Point Lookout. At the request of the parent company, Isla Negra Holdings, the bank introduced a new keyless voice password recognition system. Which, however, did not protect the bank from robbery.

Quest: Velvet Curtain (Open safe deposit box 1207 and listen to the holotape “Spy Instructions”).

Items: 3 safe deposit boxes, police cap.

Warehouse. An abandoned building filled with baby strollers, four of which have traps.

Items: nuclear shot, 14 grenade launcher shots.


An abandoned lighthouse consisting of a main typical cylindrical structure and a secret basement room. The interior is presented in the form of a long spiral staircase leading up to the observation deck.

Sublocking: Underground laboratory.

Enemies: smugglers.

Underground laboratory

Below the lighthouse there is a secret research complex, which before the war specialized in improving the process of extracting and isolating the human brain, first used by General Atomics in their robots - robobrains. This is where the final confrontation between the Professor and Desmond takes place.

Occupant: Brain (Professor Calvert).

Enemies: robotic brains, automatic turrets, protectrons.

Quest: Battle of Intellects (Make final choice: kill Professor Calvert or kill Desmond Lockhart).

Equipment: workbench.

Items: Microwave Emitter, 2 Gatling Lasers, 9 Laser Rifles, 14 laser pistols, 71 batteries for the hypnotron, 3 pre-war books.

Point Lookout Pier

The pier is a wooden pier leading to the anchored ferry, the Duchess Gambit. The ferry is owned by Tobar the Ferryman and is the only means of communication between the Capital Heath and Point Lookout Park.

Occupant: Tobar the Ferryman or Nadine (after completing the quest "Battle of Intellects").

Items: Nuclear shot under the buoy closest to the ferry.


A secret underground shelter, the site of ritual ceremonies of the swamp people. Local inhabitants sacrifice unwary travelers and keep a vessel filled with blood near "Krivbekni", a very dark and mysterious tome.

Before the start of the quest "The Dark Side of Blackhall", the entrance to the burnt basement will be blocked with boards.

Enemies: swamp people.

Quest: The Dark Side of Blackhall (Get the Blackhall family book, “Krivbekni”) from the temple.

Items: "Krivbekni", Ritual knife (unique knife), Stealth Boy, Quantum Nuka Cola.

Ruzka's Lair

The lair is located in the far northwest corner of Point Lookout Park and is a rocky alcove with a canopy. Ruzka, a unique yao-gai, lives here. In the lair you can find a large red ball, reminiscent of Ruzka's circus past.

Occupant: Ruzka.

Entrance to the Holy Swamp

The Holy Swamp can be accessed through the "Holy Swamp Entrance" location, located on the western edge of the Point Lookout Park map. The Lone Wanderer here awaits a winding path through a swamp inhabited by dangerous swamp creatures.

Quest: Walking with the Spirits (Get the seeds of the giant panga).

Collecting plant fruits: wild panga fruits.

Note: at the Holy Swamp own card peace.

Smuggler's Shack

More likely not a shack, but just a canopy made of rusty metal, supported by rickety wooden posts. The rock protects from the wind on the western side, the southern and eastern ones are open. There is one smuggler registered in the shack (reborn after 72 game hours), armed sniper rifle. The smuggler from his convenient position watches everyone coming to the lighthouse and shoots quite accurately...

Enemies: smugglers.

Submarine (SSN-37-1A)

Submarine SSN-37-1A is a Chinese spy submarine sent to patrol the hostile waters of Point Lookout Park. She sank before the start of the Great War. Due to its small size, the submarine is ultra-compact inside. The SSN-37-1A has only two berths, suggesting a small crew. We know of one Chinese submariner named John Doe who was rescued from a submarine. He was sent to the Gorlitsa quarantine camp after his capture.

Quest: Velvet Curtain (Find SSN-37-1A and gain access to the submarine's control terminal to trigger its self-destruct mechanism).

Items: Stealth Boy (on the control terminal).

Cathedral "Ark and Dove"

The habitat of a small community of savages. The cathedral was named after the two ships that brought the first settlers to Point Lookout during colonial times.

The outside of the old cathedral is fenced with a high stone fence, the passage inside is closed with strong gates. Behind the fence, savages raise cultivated and wild panga. Inside the cathedral, pots are placed everywhere, in which cultivated panga also grows.

Inhabitants: Forest Rose (mother of the tribe), Jackson (chief of the tribe), Jimson (gatekeeper), Nadine (located here before the capture of the Duchess Gambit), Croatoa and other savages walking or dealing with panga plants.

  • Walking with the Spirits (Infiltrate the Ark and Dove Cathedral to find out the reasons for the savages' attack on the Calvert estate).
  • Whispering voices (Talk to Nadine in the cathedral and take the key to the ship hatch blocking the entrance to secret hideout Jackson).
  • Unmarked Quest: Katherine at the Boat Landing in the Capital Wasteland asks to find her daughter, Nadine, in Point Lookout Park).

Items: Dung Shovel (unique shovel, can be obtained from Croatoa).

Homestead Motel

An abandoned motel consisting of three rooms and an office space, the surrounding area is inhabited by feral dogs.

Homestead Motel office. Motel room keys can be found here.

Number 1D. This number was the safe house of the Chinese spy, Dr. Jiang. There is a terminal here with a message, upon reading which the quest "The Velvet Curtain" will begin. The skeleton of Doctor Jiang lies on the bed.

Number 1G. This room appears to contain the remains of the two robbers who robbed the Point Lookout People's Bank. The skeletons lie opposite each other, one has a gun in his hands, the other has a sawn-off shotgun, which, coupled with a bunch of pre-war money scattered in the room, allows us to make an assumption about a quarrel between accomplices over money and subsequent shooting.

Number 1K. An eerie place of ritual sacrifice. From the mask in the bathroom, you can guess that this room was rented by the Tiny Killer.

Quest: Velvet Curtain (Inspect room 1D of the Homestead Motel, where the spy stayed).

Items: stealth boy, chromatic glasses in the toilet tank, Dr. Jiang's cabinet key (number 1D); 24 packs of pre-war money (number 1G); Tiny Killer Mask (number 1K).

Trapper's Shack

This hut is notable for the abundance of traps placed everywhere and an unusual basement. In the basement there are two connected cells, in one a swamp dweller is locked, in the other a swamp ghoul. They are hostile to each other. Using the switch, you can open the grid separating the cells and see which of the creatures will win the fight.

Enemies: swamp people, swamp ghoul, swampman.

Equipment: workbench.

Items: miniature bottle of quantum Nuka Cola, stealth boy on the table in the bedroom.

Garbage dump

A large dump consisting of mangled cars, barrels of hazardous waste, wooden planks and other items discarded due to their uselessness. All this is randomly thrown on top of each other, overgrown with weeds and quite strongly phonic (up to 9 rad/s).

Enemies: swamp people.

Items: Nuke in the open safe on top of the pile.

Crashed truck

Sometime in this area, a truck with a trailer drove off the road into a ditch and overturned. At that moment, the truck was carrying a shipment of spare lamps for the lighthouse. Only one lamp survived the accident.

Enemies: Swamp Ghouls.

Unmarked Quest: Light the signal fire at the Point Lookout Lighthouse overlook.

Items: Lighthouse lamp.

Turtledove Quarantine Camp

A military camp is essentially a military prison. During the war with China, the camp was used to hold Chinese suspected of espionage or sabotage. The prisoners were kept here in terrible conditions.

Camp Turtledove was also a toxic waste dump, as evidenced by waste barrels lying near its western border. This toxic waste penetrated deep into the local swampy soil, which led to a significant increase in background radiation in the camp.

Buildings: four huts (Barrack A, Barrack B, Interrogator's Office A, Interrogator's Office B), a concrete administration building and an underground morgue. Inside the morgue, a tunnel begins that leads outside the camp (Entrance to the sewer tunnel). The camp is fenced with a grid, several security towers are located in the corners of the camp, as well as near the entrance gate.

Enemies: wild ghouls, swamp ghouls, smugglers, security robots, automatic turrets.

Quest: The Velvet Curtain (Find the body of Agent Yang in the morgue of the Turtledove quarantine camp and take the submarine's self-destruct codes).

Items: nuclear shot on the shelf in the armory (Administration); stealth boy in the closet (Barack A).

USS Ozymandias

A small ship landed on the rocks on the east coast of the park. The vessel was owned by Bishi Energy Partners, a subsidiary of Bishi that sent the Ozymandias to explore biogas deposits in Point Lookout Park. Biogas was believed to be a powerful source of energy, when in fact it was nothing more than methane emissions from decomposing corpses.

Quest: Distant Lands (Collect three soil samples from different places in Point Lookout Park to open the safe on the ship):

  • Soil sample #1 from a soil transect north of the landfill.
  • Soil Sample #2 from the soil section northeast of the Little Tyke Playhouse.
  • Soil sample #3 from a soil transect northwest of the crash site.

Items: Expedition supplies (ten canisters of biological gas, three anti-radiation suits, etc.).

Wrecked Ship (Sea Grotto)

The sea grotto can be accessed through a wrecked ship or through a well in the courtyard of the Arc et Dove Cathedral. Tribal Chief Jackson uses this cave to communicate with a hologram of Professor Calvert.

Enemies: bogworts, boghunters, mermen.

is a sad example of how a controversial idea suffers from poor implementation. Yes, $10 is a modest amount, but a miserable " " in Alaska, where there is almost nothing to do, and a sluggish " " are not needed for nothing. Of course, it’s not easy to think about quality when management demands “additions” every month. However, even to the strictest rules there are exceptions. Point Lookout inferior only to the more expensive one The Lost and Damned For Grand Theft Auto 4 .

Cthulhu doesn't walk here

System Requirements

Pentium 4 2.4 GHz/Athlon XP 2500+

1 GB memory

GeForce 6800/Radeon X850

700 MB on hard drive

Fallout 3

Recommended Requirements

Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz/Athlon 64 X2 5200+

2 GB memory

GeForce 8600 GTS/Radeon X1900

700 MB on hard drive

Fallout 3

As in The Pitt, the new mini-addon takes place in a separate area. Stepping aboard the ship, the hero finds himself in an abandoned nature reserve in Maryland. The local swamps look creepy, even though they were not burned with atomic bombs. The oppressive situation reminds Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth And Silent Hill, radioactive slush squelches underfoot, and the path through the thicket of ugly trees disappears into the fog. It’s gloomy here even during the day - the sky is always covered with leaden clouds. In addition, the picture is blurred with a “faded” filter. To the usual image Fallout it doesn't look like it at all, but the world after a nuclear apocalypse could certainly be like that.

Among the attractions Point Lookout- almost all the templates of “horror”: a dilapidated tourist area with a Ferris wheel, a couple of family mansions, lonely forest guards, a cursed mine, a lighthouse and a camp for Chinese prisoners of war. However, despite the straightforward approach, Bethesda has maintained the style well. Only dozens of dolls pierced with stakes are out of place.

Unfortunately, there are almost no attempts to scare the unknown; hallucinations, “voices in the head” and a mysterious evil book are squeezed into the game hastily and very clumsily. Instead, the authors copied American “horror films” of the 70s: “The Hills Have Eyes”, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, etc. Of course, the extreme cruelty of the inhabitants does not cause fear, but only hostility and the desire to feed them lead.

The peninsula is home to two groups of feral people: the church is occupied by cultists who expand consciousness with drugs and lobotomies, and mutated “redneck” cannibals are hiding in the quagmire. Both are surprisingly dangerous opponents. To finish off a fighter in motorized armor, a gang of clumsy pygmies with double-barreled guns will take only a few seconds, but both shot and plasma bounce off their rhinoceros skin. For players who didn't buy Broken Steel(i.e. those who did not raise the level bar above 20 and missed out on captured equipment), it will be difficult to fight with the degenerates on equal terms.

You will again receive a message on your Pip-Boy 3000. At this point, the message will tell you about a certain ship that has moored somewhere in the South, not far from the Arligont Library. Near the ship you will be met by a girl who will tell you about her daughter that she went to explore the area where the local national park “Observation Point” once was. The girl will ask you to find the little girl. If you decide to board the ship, then you will be met by a man named Tobar, who is also the owner of this ship. He will immediately suggest you go to the park, where the little girl got lost. A ticket will cost 300 caps. Once you buy yourself a ticket, then you can lie down on the passenger bunk and sail safely. When you arrive, move to an old, abandoned house. As you approach the door of this house, you will hear that they will start asking you to help in capturing this house. Agree, after which you will need to destroy the roof in several places, or rather in the eastern and western wings. To collapse the roof, you just need to shoot at the red marks a couple of times (most likely it's gas). After which, a very tough battle for this house will unfold. First there will be attacks from the right side on the second floor. Next are three attacks from the first floor. After hard battles, don’t expect gratitude, because your employer is generally a freak. Instead of thanks, he will give you another task.

Walking with the Spirits

When you talk to Desmond, you will need to gain the trust of savages who worship an unknown deity. To do this, go immediately to the Cathedral. In order to enter there, you will need to go through some ritual that they will do for you. The ritual, in turn, consists of collecting seeds from a large Punga tree. So, go ahead sacred valley, which is located on the western side.

Once you are in this sacred area, you will find yourself in an unusual swamp place. Here you will meet monsters - Swampers and that same plant - Pung. Move to this tree and take the seeds. The tree will begin to douse you with its poison. After which, like a complete drug addict, you will move back and listen to the strangest and funniest statements. And in general, your roof will move very hard. You will even be able to see your near and dear ones, so be prepared. Still, when he lets you go, move back to the cathedral and you will be noted that you have completed this ritual.

I hear voices

Now at the entrance you will be greeted by a savage. From him you can immediately find out that Jackson (the leader of their group) has disappeared and therefore they do not know where he is. Inside the building you will find large number plants Pungi and the girl Nadine. You need to chat with Nadine and find out from her where their chapter is located and how to get to it. As for her mother, she will talk about how much she wants to see her, but she will come home much later.

Now go back to Desmond. He will tell you that you have collected too little information, you need much more. Therefore, move to the long-sunken ship. Here you will find out that everyone and everything is commanded by a hologram of Jackson. Next, you will learn that this projection is going to destroy the jammer that is in the house, after which it will destroy Desmond. So hold on, because the destruction mission will be entrusted to you.

Mind Control

Move to Desmond to talk with him. He will tell you the story of how the famous Calveret family ruled half of the state of Maryland. And they were constantly at odds with Desmond. Now Desmond invites you to carry out his assignment, in which you need to build a jammer on the Ferris wheel in a local park. Move to where he asked to install the jammer. Your calm journey will be interrupted by a voice in your head, namely, Calveret’s voice. He will begin to offer you to throw out Desmond's jammer before the trash compactor. There are two options for the development of these events:

This option will be available if you installed Desmond's device on the Ferris wheel. You will begin to hear Calverett's voice in your head again. He will scold you for disobeying his orders. In a couple of minutes, you will be able to watch how savages are approaching you and are ready to kill you. You have to fight with him. Once you defeat them, you will need to return back to your friend Desmond. As soon as you are near the house, you will be able to see the following picture, namely how air strikes will begin to be carried out on the house. After it, you can examine the house in search of Desmond's corpse. But you won’t find it, but you will find a hatch that leads straight to the bomb shelter. It becomes clear that Desmond disappeared there. When you meet him, you will find out that Calveret first killed his dogs, after which the radio signal began to intensify and thus Desmond’s mansion was bombed. Now you can use radio emissions to find out where the professor himself lives. Go exactly there.

This option is intended for the case if you threw away Desmond's device before the press. Here you can also witness a merciless airstrike on Desmond's house. After which, you can move to the professor for a conversation. But instead of the professor himself, you will meet Desmond, who will again ask you to help him.

Clash of Minds

In any case, you will be forced to fight Professor Calveret's personal robot guard and discover his brains in one of the liquids. Next, there will be one dialogue between Caveret and Desmond. Subsequently, you will again have a choice, which consists of two options:

You can chat with the professor. But he will ask you to kill Desmond. And there’s just a problem, after killing Desmond, Calveret will try to destroy you. So it will be necessary to quickly kill the professor, or rather what is left of him. If you kill him faster, then his charges will not touch you. In this case, you will already have two deaths on your conscience. But in any case, you can take absolutely everything that catches your eye in this laboratory.

The next option is, of course, to kill the professor. If you do this, then Desmond will allow you to take everything that is bad in this laboratory. In any case, you will take everything, but there will be unnecessary deaths.

You can download Fallout 3: Point Lookout on PC for free from our game resource.

Point Lookout is the fourth official addition to the game Fallout 3, developed by the Bethesda Softworks studio of the same name. The localization of the game is still being handled by the domestic studio 1C-SoftClub.

Fallout 3 is one of the most iconic and... popular games in the first-person action RPG genre. The game itself presents us with a unique opportunity to explore completely open world, completing quests in a sequence convenient for us. Sometimes, the plot throws us irrevocable events in which the difficulty of choosing between good and evil arises.

In general, the game, even without add-ons, is full of various pleasant little things that extend its life. But nevertheless, the developers strongly support the gaming community and try to please it with new additions.

Try out the fourth expansion for Fallout 3 for yourself. To do this, we invite you to download Fallout 3: Point Lookout from our website to your PC, completely free of charge.


One of these additions is Point Lookout, which provides us with a huge location in the form of the mouth of the Potomac. The mouth of the Potomac is located on the territory of a former antebellum park in one of the many US states - Maryland. The state itself, after the events that led the world to a post-apocalyptic state, was renamed that same Point Lookout.

The plot of the fourth addition will tell us the story of the conflict between a lone monster, called ghouls, and a certain cult that is engaged in secret mystical affairs that are so popular among the local population, namely savages.

The game will offer us to play for the new hero Desmond Lockhart, who has not previously been seen in the entire series Fallout games. It is this hero who is a prominent representative of monsters called Ghouls.

Game Features

  • New storyline
  • Nonlinearity of events
  • A completely open world to explore