Game activity project “The Amazing World of Game. Pedagogical project at the preschool educational institution “By playing we learn, by playing we learn! Project report

Municipal budget preschool educational

Institution of compensatory kindergarten No. 17 “Ladushki”


“Igralochka” is a story-based role-playing game as a means of socializing children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.

Bobova-Mikheeva Valentina Gennadievna

Teacher of MBDOU DSKV No. 17,

Highest qualification category

Nizhnevartovsk, 2012


Project topic

The “Igralochka” project is a story-based role-playing game as a means of socializing children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.

Bobova-Mikheeva Valentina Gennadievna, teacher of the highest qualification category of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, compensatory kindergarten No. 17 “Ladushki”

Organization executor

Address of the performer's organization, telephone/fax

G. Nizhnevartovsk, st. Permskaya 17


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 17 “Ladushki”

Target groups

15 children with visual impairments

Project type


Implementation deadlines

2 years


To theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the influence of role-playing games on the socialization of children with visual impairments, as well asequalizing the starting opportunities of children upon admission to school.


  1. To study and analyze methodological literature on the development of role-playing play in children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.
  2. To select, systematize and identify the most effective means, methods and techniques for developing role-playing role play for children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.

  3. Develop skills in modeling relationships with adults and peers through role-playing games.
  4. involve parents in interaction with the preschool educational institutionabout the world around us.

Expected results

  1. The high level of development of role-playing play in preschoolers with visual impairments will be 76%.
  2. Skills in modeling relationships with adults and peers will be developed.
  3. The pedagogical competence of teachers in organizing work to form preschoolers’ ideas about the world around them will increase by 25%.
  4. Parents' satisfaction with the quality of educational services will be 98%.

Explanatory note

In pedagogy, the concept of “socialization” is associated with such concepts as “upbringing,” “training,” and “personal development.” Socialization is the process of formation and development of personality, occurring under the influence of educational and educational activities.

The degree of socialization of an individual is an important criterion for his adaptation to life in society. L.S. Vygotsky, in his theory of cultural-historical development of the psyche, drew attention to the fact that “The social situation of development represents the starting point for all dynamic changes occurring in development over a certain period. It determines those forms and the path along which the child acquires new personality properties, drawing them from reality, as from the main source of development, the path along which social development becomes individual.”

The problem of socialization in preschool age for children with visual impairments is decisive in their habilitation. It is the absence of such qualities as independence in movement and self-care, undeveloped communication skills with children and adults, both familiar and unfamiliar, inability to use modern household appliances that leads to maladaptation of children with visual impairments, reveals their inability to live independently in society, complicates integration into mass educational institutions. In recent years, in preschool institutions for children with visual impairments, most attention has been paid to the development of cognitive processes, which has led to significant advances in the intellectual development of children, but has weakened their social adaptation. Dependence on adults and friends, fear of new conditions and changes, withdrawal from society - this is what is formed in the absence of proper attention to the socialization of children with visual impairments from an early age. In the preschool period, when an ordinary child develops the process of expanding knowledge and ideas about society, a child with visual impairments experiences a delay (slowness) of these processes. Such a child requires more time to adapt to new conditions, a deeper and more detailed acquaintance with the object, thereby compensating for the lack of visual perception of information. When communicating with people, a child with such a disability uses the multisensory nature of perception. In some cases, when meeting people and the environment, the child develops fear when meeting new objects.

Play is one of the wonderful phenomena of life, an activity that seems useless and at the same time necessary. Unwittingly charming and attracting people as a vital phenomenon, the game turns out to be a very serious and difficult problem for scientific thought. (S.L. Rubinstein).Senior preschool age- the final stage of the initial link of socialization of a child at the level of a preschool educational institution. At this stage, significant changes occur in his life. Coming to kindergarten requires the child to master the system of such components of social adaptation: the ability to adapt to life in new social conditions, awareness of the new social role “I am a preschooler,” understanding the new period of his life, personal activity in establishing harmonious connections with the social environment, compliance certain rules of the group, requires the ability to lead in a standardized way, to defend one’s own thoughts and position (N.D. Vatutina, A.L. Kononko, S. Kurinnaya, I.P. Pechenko, etc.). Play is of invaluable importance, first of all, for the social development of a child; it reveals for him the meaning of existence in society, the meaning of communication. Role-playing in preschool age cannot be replaced by any other activity. If a child does not play, it means that he does not develop social motivation and social positions are not formed. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease and underdevelopment of cognitive abilities and the ability to communicate. And vice versa, having mastered social positions and meanings in play, a preschooler is able to overcome difficulties in learning and communication.

Creative games typically use a variety of objects. During the game, children compare them, mentally distract from some qualities, think of others, exercising their ability for imaginative thinking and imagination. It arises from the conditions of the child’s life in the life of society and reflects and reproduces these conditions. Play is a child’s genuine social practice, his real life in the society of his peers. Therefore, the problem of using games for the all-round development of the child, the formation of his positive personal qualities and socialization as a member of the community of people is so relevant for preschool pedagogy. The game orients the child to adhere to certain rules of adult life. In play, a child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is acting out, and models the world around him through the prism of his consciousness.

Thus, the relevance of the chosen topic is caused by the lack of development of the theoretical aspect of socialization of preschool children with visual impairments, the lack of a systematic, comprehensive approach to the socialization process, while it is in preschool age that it is necessary to lay the foundations of life in society. Among the means and methods that promote the socialization of children in this group, role-playing play is especially important.In order for the game to become an effective means of educating children with visual impairments, the teacher must know the features of the formation of gaming activity in conditions of visual impairment, be able to determine the level of development of each child’s interest in the game, in winning, the motives that encourage him to play, and master pedagogical techniques. impact on children's play.

Project goal: To theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the influence of role-playing games on the socialization of children of senior preschool age, as well asequalizing the starting capabilities of children with visual impairments upon admission to school.

Project objectives:

  1. To study and analyze methodological literature on the development of role-playing play in children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.
  2. To select, systematize and identify the most effective means, methods and techniques for developing role-playing role play for children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.
  3. To intensify children’s independent activity in play, to develop the play experience of pupils.
  4. Develop skills in modeling relationships with adults and peers through role-playing games.

Increase the pedagogical competence of teachers,involve parents in interacting with preschool educational institutionsin matters of forming ideas of preschoolersabout the world around us.

Object - socialization of children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.

Item - a system of work on organizing role-playing games with children of senior preschool age with visual impairments.

Project hypothesis:It is assumed that targeted work on the development of role-playing games will have a positive impact on the successful socialization of children of senior preschool age, as well as equalizing the starting capabilities of children when entering school.

Characteristics of the project implementation conditions (resources)

Project resource support:

  1. Notes of direct educational activities, holiday scenarios, notes of role-playing games.
  2. Subject-developing environment of the group, microcenter “Book House”, mini-corners: “House of Fashion”, “Theater Country”, “Game Library”, winter garden.
  3. Conversations on ethical topics.
  4. Selection of fiction.
  5. Video films.
  6. Selection of methodological literature.

Software and methodological support:

The program for the upbringing, education and development of preschool children in the “Rainbow” kindergarten, edited byT.N. Doronova, S.G. Yakobson, E.V. Solovyova, T.I. Grizik, V.V. Gerbova.

- a cycle of consultations for teachers and parents;

- long-term plan for role-playing games;

- A set of mini-projects has been developed to organize role-playing games.

Regulatory Resources:

  1. International Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).
  2. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992. No. 3266-1 with amendments and additions.
  3. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 N 91 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations.”
  4. Model regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2008. No. 666.
  5. Order No. 655 of November 23, 2009 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.”
  6. Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra “On education in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra” dated October 28, 2005 (as amended by the Law of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra dated June 29, 2006 No. 65-03) with amendments and additions.
  7. Regional (district) program for the development of education in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug for 2007-2011.
  8. Target program “Development of the education system of the city of Nizhnevartovsk for 2007-2011 from 07/06/2006.
  9. Development program of municipal preschool educational institution No. 17 “Ladushki” for 2007-2011.

Logistics:The group room is divided into functional zones: play, speech, sensory, relaxation, subject development. The necessary information and technical means, manuals, toys, and equipment are available.

Partners. Partners in the implementation of this pedagogical project are the teacher, parents (legal representatives) of children in the compensatory group for children with speech impairment in the sixth and seventh year of life.

Target Audiencepedagogical experience are 15 pupils of compensatory kindergarten No. 17 “Ladushki”, for children with visual impairments, attending a preschool educational institution on the basis of the conclusion of the Territorial Psychological and Medical Pedagogical Commission of Nizhnevartovsk.

Project Implementation Plan



Final product

Stage I: planning and prognostication

Objectives: detailed and comprehensive assessment of the situation, development of a concept

1.1 Study of regulatory documents

September 2010

Package of regulatory documents

1.2 Study of methodological and special literature on the problem of the development of plot-role play in children of senior preschool age

September 2010

conclusions about the degree of development and about the features of the development of role-playing games in educational work

1.3 Development of a concept for using a role-playing game development system

September 2010

Pedagogical project

1.4 Analysis of project implementation conditions


Project resource base

1.5 Definition of evaluation criteria and monitoring methods


Project implementation monitoring mechanism

Stage II: organizational and executive

Objectives: to study the level of development of plot-role play in children of senior preschool age with visual impairments, to conduct an analysis; develop and test technology for the development of role-playing games.

2.1 Examination of children, diagnostics of the development of role-playing games


Survey results

2.2 Recording examination results in protocols


Examination protocols

2.3 Determination of quantitative indicators of the level of development of plot-role play of pupils.


Graphs, diagrams

2.4 Development of technology for the development of role-playing games

Stage 1 - preparatory:

Expanding children's ideas about the social world through excursions to get acquainted with professions, introducing children to role-playing games: getting to know the environment, watching videos, conversations, reading fiction.

Stage 2 - main: introducing children to the main aspects of organizing a game, acquiring and making attributes for role-playing games, speaking dialogues between partners, playing out attributes for children with visual impairments, working on enriching the vocabulary.

Stage 3 - creative: distribution of roles, independent creative play of preschoolers with visual impairments, enrichment of the content of the game, children inventing events for their games, using the social experience gained during the game in everyday life.



September-April 2011-2012

The child's motivational readiness

Development of models of direct educational activities, didactic games, conversations on ethical topics, videos, fiction.

Dialogues between game partners, attributes for role-playing games, main points of organizing the game.

Distribution of roles by children, independent creative games of children, enrichment of the content of the game, application of the social experience gained during the game in everyday life, improvement of the child’s position in the group of peers.

Stage III: descriptive and final

Objectives: analyze and systematize the results obtained

3.1 Monitoring the level of development of role-playing games

Final grade

May 2011

September 2011

May 2012

The results of the examination are recorded in the examination protocols.

3.2 Analysis of the obtained data, their comparison with the predicted results

May 2011

Graphic display

3.3 Design and description of the progress and results of the experiment

May 2012

Analytical report, pedagogical project

Expected results and social effect

Analysis of comparative results: September 2010-11 academic year and May 2011-12 academic year allows us to talk about positive dynamics in this direction.

Ur-i r - i


High level

Intermediate level

Low level

2010 - 2011

2011 - 2012

Thus, the system of work for the development of role-playing games in the learning process contributes to the successful socialization of children of senior preschool age with visual impairments, as well as to equalizing the starting capabilities of pupils when entering school

All assigned tasks were completed during the project implementation.

  1. The relevance of using role-playing games as a means of socializing children of senior preschool age with visual impairments has been proven.
  2. Selected and systematized means, methods and techniques for the development of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age with visual impairments contributed to: conducting a simple dialogue with adults and peers, interaction in the “child-child”, “child-adult” systems; independent distribution of roles, taking into account the capabilities, interests and desires of each child; the ability to build a storyline before the start of the game (discuss, take into account the wishes of peers.

3. A system of work for organizing role-playing games for children of senior preschool age with visual impairments has been developed and implemented.

4. It was possible to achieve positive dynamics in the development of role-playing games for older children with visual impairments, and successful socialization of pupils with these impairments.

Practical significanceThe project is to develop and implement a system for developing role-playing games for older preschoolers with visual impairments, which can be used by preschool teachers to improve educational work with children.

Hypothesis put forward pedagogical project was confirmed: the targeted development of role-playing games influences the successful socialization of children of senior preschool age, as well as the equalization of starting opportunities when a child enters school.


1. Komarova N.F. "Comprehensive guidance of role-playing games in kindergarten." Moscow. Ed. "Scriptorium", 2003.

3. Morgulis I.S. Pedagogical guidance of play activities of children with visual impairments of preschool age. Kyiv. 1981.

4 . Mikhilenko N., N. Korotkova "Organization of story-based games in kindergarten." Moscow. Linka - press, 2009.

6. Plaksina L.I. “Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the fourth type (for visually impaired children)” 7. “Program for the education and training of preschool children with intellectual disabilities.” L.B.Baryaeva O.P.Gavrilushkina, A.P.Zorin, N.D.Sokolova

8. Lyublinskaya A.A. Child psychology: A textbook for students of pedagogical institutes. - M.: Education, 1971.

9. Obukhova L.F. Child psychology: theories, facts, problems. M.: Trivola, 1995.

10. Pidkasisty P.I. “Game technology in teaching” - M. Prosveshchenie, 1992

11. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. 2nd ed. - M.: Humanit. Ed. Vlados Center, 1999

12. Kozlova S.A. Preschool pedagogy: a textbook for students. avg. ped. textbook establishments / S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kushkova. 5th ed., rev. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2004

13. Kozlova S.A. I am a man. Child social development program. - M.: School. press, 2004

Svetlana Kobozeva-Salmina
Project "Didactic games in preschool educational institutions"

Project"Didactic games in preschool educational institutions"

Relevance: For full development, a preschool child needs amateur, spontaneous play that arises and develops on his own initiative. Game as a pedagogical form (organized by the teacher) contributes to the solution of educational and educational tasks, but in isolation from amateur activities games she can't provide development: usage games only as a means of implementing the Program will lead to the fact that children will not have the necessary target guidelines, such a child, despite active work with him, will actually be unprepared for further education at school.

Of course, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education cannot contradict the laws of development of a preschool child. The main message of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is to enrich the conditions for the development of preschool children. Therefore, we paid special attention to the third section of the Standard - “Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education.” It is in this section that among the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children corresponding to the specifics of preschool age (clause 3.2.5, This:

Creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities;

Supporting children's initiative and independence in various types of activities (play, research, design, cognitive, etc.);

Spontaneous support children's games, its enrichment, providing play time and space.

The organization of the developmental subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, is structured in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality, independence and initiative of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.

Scientific research indicates that, under conditions of optimal upbringing and training, children can achieve a certain level of development of independence in various types activities: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive-research, productive, labor, musical. Independent activity of children is one of the main models for organizing the educational process of preschool children age:

1) free activity of pupils in the conditions of a developing subject-spatial educational environment created by teachers, ensuring that each child chooses activities according to his interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) activities of students organized by the teacher, aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people.

Scheme for the development of any type of activity that's how it is: first it is carried out in joint activities with adults, then in joint activities with peers and, finally, it becomes an independent activity of the child. In this case, a special role is assigned to the teacher.

The educational activities of preschool educational institutions are built within the framework of 5 educational areas. The most important of them, we believe - “Social and communicative development” And "Cognitive Development", which overlap with each other and involve the development of children’s interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.

Nowadays, children are surrounded by many different games and toys in kindergarten and at home. One type of gaming activity is didactic game, allowing children to become more involved in current life in forms of intellectual and active practical activity, moral and aesthetic experiences accessible to them.

Today, domestic and foreign pedagogy has game development technologies that have been tested and give good results in preschool education. They can be used both in specially organized classes and in joint activities of an adult and a child, as well as independent activities. Let's look at some of them them:

Game technology for intellectual and creative development by V. V. Voskobovich "Fairytale labyrinths games» is a model of developmental education for preschool children in play activities. Developmental games B. V. Voskobovich play the role didactic material and fit accordingly into any form of planning. They not only develop ingenuity and resourcefulness, but also have educational and ethical meaning: not in an edifying form, they suggest the correct behavior in a problem situation.

Game methodological complex "Dienesh Logic Blocks". Games help accelerate the development of logical structures of thinking and mathematical concepts in preschool children. With the help of these games, children successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science in the future.

Didactic multifunctional material "Cuisenaire's Colored Counting Sticks", is used for educational purposes in many countries around the world. Given didactic The material helps develop children's understanding of number, teaches them to measure using a yardstick, and develops combinatorial abilities.

In our group, we noticed that tabletop didactic games Children often go unnoticed; they rarely take them from the shelf and play. In this regard, we have developed a practice-oriented project« Didactic games, as a means of developing independence and initiative of preschool children in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Target project: formation in children and parents of interest and ability to play.

Tasks project:

Teach children to play didactic board games, following the rules and progress games, developing their interest and active participation;

Introduce parents to the structure didactic game, its educational objectives, ways of presenting it to children;

Creating conditions for strengthening cooperation between kindergarten and family and developing the creative abilities of children and parents;

Replenishment of development environment: acquisition didactic games, manuals, books with a perspective for middle preschool age.

Problem: How to increase the external interest of children and parents in.

Justification of the problem:

1. The inability and reluctance of children in the middle group to play board games - didactic games, follow the rules and progress of educational games.

2. Lack of parental knowledge about the structure didactic games, ways of presenting them to children.

Hypothesis: in order to increase children's external interest in didactic board games, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of children’s play activities, this will significantly increase the communication abilities of middle-aged children.

View project: practice-oriented

Participants project: children of the middle group (4-5 years old, teachers, parents of pupils.

Implementation period project: September 2016 – May 2017

Expected results:

1. Children more often use tabletops independently - didactic games and play them with great interest.

2. An exhibition of family mini-newspapers was organized "We play at home", photo reports: “How and with what we play in kindergarten”, "Fairytale labyrinths games B. V. Voskobovich"

3. Many parents are interested in this topic, received new and useful information, successfully tested on their children, new ones were created "Smart" games for parents in a group, active use of educational games at home with children.

4. All materials available in the group are available for children. Any child can independently decide what materials, when and how to use.

Stage I project: preparatory

1. Study the material.

2. Collection and analysis of information on this topic from various sources.

3. Questioning parents to identify knowledge about modern educational games.

4. Diagnostic observation - the use of board games in children's independent activities.

5. Development of an implementation plan project.

Stage II project: basic. Implementation work project.

Solving problems with children:

1. Active use of desktops in joint activities didactic games.

2. Introduction didactic games and solving educational problems using various forms of implementation of game action.

3. Creating problematic situations to reinforce the rules games.

4. Encouragement (for independent organization games, attracting children to the game, following the rules, the ability to monitor the implementation of the rules by comrades) - as a method of activating interest in games.

Solving problems with parents:

1. Creation of information sheets for parents with recommendations for introducing children to games.

2. Visual information for parents " Didactic game, as a means of mental development of the child!”

3. Organizing a photo exhibition for parents “By playing we learn, by playing we learn!”, where you can see which desktops - didactic games children play in a group.

4. Organizing an exhibition of home educational games "Home child's games» .

5. Exhibition of group tabletops - didactic games taking into account age, educational objectives and design.

6. Consultation – workshop “How to teach a child to play didactic the game and its role in the development of children!” with homework for parents" (Goal assignments: get interested and play an educational game together with the child - a puzzle "Color by numbers").

7. Organizing an exhibition of children's works performed in joint activities with parents at home “We play with mom and dad - we gain interest and knowledge!”.

8. Agreement with parents on the production and purchase of educational games for the group.

Stage III: final

Master class for parents “How and with what we play in kindergarten!”(Target assignments: to interest and play an educational game together with the child - using the example of V.V. Voskobovich’s games).

Main directions activities: the child’s gradual transition from individual games and« games nearby» to play in a group of three to five peers. Teaching role-playing games through didactic game.

Materials and equipment: educational kits, audio CDs, toys and related items games, pictures, fiction.

Competently equipping various areas and activity centers (game, cognitive-research, productive, motor) promotes intellectual creativity, education of independence, initiative, physical and mental development of preschool children.


1. ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION “On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.” No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013

2. Kononova I., Ezhkova N. Preparing children for independent activities. // Preschool education, 1991 - No. 6.

3. Educational environment and organization of independent activities of senior preschool children age: methodological recommendations /ed. O. V. Dybina / - M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2008.

4. We raise preschoolers to be independent. Collection of articles – Russian state. Ped. Hercyn University, St. Petersburg: CHILDREN'S PRESS 2000

5. Nishcheva N.V. Subject-spatial developmental environment in children's garden: principles of construction, tips, recommendations - St. Petersburg: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2009.

6. Bondarenko, A. K. « Didactic games in kindergarten» . / A. K. Bondarenko. – M.: Education, 1991. – p. 28.

The purpose of the pedagogical project: promote social and personal

development of older children through the use of games and gaming

exercises based on the “School 2100” educational system.

Objectives of the pedagogical project

Enrich your understanding of people, their relationships,

emotional and physical states;

Learn to “read” emotions in facial expressions, gestures, intonation;

Encourage active expression of emotional responsiveness

(to have pity, to console, to treat, etc.);

Foster a culture of behavior and communication;

Deepen ideas about family and family relationships;

Actively express a kind attitude towards loved ones;

Introduce forms of greeting, farewell, expression

gratitude, requests;

Develop self-control over your actions;

Deepen your understanding of yourself, your body, personal qualities,

opportunities, achievements;

Develop a sense of self-respect and self-worth;

to direct the consciousness, feelings and actions of children to commit humane

and fair actions.


The problem of joining the social world has always been and remains today

one of the leaders in the process of forming a child’s personality. Historical

the analysis convinces of the need to provide the child with qualified

assistance in the difficult process of entering the world of people. Socialization

preschooler presupposes the development of the ability to adequately navigate

social environment accessible to him, to realize the intrinsic value of his own

personality and other people, express feelings and attitudes towards the world in

in accordance with the cultural traditions of society.

Increased attention to socialization problems is associated with changes

socio-political and socio-economic living conditions, with

instability in society. In the current situation of the most acute

lack of culture of communication, kindness and attention to each other teachers

experience difficulties in preventing and correcting such

negative manifestations of children, such as rudeness, emotional deafness,

hostility, etc.

The basic structures of personality are formed in the first years of life, and

This means that families and preschool institutions are entrusted with special

responsibility for educating the younger generation.

In this regard, the problem of social and personal development is the development of the child in

interaction with the world around him - becomes especially relevant in

at this present stage. Play activity - gives the child

feel like an equal member of human society. In the game

the child gains confidence in his own abilities, in his ability to receive

real result.

In the conditions of games, children’s ability to communicate with each other is improved,

express your attitude towards the actions of your peers, justify your

actions and deeds, defend your own opinion; skill develops in

express disagreement with a peer’s proposals in a delicate manner, his

actions to distribute roles, toys, responsibilities. In

relationships during the game, it is necessary to encourage children to follow

learned norms of behavior, rules of friendly and collective

relationships, focus on reflecting such qualities in playing roles,

such as responsiveness, the desire to help another, to show concern, to help out

troubles, overcoming obstacles, etc.

Thus, the use of gaming technology is one of the

leading directions in the social and personal development of older children



Using games and game exercises when organizing joint

technology-based activities with older children

educational system "School 2100" will solve the problems of social

personal development is more successful and comfortable for children.

Hypothesis testing

Work on the pedagogical project included several stages.

I. Studying psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on

the issue of using games and game exercises in organizing

joint activities with older children within the framework of social

personal development of preschool children.

An analysis of the literature showed that the most complete and systematized

in accordance with the tasks of social and personal development of older children

age system of games and exercises is presented in the “School 2100” program,

which was taken as the basis for the work.

II. Monitoring the level of socialization of older children at the beginning

project activities showed that the average performance on a 5-point system

amounted to:

1. independently choose and come up with game plots,

comply with role behavior, take initiative in the game – 3.3

2. evaluate their capabilities, follow the rules and overcome

rules of the game – 2.9

3. simulate an object-game environment, show interest in

theatrical activities – 3.2

4. distinguishes the situation of communication with an unfamiliar and familiar adult (in

speech, distance during communication, behavior) – 3.1

5. when communicating with peers, can take both a leadership position and

slave depending on the situation -2.8

6. complies with the rules of conduct in public places (at

holidays, performance) –3.3

These parameters are indicators of problems in the development of children of social


III. The basis for building a system of games and exercises is its focus on

the natural curiosity of a preschooler, including his interest in himself,

perception of the child by peers and adults, search for his place in the system

social relations, the surrounding world.

Training exercises are organized regularly with the aim of removing

anxiety, fears of children, overcoming their uncertainty in communicating with

peers, adults. Unlike traditional classroom activities, children

can move freely, take a comfortable position on the carpet, chairs.

Considering that only a variety of games are used, relaxation

exercises, mental overload is practically eliminated, which

promotes emotional uplift and cognitive activity of children.

Joint activities with children are divided into three stages.

1. “I am among others” - the problem of the child’s knowledge of himself through

relationships with others. In joint activities in class and in

In everyday life, children make discoveries about their selves. They learn

talk about your hobbies, experiences, favorite friends.

It is important for a preschooler to understand how similar he is to those who are his

surrounds, how this similarity manifests itself and is it good to be like


However, when playing games with peers, communicating with adults,

A preschooler makes a new discovery for himself: he is not like everyone else. These

he sees differences not only in gender, but also in

features of your appearance, attitude towards the world around you. Topics

lessons: “Who am I?”, “What am I?”, “How are we similar and how are we different from each other?”

friend?”, “We are all different”, “My mood”, “I can…”, “I’m not afraid

learn” or “If necessary, I will learn”, “Me and my friends”, “Me and my family”,

“My dreams”, “My fabulous dreams”, “Funny tales”, “A story about myself”.

2. “What can I do?” - games, activities and training are presented

exercises that will help the child to understand the inner world of feelings and

states, learn to analyze and manage them. Classes

built in the form of fabulous journeys to the land of “What can I?”;

elements of fairy tale therapy are used, children work with sand, which

helps to penetrate more deeply into the world of sensations and deepen experience

self-knowledge. Work continues on the development of emotional

sensory sphere of children.

Lesson topics: Introductory. "Journey to Sinegorye to the Eagle Keen Eye."

“Journey to the islands “Mysterious Sounds” to the Elephant Sensitive Ears.”

“Journey to the Cave “Wonderful Smells” to the Dog with a Sharp Smell.”

“A trip to Lake Tasty Water to the Smart Tongue Frog.”

"Journey to the "Sensitive Hills" to the Curious Monkey

hands". “The land of “What can I?”” (final).

3. “I and others” - the joint activity of the teacher and children is aimed

but the child’s search for his place in the society of his peers, highlighting

one’s own “I”, opposing oneself to others, taking an active position

in various social relationships, where his “I” acts on an equal basis

with others. This ensures the child develops a new level of his

self-awareness on the way to the formation of “I-concept”. In progress

the teacher helps everyone organize joint activities

child in finding his place in the society of his peers, mastering

ways of non-violent interaction with peers in

process of resolving conflict situations. Children are offered

the following lesson topics: “Who are you?”, “Who are they?”,

“Description of a person”, “What can I do well?”, “Moving”,

“Courage”, “Dear Lena”, “Visiting an interesting person”,

"Difficult situations", "End it", "Tease and pester",

“Which side will you take?”

IV. Carrying out joint activities.

V. Analysis of joint activities.

Interpretation, correlation of the obtained results with the initial one

hypothesis, drawing conclusions, writing a report


1. They independently choose and come up with game plots,

agree and accept a role in the game with peers,

observe role behavior and take initiative in the game.

2. Assess their capabilities, follow the rules and overcome

difficulties in didactic games, can be explained to peers

rules of the game.

3. Model the subject-game environment, show interest in

theatrical activities.

4. Distinguishes between situations of communication with a stranger and a familiar adult (in

speech, distance in communication, behavior).

5. When communicating with peers, he can take both a leadership position and

slave depending on the situation.

6. Complies with the rules of behavior in public places (at

holidays, performances).

Analysis of joint activities showed that the use of games and

game exercises when organizing joint activities with children

older age based on the educational system "School 2100"

allows you to solve problems of social and personal development, significantly

improving monitoring indicators, successfully and comfortably for children.

As a result of joint activities, children became better:

Understand each other, realize your own value and the value of others


Show confidence in relationships with peers and adults.

See similarities and differences in each other.

Show empathy and tolerance.

Describe your mood, understand the mood of others.

Be aware of how others feel about their actions.

Express your feelings and understand the feelings of others.

Use terms for different emotional

human condition.

Share your experiences, innermost feelings, impressions.

Analyze and evaluate conflict situations, respond correctly to

Find a constructive solution to the conflict.

All this contributes to the formation in children of a holistic understanding of

yourself, determining your place in the society of your peers, highlighting your Self,

opposing oneself to others, taking an active position in various

social relationships, where his I acts on an equal basis with others. This

provides the child with the development of a new level of self-awareness, which means

solves the problems of social and moral development and education of preschool children.

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Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Project type:Game. Creative.

Project goal:Organizing children’s own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Own activity is the activity that the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens and hears, looks and speaks.

Project objectives:

1. Develop in children the skills of basic self-control and self-regulation of their actions and relationships with others.

2. Develop the individuality and intelligence of children.

3. Develop in children the skill of coordinated work.

4. Promote the accumulation of gaming experience for children by offering them various stories and ways of interacting with peers.

Project participants: children; teachers; parents; representatives of society.

Educational area:“Socialization”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Fiction”, “Music”, “Artistic creativity”, “Safety”.

Expected Results

  • Children know how to listen and hear each other, negotiate, come to agreement;
  • Children develop speech interaction, memory, thinking, attention, and imagination.
  • a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, other people, oneself, and peers is formed;
  • children learn to defend their position and object to adults reasonably and kindly;
  • their feelings of fear for making a mistake disappear.
  • Teachers and parents try to maintain children’s friendships, do not interfere with their independence, and create conditions for children to communicate with each other.

Directions of work, stages. Planning

1. Preparatory stage

Working with teachers.Goals:

  • arouse teachers’ interest in the project;
  • introduce its tasks;
  • lead to a vision of your place in the project;
  • provide teachers with everything necessary for the successful implementation of the project

Interaction with parents.Goals:

  • parents' interest in the project;
  • give an idea of ​​how you can participate;
  • direct them to joint play activities with children.

Target:expand the ideas of preschoolersabout plot-role-playing, creative, intellectual and theatrical games.

2. Main stage

Working with teachers.Goals:

  • increasing the theoretical and practical level of professionalism of teachers;
  • increasing the competence of preschool teachers in organizing gaming activities (introduction to new story-based, role-playing and other games)

Interaction with parents.Goals:

  • increasing the level of pedagogical culture of parents in the field of “Socialization” of preschool children.
  • parents' interest in the problem of transferring gaming activities into the family, organizing a single gaming space.

Educational activities for preschool children.Goals:

  • to help children diversify, reflect the richness of the actions of the person portrayed by the child, and clearly highlight actions aimed at different characters in the game. unfold actions in a sequence that strictly recreates real logic.
  • development of cognitive interest in preschoolers, development of thinking and imagination, enrichment of children’s emotions through play.
  • formation of moral qualities in children: kindness, empathy, honesty, gratitude;
  • nurturing respectful and caring attitude towards loved ones, sympathy, empathy;

3. Final stage

Working with teachers.Goals:

  • improving the quality of gaming activity, and through it, developing interest in cognitive activity;
  • systematization of accumulated teaching experience;

Interaction with parents.Goals:

  • joint family games, watching plays, cartoons with children, enriching the children's home library;
  • involving parents in preparing costumes and scenery for theatrical games

Educational activities for preschool children.Goals:

  • development of children’s creative abilities, strengthening their desire to express in play activities (theatrical games based on a fairy tale), productive (exhibition of children’s creative works “My Favorite Game”, collective work on the construction of “The Palace of the Beast”, plasticine plastic “We are playing”), acquired knowledge , abilities, skills, to expand moral ideas about the manifestation of good and evil;
  • understand the connection between the present and the future of the native land (D/I “Journey to the Past”, S/R game “Experts of the Sengileevsky Mountains Nature Reserve”, “Walk along the streets of the city of Sengileya”, “Journey along the Volga”);
  • effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler (literary quiz “Fairy Tales Are Our Guest”, intellectual game “Stars”).

Before the implementation of the project, parents referred to being too busy, not knowing and not being able to do anything regarding the content of the project, but the following work was carried out with them: conversations with parents: “The role of play in the development of a child’s speech”, “The role of fairy tales in raising children”, “Family theater".

A survey was conducted: “Do you like theater?”, “What games does your child play?”, consultation: “Playing games will help you cope with children’s disobedience.” fairy tales”, “Cultivating hard work, obedience and responsibility through play”, round table “Theatrical games as a means of developing children’s speech”, joint creative competition works of parents and children on the topic “My favorite game”, parent meeting “The role of games in raising children”.

In the corner for parents there was placed a folder - a “Theater Warm-up” with photographs of children engaged in musical and theatrical activities, and a reminder for parents “Bedtime Story”.

Parents helped set up a costume room with costumes of fairy-tale characters, purchase coloring books for the group based on Russian folk tales, and printed board games based on fairy tales. They always helped in making scenery and costumes, and purchased tickets to visit the puppet theater. Parents were very active in visiting our “Theater Lounge”, where they watched musical performances, entertainment, concerts, celebrating the successes of their little artists: overcoming shyness, self-confidence, improving the clarity and expressiveness of speech.

Work on the project was carried out not only with parents, but also with social partners: employees of the library, museum, store, registry office, cinema post office. Children performed at a pedagogical conference, at the anniversary of the Sengileevsky district, where they read poetry, sang songs and danced, and watched a funny performance.We often go to the local museum, where we are introduced to the past of our city, with its customs and traditions.

Project report

In the school preparatory group “A”, a game, creative project “By playing - we learn, by playing - we understand!” is being implemented, within the framework of which children develop gaming skills, enrich the child’s practical and gaming experience, independent play encourages preschoolers to creatively reflect reality, Moral ideas about the manifestation of good and evil are expanding.

Continuing to master the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, the creative and cognitive thinking of a preschooler effectively develops.

The implementation of the project is based on the implementation of the principle of unity of activities of children and teachers, cooperation with pre-school specialists and families of pupils, cooperation with social partners.

The project covers various types of play activities for preschool children. Cognitive and speech activities include role-playing games, theatrical and intellectual games, excursions, targeted walks, stories, conversations, classes on topics included in the content of the project; reading the works of fellow countrymen writers. In the fine arts section, conversations are held about the wealth and beauty of the native land, conversations about the work of local artists with viewing of paintings, illustrations, and excursions to the museum. Children implement the acquired knowledge in playful and productive activities: didactic and role-playing games. drawing with colored pencils or paints of the children’s choice “Favorite Game”, designing from paper “Theater of Flowers”, appliqué using non-traditional materials “The Tale of a Pumpkin”, modeling using non-traditional materials “Theater for Babies”, etc. Children do not attend music classes They only listen to and learn songs and dances, listen to classics, but also play musical games, come up with new dance sketches for fairy-tale characters.

Parents have expanded their opportunities for cooperation with their children, and they began to listen to their opinions. Parents began to perceive themselves as more competent in organizing joint play activities for children.

The project is playful, creative, long-term. Implemented within the framework of a preschool educational institution with the involvement of family and society (library, museum, store, post office, children's art school, art house.) Work with social partners continues. Children show a need to visit the library, museum, and theater.

The project is interdisciplinary, since the game is included in educational activities for each area of ​​education, in unregulated activities, and in walks. In everyday life, in class, on a walk, while watching TV shows, looking at illustrations, the child learns the purpose of objects, the meaning of people’s actions, the essence of their relationships, and his first emotional and moral assessments are formed. All this serves as a source for the emergence of the game’s concept and the constant enrichment of its content.

Timely changes in the gaming environment, selection of toys and gaming material that help to consolidate in the child’s memory recent impressions received in educational games, aim the preschooler at independent, creative solving of gaming problems, and encourage different ways of reproducing reality in the game.

We try to change the subject environment taking into account the practical and play experience of children. New toys for the theater, connected by the teacher and parents, new clothes for "Studio". A new multifunctional screen: it is both a stand for theatrical play and a screen for an adult puppet theater, a window in the screen for a children's puppet theater, and it is also a decoration for a performance.

The child in the project is a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result. Each child makes his or her own contribution to the common cause, children show initiative and individuality, see themselves in the project, evaluate their personal participation, and are convinced of the benefits of common efforts to achieve a common goal.

In order to achieve a game that is genuine, emotionally rich, and includes an intellectual solution to game problems, we try to comprehensively manage its formation, namely: to enrich the child’s practical and play experience, we organize the activities of preschoolers in increasingly complex problem play situations, taking into account their specific practical experience, as well as the play environment .

The project included role-playing games developed by me: “Invitation”, “Katya’s doll’s birthday”, “Wizards of our group”, “Walk along the streets of the city of Sengileya”, “Experts of the Sengileevskie Mountains reserve”, “Journey along the Volga”, Theatrical game based on Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”, based on B. Grimm’s fairy tale “The Hare and the Hedgehog”, continuation of A. Volkov’s fairy tale “Ellie and Her Friends”. The scenarios of intellectual games turned out to be interesting: “Stars”, “Smart Men and Women”, the quiz “Fairy Tales Are Our Guest”.

Application. Project.

Prepared by:

teachers of group No. 6 "Daisies"

Morozova V.A., Kuznetsova Z.I..

Project “The Amazing World of the Game”

Problem : There are children who do not play and do not like to play. They do not show interest in story-based toys or manipulate them in the same way; their emotional and cognitive activity tone is reduced. Such children have a more difficult time mastering program material, which requires a certain development of thinking and speech, which is largely formed in the game. On the part of some teachers in kindergarten, and even more so parents, there is sometimes a tendency to formally teach game actions and plots without taking into account the interests of the children’s personal practical and gaming experience. But in fact this is an important problem. It becomes acutely important in preparation for school, when such qualities as observation, well-formed speech, and a rich vocabulary are important.

Relevance of the project : Forming an interest in role-playing games is a long and complex process, but if we want our children to form ideas about the adult world, relationships with peers, develop thinking, feelings, will, it is simply necessary to do this. Play is of great importance for personal development.

Target : develop interest in various types of games, independence in choosing a game, in implementing plans.

Tasks :

    Help children, unite in small groups (2-3 people) based on personal sympathy.

    Teach basic rules of behavior to be observed during the game.

    In the process of games, develop in children interest in the environment, observation, speech, and enrich their vocabulary.

    Help parents create conditions for children to play and expand knowledge on managing play activities.

Project implementation hypothesis : The implementation of the project allows us to more deeply assimilate program material on the development of children’s cognitive abilities.

Main forms of project implementation: excursions, observations, morning conversations, reading fiction, mini-exhibition “Gifts of Autumn”, competition “Braid - a girl’s beauty”, photo exhibition “Mom, Dad, I - a friendly family”, work with parents (consultations, recommendations, conversations, home assignments).

Expected results of the project:

  1. Children reflect developed plots in games. They actively master methods of role-playing behavior, name their role and address peers by the name of the role-playing character, change the intonation of their voice depending on the role.
  2. Children have favorite games and roles that they are most willing to perform.
  3. They understand the game task and act in accordance with it.
  4. Show interest in playful communication with peers.

Project type: research and creative.

Project participants: children of the second junior group No. 6 “Daisies” (collective).

Duration : 9 months (September – May), long-term.

Project product:

  • Attributes for s/r games.
  • Multifunctional game "Magic Rainbow".

Theme, task of the game

Working with children

Working with parents

I quarter

September. "Family" Help children unite in small groups (2-3 people) based on personal sympathies. Develop the ability to perform several interrelated actions. 1. Memorizing “Come and visit.”2. Reading Kaputikhyan S. “Mom is having lunch.”3. D/I “Let’s set up a room for Katya’s doll.”4. D/I “We’ll make tea.”5. Conversation about children's family members. Emphasize the family's care for each other. 1. Recommendations “Play with your child.”2. Involve in equipping the play area: sew dolls, bedding, clothes for dolls.
October. Shop “Products” Teach children how to interact in stories with two characters (seller-buyer). Teach to follow the basic rules of behavior in the game. 1. Examination of illustrations on the topic “Products”, “Fruits and Vegetables”.2. D/I “We’ll buy vegetables for soup at the store.”3. Modeling “Apples and pears”.4. Drawing “Preparing potatoes.”5. Acting out situations. Conversation between seller and buyer. 1. Involve parents in making attributes for the game: pasta, cereals, confectionery.2. Exhibition “Gifts of Autumn”.
November. “Visiting the nesting doll” Contribute to enriching children's gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline. While playing, enrich your vocabulary. 1. D/I “Gifts for Matryoshka”.2. D/I “Furniture in the house”.3. Acting out the game situation “Matryoshka’s housewarming”.4. D/I “What has changed?” 1. Consultation “Holding a holiday at home.”

II quarter

December. "Family" Encourage children to try to select attributes for the role. Develop the ability to perform several interrelated actions. 1. Examination of paintings from the “We Play” series.2. Reading “The Tsokotuha Fly” by K. Chukovsky.3. Acting out the situation “Our gifts to Alyonushka.”4. D/I “Choose dishes for the doll.” 1. Memo “Talk to your child.”
January. "Salon" Introduce the work of a hairdresser. Learn to use substitute objects. Help timid, shy children get involved in the game. 1. D/I “Radio”. 2. A story about the work of a hairdresser.3. Fun “Beautiful bows”.4. D/I “Who needs what for work.”5. D/I “Who has what dress.” 1. Involve substitute items in the production: curlers, scissors.2. Competition “Braid - maiden beauty”.
February. Kindergarten" Promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life. Develop independence in choosing a game. Promote children's development of role-playing dialogue in the game. 1. Acting out the situation “We are putting away the toys.”2. D/I “Every thing has its place.”3. Conversation “Me and the kindergarten”, “Me and the children”.4. Entertainment “Our friendly group”. 1. Recommendations for “Walking with your child.”2. Evening “Fun gatherings”.3. Consultation “The role of the father in raising a child.”

III quarter

March. "Toy store" Diversify the game with play actions (toys have been brought to the store, the seller is laying out the goods). Develop the ability to recognize the properties of objects. 1. Conversation “My favorite toys.”2. Modeling “Our toys”.3. D/I “Find the item according to the description.” 1. Memo “How to choose toys for your baby.”2. Consultation “The role of toys in children's games.”
March. "Family" Promote the emergence of games on themes from the surrounding life. Learn to maintain role-playing dialogue. 1. Acting out the situation “Tanya the doll is visiting us.”2. Communication “Why mom and dad love me.”3.Reading the German fairy tale “The Pot of Porridge.” 1. Mobile folder “Mothers and Daughters”.2. Photo exhibition “Mom, Dad, I - a friendly family.”
April. "Bus" Introduce the profession of a driver. Show the game actions of the “driver” role. Facilitate grouping into small groups (2-3 people). Develop the ability to interact with each other. 1. Memorizing “The Driver’s Song.”2. D/I “Transport”.3. Application “Bus”.4. P/I “Birds and a car.” 1. Involve in the production of attributes: steering wheel, cap, bus model.
April. "Hospital" Enrich children's gaming experience by combining individual actions into a single storyline. Develop the ability to independently select attributes and choose a role. 1. Listening to “The doll is sick.”2. Modeling “Let's help Doctor Aibolit cure children.”3. D/I “Who needs what for work?” 1. Making substitute items: thermometers, pills.
May. "Zoo" Learn to use building materials in the game. Develop the ability to play a role for yourself and for a toy. Improve your ability to interact with each other. 1. Conversation about wild animals “Who lives in the forest?”2. Construction “Let's build a fence for animals.”3. Theater show on flannelograph “The Fox and the Hare”.4. D/I “Whose children?” 1. Exhibition. Joint drawing of parents and children “Unusual animal”.