I lost Lydia, what should I do? Data about the character Lydia, data about skills, characteristics

Gender Female
Level PCx1 (6-50)
Warrior class
Rank Bodyguard
Services Follower
Ref ID 000A2C94
Base ID 000A2C8E

Lydia's stats at level 50

Health 671
Manna 50
Stamina 214
Light armor 20
Heavy armor 100
Sneak 15
One-handed Weapon Proficiency 100
Two-handed weapon proficiency 72
Archery 98
Lock 100
Change 15
Spell 15
Destruction 15
Recovery 15
Illusion 15
Charm 15
Speech 20
Hack 15
Alchemy 15
Blacksmithing 20
Pickpocket 15

"I am your sword and shield." -Lydia

Lydia is a hired bodyguard and will join the Dragonborn after completing the quest. She receives her rank from Jarl Balgruuf in Dragonsreach immediately after the Dragonborn is promoted to Thane. As a bodyguard, she has sworn to protect you until death.


Like other followers, Lydia can die if she has no way to heal herself when she is knocked down. This can happen if she is hit by enemies or if you damage her.
If the Dragonborn and Lydia are married, she returns to Dragonsreach or Breezehome in Whiterun (if purchased). If you spend a lot of time with Lydia, she gives gifts.

Lydia, like most followers, has the opportunity to be recruited into the Blades by being brought to Delphinia at the Sky Haven Temple after completing the quest "Alduin's Wall". She can still be on your team, but her outfit will be changed to a full set of blade armor. This change is permanent.

Marriage to Lydia
If the player wishes to marry her, then she opens a store in the city and gives the player 100 septims per day. She can move to another house if the player owns another house besides Breezehome. Like all other marriage candidates, she cooks the player a meal once a day that restores stamina, health, and mana. You can only marry once.

Lydia's skills

Lydia is primarily a melee character and does not use spells. Like some other Melee-oriented followers, she has a tendency to simply rush into battle, which can lead to her death.
She can use spell scrolls and staves, although she cannot use other forms of magic, potions or food, and carries heavy armor and one-handed weapons, but will use any weapon as long as it deals damage.

She also has a very low stealth skill, alerting enemies to her presence almost immediately, which can be bad for some players' tactics, but also allows her to lure enemies with Lydia.

Lydia's outfit

Armor and Jewelry
Lydia's default armor is steel armor (the version without the shoulder pad), boots, gauntlets, and a shield. This gives her an overall armor rating of 169. She does not wear a helmet, but you can equip her with one. She may also wear any ring or necklace given to her by the Dragonborn. You can also put armor on her if it is better than her kit in terms of characteristics. She can be dressed light armor, but her skill" Heavy armor" won't give her good bonuses.


She only uses a shield and a one-handed weapon, or a two-handed weapon given to her by the player. Lydia's default weapon is steel sword. If opponents are out of melee range, she uses a hunting bow with endless iron arrows (the arrows cannot be collected by the player). You can equip her with a more powerful bow and arrow.

How to return Lydia to The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim??? and got the best answer

Answer from Nuclear_engineer[guru]
To return Lydia when she has disappeared from you, enter the command player.moveto 000A2C94 in the console - you will be teleported to her location. If you are sent to a place where Lydia is not there (which also happens), then all you have to do is enter the command player.placeatme 000A2C8E, and Lydia will appear in front of you, only it will be an exact copy of Lydia, and not the “original” itself (so it’s better in front so look for it well), and if in the future you find the “original”, you will have to remove one of the Lydias via the console (disable) or kill it. You can also enter the command prid 000A2C94 to select Lydia ((000a2c94) should appear at the top of the console) and then enter moveto player, and Lydia (the original) will appear in front of you.

Reply from Gosha Samsonov[newbie]
guys, help me, Lydia is missing, she was probably killed like TP to Lildney

Reply from Yoma Shatokhina[newbie]
Karotsuchi, too many Lydias XDD

Reply from Alex this is unnecessary[newbie]
You can make a whole army of Lydias with such copies))

Reply from Kurotsuchi Mayuri[guru]
player.placeatme 000A2C8E - helped flawlessly! Arigato~. And then at the very beginning (now lvl 69, 171 hours), they went against the giants. As usual, I took on mammoths, and then I looked - she (enchantingly!) flies away from the sledgehammer...

Famous all over the world Skyrim game, continuation of the cult The series Elder Scrolls is famous for its big world and non-linear original storylines. And often players need to save the life of a certain character, but this does not always work out. In that case, to pass storyline to the end, you need to know how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim, so as not to load the next save.

After all, this is not sports!

“Resurrecting characters killed in battle is not sporting,” gamers may say. However, the game is rich not only in interesting monsters, bandits and giants who can deal with the inhabitants of the province with one blow. An integral attribute of the game are all sorts of bugs, such as flying mammoths or objects falling through the textures, which kill the story characters. In this case, knowing how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim is simply necessary for a normal game!

There are more unpleasant situations: you are used to your housecarl bodyguard, for example, Lydia, but in the heat of battle you accidentally hit her with a sword and killed her. After this, you don’t want to continue playing without your favorite assistant, ready to follow you into the fire and input, and the save was made a long time ago. It is precisely in such cases that you should use console commands.

Console commands

How to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim? The problem can be solved simply.

To do this, you must follow the sequence of actions below:

  1. Open input menu console commands a (key "Y").
  2. Without closing the input window, click on the corpse with the left mouse button.

After these manipulations, the character will come to life and begin to live his own life. However, other situations may arise in the game. For example, vampires burst into the city, killed your beloved housecarl, then resurrected him and sent him to fight you. And there is no reason to be surprised that after the battle he will turn into a handful of ashes.

We resurrect NPCs when there is no corpse

Following the proposed plan, you will force the ashes of the character to talk and even trade, but you will not return a full-fledged person to Skyrim. How to resurrect an NPC if there is no body? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Enter prid in the console command menu , Where - personal code of the character.
  2. On the next line, enter enable - this will activate the selected NPC.
  3. Type moveto player and press "Enter" - this will move the "new" corpse to you.
  4. Enter the Resurrect 1 command and press Enter.

If you follow this plan, you will no longer have the question of how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim. The same combination of commands will help if you simply forgot where the dead body is.

How to resurrect a game character?

In the event that for some reason he died plot character, merchant or faction member/leader, the above combinations will not bring a real person back into the game. There will be a copy of it that is not related to the plot and gameplay.

But even in this case, the console can help in solving the question of how to resurrect an NPC in Skyrim. To do this you need:

  1. Enter the command command .
  2. Activate a gameplay character with the phrase recycleactor.
  3. Resurrect a game object by entering the resurrect combination.
  4. Move the newly created NPC to you with the moveto player command.

Before carrying out such manipulations, it is recommended to create a clean save. This will help avoid many in-game errors.

Lydia is one of the first companions in the enchanting world. For those who don't know where to find Lydia in Skyrim, she appears after completing the main quest "Rise of Dragons".

The jarl himself will appoint her to your hurkasly: ​​she will meet you when you leave Drakensberg Peak. This is one of the strongest partners, specializing in one-handed swords and bows. However, like any other resident of Skyrim, she is not immortal. She is not easy to kill, and periodically, instead of dying, she kneels and rests for a while. But if she was nevertheless killed, and the question of how to resurrect Lydia arises in your head, then simply press ~ and enter Resurrect in the menu that appears, after clicking on the corpse of your deceased partner with the left mouse button. However, it must be remembered that the armor that was on her before her death may disappear. This is a bug. The world is truly great in its vast expanses. And it’s no wonder you get lost in its forests, fields and mountains. The hero has the ability to travel long distances on horseback, but the girl does not have this opportunity and is forced to travel on foot.

Often she remains behind the hero, getting lost in the textures, or she gets too carried away with the battle and chases the enemy, disappearing into the labyrinths of dungeons. There are some tips for those who lost Lydia in the heat of battle or rode far away, avoiding ravines in which computer characters tend to get stuck.

How to return Lydia to Skyrim:

1) It’s enough just to wait for one hour in the place where you are (although it’s not necessary, because it happens that after a couple of seconds it appears on the horizon and runs no worse than the same horse). This operation works with all other satellites lost in the open spaces.
2) If the waiting trick didn’t work, then there is the option that she will be waiting for you in your house (if you have one), or will be sitting in the palace of the Earl of Whiterun at one of the tables (look closely and you will definitely notice her) .
3) Lydia’s ID 000A2C94

It is possible to get married in the world. You need to get the amulet of Mara from Maramal, the priest of Mara in the temple of Riften. Having bought an amulet for 200 gold, after putting it on first, you can ask the villager you like if he likes you. You can even have same-sex marriages. However, many people have a problem with marrying a partner. Getting married to Lydia in Skyrim is possible, but a bug makes it more difficult. You need to leave the girl at home (she should not be a companion), open the console and click on Lydia with the mouse. Then enter the command addfac 19809 1. If this does not work, try not putting the last unit. This fixes the bug.

In Skyrim, you can literally undress people in broad daylight, you just need to dig through their pockets using pickpocketing. The clothes are removed, and the character is left literally naked. For those who were wondering how to undress Lydia in Skyrim, the answer is even simpler. There is no need to resort to pickpocketing, just remove all her clothes through the item exchange option. Not everyone can have it removed immediately; in this case, all of their items need to be replaced with stronger ones. How? She will automatically equip herself with the best gear you give her (this is the answer for those wondering how to dress Lydia in cooler clothes). Then you can take away all the things related to clothing from her, and voila, your companion in her underwear shyly covers herself with a shield in front of you.
